m. i n " 1 1 1 These Fair MABELLE CARRAEHA OLD-TIME PENN STARS SET FOR BENEFIT GAME iBefJ Folwell, Hellcnback, Draper and Leu Yeung Among Luminaries BELL QUARTERBACK Uy JOhKPII T. LA15KOI T11U alumni football tenm nf llie University is lmi)ius for tins biietit gaini' te be plujetl en Franklin Field nt 1! o'clock Siilurthix afternoon. Mr. mill Mm. lleur.x Luiik. father :nul mother of Andrew Lang, lli" frcdmmii tv he died rwentlj as tlin iemiII nf in in Jurie.M inofie(l In u fnetlmll panic lic tnrni Ihc fir-t-Ai'ar If.'iin ami Morirrn Merirrn l)ing. will lip tlie tiiMieiWnriei. l'lie ir crints will lie tihfil mh a t'rtit-t fuinl for thp buitvard parcnlf. Te lale twrnt-'l;lir Jif thp ru-nni of tin- RrmJiiiili"' football array lmr icnllicil llieir intPiihen nf pla.vini; ftsulnr-l tin- ai!jl.. 'aptiiiii!,. All Anii'ripani hiiil wliirs of the lir.t niiisni IiiiIp lll 1'l Ufril nKJlti"! llic ln't Irani Unit 'IV ll.inicr, tin- w cutiinln, -.ni tinisli'i'. Aiienlins te l.nu Yeiins. who (iI'i.mmI left in,j iiml enptnincil tin MU" 'l''n. tin- t :i tii In' will nlyi-1 Sutiirilii ieiiIiI I rat nn Ml-Anicrii'aii I'eiiiliimitluii -tlial is. if ii';c liadn't taken it:- tell mill liff iiiiim'Ip.s ii trllle rrpiikj . I'icluii' n l:n-klipil of l?nt IWI, riunrti'rbiM'k : Heb Folwell. Nav 10.11 1, mill captain of Hip l!U7 l'eiiii tc.ini. 31 in llnliev 1,'ikIiI c of the Miiin of the 3 1 1 J "team, at Imllli.tck .tinl l'.lj," Hill Ilellciiback at fullliack. A1I1I te tin1 bml.lirlil 11 line lliul con cen tains I 1111 Yeiiiik. ill left nil ; Ucxtfr Drap'-r. an All-Ann rienn ineniber of the lints ii'iini. lit ii'H tncrtic: tir.h y.h'Kler. line coach last xear nml aleo 11,. All-Aiiier.cnn in lUtlN. at Itf guard. , l.ruic (.e.ciis. ciiptalli of Ihe l.llll., leijl.i, at wilier: r. Uutl. U liailell. .:"i.. .... "'. v .1 ii'i. 1 ".. .. . USUI 'lllUli 1 1II .lllllMM UP, ' ilMHl( ! tlie It II Icam. at rigbl lackle. and Si ! I'mtvliu ..jt.i.il, ..r tli.. 1' Al I' nun Mnr a 1 hi back In l!tl)7.- at"iigiil end 111 !tiiiiieii 10 loose niiinrii xx no 1x111 .. . .. . . ,,, , 1 Finn, 1 .011 lining xxiii tiaxe micii lermui 1 greats as .1. Illllch Scott, itiatleib.ick in llllll: Ilnp Day and Vic Fraiil., flcnteis in mi'l and 1!0 respectixd.x ; By Dicksen, end in 1S!7: Dick Mnr tlmll, who made the 00-,xard run in Iftle that bent Michlgiiii; Hunter Scur l"tt. end In 1H07: Allle Miller, conch tt Villnnexn find ntiarterb.iek antl cap tain of the 1110!) eleeii; .lack Keogh. of the mill Irani and conch of the freshmen: Alike Sxeru. euarlerback of mill; Te Ilamstlell. the stnintcr mid halfback m P.UU: H. II. Meui. a . lackle luinin.il.x in Kill : Tem .Me- 1 11t11nrn ih.uji . ,). .... .,!. Mil..,, Wlilichlil, xx In, slaired for' iw'e .xears en the xaivuv : Unit, lirunncr. the l.a- ta.xelle All-Auierlean mid feiiuer Penn Pkxer: Ten. I'roeks. of the 1P07 tpai... , "mi nay .inner, mumiici 01 ine iiiisi 1 dexen and brother of Heinle a nil Allie. , Tex llanier will call lil stpind te- ' filler tomerroxv for prnclice, xxliih' 11 iminber of the giaduati'M expet le held n t...i 1 -ii t" 1 1 . n MKlMl drill rrltlav afleiiienn. I rlie ehellen of Hnmer te the cap- ' talucy eMerda.x afternoon, while ,, frtnt surprise, was xxtdceuied by slu- flints and graduates alike. The big. Mining TPMin is pepuur w.ilh slu.lents!' 