Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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Auther of "Youth Triumphant" and Other Successes
Cepyriyht, 1911, D. Applcten d Ce.
VRHnitY Meuvy. "vte-dae.,,V!h
'rich and chaining, at ence ir. -
and attracted by
DAVID SAXQREE, young American
tlhnolegist and tear veteran, amazta
ly changes in manners and customs
, Ireuaht out by the tear, but utter-
1 uted in Cherry Hi nndeit funds
are invested with her father,
VIM MOnVy, a. self-made financM
leader. Toe busy te think of his
children he leaves them te
VRS. UOIIVX, trio has surcess fully
cultivated the social tide of life.
"BRVCE COTTJ..V. e motorcar tales
man, of cave-man type, of ichen
Cherry imagines she is enamored.
'BOB MOHCX. son, is a tjpicall'j reck
less youngster.
GEORGE LYCETT. elderly chorus
, philosophizing as the jtery dcicltps.
JOH. CHICHESTER, uhe-n il.
Uehun iceuld like te call oeii-inWuic.
7lEXIE drev her te town n Mr
vJ Gartlej's runabout. Cherry was si
lent. Aside from Dick' confidences,
there was a subtle change in ber re
lationships with th old cre".C. Every -thins
was dlffcien: somehow Alread.v
Itiey talked of things with v hlcb she
was unfamiliar -light clp ube"''
people sh diuii't even knew anic anic
letes which once would "hate greatly
unused ber and "hlcb new 'ad '10
flavor te an-esi the seberni'- ci br
thoughts She I'eulrln t understand
"What de J en think of Bueebe and
,1'lcky'' ' sin- ikl after a '.!"
"Oh. all i.ght. 1 suppose Thev
just drifted tnt i- l'he, be veulJ
have liked te uarry Jaefc ai.d c en
be.dy knows that Pick van'el -c
1 like Pheebe'b euurage though
"I think the; !1 b happ . -'id
Chctry Quietly "I w.mt then te b "
"It's up te Dick.- Bui his inf
ormation is a little tee sudden t.. be
nbeve suspicion,"
Cherry cad" no replv and Ociie
rattled en. aware of Cncrrv moon .if
Abstraction, eu-fiia; in her b'nb v.-
nlmest t.ie cnMre pi I o-ephv of In '
Viecoeious veuth she and CLerty Lad
main treab'es in eeram mi
'I tell e,i. Chen v. -'i" "'" en
r.fter a jartlculaili litter atta;K iim'h
hnr divorced pirei 1- fe- t! cu lioerlen
of her, ' pui' t'Mt bniii ? r- liL
110 into the world In"" a let te be a---
euntable fei 1 Unlit t ask te if
1 jrn ki.t of a'.l a cul ml I vr
t.'lnly didn't cpect ctter I wa born
tij he cat out into riutu witer rjt'ieu
0 en the be-ieiit-. of .1 life pr-"nor
lfew can creatures lik jnu and 11
expect te earn a living I don't even
knew what !lx times nine aie. I r-ver
lid. I alwas -a.il -even'v-'ve and
J alwajs ' ill. In pnite --aoels the
nlways pae u- p.ising mark'i in "cieis
Ji"faufe thtn vranteil u te ceae b.n k
Jixt jear But thitus der. t ui'; tif'
ny out in the vver'd I nfver wrn
te b a bichbreu. but ;.'oed I.eid' l
ought te knew something. I dn t
Mccpt h te da-if e ai 1 ri.r. tnppe 1
lnuii re its harp beiie-. th- fan i-
lliis! fin l.i.t a fenril- of the -('.Cs
... A..h 1.... .U,. .. . .1 ,.. rlrt 1 nil li
....mmr,,lfln mU Tf s r.lther dlS-
custing when veu' reue te thmt of
f. . s '
,.Ti ... ,, .-u ,v, ,i, 'is.
recl AhontdeU
yeui threat. ,
i-ere trained for fresi the nenent
itiit i;i;iiii.ii- .- iiuii ' ..... - .
re were out of our ...-ailles. If
nd I were out en the street
t'euldn't be mere dependent tk.m A lr.t
Harriet," she said with a shru ' who
llarrle em neb hustand after ane'her
hhe cant le "eui all he '' '6-n t.
u ai..i I knew a dozen lik ' r.
hich is uer--e'' Te sell .t bed"
fir luxuries like Aunt Harrier or t..
sell it became ei- iA f' " f
like the treetalhel' I tell n
I herrv. I've been dein: a l-'t "t in.-ih
lug ,1K0U
11 expect me te raiiri; money
?en g te m.1 m' th n.an I
nd ti- lute or l':n in t e..tg
"They all
li'lt 1 nt
i nn help
tn mm iv at f,il
" 'Genie : Yeu anA'l ehi'.d ou j'.a"-t
make uie. believe Hut ou care fm
tnuie one."
