-Tffi5" Wft&WU f t JUST GOSSIPABOUT PEOPLE fiancy Wynne Talks' of the Engagement of Miss Mar garet Lardncr Large, and Mr. Geerge D. Feivle. Miss Crozer and Miss Gress Are Introduced YESTHnDAY Ttas a tery full day. J nlnjr. December 27, before the dance With an engagement, n ball elid JS1' Mr' ,?" J'rf- Jeeeph A. Stein- l,n ulml nUn rnillil rmi wnnt In I l1,etz.lvl" E've 'or the r son arid daugh- ,l','! '" .?fV U?r '!T- -P'1 Janney Stelnmetz and Ulk nbetiw ...t -in... Miss Frances Margaret Stelnmetz. The Margaret Large s te Geerge D. Fowle, f t this dtv. Ml Lnrtfe Is tlie eldest Jniichter of the. Inte Ilebert II. Large nd Mrs. Lircc. who ns MIm Mary Iteikirt. a belle of twenty years nge. She mide her debut last winter nn-i "-hr .. nnnulnr. She has her mother's iae enKagi-Hn-iii. uiiiiuuuwu "u2, "IOD nulsite coloring, though her hair is ? 1.L - a.A.l.ll.ll tllir,A i it's trnwi that 'vi'tn of Mf, Lnrge's children have inherited the wealth of red-geld hair which has always been u conspicuous part of her bpanty. Jlisi Large is n grnnddanghter of Mr.'. Edwin L. Rraklrt, the former Miss Margaret I.ardner. who was a daughter el the late Admiral Lardner. Miss t.- Is named for her grandmother. rir father, better known as Beb Large, as the son of the late Mr. and Mrp. Tehn R- Large, Uie latter having been Miss Mende. n daughter of General fieerge Gorden Meade, se the present w.-anret. Lardner Large Is n great- panddaughtcr of both army and navy men Oferge Fowle returned a short tlme - - -- - . . i luJ t Ttradferd Hills. Pa., hut ere pending this winter at 010 Clinten. THE ball latt uight was a beautiful affair. It w'as given at theBellcvue theBellcvue Stratferd by Mr. npd Mrs. Cdward Crozer te introduce , their, daughter, rierence Crozer. und their niece. Agnes iire". Twe years age Florence r sis ... -fi. Mnnn r.rnzpr. who is new Mr. Neaf Wnlnwrlght, was te have been introduced in this city, but the death 5I postponed the coming out, and then The Crezcrs moved te Palm Beach nid New Yerk .ast year, but this sea m have taken a house at H03e , Letus t ...Ji rnr hn winter and Florence is going te. nil the parties here .Agnes Grew, tueugii !. .i . . XV"X.:ir: as been going ie mu. w "L"l" Jire and stays a let at ine reiei-.. The Ree Oeidens and ether rooms en the reef were irnnsieriiica imu Kniithern garden, gray mess, ornnge , im3 and srea -- w . A..n innti itntnr te from France, wlicre no spcut f,eme t;Corge Merlsely. Mrs. Edwin Wilkin time. He is a son of the 'ate Ocorge, en. Jr., Mrs. Themas C. Peele. Mrs. T) FOWle. Ot tills C11J unu inn iiiuiini ' "iii . niiun, .uri. j numas X. .lacK- wis Allw nmmeline Iungcrlcb. Ills, f?n, Mrs. Stephen Kent Mrs. William : . ,. vi Alarinn Fowle. wheil.- Dfltz Mrs- Edward Treacy. Mrs. w8ter uns ss M 5""n J'jf.0, , Neten E. Roedel. Mrs. James 6 Bech wmied U. fcturBis ingerseii nnu mc? tf)(li Mr Them0H Keefer and Mrs ... tn Penl ivn. The Eewles llae n lerin -vv rrjn " (.utiua 1..1...0 """,Mra. Arnn T.r.ni,eJ. J. ..7""j.' .S i .. .lA.irtr'i tlnnn Florence were a frock of opal blue and silver brocade made- with tight Mice and flnrin? skirt, silver lare forming the bertha and trimming round the skirt.' Asnes Gress were a tenn of cloth of geld. Mrs Crozer was gowned in Bilver nd white brocade w ith 'rhinestone or naments. . , , ,. There were many dinners before the rail, arnenu them one ghen by Mr. and Mrs. Wirt h. Thompson for Mary Itadclvffe Furucss aud Annis Lee Tu nis, both debutantes. Miss Margaret Berwlnd entertained for her brother Charlie's fiance. Miss Ullen McMiehncl. The Edwin Elden Grahams enterlained for Lillie Stewart, and Mrs. Benjamin