pppwPPPflf nwnv :9flPFf' KVMW'.i'TCffl51'rv i ' x'tf 'V'v - k r j " r. - & 1 ' ' EVENING' PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 32, 1922 :s M f ffi 10DE OF DIVORCE ETIQUETTE IS FORMULATED BY & MRS: BREWSTER NO. 1 THR 0 UGH SCIENTIFIC PR J YER Joins With Film Beauty te. Instead of Hating the Second Interloper in Her Marital Happiness, She Wel comes Her - Kj'fc i " I'.,. -,. J."" ,,u'-m """" v''TTMCSMPnaHKBCSl ' am '",, lv'W?Hv r the One Who Sup plantedHer TERRIBLE MISTAKE TO BREAK UP HOME STILL REAFFIRMS LOVE FOR HUSBAND Sees Retribution for Weman Who She Avers Stele Him Frem Her and Children II I. !--. .-...-. t The book of etiquette for divorcees! Divorce laws vary in different States, but divorce etiquette is being irrittcn se that it will be uniform in all the States for it is being codified, net by courts and magistrates, but by "the persons te the parly" themselves. A groom gathers together coin for an engagement ring und a wedding ring whether he must hunt geld nuggets for it in Mexico or Alaska or icrap his millions for it in his palatial Eastern residence. The bride must have her bunch of flowers te sniff at and weep in, whether they be orchids or cactus flowers. There is a wee bit e a honeymoon, whatever the state or station of the love wayfarers. All this is net law. It is etiquette built up throughout the years. The need for a cede of etiquette for divorcees is comparatively jiew. Today it is merely individual instances; tomorrow it will be a set of uni form rules. Consider. If a third woman wen the affections of your former husband, would . you join with the women who alienated his affections from you and te gether denounce said husband? Would your vengeance upon the third woman who enme into your husbaiid'3 life be greater than upon the second? Or would you join with the third woman and assail the second one' who came between you and your husband? Man does net descend from the galleries te enter into this con test. Women are in the arena fight ing it out. Man is an onlooker. When the rules of the divorce game have been established man will abide by them. Meanwhile women battle with the fee, the lien in the den jealousy. Each divorcee uses different tactics. Wife A'e. 1 Welcomes The Third Interloper Mrs. Emily C. Brewster and her children, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are etting n precedent. They are wel coming with open arms Corliss Pal mer, the third love of her former husband and their father, Eugene Brewster, wealthy Brooklyn pub lisher and lawyer and head of a group of movie magazines. They sny that twenty-two-year-old Corliss Palmer, of Macen, Ga., who wen first prize in a beauty contest in Brewster's five magazines, is bring ing a needed love nnd inspiration te the man te whom they pay hemage s a here. The children say1 Miss Palmer is "a lovely young woman." i Wife Ne. 1 calls her "a sweet thing." Moreover, Wife Ne. 1 says Miss Feels Divine Power Will Pun ish Mrs. Brewster Ne. 2. Whom She Holds te Be Responsible ' tcr go te see his jc'cclslen as will make the triangular' ill- , mine te live wi'h , vorce complication an example before 'the world. After her sulTeilngs, 'lie knows new, she say.", that she ilees ' net belkwe in divorce. There is less unliuppiness, sin; s.iys. in staying with a husband during pe- wives M - v -; :.,, ..,ifr3KEmWBmm y, jrjmmmmwmmmWmwtf.tt&' sMliXityJrnxi,' mWt'-:,'Z-lmM '- leium'' MPWMWMMr .. -'Jr t&smgr V4imAmmmmWmtfVW('&i TkSiAj"T'. Bf- 'V1!