Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Page 20, Image 20

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    rVrtjAf fir. '$
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"'j' ; .... A
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fi:f"Qtff Phils Smashes Leng-Distance Selling Run and fcuys a Player te Strengthen Lecalj
$cp, He's Bought Walter Ilelke, Whose "Dogs" Bark
at Him When He Huns, but He Can Hit and
Field His Position That's That
l Her
New Yerli, Dee. IU.
OOttAY! Philndclphinn'i. drat; out tin M .rliet Stud nrm't It.imi. nuy
li "t'fiil supply of red Ii c! Our l'hll'li-i hcvr- iiir-red tltc purrimslns
tnatbl of Mir lfiRiie lni'bii'. True. wiilcr II- 'he. Hie tlr-l In-H-mm who Hat
been h irIiI. wl'l threw nvn li I'oiten iinlfnrin with inti-liltrnhlp custe
and den the shirt and punts piev.il il by our new mnimier. Art'itf Kletcl'fr.
E nilly If vrurl'-tiri'iiie-i' if tliere is im club
lesi likely te uttrivt n p'.v-er tbnn the one tlmt
I uMIireM nt IIie.nl ainl Iluntincilen -trcet il Is
tlie ltruvi.-i Heurter. l,ri".ld"tit Il-iker Informs
the news c'ltlierers tluit l'lilil Chief I-'Vtehi r is
.enrrl'ilit: for ' .'. '' mil n'i nitehers is
determined te buy until be eels a le.im thnt will
ile Miiretblns Se .el' lie enlhu-i:isti while
we may.
1' cti her. us ynu niav rera! N in l!ie"iilx.
Ari. . ntnl nit liobnebblnB wit', the men who
lin K id lui'l ji'iijers te cell anil wlie lire in
New "inrk tniVn . However. I'lcleher u-keil 1 hut
tin' 1 i Mdent of the. rinllles miri'li'iv Ilolke,
who wi.s liiiud Ins ,r thmw- fium r.lnri"tnii
when both were -.ttniei.t.s in the Mi draw hoel.
Ami, us one lii ; .ensue mumiKi'r cxirc-H'tl it,
"nnj iir.t I seman would be better than none,"
whleli Is net -iiyiiiR a whole let for the lad
who stepped en the initial Mel, in I'hihidd-
n he
phia's National League Park !ut year.
Hoke Is a bit run down at the hir-N. in u h:iclm'l nni lio'-ten men
tell us that he is no jeuth wlie .pends lieiir- before his mirror wemlrrins
when he ran enjoy tlie next shave, rurthcrnicue, his "iIers" iha-ehall for
fist) arc harking at him when lie runs out hit. Hut he ran tb Id ids posi
tion, bats falr'y well from both Mill of the plate and knows lewh.i'I. And,
by a'l tlint'h wonderful, our I'hl ies tin Iiuying ball ptiyeis and limy et piek
up n fellow who will make us write a piece for tlie paper that will eiithu-i
lung su.Terinc l'hibublphlans.
Ilelke, if jeu de net remember him, is built te b n lirst --acker, lie is
iix feet one inch above the sod, weighs i-, eunil aujl thtews with Ills left
arm. His piofepnienr.l career hesnii in H1-. when he wi.s with 1'eeiiu.
Later lie shifted te Spokane, where a liiittinj; iim-imp !' .,'!l." ittimted the eye
cf the (Hants. He was net (julte rip" for big leiuitie sin lie. but a period in
Itoflipercr, w-lien he pounded the npp'e for a ."! pc utiue. earned liitu a
ticket te New Yerk and he wa.s MeKraw's jiuariliati of lir-t ba-e ter aleut
three ceasens, battin;; .".."l in 1!M(J. 1I was traded t" tlie Mru- uud p.ayed
there for four tea-ens.
'piir.Hr.renV., Ilelke i net u mllnir youth; n fart, hr ii nrarnui
the inrrilaMc end of thingi bairbvlh' . Hut hi likri I'lrtrhrr,
liA'fj Aim, iiml Wnltir may fiwl tin iiiii) that iu ) un, ;i
into eneinit ?ieitn in our'Saiienul l.nniiii lull imrl,. II ill tarn I . I'nki r
lfdt net prepnrcil te irhttl ethir iliiyri uniihl lc imn Iniinl. "II
Aarc four month in irhirh te jit the plaints in' n-nl and icuil,"
trrtj iii comment, l'hilailclphiani Kupi hr hit tin imlnintiuii anil the
check book.
Cennie Has 'Km Guessing
CONNIE MACK, the Athletics' manager, had nor arrived in thi.s wicked
eity early thin meriiin; jebterdaj wu. National I.canue day cm:1umvc..
However, in I'eueei'l: Alley at the Waldorf the tall, centtred upon Smiiiy
Hale, the lad for whom Mr. MeC.illieuildy is reported te hue paid ST,", (Kill.
Cennie lilinelf does net claim that be paid .!.!. but leave-, the unieuiit te
the uiiessers. .
