WSkvj'-.uv W3 1 " T-wg U,"vllf J1WM.V J ,WPP J?4 W TKrii7 fcir - 1 ' - 1 ' i' rWT EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIIMDELPHIA; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12.' 1922 ,(-l. 4 II f; 't iM -e til- , teU I'rt ft 1 7i. m:I tM'iw:'m. i The Following Pianos Have Been Taken in Ex change for Our Match less Cunningham Grands, Uprights, Players and Reproducing Pianos, and Are New en Sale With Many Others. Payments Will Be Accepted te Suit the Purchaser UPRIGHTS 325 Wheeler &Ce ( Ebony) $350 Marshall Piane (Ebony) & Ce., Si nr Jfiane, Sine l&ggnpj- $350 Leenard & Ce., $ or (Oak) UO $360 J. & C. Fischer Piane, $140 (Walnut) ItV $375 Weber Piane, $ (Mahogany) $400 C. D. Pease, $ (Mahogany 165 $100 C. J. Heppe & Sen, $ 7c (Walnut) iw HSU 185 ffipBB n $425 New England Piane, $1 OA (Mahogany ),!Ov $425 Ernest Gabler & Bres., $ l.lUr Srxr (Mahogany) $150 Hardman, Peck& Ce, $ QC (Mahogany) $450 Ivers & Pend, $01A l.lke rT 1 U (Mahogany) '$500 Blasius & J?!2 5240 (Mahogany) $525 Lyen & Healy, SOfift Like Nfw W (Mahogany) Ued 88-Nete Player. Pianos mM WRM $775 Regent Piane, $9QC m HI wiav " S I.Ik Nw (Mahegan) $800 Lester ,300 (Mahogany) $800 Story & Clark, $OOC (Mahogany) $825Mathu- shek Piane Ce., $Q4A I.Ik. New UlU (Mahogany) $850 Ivers & Pend, $-M C Mkr .W 0te3 (Mahogany) $875 Hazleton Piane, $9 CA .lk. X.n WWV (Mahogany) Miniature Parler Grands, Ranging in Price from $425.00 Upwards AM, MAKES OP TALKING MACHINES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IT PAYS TO THINK d - IAMO C5e. 11TH AND CHESTNUT grct.ry, filth BTK.MNUS Perktidti FOREIGN STUDENTS BENEFIT BY WORK Will Ge en Stage Men of 54 Countries at U. of P. Should Have Geed Impressions of U. S., Says "Y" Official OPENINGS IN LEGAL FIELD ! 'Toreisn studpnts en tlie cnmnui of the University of I'cnnsj lvnnln will to morrow lie telling their Impic-Mens of Amcrlcii In the cities nml UI1iik" of fifty-four dlflfcrrnt rnuntrlee. It K tlirrofere. of tlie srentet importance that thej should come Inte contact with the bent Hint America te offer. " l'lmer Yelton, executive .eiTOttrv ( the Committee en I'rlemllv Helntlen.' Anions 1'nrelKii Students of the Inter Inter uatlennl V. M ('. A., maile tin tiito tiite ment Int night -is he completed liN mr mv of the feieln student weik nt l'cnn "The Student-' lleu-e nt ."!M1." Sprue street lint clone -plen-dicl pioneer work In lirliiKini; nlieut fneiHllv rcl'itlens anion;; fuicicn tu dents," hi. nsierteil. "TIiih t the mil Institution of it Unci supported en tirelj bv the t' .W'n isit.mi eniu'cttd with n iinherslt. Il H t lit "flieinl hniifliiiurl rs for the "."(1 .In dents I'liielled in the 1 iiiv(Titv f lVnu)lv.iniii from mere th.m liftj dif ferent fnrel.'fi liuiils "AecnrdliiR te the 1021 -10i c-eiimim of the FrlendU Itelntletis Oimnilttee of the Y. M. U A. then- were 10.T.00 for- ten students in this) eeiintr L.itin America !ms 2.'00 representative--, Chlnii iii,.1 the l'lilllpplnes each I'OOO. 10(10, nml Itu-sin, .00. The, lest are dlsttlbuted anions the various natienalltl!'-. Mure than TO per cent of thee -tii-deiits are in colleges nml lltlnsItle Twenty per cent in high or preparaterv ' schools. ' "The lnrcest groups of feielgn stu dents, one hunched or ever, nie found at t'eliitubln 1'niversit), e Yerk I'ni ersit, Massachusetts lii'titute of Toihneloprj. Cernell I'nlw'rsitj, 1'nl eisit of IVnnvjlMinln, 1'nUcrsit of Michigan, I'nUeisit of Illinois. I'nl er t of Washington, I'nivcrsitj of Cillifnini.i, nml Iowa State College Mere than 1,1 per cent of thc-e students ar si.nt te the I'nlted States by their Kexerntiienis , "Without a doubt thesp men will be1 holding pesitirns of highesL impertntue in the ceernment. education and in dustnes of their u.pivtie countries." Mr. Yelton centinued: "We snw at the 1'eni e Cenfeieiice that all of China's' lepiet-cm.itiws were sraduntes of Ameihnn colleges nnd universities,. The same condition existed ut the Arms Cenfi rnce in Washington lnst (ar. Man of the highest eilieinls of the Chinesi. Uiulwaj s.stem are graduates I of the I nhersitj of PennsjUnnla, j rrederiek S. 