'pV-'-V,';,,,!, antl graduates. His ebctien glxc Venn 1 Antopie. Te . n nggrefsili leader xxhe has lieen line 'f the outstanding slais el the teams u die hiBt two j ears. V D"-' HUU.VSlt.WK had Ihe fnl " Inielnij In mii eiinerrnimi limine: Hint bi;i fellow 11 our 11 the finest "ml nniniKt fnelhnll playeri in the I'lnd Indnii. Hi should untie mi iduil lender fur the I'.Ud limn. He hat nil Hint nees in tlic-niakr-Hii of n nine "ml it nnuld nut be ut nil fiirpihlii'l te (fir him winning real honors neil pern:" llanier Surprised ""LTAMUIUS election was as much a surprlse te hiiuFelf as it xxan te 'he students. 'The big Texan, who In- itji'ii'ally is one of the jeunscst I'ap ''dtiH III Penn's toelhall liister.x. was tint cen.iilni'ed serieusl.x as 11 cenlciider "r tin,' title until Inst l-'rldaj. when Jj'xeiul of the pla.xern bensicd hint for e pest. His elcclimi .xeslcnla.x b.x a le of Jack Dem. the flixerlle, and ' two elcs our Clll Kell.x. was Hik biggest surprise in Hie Inst ilciade.. pi- J'T:.1 ;- tliittiKlit Ilinl would be eecled, said the big fullback this In, ! !ls' , C,'J", nl' ",,s ",. l!u'"r!"". surprint. The tcllevxs nru all hnck of flC 1111(1 npyl ifnr VOII lire Ctlllll.' til SCO. leain en I'l-ankliii Field that w II bclt,pi(,ll0US ))V , fnt.t that Hipv were real credit te the I'niyersity. I knew Mr(1 u, distinguish win, e nam.' of ' mn going to'de in) bebt te make it the team thej n present cm I heir blouses, "' I but according le Miss Hetty Clumlen inner paid n glowing trlliute 10 res Miller, the retiring captain, whom lie uiii'ii -one 01 lliintlnest toelDiill pui) i and leailere in thu ismiitry." Tev i III nlt.inil llw. iiiiintlm 11.' III!' ' 1 put luilj Committee scheduled tu" the Koekxxotid girls pln.xejl senm clexer llniisdny afleriioeii, at which time th" basketball ami caged live liehl goals Mii'tliih. nut! reiH'h for next .xear will 'In the secnutl I'tiled. ('roundly be Inken up. Ne announce- Mss tierlrudi' Slimmer was Hie oni eni '"cut will be Mimic of the selecHeu of ..liiuillng star with four lichl goals, pttlier until after the Athlellc Ceuneil wdillc the elher wuscenirlbiilrd b.x Miss ""em en Friday aflenioeii in the giauii-1 ete mauuger ager'fi eflite. I Te Pla for Squash Tennis Title Kfw Yerk, Vte. IS. WellPr A. Klimt'lla. rid rrotrattlenal ciiub tp.inlii iliaiiiplun, 1 mpl Jump, n-irl. nf th Cruppnt A cf Nexy.Twrk. In the tlrnt of llie bt fe out of three mulch-it for the tllle horn xembdr. lfl, Thi -cetid ninteh will be 5rd,ea JlCPflnlKir 20. utid It h thlt-J l l,'sjay 'IV will he lielil Uuepinbcr SJ. tt Daughters MAY McCLELLAfD California Will Come Here for Penn Relays Les AiikpIp.s, Dec. 1L'. -Tlic U11I crclty of Suiitlivni Califeinia truck n 11. 