"Ne. I der. t 1 m ju-t t..!' -is
But the men they want u- tu n.arrv
ire all wrong Ye i kne. jiuiu-ted
lean rrt'.es like Vt 'lie Ue-iter Im
r.ine little me si iiig duAii tte :.i-V
with Will. We'd l'".k III Bl -b I--Itmd
and Texas. l- fctevie Deiaii'
blend, re-.v and mel-t. I hate a n.'.ii
v he perspires er-ilv. I alwtv- ;' 'k
what an awful stew 1 e'd vi ii.' if
I gave Lin seun-iiins te p' t!ll,
oheut. Oh, cs .ml il.ere'i a -. ithjr
jeu haven't mn hii.t Ni Bit 'filer
fieni Ir.tluin.iptil.- ;'iii i- Cretru
(hrllng. and i xi.it'.v the i ilur rnil pi"-I-nrtiens
of a intal weim," he ,'ite
u dry laugh. "Net tei tie. I h.iver. t
ii dollar of n.j own, but I'm lmt ,-uii i
te icairy any et that let. Iir t.-ine
slitine 4' the brenkia-t .ind witihiu
Willy's Adam's apple wlgg e every timu
h Mvallevvttl It's a iitt!- tiling nor w
jet married for. but rhfre it i.
"I knew." -aid CLt r-y n a
frin. "I t.lt that way Jehn Lu lis
ter's mu-tacht."
"Exactlj I'd like te love semeb) ly
Cherry. Bnallv I v mild. But it nu is
te me that tie nan I want luu-t b
doing sen.ethlig besides celng te tiJs
nnd jazz partka. I g'.ess he s wine.
vhere. Working ppd ibl tiding tu
fit tenietnin -emi thing Ma; b
he'll turn up some tle.e "
".Mnvbe Le will ! hope 1 e will
'Genle "
"It's just my lui'l: te f..U tn lm-e
xlth seu.e pour hene.-t gin'.: wuhuit
t prospect In the verld und live 1
jNcw jersey. I .tlw'iys wanted lu
'mother' semeUnl somebody w ell.
like David Pangree, for instatiee "
"Well ir you knew what I mean
n fellow with u serious imipnie
vhese life means something "
'"Genie, de fm mum that vmi '
"Ne, I den t an ..n iii'Muii..
'Genie broke in i'i 1 v I u i, .i m
leve with him in tin b ' II.. ii-
represents the tj' I 'i hi !! r I
de like l):.vi(l Si'Vie.. ucimi l.m '
"Oh," suld rh iij thuughtfi !
'Tumi, itnt It Dju vi js -ti..is
for fiu.ii' blends and metiiei ,tc 1
mother liked te gu te u le sliev. und
cat chocolates I've zet an unfle vim
dotes en dinu'iiig with de'iut'iMcs mid
jeu knew hew Aunt Harriet is Piin-,
ny ! I wendtr when: I gut that to te to
rieus strain."
'De veu think Dr. Sancrce
ier ou?"
"Bles- veur heait! lit ha-n't suli!
fe. I don't want him te teunt me
3 might ma rr him. wheieas I l.i. tw
that my dut lies vith Wilij and lis
.Annul s uppii' liinii l.e ami ii it ii
cf Tre get In wrung beeau-e ,t up
lilcs. Ami I u.jy baru te f.ll t..r
"'Genle.' eu'r tm ab'ui 1
Cherry laugued gujly the in t time
that day.
"I am. That's bceau-e laughing und
making people laugh is one v. -ay of
keeping from cryi'iB.
"I tell you there's some rr.eaning
te things." she said almost fiercely,
5,lbat I'll never get out of the life I'
ft j I
C!iern I'm Ick of
tlie tliinfi I't been de'.n;. neililns
but wtiiis ana jazzing'
lire vmi'fhins -Ti-et 'i'if porseeu',
like er like .1 September unset."
"Siurliuai ' ruuttered C'hetrj. It
was a wei 1 l".v 'A Sancree had f"me
timei ued
"e. t v ' I tl you 1 h"rry
J m -1' 1. of th ih.inrv I'm' bien doing
nothing but eatin; and n?im as It
kutnaif t -'.1S8 we.- tiethini; but -tern
aciis ard tun' ' she thu-hr 1 f-er'i-fully.
lherr.- ii si'"nf f"r a U-men'.
ber lips turl.ng Ai.d thea-
"I gje-s if 'ei. . been de.n." v hn
I htn-s, j-eu iniih- w.int. a lr-' of
that," th" faid ruefully
Getiie put a hand ever he 'n.
