litf V l j. V P IS K.i f1 M M,:.. pflB wf i ABJ K- URGE EDITIONS linvc been necessary te supply the demand for J U R G E N !. Tampa Brixnch Cal.cll'H fanieim Irenle fjntnay. 0Q& One of l lie 1 v eft books or ur -XVWV ZCVCJZ re'-'iince of J7''n llindcru Hebl'i KV ""' f '' "i' I VI Yrr v Hi ix nit. iln i!l. 1 r end ntietlii)ii; 'le'ie ' R ( 1' Iferaltl !sl . J i FOOL'S HILL H line of the most .' mil' Ins iiKiit novels ier xi'Nltiii with a Juxemlc here who I u triumph hi ennriuieri- zatten. $1 int. -. TTI T .- fc Tkr r . a - .- . m k V r- .r- ,v it-. r V S r "V r- K ZX" . - "' C ' J r I - . ! ret I'ctcr i M I. ill I.K l i.) 'It f iui i in i:. t Uric '1.7e net McCARTY, INCOG UltB th t a 1 'il- t,i In ih - lilK! leh ill tllj yiii'ii V i" SI 7". tot Zd. I .1' I 1 S . iT- &sds -r' - m .' i i evc JfUVX, .- 1 .is . . I ll Illul.l IV . I ' is'iiiKii'flud (1 beautiful work ' n llurtnn llnnim S. . PiSATES A r.i hi 1 . . PI '!. Hi fanu uh i'ir. i tli 'ln'iit.i' i.i.i. by ( I. i u I r.i-1 i wli . illiw. trat'-u ' T'i H'e'j. : :- i i ( r. i e At all Bookstores Rebert M. Pubiishers, McBridc & Ce.fTjTS New Yrrk JgLfiJ EH 352 FICTION BY CAPABLE WRITERS V' SA'fcj L... ;'. n. d&m SWINNERTON -k Seme Pungent Comments en His Latest Nevel and Its, Problem "Thi' wiit M Is "t full uf a niiiiiliiT of ll'illRs" t'l it Milt MlllK'lillU'.M HOMlIlM' v li.v modern novelists ilnti't hear of thi'ii) hi I writ about llii'tii. Wl' ,li"hl t'lcll llllVi novel-, of HCtlnll -ivar. c riiin- !iulutr.. Inve. trmel. itileiitu:i . Or. if tin- teller- of tnlei mtiM ilm into the iiiliuls of tlieir clitir in ti'i'.v niiil i-pi'i tulixe in lliuuslit h riither Ui.'lli ilei'il.-. tlie.l tiiiKlit. with llilvnlitilp . Se in for iMi'isilli'il fiir'ititiK ninl rale problem ether tin1 m .-fv. IliMeinl f wliiih tlie, ninl onine enine ili ntl.i we. lire w.illewlni; ill ex illiili. "'L'lic Thine l.eier.-.." I y rrntik Swin Swin nerteli Mleerse II. Muriiti Cempiiny). iMi'l us Itnil us ..inn1 lieuKs we've seen, tut it is litut emitili. I In three levers tire iittrnrtcii te Ai-yr V-w,Vi ,jS?5i . "'i' three levers nre nttrnetcil te ---' . ".tJ,i .TS . t-iUJ8KE2J 1 t'.il. I..I,. it 1 1. I.. ! i, !.,, II HUH III 1'l(l l II I III 1 II III I- "'ft, UU,l iw.vw... .....,.i- Ibi'ntltiflil. i-mei'ltul mill ie-.eM-i! of u I.KIIN Mil) MhltUIUi m,u111 invntiility. n sliuht lespe.t for W.'tese new I'lilleiliiin of slimt t-tmie jiiNtllli-s Ills iirtNtir reptile MERRICK'S ART A EOOK FOR CHILDREN AND EVERY ONE ELSE i Te he ntnkctl with "Alter In Wonderland"! The Adventures of , MAYA the BEE! By Waldemar Bensels . PIlOI'fSKI.V ILM'STItATllD MV iieMi:u miss Mavn iviih lint n liee IH.p ether hees. Ven llirlll with hir iul. i-lnr. h V ii low her This book will wirpriFe inn 'by te t'htitlii. It Ik Merpeil In bftiuly. j It has it ilt'lli'leui humor. , lltiMcanrilr Ihnrthetnc in X. )'. Itcrtttt). , ! "A book te lull el elmrinltiH fanny, el , I the most ftcut'j ubscnntien el n.itnie j which Is tmt the dearer for Its falr I cliurnelcr. that the author ilcfmcd te I heroine u luverite with theuwinits of j . Imppy I'hllilreii. te iiheni this one bneli will (jlvu ninny hours of joy II linn , been retulereil Inte cxiUlite Unnllsh " . s5.l 00 I AKCIIIKAM) MARSHALL Who has wilttcii :i I'.iniel story In Urn .Marshall manner '. .1. Iu.ih'i,,, Plnlnrf 'y,,(V RecefiK vi;is e i WELLSBE'S .Vcr nertl e; the W'r-.': ''Xet only her best but one of the Rveateb'' novels of the year. . . . Ju:.ti!ie any word of praise that can be said of it." -v.'.'"'