Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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Fntr and continued coMtenight with
lowest about 20 decrees! Thursday preb
ably new or rain. Moderate winds.
11 112 I 1 I 2 I it I 4 I 5
24 2727"i28 j
I'ubllehcd Dully V.xetvl Sunday. Subscription Price tfl ft Tear lijr Mall.
Copyright, 1H22, by Public ledger Company.
VOL. IX. NO. 78
Entered as Socend-ClnM Mnlter Rt tee reitnfflei t Philadelphia, ra.
Under the Act of March 8. 1870
J23')23 124
k i ip s eeeM
Powell Crouches Before Court
Bench and Shows Hew He
Shet Circus Owner
Mrs. Brunen Yawns as Trial
Lags Judge Becomes
Ceal Dearth Menace
Brunen Trial Jurers
The coal shortnpe threatens te
pinch the tees of the jurors who
arc hearing the Brunen murder
case nt Mount Helly.
The Jurers nre staying nt the
Hetel Washington. Rlchnrd Lamb,
the proprietor, announced today
thnt lii hns hut n hnlf ten of coal
Un his bins. He sent out n cnll for
help throughout Hurlingten uenty
tedny. se that the trial mny net be
halted by the Jurers freezing te
Charles M. Powell, confessed mur
derer of "Honest Jehn" I'runen. re
rnirted the crime graphically today for
Supreme Ceuit Justice Kalli-i'li. in
court nt Mt. I Idly. N. J., using the
Judge ns hit "victim."
While every one in th court room
half reM te get a better view, Powell,
the State's principal witness ngninsl
Harry 0. Mehr nnd Mrs. Deris Bru
nen, stepped from tlie witness stand
and took the murder gun In his hand.
Then, nt Justice Knllsch's direction,
he crouched In front of the low judicial
bench, bent ns though hiding behind
the window ledge, ns he did when he
het nnd killed Urunen the night of
March 10 at Riverside. N. J., nnd
aimed the double barreled shotgun at
Justice Knliseh's head.
He even duplicated the sudden spring
from his crouching position, which he
Mild preceded the firing of the actual
shot through the window pane.
After the littie drnmu had been play
ed before Justice Knlisch and Judge
Wells and the jury the jurors indi
cated Hint they might go te the scene
of the murder Saturday te leek at the
house where the crime was committed.
Judge Orders Illustration
Justice Knlisch led te the dramatic
pertrajnl of the tragic deed when he
nsked Pewell: "Hew iiigu nbeve the
ground was the window through which
Ilrunetl was Mint?"
"As high ns my eyes," said Powell.
"Get down," ordered the Justice,
"and show us hew you did the shoot sheet
ing." Then came the re-enactment of the
crime, the only striking fenture of
the morning session of the trial.
The defense showed its hand for n
mevent today, Indicating that nn at
tempt will be made te prove that
Powell had committed the crime for
motives of revenge.
Powell, who spent the dny en the
witness stand yesterday, relating in de
tail the circumstances of the minder,
which he swore he committed because
of Melir's urgings, was en the stand
again today, the third of the trial, for
Mehr te Offer Alibi
Walter Keown, Cn'mdcn ntterney,
who Is conducting the defence, indicated
by his line of questioning that he hoped
c, te prove nn nlibi fur Mehr, and nlse
that the defence will try te prove that
Powell quarreled with Itrunen.
According te the theory, which It Is
evident tlie defense will advance, Powell
decided at tlie last moment te turn
Male's evidence and endeavor te fix the
crime en Meljr se as te save his own
The courtroom nt Mt. Hellv was well
filled when the trial resumed Its ses ses
Mens before Justice Knlisch, of the
State Suprenie Court, nnd Judge Wells.
The witness gave the same evidence
of great coolness thnt he showed yes
terday, parrying many of the questions
(irted. .Tnnathnn Kclscy, County Prose Prese
cutor. went te his defense frequently,
and Justice Kallsch halted the ntterney
(or the defense in following seemingly
inconsequential lines of questioning.
Trial Law Judge Yawns
Tlie cress-examination proceeded se
dully tlint .lustlie Knliscli nwned nnd
Judge Wells frifiientl,v Indulged in u
'lulet "stretch" te help keep awake.
Once .Iiisth e Knlisch get up nnd walked
around the judicial inclesurc.
Even Mis. Iinincn, who seemed
Mmievvhnt ncrveu at tlm beginning of
t he day's proceedings, grew weary and
rleepy, yawning behind her hand.
Jiutice Knlisch displayed signs of
impatience new nnd then, as once when
Mr. Keown was pressing the witness
about the date of n telegram, lie de-
Mntldnd "Dun' vnn knew that date"'
jiou've asked the witness that ever and
ever again."
The drowsy proceedings were enliv
ened hut once, nnd tl-nt by a "scrap"
between Mr. Keown and .lames Mer
cer Davis, one of tiie lenders of the
local bar, who is Pe .veil's alternej.
