Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    m f??P5PPt v-
Witherspoon Hall Audience Will
Hear Jean Lengiiet'e Chal
lenge te Clemenceau '
Jean Tienjruct former member of the
Trench Clinmbcr of Deputies, will tpcuk
en "France nnd tlie Movement for
Interimtlennl Pence" nt Witherspoon
Hull tonight nt a meeting arranged
by the Jean Longuet Committee. Dr.
jesse Helmes, of Hwarthmore College,
-ill preside.
Members of the committee for the
'Philadelphia meeting arc from Bryn
Mawr College, the University of Tcnn
grlvanla. the Women's, Interimtlennl
league for l'ce und Freedom, the
etinE Democracy, the Council of Jew-"
ish Women nnd the Women's Trade
Union League.
M. Longuet Is the son of the Socialist
nienccr, Churles Longuet, and grnadsen
of Karl Marx. He has hceii in this
country for some weeks, fiienklng In
everal cities en French socialism. He
represents n great bcetien of French
opinion opposed te linrsh treatment for
l' rfcmenccau does net represent the
r,i llPIirt 01 L' IUIH-V, Jjun,u;i. .i
nil he ucsircs 10 cun.i. ......v ............
t" faL impression which the "Tiger'
I..V.lnir In America. M. Longuet
n of debts nris-
Liquor and stills seized
PrnhlhUlAn Ahm4j. nf-i W1..1I aa..J
' " and Hemes .
Prohibition agents rnldcd five plqcCH
yesterday and eelzcd n large nmount-ef
.liquor nnd two BtlUs. According te the
ngenis, the following seizures wcre
One ignllen of liquor In tbe candy
store. of 1J. Dcnskn, Fnlrmeunt avenue'
nenr Twenty-third street; n forty-gallon
Still ntld n OUntltltv nt mnRh In the
home of Philip Meats, J445 North Alder
stieet; n forty-gnllen still ifnd twelve
hnrrch of madh In the home of A. Shaft
1430 aorta Alder street; four gallon!;
of liquor In thu home of S. Her
kewskl, 2127 Brown' street; three
nunrts of liquor in the clgnr store of
Jehn Van Luck. 2221 Fnlrmeunt ave
nue. Shere Hotelmen Meet In April
Atlantic City, Dec. 12. Tentative
unies ter me nnnunl spring exposition
of 'the Avenue Hetel' Association were
"elected at the monthly nesslen held
Inst night. April 10 te 20 were the
dntes selected and arrangements have
been made te held flie nftnlr en the
Garden Pier.
rEstey Service"T
is as supreme as I
an it is in Pianos, Players, Re
preducing: Pianos and Organs
HEstey Hall, 17th & Walnut
11s M
111 i-l... nti iUn (llinufff
? out of the World .War at the
faceting tonight and will i1Icuh the role
01 America in the saving of Europe
from further decay.
France Is controlled today by the itn
Ticriftllsts. Ihe greedy business interests
nu the militarists, he asserts. These
forces gained control of the country by
n appeal te patriotism Immediate!)
after the war. Hewcur, the French aie
becoming restive under this rule, and
.... ii.nnil p I'inents nil come Inte
Bener at the next election, he predicts J
. f.. . . .nil nil nllVA lin Ufl VII I
The mind of its people has changed
Tierceptihly since the isigning of the
armistice, nnd It Is istill clmnglng from
lnv te dav, but the only France which
Americans becm te knew about is n mill-tniktii-,
jingo (iuvcrnnieiit born in the
liisterin of wnr nnd dedicnted te the
twin principles of rage nnd spite. The
Trance of today is u France that longs
for peice nnd Is desperately looking for
n leadership which will point the way
te pence net bv the path of conquest
and revenge, but through the establish
ment of such Interimtlennl co-operation
. that world friendship may take the
place of world suspicion."
Five Northeastern Section Organiza
tions Want Routes 4 and 5 Restored
rive orcanizatlens in the northeastern
section of the city were represented lnsl
nlplit nt a mnss-meeting when residents
of Tnoeny. Wisslnemlng and Terresdule
epreed te ask Thernus K. Mitten, presi
dent of the Philadelphia ltnpid Transit,
for better transportation facilities.
The niganlzatiens which bent dele
gates were Tnoeny Fathers' Associa
tion, Tnoeny Heard of Trade, Tncnny
Merchants' Association. Wlssluemlng
Ituslness Men's Association and the
Terres lab' lmpiovement Association.
