' "wif" -fi--J, .'vj. 'W-VJ1' tTT.W "i: V itty-r "" ) -i f A' a "JA A t 4iJvJ SSi -.- Ri'S!filV ifi I B icifl IS jmyfiiilirtriiiey-RiBNT ly , atiiff i tw r eady te Magnificent Building 100,000 square feet, rc-enferccd concrete, sprinlrtcrcd Bread St. at North Phila. Station LOW Rental te Substantial Tenant ETeTffllJlWM'pg ipffp '"" The building l f .11 s:e"."3 lngl: . tms area 111,00(1 s,ri. ft rtra high ceilings, built vt re- nfeircil oencrrtr. sprinkle el vi'li the mn loent rate of Insurance ebt ilnalu- lienw lead cnrtylng floers: railroad siding capable of llf cars. lisht en four S'des. eu-t tti'-li "f building daylight: tUilslud en tlii (.ste-'er en I're.id M vurtli ri-lln. Station and llallrend front with cramf, tcrr- eeita nnd tau'stf" brb K : ene lieur and fortj fertj Ihe minutes from Nw Verk i""it , nil tra.iu from reiitli neith, east .nd west of the rciii?" huiu.i fUillreful l-ou In front of the deer. Uulldlnp can be s"en Wr um-iiulf mile nurt; or s-eutli en PreaU rtrcet. thus shlng unusual advertLing ilu I iiusunl inw rental tr, u nibjt.milal -,'orpur.i-lien ur ceini'.'in: I "1 I'-t left buiMing w."r'lietir i ' r i-e .itntlen or office bulld'tig JOSEPH J. GREENBERG, Owner 1421 CHESTNUT STREET Ki -Bell Phene Spruce 7307.8 - Varturlei. Wnrehitiws Alnmifaeliirliu rinnrnKn FLOOR SPACE GUARANTY INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 24TH AND MARKET STREETS TO CHESTNUT STREET uert.i-,f. Ol'fli I.S DKSK HOO'I sinnns IHiHT MAMr.UTI mv. GUARANTY BUILDING N. V. CORNER BROAD AXD CHERRY STPEFTS LAHOE OFFICII 10 11 1 Sh i elll'ORATION OFriCE FORCnS Beth cf these structur-1 ar- u.n.leni in piry nirticular bclnz .f re u. reel enntret construction, centrally located, ami itTenl sp!ndld facilities. Itentils reasun.ibl ppli GUARANTY CORPORATION' GEoner. n. ei.ler. nei-retary a manager 140 NORTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE pknxsyT.vaxia -ini rhn K1KKI.Y." . wwii'iii,iii,iiiwinii'iiiiillllll!ill!llil"lii!:c..llllll7il! ,1'Hffilil MlliiJIJ llllrll ILIil - HOMESTEAD Ten rooms 2 baths; tr .reush i. O'l ern. larse let, old sliaj. 2 -r H ra:i' price reaserable D. F. RYAN H Ktrklsn. Ta., or JOl'l Markst K:maiiini;:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiHiiiiHH'iiiiw NEW JERMIY r.RMH Between N. Y. and Phila. "Arber Rest," Near Trenten A -rendarfu! meney-maklr.g farm of 37 acres In Mercer Ceuntv is elfered a a aacnnce Price, owner called awa throws in pair lierses. 5 cows. 3 l.e.fers. I plg. Itf'J rhlckers, wagon harness reape- anj D.r.je. Jiewlng machine, ha ral.e asiirtment et in... kipriiw, fii livatcra IT I . Cl?e ' line engine, eth-r equipment 35n ' u corn. I JU tens nay .iu ou eai- ' '"' ether crops tine location, seu.h-ru siepe; lautlful b--tieni b"". 'u lawn mil r-hrubbery furnace heat 3 poultry tv us. Vlcsty. dairy, barn tool shed r rn.-rtb lew garage, ether bldga. eelf-suppert.ng f,n country property and a bargain at low tirlce K BOO. part cash and lrni' Ohe Jl. FnANCIS. Hopewell. N J. Reachei from Trenten bv trolley. . Cr THESE 5-ACRE RICHLAND GARDEN FARMS en Penna. el'Ctrlc. near Mas Landlns are telng fast The cemlnir of the brlflar will send prices searlnc liv e-iln(.- nw you can get s splendid acre farm k Jlt able for pejl'-v truck mid frul'. ! r $250. pajable SI weeab immediate iia iia seesien Wl 1 flnanc- ieu for a house Mt,n nnd booklet free GILBERT - O'CALLAGHAN 703 Walnut t . J'ni.a REAL ESTATE TOR RENT city Builncn Prepertlew and Stere" !llllir.ailll!l'll.ll,ll!!llllillll.lJlli!WiH.ilL'ii.ilauiliilil'iill'jlffl,i'J RENT 1521 WALNUT STREET Just Completed Stere and Upper Floers Will Divide Srle-tuiM tocaflen for Brektranc, Uankine or Insureiffi Ofltcea Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 15th and Chestnut sts. iwiiiiiiraiuiiiirMiiii1 jiiBBimiiaiffl'ifflww NEW MODERN SlUKt 2047 CHESTNUT ST. New In course of construction', ex ceptionally desirable; suitable for op tician, specialty shop, mediste, fur riar. millinery or any hlgh-class re-4-ai v..,Di-... inriarjti nntii. "HSliiT' VaS-. tVi-i r iy.1 ALBERT QULLL f,VA ui BDTiBwniimmnr. n urai ini JuiuiiiiiiHiuiiituiiiiuuihaidiiii-uiiiii 29 S. 17THST. ENTIRE BUILDINO STORE ON 1ST FLOOR ApirtWents en second and third floors; geed locatien: moderate rental. Albert M, Greenfield & Ce. 15TII AND CHESTNUT STS. RENT STORES MAJESTIC HOTEL BLOCK Splendid location for drugglit. Udlii' ipsclalty shop, florist and automobile 'Albeh'M. Greenfield & Ce. 1 5T1I AND CHF.MTNtTT STS N. W. Cor. Bread & Race Sts. Splendid location for automobile show room or acciiserln or restaurant. Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 15TH U CHESTNUT STS. 110 PINE ST. Xhm-itery building with elevator suitable (or. llfht manufacturing or verv ceed le catien for wholesale fruit and . preduce: Breeibli arrtngtminti cin be mane DONALD V. REDDING c&lr' 2d and r ave. y real estate for sent MTV LEASE lnrl It nrelum-es I.iniifarttirltitT lloer I Hmlni-.. rretwrtlei jjidterr WLfuiiiiu u anmn inn wmu akmrnaivmi New 2-Story Building 1 620 Vine 171 2-14 Vine 17 I 40 'r. i e,-,r r WIl L KREi , I 3f-tl40 tQ r.ar s AYLIUin n: pos. u .nuit- -ur 51, Ul IOOMS 't 111-t.e. ...... iciun a.rjr- Usui tnanf;. An-irt nci s EM) Til, a ..fcv-i v U.!1 I1LD(J. .--pr. 511U b Ojmamjkwnmmmm'im liinnn. ulvf!"ucnt In Mnall tj-pe . in rolleulniT eeliimns. Knrtfirles. Wnrehemea lanufaeliirlnt Fleer. pin c.fiijiiiia'.i'iiiii! wii!iii!i! OTwifi i i'liiA i mi, j.j mmmw 'I RENT H 43,000 Square Feet Fleer .sncn Si , WOODLAND AV. NR. 32D 1 will rmiuL e WM. C. BENKERT 1 jji cnn.vrvi'T -, a ii. ,i' , ' ,.il.T N W Cor 6th and Chestnut Sts. D'sirable efflce space, units of 2000 sq ft . reasonable rental. Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 13th and Chestnut Sts. SHUBERT BUIieDING 250 S. Bread Street JVST A HEAL POOP OFFICE BUILDING AI.e see uiUert'aeiuenta In dmall tue In felliwlnc lelnmns. wit philaih.i ruiA . 912 Seuth 57th Street KleV rooms, modern, fine location, oyro eyro oyre site cllv park Greenwell & Dornan 42? S S2D ST. Bnslness Properties wnd Stores 6105-07-09 Woodland Ave. These desirable stores can be had Ircrco Ircrce dlatsly; suitable for any uiirs.i. Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 15TH ivp ri'va , 1 1 s MORTGAGES MORTGAGE FUNDS WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1017 WALNUT ST. $50 TO Rial enale eccurlty. imrrdlatt settlement: interest en estates beuxht. Ceh at ones. $2000 EDW. M. MOLL 131 a '-in t , W. H. BALL & SON "SOT1-0 i ,, AIe m', mlfrtlr.finfnt8 In araall type In folleulne t'elitmim. THE DOO DDAS ......... .un. ii.iiiiin . i mil in 1 1 mi -ii in i. (im j . -i' i rj ij ii . .i" iv . .... ., .. -..in hi- i ii ii'iu ir it.e ..' ifi,,.i.ie wj as y wuy d i mil ... El Ul (llrlT .IIU -- - ....e,, rir 1.' ritinmi 'T i IT - n ,in,.i a' i7rtn7 i'.i Ihrlr (...'n, nunrifr ,n it "Tlrt,,, .!,.., " . . . AIe kee mlicrtSf ments 111 Miwll Him! "...., '"V,i t,, k V,r.,;n ,.V,i tr.ei .i... . '"7. ....... ,:..t i ...:." ,,. .;. .i', "" r"uul J KUCR Irlt'tlU lniUewlnir columns. ,nd gas modern Apply 21 N ait ' cwrn ucr, unucr inn moil.'. u,c I Tiea. iie jb liet ii crew uml OFFICE-, UIMNES ItOOMS I.TC e-,-,r en. I m I . """ ' '" ' l " ""'" " "" '" "''"'. A1"1 H U.-INl . --" - LLLi spruce eCW i walnut r ., I ",""",' ."ua wcnt 'nr wny. I . ..-..,. .. tjtlifj.llilt. 11 i "HOUKIlt IllDl Prn7.v fn- ,-ii.L-ln.. 1.1 1 vvr.- w . ee. I ' K .x i,.i'-ie I , .in I r-inui ,1 .-nnirr i ., . IF I FINISH PAINTING U ( HERE'S THe MONEY lB&jfW POOR. OLD NlCHOLASl YjH S V J- HURRV UP,TlNV! K Lttfir THe 'WALL AROUND THE ) FOR THE PWNT I'M Hj zzS&Jf PAINTINXV THt6 WALL t6 X EZS t&fiS OONT SOO THINK I tY T, T&3UlmbiZJy fiXl ZOO VARD I'LL HAVE -n 5URE PROOO OF YOU, "52f TREMENDOUS TASK.Tr4INKi Mi EVER 6T TIRtD y Cf& " V "eBMSN&i G All T14AVE MORE PAINT, DOO ) NICHOLAS! ThE ENE5rY c U- OF THE VEARTY HOURS HE jg Vj l TTIN HEKE?jL S9w "SjlSZBBlKMaJ Sg.g) MY WOT ATAOK.I &TILL YOO HAVE CHtiPLAYEDj I MU6T have QPIZHX PLYING J B V"A--,- "TrLi" Wammitil7ML Vl'lh HAVE MORE-N A MILE J 16 INDEED AMAXIN-Sr. JUi iTHAT BRUSH BACK ANO fSSV llHHH.IHHHlir'"'"' MpTf - W WW, " ' ' mmmmmmmm j ...... - - - .aaa tmmmmmmmmmmmBm .... -. aa. 1-.. a j , , -' i r " mfwmM J, " ' JS. 'EVENING PUBLIC APARTMENTS RENT APARTMENTS 1711 Snruce hi,, I mid a rtns. nnd balh. IJJ'i Sprui-n nt . a roenn nnd bath d.'th nnd Spring Uaidcu ids., 1 unci 1! rooms and hnth. ail I Spring Garden at . 5r. nnd bath. HOOK Oreeii nt,, rooms ntul bath, A. F. BROWN WtsA-. Alan see niltrrtlscmenta In small lype In fotleulnir relumna. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MTV SPECULATION INVESTMENT 17 S. 4th st 404 S nth st. 1434 nidee ae and 711 H, 13lb at 7 houses. 410 te 432 N 3lt Bt. 21H0 block H llewnrd tt i;nn.ti(i n. nith tt. 1105 te llll N d t. l!42r..2().3:. . Uolle.i st. 1041 N. 2lt ft. S'eieral row of S roemx; toleed section 7230 te 40 1'anehali ae. snr ciirrerd m. MALERMANl.ee 'i.'aee'V.U M-.5- v i-rir . ,. , - i ... SOUTHWEST CORNER fi'Jd and Klnciesstns i iVnLifT,". ', ". ' rm" ",e JV0!'1 "ViS" ne -nxkerv and Ice cream buslnena ril" ' i! . 'i'.-.i,''.;.!.! property Includlne ttarage; all modern enulp I M1V 1-rTe n Ki m i 1 ith nrnjeea "1,cnl- eilahllshM 10 ear wtei owner about : hum rnr,ih h ;.iVe'ninr"., v,Vrt,m?iV l' rf,lrc n"'1 wl n,d ' InanclnB! a most I .i .x I rn tji . n -7 i.i. ii.irt n i . liiii-vairr iie'r, infi ii exreiictii cenaiunn 330O Hlk N. Mjtfr pt (27 hour). ll'Uii Hlk. N. (irlanna ft (J lieuiei SeniliK. N I'alrlilll st tl IieuwbI l.'l'il Hlk N. lieuMer et (2'i houses' 1700 lllk. N. itelnhurt st 1.1 hens. sr.tP.MAN a ruinuMAN I'll f'rXM Hug Lembinl 2l8d :9('i N 27T1T ST. Two-sterv s-ruanr dwelllUB, Inclesed perch. t.asn ier winter una screens, net-water neat, electric llihte wonderful bathroom, must ba I een te be upprec! Hed, JHOO". acant. pos- rcJSlen. I nt-ftn.QT V"V i tfiie N. IPth st 1U20 V .MUilHCNV AMI. Thli t'rercrt has 11 renms, bith. bet-wate.- hrat. elec. fli-. I -ar KHrnite n reir. with n drlvWH!-1 im i lnf n".YlTr. ft r v.-.ll.Mit tnlllir le catien. Arrew Realty (-i.. :..'3 v Oln .n.nn. I MO Kill IJIfHVf.,.,1 i.i- 7 rtm. ll.ith. liereht I I II ll A I II If WU I II nrv I : -" "' ( crr cnraite el e nvt-ivnter bent. v ) '-'"'''L1-, T it-LfUliyl Chester iwe. VH (,o'me.J,J:!'uK(.,1,ltum.,t.le '"' rCnVa"'di .v.,LA?ur.Il,fflf j;5v;. J" fJ'C LIT lBun-W ' hi rST.Tn r' " ev cry modern Implement, up li.i jits BLl.t. eii. i.l.AT. i.3T.rr, t0 .,, Inmu,8, including heated Baraga, II r" RMtTii siinw' ,'ri R. Incief'd. heataJ perch, ssparate tl.e shower. - - - i''--fiAJ.lIil'n5i- I'Hr.Jii? Repreentatfe at sample heuse dally and HPIirt t.ATdns AN-n i- nsTiina Sunlla le A JI te 4.30 1. M.. or by sd IS U TAMNO l HIST UI.rOSITIa.. Thsaire Kid rhone Lanadewtin 21S0. 34tl Mfere si S loom. new rneated 2ll4Mfflln S loems: corner Noiweod. 1247 S. 27th renetated, 2n:jl f Juti.rcr. in Ids 23d 2S2fi Miffllr st MMON WEISS Renlte lH2d I't. Hrez ave VERT aluable properties for speculators or Ime-ters 512 N. Ilread. S.xl(10. 15'2-lt N tread 50x2110. 153(1 Trfrl. ac . 1535-37 N '.'Arils'. 2-terv brick senile rtatlen. 4n 7Q (ha r.nldmnn. 723 Walnut P. W COR. antli nrd lViplar sts.--Thi- -ter store Rnd dive. lfl rms hath rnd ster earn?', lvt-natcr 1 eat electric IIrM. i H. J. FASY, 18th & Thompson 14 ' irti'i .tni'KiTiisnv a'r Thren eterv. re-ims enil a Da'iis, nil r'Hiii'ni.c, un ' idUte isesalen Hi. J- FASY, 16Ui & Thompson V f. Al'AItTSICNT beu". 1-1 pife"t erdr -ith j'1 mode-n iinpreeme"i exeell'ti' I ei'it K and het tr planta In fjed pelBh- bo-b-ed 12 mlnuies' walk from lit.' Hail r i U T N f-.VIN 520 N 20' h 2128 N." CARLISLE ST." r-,t full. reflnNhed home. '.'u '"''" v,-rl- unless en. price reduced terms te su't (JET 7. S. SON !..th nrd lerk st , M'.lll "-.II AND DE LANCEY- Three 5ter , Men fro it 12 rooms. 2 baths, electric. irdwoed floors ih'ougheut. reir street for arige Jlii.'.no, bargain UttTER OS- PORN12 1'24 ihenlnut. CE.NrRA'L SITES. SMALL AND L.VKQE ARTHUR R0SWELL 33 N lSTl' f.T. 1521 N. 17TH FT- Three-ster modern apartment h-use. rental $2100 annually. i JASY, 18th & Thompson SPRCCE ST WEST OP lVTH Wonderful residence, ihreuih te Ue Lancej st . $75 - inn J. S WES1NEY 203 I Iberti ll'Ue r ncut ar.'n 1 543 N. 5TII 'T. i or i l bu"l .s s-ctei-ii'i '. e tu-ned tn'u mnn h v belt. Hec vir ivr 2 t...r'.. Lehman i. Uicl hardt. 