"' jWv A J y W'-f - Bt,t-'lV-- -'- I--" a Ma EVENING PUBLIC LteDGER PHIBADEEPHIA TUESDAY DEQEM6ER 12; W32 BIOGRAPHY AND AMERICANISM m . ' - : " fallllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiii I H-5 Edgar Rice Burreagha Anthoref THE TARZAN TALES' The strangest game ever beheld a game played with living pieces - a same as ran or surprises as baseball but mere grim than a bull-fight is the spectacle de scribed by Jehn Carter Jeddalc or Helium. HewGahanJed of Gathel, played the game with nineteen fellow countrymen, for life, love and lib erty is thrillingly told, among ether hair-raising adventures in this astonishing planet At All Bookstore A.CMcC!fC. PebUsh.ce awVgafaHgMM The Best Gift Beeks of the Year! THE gift book should be unusual different. If you are finding It diffi cult te make n selection for a young personer a grown-up for that matter you need go no further than the four excellent books described here. In one of them you will find the gift book you are seeking. EVANGELINE By Henry Wadawetth Longfellow Hliterietl Prea Vcrilen by Carolyn Shirwia Bllty Illustrated Cleth Prfca $3.00 Longfellow', tite old poem, In an unumtl ind wonderful letting wltit in historical prose version by Catelyn Sherwln Bailey cued ef.the true records of the wendetlnia and adventures of the unfermnite Acs dlans. 'Evangeline" Is Indeed a de luxe edition. Its site Is 7 M, printed en fine eleir ptpet from eaiy reading type. The Jacket la a beautiful reproduction of a painting by Marlen Feweri. Twenty remarkable due. tone llluitratlens from a photoplay give the book an added Interest and charm. The Ideal gift book of the yesr. Tha Three Musketeers Adapted for Juvenile Readats By CareIynS. Bailey nhistrated In color by Hareld Brett Price $J.C0 In producing the de luxe edition of this wonderful old tale, the editor haa retained all the adventure and romance clothed In Duma,' own words and has expurgated everything the child Is net intcreited In and should notread.Printedenclearwhlte paper from generous sUe type with geed quality binding and attractive llluitratlens In color, the de luxe edition of The Three Muiketccrs li a book that any youngster and many a grown-up will ba pleased te teceive as agile LORNADOONE 1A edge Bellamy Edltlea By R. D. Blackmere nJattratiene from photo play and color palmtlng, By Hareld Bran Price $3.50 TheMadgeBellamyedltlonefLornaOoone strikes a new note In book publishing. It Is produced In conjunction with the photo play by the same name, and In addition te Its thirteen full page llluitratlens In color many duotene prints of beautiful scenes from the photo plsy. Lema Deene la a story which will never die. Everyone de lights te read of Its charming heroine and her brave lever, who meets danger with a smiling face te win het love and Insure her hanplnese. Paper, printing end binding era of hlgheit quality. A charming gift beet OLD TIME TALES By Lawtea'P. Evsas EDastrated la color by E. P. Ottradwff Price $2.50 An unurust book centstnlng In story form a general resume of world hlitery from the earliest recerda te modern timet. The first part of t.'ie book contains stories baled en ancient mythology before the time of actual historical record. The remainder of the volumecentalnsauthentlchlstorlcalstorles. This book makes an exceptionally fine gift for young folks as It net only Interests but educates. Bradley Quality Beeks jlvourteoltiellerortKess es uiiTnu Tin a new AiloeurtaoIcKlIerorifi'ls vecu. If he cannot supply jreu, ue uill ship direct en receipt e price. Complete Kawg pa, MILTON DRADLBY UUHrANI Springfield. Mass. . yScSsSrCS ari ----.r.ry,xivsa?-.- . 