Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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    WiOr iW1 MWf "" ,u
Seb Tortured Babies Sleep
Mothers Kest
After Cuticura
I Consistory
H "th
nil. decr. 14-It. ntu.
v mie wismena
A Full Ini f Minnie Jewelry
At Unmatchable Prleaa
OHt Br'rj-Jcrt New Ttt-rrrei
Until ClirlMnm
ChrUfmss Cntnlnc New Ittadr
Charles Math & Sens
Jeweler I J nfcimend Iter chant 1
Columbia Are. t 17th St.
ntwli Ne. H H. Klrhlh ft,.
Brunch Ne. J5V4 8. Klirhth St.
Open EvnlnM Until Xm
JX ALL platinum hand
Si rarved ring of unumal
design containing one blue
while, ainglc-carut diamond and
ten smaller diamonds.
rlllS combination of a 6eau
tiftil and perfect stone in
an unusual ring will satisfac
torily eiwer somebody's gift
Ji deposit trill reserve any pur
chase until Christmas time.
Kennedy & Bre.
Diamond Merchants and JeVvelera
102 S. 13th St.
Subdues Cb
right te ths seat
of the Irritation
which causes the
cough. Heals.
Seethes. Pacifies.
And for all its po
tency, contains no
narcotics nor habit,
forming drugs. Safe
te give even te little
children. Handy te
carry with you at all
times. Druggists
939 Si. Ft.
yMn'ttheuht of,
.- ."! Dener
:ut weulrl turn km
ar re.
conemlcullT a n il
Utlthfullv wna nnlv
a wish I Today it Is
1200 Locust St. Spruce 8610
In Every Line
K there is some one article that
a from the standpoint of quality.
hi me ereaa ncJd it is
Victer Bread
f)C leaf
In all our Stores
-4' heaters connected, ready
'e use at your home or office
ti our competent men.
$12.50 $18.00
Tree Connection
Win. Akers, Jr., Ce.
10th & Filbert Sts.
c8fr or Uel erred Payments
rtim"'1 yjl tjg '""""
UnVTmfKfin Hltlng
t theunht of. V.
atll a very few ii" jt
neaunv riant p.ivi .k
. v.i srii x
nmni - -''
P Vi
JJETmvlJsjjJMJjJ Enamel
fl7lllMnn 111 Pane''
U II I Pan and
'II $39.50 l Breiler
Laber Chief Says federation
Employed Counsel te Press
Impeachment Case
r.v Annotated Press
Washington, Dec. 13. Samuel (lorn (lern
per.", president of the American Fed Fed
erullen of Laber, frankly told the
Heme Judiciary Committee today that
the. Executive Commlttee of the fed
eration hud authorized the employment
of counsel te nsslst Representative Kel
ler, Minnesota, in presecuting1 Impeach
ment proceedings ngeinst Attorney Gen
eral Daughcrty.
Netice was served en the committee
by Jacksen II. Italsten, counsel for
Representative Keller, that he would
insist en his "rights" before the com
mittee even if he had te carry his' fight
te the IIouue.
Mr. Balaton's announcement came
lifter it had been decided te keep out of
the record certain newspaper articles
relating te W. J. Hums, chief of the
Uurcau of Investigation of the Depart
ment of Justice, until members of the
committee could have opportunity te
examine them.
Representative Yates, Illinois, asked
if that was te be considered as a threat
te the committee. When Mr. Ralston
entered n diHclalmcr Mr. Yates de
clared he considered It was a threat
te the committee. When Mr. Ralston
entered a disclaimer Mr. Yates declared
he considered it was u threat. Rcpre--sentatlvu
Graham, Pennsylvania, as
serted that if n threat wbb intended he
for ene would refuse te hear Mr.
Ralston further.
The Incident was closed nnd the hear
ing proceeded with a suggestion by Rep
resentative Fester, Ohie, that the
committee get along with its work.
The newspaper articles in dispute
were frcnt te President Harding last
October by A. P. Macauly, an Ameri
can citizen living nt Terente, Canadn,
along with n letter protesting against
the eppeintment of Mr. Burns by Mr.
Daughcrty. The letter was referred te
tlie Attorney General, who replied te
Mr. Macauly that he had hnd before
him the information sent the President
before Mr. Kurn.s was appointed, that
he had known Mr. Burns for many,
many years nnd was "quite mire he will
render me nnd the Administration
faithful nnd efficient service."
, :
Inspectors Admit
Geed in Changes
CentlntiMl from Pace One
prison guards have been scrutinized by
the jurors.
Jurers On Secret Trip
This morning the jurors left City
Hall, get into automobiles nnd were
driven north en Bread street. It Is
believed that they may then have been
en their way te Holmesburg.
Assistant District Attorney Maurcr,
nnmed by District Attorney Rotan te
nsslst in the prison investigation, has
the names and addresses of several
former inmates wlie will be summoned
befere the Grand Jury.