However thnt may be, Petreit partisans !n-i.t tlmt Sammv will iie ir play
third base at Khibe I'ark. Ty Cobb, who had Hale and .-honed hitu te Tort
land, would net direuss the boy's ability for publication. I'.ul Uan 1 low ley,
xvbe wan Cobb's assistant and who formerly htu-!,Meppu for our I'lilN, -ajj
that the trouble with Sammy i.s a pair of hands that would --careely till the
Cleves of u sub -deb.
"And whoever benrd of a lad with a girl's hand pluyinc third bae?"
rame In eherus from the gossipers. This is written merely because it is the
duty of n typist of news who has his expenses paid te this hi; town te wire
te the home folks nil that he hears that may lie of interest. nre per;
fecfly willing te j;!ve Hale n chance te lle us that he has improved as
Pacific Coast folks claim he has.
1 r.ca
Vfll) ether hand, ur mrt tntiii of the lny.i fniin the .'lUliri
r,raiur and theu uivi't that liimnda, the low obtained from tlmt
rircuit, has a pair of handi that acti anything dmrn hii ieniiin furl,
it teas boldly aiscrted by Kill Poneian, one f the former I'hil mana
gers, who icon a pennant and un interlcaaw uriei fur Vi ir flavin,
that "Hale would have le be a i i: te shj,it HUeuda uuay from
third lase,"
That Repert of Cellins Deal
PHITjADKM'HIANS will he searehlie; for u w.ue that will rad'ie t,, tlmi-i
news of the Eddie Cellins ileal, no il ml,t. Well, Kid ,lcasn arriveil je
terday, and when nnythiu;; was .n.l about the -!jif iiiik of ili captain nnd
brilliant seeend-sacUer te the Yankees, William re-cmbicd t'i" man who
learned that bis bottle of Semen had In en surreptitiously removed from his
;rip by n smart hell boy. lluwi'icr, 'hi-e iitp smoke ile-i Is lire,"
fe don't lie surprised if we wire the news f Edward's transfer before we quit
the baseball confab.
The ether item of interest, has te de with Tyiu fnbb's iMreit ili,l nnd
the Yankees. Cnless all siins fail, l'.ebby e,nh will .-enie te New i erk and
Waite Heyt, the fair-haired l,ev who hurls tin. leis, M competently with his
right arm, will join the Cobb legime. And a friend of u friend of T.v's told
us this meniinjj that the Tiger manager told another friend. With Heyt as
a.' member of my pitching staff I wiil win that pennant ju-t s,, mre us iny
bird deg points quail. ' And Tjrus is "aid te have tin champion settir deg
of the entire Seuth.
1'resident Ileydler .summoned the members of 'he Hascbnll Writers'
Association te the National I.t-igue meeting room in the Waldorf bit evening
nd frankly admitted he had no news of real interest, except that the Nn Nn
tlenal League beacon would open en April IT and close en October T, his mag
Mates having ratified an agreement with tlie American League te start the
campaign one week later than last jear.
If7f.l7' the Ameri'in T.cagurri icill han
1' rentmuid in our next chapter,
opening dati .
te hih ntmul ihn will bi-
ari: told they fat-or an lailirt
Ileydler s Startling Repert
MH. IIEYDLEIt'S report, a resume of whiLh wat hatulid te us, contained
the interesting information that .".T.'ITi! new baseball" were useil bv
National League club in tlie course of the I'.i'JL' campaign, this bu'rig ,i rereril
numbe.r and -l-SI in xcess of HCl, which is some odd h.isebills ever ,l.riie
per club, and they cost something like one smacker each. J iecs that Mauling
bit of news mean anjtliing te jeu. lieme folks'.' Or ur.- jeu lil,.ly te become
unduly excittd when you learn that in Japan the nathe-, pay th ,,, ,,
$2.eO In I'niteil States cuireucy, te watch our b.i-ball t iuri-it-i perferm''
Anether item in the N. L. iiresident's annual sta'emeiit.
All in all, the first day of the iJcecuiher leg league cenfereinv, un, d-iice(K
quiet. It is e.xpefted. however, that the urrhal td.e f I San .lounsen and h.'
American Leaguers will lit en matters up u bit. The big thrill of the (Uv ias
found in a New Yerk newspaper, which announced that "among these s,',M j
tbe corridor of the Waldorf wus Art l'letcher, the new I'lul manager ' That
must hove been long-dlstanee moenbhine the boy was drinking get out the
Rand-MeNally and Cgger the precise distance trem New- Voik te I'heenh'
. J.V PRESIDENT IJEYDLEIl'S report mention icai r-inifc of nmrew
ever the death of "Deb MaiieeU, the uetl-kneurn irntcr and friend
' of the game,"
Indianapolis Light Heavyweight
Seaks Prestige in Class
Ruled by Creb
IDA i?r"
n.v MiriS H. .JAFKE
TIIOM out of the West has come a
lT,"-peiind chunk of leather-pushing
humanity who threatens contenders in
tin division ruled In thin country by
Harry (ireb. He Is Chuck Wiggins,
twentv-fetir years old, and n , hefty
Lnlike the usual run of champion
ship seekers, It in net Wi-gms' idea te
go out after CJreb right off tlie jump.