Mr. Dm in wns sitting behind Mr.
Keown, and everv new nnd then leaned
ever with n-word of advice for Prose
cutor Kelscy. Finally Mr. Keown
turned te Mr. Davis nnd Biiupped:
ou nnney me, Davis."
Yeu don't annoy me n bit," re
Plied Mr. Davis equably.
lawyers Make ITp
Justice Knlisch raised his brews and
Inquired what all the row was about,
iii," 'nv'K suddenly limed nnd said:
. I ve practiced here a longer time thnn
hns. I think I have a right temnke
uigfestieiiu te the Prosecutor if I want
The weary courtroom, delighted nt
the prevjiccts of IT fight, Mil up nnd
tmuklcd.. Justice Kiillse 'i uippid for
,,"1 want te enter n feiiual ohlcc ehlcc ohlcc
"en te Mr. Davis' uttliiule," said Mr.
"If he does It again. I'll consider an
objection," decided the Justice.
Once irnre tlie proceedings became
uuiuciiiiy nucleating le ilnihe tne till"
Continued en I'iieu Nlnetreii, inliimu l'uur
A. auart of cranberries will nrve
twelve person. Mnkes Iho finest
Vltte for redet beet or vtealt.
uy Eatmer brand, Adv.
Real Stage Remance
v, ",;&'. i ,!
Actress who was secretly married
en Sunday te William Scabury, 'a
dancer. They first met as mem
bers of the cast of a musical com
edy new running In New Yerk
secretly weds actress
William Seabury Becomes Husband
of Girl He Met en Stage
New Yerk, Dec. 13. Miss Margaret
Irving, nn actress of New Yerk and
Bridgeport new playing In "The Music
Bex Revile," wns married te William
Seabury, n dancer in the same show,
In Pert Chester, N. Y., Inst Sunday
evening. The murrlage was kept secret
until yesterday.
The couple were nccempanied from
New Yerk by three young women nnd
n man nnd were driven first te (ireen-
wich in a big limousine. Owing te the
fact thnt both nre non-residents, they
could net be married in Grcinwlcb
under the five dnys' law.
Mr. Seabury Is one of the nrlnclnnls
In tlie show as nn eccentric dancer.
Miss Irving pluyed the part of n woman
reporter. They met one another
through their work en the stage.
Jehn Mlskew, Gloucester, Hit at
Eighth and Willow Streets
Jehn Mlskew. of Gloucester, N. J.,
wna injured at 12:20 o'clock this after
noon when his automobile cel I riled with
a shifting locomotive at eighth and
Willow streets.
Mlskew was jammed back of the
steering wheel and bis chest nnd left
feet were Injured. He was taken te
Roosevelt Hospital.
Mlskew was nlenc in the meter nnd
wns driving south en Eighth street
when the locomotive started across the
intersection. The front of the nute
was smashed.
President Advised .en Consolidation
of Army and Navy
Washington, Dec. IS. (By A. P.)
Consolidation of tlie War nnd Navy
Departments into n department of na
tional defense, designed te function un
der n Cnblni't inen.bcr with assistants
In charge of the nrmy and navy re
spectively, bus been elelinltely recom
mended te President Harding by AVnI
ter P. Brown, bend of the commission
appointed te prepare a plan of gov
ernmental reorganization.
The President Is giving ferieus con
sideration te this and ether recom
mendations Mibmitted by Mr. Brown.
and may lay them before Cengiess
' within a week or two. accompanied by
a special message exnresslne the enln-
ion of the Administration en each of the
changes suggested.
heus"e of'cemmons
aids unemployed
Laberltes Endeavor te Keep 8esslen
Going Until Measure Passes
Ionden, Dec. 1.1. (Bv A. P.) A
supplementary estimntn for 1.000,000
for the relief of unemployment was
agreed te by the Heuse of Commens
early today toward the close of n slx-teen-lieur
session prolonged by tactics
of the Laber Party.
Tlie I.nberltes had agree yesterday
te try te Keep the Heuse in session
until it is prorogued Friday night in
an effort te force tlie Government te
tnke further steps toward the allevia
tion of unemployment.
Members of the party endeavored te
get the issue discussed at every available
I opportunity elurlng the session, but a
motion for cloture, mnde liv Stanley
llnldwin, Chancellor of tlie Exchequer,
' nt- nhnut 0 i.'IO n'Hnnlt tlili tnnrninfr. wnu
carried by n substantial majority. The
motion wns hnileel with cties of
"slame," "gng" nd "se-nndal."
HIROHITO gravely ill
Japanese Prince Regent Is Afflicted
With Measles
ToUle, Dec. 13. (By A. P.) An
iifliciiil bulletin issued by the imperial
household Inte tonight en tlie condi
tion of Prince Regent Hlrolilte, who Is
scileusly ill with measles, stated that
the royal patient's temperature steed
approximately 101 and thnt bis pulse
hud Increased from 10S te 110.