The "clean-up" nt the Philadelphia
County Prison ordered bv Dr. Baldy
is te be extended te c.vcry county jail
In Pennsylvania. ,
Raldy's Action Praised
Albert II. Votaw, cecretary of the
Pennsylvania Prison Society, ucclaiined
Dr. Bnldy's order as one of the grentest
forward htcps in the century-old history
of penal reform movements. Fer some
time Mr. Votaw has been in constant
communication with Dr. Baldy and
ether State officials in an effort te get
modern methods introduced into nil the
county prisons of the State.
In the opinion of Mr. Votaw, the
most important feature of the order iw
that calling en the prison inspectors
te provide work for the prisoners
wherever possible. He stated yesterday
that cmple.wnent has been found te be
the greut solvent of nearly all prison
"The Pennsylvania Society wus in
favor of solitary confinement 130 vents
age," said Mr. Votaw, "but since' then
it lias learned that there is a better
method of handling prisoners. We de
net object new te congregate labor.
We knew that prisoners must be given
employment and cxerclbe.
"Dr. llnldy knows whnt he wants,
nnd the society will de nil in its power
te support him in his efforts te get it.
The order te the inspectors nt Helmes -burg
Is a step in the right direction.
It will go a long way toward solution
of the evils that all authorities have
Hopes for Improvement
Mrs. Harrison S. Merris, one of the,
most nctive of prison reform worked
in Philadelphia, expressed the hope that
the order issued by Dr. Baldy would
be npniled te every jail In the Stntc.
"If that order is corned out it will
represent a remarkable victory for the
Kvenine Puome Li:nel:n," said Mrs.
Merris yesterday. "Tliose of us who
hnve been active in this work for
ears are inclined te be pessimistic. We
enn recall previous campaigns In which
disgraceful conditions were exposed, but
nothing ever whs done.
"The dark cells, the solitary Idleness,
represent the worst feature of the pun
ishment nt Helmcsburg. It has been
proved that such treatment weakens
the minds of prisoners, and surely no
one can justify such results. Heretofore
there has been no way te step such
treatment, because the men in charge
have Insisted that no change in their
methods W11H nwOHl!irv f Llnninl..
hepe tlint the order by Dr. Baldy will
be carried out te the last detail, and
that it will he applied te every prUen
in the State."
U. S. Opposes French
I Occupation of Ruhr
( entlnurd from I'nai. On
' liepe must lie held out te the French If
'they are te be restrained once mere
Mum n. i.n.(, Ui. YuiiiiiMii' com nope-ntd
of Germany In lieu of reparations.
The situation abroad is regarded nB
very delicate, and, although Mr. Hard
ing hits nn Inclination te frankness,
the White Heuse utterances en It are
extremely guarded. An illustration is
the recent message. It contained n
vague reference te the possibility of
nppljlng the principle of the four feur
pnwer iinct te Europe.
As since explained by the White
Meuse, urn suggestion Hits become mere
' vague llntii ever. It Ii il;e most of '
(lie incMige, except the concrete io ie io
'qiieuls for action at this scislen de J
serine m iiiiiueriiiiiivii ipinrtttH iih
i merely nn "aspiration" of the Presi
dent's. But n well-authenticated story
is (hut ns originally written it con
tained a fairly definite suggestion for an
international conference te he held here,
I which should aim nt a six-Power pact
for the Western world like the four
Power pact of the Eastern world. The
'crisis in Lurepe made any luch proposal
Mrrnr i jjMBFwi
Charles St. Powell, confessed slayer of "Honest Jehn" Bruncn, (alldng
ever the case with his wife after he hud nccuscd Mrs. Deris Brutien,
the widow, and Harry Mehr, her brother, of instigating the crime
Inexpedient. It would have amounted
te whnt Is described in the highest
quarters as "spilling the beans,"
V. S. -British Agreement Rumored
Fer some time rumors hnve been
going around here of a common policy
te be egrecd upon between this country
and Great Britain, the two lending na
tions during the war, with reference te
the borrowings of France, Itnly and
the ether Continental allies from both
of them.
Great Britain, It is conceded,
has arranged te pay her debt te the
United States. Her commission whicii
will negotiate terms will start for here
en December 27. but this is tee Inte
for the nrrangeraent of any common
policy en ether debts which. might have
any bearing en the cenferene of the
allied premiers, which will meet en
January 2.
Presumably some efforts will be made
te reach an understanding en this ques
tion of European borrowings, exclusive
of Great Britain's debt te this coun
try, before the reparations crisis comes
te a head once mere at the beginning
of the new year.
One thing seems certain. The
Administration Is faced with the neces
sity of making some mere practical con
tribution te the settlement of the
European controversy this time than
It hns ever yet done.
Its nttttudc was defined in n note
of Mr. Hughes, accepting the invita
tion te send a representative te the
Allied Supreme Council in May, 1021.
Mc Hughes wrote :
"The Government of the United
States, while maintaining the tradi
tional policy of abstention from par
ticipation in matters of distinctly
European concern, Is deeply Interested
in the proper economic adjustments an I
in the just settlcment of raattcts of
world-wide importance, which are
under discussion nt these conferences,
nnd desires helpfully te co-epernte In
the deliberations upon these questions."
