V Vr" "mwwm V' $k EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PillLADELPm A. . TUESDxY,' DECEMBER 12. 1022' r t v Pi,. i ' - iffil ti m. m NOTICE I'crneni collie nleut llir ell.v o e Itrltlnr money, utiitlnc llutt It l te he lined for eMnlilMilna; re new I'reas Clnli nml n Heme for Indigent Ne pnpermrn. In no wine represent tlie Pen nnd Tenrll c'lnb, the only work Int? newnpnperiiten't orBiinliatlen In FhlUilelpliln. The dullrllem are .net newapnper men. nor are thejr In nny wny Iden tified with the JenrnnlMIn profen prefen profen .ten. A member of the Ten unci 1'enell Club U lte aceredlted nirent fur necurtnir new membem, nnd he N furnlnhed with credent lain, be.-irlug-the elf nature of JAMES A. CAMPIIKI.T., I'realdent MANY APPLY FOR LIQUOR cntlens for tbe wlthdrnwal of liquor, It became known ycstcrdny. Director Davis Lays Requests forinn,.rnMen "! " 3'" ,' !., m. Withdrawal te Christmas ,of Christmas. Many persons lmldini! ' ltiiWtitltcl tit it liKi .-. Al.l lla.. . ii"""n i wi Hvi iiit'ir iiiiuiinuni ei WILMINGTON BRIBE nriMirn 111 TAll III The offlce of the Stnte Director of i!"8 " t J?et their nlletment i MrlUIrM KY I fl Yl I IK Prohibition Is being flooded with nppll- la'" '" the rnrller part of the yenr, Sl. ST Jet4mssuci Viinenss he many- - uniguc? gifts that we are displaying' were selected te please these? who discriminate JEWELERS 1334 WIDENER BUILDING Corener-Elect Says He Neither Sought Ner Accepted Sum for Appointment OTHER NEWS OF DELAWARE liKMMllil wraia HUB RHEUMATIC ACHING JOINTS St. Jacobs Oil steps nny pain. et one case of pnln m lifty re euires internal treatment. Step ''.rusing! Hub seething, penetrat- ii St. Jacob! Oil richt into your 'en stiff, ncblnc joints, nnd re !lif comes inxtantlr. St. Jacobs Oil is a harmless rheumatism lliii lliii uent. winch never disappoints, and cannot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! '.ct a small trial bottle of old, hon hen i t St. Jacobs Oil at any drug 'ere, and In iust n ti.ement you'll i free from iUeun;atic pain, sere- ss nnd stiffness, Don't suffer! I.i'lief awaits you. St. Jacobs Oil juit n ceed for sciatica, neu-i.-ilsia, lumbago, backache, sprains. - .Id p. I BHsw?bbbbV IlSi MBBHHRfctV put Experienced hands guide well-made brushes which apply our geed paints that will stand the test of time. WMnne frx TRwr GOOD PAINTING I iv Painters since l&Zl 2QM Arch Street SPRUCE 8577-S5T8 RACE 1960.1367 James S. Wilten & Sen, Inc. Victer Bread These v.he buy this gener ous leaf of whok-semeress speak wisely when they say: "Why bheukl we bal.e wreu we can Ret such "Quality and Quantity?" In all our Stores LiCi Sucni! DtsiiMcli te Evmliw Public Ledaer WllmliiRten. Del.. 1 111. Clmrlc A. 'I'aj Inr. Ovoiiefideot, yestevdny denled reports that he had ashed for or received MJ000 or nny etlur reward ftem (Jnirce 1. i:illtt, president of iJi'ergp V. I'.lllett & ('.. unilertnkcr", ler appointing KUletr deput coroner. The Heard of ll.itber Comniiienrrs has applied te the lnter-tate t'emf.ercp ('oiiiiiiisieii In W.ibhincten for tiuthor tiuther lly te operate ten miles of r.iilreail eonnei'tltii: the iirieus dinks. whancK nnd binldincs within the new murine terminal with the three trunk-line rail roads eperatim; through Ulis elt. J. Hendersen Smith, president of the HliiMil tvtidtees at Kiehitnl'-eii I'ntk, ye.lei-laj afternoon ordered the si'lioel eluded until Thursday, niter he n threatened with legal action lv (Jeergp (.'