kffl fPHfiSpP vjUS--". r" W) w vrc, ;vn -v. -- wi'ir-v-H -rMfcjw-r, j, ; W '.".' WW . ifJKJWU J ! w-m mf. . . .. , ,N.;. ,. t5V 3piraw vr ""CT J.i'iT'Kji'n'M" - i-f-- vrwwr 'frjTT-r 1 iTssCT! wt 1 AHTH . i'V i v; '"v, k i Ivty '' irr if te re :.i "'l ,i lift ft' IS I 21 Medical Students in Grid Battle en SCHOOL PASSERS E Southern and Germantevn Un I defeated Fives Will Furnish Feature Basketball Game THREE TILTS ON THE CARD f - H.v TAfL rilEI CAiiltiA 1TI,K tii.l I !iifirinitf mvn i,tt.iiri ii tiiKii linn 'nit i High, both undcfcn'cd In tin tM cntiic played se far. wi'l cIiihIi ihi nftern.inii In n Public High Scheel f.e-ici.. lm- krtball klrniidi. Tim rc-nlt f th fnme will determine the league lender IN LEAGU FRAYS The contest will be -taged in the, "Ambulances, buildup-., hr-pltnl, Cliveden gymnasium, at liermanlmvii hiM-pital. ti-am. tram, team:" avenue and High street, l'mm llm in- I This JPn .'l(1 J()t of pt!ipr nn, terest attache! te tlm frn. there is ,,,111,, f.,r operating instrument, hardly nny doubt that tlm si.n.i.mx rvtn; nrs(,s nlllJ lU ,,,,,, (ip, te m.lI;e ,p of the Clivcilens will be .r..v,d.d te the ,, npiliunent of a hospital will re doers by the time the g.ime K-I- undtr ; ,, ,irnll. VrnnMln VlM tnN "?; , . ... , ... , ,. 1 !if;nriinei) vilien llm lipper-cla-. medi- The rhnmrien Hed mid I.'-i-U li" .. ,., , . , , .... will enter tlm fray a f..v r".-. .!..- t '''' 'i'h'iii and tlm tirl-car men Its shewlm: iii n t.i ui-if. in iimi'i in n f.i.iilii.l riiiiteMt. COinpiirisen with ("indi lr.i Nun's the. , If the twn tennis phu jk. well as t!m Southern humljled !-r.' t:t. r 1 and 'all. the gnnm Mm ieei nt Cuiimll-l'enn "U'est 1'hi'l.v. P'atiKf'M.l was defeat.. frauis will t.nle out f nmnmry. I".. by an everwhelmins wur.-. while th- ''"' '" .two m.uiths tlm tirst-e.ir men Bpeedbevs were turned haek l. a the- anil their -np-rier rhis-men lime been point difference. 1 w,Slns 11 eil.al battle that would ih Ocrmantewn defeated Central HUh ' ""H te a en.wd of orators. All of nd Northeast Hish mill .ifter the, "hmh anB-irs well fur tlm pinm. hnrdent of utruples. The Mirrors w it - 'he entue medical school has been defeated by 11 3()-te-"7 mict, while cncii'-ciI for the g.iine. which means Northeast was nosed out lu the final 1 ""it laboratories, lecture and .studv minutes of plav bv a '.'."-l count. " s "iil l' desolate. The lcpairmc Southern luis a fie-tnnu d.fense ,"f br.iKen betms, operations Mnd the that is hard te jwnetiate. and at 'be "''' will hae te wait until after tlm nmc time the plajeis p-t up the Heer K"'1,""'. for Fhets. In Captain Cel.lbl.itt Seuth- ll' ntcst will be a charitable af rn hns the best plajer in tiie leau'iie. fair, with a chaise of lift dollars in HIh work is net reiitimd te the defeMse. I any part of the tiehl. The pieeceds of On the effensi'. thirt.i-nitm j'einis lnl'he pime will p te the Southeastern two Knmes tiimp him iis one of the bisi , Maternity Pispensnry of th.. out-pa-corers in tlie 'eapie. '"'"' 'mpartnieiit of Dr. Hirst's muter- Keth coaches. Mueller and Iaviileii. Intend te use the Mime line-ups that were successful In ether pimes. The fellow : Southern HIrIi Kech l.tebermtin lv. Cleklblutt . l!i ffmnn. . 1 nt nn ttlch . . I. e h m in II 1- s ' if fenvnril . fnrw tt 1 r n'p- piHrl ffllll'l . Hh West rhlla-Frankfert! ford Illch tilt. Mlie.lu.. ' ' fn yrsity. at left piard ; ISuekinchnm. 1 enp.Kemeut of Chanee. marked .he first njers home pm.e. In s be n '" All-MKs,iri Conference tn-klf. from : , ,he reconstruction of the Hed the latter s icym at -.. Innd and ..- ,,e Cniversity of Missouri, at Wt.S..i. l'.wn effort will be made te Bwjn streets. Ills sh.ft wi. made til,u. i;t.ft, of Amherst, at left 1 strei.phcn tht team by trade and pur- at the hiht minute 1.. eva mn mj ,.nd : Sharp. Weed. I'aNiuale and! ..has., in order 'e make it a factor in the pime later m the simmmi s hedul-.l I'Hestl complete the I'reshles eleven. ; future pennant races. Chance will for the rieneer wnnnsitiii will be 'nK. upper classmen beast of hav-hme full autherKy and control in re played nt the W est 1 hilly li-il.. , ms m their line-up such former stars as , bmlditn; the dub and may appear in The reason for the elianse today is ,.,s Henry, tackle en the undefeated ! ,ninK uniform en the couching lines, due te the fact that the race at the ivnn State team in 101!) which de- 1 He'will net, however, engage in actual Adejpma Academy gym. linriy -11111111 .i .i.. .. i,i..i. 1. ,.. 1 .,.1 iiu .luiivvt puiTf, ...iiii s ... ..- ..-v.. by the Speedlxiys for all their home : frnyn, is undergoing repairs. The Speedbeys hne a record of one nine wen ami rue panic lest, while the Frankfort team hns dropped both con- tots. 1 Bebby 'Wetter, I'rankferd's captain and the best player en the team, is unable te pluy due te bchelastie difti- ! cultles. 1 Ceval, the center n.an. and (Suirel. i an unusually brilliant guard, are en the injured list, and it will be pmbablv two weekK yet before they return te. we line-up. 1 The coal shortage has hit the schoeN ' As the heating of the various hih ' schools ceases at .'! o'clock, one-half hour after dlsmiss.il, jt has b-en h- 1 cided bv the beard in simit tli,. !,.i. . kttball games at 'J :". ')e line-up for 1'rankferd and West Phllly follews: rrn)tferil High Jf'rtck fenrnrJ. fltratten ferwnrJ Hnllnran cent.