nr 3SSMLf. furl j 3 '?, jjfl 'V "r "A or). tall ira lien, cl' iur M lar Ml s'fil cr'-Vj , t(TV & WELP WANTED TOMAIiE TOUNO WOMEN ..14 Will Ilk te gtart . te erk this WMfcH"" S 'wcrwM in January? HT "?"' .i,, t lis and rscslvs ...... ..tot w effsr you. Ana. ?n.iiA reu are entering work Xileh h peFmanent., with iretMal advance s. mi. ( the neit time In the year te St.r 4m Telephone eperatln. .,,-. the helldaye. many rtmr. 37553 come in this week ana be VLJ. T . telephone operator you won't Smioeln Fer a pffe. after Christ X?.. for we alwaya have placet for Bl of our yeun women. "i -n hA ioexing ler werK. Mli Btevenjen. 681 Arch St. 8:30 A. M. te 7 P. M. rBB DEUi TELEPHONE CO. OP PENNA. flensral iipirKieivAi.n'fl 1 SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT BERVICE Applications accepted only from expd. and "omen with clean irocerds; aces.. Fvera? efncVrngrs.. engineers, technical and Kr draftamen, elect., civil and survey ng !!.d const., secretaries, salesmen and solid selid solid reaa con. y "-i,iil at utile BrODOBltlenS! JiveralVed epenln-a hr wmn cuUvm !tn i aenil-execut ves. Inctudlnr aeciv. te "' "il1!.' . nor and cerreap.: no regitry charae! s ONLY, mncatienn . .""' !""r- -,t---i. Otflfe interviews in ie t nmr "' ' T1- gfrn B, 11th. VsviCTir'TAT. AT1TISTH . rrlr trained earn I10O a week and upj FS'llever Beth Ce.. the meat widely known "i'fifisi art owanlaatlen In the field. Sir. Veu a train na under airect aupor auper aupor Jffien of their expert artists: the demand & Mmmerclal artlita a areater every year. tna fa for our hluatrated book or call ai flic. THE METEIt BOTH CO.. 1214 Walnut at. '-"LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME .. hSiir a day for 30 daya eertlfled ceurse: ind f" pa?flculara. Cepy-Wrlaht Ce.. 610 rntrry " nint J wanted: Uevt, positiens: fIKO me.: maw Vacancies: examinations Jan. ami .k irii for re. open. P 1421. Led. Off. BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1114 Land 1 Tel. epri.. atenes.. typiaU: 1$H-I20. r' " i HE1P WAWTEP MAtE nrfT-PRESSMEN Wanted Immediately. 0 "fiM . .k.,n,hlv nvnerlenre.1 men: steady steady or a uiuiu'. ."."'"i--- i-;-- work. E. F. iioua-nien s we. Id and Sem- ernn SiACKSMITH wanted, one who has had ex- vSrience en anile-Iren werk: steady work te light man. Cruae-Kemper Company, Am- tier. Pa. , itftTfl TO LEARN" TITREATMNO FOR OUR -.r.t- Ptl UTAIN NORTH AMERICAN I-VCn CO.. 8TU BT. AMJ auukumm.. .-. . CAllI'ENTEHS'. Joiners, spending ever-tlmej reamerr. mostly piecewerk: rUeters en. hfll make Reed meney: all work ready. sun Shin nulldlnr Cemphny. Cheler. Pa. CLERK Etcellent opportunity for single yeune man. lu-nu. vnn or a years ctflce experience: must be n fairly rapid typist and have some knewledRn of meter, truck parts. Call 10 A. M. Monday QUf Rallnln Ce.. 010 Wldener nidg. COPPERSMITHS C. E. ROPERS. DETROIT, MICH. DRAPERY FOREMAN LOKO EXPERIENCE IN CUTTING AND ESTIMATING: MUST HAVE FAIR KNOWLEDGE OF HIGH-GRADE WORK APPLY BY LETTER OR IN PERSON TO pElise.NNEL DEPARTMENT. SECOND FLOOR. J. R. VAN PC1VER CAMDEN, N. J, GRINDERS Kan, experienced en external grinding: ball bearing production work. ALSO Van te work In tool crib; grinding drills, milling cuttera, etc. HESS-KRIOHT MFO. CO. Frent and Erie ave. LAEOHERS In lnrce mfg. plant: steady werk: come ready te work. Hausth A Sens Ce.. Merrla St. Wharf, Delaware River. LA1IUREIIS. $3.50 day; construction Jeb: all winter work. 716 Vine st. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIR.MEN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT STANDARD WAOES PLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 123 N. 1BTH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CE.VTRAL RAILROAD Or NEW JERSEY OPEN DAILY. 7 A. M. te 8 P. M. MEN AND YOUNG MEN te hiimlle Ilutlerlck publications. Experience net necessary, us we touch nnd pay jeu while leurnlng, Men meeting our requirements are, paid J2.B0 per day and I20.SO Mr week. Aenlv II. L. McFudden. Roem 404, HUUIT1CK UIUD. 1 H. 4tll at. MEN I'lanlnc-mlll hands, machine and bench work tl hour and bonus; geed me- imnics can mane 7e week: eutBlda city: JJfe Paid, open shop; leave Immediately, lis -. im m. MI.N AND YOUNG MEN who deslre clenn Kerlt: paid whlle learning Jeb and f.itifl((l with earnings et 130 per week. Hn Man "Hr, Useni 401 inn S 4th st PACKERS OP CHINA. HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND TOYS. AITLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU FOURTH FLOOR OIMBKL BROTHERS SALESMAN wanted, covering extenalve ter ritory, tn tianllA 1.11,1... ..k.,nnn u. .... VJ?..1?.10"- b, an either straight aalea or ,;;. "'" medium te produce, grecera. de S,.!'..'