jj. vT,,t u.4a vt-i .vJ.-iv'S L-fiyfa ' ' .OAMrt! ww''rl 'A Jaw" 7 m . '' ; ii lv '.mw. .f NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS i( Date 2. '21 hnlKT ...Lew m. fcV IS: -S3 t ', pii.uu june be n July 11, 83.01) M-iy in. 8.1.80 May in. 81.40 May 20. SI 110 .tray 21, ne.OO June 7. 81.00 Met 21. July 24, ' RO ,(uiy z;i, '2S July 14. '22 Julv 10, '22 July 23. '22 July 24. '22 July 24. '22 July 2.1, '2J Julv 20, '22 Julv 2fl, '22 July 27, '22 July 20, '23 May 10, '22 Apr, 8. '22 6. 54 62.00 1A1.TH 101,40 101.00 100.80 101.00 100.8(1 101. RS 101,(12 100.0R 100. BO 84.00 July 80, '20 81.40 May 20. '20 83.80 Dec. 2.1. '20 8.V nn Dec. 20, '20 82.40 May in, '20 82.44 .May 20. '2(1 82.00 Mliv 20, '20 P1.70 May 20. '20 1)4.08 May 21, '20 SALES IN $1000 FOREIGN BONDS Anten Jerns l oe Wsate) 1114 1..., 1114 1.... 1114 8flat 112 K S'bs Croats & Slenes 8s .1 73 K Sweden tls 3. .. 1044 2. . 1044 .".(sale) 1044 U JIar W On 10 US 8 7R'i 3 98?, B 79 Dutch E Indl's 2 70 ct flt '47 IS 70 1 Ot'i 1 79i 4 .... 04H Ante Ilep'c .1 3 014 2 834 4 04'i Ants Rep'c 7s Dutch K Indl's 1.... 1014 ct Cs '0 1.... icon i 9.14 iParls-Lyens M Wsale) 100 4 e.. 01 1 ttall'y Cs Chinese aeve t 1I-K Rly Bs a si City Berd'x Cs 1 78 1 7, City of Chris tiana Ss 4.... 109 City of Copen hagen 34) 10 0014 1 004 City Greater 1 Prague 74 a 8 7.1 1.. . 03S 3 7.1 rrnm'n Indust 20 724 Dev 74 s rets 1 7.1 1 8041 fl.. .. 724 1 804 Queensland 7s .1 00 1 108 Geve't rrench .Republic Rell- II 74 s rets tla Ss 1 91 1 0.14 0 04 1 .. 934 1. . .. 04 II Chlle ct 7s Oet't Frenahl 2 . .. 9(14 Republic 8s in Chlle T Bs 8 .... 0S4 ' 00 4 1 08 4 R Chlle 8s "20 1 etv, 1... I"!" City Lyens As.Helland-Am'n Hep Luea 4 " 1 7SS Line Cs City Mars's fls 4 SR' 4 784'Jap Gutcn't Is 8 7S4 It .... 814 8 7841 2 814 City of Mente- 2 ... . 81 4 video 7s K Belgium Is 1 004 B. .. 0.14 T(sale) 904 K Bels'm 7 4' 1. ... 0141 1 inns Ctr Rie de Ja- 1.... 100 5.. . '..I . Rep'e of II" I. As wt 21... 904 0(14 2 ... 90 (l(ale 9(1 10 tllat) 004 Statu of aa 1 I'aule ct bs I 1 .... I'll nerle Ss '46 . . inn U li un urn Delirium 6s I A I 54 s '29 1 ... 9(14 K Cty Rie de Ja- 1 . . . 0'v. 1:.... ii-"1 nerle S3 "47 7(ale) 99 2 97 1.. . 1O04 Cty S I'aule 8s Klnedem Den 2 94 Mark Cs 8... 10... 17... 1... 1124 1124 113 1124 1 984' 3 984 3. 1134 f S, City of Sels- 3 984 t'JT tens 6s 3 '.-4 ' 1 78 5. . . 9S 4 I'jjfr Crecho-Sleak IC or Nether- ;. 3' Rep'c 8s lands Cs wl ' 2 SITs , 7 O1-' j-Jb 4 Sil'j1 1 1(8 4 iyf b. ... seM r, 94 tjt Denmarl: Cen 12 .. li4 rm ct A Ss I 2 .... ZK 1. .. 10S S ... Us", Jjf De Can 5s '20 17. . . 01 iral 2 014 Klnedem Ner- s&w IS.... 90 41 ay tia wl SgjE D Can 34s'2l) 2 100 Slj 1 101'- 2 . 1"0 ifi De Can 5 '31 iKInndem Ner- Wfir 1 .... 09 way ct Ss ft De Can Cs '52 1 1114 & 2 09 ' V K Ort Rrlt A I 54 s '37 21... 1024 U 3 Ilrezll 7s 1 (flat) 8(14 fn'd 8 Brizll 74s rcta 10 t'4 .1 ... 0 1 1.. .. ".14 -'I 7(s.ile) 93" j 1 .. . 93 4 L" S Brazil 83 1 .. . 0s 2 ;f.S 1 ' . 984 V S Mexico 4s 15 .17 DOMESTIC HONDS II S Govern' t Central Rd of Cuban Cane S 8s st'd 3 904 1 90 4 44 a rets N Jersey 10. 90 Rl 5.... 1004 09 88 Cere de Pas'e 99 81 Cep'r Ss 8.. 1.. ISO.. te., c. R .... 90 1"J ' i'i S 12941 1 91-4 129 I r.. ... 91 U341 2... . 914 99 SO 99 HI 0. in.. CO.. 1.. 11.. 10 . 1.. J:!!,'lCu.ba n,IlI.:'!,l AJax Rub'r S 1 90 1 ort American Ajr Chem 74 1.... 1024 Amer Smelt A ItefV Cs 1 934 4 9.1 1304 Del A II 34 s 1U04 1 1.11 1314 1314 1314 D A R G fd Cs 21 40 Dt Ed! 3s '33 1. .. 100 Det C R 44s 4 SC Dun Light fls 4... 1034 Dls Securities 10. 8(flat) 131 finale) 1.11 4.... 132 3.... 133 3.... 132 2.... 132 10 014 American Suz Bet'e 0 B 102 1 iai'j ct C A O cv 44sl j L.... H'l'i, 1 Si 4 I S CO 30.. . 102 ,C's A t cv Ss Dui Let Am Tel A Tel 1 . . . :i2" , 1 elt 4s 1... . 'Jl a!,t,.rn 1 91 'i 4 l(2 4 Sugar ' 1 91 4 ' .1 ... 9241 r... .. 74s 1 .Th. " lu f4s 07 A Tel A Tel ,1s 1. .. .93 I 3 07, US 4 Chl A Alt 34 s Empire find i 1 9s4 1.. .. 214 uel 1 98 4 .1 244 ATelATel fls' 3 244 1.... HB4!Chl D A Q Bs . . . 9.14 ... 93 4 ... 934 AtChT ASFe 2.... 1004 1004 Flslt Rub'r Ce 100 4 8s rcta 100 1..,, ie.ij; 1004 2.,.. 1034 1004 1.... 10B4 1004 ie.l: adJ 4s 3... 1 824 2... Atch Topeka A 1... a Fe 4s 10... 2 R04 3.. 1 804 Chlcnce A E'n'r-ranelsce su 4 fi94 Ills Cs '01 lsi JltJ 74s 1.1 1004 .1 I112 0... . "i4 1 1 . S14 10... 894 Chl M'l A Pgt At la' a Knox a Sound 4s Cln 4s .1 . 05', 1... . P0 Chicago M.I A Atl'c ReX'i: Cs St P 4s m 102 1024 10. 7. .. 102 fVne'I Elec Is 1 .. 1004 10'sale) 100 4 3 101 1 10 101 2.. .. Mi 1 7S4 7S4 7SV 1 9S4 Bait A Ohie Pitt 3 Vis 9... 1... 1... 4... S0i .l, X nhln ,rhl-airn Mil 1 ' '-'OO S West'n3',s j St P 4s -34 J0? i 9iw, - s" ;,'; B 91,l 3 B6HGenl nrac- Bait 4 Ohie 4s,Chlcane Mil il mnes ci t,- 12 S04 StP cv 4is 1 81W B OS B A Ocv 4sf 3 05'i 4 98U Goedrich 11 K OHs rets IB 60 i 13 10. 1. lOlfj Bait & Ohie Ss 1 85 1 81'. Bait & Ohie ns 6.... lOO'i a.... 100't 3 ns Chicago Mil & StP fd 4'is 101H l"!'l 101 101 1011, 1.. H r,7t 1 ns 1 57r-s 2.... 101 l loe-,, r. .... r.s ,:" J.r I n2J. Barr.ed.iI1 Oil Chlram Mil A Cerp'n A 8s i Stl urn l'?e 4 102 3. ... T9 I Bell Telephone 'Chlcace Mil & ' - t 08" 09 ns; et Pa 7s a l- cv u 1 108! (IT'i i;oeiiear t a Beth steeiisi n , ,lub r ,, .41 2.. . 01) Chlrace & Nthl n ... B Bteel fd 5s West n 7s I 7 .,'.,, n li.li; I "I 'cran't-y C M. e 4 05 W .Chlcaeci nail- f" "i, l S 4 00 ay3 Bs i',i J wr .?" Beth Steel 8, 1 I; lord Trunk e '. "1 l, .' '' Can 6s r-t 1 W,.""l flUCK I ft 101 Jiner l eirei . au iu ia Ce SHs wl 10 R'? r. .. . am ie ..ss 10 OlVChl Heck t 2 Pt Pac cen 4s 2. ... Ol'il 1... . 7fi4 si.n 1T.I fr. Ka f 11&. 1 104U Or'd Trunk of Canada 7s 1.... 112 II.. UZ'i Oreat Nerth'n a. fTr.:,Ph''n-,Tn0l nall'y 64s Bkn Edl I 7s; Sta 4'4h 1. 107i 1.. .. m Bkn Ilap T 7s It ... n 10 Ill 7(sale) R!M4 1 01 'Chicago & Wn 1.. 10 2.... 102H 1.... 102l 1.... 1021, 1 I02H l et4 Indiana 4s Oreat North' n 8 01 B Ilap T ct 7s IB 00 IS 00 1 74' HaU'y 7a 10 7lVi utK Chile Cep'r fls 3.... 110H 1.... HOUj 1.... UOU 2 OOH 2 .... eai; S(sale) liU 1 00 10 .... OOU 3 (flat) 01 Bkn U Oas 6s I.... 103U Harlem It 4 P Broek'n Union Chester 4s 2 78 Elev 1st Bs 1 R2W Havana E niy Bush Terminal Chile Cep'r 7s L A Put .'.a 1 82 B fis 2 OR : 03 10.... 110K 20.... Ill 10 ... lll. Hrshey Che celate Ce (Is (1 .... 