t'eates sne a dinucr for ber niece, Delly Duane. The Ifarclay McFaddens entertained for Agnes Yarnall. The Edward Dales also entertained at dinner and a number cf ethers gave open parties, taking their juests te the bail after the performance. ISN'T it unusual hew absolutely every one wears felt hats? They're ery pretty tee and come In sucn at tractive colors. I taw Mrs. Strandley Stokes en Chestnut rtreet shopping a fjw days age. and she was wearing a itunning small felt hat of a shade of red trimmed en the right with n large pinkish red silk flower. With it fckc flere a fairly long seal coat with a cellar and cuffs of gray fur. An at tractive touch was her ear ring, which ere long pendant ones of plain geld. Obey looked well with her hat. I HAD se much te tell you yesterday about the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn T, Lewis. Jr.. 1 did net lave a chance te say what a lovely ta the Heward Lewises gave en Monday for their niece, Helen Knight, uhe is the daughter of the late Jeseph Knight and whose mother, tbc former Miss Helen Tetter, ii a sister of Mrs. Heward Lewis. Helen looked eryl meet in a French model gown of pale Hue silk and silver lace. It wn one efthe latest nlecvelws frocks with the I round nccli linUh. Helen Is a Rradimtu .11 ..j ir i u.i l m I M. Conn. Mrs. Knlcht hns .iut k,JlIr3;i.VJIUSr,Ch?lber? and. Mr. and l,i,t.V,.l I., . 1 1 ,1 1. !.... I.. IT,-, f,-,l .NlltiiVU U1111I111IK 11 IIUllCU 111 IIU.lIU'I'l find ihej arc living there this winter, Mrs. Lewis were n lianuVniue dre.ss of black lace at the tea and Mrs. Kulgbt wis in slher hreeaile. OISTER MARIE LOUISB has been taking Ringing lessens lately, and mall brother hai been much interested In the various terms used in singing. One day recently Temmy, the cat, was 'but out longer than usual, nnd he came te the kitchen deer mewing loudly te attract attention. ".Ilmmle, let P'iss In," s-.iid mother, nnd .Tlmmle 10 flM: "Yi-. I will, bat listen hew long beMs Ins tone." NANCY WYNNi:. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES . Mrj Xatlwn A T.ivier. of Efncni telm, Chestnut II 11. will Klve a the.itia Party en Wcdm silay ui.-!i1ii,-t Juuuaiy l". In hennr nf ner niece, .Mls Mar (rct Legan, dilmtnnte duugl.tei uf 'Irs Samuel s L' Ban, of Clinstn" Hill. JJiere dm i,ai Dr. and Mrs. William Hamilton Jfffuiys, of Cr.uisteun, Chest- FlUt I? II ,. in -I. ,.. .1... rl..,i .. 1,,.,, ,.' t ill Kliu ill IIH1 lll-vtii t..t't !' Hener of their debutante daughter. win Lucy bturglB JitCeij? idli ?n'1 Mrs- H"nry Chapman, of S".6 iii..,1 '"'Mtenth meet, have Issued In In 'Wlens inr i dlniuT. te b fnllewed IL ,he"re iurt, en New Year's ue H',,Jjiiu.iii 1. in honor of tlulr S'Shlcr, MIN Helen chapman, alter ?n, a wl,,c1' th'v will Ble that alt alt "i.ecii ti lutiedi. e .MlM flmp nan. Mrs Jinn. s Met. Wn'liu'e, et Mtnen ii., .' ' '"" lue" "" s dm-sili y, Jan A? J" l"J""1' "' Mls M.irMiit M. ;,??V, "I't-iii'iiitf d niBhii'r of Mr i.ml IJ, ,,i"la" M'deii, Jl , or Win Han 11 "ft waMlilGlun. 5Hr- a ' Mr JeMiua A. Hutfi 1 1, wn i hK ''' ee,wl fctrcet, New Yei i..i..R"." " ilKner at the Iiclleu tfl noiieuf- r'"0nl, en Wedni.wl.iv ,.v,mlm? .Inn MaVL.,'..'n. honor f taelr iilfL'e, MIs- ,:- 1:1 natn-id befere thi ilnuce KiMi';"1' ,J Olmrlca J Hatfield, of btriif, In" Hl" ' "t the UtlleMie UtlleMie 'rauer.l ii, iloner , hia daughter P&i.' hVW . V MU.enn. of the iinchL ','' I " li-tiKd InUt.itleiiH for a i .-. llltriw ""' s A'hmlilt, of Kiiiliier. l(ci', '.'"'"'heuu uml lirnlgu lurlj i n I ,' Uvi mliui l;i. j Is cni.'wse,'l1 ' Mlt.'lit. of Ilav-rfuul I 'ulni m"1'1 B " 1P'- BUfstii her, fnte', '-' ',r''l Mr.