The meetine ns held in the Cnrnpffn'
Librium . Torresdale avenue and Leng- 1
shore Mrret. I
1'ietest v.ns made- against the dis-.
iNiuiiu.iurc in hip service en iieuies
4 nnd S nnd the "peer and in in
fFei'the service" en Heute 5S.
Hoeniisi. of the stepping of the service
en Routes 4 nnd 5, they declared, the
trolley riders have been compelled te
pav two fares te miiuIi peintH in Ken
slnutim te which they were formerly
carried for one, fare.
The meeting hist night was the re
sult et a number of smaller meetings
throughout the affected communities
since the opening of the "J," and the
Introduction of new surface tiausiiorta-tieu.
Victer Records
."n the Street Fleer
wonderful' Lara
Stock and Inviting:
Domenatration ,
Parlors '
I'm TrtifU nllini
g mthu 73 Jim? j
X bs . - 1L I
miir tiiiiiiiiiiii ''j ."!I3C
rfijftfafttf-iiiiin nu iini tmnii in
rBflrTanfl '
Talces the edge
delicious drink
full of food feed
value. Trial
si:e, 10 cents.
Matle by Ataiirs
Whitman's Checchtts
fiecret Service Chief Lays Counter
felts te Bootleggers
This city is being flooded with coun
terfeit five, ten nnd twenty dollar bills
eccerdtng te William C. Houghten,
cinef of the Secret Service llureau. He
Mnrns the public (e leek out for $.".
Indian Hend notes, 510 notes listed
JJene Park Nntiennl Hank, and SIM
fiank notes, listed Grand Itaplda Na
tional Until;. I
Mr. Houghten said he believed these I
notes were being made In Italy nnd
"inugsleil Inte this country.
borne of these notes," Mr. Houghten 1
MW, arc being passed by ceuntcifeit- !
rs through bootleggers." "A quick
!enl is made nnd the bootlegger puts
the money in hs socket without look leek
Jug at the bills. He is stuck und
passes them te somebody else."
Mether and Daughter Sentenced for
Murders In Michigan
hi V C0U(1- Mich., Dec. 1U. Mrs. '
A" uudgceu nnd Iter ilnuglitcr. Meda 1
UcJcll, were sentenced te life impris
onment lit the Detroit Heuse of t'01- '
rectlen jesterday following their recent 1
conviction 011 charges of murder grew-
Xfi 0,,t, of, tlie ,,Put,1B ei David Hedell, 1
fat icr-ln-law of Mrs. Hedell. and J
"emle Hudcll, her husband.
One of Heskins' Desks
Christmas Gift
for the business friend, man.
or woman, we suggest a desk,
which veu will find hcie in a
mit vnriety of
sixes and finishes.
We also ofl'er Sec
tional Bookcases;
.Electric Lamps.
both for home and
office; Card Tables,
Smoking Stands,
Bedside Tables,
.uk the Waterman "Ideal"
i7euiifun Fountain Pens,
"Eversharp" Pencils, Brief
Cases and ether useful articles
which nre always acceptable
and in geed taste.
Henk Sjet In IlniHN, llriisH lie
I.iinc. .Marble, Leather. OIuih
mil Weed.
904-906 Chestnut Street
Bell Telephones
Spruce 81-10
Gtn. 2000
Om Fancy Glace Fruits
Gift Bexes, $1.15, $2.25, $3.25, $5.25
Glace Prunes, Stuffed with Prunes, $1.15 Bex
Mince Meat in Jars 'Park Farm Plum Pudding
u Park Farm Ne. 1 Can, 40c $4.50 Dez.
Ne. 3 J.ri, $1 75 1 Ne. 5 Jan, $3.25, Ne. 2 Cun, 70cj $8.00 Dez
Alma or Sweet Bnnr
Ne. 3 Jir, $1.40; Ne. 5 Jan, $2.60
Park Farm Fruit Cake
Round Cake of about 3 Lbi., $2.25
" " " " 4 " 3.00
it " : M 3.7!
Alie cut in Mb. Piete at 80c. Lb.
2-Lb. Piecci, $1.50
8lfc & Caeitnut.Sti.
2lh 4 Market SU.
Ne. 3 Can, $1.20; $14.00 Dez.