. JUDITH OF THE GODLE3SVALLSY I'.IJ til IllitllOr t "The liiichnttcil Cantjim" STOKES, Publisher EjgiE3.aaMggggg Irvin SjCelb says: "Uncle Henry is a wizard, a master satirist. He slams at shams and punctures bubbles." Read L'ncle Henry's fascinat mg new book en "Leve, Marriage and Other Perils," the greatest humorous nit since Uncle Remus and Mr. Doelej: 256 pages of sturdy American common sense with a laugh en every line. A$h your bookstore or newtdea er for "Uncle Henry", or write te Reynolds Publishing Company, Inc. 416 Weit 13th Street, New Yerk City eemi'titiiimilily mill sntneMilllK wliieli ' pusses for a eetiseieiu'i.. 'I'lie peer benlis are : . Harry Creenlens, hat ilseiui . ili.irm Iiir. "nti iileallj inasteihil lever who weuhl net tinili rstninl a rel' and se jit Is Well Illustrated in His Lai- ,"''lIl1 t iini-i.t it." ! ... - .,. ... .Menty UiiM-nlieiK. n m:e1iii1 atnl est Volume of bhert Stones n ihle-si.i seliHi m-m vim cm- ,i" te I'lint l.ieitii'il Miiri'K is ,i literary e'liil's In inviilent. piiiMiini: all ill.' 1 tirtisi hi ' i','i r i!. .s bimii" ll nilti'it- while his ,.wn liiiu inn- aiias,-- en of ifil. 'I'll" imliliiiiti'iii if i'.e ili'iinitiM liimi linlr l'aiiii la ; mu! eilitie'i n In-- i .rl. iitli speeinl lnll'n- Kil;ar .M.imh-, "a iu'ii m neailv tlitc-t en- !v ilisini'.'ii:-!!! ." i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" fort', of uhiIIm inul-Jicl ,( ) .naiiec." men if htin- lia.s hre.ijlit Mm te die M-el:s mi "nlYait" ninl has itteiiiieii el n mile', with't imlilie than no thniilil of luntiiii.eii, . mis ai'i) uil'iti il wtlh him Vfiin ''s ISesenberiC is willing te titiiti th" ' iipjii.irniin'. lie iiM'ius tin- jepu- jirl etih when he Ibjils lie iiml gr !nr i l.irits tlm: has .nine le liiiu. aii,i etliir way. , Tims., wlie linn- rnl the enrlii r ei- IMunr, dour soul, has alwa.1- wmili'il i lllne in tin i niiipVe edition of his te lillltri liee. I wer!:s v i'I llmi pliiiiire in "Te Tell S'n- llirts with all three men. mines 'the Trfh" ill. I'. Pinion .S. 'e. I. a il.iliKi'i. )-!; near help,: hutni'il. anil at i'ollei-tie:i nf slieit teiie whieli it wtis ni 'anniis .Muiu ami is il liiiniwly . in t .i 'liitili;. plnfii'il te inelinli' In l.ap'.j. I'.ie liitimi. lnii"il i. lui- heen m.-iili- I lii re jii, have the plot. The i eps. mi i. ni.-ai.m .(in -. for llv eem- 'novel" i, niiipeseil lii;.eh n' the ! pjl't. eil"en -:i lll.nle. Tllese who MelUItlB of he! lllll',",i'l i.uud. I pri I hi- sliiii i s m ie te his hew-Is Aril.'1'! nmti .'1J wininiiiii has 'will lin I mueli t it- Klit tneiii iii this "a I'siuiliiits insij-lit pie the i carts i lehi'iie. lie shims Ins me I'lin.i iti-'ia'nt ' : in bini f clrls." int.. i'!mi..etei- ami 'in-iiie anil li" e- IJntln r tliati have ai ; 'nxunieiir liibii- the lijjhniss ami hnuier v l.'.i r. nl -il ' w-'Il eeneede the n:.ilu. e'l' are with h ''ii . Ami he ih li n i u!i w il leilistuili :. 'p-ev.s tlmr he e.m handle nathi- in "The Three I.ewrs" i- piiiieiiuilly ii shut ntery r.s wli : i'l a '".i'I l li-'!; in'i.. piM'.i. nine'. In "The Stafte." ter example. This is ih. 'nine lenieil ih'.e heemise i, mi- .'' th" tales in this, tie sv mm timi in write . '! .unl sierj i :' a nVtii who fell in lne villi tleieiiii.i,. ite iiiiliiMiiiitis iimi ie' niudii t'.i of a J iiiliK wei.lii'i e!i a i.i-i' lini' -eii.elliluu te-aj. meiniiiieiit ninl liiiiilnl ei the i. nidi 1. N iv . hi ilaj s in . ,i - . i, hie ni-e seiililinu te.ils. Inn t'l" tin me " 's hi.iiilleil Mith ii ri-traim "l whieli 2 none b i ,i sreal nrlisi 'x eilil been i ipable. And in lihliv lein. "A le Spare" lobbies vitl. en -q rerd al n Time" 1 the wive of lilll'lfsipie, but the -Kill et . . . ,i - L.....H ii uithiii the realm Lhaiminc and InRenuetia " ....... ... -! . - ,, - . . - . ... ,.....