4551 V 5tr !t W u 55llt W l'ecRTnTnS rn ward i(5ni heus m ii Ul stnet. JS.'.Ou h3t-vatr he.it. ele ir . 1 OU' new' rcneated. .nl,ur 15esw.il. ins N 15th t iRflO Perch. '1 rm . b let HI ft PJC"" drliewa near "d and Hei flep te lleulevard. open Sun.l.-i H ddle A Ce 4'151 N 5th m. THREE-STORY brick. It ruuir.-ntr tin heat. e;Ltrclt, let t4xl7 ft . JC00O for qulc: h e i!24 N Frent st 0 DWELLINGS square from elevated sta sta t.en. Church and Penn sts . price 12500 te t',ni te Individ. buer MANN. 3141 CI st. HUNTING PARK sect 4321 N Darlei t., 0 rrn. bath, het-water heat elec : basement laundrx acint SHOEMAKK R 7th ai,.l Erie SALE OR RENT T'nr'y ft. fmntage liiuO bloc Chestnut st. T' SlO T,ege- Office M.ViN ST STORE Modern let run'ilnc ilueush te rar &t-eet sacrlrtce prlc- op;n up.la' niDDl.F. A CO lil-.l v ,-th , 4J7"N HOWARD 0 t m" bath p rub. Dutrh '.ell ciec wniie nnq manng an THREE prepertUn assessed $2700 for al old rent 2'J me-iih. price J2U0O ler en tlrey. p 725. ledger Office. 22'JI COLUMBIA AVE 3 st.v store & art. heuie In a er actlve buslnea loc. Hany P June. & Ce I.a,nd Title H'dg I.'c Q'lu i-PKCL-LATORS. take adantage of 4 prep. ""?"" uuuv'- '" l"v" '"'' '"" ' . v-uraperB cnreiCeHly Jeft a fire burn In n i:sect nar I. P 72H. Ledger off i Daddy Deg. ing ut the edge et the weeds. I t,nu- t-hr. ?l"i cash ' re ms (all brick), 530e lf!i N WOODSTOCK First mortgage rrien FR'H. MO N 2lst. Spruce e.10 ill I.OMRARD ST. Te close an estate.. S aijis e i.ince;n nidg ?pr a.4'' eeTTnv 8a n. 2d ; ,.,'v tl.l.-P-'re '1"(H n-eml 3d t H W. OUENTHER. 248a t'l'l W sil".LT7ER ST. 2-atv . near Otn. A I.ef,lh ae 29Dt. can wainui is;? iinuti59,s H.-Kic. Itullillng IiU. Facterr Ml ripe te building, all street i lpreiementi seP-ftSNri-SVrtn20,tawaimiia.r. " '3LJ'-3l - '"'" '-' ft'nut " lt.lnjHPrprertle(i nnd ,Mirea VACANT V..Ler-'i'l770.Kft:0.LM,,?5..f''r.bMnuM ravenr. are sh'r birds and be .iami.s'f J. heanet. 303 e Allegheny !: I'KCinrles. WarebeiKes. Mannfarturlng rioeri f ctery -lese te Wuyne Junction .en'ain. III' J..UU" B4 ' . t.t.tl .-.'("HHJ UVIIt s'cini heat, electric lights, high ceiur.jj, 5C b p meter en each fleer. Immediate pes-f-sinn. cervenlent terms, must le ,r,ii ( 1 tter D Rettner & Ce 1421 Chestnut. 1 'UiRnK-.lORY factory cen-amli,.- 3i0iiO I s'i ft . w.th light en all sides, steam h.at ' 'sine lights, sprinkled, complete p.wer i A.it, possession, cenv. terms, r bargain, i inier D P.i)imr (-Q .. 14-1. Chennu'. FACTORY SFTE Llndiev ale (IMi st und fleadlnif Railway. Jlti.OOO h'i ira fe-t. Jll fee' .,n railread: 2 "treet frenta. RED J HCHAEFER. I'itt Chestnut it 1 Factories, Warehouses and Sites II LBB PATTON. Lincoln Bldg. PaLTmTue'J AND SITLS. im;1i ralliead or wllhe'j' What dn JU want "vlaSTNFY VO LI'' rlv lllds l'lVI.-bTeltY factory. 8 l.lejkM Cltv Hall: ery low price, an-ni tuiini. Nuut, WHSI'NUY 203 Lib, in HMr, Men am uilierllarmenta In larce type In preceding relumna. ' ... . - , H . -...aa. ' Ciiein.fm XfionJftferl ' a D.. A t n.w iJUIII UlVllll IUIOWH11.VU. . . a a .a ju SrVll UtlLP. ' . - r W Z , m KTt VM aM5UEi LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE riTY .JHerca. nnd Itwellinn 2800 BLK. KAIH.MOUNT AVR KraKei;riXery-elei' ' ffi 5li V 5 l I Atipu J31 N. .lat ft. inmien i ci rooms aim Path, tiiiuKnii in (kip rn. (iBrnyen i:u-ltl-U H. OTH BT. T"o.ftery uarage. Peer. elevator, no te 00 car capnellv Meam heat, electric: front and rear t. n trance. Nealla, e.Q s. mtli. Beth plnnen. SUVKUAIi caraue prepertl". dcs.. leeaMens. cnpbc. i!3 te 200 nutomebllen! will sell at a low prlee. Qlmii. tleMnian. 7SK WMmit ct.. niTerfrent rrenertlM WHARF PWOPPPTY bciiuyuiill ......... . w UA I IllVEIt J. i.hk rATTQV. WnentnBliUr wkst rim.AnEU'iiiA SCH0CH fit MARKERT PuKitest for jTStir consideration tlie'0crhroek district! 1700 block N. Kdsewoed f . 1 loemi. tiled bath, het-water heat, electric, basement laundry. (10(10 hleclt Jedereen Bt., I bedrooms, modern! M00 block Nassau St.. 3 bedrooms, modem, carafe: 0000 block Ox ford at.. 4 bedrooms, hack stairway, gamce, vacant! (1000 block Columbia nve.. It bed looms, tiled bath, Rranj 00(1 block MarlMi lead, 10 ft. frentaite. 3 bedrooms, central heat serMce, garase. vacant; many ethers! few corners rtOOl Oxford st Belmont B201. " -,,. ., ,., ,u, .. ..,, , ... vltJ West riilladelehla's home sections. 1P10 HLOi'K t' 831) HT. New modern homes. 0 roenn nnd t le baths, het-water heat eleetili hardwood flesrs; lame perch! sempl" house op-n. will finance: terms te suit V J MARTIN, 145 N. BHIi st. Bel- nieni Jie-i I DO Af'Rllrf en State Msliway. Improved with u lO-reum prick house, het-water heat i nnrl linlli 1? hiil-n. ittle nr.d tnnnl hnti lante apple orchard and old shade: prlce rlcht for eulck buer. A. II. MIDLER. 215 . ptat st. Media. !. - 1IOITMAN APARTMENT.". Tarksldn ave. west or .i.a ei . oerieoKinB t"ari Tnree rooms and bmh or 4 rooms nnd bath! open I dallv end Stinda McMANUS & McDON- ALU OSd nnd OheMnut ' ' ' pnernoed 08s $7noe 5Sth nml ClicMir nr. J10CO eashi Imdesed purdi. 1 bedrooms, h.-w. heat. ' 9r"n -undK I (i'JTH .T ,-ct lei Th erl new ,'Insle atone neincs in mi section, $ieuu 10 3iu..'oe: en th widest etrct8, large, lets; 4. sa west of 3tli St Terminal, or call Wxlter A. fc dntchy. 70tli and Market. I.'elnient 3408. O0T1I fT s"tIen IS100: stucco en hellew tile, twin beuse, 3 bedrms : Kiraes privi lege nw sectien: flSOO cash required, bal snc en 1st and 2d mertcaees. AValtcr A. ."UC lately, TOtn a Marnt st Diment -140M. tiSli REHULAND ST. Twe story, brick, 7 rooms, thoreushly medern: excellent con ditien; Immediate possession, $4500. J. W. i A-MAi 4. (.e . (ljoe woeoiami ave N'HAR 53U AND (JIRAKD Cozy Dutch-hall house, breakfast room. 3 bedrooms, elec- tile, hardwood floers: W750. CHESTER OS Bf'RNE. 1521 rbestnut. UUIU ST sctlcn Cor riwe.lTnK, wonderful loc doctor. d"ntl( cr undertaker: t''ere '.a no un1ertakr In this e"-tlen. '.all nftlce of V ,'ier A McCIa tc h y7 " h a Mill Hei 3408 l'" HLOCK P. 67TII -rmir bcdioeni". mod med eri UiiouRheut 5P000 Remember ' CROSS " stund1" f i ml that n kekiI real estate 50th and Lap hwoed ae four bedrooms, electric. acant ierv large ,, $-J(l , j w CAMXc i rf. ,1200 Woodland ne. out II and Chrlftlnn. &. V. cer v.. bath and office. 