. I,ru' stores, ete i ene salesman raJe 12500 In 8 weeks: Sleo rer week easy n tart time: aamplea furnished and appoint K ?1,", arranged It dealied, Phlla, Badge Ce,. ai.KlMAN Need a salesman with cllen .."' '"r high-class securlvy: business safest f.".. cenaeevativa commiaalen paid: no in. Station withheld: worth Investigating. n Vi ,r. interview, S01". I-edfer nrrin. "mi stating qualifications. Irh llA.N wanted for Philadelphia and nV .Ru"?ln" territory; hlgh-grade enameled inS r'um,num warns; must have experience S'hecar"Cvi 1'"rcelln Enameling Aaae . hn?5MAN' ttlef' capable, young, te learn BtV,'""' et well-estubllshed firm: selling. SjW Ledrer nrri vfi "MH-N We have an opening for ev uV.i """fBetle salesmen te du some special ""'Unfa Tjuhllnltv munrlr In Mnn.rflnri tvlrh U iim .fubliclty work In connection with a ..."''Wl. Source Recerds: the work. Is en uhar.,Vil",?n ,,"lB nnl " entremelv re. i,Sfru'e te a man who can talk Intent ;.'.'ml,len basis and Is extremely re. iiniTJ ""'. te a man who can talk inteiii. Su?...t0. .he. highest grade of leads, which bt itil.""ned position will h permanent vil nirutl: l... .11 MeKce, Press Syndicate, aes li5n r." ,,lrt?' '""I '"! Walnut sts . be an m nrt fi r j jmd 3 , in.rn.-. bTlesmen" srn?enl organisatien which trains Its mi "men and exci-utlves elTern you an nBi;.na opportunity and iniuiea you per u .""' rinplesment In nn linn ir ible position II in,, "npiejinent In nu liuinrihle position i,,1?. can fuinlHh rerreiic and lioness nn UvanM cducatleni full Inferniiitluti gladly Uaei 'if.'. ?M wne sincerely uesins. te ' BiJi'' S I maf ter 10 A. M.. 702 Vandftre .-ff-iiJOl Market at. Ask for Mr. Vnllnyr, lfS.ME Prefer experienced men. but rhji'' employ a man who can furnish geed Hi i Va. rorerences, APPiy lus vitvvir va. 1001 OhAwlnn. ! HELP WAWTEnMALB SAB1fE2?i?n"I'-re. Western manufacturer .i.2Jfi.i.'i. I "" calendar- ana' advertising 5ES 8ri!T" J?" ,n eP'mn- In Camden, Beuth. fiJlift ," and Delaware for several liXVi"1'" "-'eemen who are net nfratd te SflSf. """"."L' remunerative position Is fJS7.f.0 mfn w"h real aalea abllTtyi draw m ft. I1 l0 ,h0,e Passing approval. Apply ! manager. 10 x'ara new. Hplendld opening for buslnesa man with ?' experience, capable of securing, train Inf.&n. upervlalna; large aalea force, well established business; every co-operation will 5 flvn earnest, ambitious man, who hae confidence In hie qvn ability and la In a poll- M B2B. Ledger Office. BAWikR for band reaaw; experienced. nr:.'.ar"n. Ludaecher Lumber Company, Westmoreland at, and Delaware River. SCHOOL; OP SALESMANSHIP aAM Ink9 veu a PTocesltlon you can't ' SWJJ' ." veu y ' te your wlfe or av heart te succeed. Yeu hava always del turn sweet- Tmi I.b.a h!b.h AmmtrmA te sell. but. becauae nn nne, avap tAl.l veu you had the qualifications, you didn't make the necessary start. Ifa a fact, lan't it? I .knew, The aeme thlna; kept me out of selllns; for tears. I am going- te take you Pi.-n?. teach you hew te sell without any obligation en your Bart nn frn nf all charge, providing your record will bear Investigation and you will devote a few hours In the evening each week te study after VOU And T havn dnrM am tn mf nitneas for the salesfleld. I will otter you a position as a salesman In an established bualneas, Will you. trade your spare time feran education? New Is a geed time te declde your future. Call promptly at 8 P. M. this evening. DOB Franklin National Uank Dldg. Entrance 1415 Sanaem st. HKT."J ?JAK.fRrltWchr necktie maehin. AINdLIE KNITTINO MACHINE CO.. TSO Ornnd at.. Brooklyn. N. T. SHEET-METAL WORKER wanted. Apply L. Martin Ce., Mllner and Cottman sis., Tatnny, SHOES EXPERIENCED FTTTER8 AND ui-UKATUira UN ALL 1UIANUIIKH FITTINO ROOM. APPLT LAIRD. HCH BER A CO., 22D AND MARKET STS SECOND FLOOR. STAINED Q LAS 8 CUTTERS and glaalers. Apply 212 S. 11th at. THREADER. EXPERIENCED, FOR ODTl .IJVCB CURTAIN MACHINES. APPLY NORTH AMERICAN LACE CO.. 8TH ST. AND ALLEGHENY AVE. WOODWORKING MACHINE HAND AMERICAN SUPPLY CO. TOMS RIVER. N. J. General ' TRAFFIC MANAOERS Salary rangea 18000 te 110.000 yearly We want te hear from capib'e applicants nhe wlah te qualify for Important railroad nntl Industrial trafne work, leading te traf fic managerial poettlens. handling foreign and domestic shipping. Our organization, with a large start of In terstate Commerce, railroad and eceAn traf fic experts, with representatUes throughout the United States, has been called upon te help meet the unusual demand for trained lwn. Experlence Is net necessary If you are am bitious and willing te learn, as this training can be dene while holding down veur present Positien: accepted applicants will, be placed under the direct supervision of one of our staff, nn experienced . Interstate Commerce and railroad traffic expert of national repu- inuen. Write for booklet K-18 and full particulars und a personal Interview will be granted. LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY Philadelphia office 1324 Walnut St. Pheno Spruce 14S1 Open evenings $1800 A YEAR AND UPWARD Der't be a mediocre man: prepare jeuraelt for greater earning