Chuck contends that he wauls te prove
te the fans that he is entitled te a
set-te for the Greb diadem first by
eliminating ether challengers
I , ener puiiing nimseu in siinpc
by some diligent workouts in New
erk. win re Chuck is making ids home
while in the Enst, Wiggins hm decided
Me meet nil comers, and he snjs he
, Isn't particular who they are.
Wiggins las been up amenj,' the
lop-notch middleweight-! and light-
heavj weights for feveral jwirx. Anion.;
Chuck's opponents have been Geerge
j oek and Albert Loyd, both of whom
he defeated in twenty-roundere in
Australia: Untiling Levinsky, Cnptnln
Heb Ueper. Heb Moha, Ounbeut Smith.
Hemer Smith. Hnrry Creb. Temtnv
(libbens, Mike Gibbens and Martin
iiurl'e tinning ethers.
Tonight at the Chestnut Street Arena
Wiggins will make hla I'hlladelphla
debut in a bout with Sergeant IJnv
Smith. Chuck also is booked te show
his mettle Christmas afternoon in a
c, ntest with Ad Stene, the marine, nt
ill" Arena.
Leenard Net
In l!e Till Sprlns
Hennj Leenard wi'l net box until
next spung. This is what I'ackev
.Schwartz. Who W-nn T.nnniinl'u nlmf
.during the champion's training periods
fei Hennx's iiii ertnnt betita last sum-
mer with .lad, lirlttnn. Lew Tend'er
and Eer Hammer, writes from Chicago.
i.eenaru is playing with :i slie in
; New erk, and it leeks as if he will net '
t put en the gloves for real competition tc
until the spring," mate- Puck". Hui,ld
, when Iteiiny is ready te get bm k into
tiaiiutig 111 be the man behind the I
I stew and see that he is well led te1
lefi ml bin ehumpienrhip."
' At the pre-i'iir time Schwartz, is feed
j i'i" I'a! M i-i. who I'ackev s-u- is,
1 eing goe.l and is bung kept pretty busj
in the mid-West. Negotiations iire nil I
for a match between Moere and .I"e
Ljneh at the Cunlen. says the chef,
1 who adds; "And I'll feed I'ai up with;
, plenty of geed steaks will e lie's getting
in shape. I feel bure he will bring '
home the bacon."
Schwartz aNe writes that Charley'
White, of Ciiic.ige. is being made n big
! fnotite against Kb-hle Miteliell for tlielr
bfnit l'rldaj night in New Yerk, "All
the bejb out here in the Windy City
s. eiu te think thar White will knock out
i KichJc," states I'ackev. .
I "If Wliite does put Milcbi-ll uway.
it inav he that t hnrle ami iSeunv will
be signed for a title mutch." continues i
Seliwartz's 'etter. "in which iiise 1
will work with the New Voik man
against in hoiiie-tewu be.er.'' '
.,,' fe
inP )T-"i-gfiyiv
TtlEM JlM CbRBErTr CAME AlOwfr-sUp Licked 'Jawv'l.
rlE was SbME Boxen. AS visa as fkWTeh ,awd wbli
ii,tcAet iamp zAieMfi-AwD Jim Jeffeies awe
JACK JOMSOfJ aiv)P--AmT vpSe OM Pe(vTN
mtx-, ; -s:
I'DUKT-Tb leek At Seme Bextwe- Oleves-
i-kiiui. nv flzV wmiLD UKETe LEACMOWtb BOX
,a ruAC Vrtuufr. ItAA-i SOtnE 80yEB MV3ELP
1 '" " T., Hl- lxi I DAll
"''" ....... .i C All AU.U-, 1 -S
A,T OlT) .MWM U JU--l.lvf, -l"t-
These went ihh w
Hew Dees It Strike Yeu?.
British Tennis Affairs
Keystone Sportsmanship
Football Attendance
t'eiiji ieht, lutt, by I'ub.ta l.tdger Cemtiany
Height and Weight Prove Big Ad
vantage In Victory of De Marce
ISenny 1 ass, of this city, lest n hair
line ileci-Ieii te Cuddy De Marce in the
eight -round wind-up at the Twentieth
Century Athletic Club, L'7-7 Wed
Mary Morgan Broke the
100-Yard Dash Mark in
Initial Start
In lOl.'J Mnrv (', Mergau, then n
freshman nt 1'ryn Mawr, ct tlie
wetnan'.s record in the lOO-jnrd dasii.
lint she did something infinitely mere
remarkable I! an that In skiuuliu
eier the rentiiry In 1- seconds she
ncceiiiiil'sheil something thai no ether
record breakfr In the whole history of
I ntlilet es ever equaled.