Malaga Table Raisins
Special Weeden Bexes
S'j-lb., each, $4.00
3j3 ! Colonal 1-lb. boxes 70c
Colossal Clusters, pacliage.-. ,65c
Fancy Clusters, 1-lb. puckage, SOc
.5600 Gerraantewa Aye.
Atlantic City, N. J.
Christinas Music Iby the Strawbr idlge '
te Start, a Ckistm
Beaitifml Way
It is with sincere sorrow that we record
upon our page te-day the sad news of the
passing of the eminent; citizen and great mer
chant, whose business establishment has been
contemporary with ours for mere than half a
Jehn Wanamnker mes a
mi?n of distinguished attain
ments. Ne man of his time
wielded a mere far-reaching
influence in elevating the ten
ets and practices of retail
His genius was the genius
of individuality. His person
ality was v given vivid expres
sien through the great business!
founded and bunded by him,
and thus vividly impressed
upon the entire retail world.!
Seldom indeed has it been given a man te se long
guide the destinies of an institution of his own
May that great business structure long survive
as a monument te his rare talents.
',WSk, a.iaF V' .'
Axminster Rugs
9x12 Feet, Special
$29.75 and $31.50
Only about CO Rurs in this
group, which because of hiiner
irregularities in weave are at
inches, af
sucli low prices.
Alse Small
Rugs, size
Fine Axminster Rugs in
odd sizes that arc const t"M
in demand': 6.9x9 feet $19.75
and $24.75; 9x9 feet $25.75,
$33.75; 9x10.0 feet $28.75.
Extra - large Axminster
Runs; 9x5 and 11.3x12 feci
$52.75. Slight defects in
weave or matching are re
sponsible for this low price
Cocea Doer ?.Ints will make
useful Christmas gifts. About
1,000 of them here, in various
sizes at interesting pric-py
10x27 inches $1.65; 18x30
inc'ies Si 85- 2v3". in"he., -.
$2.25; 22x30 inches $3.75.
sir ml. liU. . ricitln. r
I'leir l'j, VIlhiTt Mrr.'l
Gifts for AtMetic
Beys and Girls
Soccer Ralls of pehlile
grain lenier, for linv; or
girls $1.25; of cowhide
$5.00: ethers at $2.50 te
Basket Ralls ' of polible pelible
grain lcnthcr. full size $3.90;
ethers at $3.50 te $13.50.
Rughy Feet Rail of peh-ble-grain
leather $1.50; of
cowhide $3.50; ethers at
$1.75 te $9.00.
Boxing Gloves $3.50 te $15.
Punching Bags $3.30 te
Ball-Bearing Reller Skates,
Union Hardware make, for
boys and girls $1.95.
Alslu 13, Cuitm
Men Always
Want Shirts
Especially when they nre
from Strawbridge & Cloth
ier's, the Stere te which men
come te buy their own.
Fine-count percalc, numer
ous color combinations $1.3r
Of finoveven-stripc or plain
white maaras $1.55.
Of extra-fine woven-stripe
maUras $1.95.
Of excellent fabrics, with
fibre silk stripes $2.15.
Of fancy striped English
broadcloth $5.00.
Of beautiful silk in scores
of smart, distinctive, colorful
patterns $5.00 te $12.00. .
Night Shirts, of outing
flannel, $1.15 te $2.00.
Pajamas, of warm outing
flannel $1.65 te $3.50.'
Teut Stere, Vigli'li Sim t
Paisley Prints of
Arc foremost from a fa.-h-ien
standpoint. Coleiings and
designs are gloiieus. Net
only are these new patterns
going rapidly into gift boxes
te be fashioned into frocks
and blouses, but many arc
selecting Paisley Prints te
make into scavfs and muffler-;
for gifts. Width -10 inches
,!3.00 te $5.00 a yard.
Str.-mlirllce .t Ol-itlii, i -.Me
C, I nt-
Men's Initialed
Or 3 for $1.00. An attrac
tive price for biich desirable
linen Handkerchiefs. All are
neatly hemstitched and nicely
initialed. Give them by the
dozen, at $-1.00.
ilurktt Strict Crns .fish-
The Christmas Boek Stere
Full of Geed Cheer
Which radiates te all corners of the earth, whenever a
Boek carries the Christmas message of friendship.
Table after table of Fiction 50c te $3.50. Shelf
after shelf, laden with Beeks of Poetry, Drama, Travel,
Biography, History, Essays, Literature, Politics, New
Thought, Household Science, Psychology, Architecture,
Music, Nature, Sociology, Sports and Games.