3 A i -v.T - kL"'(je" - s jt ha MIkttMggvBswaiHSkeaa The Old Tiger's self-revelation in his articles and speeches collected in France Facing Germany By CEORGES CLEMENCEAU should be read by every one interested in his visit te America. His famous speeches en Alsace-Lerraine r- Morocco Peace with Ger manythe Berne Conference the Zabern Affair, and the imprison ment of Hansi show hew he meulded the spirit of France before the war, as his speeches en The War Frem Charleroi te the Marne the War in the Trenches the War of Endurance A Visit te the Trenches thrilled fighting France during the war. The bee reaches an eloquent climax in his famous Verdun speech We Must!" The book Is in itself a portrait imperishable. Aisr"""? Published by E. P. DUTTON & CO. Give Beeks! A geed book can say Merry Christmas in any language. They are mere than mere gifts. There is a living heart beating between the covers of each. Let us finish your Christmas List The Presbyterian Boek Stere WiV.wrspoen Building Juniper and Walnut Streets BOOKS ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS SOON AS ISSUED CHOICE BOOKS IN FINE BINDINGS SUITABLE FOR GIFTS & COLLECTORS CAMPION & COMPANY 1313 WALNUT STREET ffr-tS; ? 3f r- ' n MORALSeftheMOVIE By Dr. Ellis Paxson Obsrheltssr A. former censer exposes the evlla practiced by producers. 4 alt oeofcsforw. Pilet, tt.lt The Pen4 Publiifaf Ct., PUIs. BOOK EXCHANGE Armxjiurn udttsrs or famous r.pu BOUfbt aad 8(44. W. S. BENJAMIN. 14T Breaawar. N. T. Feb. "Tba 0llMttr."i U year. HaUbllshag WT. Wt tnt. f, ',i4sSlaBaPiiiv'iHi,i' IS'rmaaaW'AA i" ejsjBWPj ''LWwk H .X'iVi3- J'jamaaaakam SaaVjBElaflsl '"' !a49flHH Q. JEREMIAH : JENKB centributw a volume te the Ameri canization series WE AND U. S. New Civics Boek as Entertain ing as the Newspaper or Mnvin Them t rurrentlv a eoed deal of Americanization tnlk going about, and several organizations, ns well as some cities and States, are engaged in pre multatinr or nrometintr principles leek Ing toward tlie amalgamation of the Immigrant and the alien Inte an au thenleally American product. Th American Viewpoint Society through Beni & Liverlght, has just published a most admirable work for the geed service te the Natien of weld ing its diverse and constantly varying elements Inte a cohesive add cognate whole. "We and Our Government" Is net tee primary for the adult who wishes te learn and appreciate American In stltutlens amid which he hns chosen te Hv. nor Is it tee abstruse te ap peal te the school child. A study nnd mnttrv of this lioek bv urewn-un Americanization classes and by public school pupils would mean much toward n morn rnuld and organic Integration of nationality. T.lm pdltera are Jcrcmlnh Whlppl Tenks, the well-known publicist, nnd new research professor of government nnd public administration at New Yerk Tlniveraltv. and Uufus Daniel Bmitu associate professor of political economy at the same institution. These scliol scliel nrlv experts have, without "writing down," made n very definite appeal te the man in the street, the average per son who does net buy books, but pat ronizes the movies nnd Kterv papers. The method followed in this novel treat- .... -. ni..tn tc ,a .nnitf. nttfintinn li incornerntinic In the book features that . . . t- 1.1.. n.na.I.A ilntln Ittd tein- gO 10 milKP Ul IU1JIIIC 1.111.1 , . 1 .- ular magazines nnd his choice of movies. The aim of the oeciety is te reach the schools, nnd the book is designed for i.mni .Afb netitnrint? nnnnf the In telligence concepts of the hcventfi nnd eighth grades, but it tins n wiuer pur pose in mnkine civics appealing nnd at at tractive te elder renders. There Is plenty in the book thnt Is of value nnd stimulation even te citizens who have geno through their American history and their civics textbooks. The format is handsome nnd attrac tive nnd induces reading. Net a page Is without its pictures, and they are significant as well as interest-engaging. ti,. nr nhumlnnt tnhles. but net in drv-as-dust form : rather de thev innkc statistics fascinating, frequent -oexes pick out "high bpets" of the text, just as newspapers de, and the style might be said be a superior