Tiger" Sails Heme,
His Mission Ended
Continued from Pture One
first coffee, it was said, that he had
taken in many months, took a piom piem
enadc of three miles nbeut the decks
of the steamer.
Ills constitutional ever, he spent the
rest eftbe time before the sailing of
the Paris shortly before neon In chat
ting with fi lends who hnd come te
sec him off.
Cheered nt Pier
Ciemencenu was cheered bv erewdn
both en tin pier and en the' ship as
the Paris slid out from her pier with
her bum! pluyinr the "Star Spangled
Benner." Standing en the deck, he
waved histeid gray hat in response.
The "Tiger's" farewell message te
America wtis given out In the form of
two telegrams one te Woodrew Wil Wil
eon and one le Otte Knhn, banker, in
answer te farewell messages which It
was said were typical of thousands
received at the last minute.
The messages exchanged between
former President Wilsen and Ciemen
cenu fellow :
"Geerges Clemenceau :
"Allew mc te bid you nn nffectlennte
tareweii aim te congratulate you en the
admiration you have wen from our
peeple. All geed fortune attend ou.
Clemenceau te Wilsen
Clemenceau replied :
"I cannot but be most grateful for
the kind message seu were soed ennumi
fee send me. Your feelings are mine.
11 your efforts for the best yen ,H1
het spare in my country. These are
the principles of the French ncenle.
nnd may be hummed un in these words
'justice and pence te all.' These are
France's principles an well as tbes of
"My best wishes for your health and
welfare, nnd mv Kindest regards te
Mrs. Wilsen.
In response te a long message of
congratulation from Mr. Kahu the
"llger" wired :
"I cannot hut thank seu nnd exnres:i
all my gratitude for nil you have done
toward the gicut work of peace. That
is the quest i ft' France as well as of
America. I knew jeu hiue tone your
best for the ciiube, &e allow me te con
gratulate you and our friends for nil
jeu will contluue te de."
Small War Craft
Limitation Asked
Continued from Put One
States and Great Ii.'ilnin and 270,000
Ions for Jnpun.
Sle Was Net Stated
As te submarines, ihe I'nlted StutO'.
proposed limitations of aggregate ton
nage of 00,000 tens for the Unl.ed
Stntes and Great Britain and 51,000
tens for Japan. There was no sugges
tion for a limitation of size of subma
rines In this original American plan.
The effort te limit submarine ten-
nage was met by the British dolegntlen
with a proposal te prohibit submarine
construction entirely, nnd that evoked
vigorous iirnete.st from the Trench.
The ttempt was abandoned finally ns
Se far as the I'lilted Stales Is ren-
i( nied, the eiUm: ships mid these
under construction Inc'tith' only n very
limited number of ci-iiUcm of the light
type used during tlie war te protect
commerce and te screen battleship
. The British navy has a tremendous
preponderance in turn respect, and
Japan is building a large number of
cruisers, having "recciuly medined the
program te iucrcabe the size et a nuui-
her of these ships up te the 10,000-ten
treaty limit.
Budget SeOO.OOO Less
An enlisted personnel during the
fiscal year beginning next July 1 of
80,000, the same ns at present, is
provided for In the navy budget car
rying a total of .$203,800,038 or ap
proximately half a million dollars lcs
than labt year, reported te the Heuse
Fer completion of fifty-six warships,
permissible under the Arms Conference
Treaty, the Appropriations Committee
proposed te mnke available during the
coming fiscal year a total of $55,000,000
or $14,000,000 mero than the amount
recommended in the budget, te be made
up by a direct appropriation of $20.
000,000 and $35,000,000, indirect, out
of cash te the credit of the nuvnl sup
ply account, nnd small stores funds.
The bill carries an appropriation of
$1500,000 for further Improvement of
the Mare Island, Calif., navy project,
including dikes and dredges and $330,
000 for completion of the San Diege
nnvnl training station, te which will
he transferred recruits from the station
In Snn FrnneisetfOsy.
The sum of $250,000 is provided for
the Great Lnkes Training Station
which is $50,000 mere than last year
and that much mere than the budget
An expenditure of $003,000 is rec
ommended for Pearl Harber, Hawaii,
for impteving and increasing the facil
ities nt the nnvnl station, submnrine
base and ammunition depot.
Bruneri Defendants
Will Deny Plots
Centlnned from Pace One
of sleep away when Powell was al
lowed te handle the murder gun ; nnd
showed hew be had broken nnd leaded
it. When he had given it back te Mr.
Kcewn the latter tried te take it
apart, te show hew it had been put in
the linek of Melir's "flivver" seddun,
but failed. Welter Wills, foreman of
the jury, and a veteran of many hunt
ing beasens, took the gun from him nnd
showed him hew te de it. Then every
body settled down for another nap.
Powell is Deliberate
Mr. Keown resumed Ills cress-examination
by asking: "Can jeu tell me
today why you killed Jehn Bruncn';"
"On account of Harry Mehr," Powell
answered deliberately.