-. , of human pn li.ieilnj. "uiitieinei-eiie linre is seii.etMiii n lieaitt' 'liy iippin s man) auwiituii ma Mire." the uni'eilv et a jemic ehnniniu Mini imteiiiieiis in .M.n'iret ' lehl in .Mr. Marshall s (aim manner, i woman who seeks sineiss in Talis ami l'ullei's line World M n Time" MVii. j nlii'iituri- thai iiicliule eentiiet with a , Iimls her-elf merallj bound te take tiu I th..l if leads te the iiehsihlj lU'nir bit of iiiler.'stinj; anil pietuies,jiie eliar- , i ; me clillil ! .. Hteiui w iiein si,..,, (mi,,.. i,.l tile a'ltller will t'e ii'i ems nun me jur a nine nun il eir lii.d defraiideil. epi i,s the deer into tin ,i. , ..,., iu.., M,.,ri; nulii "tis. einlmg Willi an ex-m rieii I senu he. lit of woman. Hi'1 i.iti li--timj m -,,,,,. j. N1, nmel, iiin.nly of ! I) a s)nipatiipil.- and uml " r,.)!,.,. ., ,.f ,,, ,i. lit't ! si r Unit ' s.'.-iiiiiiii'.; h.tuil leiibl have teiind. , , .;,,, ir u.j finoetlilj eer portions tin i eruii ter l.iek el Ii.erai) ear im.i-i'51, PH tien of the Mala qoek ,., ,,i. ,!,. ' i ,1.. .1 hi-- ft. ,n l.on.leil r- ll.l pers, milit) is ebti inline .i wee bit p';'"' I'.' ole. I nu lilelt) een tie jrirl ., , V iiiofeumi s.-,s...ion ,ii . .., auiih. . deft tut.rli ih) tl.- st ' -m.-.. ..hi. 1 hey jiieeteael, eth, with , ,...,. ,..., i.V t ,ul. Ie.,...,!. of uu-li as:.,'i. ! ' ''T :l1"1 "."T, lj"5,lnK ',' ll.Ul" ':" i,i i sii,. lieiiL-bi !I'iiL''s ., ,, , i . ..- . ' ''li '"I Uli.irks liiat when he is t'lentj- ;V " ' ""!" p' r?ul. i','.,, ., ,.rl.l..' .. li... .. an .,. W., n l. llirrlH. Sh. I.iuIh. ;,:. "..." ;;"' s".,i .'''slir;,...'":"-',""':! r".".? w?.:? ,M":. 'r '" :'. ! -! .'ti-.vs ,,,.- " !' " , S II ' II 1 1 i'I I HI' ' ' .1 " il. . I II'- O'l' I ,. n 1 K..- I-iw.. inn i. I..., I. .. .... ,-hi'. '.e was e.Miiiam.l- ,.,., K ;. -,,,.. ,.,,,,. i.,,.,... l" .. ',''".,;..","...'.',..-'"..'' I- fell '" ' ' .' ' , , ", , V ', ". , i i"Tii- l.s. lllllll Hie Mil.' el Kie"lllli;. JIll'l 1,1' I'.ll i- '! . .... Ill' 14.111- .-....- ell! yirl who .-iieiid.- ineiilli- with In" i. .uiMe but iiiiui'lful and eiitrle 'in -ele. This 'lliele i- s pla.nlv al THE TALE OF PIPPIN Hew a Farmer's Sen Spent a Year in Search of Adventure If .leffery I'nitiel, iiisteiiil of Arch ibald .Marshal:, hud written "Pippin" (I)edil, .Mead l'e. i. il would linve bei'ii a sw!isilnii'klin tale of the bread hichwii). for th- ilu'ine is the theme whieli .Mr. I'ari.el lias handled In his elatrnelerisiie manner two or lliree times. Hi t the milliner of .Marshall in mil the manner of I'aniel. Pippin, a farmer's sn, is railed by this pet name iven te him in his in- I fanev hri'.iti'e et his apple I'heck.s and i continued hj his pmeiils beeaiiRer' it eetni'iled the loving kindness which be- ' sat it in the hr.-t place. Al the ne i of nineteen he C'ts n -tlcss ninl wants te sec the world. His tatlier utiilcr- , stands his feelim; and shjj, h,. may K' , for a j ear. and thai he m.i) net return j till the year is up. that he must earn his living when the funds with whieli , lie is. supplied aie t'hiuisted ami thill. ; he ought le trawl hi the hlKhread In . order that be inn) m'c mere iiceplc and come in ele-er contact with lln-iu thaji when tiaveliuj.' m mi; ellief va). Pippin sets out al il. vui. uml nfter a fiireweil call en Ids cousin Alisen ut a iieij;libnriliK fnrm, he gees en hi. w.'i). Alisen uml he haw been play mates slnee childhood and he has loved In r as if she were his ,,'-ier. The war passes ami the story of hi the read Months in Louden. Then Piiiiiln ie- ' urns home, aiiiviac .ins; a year le a l.iv from the time of his lupiu'tutc. II" tuns nt Alisen's house at the sum. id thin, airaln.'t win-n I '""'f at which he hail sleppeil just a i Something Nfj snder '"f Sun ! BATOUALA i By Rene Miirtwi The Neure iiimi'I Hint wen the I'rli (lenci.urt. I'hilmlrlithHi l.ntijrr. "A masterpiece." .V V I'ime.i: "An astounding hook.' .V V Tribune. "S'tp' ib-.i strange work It Mies' llilRlirlll 11.75 THOMAS SELTZER 5 West 50th St., New Yerk Taw SOUTHLAND ROMANCE X&te m ACiQ. KJrt7w k iM W itisw A Remance of Early California By Harry iinciun Drace tin JL t e r 1 n ix s 1 ii y e ii r ii r h I II li I s luxe Inr.v of ilnti- Iter uml nil ii'iitiire. v tmn.r uen nre ! i uniair; uuc 11 l we iieifcv RMacauLivl !