pewer: In a few months nu can become a Junier accountant, able te earn from I1SOO a ear and upward. A SHORT CUT TO A OOOD SALARY Our corps of certified public acceuntanta, among the best In the country, has worked out a. short-cut system for men who must held their Jobs and at the name time pro gress te GREATER EARNINQ CAPACITY: this university Is constantly naked te Und men who are trained acceuntants: If you will buckle down te sincere work and earnest effort for a few months you can be ene of thnae frAlned men. Start new it will net Interfere with your naiiy werK. can, mono or write ter dook deok doek let A-10. LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY Philadelphia office 1321 Walnut st. Phene Sprues 1481 Open evenings t BUSINESS SERVICE C(.. 1114 Land Title ACCOUNTANTS Seniors, public exp. BKPRS. Head. JlbOO: nsat.. J1300 up. CLERKS Importing exp.: tj-plst, J3()-$30. CHEMIST High grade man with til exp. DRAFTS. Detrl. und meaaurer; mill wrk., I2B0O. ENilRS. Civil, concrete const.: mech., I180Q FOREMAN Mill work, sash ft deer. $2800. OEN. MGR Engineer en concrete cenatr, OKN. 8UPT. Engineer en concrete censtr. SALES ENGR. Concrete eonatructlen. SALES Lubrication. $3000. and exp. aeeds. autetruck: salary and commission BTBNO -SECY, le anles manager, $1EH0. TRANSPORTATION WORK Trnflle aaaocl aaaecl aaaocl atlen wants rollable men te eunllfy for positions directing domestic and foreign ship ping; $230 te $B00 monthly; experience un necessary: coamen school education ea- acntlnl; only m.'n of geed character need npply. If desirous and wining, with small fee, devoting little sn-ire. time t.unllfjlng for connection worth while, write without nhll nhll I'Htlen. elating present position, ngc. rhIH- fe'n'ils P. O. Ilnx 414 MEN wanted- clerks: Gevt, positiens: salnrv $1400 te $1800; exper. unnecessary: wrl'e free test Instruction nartlc. P 1421, Led. Off. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMKERMAID or hkpr. sensible, set. per son, private family; ref. II 80D, Led. Off. CIIAMUERMAID. exp.. ulllliu.- and obliging wants position right nwny, M N 10th st CLERICAI Experienced veung woman d slrjs position. Tiega 8BH1 J DIETITIAN HOUSEKEEPER, experienced, desires position Institution Woodland 2111(1 M thoroughly In school or WOMAN, ref.. des. pos. com. te elderly Prof, ladv or semi-Invalid; some nursing; geed ewer: best ref. B 514. Ledger orflce. SITTJATIONS 'WANTED MALE UOOKKKEPli'lt. 20 years' practical exp.; cnpable of managing accounts, credits, cer- lespendence; beat referenee n Me, I?d Qflt.1 FIREMAN, (Irst-claas, best referencB, wlahea eleany poauien. Ha: KKige e H(il'SEVl)RK--.lapanese; gen housewerltl reference Ym. 112 N L'lsl st MAN, middle aged, from adjacent cltj, with IS years' hank exp, desires eiwnliu ill bank or any ethor tlcrlcal wuik P 72d. ledger Office. MANUFACTURING COMPTROLLER High-grade man. with 7 yenr" exp. in gen eral banking with one of the largest tnnks In this country, 4 years' experience as comp troller with a large steel nnd tinplnte cor poration, desires position as comptroller, auditor or treasurer with a manufacturing concern. 11 nil. Ledger Offlre. SALESMAN, COTTON YARN desires tn connect with rnllnbln heuse: 0 jears with present concern; bet of refer ,.nres. II 42S. I.edffT OfMee fc.Al.EH.MAN 8.1. inst .'I sears wlih National Illsenlt Ce It fl.M, I ed or Ofllre VOUNG MAN DESIRES PART-TIME WORK DRIVING CAR AFTERNOON AND EVE N1NGS. ADDRESS P 600. LEDGER OFFICE. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Mrs Harvey. 1010 Rlttenh'ae sq,; roll, help supplied, wanted, every cap., all nation's. WANTED Competent help, white, in every capacity; ref. required. 1010 Balnbrtdge. RUFUS McGOOFUSWUihbene, but Net Backbone Wm knew I" wAi-r&eV fevizs Htlu -rtm i'm a v, s -n . m "" A JLv"lV f,SH' ' M-ls is expects a -tip. ixt m -try cheap vrcr if i denV tip. . -TrtPiN. veu N en. .' . Q0 jCl"-Nt Give a niceu5 'M Ar'GETir. I'LL SPEND THE DIM!: A - ( J&ul, l-ET HM TrllNKl i eJOMT ) ) S"iR, , J AT"S v ! '' 'jAy ,V,Y L'FE" flD ' L.P HiM ? ( ?OR A CIGA12.. I WISH Ht WOULD J , COME HERS GAlH I'M MOT 60ING -TtAANs: VeO ) AWRlGHT ) 1 '"' ' Oiv.P.-WHY SHOULD 1 Ot ??? -r WAIT ON SOME ONE ELSC Se I ( ::!..m. " 9 rt" D THAT'S THAT.' ' 'AT'S ')' " hl" tiKS cp M? I O'JCHA (C7. I Q COULD TNEAK OOT. I'LL BET ) j''"'' ''Lu. HURRV OUT J0ST LiKS A J 7 1 AVJClGHT ' ) """' cN'-i ''" " :ACRy VV -CM ww YhE-'ll 61VE ME A DiRTV LOOK. CTjf P LPPED M MINO X V 11 " tT CTJSpr "g .x 1 b WM III VSF ' . 'Jt. - ' ' 3 ' ' L:LJ LJHHKd 1 1 c.pyr .. ., Mh, twe c, tx2rz- ' " ',) - ') . I , . v, ,',.,...f ,-.iil(. . nAi--i't.yri.ttt,i. . , '-' ' "U ' JtsArtf.-. .. "'""' !-' - '- t. '" "?'i" .U sVf fmmm EVENING' POTLld KOOJffS FOR RENT ORBKN. 2818 Nicely furn. single, rooms, alll conveniences. Phena Poplar l"24 M... JBKPRRBON. 