"When and why did von nsk Mm
authorities te let you go en the stand
and testify?" "I nbked te go en te
defend myself; I don't knew when 1
At this point Mr. Kcewn tiled in
confuse the witness by refcrrhig te his
ii-Miiiuuii.v in ycsiiviiny mat no induce
ment hud been offered te him for his
Have you net en ether occasions
said tthnt the authorities had made
premises te you that if veu testifip,!
according te the statement you made
you would get your liberty?" asked
Mr. Keown.
The State objected but was over
ruled. Powell uuswered "Ne" with
"Have you net sold you would he out
et jail utter Uliristiuits?" "Ne."
"Have ou net said you would be out
of jail after Mehr and Mrs. Bruncn had
been tried and that you -would cat
Christmas dinner with your wife?"
Au objection by the Stnte te this
line of questioning was sustained.
"Have jeu net been told by officers
of the State ns te the punishment j-eu
would get if you testified in accordance
with the statement jeu made te De
tective Parker?"
An objection wns sustained.
Doesn't Knew His Fate
The question was them amended as
fellows :
"Has Detective Parker. Prosecutor
Ivelsey or Assistant Prosecutor Pea
cock ever told you what punishment
would be given jeu if you testified ac
cording te your statement te Parker''"
Powell answered "Ne."
Mr. Kcewn hen asked questions
about Powell a connection with Bru
nen's circus, apparently for the pur
pose of Indicating that the witness had
quarreled with Bruncn. Powell de
nied that this was se.
"Did Ham Mehr tell vnn ii.-. ti.
Urunen had been complaining about
your drinking and didn't he say that
if you did net btep drinking and make
n full accounting you could net stay
with the show?"
"Mr. Mehr told me lets of thln-s
uuuui mini iiiuiiuu uau sam, but
Bruncn himself never said any of these
things te me."
At this point Prosecutor Kclsev nres
te object, hut Detective Parker U go
him and bald: "Let him go en let him
go en."
Justice Knlisch ruled, however, that
he line of questioning had been fol
lowed far enough.
The attorney for the defense then
tried te make Powell tell wh" lie hid
wired te the Bruncn home at Rivers de
mi one of his visits te Pliladelnhia
M.r, TTr n8ltcd if ,, hB I cei e te'
Pii ladelphia en an unlawful m ssien
and was he net afraid that one of he
Bruncn family would get held of e
telegram. The witness ceuptered y
sajiug he had net made up hi ii ,,
je de the Killing then. an,P met Mehr
in a restaurant in P hlladelphla w
night nnd talked it ever further.
Coin lets Will Testify
Mr Keown has taken out seven writs
of habeas corpus te bring as mnny mis.
eners from the State Priten , t
te testify. All were in the Mount Hi
jail with Powell, and Mr. Keewn hoi li
te prove by thorn that Powell ac ed 1 Ike
2!L,.mmK I,men .,1,U!D hI" imprison"
, nni ,le " M3 ceil h5,ih a(l ,r,"Kwi
deg "and tutting hu'keaL"?'.,-
Executive Committee of Federal
Council Opens Annual Ses
sion in Cleveland
fmllfin.lfinlta. Tt 1ft Mva ttinn
100 prominent churchmen, reprr-sentlntf '
thirty-two Protestant denomination".
gatnereu Here ledav for the opening
session of (lie nnnii.ll innpHntr nf tli'i
I Kxecutlve Cemtnittcc of the Federal
Council of Churches of Christ in
America. The meeting will continue
through Friday with the dnv .session ,
devoted te business and public mass
meetings in tlie evenings.
Reports en the work of the preceding
year will be presented, nnd the forma
tion of plans nnd policies for the
coming year will lie considered. Fore
most among the subjectH which will
be discussed, it is anld. am: Inter-
national relations and co-operation, the
progress of the ficht for pence, tlie
Eighteenth Amendment under the topic I
"Prohibition en Trinl, What is the
Verdict?" the work of the churches In
the army and navy, lntcrprctlnt the i
gospel le the modern man nnd evnnTel-
ism ns a primary business of the
The il'ederal Council, which meets '
once every four years, in mnde un nf
about -100 representatives, chosen bv
the national bodies of flip thlrtv-twn
denominations, with n total adult mem
bership of mere than 20,000,000 per
sons. The Executive Committee of the
council, which meets here today, holds
Its sessions nnnunlly, while an adminis
tration commlttee of thirty members
confers monthly in New Yerk City.
Says Penrose Sought
Meney Frem Grundy
Continued from Pnae One
was called te the stand. He were n
snugly fitting tweed suit of a light
"Did you knew Senater Penrose?"
asked Mr. Gilfillan.
"Yes, I had political relations with
him since 1830," replied Mr. Baker.
"What de you knew of tills claim?"
"It was December 10. 1021, that I
had a conference with Senater Pn Pn
rese and he told me he owed 'Judge'
Cunningham between $35,000 and
"Did you call en the Senater te dis
cuss this matter?"
"I hnd talked te the Senater nnd
told him I was going te quit politics
in rennsylvanln because I could net
live en whnt I wns gcttlne."