1 'licit I team will be icprcvciiteil at (lip l'cnii ii'liijs al Kiiiukliu I'iclil. riiiluilclpliia. niitl (lie DniU re!a, at Drake Jnlvpilt, Ui.s .Melncf, Inwii, In ID'.''!, it was an nenneeil lierc teilaj. 'I'lic team also ill partii'J.iitc in the :i 11 11t1.1l inter in'.li'Kl.'lti' meet at lliirwirtl. ma LEAD AS Named as Field Generals Twenty-six of Thirty eight Colleges 1923 Gl CAMS i:ie.linn of fnntbnll .aptaius fnr the ..XT,.-!!' . 1. '".' "n.01 1 m lii-i-l gi-itlireu .ampalnis .lis, l,.s,..s ,. ' ; V ' rm.is in tlm cll. and will, IK,:', ra'i' r " "'M -'''':' n- llies.n s liei.l leadeis. ,,, (l1) v() .() ((iI. mmr ,)i( (h While a ..umber of colleges lnnc tie- )ve ltl011 1n Oer,lielnilii? 111:11 IiijpiI select lug nev. leaitcrs. a list of tins. thiflj -clchl etnbi.iciiig the S011II1, Fast vr, ' and Middle Vcsi shows twenlj -six ' Couragreus Quintet linemen and twehe Icnks elected. j Don't make the mistake of asM'tnlns Among tlie liueiiien. guards werp most I t''"t B'tl" m-p net ouregeoiis anil ng frequently chnsi'ii. Ihc list 1 ealltiv: Ki''-lxe antl fast. These lassies can eIpmii pla.Uiu: that pnsil ion. Kibt tiic-j I'1"? basketball, and their fighting kles, four centers and ihre ends coin- ; hearts are as keen in the stage of die iileteil the choice fiem the front line 1 f"'J as any men lliat exer Iheti. Their ranks. ' ,ii. ,.. I,riprh.iel.M w.i.. vnl,r.ie.l. , erbacks wcic srlecteil. I ,,.. 1, 1..1. 1lli,ivu f,.ii. ,ii. Pliasi7,cs a fur. her 8l1.l(,nI of , ,,, j,,,,., t ,,, ,, tin litllllllllil IK'IU IM'UPI.) Captniiis-cpi.. ingpihi'i with their positions, for tolfeges listcil, are as fel- "fabmn -I iMrle II. is.irtlei t. ii'int'r t ItPiitiix'.c. t'tha, N. mm. j, ' .. AinliPit Will huu 1 V hnttlinik 1 Hmwii -Julin I' Sprllman t iPhtr f'nITK r,, I'Mlin.. t'eiinliinln 11 llutlrr- flu reld HiinciT. 1 1 1 1 1 k'Uini. iVnln IMxlii Kii-tIp. I'e.t Hmlth cenlpr Arl. . t 11 1 ueii .linn" rxinll hHifhiiPl niv-T'.iiPs-c uf New Ve.i Julin Sentler- m.111. iiile-. I x'nla.itr .lamp! t.pen.ir'l, 1UkIipMp! N. V . 1 ii-lite. tn'tliie'ilh ""ir I x) (Jriesp. N .( . Kiinrd. Anliciiliii.h. Url l.runklj.i, N T, U,"iaiix .I11M11 i'kiIi KU?,r,l- l.,,1"r,l,"n" Lciuli IIphIi. Trfiitnn, N. .1 . I'rcl I-. llMir'i. Ilenip, N V, Hamilton tin KM. liijjtei Jh.i.ps M,-iiiii ti- W.MII imiuiu .s Miart imtlei xxnln-ii '""" , ,, , , tJ','- ' "" " ""' v,,,",,"1 i.ciiirli W'lllnnt s-iirliistPii. pctmlt. ccn yr,,.., ,., .. ,.,. , ,,,. ,,,'. ffiUfr!?"1"1" '" K '", ' I"1!'