- I , !!.- . M iitar veu Mi .arnnnnvi like MRafimneH 1 ... J. . 1 iWrtll Wf iPMtfPK ft "re ''Qntsniii I. en - I ie lla'c; 1' -e'lii-, I'l.e b' ..'t luti.itte l.ep. uatk. particii- ii, in re i te s,iie of .Mr. 1.1 i)n I, in", 's retllille- in cellliei tieli v.llll P.i.tish Allied i, rune,. It is 2WL r.... .. .r iPAst li.irm ht in iiN I'fii'"' !i"u ,,t linMTi '"' '' . I . . . . ... .l. .. ... I inn ' i .i r .. .i i rn ill ev I nil inn ir.i iiiir n-'.ii..h'li" . hniviiif. lie'u winch cm- "" - ' i '..i-i n'PMta.iei.s. both millterj and r.r.i.itl ..ripi..i. ..!.! full.. M.,,r.-I. ei 'li i will siiiTc- It : riimereil iii ' " bo'i-e nlW with old derbfi's f..i a 1.. nu'eii' tliat Lord Hr.l-'s diaries .-en- new he i that is en his head n. a IiimIi limit..,! !,, in,, ster- "ll.e Annric'in able I. ii tup win n he reiitriteh e eiliti. ,. "i this nntiilili- book, which, plains a .i.lhipse b lelliuu' el takiii.- i pieiiiise ' In' one ei ih. mi,-' cxple- , nut off a wiiuil te leiiiinil him h. had M ,, , imviiv j'.iiiei, , Mill he M.ishid tin unrein and then had lor ler i.nb'.isi '.1 h) lleimli .,, .Mii'lin I'enipaiiy, tetlen te pn r b.n k en Ie doiuhi.ite deiuhi.ite in .liim.-ir) . iln' slei-i . -- 'I Inie '.- t.iiii'h of isracii'iil in.aui'ij l: Hew te Make Children Read t'. de-. iipti"T's ..f pkuum.-.n life, but ) . . .1 . 1..... it . .til... I,.,,., .i.i. . .. i , doers for the e',lr,u: - l''",;,1""",'" """" .""".'"- " h ii Iiorelhx n" '' "iiii.i" ie ,e .hi ,,, no ie inn I lie leUiailce iten linn ei n jeiiii' tie1 old si-hoei "mn, tin man i las-, will i reiuses te s.,,1 in. .in Mll.l t 111. pIMctice le'i'.illse el l.,i :r verj ' "" ' i '.",' :, i , IC'-ri. s I i help tie' Chilli, h'l' ll'-cl - "'Il ,' ' eiee 1 . ri.l. -s .i I'., iiiilitii.ii -inn- of inn- ,di- minder m! -uiiili-. these are s,,ii. MM.i.'i M..s Clllll I'I el-l oil te s.ix . ie.,-1) hi in I'd ail epelt l.mie ill' tin" lic-l l.'l- Uic the ri'iht sort of or ,L'.r . lliftt P.Ut .Miss I'llller bit i..ei,s iiid she luil- .Mi-., Davis' :m n the ba.aid and lueiiKht en. n 1., ijj ..I old ami new poems for Kir'- -ten 'i.i' i- M'.re ilian well Mmili .is ., i.ilujlil. ami Ien;;-needed book. .il..l. 11.- lioe is mil ei n liiiniiy huni.init) d III" reailili'; of it will b" lestful le these we.ny of the feverish ami ijn- ill I lieve', of the 11 'V er sehoe!. "lletl ! epei I "in i I.i in key.. that i- w .'.... l i. in l.ii inn uilnc' I ' III. Ill ... -', - - t ,, "Tae ilirl's I'.oeL ..!' ets.." .enpi'eii N'' III Mm". 1 1. 1 1 in-. It s p.t II il d. i.: difl-iili ler pii'ivi,., and t'.Kher-te '' mill w th iietn t teil: his apt. ei.. mu. practice h-ciis.. el tie ir v-r) ' ".I -tt- line mar blsm i am Brief Notes of Interesting Beeks Hamsun in the Movies Until Hamsun's "Iiri.nners" , ) -non be seen en the screen In Ainiii i.'in iiunliis-plcturc theatres, iHcerdlii' te I. n atillelinceliU'llt of the Swedlsl lliesraph 'empaiii. ulilch i, eiiis in tr) the e;.periiuciii of lilinlni; Ihr wei k et i:nat ScaiiiliiHiihni wrilirs j;(. Kmi' Il'iiiisiin ami Sehn.i l.'ii'Keilef for Anieri nu and Kimlish auilleiu'cs. Alain or 'I.iii'.sUii's nine's haw 1 n sereelii d. ini'liidiii" "Pun" iind "(iiewth of th Si'il." both of which scored iietabl snci e-si's tliroimlieilt the Ulll'iipial leuntiiis, Inn "llienmei's ' is the tir-t ' le h shown In Aineiiea. j ' Echoes Frem Theecritus ) A lp lie hook called "Kehi.e, I'reiu i Tlnei inns," i,j IMward Crncreft , i'ie) . Idi-h the bilttetis milielllice. il'iiuises i, . ,i je.,1 tiMil for lewi's f bctiiliful hooks. ii will have an i iiitniiliictinn treiu .lehn A ldinsteii S - i annuls' essay m, l.efnn .,m decorit decerit decorit t.ens b) the