A special Table of Beeks Men will like.
A special group of the well-known Mosher Beeks.
Beeks in sets, from a small Three-volume set of
Burns at $J.OO te a Thirty-volume set of Dickens, hand
bound, $190.00.
Beeks for Children Include These
The Giants of Lllliputania,
with colored illustrations COc.
Charming Children of Dickens'
Stories HOC.
Picture Story Boek for chil
dren, with colored illustrations
twelve diffeient volumes
SOc each.
A table of illustrated Classics
for boys and girls, with colored
illustrations $1.25 te $2,
Famous Classics for boys and
girls, ever forty titles $1.00
Thousands of Reeks for boys
and girls iron) 5 te 14 years old
SOc each.
Tey Heeks, paper, linen and
washable muslin 5c te $2.00.
Something-to-de nnd Paint
ting Beeks 25c te $1.50.
Comic Beeks, Doe Dads. Fexy
Grandpa, Buster Brown, Mutt
nnd JctT, etc. 25c te fiOe each.
Mether Geese, in a score or
mere, different editions 35c te
Picture Story Beeks, Ani
mals, Fairy Tales, etc., 75c te
Bedtime Stories 40c te 75c,
, Wee Beeks of all kinds, 25e
ler a single volume, and ethers,
boxed, three and four books in
a box $1.00, $1.50 and $1.75.
Three Little Cottentailsj three
titles SOc each.
Christmas Cards, Felders and Booklets a wonderful varietv
IV-Str)iwlrlJei & ciethkr Siv-uuil t'lcwr, W,'t
' Women's Weel Dresses
Special Value at $18.50
An excellent oppeitunity for the many women who find they
need an extra dress of this kind ifer a geed, handy standby during
the strenuous Helidny activities.
There are trim, well-tailored, geed-looking models of Peiret
twill, tricetine and serge, in navy blue nnd black, chiefly in the
slender, straight-line styles, with the youthful round, cellarlcss
neckline. Seme simply tucked, ethers embroidered or trimmed
with novelty braid.
An Excellent Assortment of
Weel and Silk Dresses at $25,00
Canten crepe, chinchilla crepe nnd brechc crepe in surplica
blouse and straight-line models, black, brown or blue. Some are
beautifully embroidered in unusual designs. Peiret twill Dresses
with colored cmbieidery or braid for trimming; straight-line
models in coat style, also surplice or basque effect. Nflvy blue
and black $25.00. hlrawbrlJue & Clothier.- Hecund rioer. MarkVt Hucet
Francis Bacen
Delivered in time for Christ
mas for a moderate first pay
ment, the balance payable in
monthly amounts.
Francis Bacen Pianos and
Player - Pianos are widel
known as the finest moderate
priced instruments obtainable.
And new prices arc lower
than fop years.
Upright Pianos $350.00.
$375.00 and $400.00.
Upright Player - Pianos
$550.00, $575.00 nnd $600.00.
Baby Grand Pianos $700.
Reproducing Upright Pianos
Renreducing Grand Pianos
In addition te these, we are
also exclusive representatives
for the supreme Sehmer
Pianos. Player-Pianos and
Reproducing Pianos, as well
as for Hazelton Brethers' fine
Str.miir'l,.,. A ( ,ir -l'iftli
llier. Wnt
Gift Bath Robes
Are of Cordurej'
A lovely
Bath Rebe.
Of cordu cerdu
v e y, a s
s k e t died.
in rose,
c h c r r y,
C e p e n-
hageu blue '
and purple.
The value
i s excep
t i e u a 1 at
The same
model with
mull lin
ing, spe
Anether Uuely Cm-duiey
Bath Rebe, unliued, with shawl
cellar, girdle and pockets,
special $3.95.
A tailored model $5.00.
Strawbrlilci- A lletlihr
Third Fleer, l'ilbiit Street, Uti
Wall Paper at
Half Price
Small lets of beautiful Wall
Papei, each consisting of 10
piec'S of side-wall paper, C
pieces of ccilini; pnpc : and lb
jards of decoration. Included
aie .-tripes ;ml flerals for thj
bedroom, tapestries, shadow
and figuied striped patterns
for the dining-room and hall.
Piice range from $3.00 te
$7.00 a let.
A small let of Japanese
Grass Cleth Paper 50c a
square ald.