-. IK-rrv ijieeu. of t..Jrl' .hev ciiini te .itteiul lliu t . ' "fAlmi. W1 ilft"-,ri""" I'V Mr and - Kr ?. ' " u Lew It,, at their home. KlM'ru,' Hiect- te Intreducd Mrh. 1J --r..-. t'lll'll 4IV.4V11 JVlfihtlvt 'ii,, ,a,rrj,.U Miiria, of 30a Man- "iluwf '"'t mantewn, w)H enteitaln t, ' , r, ' ' 0,IU' u her daughter. Miss ttr i n ' l"':,ii,, ou WeUnekday ee- " U llllllr "Tlt.t Uj n T.'..UUi V . KucBiB win include Miss Edith Hi Shee maker, MIkh Mary D. Htrawbridfre, Miss Acnes Kendlg. Miss Ellzabetli Hetmen, M1m Helen Welstenhcrtme, Mips Eliz abeth Stetson, Miss Marllla. Zelgler, Mr. 5eeree Parry, Mr. Manten Balls, Mr. Hlciiard Churchman. Mr. cm-tia namn Mr. Jeseph Stelnmetz, Mr. Charles Day, Mr. William Reland, Mr. Geerge Oade and Mr. Laird Simons. m ir. iaira mmens. Mrs. Carl Reehllnir. .lin lint ViArt an tertalned as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Oeorge Pales BaW. of nosement. at the BelloMie-Stratferd, for a few days, has returned te her home in New Yerk. Mr. and Mrs. David Mycre. of 309 Seuth Twenty-second street, will meter en Friday te Brens Mills, where they will spend the week-end ut their cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. Myers will go next week te Atlantic City, uliire they will remain for a week eer the Christmas helldajs. The Tollewlng women acted as host esses at the card party given en Men day aftomeon at the Bellevuc-Stratfcrd by the Women's Club of Philadelphia for the benefit of crippled children: Mrs. Geerge Yeung, Mrs. Mary G. .. .- ... .'..n. wtvtKt i. . r leiK. Airs. MIfv Ptlscllla Week', daughter of Pr. and JIr. S. Merrill Weeks, of 815 feeuth Ferty-elghth street, will enter tain Informally at two tables of bridge ut her home tomorrow afternoon. The marriage of Miss Nellie M. L. ..Tv"? liSrAylefaBSrm:' Mrs Edward Mack, of North Sixty, nue. Chelsea, formerly of Mount Airv second street, entertained at luncheon and Mr. Jeseph R. Kenderdlne. of Ger , yMterday yMterday mantewn. was Reimniefl i,i tv,. ...- c .j t. t .... .. count ne "j Immediate families en ac- &t -ffiWB rector of All Saints' I -. .. ...,n..ie, ictiur or All MaintS ' Mr. and .Mrs. Hany Tjsen of Ne-- rlstcwn, dance f m ' w"K.r .w'1,."??. I: will entcrtaln at a dinner. Club this vninU " i"t' ""'" e- Mrs. btewart Meln. of Overbroek. will j'ni ai a. luncneen. followed by t K!"se. omerrow afternoon. In honor of ;S Ch ,!? effl?Iated. After an Edgewood avenue, entertained at lunch KenderdiAVl2n "Z5 trr- Mrs. eon and bridge en Wednesday last In Kendcrdlne will be at Hum, after Jan- honor of Mrs. Stephen W. Olaser, of street ' -n-.J0?,?1 , ,and Walnut New Tork. The guests were Mrs. Ed Ed btreets, -vst Philadelphia. i mend Dale. Mrs. Jehn T. Kelly, Mrs. oe xAciciiB ijennnnrnr riquchtAK ..iu y. eujjpice, or tnis cltj', will take Si?" nebenUJIackayn frsSrH bridse party for Miss Leenliardt. m i.0 J"lrly wiI1 b0 held In Hely S&'TvenInc01 Ha"' 6l5 SpruCe 8treet Mr. and Mrs. Hen aril f!- Matinrv .e uebba Terry, X. y announce the en- BSment of their daughter. Miss AUce Mrs. Arne Lcenhardt, of .".24 Seuth Philadelphia, entertained at a card ? ?,'?f,ln street, whose marriage te Party at the home of ene cf Its mem it iJ"lam Supplec, son of Mrs. Wll- bers- Mlss Reslyn Lane, en Saturday of SeuUsel.'iVnsland yMiss Mtacli i-r'wwwl, Mrs' "ush J" Garrity. of ia a granddaughter of Mr lieblrt i?.6 Ha2.el a,ve"ue' entertained en Frl Crane, et UermantSwn "' itfL'XSrP .,L.0' $lr daughter. l JrarA A e,r the bride's aunt, sirs. R. Jennie teley of Btenten. after which Mr. and Mrs. Brown left for a Southern trip TUa t , T , "' hnii i..LcialJ L.,dB, of thls clt" w-ill t "sTsl?t';t''lrd anniversay celebra- tlen at Lubin's Cafe tomorrow evening. .Mrs, D. A. We-elnner. of Ov.rhreM, Hffl.,Wp,. ar s? ss ir e....