Daughter Thinks. Bad Liquor
Brought On His Despondency
Charles Berger, sixty years old, a
stationary engineer, wes found dead
with a ns imsc in IDs mouth (his
morning. Tlie body wnH iliscevered by
his daughter. Mrs. Mary Masterson,
,ns she went into the kite-hen te get her
, children lucakfnst. Slnce tlie elentli
,,f his wife Beiger innile his home with
his daughter, at 300S North Beusuil
Poisonous liquor he had taken wns
giu'ii as n teasen by .Mrs. Masterson
i .. lini fnelier'u menttil I'niullf Inn
lui m. ......... .......u..,
W. 1'AT.M HKAf'II & SMASH Ttiru fllmperfl
la rHiin-Allantle Ceiat Line W. Phlla.
6:47 I'. M. 11. SS A. M. 1609 Chtetnut St.
Says Choice Falls en Cameren
County Man Se Far as
He May Cheese
Favers State Budget, Prohlbi Prehlbi
- tien Enforcement and
Other Policies
C. .Tny Goednougli, of Cameren
County, today announced that he Is a
candidate for Speaker of the State
Heuse of Representatives. Governor Governer
elect PInchet Inter declared Mr. Good Geod Goed
nough's election would be entirely
satisfactory te him.
Support of Mr. Pinchot and his poll pell
cles, Including a proper enforcement of
the prohibition amendment, a State
budget system and reorganization of
several departments of the State Gov
ernment, was proclaimed by Mr. Good Geod Goed
nough as his platform.
Candidate Sees PInchet
The formal announcement wna mn.ln
from the Beilcvue-Stratferd after the.
candidate for Speaker conferred with J
Mr. Pinchot nt the office of the Gov-1
crner-clect In the Real Estate Trust
Building. Mr. Goodnough's statement
fellows :
"I am a candidate for election ns
Speaker of the Heuse of Representatives
for the session of 1023, If elected U,
that high office, I will support the Gov Gov
ereor and the Governer's policies te
the 'best of my ability.
"Se well known are the policies of
Governer Pinchot that thev hardly call
for spcclul comment. However, in
partiular, I advocate the passage of n
law adequate for the proper enforce
ment of the Eighteenth Amenilment. I
ndvecate a budget system by legislative
enactment whereby the receipts and
disbursements of the State Government
mny be co-erdinated.
"I ndvecate n reorganization of
the several departments of tiie State
Government that will make for greater
efficiency nnd prevent overlapping nnd
short renching. I recognize the equal
interest of men nnd women in all that
ceneernn the Commonwealth.
"I believe that all Interests should
receive careful consideration with th
single purpose of the grcntcst geed for
the greatest number, nnd I premise. If
elected, thnt se far as the Spenker Is
concerned, all will receive a square deal
nnd en this basis 1 respectfully solicit
the support of the members of the Leg
islature." Governer-Elect's Choice
Soen after the statement was issued,
Mr. Pinchot was asked le comment en
it. He said:
"Mr. Goednougli came te me before
announcing that be was n candidate,
assured me of his complete leynlfy enel
support If be were elected and nsked
for mv apprevnl of his candidacy.
"While I recocnlze that the choice
of a Speaker is a matter te be decided
b he TlKS. V Rerentatlvcsrand
while 1 hnve no desire whatever le
dictate te the Heuse. I have been miked
by members of the Heuse In such large
numbers te suggest a satlsfacteiy name
that I decided te de se.
"Accordingly. I assured Mr. Good Geod Goed
nougli that his election would be
thoroughly satisfactory te mn anel
thereupon made It known that my
choice, se far ns it was proper for ine
te have one, had fallen upon him."
Na Factionalism Seen
The Governer-elect hns been can
vassing the speakership situation for
several weeks nnd It has been reported
that Mr. Goednougli would be his per
sonal choice. The candidate is n
"dry," he supported Mr. Pinchot in
the primary and the Governer-elect '
enrried Cameren County in the general
Political observers saw in the Govereor-elect's
recommendation n com
plete absence of factionalism. W.
Harry Baker, Republican Stnte chair
man, has been booming M. Clyde
Hnrer, of Lycoming County; the Oliver
interests in Pittsburgh are back of
Nelsen MVirnr, of Allegheny County,
and Jeseph R. Grundy is said te be
supporting Rebert S. Spangler, of Yerk,
who was deposed as Speaker In the
hectic last dajs of the 1021 Legisla
ture. Mr. Geed neugh Intends te send let
ters te all the Republican members of
tlm Heuse, inviting their supnert In
the Republican caucus at which the
speakership will be decided.
Confers With Tnulane
The Governer-elect today turned his
attention te Cabinet limber, lie con
ferred with Jeseph II. Tnulane, for
merly Assistant Distilct Attorney, who
has been mentioned for Attorney Gen
eral. Mr. Pinchot hnd never met Mr. Tan
lane before. It was understood be
wanted te form n first-hand impres
sion of the man who prosecuted ninny
notable cases while nn Assistant Dis
trict Attorney.