wiil-luieiii, KukIMi ar- i u-t. .lehn Ausiiii, i, I,;,;, arc said t" ' l mil only ver.i lewli in theiiisc'ivs. lull al-e le l,e m. peifeuli in (he Creel;, spun as te inalv ih m In eiillie har- ' 77ircc Timely and Vital Beeks en the subject of Autosuggestion SELF MASTERY 'llireiuli ( iin.iliitis AUTOSUGGESTION EMILE COUE I'rli'r SI, iie.tniiiil. lull l"'iilirr sl.;.V- MY PILGRIMAGE TO COUE ELLA BOYCE KIRK I'iiIIhuI uml I'nnU nf ( ,,,!,. I'i lie S1.2." Mi in.ill. .s.:i:, SUGGESTION II. l.ini ami Itipltenllnii nr Ilir I'rltir lle ninl rmitiieut I'siiliu-'llirrimrulli's. D:-. Charles F. Winbigler, Ph.M. f'telli. HJ I'.uii', I'rlie s,no Al till 6oe:.oi'f,s or fretii juii(iieis Xm.ili'.iii l.llirnr.i srrilir .lull I iflli Vie.. Vim lurl, (lb IHP V 'x'-M I'VHnr JbH K '''IIH'' jbTbBbBbBbBbBb1 vvk- y .jp4lttuyl l.::-;;J. -mm jfer f)tikmati (gjbins or for $our ten Etljrarp THE NOVELS OF A. S. M. HUTCHINSON Professer William Lyen Phelps says: "It must be a solid satisfaction te Mr. Hutchin son te knew that each one of his five novels has many supporters who will go 'te the stake In the faith that his favorite book is the author's best. All five are se geed that none can be spared, and, taken together,, they place their author In the front rank of the novelists of our time." THIS FREEDOM New in its Twe Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Thousand FREDERIC TABER COOPER in The New Yerk Herald says: "The sheer crafts manship of this book, the rich and varied artistry of its development, lift the author forthwith from the class of interesting contemporary novelistsjnte the foremost rank of English fiction." JOHN CLAIR MINOT in The Bosten Herald says: "We believe 'This Freedom' deserves te be rated as the novel of the year. Had Mr. Hutchinson never before been heard of, he could net have escaped fame with this book in the hands of the public. Many novelists can write a geed first novel ; few indeed can write a novel that has the high qualities of 'If Winter Cemes,' and fewer could fellow it with one that has the tremendous power of 'This Freedom'." W. ORTON TEWSON in The Philadelphia Ledger says: "'This Freedom' is a really geed story and a worthy successor te 'If Winter Cemes.' Mr. Hutchinson writes beautifully. He is reminiscent of both Dickens and Carlyle. His rhapso dies arp Carlylean. His characters are Dickensian. Can one say mere?" IF' WINTER COMES th Thousand " 'If Winter Cemes' is mere than a mere novel, it is an epic poem of very great beautv. It. will last long after most ether literary products of this age have gene te an'ebscurc and unlamented grave." ROBERT E. SHERWOOD in Life, Neiv ONCE ABOARD THE LUGGER- rd Thousand "Anybody who likes 'If Winter Cemes,' and many who don't, should read his ear lier novel, 'Once Aboard the Lugger .' It is one of the merriest books ever writ ten." HEYWOOD BROUN in The New Yerk World. THE HAPPY WARRIOR 39th Thousand "A great story this, and one which must surely win for its author a high place among the novelists whose work endures." E. F. EDGETT in The Bosten Tran script." THE CLEAN HEART Thousand The story of a self-centred here and a jelly old vagabond, Mr. Puddlebex. "Power and strength and humor and human nature are here." The New Yerk Evening Sun. Wimbcv reabg one ffiutcfimgen neb el teante te rcati nit! Cleth, $2.00 per volume. Full flexible leather, $2.50 per volume. These books are for sale at all Booksellers Bosten LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY Publishers :giiLi'iLiir'LjRii!guiiirg WOMEN IN LOVE Thin j II II' l u , I By U. II. Ix'i'i'.na fi a CASANOVA'S HOMECOMING j 1 l J - f ! Ue r"' l'i m. i ; . I l'ei i)t 1 hi $ 1 1) , - M i lUten ' i edit i (j a i.' i A YOUNG GIRL'S DIARY y. .hi Judge Geerge W. Simpsen fill' i I tit' 'it'll i 'j 'yl,tt H,, i thetH. thui ln,f,1 , ittnliit l,i, f,t XCH J H'1'i'ti 'ta ti r ihu-ts. loll w I Hi MM .... . .. t . I1IIIIIIX11II1II1III.. i '.l:uI.YN H.WII.S l.a- two. .mil nil: et the leinaiiiiin: 1.1-1 i t ,11.1, four series or il..,s for ' "" "'"' . ' ".' V'"T' ' ' "" " AT TI IC rerr i inn a nx .