!'"":' i,i'"" Mtihiean kbIe xtnrri 11 Tieinr, i:al riC!l",,1 . Binrt Nph-ixt.!,! -Vi.iiip I.IpupIImi hairiinrl,. N(nihxxrtern Wlllhim T. ilclJUxali), Kx.imieh. ill. Ii.iifbnh ', -,- erU b'nixerii- liixhl frliiM, ir; Ohie i-ia.piie.ii iviietr roide. tapiii, ,, I'rlneit"ti A. It. Hhixpl. Vnpsber", -Ikim""-. .X. llanier, :an fullbHPK 'urdup Raliih i'hi.punl. 1m import, la, 1 1 iipi', rjutp-rp VX'llllaiii Ivlrip.iinii Ki.ard ft. SatPiitiPn'H M.irtln 11 WIiIIp, Seiu-hu. Mil, .Mum . liairii-11 !; HpiliiKfHi: (.Mhhn i X.1riPi1 WnltPrr, Siiiilh HpihI, IihI , end firm ilp -I3x.ui(Jr .Xb Ih" AIIBli"ii, im , cinl Tutta tl.Milili Tvhi' Ihhiiclnii, Slavv t trltl- t nlen - Nerlluui) 1'. IMIInKr, New Tort, 1 H, nn nl I' H MllllHrv i,iiui' 1 x-iiTiln .T .Mnlll. cm, Nciv ur,t t'ltv. ji Mr I' S N.ixul Ai .idem.' Artliur U C'nriiey, ,f Yeik 'lly. miard XXiiKhliiilun and Jeffirmn - t'lip'.pr I,. VHfriiilsl. Mullii" III., leeklp. XVpk. V rElnl.i I'.eil isiiiiuiia. New rum. Iprlnnd. '. V'a hulbinK Wllliiinis lamps U Ilaliinnili, Wlllicc Jt,inv. I'a.. Riinrd XX'lm enulii Mat tin IIpIiiw InrKlp Vain Wlllhiin .. .Xlulleu, .xip.npliis, Teiui balfbaih R00KW00D GIRLS WIN ANOTHER LEAGUE GAME Miss Gertrude Slimmer Stars in Victory Over Lehigh Valley The Coekxxood gills aihlid-annlher xiclnr.x te their number in the 1'liiln- 1, i0i,,hiu Mnnufneluieis' League llffplltnl; t.ehigh Valle.x lilrh, ut Y Hall. -7-'7 West Columbia avenue, njKlir bv nnnh last Itl',l, U'li.tllll'i, nrnl.f,.. . ... such 11 tittle ining us initf xxill all be corrected ter tllelr next gnme. lie score was 111 in . 1 ne users s' m oil their lone point in the opening ,ipiliwi nil 11 fnl.l III Altisi tl'nlp lilil riaiueH i.xncn, wue pia.xeti a 11ie iioer game, 'llie eihcr pla.xcrs xvue also dill xxcii were iii'ii.x iiiniiiicii, .lean Cluiiden, (Ihul.xH Hughes, Temmy Davia ami Allah Cright. Tim lloekxxnod girls aic making prcua rat Ions for their most important contest next .Monthly night xxlth thn Daughters of Columbus tit thn lutter'n hull, Tlilrty-elfhth and Market streets. " r ' ..i.tlt'i' x. i.'"i,lc tyt.isj yii,y, 1 EVENING' PUBLIC i LEDGEKr-EHILADELFHIA. TUESDAY, DECEMBER ' 12, 1022 of Columbus Are MARY CONWAY 1ERS ! UAUrPlTAM Ql ATC Daughters of Columbus ' Beast Recerd of Seven Straight Victories and Ne Defeat- SEEK NATIONAL TITLE Winning loams nrp reininnn enough. 'J'liey clutter up this (rrrestrial sphere1 i'ml' iheli- shrill elnlni te sitpivmnr y tie te the empjrpmi blue. T'.ut teams that absolutely nutclas'j all eppiir.cnt arc iare as (llniier j.n kcte en whr.'c Teams that hip se geed (hut I hey fiml it illiBctilt te get panics can be cnunlctl oil Hip tiiiKPr.s of 11 elip-armetl mail. Thern Is one In this vlllnsp. though 1 niul 11 girls' team at that. Basketball , Is their ferle, ami they go forth te bat A Al tle under the nanip of the Daughters of Uw j Columbus. 1 1 Mnre than eup cage star of the inalp I grmler has vatcbed tbesp niWsefi In nc . I lien and remarked te himself that who- ' ever (his Columbus fellow was he hud been a darned geed man te have dang') ters llke that. Last ear (hey had one of tl e best 'single illlhcnln has been in gtltlng games xxill, teams that can ghe them games xxill, teams that can cite mix sort of a contest. .M'xx lerl.. -xx tli the se If. eon it lent binggndnele that clriractcries he 111 tropelis, has liilmei the xxeimn's b.ts kelball c1i,iiiip!eiishl) of the l'-isl for the last leu .xejrs. The New U Illoenier tJIrls is the le.ini tli.it n-fs up tills litle-qne.