'J'. Chew, '21! Wharten, n1 nrsltv tr.iek mm Is ihhv necenvm!? ' a responsible position as a diwinn bn I erintenilcnt en the Chinese Itailw.i "With tlie dosing pf tlu ltirepean unliersitics during the war, foreign mil dents llrt.. began te eme te the I'nlted States in great numbers. Ne effort is being made bv the Friendly llelatlens Committee of the Christian Association a the 1 nheisity of l'ciinlv:inin te Amerlcautre' the foreign s udents. It Is moil of an internationalizing process Tl.e inn be guided but never forced te necjit our ideas or dectiine." Dr Chnrles 1). llurrev, general sec-iii-ii of the rrlendl Helatieus Com Cem m.ttee of the Wnild's Student lYdcrn tlMi, jus returned fiem nn interna interna tieii il cenfi reu e nt lVklng. deelures that the spirit of American sport has' bem one of the greatest contributions' th.s reuntrv has mule te -he llrient. It ' K linng a vet noticeable effect upon' tlie t hllie-e pllVSKjlle. I "I here i a ver.v teal need for veunz t icn in the legal profession. ' IMwnrrl I!"pKmsfii told a group f -tinlents who mteidul the srend of a m ries of si mi mi'iiiiil le tures in the a iditerium of Housten H.ilt jesterdnv afternoon i Mi. Ilopkitiseu explained, that tlie ranks, dnpli ted l the students wbei left tlie law sclienls te go te war nn 1 who old tint leturti te lltnli their nirsfs, had never been adecpinter. mi. .1 rollewing his talk Mr. Ilopl.inseii met a number of tlie students, in n con ic i nice where he discussed problems of a mere Individual nature with the men : Seven men were elected te the man icing beird of the I'eiins.vlvnnla, tlie I i an pus duilv at the 1'niversit (, I'eimsvlvimn, at a meeting of the, I" ml in Heiistcin lla'l last night. Twe riilinclelphiii men, .Tames M. Ilenbr "ii "rjns hare livvend avenue, and ,1. hi w t cm.. Davis, 1UI1 Seuth Pift.v i. ir.l street, were iiintng these elected ' tie editorial Htaff The ethers weie Kenneth II McDowell, of 1'ievidem e, I It I and Jeseph M Hughes of Cur 1 en ile. I'n. ThemiiH (irilfith, of j I iieiisimrg, Pa, was retnlnec as. an I .iliemate. I he following men were elected te t ie 1 iisiiiess staff of the paper- Mm re! .J. A !. Louisville, Ky. ; Samuel Trench,! oed-iovv n, N .1 , and Paul I.m Jt . Teledo, ). .1. n.vmnn, of like -- ! llane, I'n., nnd II Cilbert Smith, of Havana, Cuba, were retained as alier nntes. I The competition which ended InM i night hni hern xeeptmnallv Keen It I Marted last March. I PETITIONS TO FREE LEIB . TOO HEAVY FOR 2 MEN Weman Tells Parden Beard Ex. Poli tician Didn't Keep Her $1000 ! rettsUIIe. I'.l.. Dec !'' -The inove for the release of William S l.eib. former political leader, new in the Kastein I'eintentiaiv , was ad vance d teclav when Mis Hareld Smith H nt a letter te the lienrd of I'mdeui di living that l.eib retained SI 000 be-, longing te her Charges that I.elb i kept tins menev from Mrs Smith, a widow, weie made against him in the investigation before his. trial which' lesulled in his conviction en u ferjeiy charge. Schu.vlkill County firemen have digued the I.elb petition in a Ix.dv ' Men than 15300 firemen hnve been en- rolled. The Pottsville Club, whose lueinbc m include cenl opeiaterH, ' bankers. Judged and wealthy mercliuntu unci In j ci. have also Higned thn f.eib petition. The pctilienrt ami letters for l.eib are new se gn nt in volume. that two men will he unable te curry' them ever te llurrlxlmric. ! mBtej3jF'' C 4rffllllM v""CX iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWIIih Ez