-r. . JenU'n cu.ir.l .. Butler k-uurJ. West milt;. . .. Maul. 1 in Pettrr WalKer . M nt. ail Central-Northeast . The ether league game brings Con Cen tra! High and Northeast High tog. rh.i mt the latter s gymnasium. i:ii,t ; Jtreet and Lehigh avenue. Central is in quest of its second straight ict..r.' n j 1 ,1st ,lm, "". " r illv in the 1 centl half brought it its imiinl vie vie tery. The team has taken held f th,. tn?htin(t spirit and will M. found anion the leaders in u short time. ' The line-up; rntrl High rlnbrr .... flchr Ilateldlne.. . . Iaxar Xdtvardt ."nrtt.nast Illuh li ildbt i'i . Soarberriii ;h . .' Mrriiidv LaMi i , .1 f.i -irl (uriMir I .niir ruitd k-uu- 1 IWTPRPITV nnilT enrj enTU PCMTIIDV lAmn nn )n CENTURY WIND-UP Oe Marce and Bass Scheduled for Flnht.RinH.. -r.i-u. .w... . .v...a,,b Cuddy De Marce. 1'itrsi,.,, Ki, f, ather height, who has wen two limits in as many starts in this -,n , will me,.' his Btlffest test tonight 111 the eight round wlndiin nt the Twentieth i ,i,n,-v Athletic Club, when !m takes en Benn'v Bans, North Philndelphm youth. '" """ "vvn ieri.-iiig te the trout uue uie pi.-ue. r.-. ....... .. ..h. .-.- . Xienten Stale Nermal; J-i, I'lilianel- rapldly through the medium of his eev-1 ment between the majors and miners. I ,,,., c.n,,,,,, pharmacy: 17, W.ishing rness and hard punching. As an signed January 1-!, B'-i. apparently CiAWer; March 2, Juniata : II. Sus amateur Bnss s.-ered a let of knock- bind-for the life nt the pa.-t , ,11 lcaguei illl)illinilb. 10i vrius; 14, I'rieeren. outs and since having turned pre he , that accepted the dr..ri at th.it time, 1 .,.j (..m,ijdates for the jnv vee team has added K. O 's 'e his string. De- President Teele epn ved ir 1.. his n-' wl ..lebablv be Ed McMulliii, th.. Marce has a tough job en his hands. etlieial opinion that a loepho.e existed f,,thall and "baseball plaver: Ilender- In the seml-liual Artie McCann, an- for further exempliens. ren, a fern.er Westtown Scheel Mar, ether former amateur boxer, and 11 hard I The terms of the agieemerit provided , ..,... nt forward Jlmmv M- hitter, will pair off with Pietri Altierri. .!. il 1 .1 who recently invuueq mese snores irem Italy. Benny Pascal meets Jimmy Briggs, Willie. Brown takes en (Mini-lev Kits!,, and Geerge Kelly opens the show with Y. V ., joe iveuisianu. WINS TWELVE IN ROW St. Raphael Basketball Team Makes . .. . . Enviable Recerd in Cage . ,,.,,,. j-nc m. IVU1.....V. ... i... o.Ketenii teams nave net as yet neen in-aten en their home fleer and have wen twelve atraight gamcH. The records show that in scoring they have mere than doubled their opponents with a total of f7u te 250. The success of the team is due te the experienced players biich as Buck Hen- ratty. Mteve Ceata, Lew Repette, Lee Merris, Reds McDude, Claud and Stan ley! Relfsnyder. On Wednesday St. Raphael will play Keystone and 011 Sat urday journeys te St. Henry. The following Is the record : it. Raphael' .. 4i V ! H. All-Kt.in.. 1 t. ; Upharl'i.. ON Cim !-htllly itn L Uppi'.. 07 Ilelmur 17 t. taphatl'a . l'hlledi-lphla (Hants. '-'1' t. laphaei'i . mi trn A A II t, uphatPa,. sx 'iTlunele A A.. . . la pb tBBMiav, , uu v.vv,M0 , .......... . . 40 1!7 53 3J 1.0CUBI , . . . I'hllu ful. QuakTH. Knrtv-elKhth Ward.. Trt-Ceunell '.. r3 Ivy A C ,. 3J I.ancden TetaJ B7K Total mpssy at Benjamin Second Aasl. Den. 12. Jack Tcinpey. -weliht boxing champion, will at-.cend ijamin. pan france. iikiiv rwuii Tll tBalyadere. et I.e Anaelei, raataa Coast llset Wetcbt tlU. I. uvna HI. UMIM limn OS MS) , iBKtx HUM DENTS WILL BATTLE TOOAY Grid Game at Franklin Field Premises te Ke a Humdinger KNIVES AND SAWS READY T'rter naemi'n "l'reh" . Elbert ttu Ulnchntn ('iriMunr'..n . . Jlnnry NVpv . . . Mntrp . . . Wim.1 . Sipphrni .Dunn . . . .Tnnqunt" . . .l'llMtly niih lf t rnd Titnr .. - """i" it, , !?,.'', yucXim. left tn.lli . left KuirJ . . . eentrr . rluht au .rd . . riKht tnr'kl . rlxht end . . . miHrtprboek Iftt liHlfbii k riuht h.iirimcl. . fullbecl, . . i.iil'M.ie . t Cherum. . nir i-iinic. Hill Stephens, the All-Amerlean end of Andy Smith's I'nhersity of Cali fornia eleven, will held down the quar terback pest for the lirM-yeiir men. .lack Henry, star tackle en MIcIulmii i.-isi jear, will lieltl down tin .enter j . . . position .esse. who was n m.-mlier -nii.n et the 1rg1nia Military Institute ; Chance's salarv would cetniiare favor , eleven last car and the year before. !, with these of the highest-paid t i ill 1ik .it vitrlif t.1,.1.1,. . .. 1 . l...tl teated liert I'mir l'enu team ; .Met 'ins- ..... .. 1 1 .c ... ! ion. .oe ;.s ,1 nieiiiuei ei lue ir- gmia Military Institute team that humbled I'enn in 1SI"0; tlillespie and Cellins, former Swarthuiere luminaries; Williams, who played tluce years age at Yale; Therum, fullback at I'tah for three years and coach of the freshman team of that institution lust year; Kich, star end of I'omenn, Southern .iliternia : Iirewster All-American when 11 ewster, mentioned as 1111 1 when at Nebraska; Tay- , ler. All-Southern tackle a couple of 1 ars age when at North ( arehua ; . Withrow, of C.ettysburg and Howdein. The kickoff is scheduled for - :I50 with amnuiances. uuiuhikcs uiiu uuicr iw pital paraphernalia in a box nt the southwest end of the ttaditim, a stmrn's threw from the University Hospital. ' DRAFT IS OPPOSED BY OTHER MINORS DjiU,iMew Insurgent Move Involves Eastern League and South ern Association New Yerk. Dec. 12. Adoption of n 10s. Sanie cvhrdule for lll'-'U. with the si'iisen opening April 1H and closing September "J." 1. f. institutes the chief liii-iness transacted at the open ing ..f the International League's an- i nu.il meeting. It w-ns understood this s 1 e.luli. v .'is adopted after clubs in the ...1.. I ..If . C .1... ..!.i,.!t ttn.l rwtt'ii. ,'''. shorten ne he season te ir.l' gums. The last season was en a ltiv g.ua linsis. '" ne.einuu no- ........ ..s ... p.. far as the International League wa 1 1 en-erned. President Teele revealed thai , -ewr.il ether miner leagues planni, I te , - ";. exemption from the selective draft, t.. 1 .!..!..- !. ,1inf - n Inn 1 1 iunw -. .,. exemption nin i.e- -,.-.. ........... t, ul,.Mtv ,, nU(s Put in 111s Mpni die Iwl.i !,, in addition te the International, ij, ,,,,,., ,n ). tak-n in tow bv (nave1 . i recognized by the American A- u,.1,I,.ll lllt a regular quintet. so.i.itien. I'adfic Coast, Western or, ,,.,, .,1Uiies bae been list.d bv ' 1 Thru--Eye Leagues. He mentioned the . W1 .rrimf,P manager of the team. ' rnstern League ana jseuiimni .vsse.ia- . I C.....1 !.. tien, Detll (lass ,v cir.-i.us, , ,,,,,0113 the leaders in the new "insurgent" I move. 'that any league net lung te awept l.l... .1 ..,. 1 lw.nlil liii.iia net 10,1 -. ri. i.. " em'- """ ; ......... ..- .,, . .,...- iml-slener K. M. Land s en or le-tore l-e'iruary 1.j. 10-1. in default f which notice they would be icgardel as hav- , ing accepted the prim nde. 'Die date of ' .......in.. ...,. litn.i'.ir lirt... til,. l.t.l n, j netillcati'iii. hew.ver. tiem tlm major league we, ...... .... .... ..... ...... said, was considered te me,in I ebrimry 1." of any year during the agreement's existence. Such an interpretation thus, h" added, would give a miner league 'new- bound by the draft the privilege , '?,.. ,i lrnv.-! J from it nt anv time let Wlttiurawing irem 11 nt any tune. , , I I Wildcat Grid Mascot Dies of Homesickness Lexington, Ky Dec. 12 Uni versity of Kentucky athletic organ izations are in the market for a mascot. "T. N. T.." wildtnt mas cot for the eleven during the lust season, wns found dead in Ills cage here yesterday. "T. N. T." was captured In the hills of Tennessee, ncur (iraysville, by Virgil Johiuen, n sophomore In tlie celiege of engineering, last June. Jehnsen donated his catch when he returned te take up his studies iast September. A special cage, decorated In the school colors, was constructed and the cat was taken en till trips with the eleven, A committee from the student liedy investignted the ense nnd de clared "homesickness" the cause of death. .S il I .', Ill, i 1!0 'Jili 3U T EVENING PUBLIC New Mack Star S ' SAMMY IIAW5 Fermer 'Peerless Leader' Signs One-Year Contract te Man age Frazee's Club HAS LONG RECORD IN GAME New- Yerk. Dec. 1'-'. Frank T.oltey Chan.e, former innnaKer of the Cliieapj Nationals mid the New Yerk Ameri cans, has Mjjned u contract te mnn ape the I'.o.sten American League club fur V.V?.. Otlii ial announcement of the con cen con siimatien of the deal was made by II. II. l'razee, president of the lied Sev. from his New erk etlice. Iteth l'razee ... - . .....,, , ., ami 1 nance retuseii te reeal details 0f the linani ial terms iuveled. l'resi- dent 1-razee, however. Mated that i..v I".';.. .... Chance expressed hiR keen pleasure upon re-entering major-league tiaseuall and stated that, having disposed of his real estate interests nt (Jlcndera, Calif., he expected te make his home in the East for the future. The Figning of Chance by the Red Pox brings back te the national game , 11. 1 ..." tin. most nemilnr and dynamic personalities the gume has ever known, s n,.st baseman and "peerless leader" .. decade and mere age of the famous Chicago Cub National League chain - piens four time and world's champions tvvj,., tjiinnee osiaeiisucu a eruiiani reputation net only as a player, but as a Held' general and strategist. After fifteen years with the Cubs, eight et tli'-m as manager. Chance sev ered his Chicago connections in liTJ with the Intention of retiring te his California orange grove, but was n. r suaded te take ever the managership of the New Yerk Yankees under a three year contract reputed te have called for an annual ti:;ure of .$ 10.000. He piloted the team te seventh place in l'Jl.'l, but in 11)11, when the Yankees finished sixth, he resigned a month before the clee of the season because of disagree ment with the owners ever team policies and dissatisfaction with the conduct of scyeiul star players. Chance's interest in the national fame, however, has net waned since he left its active ranks and icperis have been current at vari ous times that he intended 11 "come back" us a major league manager. BILL GRAVE TO COACH PENN JUNIOR QUINTET Will Start Werk With Squad Next 1 Week . . ,. ,. nii.interrelleirinte center Bui firave. . .1 . . a. ii.. ?'......... 1 1 . fnr tu, Mrs, win get 111s 01. .is,., ,)f 1.. n,Uaift juier varsity basket- hj ,,..,,-, notion starting next week. UVh(. l:,i,. McNichol, coach of tl.e lirMIV U(, PUt jn i,is Mpnd the l.iUO , n sl.ll(,ule follews: January 1", Swnrthinei-e : 10. Pratt; lJelawaie ; inj ' j,.,xl. .' i-'ebrunry '.'1. New.lirsiy Law Si hoel ; 7, Mount St. Mary's; 10, lf.,i i)(j,. n,i Schaeffer will battle . . t 1 .... , ,t ellt r(ll. tj,p tw0 jj,,iH, w-itu uieels , ,, I(l)h,TI., as the guards. 