-lliig cry. mid since llie.x luxe- nail a lime 1ne.1s1.r1 nl snpppss tliplr claim Is net without fniin.lniinii. Cut the.! have ,xel te meet the Daugh- ' ters of Columbus. . These local girls haxe rilaxed sexen 1 games se far this .season ami wen nil , of them. The.x lolled tin a total 1 of 'jet'i., points te .ML', which should be cenxinc-, 1.13 1. reef In tin sUenilpiil ilini ihnv haxe net boex pushed nt any stage of. Itie game Tite Team Star The high scoter Is Mar.x Cmiwny. xxhe Itebis a torwerd berth antl hns plH.xed the breath out of exer.x gtrird xxhe tried te held her. She s nn accurate shooter. ihi-h. I11.1., r, ''; ,. 1, ': ,,'V , ". .. is . rsn a . I.lldlexv, who is Hi, celssteul and stoat x ' . 1-. hilf-iasMIssCenxxax is brilliant. SI10 makii Dp,r r.N-an Ideal werkir en Ihe atlapk. Her running mate at forward l, l.rsula Nell Denucl.x, the captain, harms center, and lie; tiliilll.x nt getting the "tiip" en her rivals is one of the prln- 1 I'itile rensntic xhx Hip fnru'nrilu 1m,., . " ., ,.- , ii. I i-w 1111111., ,11,11,11 1 tiiiii 11., 111 nun , .lliss.i . .!. r r. 1 . , Deiinelir rntPs will. Hip he! si.rii,i",.u 1,rM "' Jrf' f-00" '"-' ,01I'T are III the city, ami has hung up numerous' lorercls en the tinder path. As a matter of fact, ciery member of llie Dnughtera of felumbim is 1111 all. 1 a round athlete, and can run am exini as well as pln.x bnskptbnll. T'liPlr strong eftense 1.1 net the only feature of the lives plax. Defensive 1.x, they are just a.) keen, ns mi axer age of just a bit mere than four points 11 g.ime tetalled In their opponents linn.', im-Mi.n. I- .'i.i. .xuiiius niiu .Mrs. .Manic 1 nnaiie.1. 1 lie miter lsiMiurar. Thlftlebloein. Third--Fust the real xeter.111 or Ihe Iimiii, and last PuJIet. Wedgewood. PufT llnll. Fourth .vear iniinageil ii as well ashelilliij. down , Apple .lack II. San P.ihln, Mumbo an ncllxe phi.xlng beilb. Miss Adams .lutiibe. Fifth - Heldi'ii Ited. Cnnnx is Hie newcomer of the tenm, but her ' LadySir .lack. Sixth fiehjen Chance', speed has added an extra nole of power, Stonewall, 1'iitiel, In Ihe girls' team. The tlnee substitutes tetild all held j TI.1J11.111a: First race -Shei man A., 11 place as reguhiis en any team in tlie Lemond. Jr., Squash. Second Maize citx. Helen Ilillegas, who is one of the xe,ln' Ciivp Mnn, Argonne Ferest, best known swininiera In the city, and I Third Firexxertb, Drifting, Jehn besides, is a n tinner and g.rinnnst of I A' ,,1"' I mirlli I heirmaster, Unrr.x ii...." il.nn n lltilii fame. 1p:ii1 h llei Iliiilcler. Deckhniid. Fifth Ciwnile. She has at her back .uni.v McCullum ' -.'- "" and Jean Sleinliauscr. belli of Iheni girla of extnieidinar.x abllilj. Play (lelliamMe.s. Next Saturdii) the D.iughlers of t'n. umbtm xxill pln.x the Manhattan deem or Uirl.t In Tienteii. Thia is Hm big best game of the season se far, and If Ihe local maids win they xvill be In line for net until honors, If they arc net already well up le I he front. Their list of victories se far reads as fellow h: " Kxlde natterv. r. n Hlfpl lleddls, aj.2; Mpp Hedilie. '.'0-l. Si )!''