variety of jour nalese crisp, direct and frequently col orful. . ..... ings are "We the People." "Law and Government, in uonBiiuinen, "American Citizenship," "The Ameri can City." "larty Government," "Itepresentntlves," "Taxes," "Lecal, State and National Governments" ns organized and functioning nnd "The People's Vote in Government." TfHen TYnnfU line in11trlhlltPf1 fAtll. teen full-page drawings, nnd there are mera than out) unit -tone nnu ime illus trations. A novel point about the lllus- ,-A,l.jt mntnvlnl li tllllf KOm( of If In consecutive or serial, nhewing step-by- step progress, :ust ns in ie movies. It is all grnpnic nnu luieriiiucive. rrl, AmnrlKnn Vlnu'Deint Soplet.v In- eludes en its directorate a number of ll... minln1, fnremn'.t nilblieiNlH mill Curators, among tliem .ludge Llndsey, Prof. Alucrt JUiHiincti unn, ei iinr- ....1 . Vi.crn.,.. T.VMinil Tlnk. nf (!ll T,lfl I It a U a lluajLiiiJ .m.. - ..... -.--. Kxtcnsien Institute: Uean French, of New Yerk rnlversity, una tue aicx .,u. llnmllsnii Institute, ami the rii- nerintendents of schools of most of the big cities nnd progressive States. Locally we lire represented both by Dr. Themas E. Finegan and Dr. Edwin O. Broeme, rcpeetiely heads of the sehoelH of the Commonwealth and the municipality. "THE NEW PALESTINE" MAKES FINEGIFT BOOK Mnnv nernens like te receive a book en Berne sciieus subject nmeng their Chrlstmns gifts. Travel books are es pecially suitable for such giving. One of the hundsome travel books of the season is "The New Palestine" (the Pace Company). Tlie author is V. D. MeCrnclcn, who has only recently re turned from the Hely Hand, whence he wpnt tii old in tlu relief measures snen- sered by Anierieam1. After seeing his Interesting book through the press, he is eir again en a trip mat is expected te de much toward cementing Augle- American solidarity. l.erd Bryce wiete an introduction te "The New Palestine." one- of the Inst pieces of literary work the distinguished statesman did. He says: "The clrcum. stances of that liberation (of Palestine from the Tmk in the Krent war under General Allenby) nnd the conditions of Palestine when It took place will al ways bare interest for generations te come, and this book of Mr. McCracken'a supplies a simple and lively picture of tee tacts." Mr. MeCrnrken nrcsentfl a cempre hensive nnd first-hand picture et ths Hely Laud since tlie great war, and discusses the problems, political, rnclnl. religious and economic, that confront the British administration under the mandate He also elves intimate glimpses of -the custenw of the natives of several races and creeds and offers a keenly analyzed appreciation of the beauty and mystery of the lieiy l-iinu, There are numberless illustrations, made from stieclallv taken nhotexranhs. Mr, McCracken was formerly editor of the Jerusalem News, and Is an expert at travel books, having written "The Spell of the Italian Lakes," "The Spell of the Tyrel," etc. His book is beaut!-' fully nrinted and bound and comet boxed for Christmas giving. CARDINAL GIBBONS Definite Biography Tells Career of ' Notable American Ec clesiastic and Publicist Allen 8. Will, M. A., Lttt. D., LL.D., In his definitive biography of James Cardinal GIbhIns, quotes the Itcv. Dr. Lyman Abbett as saying, In Plymouth Church at a time of controversy when a sort of knownethlnglsm wns rampant: "I de net understand the felly of men who would Met out the Reman Catholic Church from this country. Thank Ged for Cardinal Gibbens. Leng may he wear his red cap and his red clenk. And if there could be an election new and you and I could vote, I would vete te make him Pppe." An amusingly unintentional reflex of this is found In the physical equipment of "The Life of Cardlnnl Gibbens1 (B. P. Dutten & Ce.). The book proper Is appropriately bound in the shade of red reserved te members ef the Hacred College, but the jacket gees a bit