.s'ic art n irerld's record in the very
' 'if race of her career.'
"We had a dual nieet with the senior
class," s,aid MUs Morgan, "and I was'
all en iire with lejalty and un inteusji
desire te see them ileienteil. l en ':
in addition te the usual system of point
scer ng an additional credit of 10 points
went te tlitt class whose representative
I broke n college or American record.
"We illdn't have tlie advantage et
I spikes nnd abbreviated runulug ces-
1 t limes then. We went after records
in bloom. rw and rubber-soled slieen,
, and went off from a standing start. I
hud practiced Htart. but never at a
I gun shot, nnd I suppose the crude of
1 the pistol startled me enough i that
1 fair f)"W.
"At um rate 1 wen the race. When
the, announced that I had broken the
i elilAiuericaii record nod the girls gae
I me the cullege cneer it vas tfie happiest
me.iiMit of my life."
! Why shouldn't it have bum. .Miirj
Memm lind net only sUattereu a nine
mz&? IslHf
Reading Basketball Team
Shows Wonderful Improvement
Since Mosier Joined Club
have tl
IViiir new fiipPM in IMiilfnInhih'M Timlin
Celi.mbia nveui.e. lust lught I lllrkf hut she had done something . tlmt . , clri.,M u , iulr0(lll,,(.(1 , ,,. fllu.
'I he local lad wus at a disadvantage, ., man or woman in the whole history , ,,,.,... , . . ,.
as his opponent had the n.liantnce f , ,, ethletlcs nor had ureemp.ishe.l. "t the ( hesti.ut Stieet Arena tonight.
both height nnd reach. Ila'H -tarted i Mlu Morgan has net only shone en Itesldes Chuck Wiggins, tin Indian-
UN LLAC.t'K basketball fans
heir eye riveted en the
Heading team nnd it is the Hears who
nre likelv e pause n few upsets before
the first-half ends next month. The
initial series hns narrowed down te
a battle between Trenten nnd (Jrtmden,
nnd it is about a toss-up us te the
Cunuleu never quits, however, and
will tight te the Inst minute. The
Skeeters h.iv nreveil ;i in rri-t " i
paignH. Jteading plays at the Third
Hegiment Armery, Ilndden nentic and
Miekle street, tenlyht nnd sji.t,,,
fans wlllhaie their first prep nt Mosier,
tlie new big center of tlie Hears. Thev
will also renew tiequaintuuees with
Walter Sw "11-011. who wus with the
team six or seven years age.
Heading has n line-up imt i linl.'e
te cause uneasiness for the ether five
clubs in tlie second half. Shmulk and
Heegler tit forwards are working fine,
il SwiMisnii ,iinl Morns im stone stene
wa'l defense and Mosier leeks better
I each time out. He is a fine fleer man.
Wiggins, Marien, Lyens and Martin dangerous shot and is prein: the big
. . . . fm top in the recent spurt et the Iterks
II LIMI UCUUIl I I -mint V f,f,rpii,r,t oil 111. S rullllv
Helder of American 1 00 -yard
100 -yard hurdle record
TIIH British Lawn Tennis Asaociatlen la being shaken from Its effletjl
aloofness by verbal ntlneka from tbe radical members nt the annual' nieetiii
new lit progress. an
A. Wallln Myers, the noted critic, Is the lender of the faction which dearth
the executives for the frigid atmosphere sometimes referred te no the mm
shoulder which greets foreign players upon tlielr arrival and stays with tW
during their visit te Jelly old England. lnem
Myers was particularly forceful when he cracked the whip for fallar
te fender the Yale-Harvard players an official welcome last summer. He pointed'
out that Uncle Sam took the Oxferd-Cambridfie ten te his heart during their
visit te this country.
Foreign players who have Journeyed te this country for tnurnnments han ' I
been loud in their praise of American hospitality nnd net slew te cemnluli! 1
against the lack of warmth in the receptions at Wimbledon and ether Englljh
teurneyw. 1
Myers hns long recognized the faults of the British tennis governing body
nnd in his writings has often recommended chunges net only In government
but in play. He is one of the few Englishmen who are observant enough te
realize the state of tennis stagnation In their own country.
In the summer of 1021 Myers visited America and was at Manhctn for
the national championships. He studied the American players carefully Bsj
elcntlfically. Upen bis return te England he wrote as fellows concerning Lli
"Ne American v'rtue sp Impressed me as the greater speed of the natlrt
plnycr. Feet, head and mind all work mere rapidly. Attack is the keynehi
et the whole game, net in ten-lee or In volleying ulene, but In ground streii
us well.
"The objective throughout Is the wlnn'ng coup; the Beveru'ng nlm Is te hit
the ball down and net up. The rallies are iu consequence of shorter duration,
rarely exceeding four shots iu each. Matches nre much briefer and Un
stimulating effect en the public, as. en the players, much greater.
"If England ' ever te regain the Davis Cup, we must instruct our yeunj
players in modern methods, we must be careful that their trials arc net conducted
against theso who exploit obsolete methods.