Mr. Jenes asked the witness te give
tietniis et the discussion in which tlie
Cunninghnm claim was mentioned.
"This discussion about the claim did
net come outef the clear sky, did It
Mr. Baker?" asked Mr. Jenes.
Wanted Grundy te Collect Meney
The State chairman said he would
rather net sny anything about the '.dis
cussion "but I suppose I will hove te."
Continuing, he said :
"The Senater asked me te see Mr.
Grundy becnuse his relations with Mr.
Grundy were rather strained at the
time, lie wanted me te see if Mr.
Grundy would collect the money te
pay the claim.
"I never had nn opportunity of see
ing Mr. Grundy befere the Senater died
and I did net get the money from
Here Mr. Gilfillan nddresscd the
court, remarking he could net call Mr.
Cunningham as a witness because of
the Senater's death.
"But I would like It noted en the
record," he went en, "thut Mr. Cun
ningham is here te tell of the date
and the amounts In which the menev
was raied."
Mr. Gilfillan paused, turned toward
the spectators and then looked at the
courtrem clock.
Important Witness Absent
"I expected an important person
here from New Yerk." lie explained te
Judge Gummey. "He knows all about
this affair. He was n member of the
notional committee. Hn wnc i, i...
fore, your Hener. I had trouble get
ting him, but he wns here en Decern -
her 4, when I was tied up en the
Chandler case and we couldn't ee en
1 1I011 t knew whether his absence new
means he wants te. get away from the
case or whether he bes been caught by
pressure of businebs."
Mr. Jenes asked who the witness is
and was told "a business man of New
"These are what I call tender
financial arrangements, with net any
persons present," continued Mr. Gil
iilliin. Mr. Jenes said he was willing te
have a continuance if the New Yerk
nuui mum in- preuueeu inter. Jude
Gummey .-aid if the witness were
hrmighf in he would be glad te hear
his testimony.
, 'i1 "1,,l1Ir;?n1 ct ulm 0' right,
Judge, said Gilfillan.
"Very well, then, we will adjourn
te such tunc as you can arrange te
get the witness." said .Tudge Gumey.
Before tlie adjournment wns ordered,
however, Gilfillan called Mr. Tavler te
the stand. He testified he had been
Senater Penrose's secretory since 1014
"Did you have any record of pev-'
ments made by the Senater In thn
hitter part of his life?"
"He didn't keep books," replied Mr
"De nu have any record of a pay
ment miiile bj the Senater te Mr. Cun
ningham?" "I hinen't any record of the Senater
hating paid Mr. Cunninghnm."
On cress. examination, Mr. Tayler
was nsked if he has talked te Penrese
regurnng tne innuer. Mr. Gilfillan
objected but wns overruled,
"Clean Sheet," Senater Said
"I don't remember the date," said
Tayler. "The Senater's liablt was te
take up with me en Sunday mornings
matters that had accumulated during
the week. He did this before going out
drhlng. One .Suiulnj, about the middle
01 .-Nevenuier, iiui, the Senater said
Tin ler, I don't Knew what mil'
happen, but no matter whnt may hap
pen, we are nil cleaned up.'
"The Senater." resumed Mr. Tnv
lnr, "then turned ever a number of
papers, nene of them representing
claims except whnt I called the Cun-nlngliBin-Griindy
clnim. The Senater
said : 'I urn a happy man ; we have 11
clean Bheet and cun stnrt out new,'
"I said te him : 'Senater, whnt about
the Cunninghnm clnim?'
" 'That's nil right,' the Senater re
piled," said Mr. Tayler. He ndded
that Penrose hnd stated the Cunning
ham claim hed been taken care of and
thut he had a clean sheet.
The bearing then wns continued te
n date te be agreed upon later b
i-eiiusel. Later Mr. Cunningham snld-
"1 had an appointment with Senater"
Peniese for thn last week in Decern,
her, 1021. or the first week In Jnnu
ary of this yenr te talk ever payment
of the claim. The Senater died en
the hiht day of the jenr. Had he lived
there would have been no question
about! my getting the money. tmJ
affair Is just part et the fortunes of
political life."
Wanamaker Funeral
te Be Held Tomorrow
Continued from Page One
Hemey,. H. T. Stdtesbury, Governer
Miller, Albany, N. Y. ; Samuel M. Vnu Vnu
cleln, Levi I. Rue, General W. W.
Attcrbury, .Tudge Geerge H. Orlndy,
W. Herry Baiter, Agncw T. Dice, Jehn
II. Masen. William I. Gcst, Willlnnl
It, Nichelson. Jeseph K, Wldcner, J.
William Smith. K. A. YWVnlkenburg,
Jehn P. Dwjer, Colonel James Elver-
son, William It. McLean. Cyrus II. K
Clu'ifi. Dr. Jeslnh H. Pcnnlmnti. the Rev. Dr. Jeseph IvrntisKei f. Jt was
Rev. Francis E. Clark. Bastou, MasV. ; I announced that en the twenty-fifth nn nn
Themas H. Mitten, the Rev. Simitel . nlvcrsary of the fchoel Mr. nnn
T. l.ewrle, Colonel Geerge E. Kemp, maker sent Dr. Krnuskepf tin tniseli-
wiinam ). .MrCiimthnn, i)r. Ilnrvc
?J,l.,?,mnkcr' IJr' Alfred Stengel, Dr.