far ther and Is n papal purple. James Gibbens wan born in Baltimore In 1834 and' died there in 1021. Dr. Will, in his two pertly and authorita tive volumes, chronicles, usually topi cally, the fertile career that ran be tween these two widely separated dates. It was a career that made Gibbens a priest of sanctity, a prelate of power and achievement, a publicist deeply in terested In the affnlrs of his country, a citizen who held highest Ideals of his privileges of being an American and who was always ready te serve and te Inspire Americanism, n confidant of statesmen, and administrator of wide territory and vast revenues. Detallcdly the story Is told of his early days In Baltimore, his education both in this country nnd Ireland, where the family had geno for his father's health, his return te his native land, his education for the priesthood he was a Mountaineer, as the gradu ates of the old seminary of Mount St. Mary's are called his notable service as a young man at the Plenary Council of Baltimore, his vicariate In North Carolina, his promotion te the Bishop ric of Richmond, his translation te Bal timore, his elevation te the archbish op's pallium, and his final sacerdotal honor as cardinal. On the side of public service arc re Intcd his chaplaincy en the Federal side during the Civil Wnr, his winning fight at home and at Reme against Cnhen sleylsm, nn organized movement spon sored mostly by Germans te have for eign -language bishops nnd virtually spiritual foreign colonization of the Church In America, in which he took de clslve nctleu en the question of 'exclud ing foreign nationalist Influences from the American Church, following the American national spirit promulgated by Archbishop Carrell en the organiza tion of the Church In the United Stntes ; his liberalism en behalf of the right of labor te organize; and of free speech, as evidenced In his attitude toward the Knights of Laber and American Fed eration of Laber, and toward Monsignor Brann, one of Henry Geerge's most Im portant adherents In the single tax movement; his sagacious and wholly American stand In the settlement of the Philippine frinr lands, nnd the talcing ever by the United Stntes of Catholic Perte Rice and the Philippines ; his patriotism In the World War, Like Jehn Carrell, he thoroughly be lieved in the American system of the separation of Church and State. Dr. Will writes and he bad the confidence of the cardinal en this peint: "He felt that the Catholic religion wns safer under the American flag than anywhere oho. The Impartial but full protection of that flag was the best shield for the Church's spiritual mission. She was free in America, as the people were free. None dared Interfere, none in au thority thought of Interfering, In the interim! affairs of the Church, directly or remotely. Spoliation, te which the Church in Europe was net a stranger, then or since, was undreamed of where the Stars and Stripes steed ns the sym bol of guardianship for law nnd order." This "Life" may be said te be au thoritative. Fer years before the car dinal's death Dr. Will had by arrange, ment almost daily talks with him, with the understanding that the materia) would be used In a biography, and, In fact, prepared such a work en a smaller scale during the subject's life. (This was the nearest Gibbens would heed the oft made suggestion that he write his auto biography.) The cardinal's diary of n lifetime, the co-operation of his imme diate friends as well as of the hierarchy, and nccees permitted te the nrchleplsco nrchleplsce pal archives, have resulted In a compre hensive, well-documented nnd usually very Interesting biography of a great American. A JAPANESE WRITES ON JAPAN'S PACIFIC POLICY K. IC. ICawnkamI, who has written two or three books en Japan nnd her relation te the rest of the world, has returned te the subject In "Japnii's I'.mlllr. Pnllnv" fl? I TiiiM..,, . f' a