1 .M,in.1K,.,. Clifferd, of the freshman ,.,.,., ,i,u mernlim nnneuneed tlm mm. piete' schedule of the fii-bt-year team. . ... t fileus , If.mU,r 0- st, j0S,ph.B prfp. hem,. J rml.r la. Textile, home; Uetm.ber j.j. it innHvllln. home, December 20, Jirewn I'rp !in.;- Jyi. .s'J. fw J ?' hc Hush home. Uerenii.r is, Camden nut.. Um . O'cmber '-"! i'rlnceten l''reihmtn. h,'m"- llruary 7. West Chester Nermal, Iljm robruery H. Teme, awny. Februury ' 17 ,'ernvll I resnmen, r.ome. 1 enruary .w. Swiirthmore l-renlimeti, neme; fetiruary !, Yr,rit I . ttwny. March 3 AIIt.tewn I'reD. I home, March 10, I'eddle, home. j denies'demaree's claim . Landls Refuses Free-Agent Plea of Fermer Phil Hurler Chicago. Dec. 12. Commissioner Landls has affirmed the decision of the Beard of Arbitration of the National Association in denying the claim of Pitcher Al Demarce, n former major league star, te be a free agent. The commirslenor ruled thnt Demnree had deserted the Denver, Cel., club, of which he was temporary, mnnnger, nnd signed te piny witn n tnicnge semi- nrofessienol club which used ineligible ... lilllji-in. 1., pnmn lin tiitcheti for Denver nnd in 11 j,nme no I""-""' 4" "r ami that lie came te Cllicnge te get Inte IJcniuree cinimeu ... .inn "n injureu condition. Pell te Compete Abroad New Yerk. Dec. 12. Clarence Pell, na- ' V..; x.t7vur ,' j V .. w FRANK CHANCE TO ! MANAGE RED SOX 1 tlenal amateur racquets, champion, Is plan nlna te compete in the English ami. eur .namplenshlps.in Londen In April. With Pell will KQ hla partner. Sunfey.a Mi.rtf mer. who V the holder with him of th national doubles racquets 'ccamoleasblp. i 'I LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY Franklin COATESVILLE FIVE TO FWEASON Patriotic Fans Come te Rescue of Eastern League Bas ketball Team JEWELS DROP ANOTHER By WILLIAM S. DALLAS POATL'SVILLK will finish the reason in the Kastern Basketball League. This appeared certain after n visit te the Lincoln Highway town last night te see the Jasper-Ceatesvllle game. Fifly patriotic citizens have come forward and Increased the price of their weekly eighty-five-cent Beats te .$5 each, all of which makes It a foregone conclusion that the circuit will start and finish the same (perhaps). The Jasper Jewels were the attrac tion mid continued te hit the skids by dropping another game, this time by the seme of "S te .'10. Several of the uptown outfit were te be given the "air" after the tentest if they failed te come through, but as yet no reports of a heiiseclcaning have been received. (July one substitute was with the tcniii last e cuing In the person of "lnkie" Regan. Messrs. Zlddie Tratlt wein and .lames Brown being conspic uous by their absence. Offered the Trlumvirate According te reports nt the game, Manager Rogers offered Coatesville his three stars, Rlcendn, Friedman and Sedran, last week for nothing, but the dates are apparently satisfied with the present line-up. They did take .lack Lawrence, and he supplanted Beb C.riebe and made his debut last night. Griebe has been released. Dick Leary. former Nanticoke center, was at the pivot position for the Jewels and for the first five minutes Jusper made a walkaway of the ga.ne. The score was 1.1 te 1. but giadually Coates ville crawled up and ended the half, 10 te l:.'. In the second period the home team continued te locate the net with ac curacy and, led by F.lmer Ripley, who made fourteen points, went ahead and wen out, US te 3(1. The winners out scored the losers from the field 11 te 8. 1ick Leary, who jumped center last nii'ht, will net be with the Jewels en Thursday, ns he has u game with his own team up the State. jMosKeuitz Humbles Keystone Moskewltz & Ileibach tumbled Key stone Telephone from first place in the Philadelphia Manufacturers' League by (low-nine their opponents -7 te --. By the same score Colonial Ice Cream de feated Metal F.dge in the ether tilt. Moskewitz liejd a 10-0 lead at the end of the first half and five minutes after play started Captain Walter Keating had a deep gnsh cut ever his right eye when he came in contact with Jee Hyde's hip. He finished the lcried and started the second half, but was forced te retire and four stitches were necessary te clnse the gash. When Keating left the cage Mosko Mesko Moske witz had no ether player. Manager Mosteller. of Colonial Ice Cream kindly offered Fasquerelle, even though his team was trailing Metal Edge 11-10. Ke stone allowed rnsquerelle te play when they could have wen by forfeit and all hands showed a true sportsman ship spirit. Mokewltz secured a big lead nnd had the figures at -7 te 12. but Key stone rallied nnd was rapidly nverlinul ing their opponents when the bell rant. I The winners outscercd the losers from the field 10 te 0. Anether for Colonial Trailing nt half time 11-10 Coleninl Ice Cream wen ever Metal Edge in ti second half rally -7 te L'-'. The game was close toward the finish nnd one of the fair sex shouted te the Colonials te "step freezing it," when they were killing time. After Coleninl had a lead of 17 te 12. Metal Edge threatened when Bnird nnd Mitchell scored field tosses. Then Jehn Merinrit iant center, wns shifted te guard, and thut proved the undoing of the losers, for Buck Henrattv imme - dmtely get loose mid score,! n field goal. Twe baskets by Still and one bv Leu Si lit.iedernmn featured nenr the finish. The playing of Sehinedermiin, Ilcn- ratty and Still leatureil ter iroiemai, , while Mitchell, Charlton nnd Baird did well for Metal Edge. CHANCE SIGNS OVERALL Fermer Cub Hurler te Assist With Bosten Red Sex Ln AiikcIcs, Ca i... Dec L.