0SH Bush Ter'l Ss 2 ... 111V. 1 87"i .1 . . nm, 1 0RS 2 0W IS 0SH Hudsen i. Man In ail J Cs IS (Ill Hudsen & Man fd Ss Callf'a Oas A Cln Gas l'-i s Elee Ss B 00 1 .... 117", ri . . . . OS 2 .... 07 Canad'n Nth'n (Vis rets C N T 4s 'S5 1.... Ill .... Illli 2.... Ill 1.... llltt 10 00 Cl'd Cln Chl 4 St Leuis 6s 3... 101',-i 1 84 4 RH 1 84tt Canad'n N 7s Clevel'd Union i.... it:. 1.... 112V Term'l OHs 1... 103i Humble Oil & 1.... 112U Can' an Fae 4 s Cole & S'n 4s Ilcfg BHs 1 OS 1 07 I OS 1 Os'l 2 08i 5 02 a.. 70si Columbia O & h 70 ! 70 U Elee 1st st'd I.. .. 0fli C Cable UH 10 07 efsale) 2 t 1 70 U 70 n; Ills Ctl fd At 70 H Coin Asacarea 87'i 70 U Para qua 7'4 2 00'i e(sale) 004 Ills Cen'l n'js Cent'l et Oa u 1 ... ion, a.... ion; u.... 101 11 x.... tee C Leather 7s 1 (flat) 01) H a.... 10QU X.... 100S Ceattral Faclqa 1 (flat) 00TV (Kflat) 100 (Ills C St L & ,N Or Jt Ii Ss 0SK IndVa Bteel Bs l... 102 Cen'd Ceal CO 1st 4a . ..... 6 of Md 6s 1. .. .. 6S ( ' bm VUjt LIBERTY DONDS AND VICTORY NOTES TUnne, '22 Hlih iw Iue 10.1.02 04.8 Liberty 34 . 1032-47 102 70 iM.rs i.in-ertv bvp, registered ..,....,.,,.,, 101 01 - M.70 Liberty lift cv 4s, 11M2-47 , 101.30 07 00 Liberty lat cv 4. registered 100. 0 0.1.(10 Liberty 2d 4s. 1027-42 100.84 05.BO Liberty 2d 4s. registered 102.00 08 un Liberty 1st I'd cv 4Us. 10.12-47 101.78 0(1.00 Llbertv 1st cv 41 s. 10,12-17 101 40 IB.W Liberty 1st cv 4Hs, registered 101.00 U4.0 Llbertv 2d cv 4's, 1027-42. 100 80 0.1. OS Liberty 2d cv 4'Js. registered 101.00 no. 74 Liberty 3d 4Us. 102S 100.8(1 01.72 Liberty 3d 4'i a. registered 101.80 0.1.80 Liberty 4th 4'i a. 103.1-38 101.02 0.1.70 Liberty 4th 4U registered 100 08 100.02 Victory 4s. 1022-23 100.00 00.84 Victory 4s, registered 4.... 102 M & StL f,l Bs N Y Cfl en 4s 3 824 N Y Ctl ls'42 Interbore Rnp 2 3 Tran fd .is M StP & a Ste 3 71 Marie 4s InterDote Rap 10 881' Tran 7s wl 4 88', 1 0.14 1 89 1 ... 88 Cent'l 5s ... 074 ... 07 4 ... 074 ... 974 ... 074 . .. 974 N Y f. 4. 0. 4 .... 0.1 VM str A S ate! Intr'l A Oreat1 Marie Bs N'n ct fls I 3 784 10 OilU'M HtP A S Ste I M Marine Os Marie 04 s 0 894 1.,.. 101 1 (,9V M K & Tex 4s 1.. 11. Y Ccn'l Os 2 ... 101", 15 10t Iowa Cent'l 41 1 80 4 IN Y Chi & St 1 304 'M Knti & Tex. Ix)Uls 4s Julius Kaer I alj Bs wl I 10 .... 894 A Ce 7s rets 4 .... r.x'-S N TK Deck 4s 1 5841 1.. .. 774 B . . . . ,'.s 'N Yerk lldl'n 4 . . . B8 04 s rets 3 ... 084. 1.... 110 5.... 1014 Kan C l'l S 1 Memp 4a 1 78 Km pah .. M Kan A Tex 1 ... 110 2 t,i) Bs A 1 .Vew Yerk O .t K C T Illv l 1 814 Wesl'n 4s 4 . . 82, ' 1 8.1 4 1 094 Kelly Sprlne'd, 1 b.14 N, Kyn ct 5s Tire 8s 5 107 Klncs County Lint 04 m B .... 834! Ksale) M Kan A rex N Yerk State fls C wl I Ills 14 s 3 004 I 1 .... 0" 2 07 ' N Y Steam (Is 09, I.akn Mhnr- M,Me I'aclP.c 4s 1 074 S'n 4s '28 2.. 1 914 1 Lak !41ere M1 1-. S'n 4s '31 I '. 0 925 3.. 034 N Yk ."n'l 03 u West n 14 s (1.14 (114 0.1 4 1 .... 48'i ".'W Yerk Tel Cs of '41 1.... 1054 2... 105 4 1 . 10,14 (lli. 1 lei 10.14 Kllat' 10,14 2 ... 10.14 7 in.14 11 U34 ' 3 02 4 Me I'ac Cs H.1 I. Val rn 4 4s 2 . .. . 8i)ij 10 . . 014 Me 1'aciflc (Is , L A Mer 1 2 04i 2 974 1 1 9S4' - 074 9 .... OS 1.' 1 .. . 07 4 2 94 4 10.14 New Yerk Tel La A N V Bsl 0 0- 1 7(l4,Ment'ii I'wr .Is fls of '49 2 70 I 3 904 H 1 Mir.atl Rusar,Mututl Tuel d N Yk W C A Cemp'y 74 s Cemp'y 5s I Hest 44 2 08 B 94 1 41 Marl.et Street Ntl Rall'yn efi 2 414 Rly 1st 5s Xlex -l '57 I 1 4C4 3 0141 1 2fl Nfk A Wn 4s 1 014 Ncw Ensd Tel1 1 f'94 .Market Ptrt I A Tel 5a 7 894 Rly cel (Is I 1 984, 4 90 B ... 914 2 .. . 9s 0 00 Mlrh S T, 1 is 1 OS 2 ("(4 '-.. 9- N Pacific R 3s , ' ri' I Mldvaln steel New Or Tet A 1 (114 Melce Cs I 3 C14 A Ord'c Cs 1 , M., 894' 1 .... 78 ' 2 . . 014 8i, 1 774 N Far-iflc II Is C s9 4lNew Or T & 7 804 1 S04l Mexico Cs iN Pacific H .1 Mln A St I. 4s 1---. 1904 2 994 r' 374'N Y Cent'l 4s N Pacific R fls 1 3"4 1 91 1.... 1054 News for Investors A. rtl!?lnnLl IVntnfill n.wl ltntAt- T , .. - . ..... ..,.,. .w.-it ,fct 1' "iuun arc a.-"eciated witli tiulbtirv, I.II11 fc Ilalne.. The avrnce nrice of the twentv ne. l"e Induitrial st..el;s ndviiiicMl' e.Ul per cent .UMenhiy fi 07. .SV while ihe twpnt; rallruiuU declined 0.''.". per cent 10 CH.ii.. A mutuollzatien plan, through which employs will Mitirc directly in the profits of the company, was adopted by directors of S. W. Strauas & Ce., of New Yerk. The offering of the Austrian internnl geld loeji and of the hhares in the new 1 national bank hne been declared tuc I (("sful. us the issues have been prac tically subscribed DirVetnrs nf ih.. I'lur Mnnnfnniii.in ' 'Company, of X,.w Hedford. .Ma-.. ln 1 .1 1.. 1 1 ,,,, . ...... . iiiTisircii a ciisn diwiienil ct .U. Ill addition the cempain preiiices n Uh k divhlend of r0 per cent im reae in its (apitallza.ien from SMKI.OOO te si.. IJD.OOO. The Central Aguirre Sueur Company reports for the year ended July lit, lajt, net income after charges and deprecia tion of .JTfil.'siS, equal te S.'.Ol n share en the l.'i.OOO shares of stork, com pared with 5007,13", or Ae a. share, in 1021. A syndicate headed by the Tnien Trust Company of Chicago and IlaUey 'e is offering nt par and ! issue of $l.rine.000 Ilrv- btuart t :mt P.iner (Vinn.niiv first iiinrtcia.. ' ..,...,,..-.... .' ..... nA.. . nl .... .... cent sinKln-,' fum ,..e,i i i. . -i.. The N'lni-sine Mines Cnmnnnv I.im- . ited (operating company), us of De- ceinber II had cash in bank. Canadian , war bends, Tnited fetutes Treasury certiticates and inveitmeuts uggre gatiug $3,830,00 (. Value of ere und bullion in transit, en hand und in process nt mine and mill, and bullion ready for hhipment, amounted te $711, 107. The expected Canadian Federal do mestic lean of .$100,000,000 will net be lleated, but financial requirements for National nnd National Railway deficits will be met liv a New Yerk flotation of net les than Sir.O.OOO.OOO. The arrangements for this lean will he made . t-- . - -fl T.-!..nn.. ii tne return irem i.uruiic "i mm.' . Jiirlster Fielding, who is expecteii iiere.i.iniengirg lire, but H was net npparent b the end of the ear. . , i-day that the patient had benefited. c... I,l,..l,1pu nf flirt I'enii f enrrril --.