book In which he disclus-es the Wash ingten Conference and its relation te the Far Eastern question. He sajs that Japan went home from the Washington Conference en probation and that the opinion of her held bv the Western world will depend en her conduct in China nnd In Siberia. He says thnt If she curbs the power of the mili tarists she will' commend herself te the geed se'nse of outside observers, lint he nlse reminds us that her past course In the Far East Is net without nrece- dent among the AVestern tuitiens. He uees net seen te justify it, but mere ly te point out that she Is net chief among international sinners. lie hopes that the age of international free booting has come te an end. IBs bonk Is well documented and will be val uable as a work of reference for theso who wish te be -Informed en what has been proposed and what has been done toward solving the Asiatic problems. l?A Jt'Liitmt ', tafsSl ''aaaHuf '' :VKaai kUSkv V1 .aarrarrrrrrrrVarrrrrrrrrrJ CAJIDINAL GIBBONS The authoritative story of whose life has new been written CARIBBEAN ADMIRALS An Excellent Boek About Them by Bosten Banker Mere men like Francis Russell Ilhrt are produced by England than by America. Mr. Hart is a banker,- who began active life as a civil engineer In the West Indies after being graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology In 1880. He was an oi ei fleer of flu' nitrtntrpnn-Mnffdalena Rail read Company in Colombia from 1802 te muu. in l&UU he Became a uirecier of the Old Colony Trust Company in Bosten and Is chairman of its beard of directors. . He is an officer of the United Fruit Company and ether com panies engaged in trnde with tbe West Indies. This man. Interested commercially in the Caribbean, has taken the pains te inform himself en the history et tuat part of the world. He has dug out the original documents from the archives or various nations nnd consulted tue contemporary accounts of the early nd rent of the Europeans. It occurred te him that the story ought te be retold for the correction of popular mis apprehensions ns well as te revive an interest in a. most Dicturcsnue nnd re mantic period of history. In "The AdmlralM of the Caribbcnn," (Hough (Hough eon, Mifflin Company), Mr. Hart has discussed the early navigators, as nn introduction te his essays en Sir Francis Drake, Sir Henry Morgan, Admirals de Peintis and Du Cassc, Ad miral Vernen and Lord Redney. He devoted grcntest attention te Morgan and tells the story of the libel suit brought by this buccaneer against the Londen publisher of an English trans lation of a Spanish edition of Exqueme- lln's "Buccaneers of America," In which scandalous statements were made about Mergan'B conduct. Morgan denied the charges of inhumanity and the like. Although Mr. Hart Is neither a man of letters nor a professional historian he has made a book of which any specialist In letters or history might be proud. Ills Investigations have been thorough. He has digested his material and be has written his nurratlve In a lucid style. The chnrts nnd illustra tions are chosen with discretion for they illuminate the narrative. His publishers have produced a volume which is a delight te the eye. A Bit of Old England In America Miss Cecil Leltch, famous English golfer, during n visit te Amerl 'a was very much Impressed by the English aspect of the country round about Phll ndelphla. In her book "Gnli'." pub lished this fall by J. B. Llpplneett Company, she says: "The Huntingdon Vnllcy course is quite the most Eng lish In appearance thnt we saw," and a few pages beyond again she writes: "As we metered through the wonderful park at Philadelphia, with the trees glorious in their autumn coloring, it wns difficult for us te believe that we were net in the English Lake District, se btreng was the resemblance." WM. LYON PHELPS writer In Serlbner'a Stniailne: "Theso who worry about the