1820 (NEAR JIROAD) FIRST FLOOR FltONT PARLOH; HOUBKKEEP- INO HKRMITTED RITTENHOUSE SO , H.. 222 - Furnished rm. en 2d ffoer... rms. witn patni ate et. WAIJ4UT. rms.. .204P J eiec. : prlv. fam.j nr, 4 ear lines. Dar. WALNUT. 8905-J-Nlcely furn. 2d frent: run. nlng watrsr, south, exp.l h.w h., ell beard, lOTH. N.. 1S9 (HOTEL RURIC) Central . shopping dlatrlctl near atntlensi beautifully turn, rms elee.) spetles- dally, wky, rates, 20O CHESTNUT HT. Second floer: laige alngle and doubt rooms with running water. . WrT run.ADiarniA , HANDSOMELY furn. large front rm.. bath, an mea. con v., wx.i cenv. te cars and "I1 in '!." . Baring 0022 J, OVERDROOK SECTION Cerner realdencti gsrige, THBX BR, 882!! Ibanen ave. nelment fl4 101 N. SICKELB. cer.: 0 rm-. and bath. electric, seu, iieney. xv p. pya. 40TH ST.. 8., 032. Large attractive rm.. all conveniences, home roeking. 48TH, 8,, 420 Sunny. 2-sterv front roem: refined family. Phene Woodland 0443 J. ROOMS WANTED LARQE room. flrenlace. small bedrm.. uae of bath: unfurnished: between Oth and 20th, south of Market at. I state price. V 804. Ledger lager urne nee. REFINED gentlemen seeks permanent loca tion with private family. P 800. Ledger Office. QUIET business man wants a comfertnbls room In nrlvste family: downtown district. B B30, Ledger Office. BOARDING PINE, 4110 Warm rooms, steam heat, h.w.i excellent table. Phene Baring 03DT. 'BOARD "WANTED PENNSYLVANIA SCRCRnAN UNIVERSITY student wants twardlng In Wlaaahlcken or Chestnut Hill notions from January or February l; will pay well: writ Immediately. T, Konde, enrn llllt llllt ereat rettnge Knst Streuclshnrir. Pa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AEOLTAN PLATER-PIANOS AND PIANOLA PIANOS Made by the great Aeolian Company, of New. Yerk, reproducing the world's best music with perfect expressien: free from mechanical nelaea and Jazz effects: free demonstration' your piano taken as part ppvment. I40B and upwards. Special Edouard Jules Player-Piane at $B30: a most wonderful Instrument, equal te many sold at I7B0 In some store. Uaed Player-Planea Several taken In ex change en newirianola-Planes, vis. : ISTB Needham Player-Piane, cost 1550 J30G Story ft Clarke Player: coat 1709 new. iSTIt Autemanual Player, coat 1730 new. 42B Wheelock Pianola, coat J7B0 new. 40ft Webe- Planea, cost 1830 new, 40B Cunningham Mbtchleas, coat 1800 new. Reasonable menthty payments accepted. Call, phone or write for larae Illustrated catalogues and special plans of rtvments, HEPPE'R UPTOWN STORKS. COR. 1TH A THOMPSON STS. Open Evenings Until Christmas. $375 OitAND PIANOS CntCKerlng, ud, reed conditien: I4B0 Ktelnwav. need, cost 1100 new. Large assortment nw miniature babv grands, Including Heppe, Ed ouard Jules, Henry F. Miller, at 10.10 and upward. Complete Hat and Illustrations mailed anywhere. Call or writ. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. COR. flTH A THOMPSON STS. Open .Eienlna Until Christmas. 45 UPRIGHT PIANOS. including Stetn- - way. iitwnvaiiis. we-r, ivren. TVaae. etp. Prices from I12B te sne.0. Eaeh way. Chlckcrlng, piano rebuilt and guaranteed: payments $5 monthly and upward: complete lists mailed anywhere. Call or write. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. COR. TIt ft THOMPSOV RT8. Open Evenings Until Christmas. LARGE VICTROLA, MODEL 111, with 12 records nf your own eeloctlen: beautiful mahnsany finish: all metal parts geld plated 4-sprlriK meter; will guarantee Cnrlstmas delivery: don't delay. Call, write or phone for full particulars, HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cerner nth and Thompson streets Open Evenings Until Christmas. 43Q 50 VICTROLA VI; ma'ingany tyjy.JV Vlctrela. with 0-10" D. F. rec rec erds of your own selection; weekly pay ments acrepted. Call, phone or write. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cerner 6th and Thompson streets upn r.tcnmCT una I 1,'nristmas. $50 VICTROLA VIII: haa large 2 spring meter, with latest Ne. id Victer sound bex: fully guaranteed: easy payments accepted. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cerner Oth and Thomspen streets Open Evenings Until Christmas. SONORA PHONOGRAPH at "half pricT large Baby Grand model; has all the latest lmpreements; a real bargain. Call, write or phone for full Information. " HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cerner nth and Thompson streets Open Evenljngs Until Christmas .tllltlOLA PI NCWM.AY1:r mnhTTani .,n manv lecerds. for sale at S8B cash: thla Instrument wax purciHS-d a few years nie from Strawbrldge A Clothier for 2(I2 40 about $00 extra being paid for records it can be attached te nnv make piano-'no knewledgii of musln tieeeaaarv te Mav li the plane-plaier and records are In ns mnii condition ta when purchased; a nlendld Clirlstmns gift ler some one. Fer det.