The Goveiner-clect, it is said, hns
mnile no decision legnrdTng Cabinet ap
pointments nnd is merely canvassing
the situation. He also had a confer cenfer confer
cnee with Franklin Spencer Edmonds,
State Reprcsentnte fiein the German
town district, who may lie Mr.
Plnchet's tloer leader in the Heuse.
The Governer-elect had planned te
leave this city for Washington this aft
ernoon, but changed his plans because
lie lias been selected ns an honerarj
pallbearer for Jehn Wanamakcr's fu
ncrnl tomorrow.
Mr. Pinchot had an nppelntment
with President Harding tomorrow nt
neon, but it lias been postponed. He
will leave for Washington at 8:25
o'clock tomorrow afternoon for the
dinner Congressman Vnrc is giving In
his honor.
State Representative C. Jay Good Geod Goed
nougli Is a business man of Emporium,
Cameren County, mid has been a mem
ber of the Heuse since I0M. lie In n
"dry" nnd Is especially fninrcd for
speaker by women leaders, such eh Mrs,
Leali Cobb Marlen, eif tlm dnieu's
Christian Temperance I'liiem.
Mr. Goednoush was born In Alio Alie
j'.'Miy County, New Yerk, in 1807.
Af-er reeelvliiir an education in the
public schools tiii're his family meed
te Cameren County in mm Mate In
18S8. He was elected prothenotary
and clerk of the courts In 189-1 and
erred four terms.
May Be Speaker
Cameren County business man who
lias support of Governer-elect
Pinchot for State Heuse pest
Taft and Edisen Among These
Asked te Serve as Honorary
Pallbearers Tomorrow
Distinguished men from many cities
and many walks of life will nttend the
funeral of Jehn Wanamnker. which
will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock in Bethany Presbyterian Church.
This Is the church which Mr. Wnna
maker founded, nt Twenty-second and
Bal abridge streets.
A pnrtial list of the honorary pall
bearers, made public today, includes
some of the most distinguished men of
city, State nnd Natien.
Among these invited nre Governors
Sproul. of Pennsylvania, and Miller, of
New Yerk, nnd Governer-elect Pin
chot; Mayers Moere, of Philadelphia,
nnd Ilylnn, of New Yerk; Cardinal
Dougherty, Bishops Crane and Berry,
nnd distinguished clergymen of various
denominations; Chief Justice Tnft, of
the United States Supreme Court ; Jus
tice Schnffer, of the State Supreme
Court, the Judges of the county courts,
nnd eminent members of the professions.
Anether distinguished public man lif
vited te serve ns nn honorary pall
bearer is Themas A. Edisen. William
Jennings Bryan nlse has bc'n invited.
Telegram were sent te the members of
the Beard of Education, en which Mr.
Wanamaker served for many years, re-
." tcm, with WllHamDik. sec
rctary of the beard, te nttend in n
The beard will meet Just before the
services, und then proceed te the
The complete list of these aked te
serve as honorary pallbearers fellows :
Scnnter Pepper, Senater Reed, Gov Gov
ereor Sproul, Governer-elect Pinchot,
Mayer Moere. City Solicitor Smyth,
Mayer Hylnn. New Yerk; Oscnr
Straus. New Yerk ; Nathan Straus,
New Yerk ; Bishop Jeseph E. Berry,
Geerge S. Graham. William .lennlngs
Bryan. II. Gorden Selfridge, Londen.
William U Nevln, Geerge W. Stull,
Jesiali Bunting. Alfred G. CInv. Wil
liam C. Haddock, Jeseph D. Williams,
Frederick Uehmnnn, tiorden H. Cllley,
Franklin N. Brewer, Preston P. I.vnn
New Yerk ; Jeseph H. Appel, New
Yerk ; Jehn W. Appel, New Yerk ;
Judge Norris S. Bnrrntt, Richard Weg
lein, Colonel A. M. Beltlcr, Cardinal
Dougherty, Bishop Crnne.
The Re7. Dr. Jeseph Krnuskepf, the
Rev. Dr. Russell H. Cenwell, Dr.
Charles Wadsworth, Jr., Percy L.
Craig, the Rev. A. Gorden Macl.cnnan,
D. L. Andersen, Hugh Black, T. T. ,
Continued en rote Nineteen. Column Six
Beard of Education Bus Rammed and Upset by Trelley Car
at Erie Avenue and Lawrence Street Twe Slightly Injured
Fourteen crippled children, en their
way te school in a Beard of Education
bus, were severely shaken up and two
of them slightly injured when a one
man trolley car collided with the bus
at Erie avenue Hnd Lawrence street to
day. Windows in the bus were shattered
"ns the big machine overturned amid
the screams of Its occupants.. A few
of the children were able te crawl out
through the broken windows, The
ethers nre se afflicted thct they were
unnble te help themselves until two
policemen who heard the crash came te
.the rescue nnd lifted them nut.