u-ikflBiliHiHiBiHHIiliiHN rgr jttyVii 1 ii"MiiMiiiii i' lunnmiM, m 1 1 1 1 ii it 1 1 hi tn i iiiiiiiiiitni I MKS. IIAKKISON K. CAXER. JH. Who will play a part In "The j Terclihearers" te obtain ntmos ntmes ntmos phcre for continuing her amateur activities here , I CANERTOPLAY REAL SIAGE ROLE i Society Weman Will Appear in ! "The Torchbearers" in N. Y, and Later Here SEEKS ACTUAL ATMOSPHERE i Mrs Ilnrrlsen K. C.incr. .Tr.. who is prominent socially nnd who has standi in many nmateur theatrical productions here, has been nsked te represent the Piny and Plnyers of Philadelphia In "The Torchbearers," which will be at the fiarriek Theatre here January C, for n run of two weeks. It was nt the suggestion of Mrs. litis Skinner that Mrs. Caner was asked te take a part In the production, which is a satire en amateur theatricals and the Little Thentre movement nnd pertains te Philadelphia tieerge Kell, a Philadelphia!!, having written the plav. Mrs. Cnner will join the cast In New New Yerk and play the Inst three nights b? b? fere it closes theie te familiurize her self with her lele. "There are parts and partH," slid Mrs. Caner this morning, Miiilltig. "Mine isn't much of a role and it vvnsn't hard te learn, se it will net be dilhcult for me te take the part." Mrs. Caner will have the part of Clara Sheppnnl. Mary Heland is the star In the production. ! Mrs. Caner wantN te obtain a larger1 knowledge of the technieiue of the stage, I nnd while she has no intention of be coming a professional actress, she be- lieves that the atmosphere she will ob-i tain ptn.ving with "The Torchbearers" will h.'lp In her nmateur theatrical parts, which ch intends te continue i pla.v ing here. , liefere her marriage en November 11, 1010. Mrs. C.incr was Mls Sara 1 .vtendale Iliurd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William .1. Ihiinl. She made her debut in 1JH.1. Her father-in-law. ll'iirisen K Caner, has a residence nt 1TO" Walnut sticet and also a home at Ambler and a summer place nt Man-chester-h -the-Sea, Mats. He js an i pert horseman. GEDDES HERETHURSDAY Ambassador Will Make Address at Dedication of U. of P. Pavilion Haudnl Morgan nnd a committee of the Heard of Trustees of the University of Pcnnsvlvanin will meet Sir Auckland ' (.e. Ides. Kritish Ambassador, In West Philadelphia when he arrives nt IL' II0 A M Thursday. Sir Auckland Is te tnnlec the prlti cinl addresH nt the exerclnes dedicat ing the; J. William White Surgicul Pa Ml ion Prem the station the British Am-b-i-s-tder will be escorted te Housten Hull, where u luncheon will be given In his honor by the nctlng provost. The dedicatory exercises will begin nt 2. .'50 P M. in the University Museum, The Only Phonograph Stere in Phila. Whtrm yu emn tampan mnd aiUet n (A 4 leading mmktt $25 te $1000 VERY LIBERAL TERMS Atk for Our Cfab Plmn LargtMt A$iertmnt RcrJt in Philadttphim CH In an-l Thtra GOODMAN'S, 327 GIRARD AVE. Open Every Evening: Yen don't have te aetrch our leaf of Victer Raisin Bread te find the ralslni. They ara there a-plenty In this Wjr, health-fllled' leaf of goodness. 1 n. ' 'ir: Dougherty's Faultless Bedding 1632 CHESTNUT STREET Luxurious Bex Springs, Hair Mattresses "Exemplifying high art in bedding" is net n bit tee great n claim for the3e wonderful pro ductions. Fer te make bedding of isuch superlative luxury, of such quality materials, with such workmanship, is indeed nn art the highest type of art applied te a necessity. Dougherty Bex Springs and Hair Mattresses acknowledge no equals. Ltuurtetii Ttei Sprtium, Reliable Iltitr Muttrrnw. Matieirnnr lied- nteade, Kiullili Down Furniture. Larepe and Nuretrr Furniture. Special for Wednesday PERSIAN SILK OVERBLOUSES 7.50 An Xmas Gift Suggestion The design introduced in the rich silk fashion ing these blouses shows a fascinating combi nation of subdued and vivid Persian colorings, with blue, red or tan predominating. The Jacquette effect is achieved by the flat, slen derizing band ever the hipline. FIRST FLOOR BONwrr tellers ea CBie Spedallu Shep tf Origination CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET In all our Stores racniriufl MICHELL'S CHRISTMAS GREENE Helly Wreatha. , Laurel. LTcopedlum, Mistletoe, ett Cyclamen Planta (In bloom), Palms, Ferns, Jardinieres, Pep Cern and Peppers White Nurciiaua for growing in pebbles and water. 