-.I, i, whi.ii the ru'ik .V ii- !". I...H' ei lb- biscuit . n. A I 1 HE FREE LIBRARY mils .-ei'ipmiy ha. -- I---'., b-i ...ei-akins ih" lii-i t i.. i .,. , ,, . ,. ,.,,, K , , I in four id Isfiitii'd ""' I "" .nh Minimi icnin . nil c no i " ,n, ., ... an,,,,,. t 1U , ' I hale r , 1 lie's.. I",- Wi 'i.i'i ....ilu. a eur 1 "nil .iih is n U. '.u i i mi i il.'t il.'t Ilen te ih, litii iiu-i. , i i'i. .11 i: h ilfals uh uii. in iin.ih-i i r ih - Of ITtHiIll ihnUKllI ' THOMAS SELTZER .-. )r.l .'.lllli sircl. in, I, Uoeks ter l,,,,,!-.. ,l,.it eiiL-l i I Utile C!liltl.'!!l ,wi,. Inn ilel,.IIU.. "' parent-' I e k i i. K ' r , .nu 'tin. is lei a.. 'Ii ix :,'i The r-nnic A P. '" 'nt' ndi'l l.n rj si .nil chiidiMi. wiii"l. ."i.Uiii' ..r llli.nrali'd i.lpiiiibet I'H'i " " "''" '"' en i, leii...' : "Tl'e .Merr. ' 'Imdii i. -Peel; et Pk." "h loleiid ,'i , -liens of bej. uml s'wls ; u.eii an -Willi .HI llppiepllllle ihjni'd I'M . "Ilessi" Woof mid Puss) M..., V , a book about IlllllliaJs Wlrh eieete.l , . Hire, and rliMiies, and "l'.ri,,n tie' Ai veiiture of a Little Pear." tm ilnldr. n a little el U-r than the ellin-- It lells a '-tei ill i.ti.uci: wlili fuil-ms" pic tuns of th" heir -md h.s fneinls. UIIUI.P.V WA'l KIN'S km SHIUI.l.i A I IXlN I. HI' s. i ,. 11 .... v the piett.ihli iii'deitllltiliK .' iililins (( I ..I been n 'I'ted se well .'is th'i. I f ' .in-', in third bissar reward- l.n,, 'I'M- .s . ii.-1 alv.ajs Uiippei - in ! ilk lib. II. ,.:. a pack of caul-, wiii i: nl en he "ill alwii):-' win nt' i a snkl II. 1" line. he CUT s. mill;. ,n .Hi) lli'l.s he .l-!ies. With the , ,r.- h in- .ul tliei" ii'iilili (reii a -.'.int. ei .I i ilia' infc-i ii palace ( lie ('". Hid i. I'll Ms snel; In capli.l.s ii"'h I cis. ji in the shape et a nlti A.. in i. lie dually repents ei .niei - mptiiu the i eiirs'i of nutiiic ninl - '.'k t.i set into hell te reielve his pmish i mi. hut tlie devils will mil ban !,,n 'Hei. he seeks p. et into lli.n.n, ,m I is ,et is frtlnlntdl tbete, Il i, ,i" that will eiiti ftllill the c'llhlien .,',1 adults will Iind a moral n .1 that v ill st tliein tliinkliijf. i ' II.. ' Miscellaneous '- . '' - '' ' V I s I. r i III, ul .- ' ' . J !iu .us' ' Fiction I '', ' UN- TIl'i llu .liusi ' "I. ' - 111", .in.,,. Is .Mysl.'ij ' I il 'i- v- 1'J Terni, I." Children's Beeks .1 ..nil. r -- r,.j .Xlw: in, Dr. Fsilck's NEW BOOK Christianity and Progress By Harry Emersen Fosdick accepts the challenge te the j ijctS'?"'Sj4AJiy usg&mM-sa&!m&v.mriistkgB msaassSM, church te-tlju NEW BOOKS General it.; iinir is viM'it Aims. .'u , w . c el" l'li'l.,.!.., ,;, lii.rrHtire l'e , "in ' ' ti Ii i. .ninl. ii.iidum In Inip lu . r i it,, i. ,in ,. nitner .50. .V. )", liveuini 'us': "If ui these reared in Uuditiima' imms lie .seems tit first blush a uu'ical, second thoughts will rati him an art h-censervative." Auther of the "Meixnin;; of Prayer'1 I' All Iiuel;i,dh;s , Fleming II. Revel! Company NFW YOKK ISO FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ' 17 N. WAHASII A'E. sressuxwu. d il fClll's e I. LONDON By Gferge Wharten Edwards If Londen Town you'd view, And ill ill tights and places "de,'' Sni trouble or deliy; Or if ycu're anxicui te divine The Ancient Inns where you should dine Where belt the feed is and the wine; If all about the Town jeu'd knew Of Sewn Diili cr Melten Rew; I'd council yr.u r.t once te go And buy the luck by Edwards ' With famous piclurti, talk and wit: "LONDON" is the name of il. Mr. ' i-v At In., lavished ai of his hilii) .rid hts ait upon this 'j cndid '.iiiA At All Boehstoret, S7.S0 bee!. for cirls. 