nuNiu'i' ' Yeu peer dear 1 for.ef
Perhaps I vreuld But I den t knex
I'm s-itk of it all skU of it Pcrhap
.t's be auke 1 ve had tee much A mi'
H.irilet makes nic go te ever. thing
She fiyt- it for the hor.er of the fam
il te be pupular I f"l a though I
'erc bving drivm T.uek I'm -trenc
l.er Vi co lldn t 't.ind the pace 1
-old xeu rhe h.el rarcii ber up into t't
oe'Is. i'ii.11 t I ': And .Tine mile i
dnTii r.th nerveu- pro-tratien trai
vl nur'e and e-ervtbun; and al. ever
iiuihiug- giv.ng tUe bt-t pai- if ei"
lives te that -ort of thing v.he'i "
ought. tii be trvmg tu d- -.'ie.
t! In; ! he 1. icht'l tii.h. V' 's
all se damned silly '
t'herr; made no cemnent and "Oenle
fell into silenee. both ab-orbed in taeir
thuiiglits IJj' as they approached th
i.,tv f'litrn spoke. i
"C'ld ou reallv mean what veu1
sid iineut Uav nl !in,'i-ee"'" sl.e a-ked !
"Wl v shei.ldu't I"'" replied 'i.i-uiel
carele.-slv. and gavt.- Cherry no further I
iiti-taefien. '
L'l'ctr leu 'Genie's runabout i- the
Avenue en the plea of ne"d for th i
Mi' 1st of thi vva 1: arruss town.
"Ahir 'he i tally warned before 'he,
vent m 'oers w is a tin moment- alone
In which te reear.t 'late her -plritual
ns-ets and di-eevtr hew much or heu
little the defector, of Dick Wilber- '
tuice meant te her :-he l.itl ne-er
ertU 12 tftP lfa
with DieA. I
1 'it it han been a shook te discover
that ske ceuld.i t i.i:rv him new
"hethvr sh want 1 him or net. It had
lll IS S
i Fer he had bee-i ra-Lrr imnelnL' te-
lav in l.is sober r.tw til-" of fiar.ee
'"l iil.iii 'Jl I 1'" ' 11 IM . liU 1 r.-uir,.
it a l.:t. th it Phoebe had a cee in -
.... I km.,.. ,.( .1,. .. .-..1' Ll. ..,. Ml
Mi!in;'1 'is if forr.atien here Lherr"
hjil f.ubd But tlvn he was rather
ip'tr.dnl 1:1 his ne-. hale, with the
, hand-mie. Phneb. ftd.r "te take a
1 han.i ' Pl'etbe ' ad i wastl a great
deal , f t.r.i,' Mni-e Ci rrv had disap-
h re i f i-e 1 thi . e ii sci-r
Cti ii L . ' ' ft V.thT.ll - with a
GlVQ til2.t DOV O'i ,
. - '
vHlir? ttiP kPPnPfif
j -r ,.. w VAi.v ..'- .-fc.cw
ears in radio this
Christmas the
receiving set thatj
brings in the
broadcast of half
the continent as
clearly as it was
sent out Fer his
happiness and
your reputation in
his eyes, no mat-j
ter whether you'
spend $25 or $140 ,
be sure it's
DeFet eit RadleTel. &.Tel.CeJarTCh7,N4.
Schunmel F'ctrle ?u,npy Company i
526 Arth Street
5oter Prrtj hnulpment Company
1425 N Bread btreet
PM'rt-'s -Ha Pa
Nickel Plating
Still, Tank and Barrel Werk
Pelisfung and Dell Burnishing 1
1900 North 6th St.
Cel ir-'.. a 49.l i- -i, join
,y.y..w. r: '7-y-'"'-f"2ZZZT7
Why Net a Gift They Writ
ALL Enjoy?
Yv t i istl ai u .
run w - e t u'l
I r tl ' e.-jit
pleisun- (rr.n p
ljit 'he jrpH
ai J tn a t ai
U fUl A
Durham & Company, Inc.
Radie Engineers
1936 Market St., Phila.
W.C.A.U. Levtut 3035
"1 tr
C5sJsJSJJ- '"'S'"'SSV'V-S-SVSsAsSss
''-"sTV'sM' '
ense of relief. It nad been very kind
of Sylvia te Invite her out with the
e'd crowd, but the acceptance of the
invitation had only Impressed mere
deeply en Cherry's mind the differences
whicii new existed eetween their life
nnd herft. She bad gene te the coun
try trjlng te forget her failures nnd
bad only added uiore discouragement
te them.