)' illlnm 12. (Jiileksnll, Dr. .lehn I!.
"enver, t. unrics ni"ani. aiiw t,
Joh'iseil, .Itltlcn J. Wll'iil Jlailin.
Jehn Fielcr. Dr. Jehn (. Clnrk. Wll-
'""" Petter. Chnrleiungne Tower, Cn'e
"el Themns 13. Murphy. Judge Jein
Jl ' " "erMin. ( elnnel t liarics h. H
alt, Chester; William Rowen, William
Dick. Dr. Edwin C. Broeme. Jehn
Williams. Orevcr A. Wiialen. New New
Yerk; Effingham B. Merris, Arthur II.
Lea, Jnmce Guy Gorden. Schuylet
Eves, illinm O. Landls, New Yerk.
Jehn Greenwcll. Jehn T. Windrim.
Judge Charles L. Brown, the Rev. Wil
liam (irnliam, the lie,. Walter I!
Grcenway. O. C. Hnrrlven. Edwin S
Slunn. Themtt i Edisen. Orange, N
!. ; Snnnel Rca, Rebert M. Ceyie
Charles P. Dunn. HWicrr I.' Dinii.
Junius Dobsen, Jehn I. Mnbi.
Geerge Dallas Dli.en, Themas V.
Dixen, Herace Wnn.uuuker. Dr. Jehn
Wnnamnker. 3d. Heward Ilelnz. Pitts-
burgh, Pn. ; thief Justice William II.
Tnft. William II. Wanamaker. Thin.
dere Justice, Heward B. French. James
M T)..1. XV. 1.1. .....
i. jl-l-, ,, usillllKlllII.
Jehn Shedd, Chicago, III. ; Dr. Edgar
F. Smith, Richard L. Austin. E. Puey
Fnssinere, Percy II. Johnsten, New
Yerk, Albert II. Wiggin, New Yerk;
Richard Delnfield. New Yerk: Lewis
E. Picrsen, New Yerk ; Dr. Wallace K.
Radcllffe, Washington. D. C. ; the Rev.
Dr. Floyd W. Tomkins, Jehn Cnd Cnd
walleder. Hampton Carsen. Justice Willlnm I.
Sehneffer. James A. Pratt. Geerge H.
McFaddcn, Dr. Themns E. Finegan,
Jehn Story Jenks, Alfred C. Hnrrlsen,
Jehn S. Newbold, Francis II. Lewis.
Walter Geerge Smith, DImner Bee
hcr, Irving T. Bush. New Yerk ; Wil
liam M. Coatei. Melbourne F. Middle Middle
ten. Jr., Merris L. Clothier. Ellis A.
GImbel. Samuel D. Lit. Jeseph N.
Sncllenburg nnd Simen Grata:.
Bedy lit State at Church
Frem ft o'lleck tomorrow morning
until 12. Mr. Wnnamkcr's body will
lie In state nt the church.
The, services nt 2 o'clock will be in
charge of the Itev. Dr. A. Gorden
MucLcnnen, p.v.tw of Bethany. The
Bethany chnrti" choir will open the
sen ice with the lijmn, "Jesus, Lever
BEENE, SWITZERLAND, Dec. 13. The strike of 4000
Swiss printers v111 be called of tomorrow after having been in
effect nearly four weeks, it was announced today. 2Jene of the
essential points contended for by the strikers ha9 been conceded,
according te the employers. Seventy-five per cent of the
workers will be re-employed, it is stated.
VICTOBIA, B. C., Dec. 13. By a vote of S3 te 17, the Brit
ish Columbia Legislature decided te drop for this season dis
cussion of proposals te sell beer by the glass in the province.
This disposes of a plRU for a plebiscite en the question.
of My Seul." A prayer will be offered meeting vestcrdav ndieurnwl ..fien ,,,.
"T,f.n5th"ny Sn-'l qV?rt,c.t w,.".B,nsi Catharine nnd Waiter (Scorn Smith
Jesus. Saviour, Pilet Me." A brief ns a committee te prepare cseluti is
I'ennan U'U1 tIlCn be 1,,a,lQ Dr Mac" ier P""ttlen teSl?""vn"u"ker-s
LLimiiii. family, which would express the Iesy
Nearer My Oed te Thoc" will next i sustained by "the public schools tli-
.te hWl!Zy B?l. f f:dueUe,!Uui the city ei
w.v...iw.t ,, iii lJV U UUUUIICIU UY
M. ,
the grave, in the cemetery of the
Lpiscepnl Church of St. James the
Less, Falls of Schuylkill, there will be
a Win service at which the Rev. R. Resolutions embodying there deci
Rltchle, rector of St. James, will speak, siens. were adopted after a culegv re-
Places for Empleyes
r Empleyes
...in v. i . .
will be opened te the
1 .-no e clock. Rescr-
Bethany Church
general public nt
ynuens nave iwen mniie ier tlie Metneny
WnnnmnUe iflllt. ntt.l f ,
members of the family. The church
n tni.iijtM.tii -. i mhhc, iu, n niui.-ir.