7B per dez.; (by p. p. 85c);-per 100, 15,25 Fancy Wreaths H-ln. Mnde of Matmella leaves, trimmed with Polneettloa. Special Price, tl.SO Each. H-ln.. Mnde of Mngiiella. leaven, trimmed with lnk or white carnations, or pink or white reacfl. Rpeclnl Price,, 1.50 Each. 'Frieze Wreaths Fancy Made Up ' 8-inch....... 60c 12 -inch $1.00 10-inch 75c 14-inch 1.25 i HeUr Wreath v-iuw.. . ... . . .uw x--...b.. .. Heur tvreatn 518-516 MARKET STREET Gifts that men really want There is both geed style and extra wear value in these many gifts for men at the R. & F. Stores. A truly exceptional selection of seasonable merchandise and all very unusual values. IluI VaK ljuiffU Wj lit yi V ukQcbWH 11 0 C GifU attractively bexid Kachangtt may. b$ made after Xmas Neckwear, " 1.00 te Shirts, 2.00 te Weel Reefers, 2.00 te Silk Reefers, 7.50 te Smoking Jackets, 7.50 te Bath Robes, 6.00 te Dressing Gewni, 22.00 te Silk Half Hese, .75 te Weel Half Hese, .50 te Weel Waistcoats, 6.00 te Sweaters, 7.50 te Umbrellas, 1.50 te Pajamas, 2.00 te Handkerchiefs, 25c te Initial Handk'ch'fs, 25c. te Dress Waistcoats, 8.50 te Dress Suits, Tuxedo Suits, Gloves, 2.50 te Lined Gloves, 3.00 te 4.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 30.00 12.00 40.00 3.50 2.50 8.50 15.00 12.00 9.00 1.50 1.00 12.00 45.00 45.00 4.50 11.00 25LF5S3r 1204 Chestnut 11 Se. 15th 1119-21 Market i WOMAN THROWN FROM TRAIN Hurled te Platform When Lecome Lecomo Locemo I tlve Starts Suddenly at Manayunk 1 MiintiirtH Mrtler, Keve-nty-three. years old, (f 11 I Hurry Htrcct, Cnnnlioliecki-n, hviis n-rlciuclj hurt w lien trim fell hk hIii vviis iiimnuiii; imin ii rc-iinn)lviinla tmln nt the Miuinyiiiik htutleu this niernln?. Mrn. MtOlur wuh stepping from tlm liiKt htep te the plutferm when the trnln Htnrteil. Hhe whh thrown te the plutferm. Her rlcht hand was cut unci nhe recelveel bruleen about the body. Bhe was taken te the Memerltl Hen. pt;ui, . . , itr A Christmas Gift of a Watch Is a Lasting Remembrance Wc have many styles te please the conservative, as well as the fastidi ous man. These watches represent the products of the finest watch factories. Every watch we sell must and docs give satisfaction. Prices are moderate. BK 3'Jll ltll HlltS A man's wrist watch. Substan- 'w''-'-" - - t mans wrist waicn. ouuemu- ' i A young man's watch; 11- tinlly made of white geld; high- Octagonal watch of 14-kt. kt. geld, thin medel, with grude Lenginea movement ra- green geld; hlgh-grade 17- dopcndable Elgin move- dium numerals nnd hands leather jeweled Elgin movement ment $30. wrist band $140. $B0. Onr new catalogue cenlaim mere than 4000 photographic illustration! Call or write for a copy. S. Kind & Sens, 1110 Chestnut Street DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS Our tre mat, fortunately, unharmed by the Weymann fire. We are open ter butineti at utuat. 2628 OjO . INC 'JL -A j. Sstneet, ' iSi. I. iff. .e A"d le h,.ve " opportunity te buy it at a tremendem Hundreds of Fur NeckpieP.. arA Fur Coats at Bena Fide Reductions of civet"UcratC AmnHUSkra Tannet! ccoen, diu 8ttT, Will nin fr Wednta. day, Thurtdau. Fridau Saturday only. Come tomorrow -. eIC(7(IV7I. WjF The Christmas Gift XtT rv T s ?t t, jXi t ,tf ,: (V J t i .jV .yi.v." ',r i" i - . . . - u;.y t Jt.Vf' ,r v, Kiif'b j. ,