-vlli address I 701, ledger Office Ur uet:u" PIANO nnd player-piano bujera: We lean veu the menev te pav rnsh; you save line Belcrt the Inatrument ou want: nnv s ime't n iittle each month. Tranklln Finance Ce llO'l Walnut h? ' PHONOORAPII A carload uf genuine Sole- tones. .'X. i. u. sens tne world ever far Sl&u, open from 10 A. M. te 10 P. M .ftSl Lehlgn ave. PLAYER-PIANOS Free use for sterjge In your home; enormous stm-k In damp ware. house, must be moved. Address P. e 441, Philadelphia. Xj0 riANO Renowned Whltmere Studie model' mahogany upright. '.'..U, a Chrlstmns sne. clal Whltmere Piane Ce . 2013 Lehigh ae Open from 10 A. M te 10 P. M. MONEY TO LOAN CHRISTMAS MONEY $300 OR LESS YOU MAY OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US AND HURY NEITHER DIGNITY NOR PRIDE. WELL-KNOWN PHIL. DELPIIIANS CONDUCT '1 HIS INDUS TRIAL HANKING HI SINESS, WHICH HAS 11EEN GROWING IN FAVOR 'IHinTY YEARS, THE SPIRIT OP MUTUAL J1ENEFIT AND HELPFUL SERVICE IS ALWAYS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION GIRARD INVESTMENT CO. 1435 LAND TITLE BUILDING BROAD AND HANSOM STREETS RROAD STREET ENTRANCE MONEY UP TO $300 ON THE EASIEST TERMS TO HOUSEKEEPERS Ne Fees Chtirgeil Only Interest PHILADELPHIA'S BEST LOAN SERVICE WHITIS. CAI.I. J.. " i'llu.M. FILBERT 3-9-5 rr-. I bLLL rnUWb SECURITY LOAN CO. 11 14 CHESTNUT ST. 2d Fleer. Roem 20 Ni xt te Keith's Theatre CHRISTMA.-. MONEV We will Tdvnnce urn m i v en vnur heuse held goedB or our real estate, nnd you can lepay us in munruv pivrn'iiii ie ?mi uu. Cell and let us explain our methods, which ure st.-lctly cenhdentlnl Meiiuni . ..,, DRAKE. 21 S. 17th at. JlAItKV U, IWrX?? w EDGEil-PHIIiiDBLPHIA TUESDAY; ,TJSED ATJTOMOBIZ.ES A SEVEN PASSENGER PEERLESS SEDAN FOR $2250 'At this price the value is enormous (Terms if preferred; $970 cash, $181.87 for 8 months, Fire and Theft Insurance and Interest included.) See and ride in this beautiful PEERLESS Sedan. We premise you will have difficulty in discovering any evidence of the limited use this car has had. Yeu can be justly proud of its appearance, both interior and exterior, with its equipment, its ability or the service it will render. Ne new car, selling at the same price, can approach the quality, design, appearance, equipment, ability or riding qualities of this beautiful 8-cylinder PEERLESS. The new price of this PEERLESS Sedan was $4140 and the best proof we can offer that it was worth this price is in the fact that it sold for this price. There is no reason te compromise with an oppor tunity of this kind inviting your consideration. In cars of ether makes we are pleased te offer, subject te prier sale : $1450 Buick Touring, 5 Pass $850 S1500 Buick Roadster, 2 Pass 1000 $1650 Buick Roadster, $1950 Paige Spert Car, $3900 Cadillac Spert Cai 4 Pass. $2300 Cadillac Touring, 7 Pass. . $3300 Jerdan Brougham, 4 Pass. $3400 Standard Touring, 7 Pass. ALSO $2900 PEERLESS Touring, 7 Pass., $450 $3500 PEERLESS Coupe, 4 Pass. . . 1250 $4200 PEERLESS Sedan, 7 Pass. . . 1750 $4200 PEERLESS Sedan, 7 Pass. . . 2250 $3000 PEERLESS Touring, 7 Pass.,.2250 We are located two doers east of the B. & O. R. R. Depot at 24th & Chestnut Sts. During This Week We Willie Open Evenings G I RsFiD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Distributors Peerless Motoi' Cars 2314-16-18 CHESTNUT ST. Spruce IMG i?r EXCHANGE LOCOMOBILES SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED All are overhauled, rellnlshetl nnd fullv RTiarnnteed, which Includes three months' free service. STOCK INCLUDES: Scvcn-pasHenKcr Limousines Seven-jasnenKer Teurings Rlx-passciiKer TeurlnRR Keur-passenKer Spertlfs Twepnssenwr Special Ceune OT1II2U MAKHS: Seven-passenKcr Jual valve l'le:i.'e-Arruw Teurlnp Seven-pasiienBcr JIarmen I.lm- euslm"' .... Sevcn-pasicnBer Cadillac I.lm- nuslr.e. , Feur-paBsenger reerless Itoad Itead sler. Cent'cnlenf Icnns of payment enn be arranged THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY 2330 MARKET STREET Ijec. 0450 UUICK tour.. 1020. eerhaulel nnd guar: cheap: terms arranged. West Phlla. Ilulck. 4P.16 Chestnut. Prcjten B443. Open Sun. ft eve, BUICK roadster, 1010. excelient cend : a bargain: terms arranged. W Phlla. Ilulck. 4515 Chestnut l'rosten r.tll Open un.&v CHEVROLET E. H tour 1H20 ex. t-hape: tnims urr.inced. West PHI a Ilulck. .4515 Cheslnut Preston Bt43. Dii'ii Sun .t. cve UUI'GE r.idsei, lli.'O nln .st new. tenson tensen tenson nlile lerui'i arrungid West I'h'la. lluklt, I5l.t Cliesltiut I'res 5411 iin Sun. t eve FORI) COUPE" 1U22, used 11)00 liill-T DIs teel wheelj. with 2 eNtras: completely enulpped I enllst 17.10 MAXWELL tour. IP.'.', uinnet be told from new. extras Wett Phlla Ilulck. 451.-, Chestnut. Preston 5143 Open Hun A eve. NO CASH DOWN tequlred en new and used cars und trucks. Yeu get trucks Imme- dliit-cly. 2020 Market st Spr. li(i(13. Never cleaed. ., OVERLANDS Ne ciTh down required te get Immedlate possession of brand-new 1028 Overland, nv plnn. rrtdit te all Never clu.