-.gini ... ...v. - Light and Power Company, of r ml at the close of bubiness December lu, i win ee eiiuucti i ""ut '" " additional preference Hhares at the pi ice of Sel per shore Hat, payauic en or be fore .Innuary '- en the bntds of 30 pir rent of their holdings ns of record De cember 10. Warrants will be mailed December 16. When directors of the Peeples' Gas Light nnd Coke of Chicago meet te dis cuss dividends Thursday, an Increase in the qunrterlv rate tn .M.rU, pla intr the stock en n -?0 annual buhls, is loeli cd for. Dividends were resumed at ?." annual ntte last January. Last year net earnings alter nil eiurges were ,l,- ISl.OOt). dittul te MI.Imi a share en the $aS.500,0(M) capital eteel;. 1'nder ptovisiens of the voluntary sinking fund set up by directors of the I.oul'lena and Northwest Itail Itail read, owned by the Middle State Oil Company, by which U0 per cent of net earnings: applicable te dividends IS set iiKKie ler oenu redemption, the company will purchase en January 2, $12,000 of its bends. The Mime amount wns redeemed three months age. The regular quarterly dividend of 1 per, cent will be paid te stockholders of Louisiana and Northwest en January l, te Helders of record December 15. LONDON STOCK MARKET LlBt Seft, With Tendency te Ge Lewer Dellar Descriptions Dull Ijoudeti, Dec. 12, Iliihliiess In se curities en the stock exchange was re stricted by the fortnightly settlement today. The maikets generally were soft and showed a tendency te go lower as a ruin. One of the bright spetB was the gilt edged list, which gained ground en a demand from Investors, French leans wcre fiulet nnd featureless. The rub- her section also was steadier as the reeult of an improvement In the crude article. Industrials dropped. Hud Hud eon's Bay was 7 11-10. Heme rails were irregular but changes were narrow. Dellar descrip tions were dull around previous levels. Seme Argentine rails were firmer. The oil group wavered but changes were small, tteyal Dutch was 3-l'A, Shell Transport and Trading 3 lfi-ld ajid Mexican Eagle 2 8-1(1. Kaffirs were without support tnd Batted EVENING PUBLIC 1:30 Net l'.M. Chge. ,100.30 lllth 100.32 Lew 100.30 08. DO 08.50 118.60 'lib', id 'fVelrU 08.38 oe.oo 'e'h'.iU 08.80 100 10 'ob'.id 'ue.iA 08..10 08. 38 08.00 'iVs'.si 118.71 100.88 08.51 08.38 03.02 08 84 08.80 100.40 2.... 10S4 .... B4 .... r84 .... 58s .... r84 . ... B84 .... B84 . ... B8 A 3 Fran 1 50 4 1 504 Nth S Tw (Is B. 0. B. 1. r. fl. StL 10.... 1014 North Wcst'n Dell Tel 7s 1T0I ITdlsen 7s 1.... 1004 1.... 1004 Union Hag A Paper Oa B 03 4.... 107 4 1.... 1074 Oregon S L 4s 0 02 7(aule) 02 Herles A 4s 1 704 U Oil Calif fls 15.... 1014 Oregon S Line .1 (flat) 70 4 1.... 101V4 Buar'd Cs 2.... 1024 StL A S Fran Union Pae 4 Serles 11 Bs 1 014 1 87 I 14 91 1 8041 B 014 Ore-V n H A Navl Ce 4 s 1 814 B 81 4 StL A S Fran 2.1 01H Series C fls IL'nlen P cv 4s 1 984 1 2.. .. 934 Otis Steel 74 rets 1 02'1 1 92 4 1 0.1 4 .... nan nacine Gas A nice 3s B 024 B 024 (1 (Hat) 024 1 024 Pae T A T Bs 4 .... 1)74 Paclfte Tel A Tel fd Bs .1 014 1 .... 914 rack'rd Metur Car Ce fis 2.... 107"j 1 ... 1074 Pa II II 4s '43 StL A S Fran 2 05 Series D .1'bsiUnlen P fd 4a 1 9.14 1 1 .... 604 StL Snn en 4s Fnlen Pae fls fl --S' 1 ,1 1ft IRi Saks A Ce 7 t'nfd Drue ss u..... ..- " .-. 3.... 1004 1... 1124 I S Air L nj ,1s t't'd Stores R 1 234 Cerp'n Cs '42 Senb'd A L O31 2 . 100 2 ,10 iU S Realty A 1 10.... r.s: ' Tmnv't r,a 1 574l 1 094 iu r.T',, ,u 1 CS 4. Ruh'r bs " 3,: Sea A Ilea Cs 1 8S4 1 034 1 ss Sinclair C Oil 8 M' Cerp 7s rets 1 88 S C... 1004 'United States 1...'. 1004 Steel 5s fl(sale) 1004' 8.. . 10.14 Ksnle) 101 I 3 1034 1.... 100 4 Utah Power A 2 . 10041 LUM Cs 1 95 Penna R R ns 2.... 1014 1.... 101 2.... 1014 Penna Rd (!' 1.... 1104 Tenna 11 R 7s 1.... 1094 12 . . . 1(W4 3 1004 Produe A It gs 43 1074 1 1074 Pub Serv Cerp N Jersey Bs 2 .. 834 7(a!e) 83 Sinclair crude! 2 O V Ce C4 h I r. Mil 904 , 1 9S4 3 91 Sinclair lnpe. 17 904 Line Ce Bs Va-C C 1st Cs 2 A94 B 1004 2 894 Vn-C Ch ct Bs 3 804 8 9.14 Sn Uell Tel Ss 1 9,14 1 00 1 954 Sn Tac cv is Vn-C Chem cv j 3 02 74s war'd Sn Pac fd 4s 1.. .. 92 B 87 4 Va Rwy Cn .is 9 8711, 2. 94 .1 siv, s Perte R yuz 2 07 ir,,,,,,K ! rcis .a .inan ii as, 4 ... 8,1 , 1 nei 1 9 1 1 ni jnrpn .v vc sn naiiwav i warner Fusar 1 , iFland 4s 1 1 074I Ce ct 7s 1. . 71 ! i'.tui 1. . 1034 1 i3tL In Ml AS 1.. .. 071! Wesfn Md 4s It A a dlv Is 2(sale) (174 2 . 24 1.. 1.. 1.. 8)4. 27 074 Wn N T A P 814 ,Sn Rallwny Cs R R 1st 1. ... 994 IV Pae Ut Ss 15 794 1 794 1 794 W'n raclfle s C 934 Wlekw'e Spnc Steel 7s 2 944 WII5011 Cem- 84 it 1 074 StL A S Fran adj Oh n Rall'y (14s 1.... 1014 7S4 7 1014 7.1 Stand'd Oil of 7.14 Calif 7s 7.14 1 1 1004 Fran 5 10(14 S'el Tube Ce B4 , of Ain'n 7s CS4I 1 101 StL A In fa 4 10.. . B. . C ... 1.1 . . . 1 BS', 1.... 1014 pony 7". is .1S4 Tenn Coir (Is1 1. .. 103 1sn 5.. .. 04 7(salell034 Cs'. Thl-d A a I 5 1 . . 1034 1 .1(141 GOV. RUSSELL VINDICATED OF WOMAN'S CHARGES Verdict for Governer Reached by Jury in Twenty-eight Minutes Oxford. Miss.. Dec. 11. Afler twen ty-eight minutes of deliberation jurors sc'iiTiliiy brought ill u verdict for (lOV- erner I.eeM. Km-ell. in the Slim.O'K) il.i,,t.,rt unit wlii.li Ile I (if.iu Illrl..- ""f '- : ;.- ,.....- ll""1 1'1'1, l""""KIlt, against him en the eharge of betrajal and pernntient im- .!'"'' "'" """"''""" inn I otieratien While every bit of testimony had been delivered te n packed courtroom, the verdict was delivered te empty benches. Neither the defendant nor plaintiff was present. Judge Ilelraes had instructed the jury te bear In mind two points only whether there had actually been Im proper relations between the Governer an'' "Fs Hltkhead and whether or net "'" reputation of the Governer's no- user prier te this time was beyond 'i""-'""" J h Illrkhead declared she would return te New Orleans at once, but ,hlU s"e "01l "et announce further P1""8 untl1 uf,er consultation with her I J"'eJ DR. WHITENACK SINKING Bleed Transfusion for Baby Special ist Falls te Improve Condition Newark. N. J.. Dec. 12. Dr. Royal Miller 'Whttcnack. Newark's baby specialist, who la ill in the Pres byterian IIeBpital with bleed poisoning contracted from a baby patient, was V'".i.ln ! rru.' r. en tot'!M - Anether bleed transfusion oneratien i i , i , . i was periermeu yesicruny in nope et 1 1. t,.,nlr p.nlneM nnu,,1i,enn, L ," "."'