. llughi's. who-e son wa- made ill speial tin j age as a leMilt of earliea u.oiiexlde fumes in the school. The school hud opened yesterday mei'-'iig ile-plte the prelr-stH of a tlUiueui f parents. During the day it was di--eevei-fd that some mete (hildren were nfleeteil by the fumes nnd the teacher had been made ill. When this state of affairs was learned the svhoel was ordered clevd. An investigation is being made as te the cnuse of the gas. The names of persons who hae failed te pay the S.'i tllini; fee at the State in come tai etiice will 1p vent te the At-il)riie- fjetieral for notion according 1 1 a statement i-mipi by M. 'Heward Jes- , , .-i.uf iii uuninivinner. Approx Apprex 1 ilimtelj !U,tN) (1f an estimjied lernl ei 310,000 ievident. of Delaware ever the age of twenty-one hi paid the fee. J'he collection of fees in the citv and Sta'e was as fellow-: Wilmington. .di.000 ; rural New ('astl, ltl.OtjO Kent. 1(3,000; Sus.'c.t. 23,000. Ir. Ernest fedmnn, of BoMen. for mer prefe-snr of surgery Ht llnriard Lmver-iT, pasvd through this State in a leurteen y ear-old automobile. en i,j, way te Georgia, where he plans te no some sheeting. A farmer of near Che-dertewn. Mil., ',' , , 1LU 0,'1 tnc n'ltics of 1.1s Hei "i uiii-hs receiuij. iu- had made a quantity of home-brew wine nnd threw the "Kins from th mixture out into the poultry yard, where the ducks nte it. It is believed they were drunk. Senater Hall yesterday recommended the appelntmuit of Charles M. Harring ton as postmaster at Little Creek. Tin" aiipeinmient is expected te bi through within n few days. Summoned te Claymont te a-sin an viiijueye or me Werth Ilretliers m lo cating n missiii" pocket-book that he claimed had been taken from his treus- ,er- while he wa- bathing, Constable (jeerge Whittiiigten was struck en the 'head with the misv'.iig pocket-book as he entered the house. The missing pto pte perty is Miid i have been thrown from I the third lloer by one of the men under , suspicion. Ne arxests were made. An old-fashioned pig re.ist was tire- rented yesterday when local detectives wnlked in en the party making pre parations for the least in cabin along J tlie Ciinsli.iua hut, The pig in course of preparation for the feast was cap I tui d by several men who gave chase , te it after if had escaped from a con , sigiui.eii fur u local prowslen com 1 pany. Twe of the men arc said te hac ' jumped into the river in Uiejr chase for the p,g. In Mew of the return j of the pig and their h.iv.ng taken a , bath, the piv is.i.ii people would net I prosecute. TWO WOMEN INJURED WHEN POTOR IS DITCHED Mrs. Landis, Philadelphia, and Mrs. Yellls, Allentevn, Hurt I Alleiitewn, I'.i., Dte. 1L'. Mr.s. I'red i Yi His, of Allentown, sintered u frne. 1 tured arm and brui-es, and Mrs, I Land.