1 1,,. )Pst "N'.nu'i of l'.ir.nli-e I'.i'tllSe." Ill li'li ,ip- A New Story 1".H'"I ni-i )'. w. - About ",'' '" AI V' ' " V Metlbroeh .,;.,., ,.,. ,,,.. elf." Illeel'e, 1 .f.'ne... I '.illiplll ' I . .Iplnel's rill, xel.l. Il . I;.e si,- of tJl'lil'iill.l lllllliel'lnll ,iud her I'lieiids. fieriii.i had been lixini; in Ita'i with her um ! for live leais atter the ihaih el her iii'.tlnt Her tut In'i liiillx wauls h"r te come hnll.e le .MHlbloek. She Kees j, U" .l.ilil'x fieiu ii sen.e of duty. 'I'll,, -ten-is the hlel) of Iii r llillllstlili'llt te her hlirielllilllHKs. Mc hud le U'l't IhJ "i'l H I lli.slei i, y II I. I. Ill ' II- . .I'll.ll'. J II 1 1 ' ' !" 'i tie 1 1., ..i v.Klili3rH" .ie,.H rr ' ie - ,i n in . iuiii.ii,.i enii l 'I 'I 11. ..ll-ll. I. 11.. rwu..i. r. li u.. , HII Allli'licnl, "ll uhe '"'' "'. Sin, 're I I lilll U'.'lf.irn Assi. l Tin: i.iuj r.m.v" ii.uti... I'iewii i Ce. I is an .iiiiui,iii.ii. "m"-I ii,',eflJ,;,ii:r:i;1'';',!: rlLT:z"?rz.::zi!iriffl'dP!ir1!!i;T;' ' .11. nil,,',, tl Cullllkllix y.iiri--Uisi-yiss tlU JlUJlUijJI jj,Jl 'II . I tnonvnieus iufo6iegrapiy l",'Mt '""' v. he. desplt,. ......'....I..-. .. .., .ui most p i'ie i e ii . i,t At.ieriemi L'ills- liiiuiely. ep el I .mil;, Mn- ii N 1 Illicit .ill,, nil futiV, If,- 4 ii. u. r i.ei n i emu una I. -ul II- Ie inii.l t i U.itii l.uth was lielli in n I l.lllill 111 tile Wilt II. v I K 1 I i.l.n. 'I. A IIVi. l',i iiini;, i. i JI. i.i.u.i.s" N. ii I.. , run,, t i niim.lls rn. M. .L-iiii.ii . nu '.jn mini jjhvi inslrin '.' ", it.,, t, i,.nv ,!,! ,.r nure xw fiinilB I. ,...!,. I.i.i.uii ,,l, III I ,. ."", . "' ''" "" llllrlilluilil ell'lll. II". '". ' '.:". .' -.-.ll.l'li n. ,- i, I,,,,, ., I,,,, m,.. I ll.- ll- .1 illstiir.'Hsii'M wiimaii ami clii.inni," ij1" u '..nil,- t. i.,,.,t .iihuivi rls una hostess. Til" still V of her rise Iii, , le. i I'l il-. 'In. I. nil .imiiiiiiH "till tCHIi.l Ifilpedl en a imieh lueuiiiK th- "hamis" ter,"';1";."11;" ;." """" ,''"":;. ,., ' ueeixiiu: iieti.b.lille.s In her drwin:; ",y? ' h" ,fc T"" ' """" "'' ' loom Is wl'll told. It i Il book of in- 'Hi- " .i m.t uluivs tin' x.itluiiii I M'i' utien ami Ainerjciinisin. , " ;, 'hi;'h',I71-:", 'i.,.:la!n:"!'Tnu I'.niM i.r..u.. N. iinnnr.' Tlie ulllur THE PEISN PUBLISHING COMPANY PliUndIPhU j ii .ii.iiin ii . ... .. .-. ... ,. ,. en i , .,-.!,.. r , e-, i. .. ,,n .....I iii-iiiiti. nun .a licillllilil"d With her father ilt'M, mid , I. ,,, .. ., ....... . i , i1i'1'1"' ' ..-.rl... niiiniielv, and tht-r. In.SI then nlie has te can, the wiik of i , Ul1' l ,', r, ' lM ", ,,, , ' '"" '" I ','" '"'".H- lienur.i..! niattir idwui lh Til- B mm ii mi " i.v..... r i has a pen t at is uilapleii i,, i,,mnin ,. . i.r.. - ,i ,, II Nnnev :i e hweliin r ,.f 1 i- ' s well as realn.i . , ' H"KS V ,ANI,s' AM, iM-tPllllllJi 111- IB w ,. ..ti'-i -'- ; ' . i-.L-.'. . I. -.l.n." III, i.l.l II ,' .ii .' ... .""".''.''. ..." V"' .. ... Tin. all, n i lelil ix Ih .Id " inrisi" . ' " " 'I , , " v in-m i in. in xv.Hiein i. esli'd. Hie sleii is loin will. .1(111, Funtanv ". I Nil l.iiitasv ' ' -""l ly Un nthni iilir, him lnlle.1 with and thi" plot is iih-irhiiu: "t euuli te cinfany . ' .' , '" , , , n in i I. . n, ...n.,.;, ,,( ..leihul rcie.irh-.. held the nttl'lilli.ti. The .eiitiiiii'lit Is .i, '.,. '',.,,', , .'""I I'.'iHI Ss.,. i m'Mii:, M.I'IAI. IINIIL Unit ' i. net hki-h ie have , . u'" . . " ' '"'M' ''.'J' N;i:n: in ii ,, j.kH.n. :.Vw VeiU ...... ,.- .. , . - iminte . nelll!ll ill leceive I is n lei i. i iiiiiiem a . miv ll'lllliiiis enec, ,i, , i uie leuui; ,.,. " . ,, ,.r"' i .. i.t.l ninl -iiiiml n'lu- s'jmuiai,'- nt "lib. ler whom H I- ivi lieu. ',' N. 11'" , ',,,, ,, ii " s.,h -'."''c. ..'lui nun,, nmwil "' . 