-e.l. 20.1) Mirket Spr OSiH. paicf touring, 5 pass.. A-l fund . elec starter and lights 101 h mudl ... tlrct Jins takes It DAVIS DEALERS 31ft N llrii.l r P1KRCE-ARROW II 4-4X touring tar, splen did cond'tlen Jl'iln AViin nil m ii.nn.,. Blat and Warrington ave srUDEBAEEIl" IH.'O like n-iv ve"r:' spe7lnl liurgaiu t.17.1' : tin' .vriuiiKi'd Open Sun- day. 1405 Weed tt. S75 EACH, te clu-. Ilulck IirirMaxell. Chalmeri Vim tiuck. manv ethers 14(1.1 XVnuil at STEHLInO 2" ." :i'4. 5-ten rebuilt, new , M' . .. .1 . . ,, . P, (It. teptlenal prices- cenv turtiuck Ce., 130 N I guaraniee, also various emir tnnitis; nx- lees- cenv terms, sterling Mu- U st. Spruie 11(30. USED AUTOMOBILES 2 Pass 550 5 Pass. 350 1800 500 1650 1000 J Te IHre fWO-TON Autecar tn hire, bv dav. week or month' renaenable. 1810 Gerrltt at. rhone Oregon 3820 M. TO HIRE .1 7 pass tour, ears; 11.00 per hr. un. Poplar 1C!7. limousines. Purl: 1150. DOGS AND BIRDS With t.iisfiiins juit areitml (he corner ion enn't ujferil te le undecided BUY PETS They never fall te Please. Aluaya uccept uccept able and make the recipient tieppy. WE SUGGEST Canary and Cage... Parrot and Cage -. Angern Kltten A Cute Puppy . . . An Auuarlum . . Sinning Canary . . Talking Parrot . . Tame Menk,vs . . T allied Itullilpehes .In pa nee Ge diinh . . $8.50 . $1.1.00 $7 r.n ..J10.00 . . n.r.e , . Jll.OII JIM 00 sir. no i n"y j no no JI.'MI . rnme fHtrreis no .rvv D.h-us in HrjHB end Enameled Canary ntiii I'.irre Cai.s $2 50. $.1 ,-0. J5.00. f 7 50. $10 00 lluy Tedny Deliver HVicn Yeu Say SUHU1U1AN ntLE DELIVERY Cugley & Mullen Ce. AJc:h33st The Largest "Pel Shep" in the World FINEST American-bred cinarle. which will live and sing for you. brmd-r own stock 5520 Qlrnrd ave. Belmont 2117 J. elDC"- WANTED WE PAID A WOMAN IC.1 50 for let of Jewelry she had been of fered J 10 fir elsewhere, bring veur diamonds and l'velri te us we will Rive , fUl, " est ensli vuiii" Established isns, THtM R LEE ft CO 712 Wcilnut st CAST Ul'l loll IB extra htth nri ,,n nil! Isdlcs m.l "ibijp n rt L.eihli g shoes. nineker21 '.' C.lumbla ave Poplar 8253.'"" NEW S" Wilts m i.iyine. r.,, , trp(,,7 Iren ind ml klnda "f mrtn's tru. I. iniiJ nnyvvl.eie. n. sun or can Diamond 8385 Bender Ridge ave WE BUY becend-liand furniture of nil utnda 11 Ant A e . S I. cei lbth i, Seuih ertgnn Kin NEWSPM'l It Di.mi 'J line per 1((( mitgaams 171'-' Market st. PEKSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PW fit NETS FOR 1)1 uinvne IV i. Suite 2 J2 I- I II .. . I CAR'l'EN ir n t- i innml HT" v . I'll (112 Chestnut at I tl ii. r everChldji; .Restaurant ile fj( inn inbtHTm" ' .". V"'f"f,T ""' ''ate. i , ,, ,.i i iiiKieri nf. i ' I . .hi i r, 1- 'if I run 7 V ill take in vv ion Hi'iiitiiilis Call D.a- I AM -Ne I' UI.-i'ONHIHT.E for nn debts ex i -pt iiki ' it' ii ld by mvaelf personally Lnul i II- ll'i.l Walnut st ! AIl'EllA I U'N-' te stere fronts "ll Qrlggel, Carpenter 4 Builder. 2148 N. Bread t Dla. 3(132. t DECEMBER 12? 1922 FOR SALB TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBLE 1 MOB.. $d B0 AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriter?, ALL MAKES Agents for Remington Portable American Writing Machine Ce 802 CHESTNUT ST. .. WALNUT 34B0 MAIN 42S flFFHT partition. $4 UPS new DESKS ".."erected and finished: " special let from Camp Dlx: heavy quartered nab. it,ai. a. PENNA. OFFICE FURN. CO. 011 WALNUT 1102 ARCH ONE Edisen mimeograph machine: Ne. T; meter-driven: l roll-top oak desk with chairs 1 flat-top oak desk. 00x34. with ehalr. , , All eeunl te new. .Apply Superintendent of Machinery Ex hlblt. llourae Iildg., Philadelphia. A LADY'S genuine diamond rlnr: te prlvate party enly: finest quality: weighs ever carats cost 3B0; will sell for 1280; must sell. Call Woodland 4010 J, from U A. M. until B FRKNCII seal reat wit"! skunk or anv ether ceiinr.PT.a cuns. 170: musKrni coat. r-. , all klnda of fur ceats: aacrtfles prices. I l'. V.. IB02 Walnut st. . FUR Delman,' genuine Persian Paw Delman, cost $000 1 month age; will sacrifice for $225; full length, extr.i l.irxe site; neer worn. Call nelment 0832 V. , I BUD-DAVENPORT. 7 IT.. OAK AND , I.RATHllfl: PRACTICALLY NLW: $20. CIIHBTNUT HILL 11$. CLOCK Grandfather's mahegany: wonder ful chimes: snap te quick Inner: evening or Sunday. Phene Wyoming 1000 J. I FOUNDATION STONK for sale, any quail . tlty; quarr at North Phlla. II. C. 1 Ambler. 8117 Old Tork read. Tiega BB99. I CHRISTMAS wreathe and decorations at I wholesale prK-es. B3 N. Sth st. MARMOT. COAT. 40-ln. $0.1 N. T. Fur Ce . length, silk lining 20 H lath, .TRENCH seal coats, squirrel trim., beautiful silk lining. $1QQ. N, Y. Fur Ce. 20 B.lBth. ' PI.AYIMt.l'IANfV mihiiiFtni mt,t am twur: rv ehenn. 2n1 1. rinnr"eM t. FURNITURE Dining-room suit. 10 pieces. hand-carved oak. $100. R208 Diamond Ht. PONY CART, sleigh and harness, eated phone Overbroek 0902. If Inter. OKFICH partition and futures, will aacrlflre for quick sale. 7.11 Arch, seventh fleo- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES mvixn pictures for Use In nnv hnm. will he a fact carls In 102.)