occasional blx sale of a book that la worthless and wnrce, aheuM remember that tht etnndurJ wcrln are con tinuously tha bent aellera. One of tlie meat colossal undertalclnfa of melern times la Everyman's Library Send for a list of ISO titles. Price, per vel., 80 cents V. V. Dutten Ce., 081 Sth At., N. T. nw w jf fm The sterv of sa a modern girl who wanted her liberty and gef it $76 GUNWINGf 11 1 ll.VKl.AMO MOFFr.TT xnd VIltOlMA UALL. Jamea X. McCann Ce., New erlt DU; you knew that, "There h n tort et tatage be low at net te have a kind of science of cause and etlecttn Lr00 f "-V - T a re Eaaw3laaattm3awaaKam BVBnHBBVBwflr -Br DU tteu knew that, -Maya intcrtpttena resemble a certain e or t of elaborate drawing made by lunatics In European asylums mere than any ether old world work?" The above quotations are Just two of the many fascinating details which Mr. Wll has chosen te surround the description of the various episodes In the history e' rnan. The many beautiful and remarkable Illustrations and the delightful style which Mr. Wells uses make the history read like a romance and dispel that schoelday horror of dull and prosy history. With two hundred illustrations, $4.00 THE McKINLEY AND ROOSEVELT ADMINISTRATIONS 1897-1909 by James Ferd Rhodes The Spanish War, the presidential campaign and ether events of the time te which the coun try thrilled are told In a vigorous style by one of our foremost living historians, Justly famous for his History of the United States from the Compromise of 1860. $4.00 CHILE; Today and Tomorrow, by L. E. Elliett The Gelden Bough A Study of Mafic and RiUflei by Sir J. G. Frazer In an enjoyable style the author gives a com plete view of Chile's history, resources and accomplishments, as well as a colorful pic ture of its beauties. Illustrated. $5,00 This famous and unique work en the re ligious customs of primitive man, with all of its valuable- material, has been successfully compressed within the limits of one volume. $5.00 i ENTERTAINING NEW FICTION , A MORE HONORABLE MAN by Arthur Somers Reche "A Mere Honorable Man proves one of the most absorbing novels en the phase of family life today. It Is certainly the best 6tery Mr. Reche hns yet written. It marks him among the top tep top netchers of contemporary novelists." Philadelphia Public Ledger. $2.00 OLD CROW by Alice Brown THE RED REDMAYNES by Eden PhlUpetts "We feel that in its high literary quality, as well as in the spiritual values that make up the fabric of the Btery itself, 'Old Crew' is the slrengest novel Miss Brown has written." The Bosten Herald. $2.00 Intrigue conceived with the subtlety of a master craftsman, a lonely cliff in Dartmoor, these are the things which go te make up this breath taking, can't-step-reading-till-the-end mystery talc. $2.00 ANNE SEVERN AND THE FIELDINGS by May Sinclair "Life was either your friend or your enemy," thought Anne Severn. Hew Anne finds life as friend and enemy under the impact of circumstance Is told in this new novel written in Miss Sinclair's succinct and adroit style. $2.00 THE TUD3R "A mere attractive or convenient little set cannot well be Imagined." The Bosten Herald Br , SHAKESPEARE RIGHT ROYAL by Jehn Masefleld "Light and easy te handle, clearly typed and charmingly bound . . . these volumes are eminently compan ionable." The New Yord Herald 39 Vel., Set $39.00. Each Vel., $1.00 THE CROCK OF GOLD by James Stephens Cecil Aldin, the well-known English artist of the hunt, has decorated this new edition of Masefleld's classic poem with many sketches full of spirit and dash. $2.50 DRAMATIC LEGENDS and Other Poems SHAKESPEARE and the Heart el a Child "It is a wise and beautiful book written from the heart, multitudinous in its facets of in terest, as variable as life." The New Yerk Tribune. Illustrated by Wilfred Jenes. $2.50 RAINBOW GOLD by Padraic Celum "As the title Implies, these pieces arc