- T"""', 'Divine J'ewer ami will puss sueh a l ihJkp? JaZJLLZimWSmmWl ffilBBBBBBBBBBBK Jtm - ? mW '' BMfiitliflMBBWr lit M Ml mssg&x '; ttiJ M law1 ' . : " . : ;:- ' IDHBHHBUaffHHHBBtf"' VI ByBHI ,1 I tT r ViJUt V f V "". . fi SLTaHHHHBBBIflHHnBHHVHHl f.. I VWLWB vrS. iBBBBHSlBSftWiaBy 1' riffA-' ., "- -v - rii I from mm. fflMHaiaTOSMW'j;ll'??rH ' ;-?H&Oi VCZ? "' 'i'iIee te 1,11,-1:1. N and i iBiHiv:KbikHBiviib-r'yd'aBB a -s-; xv::.iBwiBiBaiaa ? . ..-i.-".;-;.1- vwm tjvi --,.. .. ,, mi BSBSnnjHHSlCwBKBBHNHBaaBBBK Av V9m 1vaBH ' liv M lffaBHHBBBBBBBi - ' -V y?jBBlH9kiSBBM TBkfetiKX M:iMmwxsxmSS$m1 WS& swsm3mm , . , i ' W i " Hi WM i ihiFWIil :mtMrmmm .:'-. i f '- " w? "t rin.. vAuww.HiKiBR j?: . . nui7(i i - i 'frly-fysvTain " "i i m i m ' .mmmmwAXXBLMmm: riPst&sjs-&ALurjim-ammW&m TMmmmmm-'wmmwt auMi v gaM V ' -;''' m1 " Mrs. Kmilv C. Brew- BnaVflHSSHJnVaBHIBHHfflVlli TiMlHHtt- '""4&4 p-V, yf v ?SaiPPiM.f a i'- . ;. v ster' the first wife, KWJHBhW SMiiBffflK.lfe BH'f C MKiillli ' V mL "h" f"r nineteen BHHHRMnHflEAH& ifflnBmmnBiBl ''' '' fSliiU'liiHill' JMK?iIiliS&f <IHHSJMB . ' ears as happy with -wplMnSJBVnBfBrHHHHBBHHHB rV Corliss Palmer at M&lKS' J fa ZlfmiLmWBmkWffa mLWLWLmkW -0y "'"teen. The pretty & " r'PP!Vk bVABSHBBIK y '"m 8tar 'S ,,!ln,C(l i.'-! $itJ-$''' ' I Ak fi&vty&fr VtSff. mmWmWmmmmWSL f as co-respondent in Kt Jjlgi, s- ,' '' W 1'" im JHHHHsHMEHHIf ,he Brewntcr hep- BHtfXi ' tffiWL Mk HflPW 1 - X nratien suit WBlWfS,Tu,V?'w r f.'.'iMmw-. tlB jikNaHHHHKiMBMf --' ! 1 hi imp iiiMiiii "11 ' iwiMii TVrfi ih ' 11 1 ii iiiMPHii 1 1 HSll,,'l!)3i illi' " JBRF sti?iwEgaa TBjia.. :.- - . v -'- "y :'" ,.:. III! Mil WHIIn ill i ' hi 1 - RBW 10WBKJB MMgfflrftVrr'' if iTfTinTiillBBihiiir'' --- f- T MtTrf ''ft x TTITrrW?irJ S?iPF3 Mv r XXXXXXXWZ&Xti , JTJ "AiiutIcu-h most beau I IP .,TO.'yivffr "'"" ;-"--'-"-J 111 WWII- lJ jL- an." ns Brewster nrec a chilihen, and him within a (die few 1 All incident during the romance between Miss Palmer and Mr. Brewster. The gfrl is shown revers ing the camera en the publisher while she was being taught movie acting tiful uein- med Cor. liss Palmer, in Oriental costume Palmer is an emisswy from heaven DWlne sent in answer te her prayerD, "Mr. Brewster's present wife," who said in speaking of Wife Ne. 2 ("I won't call her by my name), la getting nil that she deserves. Cor liss Pnlmer is showing this woman what it means te keep a man away from his home. "The. Divine .Power which takes care of everything that Is geed .., wty.y. .V& fj.i' .., rx Mfruk, win.. and right will see that this woman who calls herself Mr. Brewstcr's second wife will suffer for having kept Mr. Brewster from his three children and from me." , And while MivBrqwster vows his '(, Brenstcr, of He.slyn, I 1., millionaire Yerk magazine nublUher nflirming her devotion te hun "the enly man s-he ever loved or ever could love," the man whom she calls "a brilliant man, a super-man, a fascinating being." In the book of human heart throbs it is wtitten that with man it is the last woman in his affairs that counts; but that with women j it is her first love that endures. Mrs. Brewster believes that woman should held te this love of i 11 ... ..i. Lin .i i iiujs, reguruicss ei ine umei unu hazardous