2 entrances . let 1(1x100; h.-w. heat. r'ec. llrht: exc. order, posh D D. CHAMBERS. C01 Commercial Trust Bldg. :.Jd AND IRVING (S, W cer ) Three-story business uirner: 18x5. 3 stores. $30,000; '' terms. Rlehnid P. Powell, 22 3. 52d. 1010 S. 40TH ST 25xllD ft, 3-story dwell- Ing, southwest exposure elec. hardwood doers U A Ansley, laiS Chestnut st. OVER 3.10 houses, all price", easy terms! automobile service Rellly 432 S. C4'.n, VACANT 1633 S cnestega, 7 rtenis, elec: .1"Q down K,5 per month Khsr.voed 140rt. Alse see ndTertNeuienta In larse trpe In preeidlng column'. CERMANTOWN DETACHED STONE HOI'SE. 13 ROOMS 2 b.iths, Htecm heat. 3 flreplaceg: let ISlxlSl S w exposure well Intated en eai slds. ' r PETERS S. SON llll- CHESTNCT ST UN LINCOLN DRIVE, near Carpenter Sta- tlen AOvleO reasenahrc Samuel Hnliler r?...,B. !'07 Klnen-e nidg I.ncuit 4P27 HTN - Greene and Tulpeieclen sts ; 10r.. 2 liath" with gar : near Tulpeheclun Sta ' l0n Drehv & Eians. 1007 Lincoln Bldg. CORNER STORE suitable for anv kind nt bus.ness; in a private nelghtyrhend, will finance, llarrv R. McKeen Ce 071H Yerk rd. private nelghb-Thend, will AImi see ndtrrtlsrinents In larne type In ureredlne columns. DREAMLAND I ri i - f v-r-i-.k im Rn i nK. peintmnT Stories of the Snow By DADDY Grandfather Haven joint il.c raft. jeini tlie ilennit. QUANDFATHER RAVEN Dew - a . . ' JaeK and .innet were surpri6ea nt .Lis Elzc. He loeKea inucn llKP a crew, a i nf u of u UlU IIU.1 IBISVli JWCJ.MVa ,.M l.lnrllv fflint in his cyp instefld ,.--... ,.rflffr. pnle. st.ire. ".." .''.'. ". i "n n lonely fnrm ut the edee of the great weeds livtd a hermit, began tiranrtfather Haven in telling ms story, ' "V-elks called him Jehn the Hermit. Thev thought him iiueer because he lived I by himself and did uet seem te like etber persons around him. They did et knew that he avoided ether folks iuf,t because be was verv. very shy. He feared thcra although he loved them. 1 llU Uj UIIBKllt l"U. uf. I rnuEe they have become very few in this country. Once there were many of us, but hunters killed US off, until . new nil my relatives und friends arc gene. . , ... TT lM ... .,M Jenn inc iiermit was nut ruj u. birds. Instead he knew us all. And lie knew ravens were net destroyers like the (rows. "Jehn the Hermit nnd I grew te be gvent friends Ieth of us were lonely :tiiu l would lslt n im eitun, hji ib about with him ns he worked in the holds. "The crews in that region were verv many and very bad. They did much harm te growing crops. He the farmers went after them with guns. The farm ts shot many crews. "They came te the farm of Jehn the Hermit and saw me Bitting In a trce. They aimed their guna at me. I surely would have been killed bad Jehn the Hermit net run te my rescue. At the REAL ESTATE FOR SALE lTtANKreKD ,v FRANK FORD English dwgs., rilllne aft, l'""''! ve.) let 30x16! garage! Mil.r.OOl Mllal1 umeunt cbbIi rey,( Jirlceii ;",".' ,1U(, t0 0peritt0n et rrnnftferd "I.." Onby M:van, 1001 Llnrnln llldg. Hiirura 7380. HllvniiAli I'rankferd stores, pomes, from HOOP up. DliiLMAtnu. 202 Liberty nidg, OAK LANK r.RI( 8T1I 8T & (IITII AVE. A new. detached, stone. Colonial home with S-car arae. en a let S0x2en ft.: prettiest PrJ.ef .'WS suburb. HARVEY I. JONES & CO.. 1009 lind Title nidg. JL OI.NHY NEW, modern homes, 0 room! and bUh! bullt-'n tub and sbener. hardwood floors, open llreplares tnln cement perches! large let, with garste privilege: en Taber read wet of 10th ft. II. O. KRICK, Judsen and Indiana a, RUSCOMUE WTREET HOMES Six rooms, bath. Inclesed perch, all cenvj.1 naracei let I.VxlOO: financed. . bMIIs.P. STAlll.. Hullder. B20O N. 3d St. W)e, 6729 J, 234 E. WYOMINU AVE. 3-sty. brick, prchs let 20x120: h.-w. hat, elcc. hardwd fl'orei de. loe. Trick, Judsen ard Indiana nve. Alse see udiertlsrnicnts In large trPC In nreeenlng eelumns. I.OOAN 8. W. COR. risher'a n.e. and Camac Irge 2-sty. dwat.i all med. Improvements! rlose. te trnln and tret.i best residents! see see tlen n( lAissn: mimed. possslen. WM. JI. HRlNKWOllTH. nep W. I.ehlth ave. , 5000 DLOCK N. 11TH f-T. Mllletf built! will reil either furnished or unfurnished. W, U CHAMBERS, 433 N. Rread . 0000 ANU 6100 HLOCK MERVINU ST. Twe story. S rooms. 1 bath, modern. W. I. CHAMBERS. 4t'33 N. Rresd 5100 BLOCK N 15TII ST 3 Jty.. twin. 10 rtns , 2 baths: recd cend : med. threuh- out. W, II. CHAMBERS. 4P33 N. Rread It. 5201 N. 11TH ST. Twe story. 8 rooms and bath; let 2090: modern throughout. Vt D. CHAMBERS. 4033 N. Hread st Alse seei ndierllsemeuts In large type In preceding eelumns. TIOG'A- NB1V operation. 10th nnd l'lkn sts.. JT500! 0 rooms, tile bathr jraraire: elec het-water heat, hardwec floors throughout! terms te suit! own Sunday eenlnKJ. J. Washington Robinson. 121B Chestnut st. Walnut 1020, NEW 2-story homes, with garage. H rooms und hath: every modern cenv . K"taugli st. west of 20th; $7500 HARVEY P. JONES & CO.. Land Title Hide locust 0110. MODERN 2 sty., n-r.. cer. dwg. In Tleaj near St. Stephen's Church i: a. iiobsev. :m;s N Rresd st. OAK MSI DUPLEX HOME This property has 8 rooms and bath en first floev: also 8 rooms and bath en second fleer! 2-car garage: let CSxlOO. Arrew Realty Ce.. 523 W. Olnv ax. OAK LANE -Modern stone-and-stucee resl. denc; 7 chnmbers, 8 bath: let 150x140; 2-car Baraga; excellent location; ntar sta tion. E. A. HAVENS CO.. LAND TITLE RLDCJ. S. E. COR. BROAD & BOTH AVE Eight large rm. bath: 2-car gar.; will finance. .'car gar.; win nnn. Fester t Felchman jveviiHei jv. Hreau 1'ENNSVt.VAXlA SimCRBAJ RESIDING IN BALT0. Owner of 13-room ftena house and 2 aerea at Lancherne, will sll under actual value! could net be duplicate.! for twice the prlc; Kara?: shade and fruit tn abundance. PETERS & SON'.fiOS CHESTNUT ST-.THIUIl OLENS1DE Bldg. sites In best sec.! near train & trel. Send for bneklt. Fergusen & Jehnsen, 3(144 N Uresd it Ph Tlnga D0P5. ,ibt.i:r GENTLEMEN'S ceut 'rs home. 20 acres, geed atone house ml Improvements, ceed earn. outeuiiotngs. excellent Mew, concrete leads. 