legendary, which Mr. Celum has given the bright dress of meaning and imagination. He has gene far as a crcatlve artist." The Bosten Evening Tran script. $1-60 i-i -- 64-66 Fifth Avenue by Gertrude M. Slaughter Illustrated by Eric Pape A complete introduction te Shakespeare for young pco pce pco ple through the story of Barbara, a girl of today, her travel abroad, her adven tures at home. $2.00 At all boek-shopi or from by Sara Teasdale "An anthology of poems, old nnd new, for the young. There is nothing put into this book but what is pure geld. Mr. Walker's illujtra illujtra tiens add a vividness of sym bol and description te the treasure of verse." The Bosten Evening Transcript. $2.00 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY New Yerk If 0 Ik Jlhill ii A eepv of Dlcfcrrw" Xmet Carel, praxtd te Douglas Jrrreld (thm author anil wit) and bearing I)ieken nulo nule nulo (rravhte inscription. The resenbach Galleries THIRTEEN TWENTY WALNUT STREET Association Beeks ONSIDER the lasting pleas. ure the true boeklovcr re ceives through the pos session of an inacribed pre sentation copy of a work ei hi foverito author. Our lnrge collection of ancient and modern books contains mnny per sonal and presentation copies, among them, outeRraphed and inscribed works of Dickens, Thackeray, Tenny son, Browning, Lamb, Swinburne, Ressetti, Stevenson, Kipling, Leigh Hunt and many ether litterateurs of note. Such a book aa a gift, though priceless te the recipient, need net necessarily be priceless in actual cost. Prices ranis item $35 upward The Greatest Deg Story Strict "The Call of the Wild" The Whelps of the Wolf By Geerge Marsh Antaer of "Teilsrs of lbs Traill." etc I I I I Yeu will fellow with bated breath Jean Marcel and his great deg Fleur into the white barrens, where the Northern Lights pulse through the starving moons el tnc long snewi. Vrtiir lttnn.1 will trnn n hr hnrlca i the barrage of a Hudsen's Bay nerther in his battle ter his Hearts uesire. At All Bookstores. Pric; $1.75 THE PENN PUBLISHING CO. rhlludrlphl't Come See Our BOOKS GAMES STATIONERY XMAS CARDS and Unuaual Gifts Yen Will Find Them Attriicllra I and Moderately I'rlrril I Open Evenings Till 9 WOMRATITS LIBRARY SHOP IB Seuth Thirteenth Street raUadeiDlila The FINEST GIFT for any child THAT $2.00 WILL BUY THE MARY FRANCES STORY BOOK BY JANE EAYRE FRYER Illustrated in colors by EDWIN J. PRBTTUB Stories that breathe Sunshine aad Happiness Unllkn th pntvleusily publlshM Mary Franc) Boek which all instruct tn ploeMn atery form the Mary DYanrca Story Boek la all atery. In clude nterlM et humor and fun; of courage and perseverance ; of kltiilneea and eenerealty ; of ner vice and reward, of fair plav and oed mannera: of home and country. A profusion of color Illus trations, of rare appeal, add charm for any child. Oetare SO purr. Cleth I'rlee J.O Net THE MARY FRANCES KNITTING and CROCHETING BOOK d$& 'S;;be,is ztajz 25rl5-h..u.,ts rS ,de llea- Before they knew It they are crocheting and knlttlne for real people. OeUt. t7 paces, with IllneUatleaa en T.ry . Trlre tt.00 Net IHt MARY FRANCES SEWING BOOK tS?- aI7 lrran5 learned. rvr 2l.?a pn,t?n". bound In book In duplicate OeUftS .rObe,.l0r. th? d011- lirSliena . Prlee. It.fJQ Net XHJ ?AdRY FRAMCES HOUSEKEEPER me-ieni, value. J .li,ti. of wonderful ,,u,.., .1..11- ".i u..en ruraltdr. muke thl. btery a playroom real".." "nun :nn puce Heperhly lllualrated I rue 18.80 Net Ptm aiul if T Ami Hotl- I turn S z lll 11 III ' -- M ij IP K rtiit ui " lellt I'M Tkimblt Fteple, tauuht Mary Pranet t sew. THE MARY FRANCES COOK BOOK 'each. cl'.XT hwk'W,wy,rtWW.,!Sr thelrlmasnnatlen- with IU Uli? tMffi Oetute Tg hmh, mrr na llf.,..,.j .. ' - -. rriw VO.M JIM Take thim nA nmm THE JOHN C Wll On saU wherevtr book are Beld' la- IW J fine " ,v I .Jt-t aaWfc skMaaal uvww amamam, jwm PQ-fMiMpMi Few-' me 1 n'-IUl 1. At' Sfjtjtl. -?,,,, '.! fV.N'1' '. ",'.i e "ft