Twe lads, utterly helpless from
pnralysis of the lower limbs, were
slightly in lured nnd were rushed te
Samaritan Hospital In a taxlcab. They
are Nicholas Palmer, six years old, of
Amber nnd Ann streets, and Eelward
liaulk, twelve years old, of Frankford
avenue and Cottman street, l.ater in
the day they were sent te their homes,
The ether children huddled together
and shivvred in the cold until Mrs.
Elizabeth Huder, -130 Erie nvenue, In
sisted Hint they be brought te her home.
With the aid of nellcemen nnd tlm In-
jured chauffeur, she carried tliei-e who
nre. most seriously crippled, while the I
ethers limped nnil lieliDicil en crutches
behind her. All' were crjing from the
fright mused by the collision. Inside
the lieiuse, they were given warm drinks
te revive them.
Witness Tells nf Accident
"I saw the incident from my win
dow," Mrs. Under said.. "The bus
wns coming south en Lawrence street
nt a moderate speed and the trolley car
was going west en Erie avenue, but I
knew it ceu dn't step because Lawrence
street In a skip-step and they till run
past nt high speed.
Members of Beard Wait for Dr.
Reeves te Call Meeting
Dr. Baldy Asked
Lifting of Harsh, Archaic Dis
cipline at Holmesburg Must l
Come By New Year's
Seme members of the Beard of
Prison Inspectors expressed themselves
today as in favor of changes in the
rules at the Philadelphia County
Prison nt Helmeshurg, which were or
dered yesterday by State Welfare Com
missioner Baldy.
Dr. Baldy 'a order followed revela
tiens in this newspaper of conditions
nt Holmesburg. He told the Beard of
Prison Inspectors that the rules must
be chnnged by January 1.
Jehn Wngner, 237 Deck street, n
member of the beard, said the changes
requested were fenslble.
"I'm sure they will work out nil
right," said Mr. Wngner, "providing
we get the money te carry them out.
"Yeu will net need money te let
one convict talk te another," he was
"Ne, but if we must give mere feed
nnd I found the feed wholesome
then we must hnve mere money."
Sees Big Improvement
Trank Ktlceyne. nnethcr member of
ruSVV Saidy weTd
big Improvement
"If the law Is oueted correctly." he
snld, "I think Dr. Baldy has the power
te make these chnnges In the rules
which he has ordered. I think such
changes will be for the general better
ment of these confined in the prison."
A special meeting of the beard has
been suggested by Commissioner Bnldy.
but none of the inspectors hns benrd
from Dr. Jeseph M. Reeves, president
of the beard, who will have te call such
n meeting. The next regular meet
ing of the beard is en the second Mon
day In January.
In demanding reforms in the county
prisons Dr. Baldy ordered the elimina
tion of these conditions, which had
been specified in the Evening Public
Ledgi:r articles en the jail nt Holmes Helmes
burg: Dark cells or dungeons for the pur
pose of punishment of inmates.
The twenty-four-hour starvation
The rule against personal commu
nication. The rule against exercise.
The monotony of diet.
Harsh Treatment Ended
Tlie Grand Jury, which was ordered
by Judge Audenried te investigate con
ditions new has direct eildence of the
"punishment cells" at Helmesbun:
prison and the "starvation" discipline
Fiem an x-lnmnte who line served a
enr in the Ilelmesburg prison the
Grand Jurers obtained n description
of the dnrk cells and their numbers, to
gether with the names of present in
mates who have been punished for
laughing, talking nnd even singing.
The Grand Jury plans a surprise
visit te the big walled Institution at
Helmeshurg. Copies of the rules which
are posted In every cell and specimens
of the "puni'hment books" kept by the
Centlnurd sn Pace Nineteen fnlnmn Tnu
Temperature Dreps te 23, With
Snowstorm In the Offing
Today Is the coldest day this win
ter. The temperature was 2S degrees this
morning nnd only went up slightly
early this afternoon.
A further drop Is predicted for to
night when the temperature may reach
Snow Is In the offing nnd is expected
te arrive some tlme tomorrow.
"I saw the car hit the bus nnd saw
the bus topple, then I turned nwny,
sickened. A moment later I heard the
crash ns it turned ever and the screams
of the children. There wes another
trelley and automobile e-olllsien nt the
same corner two wJMts age.
"I pee the school bus pass every day
nnd the driver Is very enreful always
nnd drives at moderate speed. The
trolley car was going fnst."
Herbert I, Hungretmnrt, 3855 Percy
street, miterninn en the one-man trol
ley, was anested by Traffic Patrolman
Costelle and Serjeant Christmnn. of
the Fre tunnel Westmoreland streets
station. The drhcr of the bus, Charles
Haspel, 207-1 East Atlantic street, was
also ai rested and both will have hear
ings tomorrow.