- -!."" wewuuw .e. .uiss sr "-;?.?." j?,si The Christmas meeting of the Sigma Sigma Alpha Sorerltv will be held at the heme of MIsh Betty Cashner. of Oleneldcn. Pa. Plans will be made for a theatre party and dinner te be uhen Christmas week ln honor of ene of the members, Miss Mary Nlrdllnecr, ViS will leae frrPlttsburgh that weel.. i West Philadelphia c. JI.r- a.nrt Mrs- -hner H. Steer, of 32 .Seuth Jerty-clRhth street, entertained a few friends last evenlnfr. at a birth clay party. Among the guests were Mr. v-i Sr;3,0S"pl B' Selberllne, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Chambers. Mr. und Mrs. J. a. Sccretain. Mrs. Ilelen Gress, f Allen town, Pa; .Mr. Jos-eph H. Batten, Mr. Harry M. Liebc, Mr. Oscar Dl'hm Mr. . R. Huelsbeck, of Xcw Yerk, and .,tr. ,s. s. xcff, 0f Pinequeld, Chile s. stVeet will .nfM ?f, 4E2 ?0Pn? follewed'' by I .re'a " the Maul factureis' Club today ' nu ' """ -"" "-"-"'h" 1. Bassrtt. r.t r.a?n ii... iantlc Cltj ipenume tllls ueel a' At- v.Ml nnd Mrs. Walter M. Ward of North Fortieth street, with their "eung son, will spend the winter in DaytenaT Mrs. Alma J. Middle, of Suhquehanna will spend arfew days wlih her mee'e Mrs. Charles n. Carpenter, of KeK;: nmtli and Walnut streets. Mrs. Btddla n.A..... i. .: -" viu Her Personal Choice Hosiery Our Hosiery Depart ment I a Just Inside the Doer MaWnrr it easy for "him" te select this de'iehtful Kjft jn "her" own shop. And the good geod goed lookinii Yulotide boxes add considerably te the quality 'of your present. Silk and Weel Hese $225 Winkelman St-jlc in Quality Footwear 1130 Chestnut Street ut Twelfth The maniage of Mrs. r.elchert te Mr. James Dawseri Brown fer. Mlw Helen Enrlght. Miss Ger U. b. .N., of Jlacen, Ge., took place en I'.VJ36 , Le,enard. Miss Louise Shoe!. Tuesday. December C. at tha rSnen ?? 9 Louise Barr.Mlss Ethel Ledder I 2S5U& '&(W' iw .f.rl .Rw rEVENING PUBiSg LBERPHILitpBLPHlA, V WEDNESDAY. J IK Introduced Tomorrow M1BS LUCY 8. JCFFBRYS Daughter of Dr. and Jrs. William. Hamilton Jefferys, of Oransteun, Chestnut UilL tche will make her debut at a tea which Mrs. B. Frank Clapp, of 1908 iraJnuf street, icill give at her home tomer' row afternoon. A dinner and theatre party icill fellow for the, receiving patty, nhich u,dl b chaperoned by Jfc Jefferys' brother -in-hiw and rl'trr Hr, and .lfr. Algernon R. Clapp will leave en Wednesday. December 27. for Miami, Fla,, where she will spend the winter. Oveibreck, are spending several weeks Mrs. William A. Thompson, of 1213 Mtt W Ml A. Tliemri lmea J. Duffy and Mrs. Jehn P. Mc Glynn. Mrs. Glaser, who spent the summer at Chelse? lias closed her ln a ' Iiere and la new eccunylne her home qn Riverside Drive. New Yerk. She i w-as Miss Itabl McNeills, of Wca - nnaaeipnja. i l nn f'ni METin.i an rtrrir v .if wie. ernuun. ,M,'.M thnr.ne Stenebaek. daushte 4943 SValnut street, wni rurn te ' her nems lomerrow rrem Penn Hall. Cham bersbur?, Pa., where she. attends school .? Mends of Mr. William Lewer, will be. glad te learn that he Is rece- An erlns from a severe illness, which has confined him te hl3 home at the Mailyn Apartments for several weeks. i j V Vti ' " Kuuais in- yucj ,,ic Iks Marv Smith ua f,. Miss Margaret Enflght. Miss E. Reglna Garrlty Mr. TVilsen Slcan. Mr. Jeseph Su,r.k?',Mr- Owen Haines, Mr. Herman Peltstiing, Mr. Steve Franklin. Mr Themas Smith and' Mr. Edward T Gar- rtty. ua x. uar nSSVSrj'J?. PY?. te Miss SC'e sr Tn Tuesrtav oveninir re.n.v. c .