.. -- ..-.....uJ..i - I for a time jesterdny and recognized members of the fnmlly. lie bpeke a ' iew wenis in in:. iif, The "Mlrucle Man's" skill has saved the lives of many babies and his v .fe 0ung men were making themselves ac ini received numerous letters from quninted with each ether, mothers Informing her that they have I t RPemcd te the Observer, a "geed prayed for his recovery anil caused masses and prayers te be said 'i their chti relies. Liverpool Cotten 1 I niuil. Tl.n. ll.Snet OOttOn tvi, In I limited demand today with prices stJy , nn the basis efar. advance of thr euTes'"" rlciipts weriB uvuiu. ufc inrcn pninis sales wnre 401)0 tales The receipts were in, nun bales nf hli.h IKIOO bales were American l'utur-i ec'i.ed el eteady and then turned quiet .s r-.it prices were. American, mlddllnir fir. 1' I (Id. K'ie4 mlndllnix 14 flld, fullv mid 1 in. 14 f.flJ mlddllntt. 14 Sid; low mlddlinu 14 21di noed ordinary. 13. Old, and ordinary. 13 iU. St. Jeseph Lead Pays Extra . . r ie rri at tasmv, r ,. . 12. The St. r-e'mranv ha's declared an extra dividend et twenty-live cenis nni me isiw uuiirieriy dividend of twenty-flve cents, both payable March 20 te stock of record March 0 In IJin iiirriuuii M...... -.. --.. - .....-i.,a cunts was also declared. SMITTY ..j t 1 1 v fmrrfsssaisaaar . a Ite DUSTED THE h. ..sKunmni.. THERE'lVe FINISHED v ll I If tl- . ( SAV ! WHV DIDNT N BOSS'S DESK-FILIED WE J-K- .'' CLEANING AND PONTAUSS ) 1 SVAlTTY ) n-J VOO CHWGE THE DrA ' C S- S I O ' H ) 6VERYWIN3-fiEE, ( J V, - ? M ' .H ( B VUSHT SIMMS ) X..V j ) -slr y n JK '' g. n '.' 'ury'THlr- c it 61 H H vw" I Wm in,. ill) LEDGER PHIEADEEPHIA", TUESDAY,' THE Letters te the Editor Says Radicalism Will Fall In End Te the Editor of t1t Evening TutHe Ledeer: Sir The radicals at Washington obviously have various and far-reaching plans. Amenc these is n Bclieme for up setting the vcnernble Electoral College nntl mibstitutlng direct elections of President and Vice President; though as n matter of fact we have direct elec tions te nil Intrntq nnd rmrnnROR new The Electoral College has ceme te be little mere thanngontlcmeii'B ngreement nnd no one would thlnK of violating whnt nmeutits te a sacred pledge en the part of every member te abide by the (icci8ien 01 the people nt the pens. Anether scheme of the radicals is te provide for the nomination of candi dates for President and Vice President by prlmnries Instead of conventions. The primary system, It may as well be ndmittcd, is net as popular as it used te be. Xew Yerk has done away with It nnd ether States are gravely dis pleased with Its workings. The benefits it was te usher In have been disappoint ing while its disadvantages have been rande exceedingly plain. One argument against presldcntin prlmnries 1m thnt they might give n new and dangerous Influence te the proraet- era of "clinin nowsnaners." newspapers nt iMItli e,l In mnnv pIMen lirulpr unified .. ' 1 ri, . iV ,iu ,- nitelv "''",'..A' "' '"."". ""1.1. "XL" "" , 1 eini, cmiimcni 11s iw eus iiiiui( im- ceis appear 10 ne, iney win ue uum iu convince the American people at any enrlv lnv flint tlie national nemtnat- early day that the national nemtnat nR 'convention should be given up and 'nation - wide primaries set up in their stead. The rndlcals nre a class and sectional group. They represent chiefly the West ern 'agricultural Interests, though Jjierc nre f-eme Southerners among the,m. They nre Intent en "helping the farmer" nnd It is ieaeniil)le te expect that during the ne.'.t few years they will be able te can-v threiich Congress censtdcrnDie wuintlnn desiBiied te iis-sist the trnns ; .? . : ... .!, t. -e ,l.l. I JliSSlSSlppi tillers et IIIO boil eui 01 mcir unquestioned dlllicullies. They will find seen or late, however, that no one class or section of the coun try can he permanently benefited at the expense of the ether classes and sec tions. There have been sundry ether radical movements in politics. It may be re called that nearly a quarter of a century age a Western Governer was pe en thusiastic for the class and sectional crusade of his dav thai he declared he would be willing in its behalf te ride te his bridles in bleed. I have abundant faith that the common sense of the people nt large will in the end rise btiprcmc te the prevailing radical spirit In many sec tions of the country, nnd bring us te the real "nermnlcy" outlined by Mr. Hard ing In hl.s campaign for the presidency mere than two yearn age. 100 PKH CENT AMERICAN. Wilmington, Del., Dec. 8. 10112. Observer Gees te Churcri; Likes It Te Die LMIter 0 7ie Evenlne Public Ledeer: Sir One who calls himself an Ob server ilerlil...! tn tnkp in the "new sen ice announced en signs in front of' k. I- , ,,1 1. , rn.. ...,.. .L,-iiiil 1 ci .mini's uuri'ii v x lu'uij -,-iv.,. and Walnut streets), and by newspaper notice, ler ssununy nlgnts. ine nuuic ran: "Service of Prayer and Congre gational Singing Organ JIusic Talks en Popular Subjects Question Bex Secial Half -Heur in Guild Heuse Aft irwnnt This Service Is for Yeu Come and Make It Yours." The Observer found about 100 peo pee Fnns present at this first Sunday-night service of this kind: he also learned that at the regular Prayer Heek serv- 1,,. ,Imi!ii,. tlw, .1.,,. ,l,n,.n l.e.t llAPn KOV - v . ,,a,,,i 1,11; ,.,,, ill, iu lint, ,v- .'-. j erui hundred people altogether, though the weather was inclement. ' I he simple t-ervice, printed en n le.'illel. included three or four hymns, two Psalms, a number of responsive readings and prnycr.s. the Apostles' Creed nnd mere prayers all of which the people present joined in. The Observer wondered who these people were. There seemed te be euite a sprinkling of church people. Others deubtlcbs were the merely curious ones who go te any new thing. There was, doubtless, the half-skeptic, wondering what the preacher would say; the rest less seeker after the truth, alwuys learnimr and never able te settle en anything; the werldling who had been mevei te come. if. neic lance. Femetliing might be said that might fittisfy mere than it had tried ; quite a number of jeung men and young women, in pairs or blngly, possibly from neighboring apartment houses homeless and hoping te find something friendly. After bevernl notices in regard te the Question Bex, "no offering," and the coffee-nnd-deughnut party after the service, the preacher (evidently the rector) nnneunced the subject of his first "talk" as "The Ku Klux Klnn." This was distinctly disappointing te the Obaerver, but what the speaker said he said well, and his closing re marks ns te a daily life or love ana 1 geed-will left n geed taste. One must . j..j i. , .. ka hc nh. ' jn'if-i? WJ ,111V LUII1, J&..U VMW w server will listen In again. After the service, the people were ' tlr,.,,d fe ,ntn the tmrish house and ,, . ..... .... , .l.n. --get cufiuainiefi. aneut nmi ei m"" did se, and found a friendly gathering dispeusing eelfee n-.d doughnuts. The Uhserver overheard n numDer OI up I nFiik. .mmentu mil Hnm( of the j thing." HIMSELF. Philadelphia, December 11, 1022 Questions Answered Oldest Piece of Literature Te the Editor nf the Eventne PuoHe Ledeer: Sir What Is the eldest piece of literature knewn t"da- ALICE M. I'hlladn nhla. Decmber 8. 1022. Probably the eldest known piece of litera ture In existence Is the Ilubylen Tablet pre-dur-d by the people of Habylenla. Ideal Garden Seil Te the Editor e the Kuenlne Publlff Ledeer: i at. pic,, ,ii m whnt rnuM be properly cfil'ed "the ldtal garden soil" ind eniiire BTRErilON. w. phn.d,iDhla. December 8. 1022. The Ideal sarden soil, aocerdlns te a PEOPLE'S FORUM 1 Letter te the Editor iheuld be M brief and te the point as possible, avoiding anything that would open a denominational or sectarian dis cussion. Ne attention will be paid te anony aneny H3?.u? .?tter. Namca and addressee must be aimed aa an cvldence or geed faith, although names will net e printed If request la made that the- be emitted. . w . Publication of a letter Is net te be taken as an Indersement of Its views by this paper. Communications will net be re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be saved. fed authority consulted by the People'! lerum. Is n mellow, vell-dralned leftm. At ruie, eandy loams, this authority adds, wilt """"" a"y crops, but the stlffer clay loams usually u larrer yields. Eligibility te PresFdency Te the Editor of the Eventne Public Lcdeert .1. ." you kln1y let ma Knew threueh tne People's Forum whether an American born boy can becem President of the United Mates, or must he be of the fourth genera tion? I thank you and wish the People's J.VH? a nnPy end prosperous mw year. 1'RIEND OF TIID EVKNINO PUHIJC LHUaKIt. Philadelphia, Pseember 8. 1922. Any Amerlcan-bern boy Is ellflble te the Presidency of the United States. It Is net necessary that he be of the fourth genera tion. Andrew Incksrn's father emigrated from Ii eland. Oeorte Washington was of the fourth generation of Americans, whlcn possibly gives you the Idea that euch birth was necessary te eligibility te the Presi dency. "Soldiers' Benus" "C. P. I,.," Atlantic City Tour question regarding soldiers' bonus waa answered In Monday's Forum. Poems, Songs Desired "On the Banks of the Wabash" Te the Editor of the Eventne Tufclle Ledger: Sir tVeutil you kindly print In the Peo Pee ples Forum "The Hanks et the Wabash and My Indiana Heme," and ebllge7 .... C. GRIMES. Philadelphia, nt-crmber fl. 1922. ON TUB ItANKW OP TIIK WAITASH Keund my Indiana homestead wae the corn fields, In the distance loom the woodlands, clear and cool; Oftentimes my thoughts revert te scenes of childhood, Whero I first received my lessens n. ture's school. But orie thine thcre Is lacklnr In the plo ple ture. Without her race It seems se Incomplete. I lenu ti see my mother In the doorway. as she steed there years age, her boy te crcet. . ciiertua Waba'sh"ghl'S 'alr 'nl,!ht "l0nB ,h Frem the fields thcre comes the breath et new-mown hay. Tlireufc-h the sycamores the candle llrhts are. rieamlnir, On the banks of the Wabash far away. Many yea have passed since I strolled by Arnurwirm ',, BW,etheart Mary by It waf,ht;r0 I tried te tell her that I loved " ,brlde,h6r, X b'Wed 0f her te b m" .stV?k '- ce J Mre,,wl Still I'd Clve ni,. - -"'' uiuii'i mean it. here. y luture were she only cue-nun, "Come te the Doer" Rllde.ph... December ls.' COMn TO THE DOOR Come te the deer with a rreetln WhT """, ft,'mllfl cn wur fat.. We-thv Ll '""," 0J are mcetl "e.thy n heirty emhrace. Treit net unklndlv nr rnt.n.. These whom te leso you'd dDlor dDler nut still delightedly, boldly. " Shew a glad face at the deer. -Many a joy will g-0 by you, cm , ,a f'lca8Ure eu'l miss. Simply because you neglected Maklntr concessions lllce this. V ,hV,W? th9 eW ffndshlps Te their old footing restore, Olve them a heartier welcome. Coming yourself te the deer. When from his wanaertiurs dreary. ,., T""1 .th ,rav,' returns' rer the dear faces se cheery ,IW,'1V,,W,( flr"l1 h ""ns: Ji, f ey ley at l,ls """Inc. Glad that the parting- Is o'er. Thiy 1 be ready te greet him Lre he's In slsht of the deer. Only te think of the gTeetlnr Itearty at close of the day Only te think of the meeting Oh. hew it shortens the wayl Trials and worries perplexln Trouble the spirit no mere When we are met with caresses Irem a dear one at the deer. Heme Is the symbol of heaven I pre In the sweetest content All the years unto us given May be delightfully spent. If we are honest and faithful. If we are true te the oere. Letting love stand like nn angel Always In charge of the deer. "The Crowning Indignity" Te the Editor of thi Evening Publie I.edaeri Sir Pleare print the piece of poetry about the boy who complained about hevlns- tn take all his blireer brother's cast-off clothe. and finally took the measles from him . JIMMY DOT. Philadelphia, December T, 1922, thi; cnowNiNe WDiamTT Just 'rause my brother Alfred, he Is two years elder than me, W'y everything he gets 'at's new They give te me when he gets through. I try my best te net te grew An' catch up with his old things se, nut when he uets tee big for cle'ea, W'y I'm grewed Just exactly se's They'll de for tre an' then I've get Te keep en wearln' 'em a letl My brother Alfred's pants Just watt An' never get tered en the gate, Or ripped en nails, or wered out none Until my catchtn' up Is done. When he gets new ones, my ma, she Says his old pants will de for me. An' Alfred crlns, an' leeks se glad tt always makes me awful mad! An' 'ats the way It always gees I even get his underclVes! An' all the boys at school they grin At me when I come walkln' In, An' whisper when they get th' chance, "W'y he-de-de te Alfred's pants!" DEOEMBEB 12, 1922 An1 let en Ilk 'at's all her An' Ilk they never httrd e' m. Wr. when I'm little, Alfred's eris Was tlvt te me. in1 Alfred's bib. An' Alfred's hobby-horse, an' swing An' caster oil an' everything 1 Dut new It's worse 'an ever I I'm Just mad clean through and through this tints t It's cot te mere 'an I earl sUneV This rettln' bis thlnts second-hand' An' I told ma 'at I think it Is purty near th' time te quit. My brother Alfred, he's been sick With measles he was speckled thick! Dut new he's threuth with them, you seel He's rene and five 'em all te mi "Kld'e Liiiit Fight" Herbert Stuart. Philadelphia Send a self addressed and stamped envelope and a copy of "The Kid's Last Flsht" will be mailed te you. It has been published lu the People's Forum. as well fs requested neems, rd enestleas nt sfifierai 'n?ee wftt e swswed 'DRY' AGENTS TO BOMB OUT BOOTLEGGERS' STRONGHOLD Planet and Machine Guns Clear Kentucky Mountains of Stllle Covington. Ky., Dec. 12. (By A. P.) Preparations te mass fiOO prohibi tion agents, equipped, with bombing r.lejics and machine guns for nn on slaught en the mountain stronghold of "Heb" Ballard's bnnd of Menifee County moenshiners, are being made by Federal authorities, according te three officials who returned te Covington from Mount Sterling yesterday. They had been n part of the posse of fifty prohibition agents who were re pulsed after R. ft. Duff and David Trendway, prohibition agents, had been Bhet and killed in a three days' siege of the moenshiners near Slate Creek. The three officers, Elmer Cerrcll, James "Weed and W. C. Huddlcsten, said the War Department would be ap pealed te for two bombing planes and n number of machine guns, pouting out thnt only by bombing the cntire moun tain would it be possible te drive the moenshiners from the caves and natural barricades afforded In the wild section of the State. Belief that moenshiners from ether districts were constantly reinforcing these entrenched in the Slate Creek section was expressed by Cerrell. PRESIDENT OF URUGUAY SEEKS DUEL WITH FOE Challenge Fellows Charge by Can didate Vetes Were Manipulated Montevideo. Uruguay, Dec. 12. (By A. P.) Dr. Baltasar Bruin, President of the republic, yesterday challenged te a duel Dr. Luis Alberte Hcrrera, for mer secretary of the Legation at Wash ington. The challenge was sent because et Dr. Ilerrera's published charges te the effect that Dr. Brum hnd se manipu lated the recent presidential election as te prevent the success of Hcrrern at the polls. Th( law of Urucuav permits duel ing, provided a tribunal of honor, after invpRtlentinB the grievances of the chnllenger, gives its consent. This Is the second time uuring ms tenure of the presidency thnt Dr. Brum has issued a challenge for a duel. In 1020 he bent his seconds te the editor of the newspaper El Pais. At that time dueling was an offense punish able by law. PLANE EQUALIZER DEVISED New Yerk Man Announces Device Against Wind Puffs New Yerk, Dec. 12. (Jrever Locn Lecn lng. nn airplane Inventor nnd construc tor, said last night he had completed a new type of airplane control and that flyin tests had demonstrated Its success. The Invention is called a lateral pres sure equalizer nnd is mounted en the extreme tip of each airplane wing. It makeB the machine se responsive In overcoming wind puffs, Mr. Lecning Bniu, mat nying in atmespuericai con ditions hitherto almost impossible te overcome has been made entirely safe. CRUSHED BY AUTOMOBILE Frank Weatherby, Wilmington Rail road Engineer, Dies Frem Injuries Wilmington. Del.. Dec. 12. Caueht between his automobile which he was pushing along the Newport pike last night and one epernted by William M. Mink, of Bcllemoer, Frank Weath erby, fifty-two years old, this city, sustained injuries from which he died here bhertly afterward. Mr. Wcatherby's machine was giving trouble, nnd he was trying te push it te the side of the read when he was struck by the ether car. Weatherby was en his way te inspect a new home he was building at Elm hurst. He was a Pennsylvania Kail Kail read engineer. Pennsylvania Slayer Electrocuted Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 12. Jee Themas, Negro, convicted of killing Anna Klrker, en aged white woman, In Mifflin township, near Pittsburgh, was put te death In the electric chair at Western Penitentiary yesterday. "I READ IT EVERT MORNING" A subserlber In Ilethlehem told us, Just the ether day, that he neter lets a day pass without reading- "The Weshlnsten Observer." "It slves me a bird's-eye view of national happenings." Te be well Informed en political undercurrents, form this same habit. Every morning- In the Public Lidqsk, Dividends THE ELKCTUIC jblOMAUK IJATTKU Allegheny avrnue and 10th st. Phlluilelplile. Dec, 0, 1022 The Directors have declared from ths Accumulated Surplus of the Company a rlvldend of one dollar (11.00) ,,or shore? for the euarter t-ndlmr December 31, ni" nm, an extra dividend of seventy-live cenii t7Cc) per share, en the new common stock without nominal or par value and the new Preferred .'took of 2ft.l0 par value, payable Jaeuurv 2. 1928. te etockhelders of record of both et these classes of stock at the close of business December 18, IBSJ. and te these who subsequently become stockholders of record of these classes of stock by con. version of old stock of 8100,00 par value uiiu new tutu. -Si'"J'l' "y inauea, VALTER O. HENDERSON. Treasurer. Finding VtNAVflfAf. UARLltlun - BROOKWOOD COAIi COM PANV niMT M0RTOAOE a TEH CENT SINKING jTVND fJOLD BONDS. DUE 1028 Pursuant te terms of Mortgage dated Jnly 1, 111, $25,000 ef said bends, as fellows, have been drawn for redemption by sinking Fund at 102H and Interest as of January 1, 1928, when all Intsreet thereon will cease, TlSl :2 120 125 180 189 488 nes (104 878 708 711 740 622 B20 8B0 Above bends, with (It unmatured coupons attached, should be presented for payment at office of Trustee en or after January 1, 1021. GIRARD TRUST COMPANT. Trustee THOMAS 8. HOPKINS, Treasurer. Philadelphia. Pa.. December 11. 1922. Tltt! CI.KVET.AND PITTSBURGH RAH-ROAD COMPANY .. Cleveland, O.. November 28. 1S22. Sealed proposals for the sale et.Oenerat Merttas-e Bends of this Company vfer ac count of the Sinking Fund, at net te ex ceed par and accrued Interest, te the mount of 884.080.00. will be Teeelved at the office of Messrs. Winelew. Lanier Company. BB Cedar Street, New Yerk. N. T., te the close of business DKCESIRER 20. 1922. Proposals must Indicate series, of bends, "A." "D." "C" or "D." and alie. In the eass ef Serles "D" must Indicate the number of bends bearlns; coupons for 117. B0 and for 122.00, each . respectively. Bends aecepted will be payable January 2, 1B2S. with interest te that date, at die office of Messrs. Wlnslew, Lanier. A Ce.. as above. If net presented en that day the rlcht Is reserved te reject the bid. J. B. KLOSR. Treasurer. Annual Meetings t?3ir l-RANKLi NATIONAL BANK "' Chestnut street west of Bread . Philadelphia, Dee. 7. 1D23. The Annual Meetln of the shareholders of this bank will bs held at the banklnn house. 1416 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, en Tues day, January 9, 1928, at 12 o'clock neon, for the election of Directors te serve for the ensulnr yean also te vote for or aaralnst a pionesed Increase nf rlie capital sleck of the bank from one million Ave hundred thousand dollars tll.D0O.O00) te two million dollars 112,000,000), the Increase te be made by a stock dividend from the undivided profits of ths bank; and upon aueh ether business us may be brought before the meeting, J. WM, HARDT. Vice President and Cashier. 35TMK MANAVlJMt NATIONAL HANK a Philadelphia. Pa. December 11th. 1022. The annual meeting for the election of Directors et this Uaiik will be held nt the llanklnc Heuse, corner Main and Leverfn streets, Phlta., en Tuesday, January litis. 1928. between the hours 11:00 A. M. and 1:00 P, M.. and for the transaction et any ether business that may come before tin meeting. , hi in .lire re J. juikkih. f'flsnler. lSSr INBVItANCK COMPANY OF NOIITII -' AMERICA Third and Walnut streets. Philadelphia The Annual Meetlnc of the stockholders will be held at the lfeme Offlce of the Company, en Tuesday, January . ltfJ3, at 12 M., for the election of Directors and the transaction el such ether business as may come before the meetlnc. JOHN KRE.Mnn. secretary. eSSPTIIB ANNUAL ..MEETINll (IF THE "-"' .Stockholders for the election of Directors and such ether business as may come before them will he held at ttie Mnln Offlce. Second and Chestnut. Streets, between the hours nf eleven nnd twelve o'clock, neon, Tueadnr, Jnnnary 9, 1023. CORN EXCHANOn NATIONAL BANK A. M. MATTHEWS. Cn shier. KS THE BANK OF NORTH AMERICA -" Philadelphia, Dec. 7, 1922. The Annual Meeting- of the stockholders nf this bank, for the election of Directors, will be held at the banking- house en Tuesday, January O. 1928, between tha hours of 12 o'clock neon and 1 o'clock r. M. K. H KfMBTt. Cnshler. 5&s"nUS ANNUAL MKET1NG OF "TUB " stockholders of the Creft A Allen Company will be held at the office et the company, 83d and Market streets. Philadel phia, Pa., January O, 1023, between 2 P. M. and B P. M. (Bhrned) B. H. CItOPT. P3STHK ANNl'AL MEKTINfl OF TIIK w Weman' Southern Homeopathic Has. nttal. 739 Keuth Bread Street, will occur nt 3 T. M.. December 14, 1022, by order of the beard of manaBers. ANNir: M. MILLKTt. Recretrtrv. Annual Kleellens 3S THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL 3' BANK rhltadelrhla, December B, 1922. The Annual r.lectlen for Directors win he held at the Banking- tioue en Tuesday. January O. 1923. between the tieurs of 12 Noen i and l r. .m. O. HOWAHD WOLFE. Cashier. HOL'THWAIIK NATIONAL BANK raji&aeiiuiiH. itk. The annual election for Directors jt this Bsnk will be held at the lUnklnf: Heuso en Tuesday, Janunry 0th, .1023. between Hie hours et 10:00 o'clock A. M. and 12 e'elnek M. E. II. WEIIT. Cashier. Proposals n.OKENCE ril'E FOUNDRY AND 5IA- chlne Company Trust Mortgage Te the heldeis of tna (1 per cent iiiortuaue bends ut the Florence I'lpe Foundry and Muthlne Com Cem pany: Sealed proposals will be received until 3 P. M.. December ; 15th. 1922. nt the efnee of Ihe Commonwealth Title Insurance and 'rrust fn?t,,t.y'?'ru5,,'ei 3th ana Chestnut Streets. I'lilladelphla. for the sale te them, at such discount for present cash payment, as the holders thereof may offer, of all or any part of se many bends pt 11000. or $100. of the Florence Pipe Foundry and Machine Company Mertsxsajres. the sum of 110,000, applicable te theTSTnklng Fund will pay for. In accord ft?" .Kllh tne '"ms of Mortgage made by the Florence Pipe Foundry and Machine 20th?"nyi8 Trustee, dated February Lewest bids within the number stated will be considered, and If accepted, the parties offering them advised at ence anil payment be made en surrender and transfer of the bends en and after December lth, 1922, Interest en hends se accepted will cease en December '3th, 1022, The Trustee resenes the right te refect any or all bids net satisfactory te said Trustee. Hheuld the principal sums of the bends offered at the same rate of discount by different holders exceed the amount of Hie Blnklnc Fund for distribution, the Trustee will cheese by let from said bends the re- Sulred number nnd amount thereof te be re emed and paid. Proposals should bs endorsed "Proposals for the sale of Bends of the Florence Pipe Foundry and Machine Ce. Mortgage" and addressed te CHARLES K. ZUO. Vlcs-Prssl. dent nnd Trust Officer, Commonwealth Title Insurance nnd Trust Ce., 12th and Chestnut btreets. Philadelphia. t.nsinui Commonwealth Title Insurance and Trust Ce.. Trustee. December 1. 1922. PROPOSAL FOR IKINDH BOROUGH OF SHARON HILL. PENNA. Sealed proposals for the purchase of the whole or In part of Nine Thousand Dollars ($0000.00) 4H7 Berlstere.1 Bend, of thi Borough rf Hharen Hill, date.! January a 1023. In denominations of One Theusatiii Dollars (IIOOO.OO). free of Pennsylvania Mate Tax. Interest paJab! semi-annually prlclpal payable January 2, 1033. will be received by the Secretary. The Borough of Sharen IIIli reserves the rlgjit te reject any or all Mls. Bids close 8 P. M.. Ileceinber 27. 1922. c," WM, II MIl.LIKEtf. Secretary Bh.rnn H'U t' r --CV n 1" '' nivldends American Telephone & Telegraph Ce. 183d Dividend The regular quarterly dividend n i. dollars and t ent -II, e rents per share wTn be paid en Monday. Janu.iry 15, lata , enesaay . uecember 20. inJ- H HLAin-SMITH. TreR.f.V.. t& uuLUMiiLi At,.Mi, iucir-rrr- Bread ami Columbia At rim Philadelphia. K 10!!, a regular nieetlng of the lien ?"i A. ....;- w- At rectors s. neia inis iate, a seinl-am i,T.i Aff.i fiend 01 u per eni was rterhirei "'J.' ar!012.-i2,efP .luniiarv December 20 10,V,-, ,C.h!. will t," fSpnM WtLt 1 a m" WJJ ,t"' maiiidT WILLIAM A. CARI.ILH Te....' FBANKLl.N hECUItrill.-, uiftMiH -. 1 i.'rr Philadelphia. D.rembe 1 '."'iV'.0 The Beard . :v..n nun ,niH .,- aEHALD leKsxtiv' Treasurer. the Needle in the Huustack 104 $88 219 280 223 289 224 407 229 470 out of the earnings of the Company. uylf2 nbeT 80, 1022, te stockholders 1 et ' mceV.? at the close of business Deceinhe" 23 Se""4 f ' : PARCEL POST anwimi SET m Something wonderful Soniethir., B,w4 -WWIIW II UBKUIin! ttsas OBeatA aI Afl a . . :-::::: j :..z:n. ". ee.ji , - m.!' r.-.y."ndln,r Mstcard te . H 1. iuiukm, oeiv urrenway Ave.. v ri.11 1 and pay postman en dsliv.7; ThB" , A t.03T AWP gQTJNTl EABBINa Lest, early BuniUT ". r v I i&m ri saw. S'm 1 st,, below' Bread. -nstnu EAnillNO Lest, white carved .;T1 Bread St. Station or train tArrln.,..t Biindayireward, Call Merlnjwt10 "trlen N?9itI'lSp.5r-I.'?,l'.l 'or neckpiece"-IT nmruiKni lietei, IteWArd. Phniia faer taurant Cashier. Iximban) nnefi. neM - 8TOLB Lest, Saturday iiieuiliis. n r hetweeh llreari uul f-h. .,..! "" Pee. la Music, lenr black baby lamb stile hIIIa ."' white satin and black chiffon. 'n.n2ltn evtfuuuri, nu m. icdiuii uni( - " HELP WANTEDFEyATp, CAPTAIN FOR TEA JtOOM Weman of neat appearance, witli ri.t.. experience, te take charge of m !""l of dlnln roem: half tlme If deslnd ?"'" restaurant, seventh fleer, u",rU. Atoj QIMflfBL BROTHEIta fl rOVO W tsitraa m am sss.A -e "lien, for lrl.;i8 te ssear. "of rS frl frl llke te figure and have had. some hlih i.v. '. ) tralnlngi It will be worth your whfif('f1 -drop In and see us. ""' wwl U J MIW. PATTON CUP.TIS rUBLiaiUNa CO., 04 Sanseu n 'f . " .i.--V. :,.,V.V.'.-' JL'CA EMPIAXMBirt i nr.uu.-Mu FLOOR, rrft AND FILBEKT STS. "' ' COOKING and downstairs werk: white, crences required. Chestnut Hill 0887 iss W.Hlhland ave. ""' , COnllEHPONDENT lr you are a girl n5 ever 2S ears of nge. who likes te wnS and can compose n clear, correct and cn! vlnclng letter, come and see me about a correspondent's position. " " MRS. PATTON CURTIS PUDLIHHINO CO.. QQ4 Bansem OinLS FOB POSITIONS IN OUR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS! OOOD -CUND1TIONH. APPLY NORTH AMERICAN LACE CO.. 8TH ST. AND ALLEGHENY AVE. UIRLS. experienced In handling paper bus irem pai'rr ung mncnine. Apply Ctfurit Paper Bag Manufacturing Ce., 1782 N. IHti st. (Frent nnd Columbia ave.). INSPECTnrSSEB UIHL3 AND WOMEN, 111 TO 2.1 TEARS Ot (I AJTLY ESIPLOTMENT BUREAU FOURTH FLOOR "'vu QIMBEL BROTHERS 1 POSITIONS ON l . OUB SALES IRCE We have places for fifty mere young weraes te eell In holiday departments. Arply it Department of Personnel, fourth fleer. Fits bert street. STHAWBRIDOE tt CLOTHIER SALESWOMEN N. SNELLENBTURO CO. MAIUIET. 11TII TO 12TH STS. wleh te Immediately engage I0 saleswomen, with or without ex perience In the following depart ments' STATIONERT BOOKS JEWELRY SILVERWARE CHINA ART NEEDLEWORK. QLOVEH HANDKERCHIEFS MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Positions ars permanent te these who qualify. We also desire ts engage applicants for clerical posi tions. Bureau et Employment, fifth fleer, any time during day. BALESWOMEN FOR BOOKS Boek levers will find It a pleasant experience te sell In our Boek Department during th holiday season. Applv Department of Pr sennel, Fourth fleer. Filbert street. STRAWBRIDQE & CLOTHIER SALESWOMEN LIT BROTHERS. REQUIRE EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FORMER EMFLOYEH WILL BE alVE." THE PREFERENCE APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT . SECOND FLOOR TTII AND FILBERT 8TB. SHOES EXPERIENCED FITTERS A!fl OPERATORS ON ALL BRANCHES W FITTINU ROOM APPLY LAIRD. SCHO" HER A CO., 22D AND MARKET 818., SECOND FLOOR. SHOES Ulrls wanted In euttlns room marklne tips. Apply Laird. Scheter s Ce.. 22d and Market sts., secnml fleer. . STENOGRAPHER A real stenographer has had high school training and sems business experience, who can take dictation and transcribe rapidly und accurately, wui find an Interesting position new open,' csu Monday. MRS. PATTON ., CURTIS PUBLISHINQ CO.. 001 flanaem It. ii;.NKiii,i'jii;jt .Muit be xpene'"-; 4 wuittl'ein,,. ,,j H,'ll.'l,,l i.u,i,-r. " . work In wnelnsnln office; (live telepnone u.. address. Phll U''lcer Offlre. STENOURAi'llEi;. flentlle, mostly , te ! swit plmtie fur man starting business in central nfflce bullUlniti hours. 0 te Si csn brliiK euilii work in etrlm. must be cP' bis, wages 12. M U2fl, ' .y nrflf.. WllMI'V yoit.ne women neat-appeari.s'e youne women betwj:i:n thi; aees of 2.1 and 8s years experience net necessary sw-l-J.I J. 11 llHWi Jli.lin BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT l.OOIt. 7T1I AND FILBERT STfl. 2D Fl WOMAN Opportunity for rlxht wemani hUHlness exp. net essential but state hau nny. P 72H, Ledger Office. RTRONO, ABLE-BOniED WOMEN,J? PACK CHINA. HOUSE FURNim"N0 AND TOVS. WORKING CONDITIONS OP THE BEST. APPLY E.MPI.OYMENT BUREAU IHii'RTII FMiOR QIMBEL BROTHERS Women desiring te enter the business wert will learn of a rare opportunity te ebtaj fenrenlal empleyment: pleasing Pfrspntint mere easentlnl ihin ...,. addIv after A M.. 702 Vnnrtam Hldg.. inm Maiket!i wniti'v ,....,'- .. .a larS .......... vu,-,iuif. wuinen ffniini ,v,V.lfts selling! salary 1100 per menth: cemmissi". lnexccss; Iljtje, T-'r"' "'"' -' VOl'Nrf WOMAN SteneKiapher and be' .ieper w,ned by maiiufacturlng fViKt l'0"',, experience essentisil rengfttlal ",; reundlngsi ili-slrable opportunity for one seeks permanent connection! stale, e',rT and exuerletire. p SOS. Leds;e- Offl"? -. YOUNO WOMEN efiBETWEE" GAJHHI ixvr it', -VS .IT BIV fl?' ,'UIJAU OF KUFLO OND FLUt.lt, 7TU ANFVJl .IJtNT, m.vnwa TO ACT AS SALBSWOMF.Nj NO nm, KNCIJ ItF.gtJIllEI): MUST HE TAXlaSt: NEAT APHEABINf'l: CAN PLACE I Mm? SITIONS FOR FUTilHB ADVANCEMPV u n ?kV & t. n ". ..M' t .VVM 1 t i 'Yf I '('jisssssV I