hteinis it may have te weather; that in .se doing she will bring pence te individual families; and, though the struggle may take generations, in the end bring pence te the world. blocks from where they and wife Ne. lived. Mr. Iireuster ald : "Mr. KrewMer Xe. i! made thiiiK pretty herd for me. She would net nllew me te mention Mr. JlrewMer Xe. 1 te lier. Wither i led of waning love than in fcparatins eeuld any reference te my three chil dren pass m.v lip. Mrs. nrewter Xe. was n monopolist. She could net understand hew T nuUl love my chil dren. "I Was netrr permitted te entertain any of my children by Mrs. Brewster Xe. 2 in my home at Lvnbroelc. Everything must be for Mrs. Brewster Xe. 2. Nothing for Mr. Brewster Xe. 1. "I had te de favors for my former family secretly. That wan one of tlia misunderstandings that led te the chill inj; of any ardor I hud entertnlncd for Mrs. Brewster Xe. 2." Mr. Brewster Ne. 1 say that slm knew Mr. Jlrewnter could net be happy with "this Hccend wife." She pntd she heard that when Mr. Brewster ex pressed his admiration of her the Bee end wife would break down nnd weep. "Mr. Brewster could never stand that." said Ne. 1. "We knew hed could net be happy. lie docs net like the cllnging-vine type, but girh who are robust and have personality. Prayed That Anether Would Bring Happiness "I prayed that another woman would bring happiness te him rather than this woman, who was1 se unfair te his former wife and children. Cor liss Palmer understands his affection for his rhildren. She is like the com panion te him thet I used te be. "The children and I feel that it 1 up te us te help Mr. Brewster find happiness with Miss Palmer. 'Hint's divorce ot!e.ucttc. Of course, one can take it or leave it. It Is only divorce etiquette In embryo. After a while it or some ether etiquette will be crystallized into definite form, and then one will have t abide b it and net accordingly, though one may have te swallow a lump of grudge against affinity Xe. S. "I believe In nil things beautiful," Faid Mrs, Brewster Xe. I ns she stroked the tiger cat that crawled Inte her lap and crept into tin' folds of her red kirt und her spotted leopard coat. "I bellow it' a person concentrates en things beautiful they can he brought about. I concentrated en Mr. Brew ster's happiness, and new he hns found it in this jeuiig and sympathetic girl. Thought is communicative. There ar many geed and helpful things te b had from Einile C'.uu-'s new theories." Mrs. Brewster Xe. 1 studied the mf theories with Mr. Brewster, who haa nt wirieus times dabbled in the circuit and philosephlcul-iellgious typed of re search. "I interested mjitelf In everything thnt Mr. Brewster was interested in, she said. In the course of his career the publisher has regarded himself us n hiwcr. actor, author, publisher, artist, club president, epern promoter, iiiM'iiter of language, lecturer, demestle healer, lake builder, poet, photographer and moralist. "The Hi st movie magazine In thin ceunti) was started in tills room," she milled, pointing te u gilt conference table and chair, en which were (scat tered pnpeis. "That was before he wea as we-ilthv ns he new is. "New " sbe exclaimed. "Miss Pil- I mer will be able te enact the roles of his gi "utest movie dreams." Mis, Brewster Ne 2, of course, is net se enthuHitmtlc about Cerllm Palmer. She says the