-rnv Chance, who will Bosten ( lub of the Amer b lore leaving Les Angelei Ixn Anxcles, Calif., Dec. 12. Frank manage ttic erlcnn League, a recently for the East signed Orval Oiernll, formerly a pitcher for tlm Chicago Nationals te become his assistant In the Red Sex management, according te statements published here. Overall will conch the young pitch ers. Chance, it wns said, nlse tried te obtain the services of Johnny Evers, but the latter could net obtain his re lease from the Chicago Americans. Overall plans te sell his ranch nt Vlsala. Calif., and renert te the Red Set at Het Springs, Ark., where the dub will train next spring 1 w Scraps About Scrappers flitick IVIkkIiik, Western llht huavy v.eiKht contender for Harry Greb'H title. In .:no in I'lillad-ipliia tenlRht. He hae been iralnttiK in Ne.v Yerk ter several weeks. Tomorrow night nt the Chestnut Street Arena Wlimlr.s will meet Senteant Ilay Smith In a . heduled eluht-reund match. Fer his nfml-tln.-il Wlllus llrltt has paired Kecky .Varlen, a Hontlierner. and Hebby Lyens, of New Tork. Prelims: Al Jtoero vs. .Terry Miller. rharlev Mne.k vs. Habe Ruth and Irish. Eddie Dempicy vs. Joe Brltt. Ty Cobb h made two ehanfea tn hl pro pre pram at n'kten. Md . for Friday nlirht. K. O Ilrurnmel ts te meet Jee Martin and T.V,..,.. lh,... ..1,1 .-,.- . Wnl.nn Th. tiui.iiii' ,n. v.lil 1 ilir ui, tiurt u,.u.i, ... wind up '.i be Itaiph IU-rnend vs. Itusse ll Themas I'atsy Murphy Vl Johnny Traub and Charley Tully s I'ete Devlne are einer tiuir.Uira Jetinnr Dunden Ih te meet Oena Delmjnt In u tuetie-re'ind tout In Brooklyn Thursday nUht Ray Mitchell, who has been licensed 1. U.x In N,tt Yerk. Intends belnit at the will iirp. r In a New Yurk bout the latter purt et the month. Yetini Jelinnr I.rnls. J03. has been added te the stable of bteve Marces. Steve e prcts te send Lewis te the pest at U10 Cambria In the near future. Other bexera under Marcee's nuldance nre Terry Mitchell. 13U Itecky Ferd. l"JI. and California Joe Uuns, a llKhtwelcht. tinuiiue te .nallernre tlie winner. . aiiicnri. I -.1" .''"" A'ifht hvyw'lht from ..it..u, .Tin ninne 1111, j-.llii.unieui c. Ht the Cambrln Friday nlKht.. Johnny ' ti""1 JIn,ln'' 10 fa. 0 tlm Cairadlan. Jlmmv Ml, nnil Yeun J( , nemps-y box in the semi (Jther numbers: Hallnr Welre vs. nirns lias silerted Ad Stene, the .nam I ll-rry llurlt. Vetinit Murphy vs, Yeunic Moje u.ii. .ei.nny uius is v u-j.eary. Jee JliTalie. up-State IlKhtwelaht. Is In flrM-rate cendlllnn and he wants te cemt te I'hlludelphla for bouts with Debby IJar rett and Joe Tlplltz. Martin Jedie, of ManayunW. will ." Temmy Loyd. an Ensllsli featharwelaht. In an tltht-reund bout at Trenten Peeember 18. Field Today WOMEN GOLFERS LIMIT HANDICAPS Committee for Reduced Eligi bility List for Next Fair-Sex U. S. Links Championship ATTENTION TO PAIRINGS By SANDY McXIDLICK WOMEN golfers herenbeuts today wnrn Anirnivnil tn flntintA nVPF tlie announcement that entries in the next play for the women's national golf championship will be limited te these with a handicap of 14 or less. This decision wns the most Important nt the nnnttnl meeting of the Women's Committee of the United States Gelf Association nnd Is nn unmlstnknble pointer te the rise et women's golf in America. There are citizens of this town who remember that the first women's classic graced in this country by ever 100 entries was In 1915. There was a time when it was hnrd te assemble n field of respectable dimen sions here unless It was padded with players whose golf wns very elemen tary. New It seems necessary te limit the entry te these of the fair sex who have reached u certain degrce of pro ficiency en the links. It is new expected that the U. S. G. A. will publish n libt of these competent te enter the national, as Is done for the amateurs. Better Pairings Whether the new move will enceur age mere entries or far less the next championship will show. It is ex pected thnt these women players who rate a 14 or less handicap will new feel it is a solemn golf duty te take a iliug nt the national. There Is a further recommendation made, and that is that in the qualifying round women of certain status be paired. Net that all scratch or real low handicap pltiycrs be paired, but that from one te six, seven te ten and eleven te fourteen players be paired te qualify s thnt players of an almost equal degree of skill will be sent out for the medal test together. Mrs. Caleb F. Fex. of this district, represented rhilndeljihla interests nt the meeting and was interested in favor of or against all the resolutions pro posed. Heretofore the entry list in the women's national has been unrestricted. The next championship is expected te be played nt Westchester-Biltmore, a metropolitan club, nnd should nee plenty of entries from nearby Phila delphia. Kill Iach, Ovrrbroek pre, wilt net tmch Indoors this yenr, but will ninke a tour through the coumes et Dixie lie will shortly Bay fureuell te hU tutor train In rhlladcluhla. but will be greatly missed here. That lefat Relf rltib, rlvnlln the -Winter Steve Ienrue. held lui second tneetlnir last nlKht at MeKtnley, l'a. It wan a reant-pUr r.iriy. e inn emne naa irnunie nttini; en the green, but had no treuble heltnc out. Attcr the party the folks departed te gu te the flEhta. RUPPERT MAY BE YANKS' SOLE OWNER Colonel Husten Offers te Sell Half Interest In Club New Yerk, Dec. 12. Colonel T. L. Husten has nnneuneed thnt he Is negotiating for the sale of his half Interest 111 the New Yerk Amcrlcnn Baseball Club. Colonel Husten said lie had received several offers, including one from his pnrtner. Colonel Jacob Ruppcrt, but hnd net made a decision. "I have received offers from several sources for my 00 per cent share in the ownership of the New Yerk Americnn League Club," said Colonel Husten in n formal statement. "I notified Colonel Jnceb Ruppcrt of the situation and he nlbe made me nn offer for my interest in the club. Negotiations nre still in nn extremely embryonic stage and neth ing may come 01 the matter whatever. 