--' &gk.s!"5..v55r6-BS as Bessie Cernell. Mlsa Jessle Maclntyre ' ?.Ilss Mar,?? ret Latimer. Miss Helen'1 niers, Miss Sallle Geldberc, Missi lorence. Stern, Miss, Ellse Stelti, Miss Lmma Sepal, Miss Theresa ScIIr, Miss ' JJ?llna?- led'' ,-Mls? Mary Herkert, i M,s ,1!,tl,rvn, Bhes. Miss Emma 0ber Mrft Sel1?' Mra- William Jacobs, ' iliiillniMy k- "- MMm mi Bta-';' ' t iMHIBr, '' "tHMHI H B''' r 'H Urn I mWKtfci&:J9 BONWIT TELLER Gt, CQ 3heSpcaa&uShopfOnauvibenA CHESTNUT ATC13th STREET Special for Presenting Extraordinary Reductions en Dresses lS te Y-2, OFF TpACH year at this time, in order te make room for the incoming stocks of Frecks for Southern Wear, we assemble several hundred Dresses in both the Women's and Misses' De partments and reduce them drastically for clear ance. This collection includes the most ad vanced modes for late winter and early spring and presents the most exceptional values of the season. DRESSES FOR WOMEN AND MISSES Daytime Dresses18.50 te 39.50 Afternoon Dresses 39.50 te 125.00 Dinner Dresses 45.00 tQ 135.00 Evening Gowns 59.50 te 1G5.00 Fermerlu priced up te 255.00 Featuring Pairet Twill, Kasha Cleth, Du vwj'fi, SdJi'fi Canten, Canten Oepc, Civpr tihe'va, Cicpt; Mongelc, Crcpc Rcne'e, Cicjje Je Chine, Matclassi; Velvet, Drc uJi'i, mdal cloth and Crepe Chiffen WOMEN'S DLP1.. SECOND J LOOR 5 - A? iTrwr;v ;: Mr&; M. Jacobs, Mr. Milten Sellg and Mr. Michael Oressberg. Mrs. Doerae W. Urnulwrt. of 4217 Pine street :, hasgene te Atlantic City, accompanied by her daughter, Mm Harry Baubler. of Brnnlen, Manitoba They are staying at the Hetel Tray mere. Mr. and Mrs. William Tey. of 320 I i!V iCTilTJALi North Thirty-third streM. are receiving ,''-Uxt also in S ?Aiii. nVi, congratulations upon the birth of a I nln ncxl aIS0 ln hour f Miss Hlcli. daughter. , Th, m.lrrnge of Mfq Gl.ar c Bat. t".rsi daughter of Mrs S. Batteraby, Nnrtli PIilt,irfnlnl,!rt ' 2,1 ?54 . iia5t r'helten nvenu. te Mr. iMerlll l llllaaclpllia jPhlllp J. O'Jtellly, also of Geimantewn, Mrs. William Alsberg. of 190t West I w,?,?,eI',nn.l,zr'd, November 29 In the Venango 3treet, is entertaining her , g JJ fn et the Immaculate Conception, niece. Miss DoreUiy Mitchell, uf t:e- H""i! ?"'? Price streets, Father Hlg lumbus, O., for a few weeks. ifi!? A- V8;. Afier a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. O Relllv will occupy Miss Elsie Guldman. of New erk, their new home at 104 North Cliften Is visiting Mrs. Beniamln F. Bernhelm, ! avenue. Sharen Itlll " of 6529 NerUi Thirteenth street. , -- The marriage of Miss Blanche Dem- , ffnlmnchtirn bow, of 4601 Old Yerk read, and Mr. nuimcSOUrg Samuel Frank, of this city, took place I The Emergency Aid of Holmesburg en Sunday evening at the Apelle Hall. will give a dance et the Terresdale Gelf 3& flone'mbeJterore ' Ub' " Th '. D-emb"' nrme, nctea as maia or noner. ana .Mr. j Harry L. Dembcrw, brother of the bride, was best man. After an extended wed ding trip te Niagara Feils Mr. and Mrs. Frank will be at home after Feb ruary 5 at 4950 North Eighth street, Legan. Seuth Philadelphia A nrctty wedding took place In the Bnal Reuben Synagogue, Sixth and Kater streets, en Sunday evening. lie- OJiiaiuiUQi niAiii auu cember 3, when Miss Frances Wagman, rintivf-itfti. ftf Afi- nnrl fra Afnrrln Wnr- man, of 1518 Seuth Second street, be- ca-no me enue ei inr. juntpn uerii- stein, of 1354 Ridge avenue. The bride was attended by her slstr, M' " ' N. Wagman, and Mr. Jack Uernsteln, a. brother, was best man. Alter a reception at the home of the bride's i mother Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein left for Atlantic City. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev Dr. A. Neuman, at S213 Diamond strct A bazaar for the Catholic Missionary Society nill be held tomorrow Krldiv and Saturday, at 507 Seuth Ninth street. There will be fancywork and lum-heeii and supper will be served. Germantown On Monday. December IS. the Wern- Mv. .M..U. M.I11 -I..A n 1..hmI.aah n 1 AAtAAi. i... rruTAm. ttim. p..i .... ' hostess. At 2:30, Miss Jane Campbell win speak, ner suuject netng -f ride : a reading by Mrs. Jehn R. Mlnehart will fellow, and later a vocal sole by Miss Ethel France. On Thursday aft ernoon, December 21, the Current Events Class of the club will held Its meeting In the chapel of the First Methodist Church, at 3:30 o'clock. Mr Warwick James Price will address the class en "Resettling the Turkish Quea- uen. """ Mr. and Mrs. I.etils B. FvUnk. of IT West Upsal street, have Issued IrrWta- t'ena for a small dance en Friday ee- rang, uecemDcr a. it. noner of their Miss Amllla Runk. Thn eiiMta n-m k from the school set. 1 1 Invitations have been Issued by Mr I and Mrs. Andrew Johnstone, of 5353 ' Magnelia avenue, te ths marriage of their daughter, Miss Esther Clark'ie'n ' Johnstone, te Mr. Donald Emery Mc- ( Cemas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C McComas. of 736 Church lane, en Wed nesday evening, December 27. at 7.J o'clock, in the Church of the Re- I decmer. The Sigma, Lambda Nu Fraternity l "Instant popularity bursts upon the debu tante who has acquired poise and graceful car riage." Marguerite Walz The WALZ STUDIOS 1604 Walnut Street Ballroom, Ballet and Stage Dancing Booklet and Hates C'pett Uejiteit Spruee 3231 Thursday tf MISSES' DEFT.. FOURTH FLOOR w will give Its Christmas dance at the. Pel ham Aute Club en December 25. On Saturday evening last Miss Mary Margaret nic; li, of Germantown, enter tained at brldea In honor nf Miss Gerald Jllch, of Augntta, Ga who Is viMiinu .ir. anil .Mrs. Geerge P. Kicn for tlie Chrlstmus holidays. Mr. and M,r,f- wl. ?S?- 'f '. "avlds, Miss Nanry Smlthfleld, of Heading Is visiting Mr. Donald T. Helden, of nnawti street, for a Kevcr.il weeks' stay. ' Thf Fe-Iivi Itcle will be entertained I tomorrow ut the home of Mrs. Thomae Moere, of Frankford. The guests will be Mrs. Leenard Weber, Mrs. Fred Leng,' Mrs. Lewellyn r.A-e. Mrs. Jehn Wear. I Urs. Frank .Trnlt. T.rru ni.hr it.,a and Mrs Walter Tetter. ... . Mis ITf.len Perter, of Cottman street. win entertain at cards at her home en rrldav aftprnrnn TIia m,,&p. .i. .m Include the members of her flve hurdred I xvt ' .. ' "' ' nss r.iyrtle Andersen. Miss Helen Breu-n TlQ. r,i irvui,...' 5i?h . ,nman- ..M.B3 Margaret Ldlth MacDonald. iSorristeivn Miss Vcrda Anders, of Stalibrldge , sireet. observed hi.,. ruf,..rtM, ui-u Riirnri ,, i . . wa Siven rrl-nrl? ' r by l"n,v of ,icr da en Saturday, when rhe was given Miss fcrnllle II Lee, of the Nerrls. Is spending a week as the gust of her sister. Mrs. Charlea SUIiman, cf Wash i Ington, D. C. Mr and Mr.". Samuel K. Brecht, erf 11 Eagle read, Manea, Pa., entertained en naturuav in celehmtfnn nf rhA AinV,fiAu Jj!ni,ay anniversary of Mr. Brecht's mother. Mrs. Sarah K. Brecht, of 9H i c.-i. .nii-anaii sireei. .orristewn. Mrs Brecht has four children. fourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. 