"Tliis means necesnrily the readjustment of our tournament mcthedn
some prudent restriction of entries nt first-class meetings, a rigid plan tt
nssist youthful talent by intelligent practice."
MYERS lias been sounding warnings sL'ire the war, has urged the
entrance of America In the International federation nnd reforma
tion In government and policy as well as the form of play. At last
England seems te be listening te the n;Mcc of the sage.
Here's a Hit of Ileal Sportsmanship In Ha-sketball
KEYSTONE sacrificed first place in the Manufacturers' League en the altar
of sportsmanship in 11 recent game.
Tlie telenhene team, tied with V. C nnd IL, which is short for Pnssen
Gottlieb & lllaek, played Moskewitz & Ilcrbneh. A victory meant undisputed
possession of first place.
Early in the rame Walter Kealiii" vn iniurisl and hnd te leave the fleer.
M. d II. carried only five men; there was no substitute. Itight there Keystone
could have stepped in and claimed the game en forfeit.
Colonial phi) ed Metal Edge in tin same hall that night and was trailing at
linjf time when Keating was injured, in spite of it possible emergency for
the services of I'nsiiuerclla the frmer West Philadelphia High Scheel star
was offered in the pinch te M. & II.
Keystone consented te peimit l'n'querella te play, and the game went en.
I'asinterella did net score, but his fleer work 'dnyed an Imrertant part In
the M. & II. teamwork. Key.-tone was beaten nnd dropped from first place.
Colonial turned rn Metal Edge unil even without 1'asquerelln rallied In
the second half iind wen out.
Keystone would have been entirely within its rights te claim the contest
011 a forfeit, but the players did net w.'mt n victory they did net earn.
IT IS apparent that harmony exists in the ranks of the Manufacturers'
League. And there Is riva'ry, keen. Imlfo-cdge rivalry, but even In
thu heat of the battles sperlMtvinsliip dominates.
Football and Uavba'l Attendance Figures
HAItVAItl) has announced that ,W0,S10 persons saw the Crimson eleven
piny nine football gam"!'. These fimres include that Yr.le contest which
was played fit New Haven. There were 74,01.1 at (lie I.trvard-Ynle game,
se that actually only "01,00.1 witnessed gridiron .battles at the Cambridge
Attendance figures for I'ennsvlvanin nre fir nbeve these. Mere .than
100,000 saw ten games at Franklin Field, Including the Army-Navy contest,
which was wltius'-eil by 07,000. In ether words, dose te .150,000 we're prestnt
at nine Pennsylvania games.
These statistics show the nmn.ing grewtli nnd popularity of football.
It weu'd be safe te say that mere persons p'i!d te get through the gate at
Franklin Field in ten dnjs than pasted through tlie tuinstlleu of either Shibe
Park or the Phillies' Pink in a season.
The dally nverage attendance for baseball in this city in about 0000 and
the total attendance between -."0 1)0(1 and rlOO.OOO.
The average attendance nt Franklin Field was 40.000.
becoming aceiistiinud 'e Eastern 1
play ami twelve-inch basket.
(oft well and looked n if he would win, the cinder path, where in addition
but the natural nihnntngf". proved the ,n the 10'j.ard crown she heliN the
j deciding fin ter and a rally by llie American record for the 100-ynrd hur-
I l'ittshurght r in tl losing sessions wen tril nmj t !.. Itryn Mawr lecerd in tlie
J tin erdiet by the Slightest of margins, j -ij.rj ,,., u'nj tn,. standing bread
j The bout was f:l of netieii from start jutup, she began plajing fi( Id hockey nine
! te finish. Jear, age and has b'en lilted out thai
111 tin- seiiii-wmiiup Artie .iiiiami span of time as one et me eesi gins
had an easy time in outpeinting Pietri developed 111 the game. Last year she
Alterrl. ("emu Pasqun'e wen 1nni ,ia),.d with the All-Plil'adclphlu team
.liumiv. Ilnriri, Willie Hi-own l,eit a-'iiinst tin invading Ltiglish stars and
Charlie Kitzie and Ueergc Kelly and wa, ;c of tb" lame points of the
Eddie Katie fought n fnbt draw. ! ,..rienii nttiicl..
he is also an
t.ln l-r ln'illr
of fact, she tun pla 11 capable pert In
mi; sport that women participate in
Are After Pennant
"Cnt!nln is after that first lia'f flag'
,.,,, e ., 1 anil make no mistake about that, said '
OOI1IS .111,,,, IIl, ,.i,. ,, ... .,,..1-..
1. . . -l. f.VHHfl'"ltl.l( III!" ('III IU Mill I"
angereiis contender ler 'Harry (,rcli -. , ., Mtem, fiMM,." ,0 continued. 'The'
American title. l'. k Marlen, a Mr- I f,m is ever the rough spots and we
itin m weltei weight ; Hebby Lyens, of hope te nose out Trenten.