'I feel that I am dun for n rest. I've ,,c, ,(1 bull(, np the YnnUCes from n , M.t.emj division position te n two-tlme pcmlIlnt winner, n0w nbeut te occupy 1 ,n( smltest bnsrbnll stadium in the world. Se I think 1 have dene enough But I won't drop out until I get my price." Colonel Husten would net say what lie had fixed ns his price. He pointed out, however, thnt basebnll values hnd advanced sharply since he acquired his interest in the Yankees in 191!) and that the club's attendance records In that time had increased fivefold. Colonel Husten nnd Ruppcrt bought the Ynnkees In 101f from Frank Fnr tell, W. S. Dcvery and ethers for a re ported consideration of $500,000. Basketball Statistics EASTnnN LEAQUE W. I I'.C, -w. U P.C Trenten. 10 y .833 Ceates'le. fi H .aSS Camden. 10 B ,70i Jasper..., 4 R .883 Atl. City. 5 7 .417 Heading-. . 8 0 .i5u TIII3 WriEK'S 8CIIEDULB Wednesday Heading at Camden. Thursday Atlantle City at Jasper. Friday Jasper at Trenten; Ceatesvllls at Aiianue uiiy. Saturday Trenten at Headlnr. aiANiTACTmuns' league w. i.. p c. w. r p e, Key. Tel., a 1 ,7!i0 -Vllbur... I 2 .88S M. ft It. . 8 1 .7'0 Ovorbroek 1 a .838 i. a. & n a 1 ..107 Met. i:ia 1 n ,2011 Colonial.. 2 2 .000 tileel Ilcd. 0 (1 .000 THIH WEEK'S SCHEDULE Wednesday Wilbur vs. V. CI. & B.t Over. brook Carpet vs. Steel Ileddle. TONIGHTS OAME8 Northeast Church Asoclatlen Mftteth naptlst vs. Incarnatien: Iiethlehem s. Christ Church, Fifteenth and Dauphin North Phtlsdelphta Church Iesrus, Beo Bee tlnn A St. I'eter'a at Ilrethrem Nerthweet Memerial at Seventh Street Methodist Epls- cenal. I'hllselnhlA hllsdlphta Amateur Iesau Lean Methodist Episcopal at Advocate A. A, North Philadelphia Textile I.eorue mce ; .,...-.. I at Homecrest. OTHER GAMES Kattvtty st Hely Name, Frankford ave nue and Nerrls street, LAST NIOHT'S RESULTS Eastern Leerue Coatesville, 08; Jasper, en Manufacturers' Leacue Moskewttr ft Her. bach 27. Keystone Telephene 22; Colonial Ice Cream 27, Metal Ede 22. Manufacturers' Ulrls' Iesrue Heek weed Girls. 10; Ihlkh Valley Girls, 1. Liberty Stars, 22; Philadelphia N. ., IT. St. Ttapliael. SO; St. Henry, 27. St. Francis Heservea. S2; St. Agatha, 28, fit. Peter's 2d, 28; Immaculata 2d. 16, Stetson Travelers forfeited te I-N-V-U. I-N-V-U 2d, 3D. Delphin A. A,. 10. Klrst Dutch, 20; Pallj Presbyterian. 24. Pethlehem ferrlfted te Christ Church. Westminster. BO. Pennsylvania Hospital, St, Peter's, Sli Erie Methodist Episcopal, First Christian, (10: Northwest, 27, Visitation, 22; Pnssen, Gottlieb & Black, 17, Richards Quits Wisconsin Medi ion, Wis., Dee. 12. Jehn n. Poch Pech ards, for the last five years head football coach at the University of .Wisconsin, for. mally has advised the university athletln department that he rnnnet be considered for reappointment te the coach'.ns staff next year. 'DEOE ,ER 12, 1922 fCfie, Daily Mevie Magaxitie r THE MOVIE PAN'S LETTERBOX By HENRY M. NEELY. There were two very important bits of news in the papers en Saturday, and ns seen as I saw them I made up my mind that I would forestall oil of the anxious fnns who would bombard me with questions as te what it all means. One of the pieces of news eame from the West Const nnd said that Fnmeus-Lasky would net renew contracts with Mary Miles Mlntcr, Wanda Hawley nnd Pcnrhyn Stanlaws. The ether piece of news was that Valentine had lest his appeal and that the higher court had decided that he cannot act en the screen or stage for two years unless he docs it for the Lasky organization. As te what it nil means, I don't knew any mere than anybody else docs. The news about Wanda llnwlcy, however, doesn't surprlse me a bit. Much ns I like her personality, I have felt my self simply flowing ever with pity for her during the last two or three films in which she has appeared. "Burn ing Sands" nnd "The Yeung Rnh llnh" sounded the death knell en nny hopes thnt I might have entertained thnt Wnndn had tlm slightest vcstlge of ability as an emotional netrcss. But bhe wns charming In the lighter things which bhe used te de. 1 don't knew whether she herself insisted upon hav ing "a chance" at mere serious work or whether the organization forced her into it. but whichever it was, it was a fatal mistake. I can find no reaction, cither of joy or sorrow, nt the news about Miss Mlntcr. I have never been uble te get nny reaction of nny kind from her anyhow, and she bus always left me perfectly cold and Indifferent except that in every picture in which 1 have seen her I have wondered why they did net fill the role with somebody who could really stir me. Perhaps It is because I have become old nnd grouchy, and net easily stirred, but, anyhow. Mary Miles has never made me bubble. I am clad that Pcnrhyn Stanlaws Is it of the Lnsky organization. This out may sound like 11 knock nt Pcnrhyn, but it isn't. If some one were te come te me nnd say: "Here! Here Is an unlimited letter of credit, and you are te form just one single organization te make ttie best pictures tuai can pos sibly be made, se cheese your direc tor new," 1 believe I should cheese Pcnrhyn Stanlaws without 11 moment's hesitation. But Stanlaws Is the type of man who requires mi absolutely free feet, and he is ene of the few directors whom I consider capable of taking en tire charge of a production from the development of the continuity te the final editing of the film. Under the system of operation necessary for the existence