-', of Philadelphia, lueernt huh when their automobile overturned into u di'ili in tliin cit; . i Frank ll.illinan, twihe jiars nld, 'and tjeerge Ilermaii, both of this rit were injured when, in an ifl'eit t. aeid a collision with another ilr operated by Charles W. Ahbult. t e llerm.in car meiinted the jiaven.ent i ,u ' stru. k jeung Hallman. I ' t'atbeiine. threc-eui-elil daugli'i r i Mr. and Mrs. Charb Kmnl, is i i a sfiinus tonditien as tin- result of Imin ' received wlien a stove burst into tl.nn 'The child's mother vns burned rb. i the haiiiln in exilnguish.ng the ila-i.is Mrs. Ida Ory, lhitt -wen je.irs n. t of Naznietb. utteinptui te end her lift with gas. while her fiiu.l.. w is uf. tending church Sund.n . Seme tune age she made an alii nipi u su.,j,( with poison. The Itev. A S lb mi it uf Wrish tig. I tenilIe, I'a.. ua-. ili i tnl ptis'iir of imi Lutheran l hurdi. ."iiii.'itiiptnn, s e -. ceedlllg the Hev A. It Appt I nleup. 1 cepted n fall tiem a igregatmn in Vulleyvlew. I 'I I Can Yeu Rely I en the business wisdom and experience of your wife, children or friends for the proper handling of your estate? This Company has a completely equip ped Trust Department and your wishes will be carefully followed, thereby assuring you of the proper handling of your estate. Total Resources Over $12,000,000 TtaREALEsTATE ThiE Insuice andlkusT CompanyefPhiladelphia 523 Chestnut Street Atreis from Independence IMI 45 S. Bread Street Lincoln BuildiniJ Oldest Trtle Insurance Company in theWetld IWAWAWaWAWAWIWAPAWAWIWAWIWII iMiBiiiBiiiiniiidBiftfM.iltiiMiiteJiJiit..iJjit8i.nMiiiTilialMilTrifan(A Philadelphia's Leading Rug Heuse L i 1 I: ,( l 1 ArLVLJJWV Seven Floers Complete ljr stocked with fleer coverings from every Rug Center of the World . Make your Christmas Gift a Rug a Present that is permanent and useful. HARDW1CK&MAGEE CO. IS20 MARKET 5T. SljmKfSSSfS&SJSSJSLfSSfSSJilS T'"TTJ htmjt MSL nintiktiaw that the cost pdrdaaef perfect het water service is less than the price of acigar? Exactly that. Fer 15c, the price of a geed clear, you can furnish the average family with ample het water. Ne fu3s no work or worry for the women folks. Het water nny minute if you are equipped with lMSiljljliSilililil? am. mM m .mm. - a. . M 9mW i A Gift That Will Be Aenreciated 1 1 GLASS - LAMP 110 Haaitiam Table tamp, Amber or Buniet O 1 a t Shade In Ant km (Teen er rich flit flnlib. Extra, value $7.95 GAS AND ELECTRIC $35.00 Imported Vase). Varleua ileilnn and tailored Oeert-' ette ihaae. $21.00 . . FACTORY SALE $50,000 worth of Lamps at less than manufacture prices We have an overwhelming stock of lamp which mutt be moved 'In the next four week. Most are marked at cost and some range in reductions 30 below cost. Te insure a wide selection we suggest coming early. A small deposit will held any article till ,Xmas. $20.00 BONSOLE dQ QC MIRRORS J)7.t70 1IA.04 M"lernjr Tnbl. I.nmu, net Tep Hhade. Ushts, Svteial IMPORTED VASES Mounted in Lamps $3.75 te $15.00 Werth Mere Than Deuble KOTO HOT WATER Why worry about Using a coal Hlove with Its dirt, dut, ashes nnd the tire gelns out? ltuud I erfect Het Water Service eliminates all that. And nt no Incrense In operating ex pense. !' e r the n.iltc of the coni ceni f e r t of your women folks, write for our tpeelnl booklet. BARTLETT&CO. 1938 Market St. Ahe Ant U. G. I. Stere or Plumber ' $35.00 Imported Drenze, 3 Light Special Value, $16.50. An Assortment of Bronzes ranging from $5.00 ttp Xmas Tree Lights nn $q.eO Uuaranteed Elec. Curling Iren, $2.45 IS 25 N.tlenM K..da val'-M-lcx d'JHS ' eutf.ts. Nerni bjttsr. 