2 miles NorriMewn owner moving i...:.. nnn B.cuun. tii.LiiA.ii , jtr;. Knight Bide . Ambler Pa lien 343. LOOK THIS OVER-.-tone house, stable: nil modern lrnprueinnts stream, ever n.9r? . "round, mud neighborhood 110.000. WILLIAM C. REX, Knight Bldg . Ambler. Pa. Hell 34R. UAROAIN. dealrabln duelling, 12 rooms. ? tS"1!'9' . '' acre Bround. garage, beat neighborheod: reduced for quick sale, 118.. Bw..w,,.L,A...ci..n-X. Knight 'dW, '"lwn I"-J( Old COUNTRY HOME. t)0 acres, stone mansion house all Implement; tenant beuse, earn, stream. weeds, etc : ceed location $33,000. WILLIAM C. REX. Knlgb B 1' Amhler. Pa. Bell 343 "'"J-- MUST be sold, corner store dwellln. slate reef, het-water bit. 10 rooms, stable. RKf.9; WIM.IAM REX. Kataht mtk.'. Ambler. Pa. Bell 34a SLSII-DLrACHCD tlie and frame. (1 rooms .and bath! $4250 WILLIAM C REX Knlght Hide, .-Ambler. Pa Bell 843 ItneOKMNE , E1000 CASH te purcha.e .T(iV.nn le. .e.;' . single Colonial residence; center hall Hvi 1 in rnm hihi .... . . . . . ' I In .' P-..'"".: .-".". 4WUUI, ureaKiasi room, mictien, a Dearoems. tlie bath, nr.finiehe.i storeroom; absolutely all city conveniences. Jnei'iV 16CKI- Jr- Dt" ""d "!. Seil nvwoep bINOLE HOMES 4 bodroems. large let: screens and shades: let us show jeu this tcr A. McClatchy. 70th & Market. L'el. 3408 ADVENTURES I risk of bcinn shot hp kneclied aside the he does no nt the They trt" n . ... a.1 .1 -. " . --- - -- - iieniiiB 111M lilt" I r ' i y rensiaered mc. JiS tiny blaze creepin? through the tr toward the groin fields. If it rearhe,l i wari rne eraln u.em- If " reached Vhi? IKknc.n' tb.'i 0r'5 would eep the holds burning the wiramei- crop "I Hew te the home of Jehn the Jler. mlt. 'Cranel: -creak ! Come with me'"' I cried. 'Fire Is bpreadlnt: toward tJi spreading toward the .grain fields ! I "But Jehn the Hermit could net 1 understand raven talk. He looked at nie in n puzzled nay, I tuzeeil hi ) mat and flew toward the fire. Who he did net fellow I enme back and tii I tugged his hen Red again. This time I flew away he (nllAIKAil M. - v .u..w.i;u lilY "The blaze bad grown larger. . It .3 juac iiuuui m ruBu across the grain fields. Jehn the Hermit wet his coat in n ditch and beat out the tire in the grass. He bad te work hard for the flames were eager te burn the groin. But nt Inst lie u-nn th fieht Ti,. a ---v - .- -e.a.-. .uq Witt was out. "Then Jehn the Hermit was grateful , in iin. 'If you had net warned me I would have lest my whole crop 'of Braln by fire,' said he. 'And the flames , would have spread into my neighbors' neids and they tee would haie lebt their crops Fer jour geed work I will bee that ou nev iver go hungry in the. cold winter dins. At mv deer will al ways be, a feaBt of grain and crumbs teady for ou.' And Jehn has kept hla word. That is why I nm net hungry while winter bterms rage through tie weeds." (In tomorrow's chapter Jack and Janet leam strange tsccrets about Jehn the Hermit.) DECEMBER ,12, 1922 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rKNSKlTVAN.A atTBnBAK I'YNWYD JUST .COMPLETED All-stone Colonial, renter hall. 0 bedroema,r3 baths, beauti ful location andfvlew! 350 Llnndllle read! tot Ox240i open ITundaya. GEORGE TOM L1NSON tt EON, 1713 Sanson. St.. Spruce r.ene. , URKVF.t, .HILT. DREXEL HILL New, modern. 9 rms.l Bar-! let (10x125: ovefleoklne Leuntry !, XT"' ment ft Ce.. Builders. North American Bldg.. MWT WASHINGTON DESIRABLB 20-scre property, aoed ateni house, stable, --etc.: will dlvlda te gull Jjtr- chaser! Beed reads and neighborhood. m. C. Rex, Knight. Bldg.. Ambler. Pa. Bell M4B, OLENOLDKN OLENOLDEN 11000 cash! new leOOO asml detached home. Inc. perch, open 'Tbrsplaea, modern througheut: large rooms. LO?J.2' fieth Sr. Theatra BldB. Pbena Lans. 2180. Open Sunday. Hiniftjtwn rAttm J1B0O CASH, monthly expanses $51! mfl" dwtlllnB, 8 rooms, living t00lU'. WJif room and ltltchen. QEOROB, U BARNES. 1201 Oheiinut at. Walnut 4085 nnd HlBh- lana park. Llanerch 7B0, MODERN half-Mone dwelling. bedrenrna: let 100x180: will be sold at n tacrine. OEOROB L. BARNES. 1201 Chestnut. Tg.U nut 4035 and Highland Park. I.lansrch 750, 230 CEDAR LANE, detached stone " and frana dwelllng: 4 -bedrooms, electrla: let 50x120: Beed condition! 1 d. from trolley! part. Ph. nalment B2Q1. CORNER HOME. 53x159! J9000. yAL.TER A- ,McCLATCHY. 7flth and Market. , kirkith KIRKLYN New 0 and 7 rm. modern tninBa- lewas hardwood floors, til bath. 2 finished rms. en second floer: $1500 cash. v. RTAN, Klrklm. or Bflld Market , i,ANBDeuyr; A HOME, modern throughout! 9 lsrB rooms, 8 bathii het-water heat and .elect.. 2 large open fireplaces en flrat fleer; hardwood floors throughout price 825.000. WM. A. McCREA, Realtor ARDMORK. PA PH 270 NEW detached house and ". ,)' rooms, tiled bath, fireplace; J0500. CHES TER OSjSORNE. 1321 Chestnut St. Ouburban efflce. Lansdowne. Pa. IAAMKBCH LLANERCH New 7-room s'"le,???!5 hollow-tile dwg.. slatu roef: only 11500 cash: 140 month carrjlne charges. RAN. Klrklyn. or HB16 Market. MK1HA. NEAR ROSE TRKK Ten-room Jtene-and- brick house, het-water heat and bath. 3 open fireplaces: barn, Karsge and .'acres or land. A. 11. MILLER. 212 W. State St.. Tedls. Fa. AT STA. Newly remed 2-apt. dot. house, elec. cas.. stm. heat, large let., nice loc. A-l invest. E M. CHAMBERS. 210 W. State. Media. Ph 8(10. . MERION FINE HOME. 0 rooms. 3 baths. 