'Saf- Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Established 1837 Until Christmas This Stere Will Be Open te 6 P. M. What $1.00 Will Buy for 'Christmas at Allen's Powder and Toilet Water $1.00 Each A bottle of Mary Garden Toilet Water, attractively boxed, regularly $1.50. Heubigant's purse size Ex tract in Quelques Fleura or Ideal. Hudnut's Toilet Water in Violet Sec and ether odors, attractively boxed. Large powder compact with puff, in decorated box. Twin compact in decorated box. A Bettle of Pinaud's Lilac Toilet Water, a geud gift for men. Hudnut's Three Flowers powder compact. A bottle of Heubigant's Tal cum Powder in Quelques Fleurs or Ideal. Angelus Lemen Cream. Stockings $1.00 A pair of wool-ribbed hose for a child or young woman. In gray or brown mixtures. A pair of black lisle hose with lace clocks. A pair of cotton .stockings with unbleached sole. A pair of lisle stockings in black, white, beige, navy or brown. Handkerchiefs $1.00 Three women's linen hand-' kerchiefs in a box. Three women's or men's inifialed linen handkerchiefs. An embroidered handker chief in white or a color for a woman. A manV pongee huidker i'hiet' with hand cording in a iolev. Sin children' h a ml k .re hi el's in a DECEMBER 13, Moercstotvn Dr. and Mrs. S. Kmlen Stokes gave a dinner-dance at the Field Club for sixty guests en Tuesday evening, December 6. Mr. B. J, Sulton, cf Wesd Main street, has gene te upend rome time In Miami, Flo. Miss Edith Linten and Miss Eliza beth Dillingham, of New Yerk, ere lsltlng their aunt Mrs lealah Linten, of East Central avenue Dr. and Mrs Bat tone Llmer. Mr. and Mrs Geerge ITImer and ltarry Beurcnu havectne te Frultland, Fla., te tpend seveal weeke. WALNUT Mat.Tedir, S0c te $1.50 KIOKTS AT :20 PAULINE LORD In Euiene O'KelU'i HtterpUy ANNA CHRISTIE With OEOEOE MABION. FEANK SHAHNON r ct'ni- n hri In trmiT n '-Tin ACADEIT OT MUSIO BURTON HOLMES 75c, $1, tl.SO &t AciJ. It Htppe's &0e ut Doer DESMOND I.en. r & CumtrlDl ., NiRbtlx t 8 in Jtsta. Tui.. Ttun.. Pat "STY"UZ UtMINU UtKllt J UAKItK i WEDDING I KM) ENtin.WKD II 1. I w'- AVX'nrvmirvri I ether Strlf. Net KnicrSTtd n i.ven nr inn I Write or pl-en Wilnut 23-23 for I latit: atrnplen and correct form. Vkejui cmravtuc eney. 811 U'vlnut St.-' IVlcCLEES GALLERIES 1507 Wilnut St. Beautiful Xinas Gifts Choice Mezzotints Hare Proof Etchings Fine Framinj Paintings Restored Estimates Cheerfully Given Attractive Novelties of All Sorts $1.00 Each Twe pairs of scissors in a colored leather case. A box of stationery in any one of six different tints; 48 envelopes and 48 sheets of paper. A pure linen towel with hem stitched ends and damask bor der. Third fleer. A scrap basket, in green or natural colored wicker. Third fleer. A hairpin box in blue or rose brocade. Third fleer. A black cat or black deg deer step. Third fleer. A pair of shoe trees and a shoe horn prettily painted. Third fleer. A painted cover containing two Bridge score pad?. Third fleer. A lovely hair bandeau. Sec ond fleer. A bouquet or an orchid in a box. Second fleer. Muslin Underwear $1.00 A ceivet cover with tucks upil filet or embroidered edging. An envelope chemise, tai lored or lace trimmed. An embroidered nightgown with low neck and .short sleeves. A high-necked nightgown with a tucked yoke and a riitlle All of these en .Second fleer. Gloves 1.00 a Pair A pair of children's, mocha wool-lined mittens in brown or gray. A pair of nwiimii ur ji cnuci in geed line uf eolern. A pair e!' "J.-;: , gloves in black, u,-. A pair of 'J-v!.,.. holiil-celor A pa"' 0l box. lunibskiif glee.s w mm JO- ' L y V 1922 liKjj j'iiAj 'usa;v SP"VB im ww zr tmt VAUD DAILY MATS.. III! KTE3. ' " 5PICE OF LlF 8YI.VIA CLAnKi, I FKANK OAIBY inCKEY BKOXHERS I JIIUA KELETY Hits Dull. Irn DMrer. Knyminrt Oreen THREE WA1NRIOHT BISTEK8 i?IONDON TIVOLI GIRLS 12 (First Enjraemtnt if Th Wcnder Dancer in aiiii'im ii ADLLl HI petl, mt. Tomer. GRACE GEORGE in "te LOVE" &S& Vman Tre'W, Rebert Warwicl iveir qth crowded week LlKlU O EVE . 