! during .hi. .... - . ... raci cany month n safe 7 rer cent Investman. efTered. lnteriat nunrterlv, with en option te el. are the profits In werld-wldn products the exclusive prepertv of an established firm: close Investigation InMted p 71Q. 1,, e, 13AKERY and confectionery; also carry Ice crenm, cakes, etc.: en main street, subur ban, tewn: excellent propesition: stock, fix tures and goodwill only, reasonable lease. WM. C REX. Knight Bldg.. Ambler. Pa. i neii run. AN IDEAL coal nrd site en the Reading between Oermantuwn und Chestnut Hill: t 30-ft. drep: but llttle cash required. J. M., I 7020 Qermantewn ave. Pheno 'JMfl Chestnut Mill HOCSB-Fl'llNISIlINCI nnd h,irdare store. i:nnd will and fixtures with nUm, tinnn north of stock, nil for S30D0. 1 sq. from ' Tiega St. fits.. Fkd. U Se., Ems. 8617 I MUM' be sold, grocery ster nnd dwg, ; ex cellent prope-ltlnn. Ice cream, gasoline stand, etc ; country town. WM C. REX. Knight Dldg,. Ambler. Pa Dell S43. STONE garage, Heed fronting en Hethlehem pike: this la a geed preposition, WM. u. iu'-a. nnignt uieg,. Ambler. Pa, 343. Dell 0001 N. FRANKLIN Seven rms. nnd cer. stere; new l-liig completed; all med con- venl"nces: oe for nn huslness. If (J. Slnex. B00.1 N nth st. Wyoming S173 W. RESTAURANT One of the best equip ped In clt, vnlun'jlu 'ease. Tne I'urltnti. 1.10 N sth st N. E. COR 7th & Pike 7 r A large store; eicuntfil hv Atnerlean Htores. i..;im,.. I s"'" ' '-'"' !,'ln'"c r.lnt N U'in si7!l w I HOSIERY mill lines wanted bv organization I rnllng en retailers and Iniili-r. in s.... England territory M 'I'.'n Ledger Oftlce'. " 1 IVimtra DRUG .STORE, any location, must be geed preposition. Wm C. Rex, Knight Bldg.. Ambler. Pa. Bell 343. STORAGE AND MOVING MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANT DISTANT POINT Weekly service for small shipments between Philadelphia and Washington. The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. a,7TH AND MARKET RTS. Baring l-t VICTORY STORAGE! " 520O FILBERT Phene Bslment 4IJ70 tar eattmntes Met'ir vims parking nnd ir.nlf J. A D. STORAGE TO. 814 W. IndhTni iv.. rhil.i . wnnts lead te or from Fit??. 1'iirgh. Sei m'en. Bosten and s'aahore neln's Tjeca Rn71M. Wln " SPECIAIj Will move n-rm heu-e In .01',; neighborhood. 112. will also ater? 5nuJ furniture 1 me. fre. Call Shrwoe.i tr-m MONARCH STORAGE CO 8970 LANcTS. TER AVE 1UTO SERVICE. STORAOK PACKINGS. I.OVO DISTANCK MOViyq ' AUCTION SALES THE PHILA. Art Oallerlea 3. V. Cor irth nnd Chestnut sts It. II, Welmer." aiic. toner. Unrmlmrd haggags new In poses- mui ui nuiiiiiiiB r.uii vti DO S jla s-iii. Per isth at 12 o'clock. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY The Bridge Is a Reality New Is the Time te Buy J3 tWI .' .1.1. . if.n .ion -. . ein si i-iMit uurirrv at Onnncci! ment. short le.i-sis, ready f(,r Impreve- DAVID L. SUBIN Spruce 1.137 Colonial Trust Hldg CENTRA! 1532-34 Race et let 2S!20, corner. 151.1 Vine st let 111x72 n. 1532 Cherr st , !l ITxiiu, two fronts .U3U Race st . let lh'.1 JOHN J. DOUGHERTY Cem ST. TERMINAL . Belmont 7Vu5 316 SOUTH 16TH ST. 2024-26 SANSOM ST. Paul H -ui I !. spre ..-,. .VNe se(. advert t-ieenls In sm liftvlie ' Jn fijlleulm minimi- 1'interliN i ' it VI inuf.iiturliig lluers FACTORIES c WAREHOUSES E. S. Tomlinson, Jr LINCOLN irii nt.sii FACTORIES Wuteheuses tery ultra T I Qf ,, R. Q 'ami 'I .te J. U. OIV V.-I1SU1I V. tH-XI II If le ere iidiertl-i incuts in sniiilt tvpr In following (eliinm- W'l.-.I' I'illl Ml, I llll "5100 WARRINGTON AVE. 1 ' 1 I I JOItlH It I 1 f . . I tii.c v n J It I ik.HH : u iiii it I'lciUfiMt j- -i t i i j. li I i i t s t It i il 4 1 l 'tllflls.i t t m i ' i I (Ol ,il ,iBf ) i l 'v. t ii i, .wnl cumwiri th in t . Knitter yiurfif DONALD V. REDDING 52d and Chester Ave. . ' " REATj ESTATE EOB gAL CITY Stores OEKMANTOWN. 7000 Bleck f "M ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF A NEW SAMPLE HOUSE n ir..i ft.rr.em and bath homes, with open fireplace, tiled bath. ether modern appointment. Including Individual garage. LOTS 100 FEET DEEP LOCATION THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED IN BEAUTY PINK OLD SHADE '80-FT. WIDE MACADAM STREET irn sauare east of Llnceln Drle 2 squares weat of Uermantewn Ave. Ml PieaaSSt Xtcf. "nd 13 squares south of Allen Lane Station en P. R. R.) DALLAS & HARTLEY 4709 North R. W. RROWN ON PRnMISES rF.xxxvLVANiA sununnAN CL0VERDALE FARMS Celmar, Montgomery County, Pa. (The Late A. H. MoereV$2,000,000 Hebby) Together with maRsien house nnd 7 homes, large barn and stabliRR for about 300 head of stock; water works, hospital kennels. The $1,000,000 Cleverdale Park with its swimming peels and lakes, together with its imported shrubbery. (OVER 300 ACRES IN THE ESTATE) Offered at Speculator's Price, $65,000 22 miles north of City Hall en the Dethlehem Pike Ask HARRY RICHARDSON, Owner, Lansdale, Pa. Phene, Lansdale 381 wjejst ilULADjxiyiiA . i KHIIllKllilllllllW A me6t practical Xmas gift and ene that Is most sure te be appre ciated New cettige-type homes at f.Hth nnd Warrington wve. (In the heart of the beautiful Sherwood sec tion). W. EARL YONKER nullder, en premlres Slat at. above llaltlmere nve. Woodland 0j4u. !mraajiiiiw!i!U iiainis SALE "OCiS N. 02d st.; 0 roems: bath: garage. I30O Hlk Sansom st 8 rms . bath. elec. 1337 S Sflth st.