New erk, and Tcrrj Miller, of New' ..u-i. ... .1 1..1. ,. .i... 1.. .1...
.,11 . , .1 ie 11 in' iiue e uik iiKie ill'
will appear .,. th.ir i.r-t local he;.s leek like n million dollars and then
again when they nre beaten they may
B" en in the , net nnneiir se ceed. but ct en thins
oplielient I ..nnJilnr,.,! 1 ,l,i net knmv wliern we 1
sergeant uny Minin. who lias U-,,,,,,' begin te make any change-, 111 the
last few- bouts 111 line form, lim-111. te add strength.
apelis light -heavyweight who
Wiggins is scheduled t
eight-round wind-up. ill
Each of tlie.se fe
neighborhood of 1"
Scraps About Scrappers
ws weigh in the
pounds. While
Iggins is a ;
Jj Kfnmity l Xxti.lt In town from I,n
evcellcnt nasKeiuuii 1 Smith is a cIcmt boxer
tee. As 11 matter , , , . ,
.Marien nnd Lyens will meet in tin.
, 1. in. 1 , . - - - - -
lies not,eiglit-ieund fceiul-linal. Miller is te
,,rniuii; iu u- 111 lu.wi irem l.an- ' IT- l,ti,"esl nmlittien new" lies 1101 I . ,i.i is m
V i v.-, he tnyt Tim lireni. tl. . x.Jnr ls0.si aiilliHIen new in s ' ''"M ., ., A j.fp mj ,i( hoots
iteuKi Bre.tiv eutweinhni. lii'n'eli i, iir .fn breaking records or even haying the .. . ' " '" V -" " jr i'uts
m. i, J sm.v i.ui in jn eiuhi-reuru cr.,Jstnr ,,. In hockey, which is the game '" ' - n e Jl" '' ' H ab" H nth
." i:-m"uV " ' "U '' "flier heart, but ,n helping te push the ''' Irish Lddic nemp,e.v v. Jee liritt.
'iiniiiigement of women's sports by,-
Tl... .-Hluiuil (lilt, wilt tie r-'.rc-I vll,.,eii. i V.t !. K
Bfc i I'.i.uy i u-lit C.l.-l Harrrft v.1.1 d 1
.1 hln'A- -I'I I'M r-tall Ilr.,Il llli.l Oil" ).'hli
I,, n l-i tl, 'ii'l-ui- (itle- nu-nlri jut
Mir )'-nrii. n. KM llar)'. .shun, j-m m
.. Kni II .in. IMOlis TovK-nten v, K' I
ll r...u ai.i I.aCby u ,'Cm!d a. Wi,. t int.i.
I'nl Miller, nt .Man a. link, in r first -. -
-' arr .i i r ft'Jy lu met anj lum -in
w rid .iu;rr nia inei , n ir
Yeu Aute Knew
"If such tu thing were possible, we
would net hesitate u Mnglu minute. We
have '.Sheets' Wright for emergency
and lie call Jump in at nnv pest. Sat Sat
eidav he relieved Eddie IMln and re
fur as playing against Mosier tonight I
am net in u position te say. After nil
is said and done it is a pretty hard
matter te get n better center in basket '
bn'l than Eddie Delin. even thnuRll'
jumping against such men as Mcehaii
nnd Ilaggerty."
Travele" "Tem Wye
Coats and Vests
Arc smartly tuilereil, close-fitting gar
ments of pure worsted yarns.
Coats, 2 pockets $7.50
Coats, 4 pockets 8.50
Vest, "Tem Wye" 5.00
Vest, "Travele" '. 6.00
Ac'e'itiilitc Xinus (ilfts lluy It Teilny
A. R. Underdewn's Sens 20:201 iwarkei si.
""'"-'"" " ter llnili-.,. 111 " ' '
f.oe.V far nr
eicr the deer.
"Ne man has i ieii In the nnniiiing
of fiibl hockey." deelaie- Miss Morgan, - - Miiniif-irliirern' IIlc Nlitht
,,,!,,. e ,,. .ll .. II . Imm.ny, ; 1 - ".:,":'.",.";:-!": AK5'J,2!S .'.''...V' , I ' -J.-.i
11 lilt uf tli lilfTeifin fceuiMr f j,r for ,1(. n!,t ,nf f t. weekly games.
t visible te de. en though no muiei ,,
hand was nt tlie helm Tlie same tiling metur.
lelined rumors were going
Senegalese Insists Disqualification
Be Removed Flret of All
. I. 1,. .O ... ..
i-iiris, hit, Ji. - .inniiier ( nreen.
iu ....liI.I.. 10 Mien' r.nnse nr siinri. iiuii. - ,,tu-i
M hci.r.a 1, .svs..rK- in tnc- near future '',,,., ...loots as her OWI1. Wemeil'H', The l.;i,t r.itlieJ of ti-tlr ,, ,.,-,. ,. ,, rounds Oil Meilil.1V that MosLev, Itz A,
T Mrf'iim., a fnnadl.n W-.5..'rM. , nth ."ics should be handled by women. lf'uxn Shln,"hV i?.u "i!1'.', I,ru. , ,,l',1,,a,,h would hand Keystone their .