In addition, all our present
stocks of Wall Paper are re
duced for a pre-Christmas
clearance. Prices are very
straw lirlilgn i I'letlilrr
I'ul.il I'luer. Filbert strcrt
1 i
CI (Iflknlu'i'jfilf n Vvvt
That Bey Would
Like a Raincoat
Indeed he would! And we
have the best kinds for boys,
arranged se that you can se
lect quickly.
Raincoats nt $3.75
Black Rubber Raincoats;
sizes 0 te 10 years $3.75.
Of black rubber, with tan
jean back; G te 16 years $5.
Tan Rubberized, belted; (i
te 14 years $5.00.
Whipcord Coats for rain or
shine, excellent value $12.75.
IMack Rubber Hats 75c.
Tan Rubbeiized Ruin Hats
$1.00. Slrawbrlilffc .V Clothier -Mini.i
Fleer, rilbt'it Strut. j.'
Men's Suits
$47.50 and $55.00
Men who aie particular
about their clothes will find
this Custom Tailoring Shep a
geed place in which te satisfy
their needs.
Business Suits niade-to-ineasuie
from an abundant
range of suitings $47.50 and
Alse a huge collection of
tweeds and hemespuns for golf
Suits, black and gray fabrics
for Cutaway Coats te wear
with striped trousers, white
and black silk vestings for
Evening Vests.
An order new will insure
your getting the Clethes for
M-.. ! r! We Si H.itliter
mi J r:e.r. Hast
Camel's-Hair Weel
Sweater Sets
Unusual, $7.95
Slip-en Sweater, Leggings,
Cap and Mittens of tan
earners-hair wool. Rely poly
youngsters leek adorable in
them, and they sire just as
warm and cesy a can be,
ready for long play hours in
wintry weather. Sweaters nre
belted, with a bieast pecket
and roll cellar. Such Sets
are usually much hip her in
price, but we secured these at
a price concession new $7.95.
Str.in'Lrnli.1 . 'nihliT .
Women's Sample Coats
at Wholesale Prices
Continuing the Sale of Ssimple Coats from our own tact. .
including Tep Coats of fancy mixed tweeds, in the overcoat tljle-.
Dress Coats of fine Belivia weaves in plain shades; and Plush
Ceals that closely resemble fur coats; in stiaight-line belted and
wrap effects. Many handsome fur-cellar Coats in the let. An
excellent variety of the best types of the season
$2J, $35, SJ0, $50, $65, $75, $100
All in size G, but many in the full easy uil'ects adaptable te
larger figures. The values are wonderful.
?-Straw biliieu s. llullikrbti-i.ua lw uiitu
3000 Yards of Heavy
Satin Canten Crepe "
A diess length of one of thu season's smartest Silks is a gift
te delight a woman. A heavy quality, beautiful in weae and
texture, that tails in graceful drapery or slim straight lines in
accord with fashions whims. In black and smait shades. This
is a rare oppeitunity, indeed, te secuie Satin Canten Crepe of such
excellence at $U.50 a yard. ,
iV- strawbrldeu i. Cluthlu-
-Alkle 0, uutrv
& Clothier Onenis
as Shopping Day
MUUAt. , r .,
KjLMm CrmrM-ta-
ij.imjerzm g t- eginning nt 9:30
'.iVEfimrmkit we .
7 II every morning, until
j-fetismuur .0, uiiau-
sive, the Strawbridge &
t'JZGZ.9 Amim ni.n.; rn mi ..:..
mks'maKH viutiiiui eiiuius win siiik
Iffi-KiriSF: w ,, ,
m aaaaaaaaaaaa - - nil t- ri r iiniii iinmi
Ull L1IU DUl-Ullll 1IUU1,
Program Te-morrow
A Christmas Cantata written especially for
the Christmas concerts by Henry Hartley.
William S. Thunder at the Sohmer Grand Piane
Incidental Tableaux by Members of the Stere Family.
f'flie abee program will be breadcntled threuich our JUtlle Statlun)
Give Her Aladdin
Aluminum Ware
When presenting the house
wife with .aluminum ware for
Christmas, be sure it is poed,
heavy und lasting such is
Aladdin Aluminum Wurc.
Covered Cooking Kettles,
four-quart fdze, with bail
handle $2.00.
Teakettles, four-quart sie.
of , ene piece $4.35.
Windser Kettles, in four
quart size $2.25.
Deuble Roasters, for these
great, juicy roasts the family
always entnuses ever s;j.:)e
$4.95 and $5.l5.