8 bed . chambers, electric, vapor heat and every cenvenience: Isree let! 1-car garage; price 24,000. X . WM. A. McCREA. Realtor ARDMORK. PA PHONE 270 ORELAMT 111 ROOMS, bath, dwg. near sta 14000. -Wm. C. Rev.. Knight Dldg.. Ambler. Ta. Bell 343. , OVERBKOOK CORNER, 184x200. Lancaster pike: 10 mil., 3 b. central heat, ctene: slate roef: excel lent bnv. Ollmere. Liberty Bldg. Spr. 3233. PAOM SIX ROOMS, bath, all cemenlsnc.es; new, let 4 nrre; prlce SOil'it. Six rooms, bath, lsundtv oil conveniences! let 8xl50: pr'ce $8000, Irani, possession. HENRY W. DAVIb, Vanll, Ta. Ph"nn 145 R. RID.KV PARK STONE HOUSE 14 ROOMS Cenvenience: hardwood all ever: large perches: 'et 100x127. near station; photos. PETERS A SON.603 CHESTNUT ST .PHIT.A SPRlXOFlEIJs SPRINOFIELD 8500. beautiful bungalow; let b0x!7B: garage, chlck-n heus. ner high-speed trel. te 09th st. LOOMES. 88th St. Thestre H!dg Ph. Lnns 2100 Open Sunda.v. TBF.VOSE Building Tts TORvnsr .KcrnuMii'ii new tract of beautl ful new buneaJew sites, 150 te J150. frj ,1.1. Inn eafcV FAt. Hill' lllffh ifiVOl tfTOUnd. surr. by magnificent fruit and shade trees, near Treiese Statien: cerr.m 20c. close te Neahamlny Creek: beatlnr. bathlnx. tlehlns; kend for l-oeklet and plans of bungalows. FERGUSON. Frent and Yerk WYNNFIEI.1) WYNNEFIELD Stene Colonial home; cen ter entrance hall. Inclesed perch. 0 cham bers. 2 buths, electricity, het-water heat, hardwood fluera; 2-car garage: nearly S acre of ground, between train and trolley; ex cellent surroundings. .- . E. A. HAVENS CO., LAND TITLE BLDO. TWO new slnBle dwellings each en lets 53x 140, containing inciuvcu in.nu, u'mi iuwi.i. dlnlnB room, breakfast room, kitchen, den. laundry. 0 bedrooms and 2 battel: beuses open for Inspection. 2413-15 N. 64th st. Alse see advertisements le large type In prereamg columns. NEW JERSEY StmURRAN NEAR station at Ashland. Csmden County, house and 3 acres: heater. 2 baths, sis etc : $7500; easy terms. Arthur Bos Bes well. 233 N. 13th St.. Phila. I-KNSSYI-VASIA FARMS 120 ACRES. HEAVY EQUIPMENT. 12 16 Helstclns. 15 tiess. 2 mules. 2 horses, chickens, trncter. complete line lmpreed niRCbliiery. crops Included, between Oerman Oerman tewn and Sklet.LCk pikes: handv te Chestnut Hill trolley and Norrlstewr.- modernized Cole, nlel otene dwelllns- with plpeless heater, fire places, etc.: improved bank barn and roomy farm bulldlngu. 15 acres timber, 25 acres brook-watered pasture: unlimited possibili pessibili ties: we Invite comparison at 112.500. De De ucrlpthe circular through REESE & LINDERMAN, 0 E. C. Airy at.. Norrlstewn. Pa. Between norristewn and bryn " m.W'H kbih BOTH ST. TROLLEY Nina acraj en Valley Ferge read, near new coif links! delightful surreundings: pane ramie view! cexy 8-renm frame dwelling. peat barn. Barage. nun.ereui farm build Ir.gs, 2 itreami: eearlna fruits- leva' undy loam soil, cannot be duplicated for miles for commuter or trucker at 87500. Telephone Norrlstewn 1814 and arrange te Inspect thla weeYhreugl LnfDFBMAN.f 0 E. (5. Alrv St.. Norrlstewn. Fa. 41 ACRES. RIGHT IN TOW.V. SIACIirN ,l CRT. CROPS INCLUDED Surrounded bv 8000 populatien: short walk te depot, college, high school, creamery: many factories- top-notch markets: cexy 9 room atom) dwelllrB: solid bank barn; numerous farm-buildings: producing soil; many pleasing features; snap, $7500. De tall, through fc dehjj. O K C. Airy at.. Norrlstewn. Pa. NEAR ROSE TREE HUNT F-OUl AND COUNTRY SEAT Colonial stena house. 8 baths and all con veniences, 4 tenant heuses: complete farm buildings' and ether features mata this an imnaiiallv uttrac. property. Photes at office. y.nuT.U PETERS A BON. 008 CHESTNUT sK ft7 AfRF FARM AND 0-MV.IE. COUNTRY SEAT 3 MILES CITY LINE BETHATRES Fine old stone house. 2-tnths. h -w beat. electric lights' shady lawn: farmhouse. -etc. ; elevated large frontage en State read. C P. PETERS ft SON. 80S CHESTNUT ST. ltie-ACRH FARM, two set frame bldgs.: ,n ll.. Tilla.- Inan than 1100 Per Irere main highway Vfm C. Rex. Knight Bldg.. Ambler. Pa. Bell 348. 57-ACRE farm. 10 rooms, h.-w. heat, geed barn, outbuildings, bargain, quick sale; 12.300. Wm, C. Rex. KnlBbt BldB.. Ambler, I'a lien .14.1 45-ACRE farm. 1 mlle P. ft R..8ta.: atone and frame bldgs.: bargain. 10000. , Wm. C Rex, Knlaht Bldg.. Ambler. Pa. Bell 848. MARYT.ANH FARMS DUCKING GROUNDS sS&Wd. FINE WATER-FRONT 40 AND 100 ACRES Each with farm buildings; excellent hsrbers natural oyster Brounds; excellent apurtlnr propesition: will sell lew: photei at efflwi PETERS tt SO.N.808 CHESTNUT BT , PHILA c RFTi KJTATTf fg. RALE XKff JKBIfEY FARMS. Catalog Farm Bargains 150 selected throughout Southern Jerjeyt 1 te COO acres, coast and Inland! assertmynt for commuters, in Camden. nurllnBten. (lleuceater Ceuntleni ethers near A""""0 City and In Cape May County! many fully teckedi prices $1000 up, part cash and "e?msl ; Iminedlata peawtik.nl , FREE copy with map and trav. Instructien: call ! or write. NEW JERSEY FARM AOENCY, 803 D. Real Eatate. Trust BldB.. Thlla. VINBLAND poultry atid truck farms owner must 'sacrifice!' only. 1B0O dewn: balanca en merlBage. Wrlte owner. Leck Bex 15P, .Vlneland, N. J. 1' " WOE WILLvTRADU Tierce-Arrew II 4-48 TeurlnB Car' for real, estate , preperty: mujt ba rented and shewlnB nn Inceme: price of ear. 12000. Apply Donald V. KepdlnB. Bid and unesxer s"' WILL exchanB Vlneland poultry and truck farm for Philadelphia or Camdn house. Wrlte owner. E. D.,' Pottefflca Beb 159, Vlneland. N. J. , rKNNrlVT.VANIA rABMW 05-ACRE FARM, weeds,, stream, twe-famll dwB.. barn, large poultry houses, appla and peach erchard: want small plaea or city prepartr. WM. C. REX. KtJlBbt BldB., Ambler. Pa. Bell 343. , ., . , REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANQK I HAVE 73 free nd clear leta In Brooklyn. N. Y.. assessed at $30,000.! cash value ; $50.. 000: will exchange part or nil ffr Philadel phia or Atlantic Cllv property. ARTHUR V. JACOBS. 101 S. Montsemcry Ac. Atlantic Cltv. N J. I ' REAL ESTATE SALE Q"t RENT NEW f-roem home, seml-deticneti! let 2x 130: e5 end S70 per menth: Cpjenlal buii- galew design, car Ne. 50 te 61OO Rising S"" aV- PPANKIN. Builder Factories, Warehouses, Manufacturing Fleeri WAREHOUSE, 30.001) (IK ft.: brick bldB., vicinity Frent and Pine sts. Apply Chaa. fleldman. 723 Walnut. REAL ESTATE WANTED I REPRESENT 40 speculators, who will buy eny property, slnals or rows, if price is right: quick action assured: but llstlnB must be exclusive. DE MEDIO. 