Uw..e .v,v, ,.,..-....., .
-L'lllllln 111 lllt.l llllln lUU W111! ,11
tin.. .... .1... mn.lllin ,l.n ....
Bethany will be plnsed by Mlsg Carrie
Qulgg, church organist, nnd Miss Mry
Vogt, organist at the Wanamaker
store here.
Business te Pay Tribute
Mr. Wennmnker's city home,
i.0,'52 Walnut stieet, where he died, wns
deluged with telegrams of condolence
today. T.u bs weie busy nil morn
ing answering the bell. Scarcely n mo
ment elapsed that a sheaf of telegrams
was net rcoehod, or cards of condolence
from Mr. Wnnamnl.er's nrmy of
The big house were an air of mourn
ing. Heavy peitleres were drawn
across the entrance hall. Flowers were
everywhere. A wagon lead of blooms
arrived at the house early today from
Mr. Wnnamaker's country home near
Jenklntewn. I
It wns announced today that as a
tribute te Mr. Wannmnker's memerj ,
several department .teres will suspend
business for the minutes tomorrow
afternoon, from - te 'J ,ti." o'clock, dur
ing the funeinl. All business activities
wil lecase and the theusuidi of ai(,g.
people will stand nt attention during
me suent observance.
Tlie stores which have aniinuncei
they will pay this tribute of respect te
the great merchant's memory nre
Htrawurlilge & Clothier. GImbel Broth Breth
ers, Lit "Brethers and the N. Sncllen
burg Cempnny.
The public schools will be closed to
morrow afternoon.
Redman Wanamaker. Mr. Wana
maker's only surviving son, came
here from New Yerk at f o'clock yes
terday afternoon. lie lias net entireh
recovered from his illness and when he
left his private car nt Bread Streel
Station he had te be assisted tu n
Tribute was paid te die memory of
.Mr. Ywmnmakcr by numerous organi
zations which held meetings following
the announcement of his diatli
, 1"i-,t,, hundred nnd fifty ministers of
the Philadelphia Presbj terj steed with
bends bowed while the Re. Dr. James
dray Bolten, pastor of the Hepe Pros Pres
byterian Church of Seuth Philadelphia
for forty years, offered eulogistic prayer
In Bethany Tcmple Church. Fifty-third
Hrotherhend nf Andrew ninl Phlllu
n ., ,, , , i .. ' lu " -""' lucre can no no socew
Bethnnv Scion. a delegation of only a sense of the lM uf , nt
forty empleyes trem he V nnamoker , influence f, the Be..,,f htininiltv "
Nev or!; store and a delegation of 100 I Announcement of the lea of 'Mr
from the I'Mlnddpiln store Reserva- Wanamaker was made out the re e
tiens have also been made for the helm- l,r,,n.l,.n.i f, .: .-V"V.i
nnd rfpwcB .streets, 1nt (
Vv.i.,-L M co-worker "
moderator of the presbytery. .,
The Rev. W. II. "rMmvny. PKter
of the church, announced the death of
Sir. AVahemaker nt the cIope of the
d jmer. After n tribute te Mr. nna
"taker, whom he characterized ns one
hose devotion te ht.mn.i Interests hnl
found its permanent footing in hearts
of e hers nnd whose life was an in in
Hplratlen. Dr. Bolten wan Invited te
"'r.Svanamaket's unostentatious
philanthropy was revealed typically at
n luncheon yesterday of workers in the
ciiinpnlgn te raise $U'00,000 for the Na
tional Farm Scheel, founded by the
cited clicclt ler iuuu inwnrti tnc ninu.
In n letter accompanying the chcclc
Mr. Wntiainnkcr wrete: ion are n
rrctty reed Sunday school man, nnd I
enjev mi much the support given you,
especially by m.V neighbor", mid, with
out any one uskluu me, I nm sending
urn, iust as evidence of my Interest
and my dcaire le encourage you, nnd
nlse te be counted In with my neigh
bors, who hnve been se helpful te you,
mv check for $1000. There will be
mitny ether people nreund here who will
be very gbul te have n share in your
geed work if they thing of you na I de.
Memery Is Eulogized
Many of these nt the luncheon eulo
gized Mr. Wnnnmnker'H memory, fol
lowing which n mulutien of condo
lence wns prepared and ordered sent te
his family.
An imprc slve, tribute wns paid te
Mr. WnnnmaKer at n itiiicncen et tin
I Liens' Club in the Hetel Adelplnn
When the members were nil iirrnngcd
about the different tables and bofen
service of tlie meal had begun, Samuel
M. Dedd arose. After a short ad
dress, in which he told of Mr. Wana
maker's dsath and eulogized the char
acter nnd achievements of the mer
chant, he said :
"A geed nn! great man hns passed
away. Let us stand in silence."
All present steed for several mo
ments in silent tribute te the dead.