And 'Genie! What bad 'Genie meant
by all that sentimental stuff about
David Sangrce? Ter 11 long while
Cherry had been thinking of ilamescs
as her particular property, her crea
ture, her refuge in tiir.e of need, the
one of all the people that fhe knew
who could be most surely relied upon
Tli3! old way
Dene away with
by the New Cap
& E2
-iJt' t&
T-- 1- .Jf
Y'i 113
Jff SB "SSif" 'tr vrfkk H
Ik. B I rO O
''" 'I'' " A'- 4 -J
te pull her out of the slough of tie
pair and here was 'Gcnle talking
lij-htly of "mothering" s(iiieb"d. wtt.li
serious purposes; In life preferably
Cherry's friend David. And 'Genie was
n,ulte capable of doing anything upon
which she set her mind. Did Hamesej
care for 'Genie? If se why hadn't he
said something about It te Cherry '! Every
iis-ociatleu every friendship wns ex
cluding ber. She seemed te be se use'e's
in the cosmic scheme as n tea card
sent te the wrong udtlres. Lve.i Bruce
Cn" an, who had pursued her 'vith such
nsldlty in the days of ber prosperity,
had net ben te the new house. She
chose te forget his het-blooded pro
posal of marriage and the coolness that
S. lfiIUICU sJlJ
UjEGIWNING tomorrow, in close te a
3 quarter of ci million homes, the ice
pick and the fork need no longer
be used te remove and replace milk
bottle caps. These are the homes that
regularly enjoy GOLD MEDAL MILK
service. Every day they receive one or
'mere bottles of the last word in rich,
fresh, wholesome milk GOLD MEDAL.
Careful, conscientious, thorough atten
tion te every detail made a better bottle
cap a logical step. The new cap, equip
OurWatckwerd isSkrliw) Qualify
backed by prompt, efficient, courteous service. Our customers will confer a favor by -promptly
reporting any case in which our product or our service fall short of the
standard of perfection we seek.
r-v vwgpTg
'followed U the meetings In which he
had laid her en n level with bis own
animalism. 'Genle had told her (hat
he had given up selling "Magnificent
Moteis" and was new engaged in the
notion picture business though what
his position. he did net knew. 'Genle
had never liked Bruce and Cherry had
been forced te ndmlt that 'Genie's
judgement of people was semetlines
better than her own.
'Genie and Barneses! That wa)
funny. She would question Barneses
about 'Genie, and 'Genle about Bame-1
I ses. '
The next morning's household work
seemed te bring her no nearer te the
I solution of these pieblcras. She paused
?" -v-J ""'
DECEMBER , 13, -1922.,
for a moment after rinsing out a
shirt waist and went te the open win
dow of the bathroen., looking down
UKn the Endless row of backyards,
the sight of which her mother se gre.it
ly dis.ikcd. Ihere wcre people moving
here and there, slovenly-looking wo
men In calico, nbeut their dally tai-ks.
Cherry bad never thought much about
her neighbors. The difficulties which
faced her had been mole than enough
te fill her mind, but new in this idle
moment of healthful reaction a phrase
of David's came te her "the greatest
gtime in the world when the odds art'
against jeulife itself." She had
caught his meaning vaguely as some
thing different from the joys of her
m "fern V
ped with a tab se that you may easily,
quickly remove or replace it, maks for
greater sanitation, saves time and pre
vents the less of even a drop of the rich
cream you find at the top of every bottle
The adoption of this improved milk bottle
cap is one mere example of our constant
aim te perfect our service te our large
and ever-increasing number of regular
of Quality
careless youth. Lifel'lt had' another
meaning something hidden deep be
low the surfiice of Illusory , pleasure,
she heard It fteni her small window
In the throb of the city, the distant
tapping of a riveter's air hummer, the
lear of the I., the groan of n meter
horn, the complaint of the clanging
bells of the surface cars, nnd nearer
nt baud, In the rasp of a saw, the
rattle of dishes, nasal voices rai-cd 111
argument, sounds which indicated var
ious forms of activity within a hundred
feet of ber, repented in diminishing
notes down nil the length of the block
each house with its own problems,
rnrh family, each unit of the family,
struggling with the ethers for existence.
r '
-ijl .a
ThU'vrai what'DavM'had'blcant'Wi
the world hers new, te play us thn'.'i
,..ti ,..ujvM. t, utklng no faveis bi
ting none. There must be ethers abe,
her who hud failed as she hud tiA
nnd .vet they still persisted, they , ill
hoped, still struggled. ey "
A voice cume ch-arly In the nn
window, n feminine' voice, slngln!
popular air ip a thin but net umhm.
ant nasal soprano. It was a WiXl
voice, full of the aspirations of vM
and Jey. and (somehow It save Chei .
sense of confraternity In the great Vir
low-ship of these who had played tk
Game. ' ''
Te he continued tomorrow
Ql -,v?" ' -
I; ""
-jataaa,. ' 1 at t , , , . 1! - . .- g2
' f -