540 Victory Bid., 1(111 Chestnut st TO PURCHASE dwelllnB Beed for Invest- ments te held:. give full particulars, ag- cessment rent per month, location of prem- isei. NEALIS. 010 H. 12th at, , nr.vTR anA in,ertn eeitseted anywhera careful dally attentien: wa have a wejlth of exp. In every phase of this work. Jaf. w. .iicennen. 410 a. zutn..pruce unei WILL BUY for cash rows 6f small beuses any section! prefer northeast cr norm west: Yvl.il Rive aulck replies end protect brokers (117. Ledger Office, HAVE manv calls for homes fiem $$00O te $5000. What hava you te offer? Fer quick results list your property .with me. 71. E. SMITH. Kn W Erie m. , ItkrrV. CT.TrVTQ f.- .m&ll llHAltlTISnt OrOP- ertles. west of Bread St., south of Market pref. Jas. H. McConnell. 415 R. 20th. Spr.0tlrt7 J. LEE PATTON. speclalltln In citate, building operations, central realty and fac tories. 400 Lincoln Bldg. ESPECIALLY equipped te collect A manass. qy. H. IIALw fc su., 1.RI1Q i Hi's niqfc . T Af In (h. m.,lf., Vfte n rfrtTlSrlV In the N. K. Avnat naxa vsni ti. iifwr im". niimfiv i,-t,fiT jc- KfTHWEIOER 50.1 CiI.ViNIAT, TRUST 1237 MARKET ST, Dt'EDS, mti?s. wlj r'tten: ""', r'.: med, charge, k. f. weners. imi mremi REFINED aentleman seeks permanent leca- tinn witn private lamnv. i- -"" -" Factories. Warehouses. Manufacturing Fleora mxi-vnn irtnv invtie rnrrssnendencc vltn manufacturer who will sell his factory preperty: we desire 80.000 se. ft. or mere, rreperty should have ra'lread sldlnB or M convenient te frelBht itntlen: answers treated rnnfldentlallv: no brokers. P 782. Led. Off. MANUFACTURER of draperies desires te purchase a. butldlnB centalnlna 10,000 te 80,000 sq. ft: If mero than ene story tha floera must be strenB and bava Beed llBht. P 738. LedBer Office. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY CATHERINE ST.. 5810 and 5814 Eight rooms and bath, 'steam beat, m and e'ectrlclty: $10 par month. 104 N. 60th st. Iiiene Iieiment iui. SEVEN large rooms and bath; modern- A-l condition; rent II 11 12 Chestnu1' st. cor.auien; rent au. Appiy a. wna"" i-imerx naaa. , BASEMENT stores. 15th oxford. 15th i Poplar, e. Harry aonnsen. iiii . nHmm RTr.e avrir.TilYlCK ST. Eight rail.: med. rent 810 Or'-en-ell & Dernen 42" S 52d, Alan see ndvertlsementa le large type In preceding eelumns. Seilness. Proeernei and Sterea "NEW 2-STORY BUILDING NEAR 13TH AND VINE STS. Daylight bulldlna. 30x38: suitable for repair shop, sign painter, autee or mfg.: low rent. ALBERT QUELL 2 west r-nu iruii Spruce 5810 28TH AND DIAMO.ND 6T8. Modern ttere. ult any business. 145 per month. Includ ing heat. Inquire Zenle'a drug store, en premises. CORNER Fark ave. and Melen st.. near Tread and Ridge ave.: suitable for auto accessories, tlrei. etc. MYERS & DARTH. Itiage ave. ana lutn si. REAR 226-30 N. 22d sr. 8 flrs. each. 60x80: large elevator. HaTV T Saunders. 81 S.lSth Alse see advertisements In large type In preceding columns. Vaeterlea. Warehouses. Manufacturing Floers WE HAVE a number of aoed floors for renf jr various sizee in eurercnt locations, suit hie for textile or ether manufacturing, with r without power. Chestsr D. Rettner it Ce.. 421 Chestnut st. FLOORS Arch8"- CenTenlent te 7th ""J WJ.?"- VERNON STANTON spoon .JOOO TO 800.000 SQ. FT, fleer space, ault able for iterate or ether purposes, with i a 1 1 read siding; will nub-ltt floors or bldifi. Cha. Geldman. 723 Walnut st. SMALL factory and fleer space. Kenslntien. ALR1CH, 1042 N Frent Kens. 4837. SECOND FLOOR, heat, electrle elevator. Apply 835 Market st. Alse sea advertisements In large typ In preceding cnlnmns. FARMS LAROE fruit farm facing en Roosevelt .-guicvaru ni .. ai . uu acres: 1s- room house and barns; will rent cheap. Edeliteln (t Bernstein 215 S 15th at. OFFICES DPSl.Nr.S8 ROOMS. KTfl nESIRABLB MODERN RITrr.mvn P.VSSENOER AND FREIGHT ELEVATORS 11800 I200O 88500 19500 11)000 OITICES BUSINESS SALESROOiiq CRESflE. 1828 CHESTNUT RT3 SUITE of 8,'large offices in Lehigh Bldi" bafflaV-it'-nf:!! Mr' T-..D: BUSINESS roenia end offices In bids ilk Walnut: reasonable rent. Apply ch ne'dman. 725 Walnut. xvviv cna"' OFFICE at 1800 I.ecuit it , Urge. lighted, excellent locatien: reisenil will able. Call mr. lewnes. laomearn aien. 132 s lih , FOUR desirable offices, 2 cemmuntcaiin for rent en fourth Boer of the vfctefi BldB- 1011 Chestnut at. Apply n,,'...?1?!,0." 00m .Ha. Biuim, moreuaniy medern: reaennahte rental! near Ifith M ..-'.,... "i"?.""!?! Townsa, Imbard 8100. 1.12 s' -"- ."-v -..". "i"""- i.a 1 Mr. villi, DESIRABLE office space. Ilrstproef bulldlnii'' CEN.RAL OFFICV.8 :EN.-RAL OFFICV.8: aped light: reasenawT WILLIS-WINClIESTfcR Ce:."arHVariAb'l URNimtKD emt'K r,,..1 .. ': rzr WPF&Fws -... ... a. - -- ..., ...,u..ct :,.,i. tBiiL.x 1U.UU., an outsle, ,ent reaaenahi'." -APPly fiitey nidg.. 17th'nC,iSr-1-!l?"afa' OFFli K 223 S. Sydenham 2d.fl from i W II nall a. ReikJtJldJTItjijPdgfrgg fib Alie see ndiertlsemenie in i.rzl vrr In preceding celumui. '"" " V - rti-R M BEAL -ESTATl!. gekAgg flne f'Mir.eTvnf i'Tr:L".w j.r -5 A, nxsni' i-Hii.s,nnigiti un4 iJ?"..!?S.2.i?Mrif6 JL1"-?! nmVA-:- :.''V.. "'; "eu. '"'ICd POrih- nprevemeniai ear y leai ,r'.l ipnthly. WM. T.-DICKbem 'x nf'.llil in ,i""V. A'.-i'e,..'""! 52d ;d at. ' "- sl'g; OFFICES. nfSfNKJSll tnnu." SEVERAL deilrabie Allices In ,heSs. section, new modern efflce hmia ,yh. 'i up. Apply; H. Blair CeV0th aM'' j e, . nnMillft Leu.. wviu aun xt.ri St.. opposite terminal. TIOGA 1821 N. CARH.ll si'. Perch frenTTS-' 0 room and both! vacant: rm ixS-Sn.! MARTIN. 145 N. 54th at. B.le..Ci: rENNrj.TVAN.A-airnr.irrf VsWAftfWaWArf-fteVftT HUI1( UVBt 12 fOeWtN . ht, all modern Imprev.! eliitihii .i Pel-84. nEX' Kn'ht Bli- 8fefit mejUjAjjg-SAj TK,?nR,c. . :rsi' x?sz ,Vn. r.'i. v.J. '"u.r '.'ar??tntl if ewTp wni nrint"r..;hVnaSe"waft.rhSr7li Clatchy. 70th,A Market ats.' BelmeBi8 BEAUTIFULUT furn. hoi it: l00 tiw Sf ava. W. D. Chambera. "Skrff Sj UETACI M II II 1 1 9 1.h . I I t ' het-water heat! coal In cell's," i!T!5r?f nei-waier neat! coal in cellar: ImmaCt wniBV4oecr..tnmu?.n,!fbu?biHS' Lansdowne. Pa. Bul 0f" 1MORTQAQER -?r WE REPRESENT P of the IarBsi bulMi,. and lean astoclatlena and detlr" S' tlena for flrtt. second and rpilt merffi; ver.v?vLr.'; ss" ""t aiiri AfTjai. fliaf. iiiVivn ertt.r. . 