- rt rooms; garage: new". 5O10 Hazel nve.: 12 rms i ; suit, for apla. KI35 N 31d st : 12r.. 2 baths; epp. park. A. F. BROWN T.lxrefj?nr,DO. 1341 S. PAXSON DUPLEX HOME SK rooms and bith, may !c purchased as it Is or v will remodel te suit you; one of our unusual homes prlcd und-r J3000 DONALD V. REDDING c. 4922 CEDAR AVE. Three terv twin, 11 rooms 2 baths, attic th 'inuihly modern Dutch hall, t.cttnc. hardwood floors hnunced E. R. FRENCH 117 S 50th Preston 1037 47TH & WALNUT VIC. 2 s'.-in.'. h r. nnd b garage: elr h heat Dutch hall. Inc penh, I050U. E. R. FRENCH 117 S 40TH PRESTON HI37 4155 GIRARD AVE. Three story, 11 rooms, bath iredern lm lm prevemnts priced r reasonably. . en net premises DONALD V. REDDING effl- -in 10 SPRUCE ST B-iut. 3'i-teiy seml-dei ached home. 13 rms and '-' baths 150 ft let te In k street WM L CR WEN SONS. ."iSth & Chester Stores and Dnelllngi STORES jK. "v.","-, ave w s f (13 In wonder- ick atiiiii, Lebanon f (151 h st MOSS & TAYLOR m-;i.ii:r.-t i'. . . C5th nii'l HaiMiBKti'R v I I - Sircit- NEW STORES 5ilih and Ore. i w n nml duellM jn t (iHtaii, d loom- I id Illicit ess vv i Ii In suit Ter t n 'rer te W. S rAMiC'f f.Jllf Chestnut l-e Me adve( tlHimenii. u .mill tvpr in following column. i.r.i(Msiet n 5855 CRITTENDEN ST. 3 hter' nr -h from- ,' i i . NEW l: $6000 l'i ip'r'.v s i i i k . i. i v i ar l i 1 'i i is I' ,.,., iiiuand I i .in. Donald V. Redding , ,- .. , V.'.' "I" udverllsi-nients in snull npe In following ruliiuins. BfJ Jee Cunningham '.U'M.JmJV.'-J ;". AT. i f V vi7.jl v m(rW,.y MUM. 600 Bleck Bristel Street CORNER PROPERTIES - In a- section where there la need of Hardware, Cigar, Butcher and Dry Goods Stores These buildings contain 4 bedrooms. fcat nil modern improvements; also &,? privileges. Can be financed witn smw amount of cash. Francis B. J. Branagan BUILDER OP HOMES fHRMANTOWN Read ( Cresheim and evarr at Bread Street Wye. 0871-0(72 Chestnut Hill 2008 Pi:XNSVI.VXIA SUBL'RIIAN KENSINGTON 649 E. ALLEGHENY AVE. Eight rooms, bath, het-water heat, elec tricity. A-l condition. Immediate pos session. ARROW REALTY CO.. 023 W. Olney ae, INVESTMENT 4123-2.1-27-41 Janney st.: B rooms, hnth. modem cenveniences: bargain. ARROW REALTY CO .'.23 W. Olney ave, OLNF.Y 5135 TAIRHILL ST . 0 rooms. . bath, het-water heat, elee. t0.7un eiiirairnui at., (jr.. Dam. gar. 50 N 7th st , 0 rooms, bath.. 020 Chew at.. 8 rms.. bath, twin GGO0 N. Oth st. cjr., garage . . . 223 Duncannon ave., 8 rooms, bath, elec. Immed. poss. 8.000 A.S00 0.800 13.000 3.800 IRj JYC( OLNEY HOMES $mmgm S5soe tfl.ien I7A0O All renv.: hnt-wster eat; electrle. OLNEY REALTY CO. 8510 N OTH ST. WTO. 8259 Alse see advertisements In small ijtm In following columns. i.oe y BTWfflireOTEniiiiffi STOP! ! B : 4 YOU BUY YOU LOSE IF YOU MISS THESE NEW HOMES Boulevard Section Frankl'n St . 4700 Bleck North ,.s.,n. r,ms. beautifully ftnlibai. le.racsd fronts' garage. Unusual value at $6250 Matthew W. Dougherty "tff'M'Hainu l..IJ . .. a.TTMJ.MMi'ii.a'ixi jmiiniimm Ejd: iA.U(? ".'' ""I'frllaemrnU In small type Jn .folio vTingceliiQina. . vam tscnpnn.N 0AK LANE , , ' ' ' N UTII M' ' ' " ineiein . tar garage. LOGAN in v n-rii st 1-' I lie.lui m - . bath ! ii. iii.drn Ml .ett .,j t house TIOGA I.I-'S ERIE AVE - "" 12 lueiiiH j I ml- modern. OLNEY REALTY CO. -. ((( IT W(l .10 N Rill Rill 1 " ' ' ''I iiliiil 1. W, 11,111 ;j NARBERTH it'" I v I VWi r. e iili-'il '. c:t 1 -le'.nd hn.He '"i. (IciHciie'l lieu-e-,; hot het ;v:u.'i ' I'lc-hi,' light, liarilwiiiul ! r, tilt-,! baths; irimil-s 7i-. et; conveniently 1'H'iiti-i ti .Uiticn, school, lull"!. ihllK'llCl, etc. 'e I'.'IM' H ht use fe, v.,il,, , (,f. (Vrt'tit p.-irtx of the town iin-wermsr this anie rneral rifsi'riptien, from $U,riOO te S1U.000, inclndini; one particu larly nttractiu' corner proper preper tv with traniK'c at ML'.eOO. We siNe have ecial elder properties fmni KT.'tOO te $11,000; veiy 1:011 n'uc ROBERT J. NASH Suburban efllce. Xarberth Sta. Citj eflkc, 121-1 Locust St. Ml ' M III Mm:sh M 1 iiiiLfflUJiiajiawwiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiaiiB NARBERTH I'ei s ileNew Hern-i Ruin br Sineuley Jenkini Mehi field Mcrien Coiistiiiclien Ce. Prices $7500 Up JOHN A. CALDWELL Offlee rtienn Kurherth 1T81 Raldnc I'hens Narberlh 1MT Opposite th (Ration. Narbtrlh, Yl . VV? V "'vertlarmtuls In mmnU In follevrtnn rjiumns. rv "? H'l s.jl r .-i.ijt, ,V.,Vt'iS'5'i,f .' I I i.a . . ., .'V.ei ii-'-s