v),, :u- b.,,, trfminB in i;hiu.t..:rM Mun,l tint iVtlie prlnciplu that I ami "," vSiZ ti.p ..."."""St , , .'iTirX- , ,1,k ,,ofe:'1- The dope was tiue Of YPQ I PYtl fY2 1WI Owl
iri, i in. .,-,..,.,,.. miiii l xa u,,.n. ' !. " . .. i. . i l -.fi'-i linu set ,"."?1'" "' ln lisjlc llie MHe l.,-ili in.;ta ' u-!neli tens flie stendllll! With II lll'lfeit iffl A A mimiiii,i.,...I.
'., ";n'mn,MUr;?.nun?r.imr, l"lirT iJr e .en's VX. Tlmtl a ,-r, ,,,h..4 or ?mMnr , ,.,. W.ihr Ch..,.;atc nuintet The ,nn,h. I " 'fe
"'. Kurr mirk. Yeun,- Vurphv '',' rf.,.ni , admit defeat may (,f " '';', '''''n Ih i'eltl aii.i -.thii-h i makeis are being heavily backed te iiemj 1 CTFB . k..i. i fWs&Ml
i -T",. , !tm. hie festers new women's athlctica nun. en u.m, tne ,,i .n,i v i, ' l-ewell and Stevenson aw nit the fra. K there Uneth tlf ike SWMMi
Allll,. cittln. Heiith .itiilMinni.ia ..n. !'.''' ,,,,,. n the ether gntne Ovcrbroek Carpet ' . . """I, ne AfflzfajMa
,c;;.r,:,Lrvn':;; firV1,',,.;' h mmuMt- .. . , ,"f' " rh!M r?. t .''vp,'!!:" fp.-. ".!"1.,,' an ei Producte corona MMmi
i., ,l-i hr.. l.en fellow Ins' X-aVTik for . ......., uinnlie lfCI I ...n.i-fnr Imt i. n iJ.h it i.m,.." . '"' HI Wll'l tOlir Klr'.S IClllllll purilcie;lte r i . . . . Mi L
cf jt.-rH nii'l Nays Ie hun
h-.ev n cm.'! wemlerful Impr vrn,nt In 1 1
ki 1 1, laii.lK tlmt he .rnLnt! i.ul. ,
y ii 'Kreelt ut aitalr.st Temmy Irfukh u if
-.I.ui r w ineet.
"lU te u t"n
iiflnlr.n in
THirtip ir.inli-in. at thl rlty
I n.t limlrr til Rlllll of TeilItU
Hi fuiurn Temmy If tralnln lill ftr-t I
I)art Ti'm-tnerly wnnt,s te rnrt hln chirrfe
ad.nt Matty Urciekiirir Ham Ille!;lt.in.
rmtikt" Hnll wrltiii from r'hlpuri that
he Ii mafrhtd IliTt ntxt Tncii'liiy ntitl.t for
1 trr.-ruund txiut with Htnm Mundxll.
1Iii,fll Thomtisen. of Jtllllll. nnl f.pr
,pv eriiun. of I'llflen lelihl. will ,f ,,
Ii milts In tlie wlnrt Ui at thi HIJei rheatri
tnilijtii s:irriniy I'liyen nr.n Je,; ill, nun i
1,1 I iwt. wh'ln tl-e e'h-r tl-lll Will tt lltHcer,
l..-,-l (ju.iuB an'l tta rjurnii.
Makes Blrdsbore Hustle te Win 25
22 Basketball Decision
Tlie Harmony basketball five, n new
downtown aggregation managed by .to .te
seph lyeinbardi. journeyed te IHrddbore
last night and gave that team the hard-
nt game of the entire ueanen.
The flnnl ncere wub 20 te 21! In favor
of liirrisbore, but the llerks '",?
quintet was outplayed and only ttn
hardest kind of luck robbed Harmony et
a well-ili served triumph. ,
In the Hlrilnbiire line-up were four
fnrtnee P-istem I.eULIIft llluyefS. bllt
I lull.- fl.iifit.
. tniirir e.- wurrj i mil b?tr.i t te u
eolutlen t ihl llitl. prublfin, iliuuth u t-iul
te th ll'jil Imim. Thl tll ilierks !! firv
of uttH te Hit- l.irK-t iinJ it, '-ilier eurr,'r imi
V , -it, tin- ii"- iiiu.ijiiui n uuiiirr i til', T
are en the preliminaries, tu-iween
Ann-ill an ltiillway Ilxpress nnd Key.
Mem Telephone and Car Service and
ritciM Ileddle. The girlH vanics will
U-"f-,lr iter" MMMug ""'" "Wr,.uct1itlBtrirt ,,rem,nl'y nt 7:15 I'. M.