Complete Journey te Scheel
The children remained In the home of
Mrs. Huber and played games after re
covering from their shock until taxlcabs
were summoned nnd took en te their
studies nt the Hern Scheel for Crippled
Children, nt Frankford nnd Erie
These in the bus when it evci turned,
it" addition te the two injured lads
were .lames Tlrjnnt, thirteen wnrn old'
L'Tl.'l Upi Ichiro sheet; Walter Slenke
wicz, eleven, e(27 Melrose street;
Hai old Schmidt, thirteen, 1(175 Grant
street. William Mitchell, eleven, -ir71
Wlrta street; Fied Wcyer, ten, JS2il
East Venango street ; Walter Fnwke"w
thirteen. HI'JT Elmere street; Dorethv
West, twelve, 10."I7 Fllmore street":
Harry Smith, ten, L'lil-t E.ist Venango
street; Delia Ilevrn, nine, Frankford
nvenue; Ttesn Vilette, twelve, 4T27
Werth street; William Ertle, eight.
8417 Emerald street, and Elweied
KleliardH. 20M Llpplncett utreet.
U. S. Endeavoring te Keep
France Frem Ruhr Basin
President Sees Peril if Threat te Seize Ger
many's Ceal Deposits Is Carried Out.
Regards Situation as Grave
eiilT Corrrseienilrnt
CopvrieM, 10!3, bv
Washington, Dec. 13. The Ad
ministration is doing its utmost te
keep the French Government from the
Ruhr cenl basin. ,
It has been in communication,
through its Ambassadors abroad, with
the foreign governments Involved and
will continue its efforts until the time
of the next meeting of tlie Allied Pie
infers e:t Jiinuiny ".
Tlile Is the intcrpieti.tiiiii te be put
upon the White Heuse announcement
that "This Government is doing nil it
can te bring about n satisfactory re
adjustment in Europe."
The crisis en German reparations,
which the Picsidcnt is described ns
considering "very acute," is u recur
rence of the crisis which faced Secre-,
tnry Hughes ns seen as. he entered office'
in March, 1021. At thnt time. France
wae threatening a military movement
upon Germany, whose object wus the
occupation of the Ruhr Basin, nnd the
influence of the I'nitcd States was ex
erted te avert the French advance.
U. S. Attitude Unchanged
The attitude of the United States
wns mnde clear nt that time in a note
which Sir. Hughes wietc te the German
Minister of Foreign Affairs and se far
as can be learned it remains the atti
tude of the United States today. Mr.
Hughes wrote en March ''!), U)l!l :
This Government stands with the
governments of the Allies in holding
Gcrinnnv icupoiiMble for the war,
and, therefeic. morally bound te
make reparation, se tnr ns may be
possible. The icingnitien of ' this
BERNE, SWITZERLAND, Dec. 13. The strike of. 4000
Swiss printers will be called of tomorrow after having been In
effect nearly four weeks, It was announced today. Nene of the
essential points contended for by the strikers has been conceded,
according te the employers. Seventy-five per cent of the
workers will be re-employed, it is stated.
VICTORIA, JS. ti.t Dec. 13. fcj a rote of 25 te 17, the Brit
ish Columbia Legislature decided te drop for this season dis
cussion of proposals te sell beer by the glass In the province.
This disposes of a plan for a plebiscite en the question.
PPMPnQP QnnnuT tipfd qamc unr.nr
Wanted Baker te Get Him te
Meet Debts Incurred by Cun
ningham, Says Witness
Senater Penrose Inst December, al
though en bad terms with Jeseph It.
Grundy, feucht te have Grundy raise
money te discharge debts incurred by
Themas W. Cir.ninshnni as head of
the Ilepiiblicm Alliance
TliH was one of the disclosures
mnde today before Judge Gummey, in
the Orphans' Court, who heard testi
mony en Mr. Cunningham's claim
of $26.521). 05 ngalust the Penrose es
tate. The evidence gave n glimpse of
some "Inside politics" here in the last
three cars.
W. Ilarr.v linker. Republican Stnte
chnirmnn, nnd l.elghten C Tuvler, who
wns Senater Peni one's secretary, were
the only witnesses evamined today. Tlie
hearing wns continued e thnt Jeseph
O. Gllflllan, counsel for Cunnlnghnm,
can produce nn Important witness whom
lie described ns n New Yerk business
ninn nnd a former member of the Na
tional Committee.
Although it wns net developed In
court, it is understood that Mr. Cun
ningham was authorized by the Sena Sena
eor te borrow menej used toward finnnc
lug Mayer Moeie's prima- , campaign
nnd also used in the flclil for attempt
ed control of the Uepublicnn City Com
mittee. The testimony today showed that Mr.
Baker, then secretarj of the State com
mittee, bad been commMienud by the
Scnnter te have Mr Grundv collect the
money te reimburse Cunningham.
Senater Potuee, shert'y before his
death en December 151 of last year,
apparently believed the Cunningham
claim had been taken care of. according
te Mr. Tayler, although Mr. linker
testified the Senater died before be,
linker, saw Mr. Grundy.