8 I , ..lib ,,i. ,, light for house S .75 up hiiiiic jj'7 '71 w v m m current I lmttrrn' S8.ru rlaht run r.lcrtrle t'eflVu t'er- mlciter. (( QC ill pJ I Sperlul 1 -b- 2,; w Miza te Al s Sh gJQ f 1 . $25.00 Sf I Stippled U BJ I Polrchrena i fiL 1 Bridg I If ' it I I' $28.00 I SHk J W i p0r. 1 Shade, II ' chrem. I; $16,504 ' Mehcg- I t St w any Jr. I Aw Sm , Lamp II vR B and ynih wl w , Shade. -'v ' S H. $18?50 - 18 & 19 18 & 19 KiRW WADIf I IftSiT CI9DDI V fft N.9thSt. Wt vnit lUiwiiM wiiki wv-N.9thSt. Open Every Evening. Ne Mail Orders Filled SL lflErm Beautiful and Unique Lamps jfOT 075G ..X utile tlie I.lfhtlriB 1 iiiiimrnt" rpe SEE them out here in glorious array and have the privilege of first M' M' lectien is our Yule tide invitation te ou. Every lamp h a gem fiem tlie tips of their silk vr painted parchment shades te the bottom of their Etruscan or polychrome finished Swedish iron bases. Lighting Fixtures BIDDIE GAUMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. ifit 0757 OUW0 f TaUi .N I'll 10 ir in Subway 1 1 ik' iiTOO 0881 ; Ojieii din r.u t, K I 1'. SI; illllllliiilWIIIillllliltilPIW Illijj . VICHY msxeu bsfdmuc nensrn Natural Alkaline Water Unexcelled fee Tabid U Known and pre- scribedby the Medical Profeanieo for many years ai DOiseaaintr sreat Mtdidnal Properties 55 ,mn M iw lefcsj 0 ' I ItA ir2Z3 Dutributertu ARCHENnanM tt Mir.rr MITOHEII rLETCHCK 00. 2AMI -m? nmtee, mm d GETS $2476 IN 10-CENT FEES Schuylkill County Treasurer Wins Suit for Hunting-License Profits Pett-iUIle. I'a.. Ue. 1-' SihuylUil fount OrlieliiN h"' tnelr -uit -u: uti-t Ur (.'hrl-tmn tir.ililu, 'emits '1 -i"is. urcr. 'Alien .ludce I'rtir jeteidav le eided that (Jrahler has i mlit te letalu ten cntsi from null dollar mllt-i inl for liunterh' UceiiMh. The nn.eun of firiihler' t'ee-i alrtaih inll.-eted U $'J47ti Then- aie 11,000 li. uihed hunters heie this jear. The 'I'axpajeri' Atxclntieu and the county ilaiineil that, belli'.' u Milnrleil oiliee-helder, tiruhler could net diaw both salaries and fits, (mt the last l.eglslutuie Hpeclliealli perinltN tins. I FARNnNQUIRY ORDERED Denar Law te Build Up Agriculture In Great Britain Iiuilnn, iJi'i. 1- - In re-i.eiHf te Mr I.lejil lii,er.'i'h !i eeiit ill n. and In tin. foinuiei)i that the lievenitnent ulvc tin nitrlciilturttl iniliMix la ( J rent Ijritni a thorough emtIhiuIihu sik the enl. el fectunl means of resteilnh' uinieiit) and dealing iih uueuii!e.vnieiit, Pre', luler llenar Kaw annnuueeil last nli;ht he had decided te aiipelnt a tribunal of luvcstlmitieu te iiniuire into inetlieds adopted ubiead te assure thu fuilebt poi pei nlble uhu of the land The 1'riine Minister ndded Vho In In M'.stlijatlen would cover tin iJoiiiyileus and ether ceuutrle.s H'liiiiiiiiiniTrrTTTi a.xva:T ssgwfiRieP52 vynrtuti kfl2nuucuii;u KfeEDITi SXZffT lil yinnnirmninmninnii TJAr&jLZ&VTX. ff