former cigar stand lieaut hrst attracted the atten tion of her husband b her bare knees. Three jenrs age her husband brought the prize beauty home te live in their residence in Iteslju, lt. 1., because he said that since she was going te work in his business. It was necessary for 1 them te be together a great deal. When i after a while Mrs. Brewster objected te rerliss' presence, Mr. Brewster went te live with Corliss in the same house near Moirlsteun. N. .1. Alls. Brewster Ne. 2 was net inter ested ni tilm people and the film bui Hess, Mis. Eugene V. Brewster the sec ond, who is suing the millionaire publisher for separation and $81)0 a month alimony, alleging that .Miss Palmer, "pretege" of Brewster, has stolen her husband's lee from her flaming Ieo for his new Beauty Queen, his Mevie Idel, and calls her "his inspiration," ''echo of his soul," und says thnt he will marry her even if he has te go te China nnd live in a hovel, his wife Ne, 1 is re- Rclies en Divine Power Te Settle the Tangle Wife Ne. 2. who was Eleaner (iter. of Far Ileckawny, rf. Y Is suing for separation. Wife Ne. 1 sas that the .Tudte in the ense will be guided by the who contemplate diwn.v, . "is te stick it out and piej ' She lives in the home. '!! Menree ' street. Broekljn. where sb, hud with Mr. Bt.'Wstcr duiiiig the inueti.n veais of their luniried life ard where their three childten wire bmn- Mmnniclwl bv relics and mimerie. et the past (Her u nw tiure is n glittir. a spatK' cia-.ie nu yttempt f..r brightness. Mrs. Biewstcr will tell wm (hut she Is interested in "rhythmic lhjthm." i in "The nit of being graceful." Si. has become a d.uuer ami ilnm.... .,,,.! ancts and dances, until slie has diinceii her cares away. "When unhuppmes.s ienics te a pir pir sen, he or blie must become interested iu inanj thing.",. A woman must never let uiiliapplness down her," she de- irul. At the far end of her tecep ion room arc many objects, nmni cuiies of her inteiest. On the wall hang paintings of herself in many pu,is. and paintings of Mine. Nuzluievti. She i n cr0!lt iidinlier of Nnzliiiun. "A woman iuii-.it keep hex npptur ame .irtislle," idle continued, ami her eice tippled with stuiggliiig hopes. Mer auburn hnir telle. -(d the gl.ui.i iu her blue ejes nnd liarmeiiied In n fantiistk iij wlih her brilliant red llniiiiel coat which was bm, nde.l in swirl of a lighter color. Erect, well poised, she sat en one of her favorite gilt elmlrs, a coat of leep. urn sum turewn across it, u,,i! i..mi Dispute Over Alimony Between Nex. 1 and 2 Fer these lensens she is suing for separation. She asks ?12." a week nil inenv Wiie Ne 1 objects She only re i-eives .?!)( n week aliuienj . Wife Ne, U is known te be wealthy She constantly icfeirt te her "mother m iiiIIIIeiih." Hhe bus only one child. Wife Ne. J has hid te take care of thtee children. Why should a second wify get mere alimony than n first wife? And tlniH the biiltb. unrgi nt .i.ir. ..... r.... in, i.,i u nvjtii-i it, ll(l Ilelllll i -..-. niinn tapped her feet, which was slippered i , , Zl "ZSlL Mwn h "ut geld nnd black brecadcT enlin nnd which , Women nru lighting aiming themselvei wns visible underneath the hcni of l mV ,,iv,im' HU'stienH which an yet hav white tllmsy ,atln skirt. 9. p..S',?"'"!- ...... AVlfe Ne. 8 would net let Mr i At"" ". -.'.Vi" JT'X"!??-Ku w , ..-,.,. t ) m mi mi 8 -IMf- ia rif 1C