Few Persons In Court
Although politicians had been look
ing forward te the hearing in the be
lief seme utarlllng facts would be de
veloped, there were few in the court
room. James Cellins Jenes wns there
ns counsel for the Pentese cMnfe. Mr.
Cunniughnm snt betide Samuel Dun
bar. who hnd charge of ilie Senater's
Philadelphia office. (Their Nell and
Jehn Voerl.ces, who wcie connected
with the old Uepublicnn Alliance, tat
nenr Cunniughnm.
Mr. Haker, the first witness, ndjust
ed bis bern-rlmnied spcctwlcs when lie
Centlnurd en r Nineteen Column Ilvo
Whn Yem think of Writing.
Think et WIltriNO. iciv.
l-:rnlnir riiltlle I.eler
.PtiMIe Ledger Cempanu
nhlirntimi seems tn the Government
I of the United Stntcs the only sound
basis en which can be built a firm
and just peace under which the vn-
lieus nations of Europe can achieve
' once mere economic independence and
1 stability.
The important words in this quota
tion are that this Government holds
Germany "morally bound te make rep
aration." "but only se far ns mny be
Since that time the sltuntien has
changed. Tlie e'oiiipienilse en repara
tions which wns effectcd was regarded
'by many Amciican statesmen like Sec
retary Hoever as practicable. Ihcrc
wes a new Government in the United
States from which thl French perhaps
hoped for n greater disposition te help
in the restoration eif Europe than it has
since exhibited. Since then It hns been
shown that Germany enn de less tewarel
the payment of reparations thnn It wns
belleveel in 1021 thnt it could and the
United States hns disappointed French
hopes of aid. Our moral influence in
the present crisis is somewhat lessened
nnd n practicable compromise Is harder
te obtain.
Administration's Task Difficult
What practical thing the Administra
tion can de te stny the band of the
French once mere Is hard te see. The
allied debt funding law has been passed
and the non-cancellation of tbc foreign
borrowing during the war hns been
made the! policy of the country both by
enactment of this and by the repeated
declaration of the Administration. The
Clemencenu mission te this country has
Something mere substantial than n
Centlnnrd en rose Nlnetern Column Te
iCIemenceau in Rare Geed Hu-
mer as He Paces Deck of
Departing Liner
"Tiger," 81, Travels
5605 Miles by Rail
New Yerk, Dec 1.1 Geerges
Clemencenu, the elsh y-one-vear-eld
statesman of France, arrived In the
United States en November IS for
Ills extraordinary sneaking tour
During his stay of a 1'ttle mere than
three weeks he tmveled 5005 miles
In n private e-ar. vist ed ncnrlv n
dozen cities and town in the East
and Middle West and delivered si.
teen addresses, Inn;; and short, i nn
effort te convince the Natien flint it
ought te resume nn active partieipa partieipa
tien In European affairs.
He declined jestcrday tn av hew
much he believed he had a'ccom a'ccem
pllshed. but declared he hnd been
received "mere wnrmly than I hnd
expected" nnd thnt he "hoped"
much geed might come out of his
By AtseHatrd Press
New Yerk. Dec. 18. His spenklnu
mission ended. . Geerges Clemencenu.
wartime Premier of France, sailed for
I '"""" u" i" 1 1 cuiHsa i p i-nris today, ele-
s-mring ue weutii return again, "but
only ns n ghe't."
The nged stntesmnn, who closed his
KtrenueuR tour with a short speech
before the American Committee for
Uevastatcd I ranee last night, ap
peared in fine health and rare geed
humor ns he took his place en the
upper eleck te watch New Yerk vanish
behind him.
..rr,ust.,l',cfere,t,h.e 1nrl' rst off. the
'"llger" kissed Mrs. Charles Dana Gib
son en both checks, lnughlnzlv en
joining lier net te "dure te tell her
husband." Mr. and Mr. Gibsen wc.
I Clemencenu s hosts during his May heie
i last month.
Others at the pier te see him off in-
i dueled Jules J. Jiissernnd. the Pre,
Ambassador te Amm Inn ,..i w.. .. .
serand; Gasten Lleberl. the rr'eiielw
. ..i.eui iii-iv; luiuneM tj, .M Heuse, who
arranged the "Tiger's" American
speaking tour, and Ilcrnaid M
Clcinenceeu, who spent last night en
the Purls, wns up nt o'elee-k this
morning, and after a breakfast of
grapefruit, bam, eggs nnd coffee, tlie
CMttnavd rc NlnUn. Celumn Thr
- Vv
Naval Bill Before Heuse Calls
for Negotiations With Euro Eure
pean Nations and Japan
i Armament Construction Cem-1
i petition, New in Sight, Would
Be Prevented
Similar Proposal Brought For
ward at Washington Con
ference Was Unsuccessful
Ru Amecintri Prett
Washington, Dec. 13. A reeineaf'
thnt President Hnrdlng seek te broaden '
the scope of the naval limitation agree
ment, se as te Include a limitation en ,
construction of smaller types of war
vessels nnd en military and naval alr-
I croft is included in the nnnunl nnvnl
j bill ns reported today by the Heuse Ap-
j proprlatlens Committee.