OLLANDEI? Buy All Yeu Want en Credit tfrife or Beehs of Cms FREH Open Every Evening Wc extend the lit. most credit and v en low liberal terms of only linutlful. "lnt!" 14 krl. "J e-nf K(x ps.a, wifi i3-i"i' Bin ' pS.eu One Dellar Weekly mlSh liPWUBt, Styffiwur Bmm r s: THREE. STONE DIAMOND IIINUS i c s ei if thu x'nv u t fial. Turf" full- i i ul. te uUriemli ti S t M,U; k)ll eetllu.a. h" " $60.00 Very rjyulir J"ln. It karat , , Qn, n0ii.r IV,,1V whit. lert. it 'ii siaTtufa $25.00 ' uw u0,lar '"' One Dellar Weekly liliipiiii i f &Vi.t. 'it aii practical, aim 3 , , H ft nhlte cola cfl c rr e.vi.v . . . p le.OO One Dellar Weekly SINGLE STONE DIAMOND RIND A b'autlfjl Urn full cut dli-serd, II arat Hlilta Klv" $17.S0 One Dellar Weekly T TOLLANPEP 1 lenaFLElSHMAN CO. "Jewelry en Credit" CHESTNUT corner ELEVENTH ST rzxazsrjmr I'ymwnwnwmnii m Spert Skirts Reduced Plain and pleated models in a wide variety of styles, fab rics and colors. Were $7.S0 te $24.S0 $4.75 te .$16.75 Our Entire Stock of Blouses Reduced Of Crepe de chine, printed crepes, and lace; suit shades, eizes te 44. Were $4.05 te $220 $3.95 te $11.75 MJaMKiLM December Reduction Sale m mmmm 1 nnniiaiiii aaann """ a - Our Entire Stock Marked at Reductions of 20 te 50 Plain and, Fur-Trimmed Coats Distinctive and original in style; exceptionally high grade as regards tailoring and, at these new prices, unapproachable in value. A splendidly varied showing of fabrics, furs and styles. Plain Tailored, Were $59.50 te $125 '37.50 $55 te $95 Fur-Trimmed Were $69.50 te $295 '49.50 $65 te $195 Spert Coats j They Were $25 te $95, Reduced te Plain and fur-trimmed j $1$, $22.50 te $55 Afternoon & Evening Dresses Afternoon Dresses Whatever dress you chose in this collection and they arc here in scores of styles, fabrics and colors, these thing3 are certain: the style i3 right, the quality is high and the price remark ably low. They Were $53.00 te $145 $$rf.50 $f.g.50 te $95 k k'j I I U I ' If I ) Ul il JZ Evening Dresses Silks, laces, chifTens and velvets, in models for every formal occasion, and in every degree of elabora elabera elabora lien. Included are a num ber of original Paris mod els one of a kind and all reduced. They Were $39.50 te $195 150 '37- te '125 :se siijMilM 1220-22-24 Walnut Street Because of lack of apace We are Closing Out Our Entire Stock of Lingerie and Negligees At Cost & Less Sweaters Reduced i'i mm ft s h Weel Slip-On Sweaters '.hat were $2.95 $1 .95 & $0.95 and $3.95. L U Tuxedo and Slip-On Medels, of fine wool and mohair, were $4.95 and $?.45 & AA$ $6.90. New Blushed Weel Sweaters, Slip Slip en and golf coat .$C.90 models. New Fine Mohair Tuxedo Sweat ers, heavy weight, were $7.95 $12.50. New ' Pure Camel's Hair Sweaters, natural or tan, slip-en model, were $12.75 $0.93 New O 1 Sweater Dresses Very smart models of silk and wool mixtures, nlse silk knitted dresses in exquisite colors and weaves. These dresses are extreme' ly popular this season, and our showing is complete and varied. Exceptional Values '22.50 te '75 1M1 j HI Read., the ads en the Classified P ages BVti..?'.'"!' ' I' .-.j a, j '.a'i i. i - r'l I t-N" :.; , .-it-u,fMn,e-i, ', ,. iv ,