of such n tremendous or ganization as the Lasky Company, however, it is essential that the com pany be nble te guarantee te put out a ccrtnln number of pictures u year in order te meet the situation lu the market, and they have get te put out this number whether they have nde quate material or net. Stanlaws, I should imnglne, would have the kind of temperament which would sour te the most supreme heights in the milking of a piece of work that ...no Y-nnllf M-erlll while. bllt WlllCll, hampered by an Inferior or a mediocre medium, would simply fall te pieces. Stanlaws hasn't yet done nny supreme thing, but I can say this of him in every single tiling that he has done, he haB shown, in some parts, very definite proof that he is capable of bu bu nreme tilings. I can imagine nothing better for the motion picture as a whole than I,,. Stnnlaws new tie up with a producer of bread vision such as Charles II. Duell. who is the inspir ing guide of Richard Barthelmess starring career. Duell Is a man who does net believe in quantity produc tion in the motion-picture business. Hu is sincerely' nnd wholly devoted te the turning out of qtinllty product, regardless of expense, and almost with out considering whether it is going te pay him financially or net. New that no hes branched out and added the dish girls te his organization, there is nothing I would rather see than i,vn i,;i tie nn with Htniilnws. I be lieve that tinder Stnnlaws Lillian C.ish. with her frail and fairy-story type of personality, might de things far be yond anything that she has yet accom plished. . , , , , As te the Valentine decision, I will only say I am extremely sorry. t,. M. A. writes: "I hope you are adequately protected ngainst the tidnl wnve of joy thnt is forming en the strength of your intimntlen that we nre te see our denr Rudy in the Ilesh. We .In nn. wnllt VOU tO IjC BWCPt Ollt tO sea, for you are our geed friend andi have kept hope alive when the future.? looked pretty (inns, iur nom .. i'." i'." l.e.ittnn nmi ether t ilngfl te tnke the Jey out of life, the posslble less of Rjdy ., . I. ....!. Incif etrnw was 1110 vcruuuiu -. a....... "Yeu understand human nature, Mr. Neelv, and you knew that when a vital, lovable personality appears before the public their hearts (if they are In the right place) Just go out te it and they leve t, that's ull ! and a ent no's hope that De Rochefort would be 11 bucccss , an quoted by 'Jiminie' in Inst nlght?s paper, proves thnt he has lova leva lova bie qualities, otherwise he would net attract the love that be does; that is PS"Thcr!lC."r'e ether lovable people in the pictures, of course, but we nre net going te lese them. nnd. ns you knew, 'hleaslngs brighten as they nasi. Se If Rudy comes te see us we will give him a elf n reception in our henrts nt kas enn if we cannot nil see him, that be will surely feel recompensed for some of the trials he has had te bear." I'm net saving n word. I'm Juit dumb dumb like n fox.) Gimga Din writes: "Last nlte, tn nnd mv bag of chocolate straws went ana my ubb . ,T, y. ,,., ?. Tomorrow.' Came In the middle nf the last part of tlie picture wnere ,L rn is telling BurUe what life will .' p,.1f?f' .lii i.ndv Helen, which was all very confusing te me and my bng of ch?.crny.wL'!e News, a cartoon uu -s -- ..... ,. (Will jeti tell why en earth the or er iJ .. iii. ..,ni niar the jazziest jazz when 'Tonics' is en the screen? I generally ninv them very mucu, dui wuii sucn aScempanlntent I couldn't wait until it W"ceuldn't'flnd the plot in the picture, but barring that the acting in general waB geed. Ilebert's cigar wasn't he very much In evidence as It usually Is. but we and my b. e. c. H. enjoyed him muchly. , . "And Deatrtee Jey! Although this Ir the llrst time i n ; "-- uvr i Ji-ei that I am going te 11 he her. And net a word will I env neut T. Melghan because I just can't. He was geed ull around. , 'Whir iim't Iawrence Wheat ulvcn something better? He Beems capable of being something mere man merely nu- nilrdd. Didn't like the idea much of SHE REFUSES TO BE PAULINE JflK -'?' :;Y-"V!:illlllllllllHam. :'?. ' .1 .jaaaaaaaaaKAViaaaaaaaaaaana Pauline Garen is different from the rest. She recently refused a tempt- .1 Ing contract thnt wns offered her by one of the big producers, preferring , te be free te appear en cither the stage or screen. She was the flapper in "Senny," nnd has a part in DcMille's new picture, "Adam's Rib" June Elvldge being T. M.'s wife because she seemed tee old fef the part, but otherwise her acting was O. K. And what a typical part Alec Frnnels took. Somehow or ether I rnther like him, although I don't see him se very often. Funny, isn't It, but I just can't enjoy .1 ..,. .. t. le T .lu tne picture se very imicu 11 j. don't knew the cast. Am I queer? (I imagine you are queer. Most people are in some way or ether. All 'ceptin' me. And what de you mean tee old te be a wife? Did you ever see a woman who thought she was tee old?) Frnnkferd Lily writes: "I'll tell you, Hen, these sen tales are playing hob with your Frnnkferd correspondent. The ether night I wns en the bench at Funchnl, Before going te bed I had rwched Thursday Island. Last night Geerge Mclferd took me te Papeete. 'Ebb Tide' is billed as 'the best Seuth Sea story ever written.' It Is, 1 ven ture te add, the best Seuth Sen etery ever filmed. "With the exception of n few Shanges, necessary or unnecessary, as pinion differs, Mclferd has given us all of Stevenson's talc. Hntten is 'Mr.' 