Practical Gifts for Men
Jack Winn, Ex-Tiger Star, te Suc
ceed William Juneau
Iffidirten. Ky.. Uee. HI. J. ".Inek"
KTIU , . I,. .ll t . ! III.l ...1.. .. .
Ttiuu, in .iieuin ,-sieriiug, ivy., eainaiu iiittiii iii-iu new appears less cer
t the Princeton Tigers in 11117, today tain. The boxing federation hns ntipu
wa named head football coach of the luted thnt it would imt autheri.e the
University of Kentucky. tight unless Sikl anpeared before its in-
' Selection of Winn te niccecd Wii- vestigatiug committee.
Ham Juneau was announced following i Hikl has informed the federation he
ft tnentlncr of the iinti'pf-!tv ntlil. . tin I will net tierien mili.vu tliA ....,.,.....
uncll last night. He was line eeneii ' lirist of all reu)nven his dl-fpinllticatien.
"pr'tbe Kentucky Wildcats last fjen&en. I lit addilien te this, according te I.e.'
48en. ! Journal, a hiteli hau developed ever the
- - i .loviueu-iriuie mukc which a tnibine'is
Data for Junier and Beys' Tennis I W" ,0 ""l up ter thu I'-Pewi
KW Yerk, Die. 13 t'Uy in the imUnnl l ,' Iniirnnl mills dint T eniu lll..., it
Junier and leyv Indoor ten-iln itumplen-' J-e JO'irnni nuns mat euis Ilelnheld
hlr. fanctienfil by th I'nlii-! ataie l-an ! nnd Aliilrn linguen, llie sportsmen
, wne.se giguaiures were nuegnt tn have
i appeared nt the bottom of the famous
letter pint led te the disqualification of
t ,M. declare thut they nerer sljned
nei eyeti ttvr that document.
MlVr Cenner, of Ornin IVrry, Ii tn itrlcll thev could nut tienettate the Streng de-
and liclJ uniler the
htp. nctlenrd by
Ttnnw Association
uaeliM of t'eis-nth liniment lnnl Club.
jrllf iii her December .'!, Thre will
m comrxtlllen In both nlnrles i ail deubia
Thin will mark thi elMti I nldl-.g uf t
junior tixleer vhainrieiiihJii und t)Jc slx
U the ber" nnu
i.n.in.ii ut lhe there, una hf tiniwam In
rtnc LOinrll"n tlir eveiy eiu in u while
Pre Tennla Coach for Cernell
Ithnen N- V.. Uc 13.-.-Tnnl at Ornll
hii hen. efflcUlly reresiitieil ami plaeid en
n flrrn'r bal by the ni-llen of ilm llerd
nf Trutit-'!'. wnici m-", .,, wiifi ina wi
in.lntiiiuiit et profeloii3l couch te U r
i-nurite of the im eame.at the iintvmliv
l'rer t' V 1'. Teun. dlrnter of rhyukal
t-,.u, ullen ntutud thnt i rnaeh, whom nenif
win im ufinouneeii neon , an arraiiKtii,rita
l.n,., 1. rn cernpli-tfl. wilt Xiu iwurnl te it.
Irurt hiiv htudTiU who i-ur te learn ihi
Kami ilurlim the winter nmntha. Winr'u
.uiuury 1-
Oarllnu Leads Bosten Eleven
Nrwten. M I)fc 13, Oharl
(Phuck) Uarllnt;. of illr.reaiel a e he
morn, haa bn trd capuin or ths Ue Uo
ten Cellrifr football Uam. Xiarllti, quaitar.
ta-tt this yar. haa rlayrt tti ether tick
Acid jteaftiana aie.
Men's Seft Felt W
nil Derby
Fer Xma Gift
131 N. 13th St. SKS &
rat Cherry St &E
Patent leather oxfords and pumps,
hand sewn und hand finished
Imported and Demestic Spats
Heuse and Traveling Slippers
Hand-Sewn Riding Beets, black or tan
Imported Riding Leggings
Gelf Oxfords and Shoes
$12 te $13.00
2.50 te 4.50
2.50 te 7.50
11. 00 te 12.50
CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut
r rcai enjoyment. 1 hla
generous straight shape
is a remarkable value
at 15c.
The El Producte Blunt
at 2 for 25c is another
shape that is dear te
Philadelphians. It
smokes freely, evenly,
and has all the distinc
tive character of the El
Producte blend
.Ui t. .
iijui can r. te
C. tl. P. CIGAR CO., Inc.
Philadelphia, Pi,
Many ether
ihapts andiizti
il enjoyment Mm
tearty meal MW$n$mMm.
ethinglike MiSmM
Cte Corena Afi&M)M&aB&Fvi'4aSn
d?5-A'!f?alH87 cmZxsfaW
iUti-WMn 15fliau0airafafaf
mm mm
Mmm mmm
flfiXV'ViaSaWW ""'B.V61,-'VWaW I w II wii w,.
kmr mmm
W mmmn
mMSwm Blunt .
lie itraiht
MH..V ,
y.;j .ivy..