Under the bill ns brought into the
j Heuse, the President would be nsked te
open negotiations with Grent Britain,
France. Italy nnd Japan for nn ogree egree
ment which weulil limit future building
of nil surface and submersible types of
war craft having n tonnage of 10.000
or less, nnd en ull classes of nrmy nnd
nnw nlrcrnft.
In Its report the committee pointed
out thnt the nrms conference elld net
limit the number of types of smaller
war vessels and added that information
had reached Congress "that already
large programs are planned of vessels
up te the maximum size permitted un
der the agreement nnd that new nnd
lnrger types of subsurface craft have
begun te put in nn appearance."
"In ether words, the report con
tinued, "competition Is en again in the
single direction te which the unratified
agreement does net extend, nnd if it bs
nlleweel te go uneheekcel the purse
strings ngain must be relaxed and this
Government, like nil ethers, will be con
strained te launch upon n new program
te the extent nece'-ary te keep us at
least abreast of any of the ether Pow
ers." Would Relieve Burden "
The committee prefaced its recem- i
mendntiens by n review of thq ac
complishments of the Washington con cen
fernce, declaring nn "enormous bur
den" of expenditure already bad been
renieveJ by the stepping of work en
the lnrger types of warships, and that
much geed had resulted from the limi
tations planed upon gun calibers and
ether building
"The splendid ccJiIevements of that
conference." the rcnert continued.
"need net be recited here. Although the
uj.,i-i-u!i;iii I'liti'ii'u iiiiu !ia hoc ueen
ratifieel by nil the participating .Gov
ernments. America Is looking forward
te that end.
"The conference did net. however,
limit the number or types of vessels
coming up te or under tlie ten thousand thousand
ten and eigltt-Run limit", cither in the
way of surface or suhsutfnee craft, nor
did it Impose any limitation whatever
en nlrcrnft.
"It Is the committee's Information
thnt nlrendy large preginms nre plnnned
of vessels up te the maximum size per
mitted under tlie ngreement and thnt
neve nml Inpfn. ..rtu f ..u . ..-r....-
v.. in. W..W- iii-Kiiii ie pin m nn nppear
nnce. In ether words, competition Is
en again In the slnule direction te which
the unratified agreement does net ex
tend. Duty of World Stntesmen
"In view of the premises, the duty
of the statesmen of the world seemfl
clenr. The.v ewe It te their respective
peoples te join In a new movement te
put n s-top once and for nil te the need
less diversion of vast wealth and energy
from the fields of penceful pursuit.
"The committee therefore is propos.
Ing In this bill that appropriate steps
no taken with the view te supplement
ing the epoch-making work which thf
conference en the limltntleu of arma
ment Initiated."
Ne information was immediately
available ns te tlie attitude of the Presi
dent and his Administration advisers
tow an the proposal, which was pro pre
pared bv Representative Kelley, Repub
lican. Michlgen. head of the sub-com-mlttce
that prepared the bill.
It was pointed out, however, that
an attempt te limit smaller wnr craft
wuuld carry forward an unsuccessful
i-ffert made by the American delegation
in the Washington conference.
This effort precipltnteil one of the
bitterest debates of the conference, tha
French taking tlm position thnt their
national interests would be affected
serleuslj by nil) curtailment of French
submarines nr either nuxlliary strength.
The eriginnl American proposal nt
the cenferenee contained a prevision
which would have limited new crulsere
ether than battle cruisers, flotilla lend
ers and destroyers and nil ether auxil
iary surface cemba craft te J1000 teiifi
displacement, fifteen knots speed and
i armament of net mero than four
five-Inch guns.
The propeml also would have ap
plied the "5-5-3 ratio" te auxiliary
surface craft, a limitation of -150.000
tens each being proposed for the United
Continued en Pn Nineteen, Column Thn
Mrs. Cehen Attributed Longevity te
Ability te Ferget Werries
Trenten, Dec. 13.- Mri. Sarah
ni.uilllll (nlien 1f)ft timi-ii ..III Tmnliintd
) ...... . ...., - - ,. ..(,! V..'., ,11111...
je blest icHieleiit, djed suddenly Itixt eye-
ning at tier uome in the Uulleti Apart
ments. She always attributed her longevity ,
te the ability te forget care and werrlM.
fill i) took automobile rides until n short
time age nml wua very active about br
nitADUNTOVVN Sariuet
ta. thru Ipri !.
vvi i-mimiDipnia. ami
Sif .
l ft' iiyk Vlu.'lf' 4 ''. T ffcS?(vtf tfMSf y . VV
it (4f P.lj -li.,,0H3yA .." --
. K tvlX