'Uish In the flesh. If that rascal, Huish, hnd a soul at nil, it was dis played only In his vain resentment at Attwater's deliberate mispronunciation of his name. One remembers the little terrier, guzzling the champagne in the held, with tbe shadow of the swinging boom falling upon him through the open hatch. Te nnd fro, te and fro, like the pendulum of time It swung. "On the ether hand, I think Neah Beery could have given us n little mere f Attwatcr. Just a fhnde. Attwater wns subtle. Dees Neah get this acre.-a? Fuwcctt certainly looked Mie part of such a man ns Captain Davis, but I hnd pictured Davis as a mero vigorous and younger mnn. Klrkwoed, nt; Derrick, might hnve shown n trllle leis restrnlnt. But perhaps I expected tee n.ucb of the rnOTOPLATH The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ALHAMBRA k $NDeW" SPECIAL PRODUCTION "At Stroke of Midnight" AtVM I C 02D ft THOMPSON STS. rrJJ MATINIIB DAILY HAROLD LLOYD tn "OKANDMA'S BOY" ARDMORE ncaa7uepa. m "REMEMBRANCE" Written and Directed by Rupert Hushes AQTAD EIGHTH ft GinARD AVE. 3I-r MATISIIB DAILY HOUSE PETERS In "HUMAN HEARTS" Ql T ICniDH Dread ft Susquehanna DL.UUDlrAL' ContlnueOs 2 until 11 HOUSE PETERS end CLAIRE WINneea in "RICH MEN'S WIVES" POI OMIAI atn Msplewoed Ates. THOMAS MEIGHAN te "THE KAN WHO SAW TOMORROW" FAIRMOUNT VaVi'SaIIS HAROLD LLOYD In "QRANDMA'B BOY" iATU QT THEATItr-Iiolew Spruce JU 1 n J l . MATINKP. IJAILY THOMAS MEIGHAN In "MANSLAUGHTER" GREAT NORTHERN """V Te MIRIAM COOPER ' In "KINDRED OF THE DUST" IMPFRIAI ?fH & WALNUT 8TS. UVlrll,rl-L. Mats. 2:30: Uvga. 7 ft 0 THOMAS MEIGHAN Jn "THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW" I IRPRTY sneAD celumuia av.j LilOClX 1 I MATINCK DAILY DOROTHY PHILLIPS In "HUMAN HEARTS" ORIPNT Woodland Ae. et 2d St. VjrlCl 1 MATINEn DAILY HOUSE PHILLIPS In "HURRICANE'S PAL1' OVERBROOK 03D krl RUPERT HUOHE8' PRODUCTION "REMEMBRANCE" PAI M "ANKKORD AVE. AN3 1 VL.1V1 NORRIS STREET Wallace Reid and Lila Lee in "THE OHOBT BREAKER' RFP.FNT MARKET ST. Belew 17TH rEAJC.l l te A. M. te 11 P. M. JEWEL CARMEN In "NOBODY" RIAI TO OUHMANTOWN AVENUE" IIrtlIV7 AT TI'l.l'IIIIOCKKN ST. .THOMAS MEIGHAN in "WAHBLAUOHTEn" SAVOY im "KKT HfiuTKT LON CHANEY In "SHADOWS" 333 MARKET,,B7WKXfRS .,.. rex inerai prodViet in ,0 il 'THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" ty 4 tr. TIED BY CONTRACT GABON adaptation. And Liln well, I.tia filled my eye. "As I faced my wife's questioning leek, en arrival home (horribly late for supper), I determined te take the of fensive. 'Serry I'm se late. BusliifM matter. Delayed longer than expected. Elevated trains jammed, tee. Slew travel. People certainly take their time " " 'Movies, I suppose?' coolly. " 'Well yes. Swell sen story Llla Lee in it. Say, Edith, she has the pret tiest eyes I've seen en the screen. Think I'll obtain a leuve of absence and getTa wireless job en n coasting vessel. Yeu knew, just for the winter. I might run te Bermuda or the Bnkamai, " 'If I were you,' frostier than ever, I'd first try the City of Wilmington or the Baltimore beat line.' "There you are, Hen; that's the way it gees. Dither the eyes or the latencw did it." (Never mind, old kid. we'll bethdlt out these old wireless licenses one of these days and head her for anywhere south of the 20's. I daren't go Inte , ecstasies ever "Ebb Tide" because if I did all my stay-at-home trolley-travelers would tell me te quit my eternal i yarn-spinning nnd stick te movies. Bat "1 I'm going te see "Ebb Tide" ngainv And when I deliberately sit through a picture 11 second time you can depend upon it I think it's SOME plctutel Hutten never was better.) , McADOO'S SON ALSO NABBED Santa Ana. Calif., Dec. 12. Wil liam Gibbs McAdoo, Jr., con of the former Secretary of the Treasury, wai arrested 011 11 speeding charge yester day. The motorcycle officer said Mc Adoo drove his car ever a dangerous boulevard intersection at thirty-three miles an hour. Mr. McAdoo, Sr., was recently arrested en the same charge. rneTOPi.AYM gr N1XON-N1KDLINUW if THEA1RES UlI nixe.n's AMBASSADOR m$!ti'i THOMAS MEIGHAN In "THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW" BALTIMORE "SvVeEtfaS LIONELBARRYMORE In "THE FACE IN THE E00" BFF MnNT t2D AUOVE MARKET DCLdVlUlN I ijse & 3; 0:30 te 11 P. M. OEOROE MELEORD PR0DU0TI0N "EBB TIDE" CEDAR (,0T11 CEDAR AVENUM CVtI I;a0and3i7ind BEBE DANIELS in "PINK OOPS" . COLISFI IM Market bet. t9lh "W V-V-fi-.lOE.UiVJ 1 ;30 and 3; 7 and 0 V. SI. BEBE DANIELS in "PINK O0D3" JUMBO I'l'ONT ST. AND OIRARD TB. jwmutj Jumbo Jur.c. en Prsnkferd "L" WILLIAM DUNCAN '" "THE FIOHTINO OUIDE" LEADFR 41ST LANCASTER AVB. .1.L-CI .,, , fl;00. 7 ,n n j., j, BETTY C0MPS0N and BERT LYTELL In "Te Have and te Held" LOCUST W AND LOCUST STREETS L.UV.UO! j,,,,,, ,.30i g,,, Klgi .1B ,0 u , THOMAS MEIGHAN tn "THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW" NIXON C2D AND WMKuVatt FRANK MAYO ' in "WOLF tAW" RIVOLI C::D ANU SANSOM STB. WILLIAM FARNUM In "W'THQUT C0MPR0MIBE" SHERWOOD ViaVS?1 REX BEACH'S DRAMA "THE BRAND" 69TH 9T Theatre Opi. "L" Terminal wall Jl, 2.80 7 ft 0 p, JI. , , THOMAS MEIGHAN In "THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW' STRAND a"" ti? THOMAS MEIGHAN '" "THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW" Al OTHER THEAl'KEA MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANTOWNM,MAflrS,nB,DwABILA. JOHNNY HINES In "SURE FIRE FLINT" , 1 .-CAX1 I w-- ..II.AIIU Atf.. - . . Siii1 Mat. Tomer.i Bvs. lAZ rf. r A A. ln Atuk . tt ........ tl.u JICLENE OHADWIflK ft JAMES VTRKWOW tup ctiuri ntnt) t Ikj'MVfiV, ,K.