'tlnv hii'ldb' bdieiilh the ln.ll) en i. AltTH. U UAN'SO.MI'. ha- i.ield m iw of I'lirNtiims." li . a "IMi, Fiction the title of "I'll- Se'dier and It ml," , ft1"1 "''"'' l i"1"1. '' ;,i " ' ""'" " , . " -'! ?, .' ,, ' Z "! r ,. .0hI...,u.i Hi w Iliiib.el,, in """ ciii-cil I') mi' u si l.ii,, i, ,,,.; i,,,.,,,, n,u,JPll, , ,,i.exx il.i. ,) 'II- ... ii, inn ii. ii I, ii j Imillh et In' earth an' t , iu,.-els ' J i"l. lih . i lin" nl nnili'imiiii'lini: iu will, h the cill'le'is lull. ,."',', ' "'-' U, ,i. in..Ui,,niilly iiiinnritl. i"K"M The Soldier tasles of the Shu " '' . " "- i m hi "t e-n In lnie. and Death !:j'''''i'' - . 'w. M Byron.eBooke ' "'J'' , Jll ."i'S'i-MitS: l'"i,'i 'r -wniirr ntii - i ( ,ti, I'"",' 'r -.(! i llilil il j ' '"I i"l served tlie (Var feri' Mil) H.Vi'en, author of "The Ma) " N "' l'" ui.lti.'iwn with iimimii''" Iho iearsm.ll hail set his ,h- ' B.weu HoeUh for Chllilrei,,;' loll-. ,,s s 5frw"i:ABVi..rt.. J'" ,i"ut te" KW 'if cSJSile?-?.' cliarsi' ulens with three dry blsctilis' "Sonfe ten yearn iike il leek llrilltili I n, tl i?."t"ir?. - .mil t-lnrted for henif. He met three iMast-uin emiial two w'liele ihi)H e cata. "I'llil" liy liiimunil aeuhllnv. N?w iiius.'ira one nflcr the ciher. He gave I leisuu my publlHhed book. ns the Hit me eY bin liIs-euItH liirV'iidi of the llrsr I "te.-nl then !" f X'erlr ,l,wl,l I.,,.,. A. f.r. A nasii'leiiatc ' hauntlnic atbry of the ,na ami ec I'ivl iin.l i.r rui Itlerfu, rnvlntr yeutli. THE WIND BLOWETH By Denn Byrne Auther of "Meaner Marce Pole," etc. A diitinguished, amazingly differcnt sort of novel, The New Yerk Evening Pest says: "It is a tale' as fine and keen and supple as Teledo steel," I (Uluitrutcd. .Price $2.00. Pub-1 lished by The Century Ce., 353 I Fourth Avenue, New Yerk City.) ' iBz&-tsmmfszMMXmrarirsgu? -Brick --w''Mfl , Heuse 'rrSjU AW V fcSjf ww " CamacStet"! BOOKS Silpy RARE GIFT BOOKS L'Mijt'i: iiuuiis i mi run. niiiis. I'uaia, J1IIA.MA, TKAVIll,. M!V FICTION, i'urHnitur HKent'im Olecii te iull Order IHoimihiiteini Mlfflliini Make Ooed Cempamiy's Beeks Clhirflsitinnias Onfts CAPTAIN BLOOD Rafael Sabatini rZnncT'3 f ' suPremely absorbing yarn with a thrill en every page." Bosten Herald. Frontispiece in full color by Wyeth. 2.00. BENNETT MALIN Elsie Singmaster ir'ulu'v'vZ !WlU far te confirm the most generous predictions of these who man." nave fet that Miss Singmaster is en her way te become our. first woman novelist." Bosten Herald. $2.00. THE SWISS TWINS Lucy Fitch Perkins jS"1"" ' Aune u t0 delight thc hearls et' thousands of boys and girls who have found in the Twin Scries the very nicest of all their boekland friends. Illns. $1.75. CHRISTMAS LIGHT Ethel Calvert Phillips rormuu-cne, a chnrminjr story of Bethlehem and the first Christmas.'' Illus. T1.7e. DAVID IVES ArthurStanwoed Pier rorte,, e, te A MWg8lery of the famous St. Timethy's Scheel and of Harvard. THE TRAIL OF THE SPANISH HORSE james WiUard SchultZ "'""' "' iuflJte. 'a?? Stry WrUten by n famous 0kUi fn- JUDY OI; YORK HILL Ethel Hume Fer flrt. of te "Out of a dozen new books about girls at school and college this THE WAY OF POETRY ,eKt, ,v. . 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Te Tell Yeu tlie Truth knoScferefSfLrthcarut r s-tir r,u wUh'his irony that is wonderful Barri ... -doc's " with a smihnB new 'book by Leenard Me?rick Ib thl,Unew that .r him S His novels and short cterie" iridic: """ eVe,U f it8 yCar' .,... ,,, vjui.-si Ol Ills Youth Tlie Artor-Menager The Position of Peggy Harper Cynthia The Man Who Understood Women and Other Stories One Man's View The Heuso of Lynch The Werldlings When Love Fliej Out e the Window A Chair en the Boulevard While Parii Laughed Each volume. .l nn i . . - '""i 'ueiuju vwiru. .it all UoeKHtorcif E. P. DUTTON &"CO., Publishers. 681 Fifth Avt.r N. Y. , x. A 1 1 VuLJ .JLZ .V V .ritfik r , '.i ti . I 1 -i'. e.Minstiii.V;