1 .. . - " . "ii".i?Li?'m1 J- lyf9 nar heik ...j ' uoidmeia bv. romseoo each. I tnit tZ: ef'jlOeachat S'pVrf: U R FUNDS -i -ZUND3.W ANY AMOUNT' ..VLesisH'AT.B settlement i jiuiuuiiNU ASSOCIATION MOVi-r PEtlPSEY A CO.: 27 8 sfflfirV ' RPEPIAT. TTITMT1S1 ....ll.ku. .i.nll. '- tend. straight and building' and leiii'iiJS v.-.n-... vii.ii, Avniiinai. t nenei. Ltnii' down 2081. West 1808. ' MORTOAOES ANY AMOUNT1" LOANS ON INTEREST & CSTATa ' 507 Land Title BlAr. FOR SALE Four 11700 lit mtgei.. en.e. slrable 0-renm brick dwrs.i Inttrtit J ii. cent. H. .7 sillier. 2802 W. Leh'Vh w HAS YOUR MORTOAOB been calUdT Wi for flrat and second mortgages alvrinen hand. H. E. SMITH. 800 W. Erie av. SEVERAL funds for Imm. lettl-i-ries: t Coleolal'Tr. Bldg.. tilth' . Mkt. Ser'itll rUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOfOES LAROE OH SMAI.T "r."N"rs SAMUEL OOLDER. FINANCE BT.BO t'UNDS 'e- irst ' -e-tn-e-e -rrmpt annrn Wm. Llnder. 1328 Cheitnut st. '' FUNDS for 1st and 2d in us.: quick ttS. .... a... ...ateumri, a.rill ..BIHIB 1 TUa. PlCf , 5IONEY for mortgages, flrst and nmi DREBY-& EVANS. Lincoln Bldg. MTOE. INVESTMENT. MTOE. FUNJli TTllvatna T. Tnmnaanil AfM 1fAl, DIJls - LITTLE 8139 N. 15TK. TIOOA P888 MONEY for med flee, lbni-tara. . WILLIS-WINCHESTER CO.. 25 8. lltkK FUNDS for lit mtgei.; also B. ft L. At w.- ii .. iiwih into lrfiiri.iiuu rL Vllff APARTMENTS TWO rooms and bath, unfurnished! htrt- weed floera and electric: excellent Twtttt- borheod: short walk frem-Clty Hall. Dtl4 T. Ncvln. 629 N. 20th at., below 8wU x n i urn til.. WALNUT AND 17TH IThe Latlams-IW! s-ub(et et reduced rate .apt.. Oth fleer. I rms., eacn, Kiicnnnrua, maias rm. n cent. het water, refrigeration, unfurnlilii BACHELOR and heueekeenlnir. unfurnl.hi In iroed neighborheod: nlentv nf heat si het wnter: 12 mlnutei' walk from City Hill P"ld T. NHn. 520 N, 20th st. DESIRABLE: 5 lares rooms and bath: beta- tlfully decersledi ' ha'dwned floors! jj modern conveniences. Aeplv R. J. ELLIOTT. 1112 Chestnut t. Filbert 8858. " ESMOND APARTMENTS, southeast w. 12th and fiDruce sta 3 renm, anil hall. furn. and unfurn. : every rm. an outside rei ifippainw in overy rni. nesiaurant optienu, BROAD. 8027 N. Furn. second fleer front living room, hed-oejn and bath: 160 pit menin win. i,iiuk.k. lazsi cnestnut bl PINE ST.. 1820 Living room with em fireplace: 2 bedrooms, bath and kltcbu, mneern te ine last detail, 1124 W. LEHIOH 5 and 0 room apts.i ! cant: every room racing lawn. i RIDQE AVE. 2700 fe.ie r, and b,: ISO' li noer. .1. 1.KB patios, Lincoln HMf. ES"EC'AI.I Y eln5d te COI'T' "-.t . II I1AI.1, fc HUN'. LaM Title met. wkrt rn.XAiiKf.rnM REIBENACK APTS.. 81th and Pewiltji ae, Twe attractive apartments I rooms. .' pains, steam neat. Apply wen l'nn irusr i e . bj . nreaq st. 48TII ST.. S., 100ft 3d fleer front. 2 roetmJ kitchenette, bath: furnished: adults entjfl net-waier neai: 100. 124ft AND 1280 S. 45TII ST. 5 room, bath perthi will paper: 560 and $70. Apply tt janitor. THREE ROOMS, kitchenette and bath December IK. 114 S. 45th st. 4821 CHESTNUT 0 roemi, bath, perdi a.euu or iwoeo. Apply 1.0 jsnuer. I71KRMANTOWN EFFICIENCY housekeeping apartment finished In white enamel: with hirdiwel floera. built-in tub. shower, etc.: -will heated: plenty of het water: geed lliltaf service: choice, restricted neighborheod: will ever an acre of ground, within 1 block ej golf Unka and country club; near rallreil station, appiv janitor, run vernen riw. MAURAN DOLMAN & CO. N. E. Cef. Bread and Cheetnut. . WAYNF THE LOUELLA APARTMENTS R rooms nnd bath, dining room lerrtt W. H. BALL SON. Land Title Bli. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT! LOCUST ST.. NO. 1530 A fsw deilrabie apartment! itlll artlttbll In thla new lo-itery fireproof he'uekMplM aparimen noun, inspeciiea idviwi. Beautiful Modern Hskpg. Apt earvne. .- rqaaa. A SXTsWa Vf If (UTTfllTf AttVH T.xtrlna rnrttn. hrfl rrtfirrt. TiTYilitna tlnn britl Ieeler r'ity of heat And het wnter: hftrf'l house entr ; 4115 and S100. 1828-30 K. Pirl .. l.l..a..t.l. I8AI I HVnill" l,IUUltJ)tl. I QUI I'OUfl roemi and bath, unfurnlal.v3 neuf kveplnv: hnrdwoeU fleer t. electric: exw int r.eicnoernooa: uneri wain rmm uiv Hall. David T. Kevin, G20 K, 2&th v.i-n Hnim ttwrnn m. TWO LAROE furn. heuiekeepinB reemtul bath: all cenv. Phene Poplar 8340 w. FURNISHED APARTMENTS '' WALNUT ST.. 2040 8eictnslBhborhe. near Rltttnhnuse He. and 20 th t.: 1 belt' rful 8-room apartment t hdwd. floen: haw lemel newly furn.! Il00.jh. Preiton B61I. THE WALLINaFORD.20 8. 88th lt.-P; Irabl apt" . 7 rm. : elevator lervtct. tine. ynene f renen na4T w. 2107 WALNUT (Beth Allyn) Twe-room-Mj; bath lulte. third front, well equipped. Mil aervleed' a rnerea and bath, fourth deer. , 118 N. 10TH ST. Large room. kltchintM anrl nfivMia htttVl ii.lIAnt fpiMlt ATLANTIC CITY FURNISHED Boardwalk a partmintJ tg I rnr. vm ifinirfi dm rrngtarntiv r..nuks i APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONES HTH AND PINTO STB, ABBOLUTELT FIREPRI 1P111TMKMTS. WtmNtSHED. LONG AND BHORT TERM LEAS The BARTRAM S3D AND CHESTNUT STS. 'r VI Aparti. fur., and unfUrnlthed! I0UB, short term teases, nema table rHyf ul nraiuii ..iiu, WILLIAM J. O'CONOR MfT., THE DEUVIAR-MORRIS ,, W. Chslten ava, , QERMANTOWN , t, en aTV-,-er.c rr ,ne.r. era, .elftrlX Hetel or unfurn. lultea, heuiel(eplnglill THIJ MTTLB HOTEL, 82.1 S. llrnaj1 fjM M wuit'i, rcrunuuiuiiy dean ana ""V,...!; I d"Cled' a -Q'(l,r,'ece ,(l) 'l"e ,.."l " 'L " ' ' tl SANIT&R.IIIMK .'i II QERMANTOWN ftrradnatai nill-aa Will !? ..e - . - . - .-- TL.a. .tlftTUI P 802. Ledge.' Offlci; T "' vare rer nirveut ana aBi v- BntWln Iota.iraeler mis. fT 4815 WOODLAND VE. In ttklFP- Bqilneaa Pranertlea aa(t .Blerf 4280 LANCA81 KR AV10.1Larr'-:-i. abla for any kind business' .l?J?m. rhen Belmont 0201. """"'" cinli h tOR RENT FPBKIRiy; tahav. . 1