Fourth Fleur, Ccrtf
ar BBM aBB b
Buddha Metal
Boek Consoles
Solemn, dignified and sub
stantial (as illustrated), and
' a fitting support for books of
Finished in green-and-geld,
blue - and-geld, red-and-geld
and old ivory. An appropri
ate gift for the book lever
S4.00 a pair.
Imported Pencils range in
price from $1.25 for an enam
eled one te $3.50 for a beau
tiful sterling silver specimen.
AUlu 10, Ci'iitm
Everybody Wants a Pert-
1200 Yards of .
Linen Damask
What a splendid gift this
beautiful, firmly-woven, ex
clusively - designed Linen able Typewriter for home use
uamasi: would make for the these days, and the Reming
particular hostess. It is 70 ten at $G0.00 is unequaled
inches wide and much below
regular price $2.35 a yard
Same keyboard, same shift
keys as large office model. Sec
Napkins te match, size 22x the demonstration
22 inches $(5.00 a dozen.
Hemstitched Humidor Linen
Dinner Seta. In round or
oval damask designs, and
boxed. Cleth, 06x60 inches,
with six Napkins, 20x20
inches $10.00 a set. Cleth,
00x80 inches, with six Nap
kins. 20x20 inches $12.00 a
Slr.1ivlirMc & I'lutl.Irr
thle 11, Filbert Strict
Satin Damask
Portieres, Special
StrnulrlIge A. CletMr
Alslc 7. Centr-
In fact, this price is one eno ene
third less than usual.
The Portieres are unusually
handsome, and come in rich
two-tone shades of mulberry.
blue, green, rose, brown and inches $1.35
ether desirable colorings, and Bolster Cases te match.)
Full eO inches wide and about lune Muslin Pillow Cuse3
214j ards long. A splendid with beautiful embroidered
gilt for the home $15.00 a edges. Size 45x30" inches,
pair. srrawi-iiiec a rimiiiiT - $2.50 a pair.
TWrJ rioer, Catre Altle l- filbert Sttvt-t
Practical gifts which anv
geed housekeeper will wel
come. Satin-finish white Mar
seilles Bed Spreads, double
bed size, 80x90 inches $5.00.
White satin-finish Mar
seilles Bed Spreads with cut
corners and scalloped edge,
size 88x9S inches $8.50 each;
Bed Spreads with Sham te
match $12.50 a set.
S. & C. Sterling Pillow
Cases, size 45x38 '- inches,
hemstitched 95c each.
(Sheets and Bolster Cases te
Fancy muslin Pillow Cases
that are hand-drawn and
hemstitched. Size 45x40V-
each. (Sheets
Children's Automobiles
and Lets of Toys in
The Christmas Tey Stere
Toys and Toys, enough te bring Christmas happiness
te every little boy and girl. And the first Christmas
treat is te bring the children te this Easy-te-Get te Tey
Stere and let them see Santa Claus and the wonderful
Toys, Games and Dells that will go into Christmas stock
ings before long.
Christmas Trees, big and little and middle size, tee.
Sparkling Christmas Tree Ornaments, 5c each, SOc a
dozen; 10c each, $1.00 a dozen. Others 15c, 20c and 25c
Have you seen Mutt and Jeff? They are the fun
niest, cleverest toys ever $1.25 each.
Yeu can talk ever the new Tey Telephone, $1.00.
Soldiers in regiments; Trains of all kinds, Weeden,
Mechanical and Electric; Funny Face Blocks; Structe
Toys, Friction Toys, Tei Typewriters, Tey Sewing
Machines and Christu Mathrivsen's own Base Ball Game,
among hundreds of Tens.
Most Every Bey Wants an Automobile
Roadsters and Raceis and Spertsters t'at a fellow will be
nreiid te ride in. Everv size for bevs of aM aires $0 00. $8.75.
$12.00, sin.ne, $10.50, sis.ne. $20.00 J.92.50. S25.ne. $28.00, wm.
$35.00, $10 00, and n Limousine, nt MiO On.
Special, an excellent model in Automobiles, $5.00.
Ceaster Waqetw disc wheels and rubber lircu, special
value at $9.25.
Dressed Lifelike Dells, these lovely Seft Dells, excep
tional value-$:.95.
NOTE Santa Claus will tall; ever the Radie te-morrow uivht
U-r eiramirinsu a. Cletlilr Ilnnrmtnt. Vct
at 0.30,
. w-.i m ' i.v.'.
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