8:15 MAT. TODAY "DMIghtful operetta around remauis of pempejer.- inquirer. iJIOSSOA kt5ma rfnriiTjn I WITM OCXi'NAi 1X CAST jtAMsicc.fv IHHTllim tfin. ,-nfH pcenE Hcnr-nnnr's ew.v mcsie stehv rtir-nrPT's evev nevTANTE TSHMarmHe LAST 4 EVES. wH!rwweicgnHr Academy of Mmic Tomorrow Eve. 8.15 NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 1 DAMROSCH I BEETHOVEN ! conductor I PROGRAM i HIS FINAL APPEARANCE THIS SEASON Mr. Damroieh wlU rlre n uddrejt en th "Erelca." lympheny with iUuitratleai it the T'ekets t Acdemv & Hepe'i. 1119 Chsttaut I ACADEMY OF MUSIC METROPOLITAN OPFRA COMPANY. V. V. TtJES. eve t ORF1 FY tirst time DEC. 26, AT 8 1-Vmr.liE. I HERE Mmes. Aid, Bundelius, Mm. Jennien, Danlie, Mirdenei, Mile. Oalll, Mr. Bonflrlle te Cerps de Ballet. Conductor Monnzeal. Tickets Academy Bex Office and Heppe's. 5 fi ft ft ft ft ft ft ft & ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft wee glove.-. fZ for a M ft ft ft i very Huctte folers. I'rench ft --'". 1'iviH'li n I in brown. tlK T ft ft ft ft ft 1 ft fi ft M ft Era j ft 11l c ft b mm - ' -- . , u i. "iy - NfV-.T:R-TII "AII'CRT WWti , 11 A. SI. te 11 P. M. T"! Constance laimaege tV DAtTATIO.V OP PLAT "EASTlSWEST" A FinST NATIONAL ATTRACTION WKELSIE FERGUSON ..0rjTCAsr ADDED Hf'STnn hTATON . In "THE ELECTItIO HOUSE" PIFTRf YnN M'ORTD TAMOUrJ ric.its.j IUH roNrEriTenoANiUT STANTON) 16Tif AKD MARKET V. 11 30. 1'30 3 "0, in 7'30 D-30 COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION i-I FLOWER PARAMOUNT PICTURE no-" Playing Bf ( nt!rlen Tha'i-, " w Yerk at Jl 50 nnd $2 00 Admission OUR USUAL PRICES PREVAIL Daily, 3,V, 50c Eveninps, 50c, 7ec S&turdn- llsti and Heltdij-j Err. Prien ALDINEf 10TH AND CHEB1NUT JJ TO 11 'PRirB 50c METRO FIRST rRESENTATlON "Forgt-Me-Net" p.r;eTr r iri- n- OAtirTrr riTinrq OPE.N 0:43 A. It TO 11 15 P. M. BSOAD & CHF'TN'tfT A PsRAf'O""" P'CrnBZ "PRIDE OF PALOMAR" By PCTrn n tttvt; J. r.Xjjl-JQ A M. TO 11 is i p JJ Nerma Talmadge m!p ARCADIAinc,rnTs P.M LADY DIANA MANNERS "Glorious Adventure" 1!3$LL VICTORIA, i M MAE MURRAY ?VWAV CAPITOL"" we KET 5 PM ETHEL CLAYTON J ., GLOBE JUJ.-PFR 11 TO 11 PTC "'irri'TTTF hit c iTqrrjn, QUALITY AND QUANTITY AT NOMINAL PRICES BROADWAY llr ud A. Snviiei '.' IS 0 3H 0P.M. J5&TS "SKIN DEEP" ALLEGHENY ffiSS MILTON ,.SKIN DEEP'.0 IN COvjTTjjr-'0v -'tw -i-nrviTXE IPOPS KRVS V'.. wjtli A. MnrLet PVl'Ili ABROAD rtr Tediv chts at 8 15 & LAST C TIMES cJOttN DRlNKWATF5 ABRAHAM LINCOLN WITH FRANK McGLYNN AND COMPANy OF 3a BEG NEXT WEE;EATS rOMOEROW MANTELL and GENEVIEVE HAMPER IN SHAKESPEAREAN PL VS Men K nr Lr Tuts JIimlf w w. It chel eu rr. K. h.,h";.rrMr.. Ln''r fhen- of Vnc e r Jul U9 c-sVr Ker GARRICK IIATt-EE TOD-vv MOHTS AT 8 10 a if FUNHIEST MUSKAL HIT M TOWN i" JACK DONAHUE !CIQIf1ALGL0Sf rHEATRE NY CfiST FORREST $2 Matinee Today N'lfhti at ft 15 Last: : v. .eks rvv, - Ch.Tle. Ai' J Aft. ? t. ,,...,.. ms-ivi.'N HU IS.Star ' jfj'j ' YJ : y c,.t j)iil:2. frsrni ,BtlK0l'0LI'iiN IT 1! A I ( I I r, si MOUS1 I 1 I Vi tECOND SICCLSSFUL WLiK .15 anil 8:15 I'. M. Ste the Fighting Whalea. Brillicnt i'hoteplay Cast. A Whrtle of a Picture r " i r i i i if1' EITH-S THKATJtK MIS .111.11 T 'wJrr"li.pj,m7raM ruuiccbj jui quew tax i.i''i '..'".. "" i j i i - IMI.S F'Mt,eUm Acad., Wed. Eve., Dec. 13, 8:15 HEIFET i i At AD HU riruiii lll'i r i lflHlLUhLPM!A . . i ' ' ' " OXCHESlrtA ' ; , , MARION DAVIE S in. WAS IN 5 nss ST " ' J1 '-' v u u ft - ' ' ' ' " LaSinO 'I own ScanclaTa Wl'' lurr " " i..tun . .. r , . -: ti w VI m ill 'A a i A ti ' Iv. f.M i;a '.: -1 ) wS imis r t - -,"!- ryur,i)i r.l)1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers