w pmwffw wwmwwsk vpim w W m : jW'" SAUNDERS ( ,W. Ilk and Mk' ' te 1 tl anils' OeM Wddlr(t Blnm J'' w P W EBTA81IBHED t TEABB latinam Wadilas XinnllS Upward I 13 8. Ith St. 1710 Oarmantewn Ate. A Llttltri Nester AN IDEAL XMAS GIFT iibATS' FREE TRIAL. 1 YH GUAR Ami 'I KdBrtr for RrUMji jOOSCBESWDISnSR BWDTTYPHH1TR(D TO QUICKLY RELIEVE ; A COLD OR CATARRH Hew te Get Quirk Relief Frem Head-Colds. It's Splendid! lM ii ii ii ii '' i it ii ii m iili Ah t What relief ! Your clogged t,ntrlls enen right up. the nlr nas- sages of ydur head are clear nnd von ran breathe freely. Ne mere siiufflinir, heiideplip, dryness no ttnigglliiB for breath at night, your told or catarrh is helped. Jjeti't stay stuffed up! Get n small bette of Kly's Cream Balm from your druggist new. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nostrils, let it pene trate through every air passage of the head; seethe nnd heal the swol len, Inflamed mucous membrane, civing you instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm ts just what every cold and catarrh Hufferer has been sacking. It's just splendid. Adv. !- The Finest Butter in America ! It is net the name that has made this butter famous; it is the butter that has made the name famous. $J& Butter 63 lb In all our Stores M ! DYE WORN, FADED THINGS NEW H'S1S ! ' WOMEN Sweaters Dresses Draperies Sklrta Kimenat Ginghams I Ceat Curtains Stockings Waists Coverings Everything Diamond Dy w Each le cent nacknen of "Dia taend Djcs" contains directions no simple any woman can d.ve or tint her old, worn, faded things new, li . u never cijeii neiurc. I inin -i'L i )1,?,m?.,"i .'-r"0, etl)cc kl,l(1' Tiie ren.anee takes place in the das mitee , ICrTnsV'T,l feur8 druiriVt ,,f ('h"rlus ll au,1 ,1,,!,N "1' ,llu Ie " Xtlier thrLt'eriafTcm &f '"Tll;,"f fh- in.pecunii.UH l.n.h Hea.riee dye is wool or silk, or whether It l1""' ,1,'kI,1 AlFll'1I l"'!' ''"r lei.TiS s linen, cotton, or mixed goods, cnptiiml by tin villain l,nd Rcntticv Uiamend Dves never etreak, spot, ! resorts te a lnartinsp with n felon con cen ude or run. Adv. demnrd te dentil In eider te place the Are Yeu Jersey man -unci de you expect te buy a phonograph for delivery before Christ mas? Then why net place your order right in Jersey," your home state? HURLEY'S, the big &est phonograph store Camden, offers you the choice of two great master instruments VICTROLA and BRUNSWICK, a n d will sell you either en esy payments with no advance ever the regu Jar cash prices. '1 full sleck of all models just new but don't milt tee hni!. HURLEY'S Broadway at Pine, Cam J an "EAST IS WESt" SEEN - AS STANLEY, FEATURE . - r ' , ' Constance Talmadge Pleases as Capricious Ming Tey en Screen Stanley Hie luckiest thing that "Enst Is West" lins in its favor Is that Ming Tey, Its heroine, Is net the almond-eyed dntnbcl she nppears te be, but an American girl nfter all. The reason that Is lucky is that our old friend, Cennle Talmadge, who winks and vamps a"nd shimmies her way through the role, could net, by any stretch of the Irr.nglnatlen, be anything but a Tankce flapper. That's net te nay that Mls Tnl Tnl madge isn't excellent in her role. Hhe hnsn't looked se charming since her early Vita graph days, una she seems se relieved te be playing In something ftbee the recent low level of her fea tures that she takes en n new lease of life. There is no icnsen why she shouldn't win u host of new friends by her work here. Frankly, It would seem that "East Is West" is n better picture than It was play, although it couldn't very well be mere popular. Much of the banal ity nnd the hokum has been alleviated by nn abundance of rollicking comedy, and when that runs its course there is a thrill close behind te save the situa tion. Mine Tev if (he, kIevt nceiln renrtl- Jtlen is shown at the. beginning In a vmncse ueir.c, wun sixteen little sisters who are net appreciated bv the futhcr, nep Tey, and fifteen pigs thnt inc. Hep Tey, becoming displeased with his eldest daughter, sells her te u blare dealer and she is compelled te parade before prospective buyers en the I.evc Beat. Besetted by n young Amcriean, Ming Tey flees te America, but troubles fellow her in the shape of unwelcome attentions from "Fifty-lifiy" Charlie long, of San Francisce. Just as this objectionable and particularly sceundrelly gentlen.au seems nbeiit te win iier It Is disclosed thnt she in of American birth, having been kidnapped by Hep Tey, unci there is nn further obstacle te her marriage te the brave young American here. Sidney Franklin's direction Is polished, and Uie picture is lifted u notch higher by the splendid character ization of Warner Oland n.s Charlie long, really the picture's (and play's) only live and interesting person. Nigel Barrie and Edward Hums are both excellent in conventional role. Attention must be called te a short feature en the Stanley hill which is o e o traerdinailly geed. This Is tlie "Fells" cartoon, and Iho present number of this series only gees te prove further that Hulllvau is about the bt cartoonist the films possess. te fairly capable acting, interesting set tings und intelligent direction, "For-get-Me-Not" innkes pleasant enter tainment even though it does net an an prench the excellence of last week's picture at this house "Enter Mad ume." The story concerns the life (and love) story of two fendlings. One. a girl, Wns left in an erphanagv by her mother, and her best friend is : ether lumnte, n little lad named Jiininv. The latter is adopted by n rich woman, anil ethers of the children find con. I home hut no one wants the little girl because she Is a cripple. Finally, n street mu sician takes pity en her, and she gees te share his meager one-room home. Then, though seimr.itivl for nanv venrh the loyalty and love in the heart of the girl and boy for each oilier remain, and finally rewilt in their lcituiuu und happiness There will In -enw who will c!l"i lliat Caret h I! cV's does a l-valilp and praNcvveithv '"' of "Mine, but it weulil seem u ilni nimhsU that he rut tli" " cil liis weik by hN nf fecteil nnd uiiiilxa-imr minnTi-m-. 11 11 -sin Leve, en the ether, is quite np I'liiling a" tie cul. and a paitieiilarly Hue I ' i- contributed by Otte l.'deier s t! old imlcinii. Auaili.i - One cenns away Hern .7. Stuart Rlackten's "The CIeriini Ad ventiii". ' n 'evcntecutli century re-nianri- fpiitiii'ius Lady Diana Manner, surfeited with color, ml being the tue iliiliilnaut note. There is no ilnnyiiip the beaiitv of some of tlie interior scenen, tlieiigli the led s;nvs up in spots in -enin nf 'ie imtilnei si ones, and one I'eeN nr:es nltciitinii In ins c(iiitantly I'M i actfil fitnii the stnrv Ii the vivid iies uf tlie rait, and greens. Euslih cables have net lied in nraising tlie beaut.v of Lady Diana, though it is hardlv likely that her cold, stately type will dislodge any of our own tars from their places' in the heart" nf the movie tniiH. It i en be said for her, however. that she duet net balk at some rough treatment from u most desjiirnte vil I lui ilen el tier debts nil her husband, ; acenrding te nn old Kiirlisli law. The Great Fire of 1iiuleii Mibneiiiientlv complicates matters hj opening the jails I and icleasing the felon husband, hut I the dix'qvery of the bitter's real wife , simplifies matters and the levers arc re 1 muted In conventional fashion. The ' interesting (lellies of Samuel IVpys and I.Nell Gw.vnnn move through the re- niHiiee, and the cast includes such vvell ' Known names lis Leimn Pnule. Ilnbln.. Wright. .vn. i:iiabeth Hccrbelui, FreJ , Witel'l and Gerald Lawrence. ......... --- .... - .-- : --.- lai!IH Much villain supplied by . Spiiniaids and Orientals, mm Ii heroism niiitrilmtcd by a returned veteran of I the war and ninii thrills donated by w 1 horse nice are all te be found in "Tlie , Bride of I'aleinar," which is eucj of 1'cter 11. K lie's nrns. The pint concerns the, machinations ! of a band of creeks In get their hands en u piece of property owned by the I here in Southern California, The Japanese will find geed cause for object ing te "The Pride of I'aleinar" since it holds one of their race up as u supreme lebjeit of evil-doing ami malevolence, i But perhaps, in a rattling geed thriller i like this, we should net object te n lit. , tie thliiR i'1'0 that. Marjerlu Daw Is most charming ns the heroine, ami vcrj capaeie, ten, nnd i i'aleinar" improves greatly toward the end, which Is a vlrtuu jMisscssetl by few photoplays. Urgent ".Vubtidy" is the title of a , featu.e with Jew el armen In the lend lug rote, but hi unn would guess that his is luiiiysl'Ty yarn, und, as such, one nf the u."si ciitci tnliilug piegrnm , ,,, tuics nt the last few weeks. The old and tried business el the heroine eing her nieinery is employed and there is lack of Plausibility here and there, but the picture is fust moving and In teicatinn. Miss Cnrmeii seems te have gained poUe slncu Iier last appearance 1 and she receives mere than ncaeptable Aldlne Heart nppral is .spread pretty thieky throughout the five or mere reels m "set-Me-Net." Heme may claim that the lavrr in Inn llW,.L , ,i r .. ns i he s lister viriruiiii. we nnvn ffim. i , (Hiinil L'ives oiie of hU nln,i,i.ii.. "'"trumenlnl nut vocal selections, up. eishe " InlVrVn'tutlenH. I V,? t '& "?, f"'ture, (Whicl. I- .fa, -above the ev is the rather stolid here. Th". nnllm'rv' iH, "Windows, with a -as rectien was in the hands of Frn, k Ber- renUinlnB Leu CWj. HnnUeii leid i,,ge and he did a geed piece of verk lla Marguerite De La Motte. It may be said that "The Piide of lEVESlNG" PUBLIC Photoplays Elsewhere STANTON . "When Knighthood Was in Flower," with Lyn Hard. Ing, Marlen Davles, Pedre De Cordoba, William Nerrls and ethers. PALACE "The Ktereal Flame," with Nerma Talmadge. VICTORIA "Broadway nose," with Man Murray. CAPITOL "it I Were Queen," with Ethel Clayten. IMPERIAL "Man Who Baw To morrow," with Themas Melghan. COLONIAL "Man Who Haw To morrow," with Themas 'Melghan. ORBAT NORTHERN "Kindred or the Dust," with Miriam Cooper. 1IARKET TiTRRBT "Without Compromise," with William Far num. BELMONT "Ebb Tide," with Ray mend Hat ten. LI la Lee, James Ktrkwoed and Geerge Fawcett RIVOLl "Without Compromise," with William Farnum. LOCUST "Man Who Haw Tomor row," with Themas Melghan. NIXON'S AMBASSADOR "Man Who Baw Tomorrow," with Themas Melghan. COLISEUM 'Tlnk Gods," with Debe Daniels.. CEDAR -rink' Gods," with Bebe Daniels. JUMBO "Heedless Moths." SIXTY-NINTH STREET "Man Who Saw Tomorrow," with Themas Melghan. STRAND "The Man Who Saw To Te morrow," with Themas Melghan and Leatrtce Jey. LEADER "Te Have and te Held," with Bert 1yftll.' METROPOLITAN OPERA BOUSE "Down te tha Sea In Ships," story of whaling days, with Mar suerlte Courtet and Raymond McKec. support fren: Kenneth Harlan, Geerge VntveMf WtlllAM. n.. M....n. It. till..... Fawcett, William De Grave, William n"d melody, featured by an exception exception Davidsen, Riley Hatch, J. Herbert ""' clever song. "Just the Twe of Frank and Florence Hillings. I Us." Rey Luken, Jeseph Ktthnp, Cress Keys "New and Then" There's a geed supply of comedy and music in the ihew, nnd just enough of each te balance the cntertulument. , "New and Then," n musical tabloid, presented bv Will Stanten and com pany, occupied the headline spot with geed results. A distinct flavor of lOL'li pervades the little production, nnd that means, of course, that It contains plenty of originality. This is tnte of the ces- turaes and scenic effects, as well as the lines and music. It received a cordial reception. Ralph Whitehead bcered heavily in songs and stories. Fred Lightner, in the skit, "Newly Married," areiisec laughs, and ethers en the bill ' lncttmeii iiveli and l-avcrc, musical skit; Marie Casper, in songs, and Pellar, an exceptionally geed juggler William Penn Comedy There are no idle moments in tlie skit "Bits of Exclusivencss" offered by Stella Tracey and Carl Mcllride. It runs from everything from marital dis cord te the latest dancing craze, with many surprises thrown in en the side. lust one luugh after another is the best way te describe their attack. Oklahoma , Heb Albright sang a number of songs in a remarkably clear tenor voice. His expression Is an extra geed asset. Jee ' Lanigon and ltose Hany, two Phlladcl- j phians, pressed ethers close for the! comedy hit of the bill and offered sev- oral character songs by way of geed measure. Miscahu. a Brazilian rope walker, thrilled. "Leve Is an Awful Thing, with Owen Moere in the prin- clpal role, is the fllm feature. Glebe "Pink Tees" The title is somewhat misleading, but ihc surprise in "Thirty Pink Tees," the feature attraction, is cm- nhntic nnd pieas'ng. Tt concerns ncre batics and cemedv und holds attention throughout. Florence Lnright and company in n sketch put a let of laughs in motion and kept them going. Otheis Lanntng s orchestra ana inc aioreK SisleiH. acrobats. there are several novelties in the picture portion of the show. Allegheny "Follies" One ei the most elaborate tabloids in vaudeville is "Fairy Tale Follies," which lieds the bill. It is presented in four scenes, all of which seive te em phasize thf tale of fair) land romance. A proper touch of the mystic Is given in the dialogue and music and a ery capable cast is another bis asset te the production. Calvin and Weed wen np pieval In a skit cnUcd "Oh. Docter," which overflows with bright lines nnd hns'inany geed situatiniis. Jack WnWi sang, joked and darned and MtClellan and Carfceii entertained with comedy. Paul and Pauline tluilled witlt cvniiiiis tic stunts. "Skin Deep" is the film at traction. Keystone "Timely Review" "A Timely Bevlevv" is the name of the niininture musical comedy which occupies the pluce of liendHner en nn iiniitlAn ril IIia this week s bill. A Inirileii cast is n en me eiu inciuueu jiniii-imu, -u.ms ; of a,.,.urCy n.s te what's been going en. Jeur Bvreu Gnis. hinging surprc-e; !t is virtually n history of the jear in TlnivA unit f'nrt mlii'k cemedv ! Ken. - .i i . ...;.i ..... ......v ...... ...-.., ., . .. I'luiieu unit miiik, viui a uii:iuri'r.(iuc neilr nnd utiin. cemedv ami music: v,.,i......,,,,i u., ..i .,i,i n.,mn.i!..u gaged in thii hii-usiiiT number. The ! which Is deserving of its place in the hill also contains tlie fnllnvvlng interest- 'sun. "OhII.v'm Dream." li'"l as -i fail ing acts: Tinas Four, melody and unv-. tastic (able, is both elaborately "tnged ertv combined; Chailei ltelliv and l(nh and extremely Interesting. Merrli-sey Pe'geis, billed as "lunatic" and very am1 Yetng lave some delightful noii neii nmiising; Hank It-own nnd ceinp'iiiv in I sen.' Captain Melnt.vre and ' mi ll comedy skit: Sllvas-liiunn anil com- panv in a neven.v caueu - .mhiii nur prfte" and the fifteenth Installment nf the til ill serial "In the Dn.'- of Buffalo mu." Orpheum Trlxle Frlganza Trixic Friganii. the popular musical i-nmcdv star, makes her first l'liilndel- phin appearance In home lime and -hews that althnugh plumper than he once was she has lest none nt h'r cimrni us '' entertainer nr iiinun as i i uic I dieiine. She calls hei a. i "My I.Ulle t Hag ii' Tilx." and it Is icallv nut nl ihe . ,,., 'ercllnnr.v. The bill aim '"mains i utile Vincent, supported h neien Mie aim Frank Gardner, in u splendid cmiedv sketch: Dc7e Hettei. nmiedj acrebat: Jee Helland and Catlileen ti'Den in a novelty, and nianj ethers. The dim is 'Shadows," with Leu Chancy. Fay's Royal Revue The Beval Bevue, which features i th. da slcla s ren emneiH pany present an ai rebat ie novelty ; Ne Hing deserves her title of "joy girl of henghiud" ; Nate I.eipsie unfolds some startling tricks; tiie Baste Due render Nixon's Grand Comedy Revue The Sylvester Family, consisting of father, mother and four children, dis play n versatility ami a never-ending ability te entertain that re fur te make this week's bill n real delight. Thev present a musical minedv revue which la out of Urn ordinary. Jee Hume ami Leu Gaut combine reinrdv and eccen tric dancing: tlie Three Kitnres have a novelty; F.velyn lairla and Harry Mm. thews present a song and dance num ber; Lucas nnd Inez, have an "nvt classic" that is different, and there nre ether nets which are bound te please. rt Deslev Sisters, talented European . urvi., newcomers, proven te be a ncers. nnd contains live women mu- '"" i""V "' ","!Lrs: "s.s Kelly, ns who are profit lent in ninny lines, '"P.'J ninuiiiseu, nave names, Le tlie song and dance lieadliner; lred. ""' ,""u '".' Vi11 '.'.',",. n ""U'lty ney and company have n reniin? "" ' i""'"' ic.-ins ; iieiuile SI.I'Il'li: l.lll ..III. II .lull ii'.i.- I.....I.. i .. '......ii .....i ,..i... i rnui-uii riiniri linen new senes nn. LBD'GBB PHIEMEIiPHIA.:r TUESDATT! . SPANISH DANCERS. KEITH ATTRACTION Chinese Girls and Indian Bari tone Alse Star Keith's The Caslones EHsa, Edu Edu Edu orde, Angel and Jese brilliant Span ish dancers, captivated the audience At Keith's with Hpanish ballets, Gypsy dances, heel dances; In fact, nil the turns that that dance-famous land has produced are seen at their best In the act of these versatile stars. The Spanish dancers lead a sort of "International" bill, se te speak. Princess Jue Quen Tal, n Chinese girl, sings the songs of her native land and twists n few of them Inte the fashion I that they would be sung In America. ,Thls pleasing contralto shares her hen ors with her youthful sister, who also sings nnd does a highly pleasing dance. The impressions given by Miss Juliet constitute another hit of the nicely bal anced bill. Actors, singers, old stars and new ones, as well as the matinee girl and the man who buys a new hat, are among the delightful Imitations ren dered by Miss Juliet. Jimmy Lucas, the author of f'l Leve My Wife. Rut Oh. Yeu Kid." "Min ' bv France, prides' a "S&taST of nie Shimmy" and ether songs, assisted laughs In a corned v act. The Chieftain Cnupellcan, the Indian baritone, is excellent in his rendition of some of the favorite classics. Greene ""d Parker disperse a melange of wit nnrl tn1rtrtiv futnret1 hv nn ercfrnflnn. lames McCall and Charles Seymour rive new kind of exhibition of acre batics. The four Yllcrems adept ft new method in their acrobatic exhibitions by performing their feats of daring while "--""eusiy jercneu upon spnercs FARCE AT DESMOND Turning from the emotional drama of Inst neek. Mnn Dpnmnnil'nncl line slnrll favorites were seen last night in n rollicking farce, "Getting Gertie's Gnrtcr,'r by that indcfntlgable writer of mich frivolity, Avery Hup weed. The company pul every bit of ability they possessed into making this n most en- jeynhle evening's entertainment, and by their geed sense nnd dignified pcrferm- nnces robbed the lines of any offense they might hnve possessed, .vllss Ucs mend had a role that gave her plenty of opportunity te show Tier ability as a comedienne, and ether members of the company, including Frank Fielder, Hetty Garde, Louise Sanferd, Jehn Lett, Hutnner Nichols, De Ferrest Daw ley nnd Itita Davis, did commend able work. "TOWN SCANDALS" PLEASE Casine There wns plenty of enter tainment in "Town Scandals." which opened last night, te please all kinds of burlesque fans. Harry (Hickey) Le Van, featured comedian, had a bag of new stuff, nnd he wns given oil kinds of opportunities in this fast-moving and amusing show. Maude Baxter, the prima denna, displayed a soprano voice well above the average. The La Pierre sisters rendered melodies in French and English; the Van Brethers presented a humorous musical number, and ltee Chevalier proved te be u dancing seu lirette of real ability. There was nn ensemble of twenty girls who could both dance nnd slug. Broadway "Mistakes of 1922" AVhile there may have been many tii ibifilrnd tilu renp 4 hnPn let ttrt nnau llcm nbellt the quality of the ".Mistakes f xqe'J," which furnishes the hulk of ,, ll0w 0I1 vjew. jt jM review of the fellies of tll0 (ltlVi wilh lnnnv ().lsnC8 nn.i ,, fln.,i. e nr(,t.. sri a,i(i interest te tllP nre(.eedini:s. The act is eveen- ... . .. tieimlly well staged and it was well ie leived, Milten Sills, in the photoplay "Skin Deep," never appeared en the screen te better advantage. This story is true te life and grips attention from the very start. Old Stars te See Shew The residents of the Edwin Ferrest Heme will attend n party at tiie Ferrest Theatre this nfternoen te see "Geed Morning, Dc.it le." They will be the quests of Louise Groed.v, star nf this musical coined. The party will include these seven leading ladies of days gen by: Mrs. Maggie Kirkpatrick, Miss Amy Lee Mrs. Jehn Jack, Mrs. Kate Jcpsen, Mrs. Mary Mack. Miss Emily Lewis and Miss Jennie Jenes. Alter luncheon they will sec the performance and meet tlie members of the company et. tlie stage. Alhambra Zelda Santley The hendllner this week is Zelda Santley, proficient both at singing nnd comedy, who presents a number which she calls "Little .Miss Everybody, and pany present n Mmipshoetlng nevclt) and the film feature, "At the Stroke of Midnight," is unusually interesting. Trocadero's New Shew Trocadero "The Cherrv Blossoms" company, which made its bow te Phil adelphia last right, 'imp and danied and'lauglied their way te a verv deiinite success. A special added feature was provided by the ainenranee of Itnseclla, an Oriental diiisene of tin sunl nbllitv. 'iue big cast in the show included Al Tnrpiex and Geerge Carrell, comedians ; Johnny Geedman. Mae L'ailc, Delhi Wade a'ld Bn'-e Gridin. Travesties at Dumont's Diimeut'.s The new tramstv dis closed ter the fust tune by Eminett" Welch und his uiin.strel band' last night was "Manslaughter," nud Charlie Heyden nnd ether favorites of the com pany extracted every aval hi hie l,n ., l'""' - v mn "l um sueject. i.eah and - i . . , . : ! " Welch sang some ballads in his nsn.,1 pleasing btyte The SliewOflV Jesenb llnrl- i, ' given iiiiimiiiii iiiuiiiiiuus ei iirendvvay stars; Aerial Valentines, with n number t 1 I J.l w....., ,, 1U et tnruis, ii in i nut nun icaturc Law," with Frank Mnvn. Wolf Walten Reef Catchy Songs Tim Mason-DKen "Seven." .,..u.,.n.. nitliestra. lias a briiuil-iievv urn,.. ,,' , .... ..UI..I. ..ill ..I...'. .."'. ni IIIIK1 Hlll.ll l I III.-UM- HI) ihlllLlllg tans, and imlividttnl artists in this or er or ganir.ntlen offer pleasing novelties. The Wblte Way Trib is heunl in new selee selee tlens which are put across with u sense nf Humer and nn ability te slug. 11,11 Ukllfllllll. 'l I I llll II I I1U I Ulill 11111111 Ii iiiiickiv cvi Ingui-lies the ilane llal,,, hil-lh She bad Hashes of ' Jersey nepumicans May Net Nixon Comedy Offering spreading the handkeuhief, shows t,t """T, I e !7.'n icm,,, '"""i i,,".'"' i, " . FaVOr Cha"OinO Hobart Law j Tl.e.e Is an almnihitiee of gendcninedy Hli (""! n-tered. l "" h ' , ? V i? ,T' J' i1, Trenten. IW. j-j. Enforce. I andcaU'liyiiHihl..JHtlK.miitl,.ni,J,,J Fer this trick you need a little hi, F.h. . "l.. ' ''.' ' .'.' . r1" :"-. ...cut nf prohibition, nr ..,......! "..?... I liriswe 'Tim big'ldll'id's' 'r' ( "1" "YX 0,,.,,,,,,,1i r ' iVlfl h" "V .3, ' ' Uu l- ml e - lux laws ,., ,m pos Ves c ion this vveeK. ihe bij. bill nlse ceniulns right hand. Bunch up the borrowed , I.iu credit it mav be said that Cherrv i , Frank Davis a.i.l Allele Dfirnell i com- handkerchief i the center, and nljevv ever new- low dcen 1 c .re d m "V,10? ,a!1 bring ulieut lower taxes, e.ly; patter of the funniest sort; (iet.ig,, the extra bit nf cloth te prolrude from Sw kreSfv he na wntchl c le ?,"d lI,'w"""n J with the Statu Ky -"" r .wmedy sketcR. the linger tips ns though it wcre l l'0'fJetenkVrmit,leHn' e... 'l.Ml, "I'Puhllyan platform, of lltl'V. were dis- 'ilni nnii'.i ill u' - iniinivi. c ll i . . i i. . . . i .-- .-... ...r. ...... .. lie t; wu Shows That Remain WALNUT ."Anna Christie." Eugene O'Neill's drama of the waterfront, ' with Pauline Lord and Ocorge Marlen. BROAD "Abraham Lincoln," Jehn Drlnkwater'n drama, with Frank McOtynn. LYRIO "Blessem Time," cperettn based en lexve affair of Franc Bchubert. FORRBBT "Geed Morning, Dearie," musical comedy, with William 1 Kent, Harland Dixen, Louise Oroedr and Oscar 8haw. BttUBERT "Tangerine," musical comedy, with Julia ttandersen, Frank Laler nnd Frunk Crumlt OARRIOK "Melly Darling," musi cal comedy, with a cast headed by Jack Donahue. ADELP1II "Td Leve," adaptation of Ueraldy play, with Grace Geerge, LONDON TIVOLI GIRLS TOP SHUBERT BILL Dancers Provide High" Spot of Unit Shew, "Spice of Life" Chestnut Street Opera Heuse A lodle"s concoction flavored with the TIvell Girls, the comedy of Frank Gaby and the harmonizing of the three Waln wrlght sisters Is the "Spice of Life," the unit offering of Ihe Shuberts this week. Tliern are ethers, tee. who contribute te make the "Spice of Life" one of the best unit shows seen here of late, prin cipal among them being the Hickey brothers, who offer "A Bnrrcl of Fun ;" Dave Kramer nnd Jack Beyle, "The Happy-Ge-Lucky Pair;" Sylvia Clark, in a humorous monologue and some songs, nnd Julia Kclcty, imported from France. Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby wrote the book, lyrics and music. Ne one can be blamed for attempting te frame u plot, for there Is none. The dancing of the Londen girls is comparable te that of Fred Stene's contingent last year. Their uniformity nnd team work wen them immediate at tention nnd many encores. Frank Gaby ii a ventri!oqul8t,ef a different sort nud Is especially clever in his chatter with an imaginary dummy and his imita tion of Ed Wynn, hat, giusses, chatter and all. The Walnwright sisters' ukeicle serenade, dancing and songs wen deserved applause. The last half of the frolic is a mix ture of burlesque, comedy and travesty, pretty girls and lets of action. Irene Delrey, pleating te leek upon and rather talented, is featured individually and encmbie in songs und dances. WHINING OF DOG WARNS OF HIS MASTER'S DEATH United States Coast Guard Found Shet In Ocean City Atlantic City, Dec. 1U. The body of Isaiah Horten, ".' e.irs old. ;i member of tlve Federal coast cunrd. Ocean Citv, was found in the bushes near his home last evening with a wound in his head. Horten went for a day's gunning yes terday morning and is believed te have shot hiihself accidentally. Captain Nickerson, commander of the const guard ut tlie lifty-elghth street station, became suspicious that some thing had happened te Horten when he failed te yepnrt for duty. Shortly af ter, Horten'u dogs returned whining te the coast guard station and Captain Nickerson at once Instituted n search. Horten is survived by his wife and a three-year-old daughter. MRS. PADDLEFORD FREED Swiss Court Acquits American Weman en Swindling Charge Paris. Dec. ll'. Mr'. Genevieve I'addleferd, who was arrested in Vienna in June, charged vv Ith having defrauded merchants In Lucerne, Paris and Vienna and who wns extradited te Switzerland for trial, has been ncciuittcd by the Criminal Court at Lucerne, says the Herald. The court ruled that no crim inal offense had been established. A dispatch from Vienna June I" an nineing the arrest of Mr. Paddlefnrd said her husband. Dr. Geeige E, Pad. dleferd. of Hollywood, Calit'.,' fiem whom -lie was separated, had refused her telegiaphcd pleas that he inhume nnej te rescue her from her predica ment. Cartoonist Reminds Vets Members of the .llitth Infantrv Asso Asse elation met last night In the 'hall of the Pennsvlvania liailread Y. M. C. A. Eighteenth and Filbert streets, and heard an address by Jeseph Cuuiilug Iintn, cartoonist of the Evk.mmi I'm. i.ni Ll.liet ii. The speaker was the Knights nf Columbus secretary at Camp Meade and lecalled incidents of camp life In which some of his auditors par ticipatcd. Fire at Military Academy Culver, Tnd.. Ore. V2. tlh A. P.v D.imige estimated nt Sl'eu.OOt) was caused hv tire which broke out nt the Culver Mllltaiv Academy here late cs terday afternoon. After-Dinner Tricks 1 Ne. .ill' The UeMercd Handkerchief A hole Is liiiiut In the center of n leal center nf till) handkerchief. T.tnl.t the bit of cloth, and when it Is nearly consumed ipilckly extinguish It with your right hand, and draw away the little bit of bhriit cloth that remains. Spicnd out the linndkerclilef, threw it en the table ami secretly drop the bin ut bit nt i huh hi your la, Uejwili' f:i. lj VttbUe l.nlucr Cemtauu Aitiii n rnoi.eNT. iavf. riie man who never laualu hnnifin. t,i. fmmrat. 1'ut ' I" te say that mich a x.tr ! UyfwXr TP- bit or i iiiii rnvv I'll iijtiiiiivfii'iiii-i . nn iinniiin ?en.hAeiiSr.vSrtbVlunbd:fe.,Kdl3ft'' NetWiiK thnt had happened te her be bo be fer no one ear. sfe It and fall te lauSh' I 'ero had se much lowered her ill her own "Make it a iutlt." -trie. " egtimatieni This was an impartial DECEMBER 12,' THE HOUSE By GEORGE GIBBS Auther of "Youth Triumphant"' and Other Buccettes CepvriaM, tCtt D. Applefen A Ce. WHO'S WHO IN THE STOB VBERRY M01IUX, up-te-date 0h rich and charming, at once Irritated and attracted by DAVID RAXQItEll, yeuna American ethnoleoitt and icar veteran, amasca by changes in manners and customs brought out bu the war, but inter ested -in Cherrp. His modest funds are invested Kith her father, JIM MOHUN, a self -made financial leader. Toe busy te think et his children he leaves them te URP. MOnVK, who has successfully cultivated the social side of life. BRUCE COWAN, a motorcar sales man, of cave-man type, of whom Cherry imaeiu s she is enamored. BOB MOHUX, son, is a typically reck less youngster. GEORGE LYCETT. elderly chorus, philosephising as the story develops. JOUX CHICHESTER, whom Mrs. Uehun would like te call son-in-law. AS THE days went en Cherry noted that he put his disappointment in her mother's insufficiency behind him. He gained in strength dally, his jaw te-' a firmer angle, and his brews were tangled in thought. There was rome reme thlng constructive new in his attitude i..l lir Ttl fnmtlir felt it. thelltfll thev could net see why they should be- for the -nrcrr fr which her mother had gin te hope. But Beb, who treated his prnrc'1 lt marrhiye. She wns an ex gin te nope, ran u . . crcscmiee en the great body of society, mother rather badly if lie happened te ( n IinnH,,p Ut,h neither l.rfiiii- nor be out of humor, new learned the meaii-i ing of his father's sharp leek et re proof or the decision in his quiet tones. They awed him a little, for here wns n man who had come back from the dead in a new guise with which Beh was unfamiliar. As the sick man gained in strength nnd reached a physical condi tion which would warrant bis taking up the thread of affairs, men came te One Hundred and Eighty-second street, by appointment, te visit him. Geoffrey Towne. the trustee: Henry J. -"0-Cready. vice president of the Cesmes Tnnt Company, representing the ( hi chester interests: "'erKV'J'TV: "'l" friendly offers of which the sick man availed himself. Seme one has said that, it ""J.0" has something in himself that ethers haven't, the world will make a beaten path te his deer. Ne one except n con structive genius could have succeeded ns .Tim Mehun bad done. True, lie hnd failed but net until after he had suc ceeded und only under prcssiva e ab normal conditions. A bad failure, but an honest one. As the news was carried down town that Jim Mehun had made a brave light and wns pulling through, men remembered him with kindness, and wished him well. Other men, his business nseciates, with ambitious plans which needed u directing hand came seeking him for advice; Jehn Harnett, a former director of the unfortunate Textile Mills Company, with nn idea of buying u plant in the Kensington district of Philadelphia: Harvey Mat Mat tliisen, et Pittsburgh, a friend of earlier duvs. who believed that with health Jim Mehun might still rise again. , These visits were very encouraging ie Cherrv, if only because they enabled her father te resume bis touch with the world. But, much as she believed in him, it scarcely seemed possible that thev could result in any immediate tinau cial return te add te their slender menus which, ns she figured, would be exhausted before the beginning of the next winter. And ie meanwhile, as site found tiie opportunity, she-went down town look ing for work. As she had told David Sungree. her peace nf mind depended, as it had always done, upon the high speeds at which she moved. And it was better te be hunting for a job ad he refused, than te sit as her mother did bemoaning her fate. Snngree tried te help her. enlisting the aid of Geerge I.viett and one or two uf his ether friends und relatives in trying te find something tht jhc could d?. But Cherry was new te make the astonishing discovery that, in spite of all the money that had been spent upon her education, she knew very little indeed. At her finishing school they had taught her that ladies always wrote an angular hand (intlier stjllsb). but, In Cherry's case, little mere than tin Illegible 'scrawl. Iier smatteriiu' of French, her smattering of the pimie were of little value new. She clidli t even knew enough in play at thpinevici. Her English was passable but instinc tive. Iier arithmetic had never been impressive. Anv sixteen- car-old grad uate of n business school wns better equipped than she. twelve dollars u week was the het offer that she could B,.ta, a saleswoman behind the "eusieu sicwiy came ie in r. counter at a large department store. "Oh. I say . Cherry," he -nil, fl Cherry's liepi s had se.ned higher tlinu i vvunied te be tlie tirt te till. I ui s this and she icili'd with dismay hew Phoebe watts it tee." nd tleu with little fifty dollars a month would con- , ail awkward gesii,ie"t.'), Ivuc it 'ill tribute te tin ceii.timii stele of money j Cherry. I'hm be and I are i ii.,.;ei! ; "' ill the little hmis. held. Mie must de "Yeu aim and I'hnebe:" better than I lt.it . mm h better The words i anic m a p -l. . Iil-p,.. j a bundled n i.innth at least. But'ns though inrml .r"n In r ..."rn-i lie bow? She kepi the seeiet el" iier Will. Bill 111 .1 liie'ieul she w I- cnii-l disappointments inuu lur i.iihei. who niiplii. she thniicht. ilisanmeve of her efforts. She visited some nt the matrons of society, wenlthv v.. mm. who hnd j .. . .1 -. !'!.-- i Hskecl ner te tneir parties, i ncy greeted her warmly . "Why, Chetn eii tle.ir hltd Sn h.nil te e.c ,,u.i. , But when. In mnttcr-t-!aer tetins, she explained the ehje.. of her visit and evnresLl n bone that she niicht timl ' .. , ,. , v , n ,i.t,...M ns w....itil -i.ii'ef.iVv tn ui nil I " i'"-""' - one thev met el v ie. en.n.ended that she ..rtll ..1. l C- 111. .Si. I lllll til vi nn I lll ll lll",l ""- U HM - ' I tn , Hll,l - seetne.t Ie be iiisl oil ihe i.,,mt of eeilltr ."", s...:.. ,. i ' .... ,..i... i. mil tlllll in it iii " nil' ." in. of her e.sactlv. Im' m Mi.gi-t pn--iliili. !! - elsevvlieie I 1 i,.r. ;,.. .hat lliey seug.lt in niii-s va "" n'J l;t ,,e dav vv.,.. s.J(tit,.,j . ,,,, vvere verv kind hm v.rv Lu-v Ami j, S1.,.,1U. Sl, ,,,,,.,. ,,.,, .,. ",,' ' . I thev i.ithir nveidi.l then" pan- should haw liiip.n d him it thsl At tilie- ( heir. SI'" despeiate .time w llell---l'leel.e .,,,,1 Diekv '-I 1 here vvcie iiian.v meicents like that ijU,.i5y though ,,.,r neither f "them which she had -hew n ,ivi.l Sangive guess.M what had been in her thoughts I when the pemiuluni wtmld have made u j That would have ben rather hnrri'de ' s-xlng if sl" hadn t had it under con- , r.ltnest as horrible as the icelltnr thnt' trel. Sevet.il times she ctlled up every thing whs against her-even thine , .-windier mu in--, oiie .-unie wuui along the riverside He was patient with her nnd se n.celv .a.ni.ce.l be- tween serieiiMies nnd jest that lie met iier mood-, bringing a'Z shVl'ef tit ens of despair in! iinuir, where he lielii her with a rtn-eii her past some moments nf dcauening tllseeiirngement by canylng her nlr bodily te some gnyet) or ether, several times te luncheon niul a matinee It wns 'Genie who came te i,i ic-ue one uieriiing when a position in n DUbllshlllC office 111). n whlcli she bad pel iier iie"-n ni iiueti nv a i n v er nine ; snub-nosed chit in n Itu sM blouse Willi her hair still down her b.nk. It seemetl that ihc slllv "Il-"Iii ut the . ... I 1 - .111.. I 1 . I ........ I Inrtlinatc child wns the iiieiisiirn nf.'verl; by women, nutl anethei' nrnviillin. Cherry's incapacity. S he was ashamed 1923 Wl OF MOHVN 'Ten Itnevv hew much I've always cared for yen, Cherry," he began. judgment of the world upon her in efficiency. Sbe wns useless lit only talents te mnke her way nlene. it was a crucial moment nnd 'tienie met. it with iin invitation te an nfternoen at the Wctherllls' country place in the I'ocnntice Hills. Sylvia hnd asked for her especially nnd nil the old crowd was going te be there. The alternative was a gloomy nfternoen in her loeni fnce te face with her impotence, se Cherry accepted. In the mood of the moment she would have mariicd any man who asked her. . Sylvin's welcome nnd the pleasant familiar faces of the old crowd weie balm te her wounds; Gleria Tevvtie Phoebe Macklin and one nr two ether Cirls; Dicky Wilberfeiw, Herace Onlbraith, Teddy Waring. Jack Spcn ccrr " "s geed te see them all to gether again. Almest she was readv te believe that blie had never bccii away from them. Dicky wns quite sober and new pro fessed himself te be a person with serious ideas of life. He had nctuallv gene into business. Was this true? Dear old Dicky! Hew mnny times was it thnt he had proposed te her? I irtecn ? She had used te keep count. She looked nt him with u new interest, for lie seemed te have taken n new stature, a new brightness by centrust te the shadows of her own troubles. He had always been hand some, joieii", picturesque, and tedav his sober pretensions became him. If he asked her te many him for the sixteenth time. Cherry vowed, she would accept him. He lest no moments in bringing about a resumption nf their frlenrship and le, her forth fiem the squash court, where Jedd and Jack were vielentlv hurling te and fro, into the quiet loggia ut the side nf the house, a place propitious for confidences. The afternoon was balmv, the foliage nhe.'iily sending forth is. tendrils nt the lirst breath nf spring altogether a lime for tiie icnewal et old nffectiens. Cherry Jield her breath. It was a meu.ent teiic with expec tations, with possibilities. Dicky spoke in n lowered tone, his lips twisted in ;he old iainlliar bnv -lsh sniile. "Yeu knew h iw much I've always cured for you. Cherry." be begun. "Yes. Dicky. 1 de." , "Well. I have. I de till There isn i aimtiier girl just like you nnd I guess n knew by this t mi that I'll alvvuv . think of ynu as one et the best friends I'e get in the wiibl." "I- I'm ghtd of that. Dicky. " "Well. I'e been nn awful retter iU ' times ju knew, drinking and I don't blame you for net having wanted me. Yeu were perfectly right. But 1 have taken u brace. I suppose it's beenuse it isn't s easy te Krt ns it was. And I don't reailv think ibnur it ut all. Haven't touched a drop for a mouth." "That's line el you. Dicky." ' "I thought juii'ii like te "knot be. ciiise j mi did .:e In tll lne I ought te ship. it was Phoebe that lvide, me (, .e "es I suppose she ought te tell you, bur then we're all geed pals, aren't we, just the way we used te be?" Of course," gasped Cherry, "but what ':" she paused, as com pre giutiilntiiig him quietly I hese aie' tlie things :i vmiiii.'IH dm . will 1(. ' took Iter lcln-ltntinns with the cm - barrassed grin nf n boy ,, has just null fl.i. ..pi... ... iw.ll... I.... '"" !.- .. t1" '- And t'hetry, wearing a '..illet 'limeer i. miihp, iesentl -might nut l'beebe, enibr.it lug Ii r at in the nau- ,. ,.. ,, . . . , , ,.. '"' .' """ """ "i"ifi "- ''1,,s .'' ft-.Ti ." ."" m" l'.'.a"."' . ' "' v 1mi' been t. s eTn-n. I'lieene n ignt nave guesn.r tie untn m . " ' iiiiiii. 1'iieiry was tee r ever an ten . ,,.,.'' tlul happen. ' ' nrev.iI - I I 1 1 ..' '.' -' gllt'l Villi approve, dtrli ' "I I'lieene eiulv 1 llutV 1 Iji piiihe.eil in von cvei jh in ,., r t ,,-,, "JV,,, ,", '- ,'?,. ..n.ii I'i.i I 'I..... ,. laillllg UCr, Tn lu. .. i . F he l0""l t-morrew DISCUSS STATE PLATFORM cussed here Inst night at a meeting of me iveiiiiiiiicnn .leini Legislative Con Cen terence Committee. Indications were that the partv would net sponsor nor support, as u party, imy tnoilliicntlen of the Hobart Diy LiifereenieiitLnvv. Any such mens. 11 1.A ...I.... 1... 1... 1 .1 1. " ... "' '""rl niiiniiiiieti, ir was sain, bv 'he legsatni acting indlvidunllv A bill will prebrhly be picsenteil, It vvas learned, for the nhnllilmi ..r .,ii,t air higher compensation fee !btr..,i workmen. Anether cenl'ereme uill ha UU (. night. FINEGAN V rinhn of Pour CeunihWiV Af. Lll. DaaMMAllllMAJlIr fclUIl V IIW"f1l-l"-- tM I Chester, Dec. 12. ItcpreMnUUtfh, of the Women's Cluba of Cneati Montgomery, xjuckh riwrn r Counties gathered nt the Ridley Pitk Auditorium ns guests of the local club , at their nnnual reciprocity meeting. At the morning session short addresses were mndu by Mrs. Itudelph Blanken burg, Mrs. It. .1. Hamilton. Mrs. Henry James, Mrs. Edwin Ynrnnll, Mrs. Alan' Burr. Airs. A, IL Geary, Mrs. 8. Illnlr Lurkic, Mrs. A. H. Creeks and Mrs. Henry ('. Cochran, presidents of the various clubs. Dr. Themas Fliiegan, director of the State Beard of Public Education, talked en citizenship in tlie schools.. At the conclusion of his address he nn-1, svvered a number of questions. It was voted titat n petition be sent by the as sembled representatives te Gilferd Pln Pln ehet praying for the reappointment of Dr. FInegari. WOMAN "ACCUSEDOFARSON Fired General Stere of Rival Mer chant, Is Charge ' Fnlnntevvn. Pa.. Dec. 12. (By A.' P.) Charged with setting fire te thai, rival merchant's store, Mrs. Mary Neynl, of Sheaf, near here, was today, held in $30(10 ball. The charge of nrsenv grew out of a fire in the general store of G. A. Kever. This establishment is located near a store conducted by Mrs. Neyul. County detectives said they traced the woman thieugh imprints "of over shoes in the snow near the Kevor store. REFUGEES MUST WAIT Immigration Bars Net te Be Raised, Washington Decides Washington. Dee. 12. Despite, ap peals, especially bv church organiza tions, that the Federal Government take action te raise immigration bars te Armenian and Greek refugees flecking admission te this country, no action will lie taken by tlie Administration te that end, it was learned nutheritativclv yesterday. Congressional action, it was stated, would be necessary, nnd the Ad ministration feels that this is net a matter in which it should take the lnl tiative. PITTSBURGH OFFJCIAlTqUITS Geerge W. McCandless Resigns as Director of Public Safety Pittsburgh, Dec. 12. (Bv A. P.) Geerge W. McCandless, Director of Public Safety, of Pittsburgh, tednr tendered his resignation te Mayer W. A. A. Mngee, effective December 31. Mr. McCandless, one of tlie best kt.ewn business men of tlie city, entered the police service under tlie Magee administration te place it en n "busi ness basis." Itadtcal cifrnges have been made in tlie policies of the depart ment since lie becume its head. He will return te his private business next year. QUEEN IS CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Paris. Dec. 12. The Queen of the Belgians is in Paris incognito, doing her Christmas shopping. Arriving Sun day Jiiglit. she btarted yesterday te visit the department stores nnd her dressmakers. s Step Laxatives Wach Only Aggravate Faulty Elimination Xujel ig a lubricant net a medicine or laxative se cannot j-ripe. When you are constipated, net enough of Nature's Jubricatinff liquid is pro duced in the bowel te keep the feed waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe JVujel because it acts like thin natural lubricant and thus replaces it. Try it te- lay. j T"J"'" A LUBRICANT-NOT A LAXATIVj. I Duplex UgtangTaMe Boer Lamp ! A REAL COMFORT . m m ww., waa FOR THE EYE Th"se Initips Kive n soft, crimfortable illuinlnntlen, pirv.itlliig 'be cntlre loom ; primrthliig ne-er befere possible wit . a table or fleer limp. On exhibi ts n every evening from 'J V M ie 9 T M at 202 S. 42d Street ritur. t e "ii 1 imp pi et hjv l'i 'lie pill 1 are nt ul 't '' " 1 bill P (lis Mievvin iinlirs given up P l"ei I Hi .1 b.' dt ' v eietl fti" i lills'in.13 VAV.'J.WKWsVV'ryjjWfjrja PURE FRESH PAINT Believe Me If it's made by Kuehnle, you knew it's GOOD PAINT!! "Save-the-Surf ace" Kuehnle PAINf&PAINTING Vine.5cl7th.Sts. . 8PRUCB Mi BACe779 &2 Ml m !4 JTs tl m 1 i .&. i ,t,i?i.it"i . . i ?il.. I -" i-'l tT.'.-tft- ZlZJXfUL