At n special meeting the beard of
directors of tlie Manufacturers' Club
adopted resolutions which will be em
bossed nnd bent te the Wanamaker
family. Mr. Wanamaker had been 11
member of the club nln.03t from ltb
The fallowing resolution wns unani
mously passed nt the regular meeting
of the directors of tlie Arch Street
Business Men'n Association :
"Resolved. That the Arch Streel
Business Men's Association regrets
exceedingly tile death of Mr. Jehn
Wanamaker. and expresses its sin
cere sympnthy and condolences te the
members of the fnti.ily nnd also te th"
public at large, icellzing full well that
this les.s is Indeed 11 viVic rne."
The Beard of Education, nt its
ruuiKicipnin in the death of Mr
.m.niutiuiii, ji "lis JUSO lt
the beard should reasseinbh.
day of the funeral, for the
of attending.
w annmnkcr. It wes also mrtecd that
en the
np-ciing Mr. vnnnmnker had been
delivered by ( engressman-elcct Geerc
I a. Welsh .who in concluding is rf..
marks said : " l
"A beautiful life has. been brought
i . 'T. "" ''V"' l'"' " Hll U
itrmiiett kinimn i ' n...
maker si.,,,,,,,. ' V ' O O w ill ,t
nreniicasi I nt alter tie finii.m v,.
!.,, . ' "
tuis reason tlie hre.id, asting of the.
-unions icciurc -Acres et Diamonds
lij the Rev. Dr R isell II. Cuiiwell
iu nor taue pmce tomorrow as hud
been announced. '
North Dakota Men "May Have te
Give Up Farming"
Washington. Dec. 1.'! - , B V Pi
Sent te Washington by c.intribiituiu
of fifty cents le a dollar from funnels
nnd siuiill-tewii business nun nf Cen
tral North Dakota, Jehn I'iiiv, a Gor Ger
man farmer of Turtle Lake, N. I.. de
tailed te the Senate Agriculture Com Cem Com
mltteo today the plight of farmers of
his section,
Fray told hew he hnd ghen up his
real estate business and gene te farm
ing three years age only te come te the
conclusion thnt the average farmer m
North Dakota has little hope of tnal.in,.
u living.
"We nre going te ge up our farm
unless w can get sem. he'n." he s.nul
'Frem no te
i.i per cent 01 us are up
against it, Nene of one l,.n i. ,
, te htay en the farms nct v'car TlieJ
, say It Is hopelcbs."
Citizens of Audubon and Hadden
Heights Heard by Commission
The New Jersey Public I'tiliHc
Commission, in session in Cund-n ('it
In I this morning, listened te com
plaints against the water supply tmm
n. Tin l'if "i'V ,,,i,r"l'' "f AUllllbe,,
and Ilndden Heights.
Representatives from these disirtcis
laim the Hessure is Mi low that water
ih net nvahible nbey,. ,. "", 'H?.
w-a'i''is111:' T1"- "'aim the
( oinmlssienors Osberne and Bach
arach assured them of courteous treat
ment at the oflice of the Water Serv-
l-n.C?l?im,M,2n ln ,he Unut0 and rep
"nntives from this body said the
action In the matter seen.
TreKa4 ,im
. PlMit
-138 S. 52d St.-
By the Use of Nujel
Xujel Is a luhriennt no
a mcdlclne or laxative me
cannot gripe.
When you nre constipated,
net enough of Nature's lu
bricatlng liquid is produced
in the liencl te keep the
feed was, te soft nnd moving.
Doctors nrc-
BcrJtie Nwjel
because It acts
like this natu
ral lubricant
nnd thus re
D laces it. Trj
it today.
The box
is blue
Opal jar
p..,4 M' r
"""l IE.'
i " Urn....
- M. !
.rwswi.. ""
Be sura te get
real Resinol
If you wnnt te set rid of eczema,
pimples, or ether distressing skin
eruption, you will accept no " sub
stitute" for Resinol. Preparations
similar in name or appearance are
net "just the same as Resinol."
Although afew unscrupulous deal,
ers may offer them at ex for Rev
inel, they are often crudely made,
of little healing power, and soma
may even be dangerous te use.
Buy in the original blue package."
Rcsincl is never sold in bulb '
What de we
When we say "Only one price,
only one brand, only one qual
ityand that the best," what
de we mean?
We mean just this the most
plcas'.ns-, satisfying cup that
ever passed your lips.
and de you expect te
buy a phonograph for
delivery before Christ
mas? Then why net place
your order right in
"Jersey," your home
state ?
HURLEY'S, the big
gest phonograph store
in Camden, offers you
the choice of two great
master instruments
will sell you either en
easy payments with no
advance ever the regu
lar cash prices.
A full stecic of all
models just noxe
but don't wait
tee long,
Broadway at Pinm,
y i
-i lb. ynjc
tern J
1 ;
In all our Stores
iammmkvi rsTrftfrVcnll!!-MnC
i fMnmrT'tr t-jHll -
Are Yeu a
w . . m
ffi !i
f y.,i..Viv,