. ,". Orpm ye. 82-1 Kxlde Uaiui, i'l Hi Vlmt C'hrlBi tlun. 17-3. Tin'- girls pln.x regulation Kasteru League rules, ami express themselves as willing te play any girls tenm in the Fnltcd Stalls. Just M11.dc el creilll must he given Il'irn nielli', le tlii men, I lieie ceacli is Ceiiclilln. antl his inrncsi ami i .,,.. ,,.,..1 i,v d.i, nii'li 111 wnlil ih, i!i- Imllvliliiiil l.illl 111 lit v illle a I'olicsieii! Hint made their exerxx helming xicleiic? possible. State Begins Dally Workouts Mule t'ellecr. IM.. w , IS. Coach llme IWdi-k ban kblff'd hi" iruhilin: rniuruni tin the I'piin Mtute KiMderii. who me iireparimi ter Ibe trip te I'lninlriiii. ni bhiv the Unl. xilty of Heuthpfii I'allfimihi til Ihe Tmnv naiiient or Iteseu en Nxv,Yir' Iay and the Nlltunv lileim ttie new huldliie dally xxorlt xxerlt nnt until the l.iv of departure. It il nrlRlnnlly nlunncd te practice only ttircg ilne a xxeek. BjjiWtvnksiv . NEL DENEHEY, Captajft Yale. Favored te Intercollegiate Swimming Penn and Princeton Will Probably Fight It Out for t Sedend, Says Fermer Quaker Captain. Season Opens Friday Night " n.v DON LKOI'OLD runnrr Caplaln of the fiirti-riOty ef 1'ennsjlj.inln Mnlimnlnc 'Wain Tin: nil will op intercollpginte bwimming season I pen en Friday night, uhenthe -Cllllbivanill icani lliepiM 111c 1 iry . .1 iti. Celleet of N r I - "..-.. t.. ,.l..... I 1 1UIIV III ' ffMU.IIU I 1 una once mere in- 1 11,. , 1 ;,.,, nn;f cltainnieiishlp m-u- Idirf in February. .Indeed en past '"''J, "" cross-ceunirj team during the for Vale. I performances, the ('. 0. . Y. nggre- j Ll- season. The New I lax en I gallon should offer little opiesitinn. Offcnheust r is a thiei'-tlnic chani hwimmers me mi- I Hut hi the second merf of the ,ear w Ith rieii. In l"L'l and l!)'Ji: iie wen the Mb. i s B Pfl (leubtptlly the fa-1 eriten in the r.ue . for the lean, title. 1 although the' strength of the xjtieus teams lias net been demon- strated a" jel. I Within r c cent! .xears Y'lle his protluceil let i)i. . HON 1 KOPOLD breaking teams and the sticiv-s nf the I'lis is inaiu'y due le the efforts et t'eaeh Klpulli. Dining the era of 'Niile m:i cesi's Peunsjlxaiila antl Priuieleu Irne feiij,hl bilti'ily for Ih" position nf nin-mr-iip. Piesent liiformatieii xxnuld In tli ate a duplication i,f tlie sirug'.'l" lielwien the 'I'igeis and the (..'uakci. There also Is a stieng ms.iilj el t'tdumbia cnteting the lithl w- ,1 xeri actixe euni'ietiler. Neilber Penn. Priiicpteii nor Celum- 1 bia would Imiber the thought dint ale 'xiil again win the iulriielbgialc tllle. Pact, s. it, js 11 dnj of sperl liPMts and nn.x one off this tern iilnblc trio may upset the prp-scisen piptlin- , tlens. A Utmr inlcrciliu'i nml nrliti' ' cavni 11 n 11 1 ici 1111 1 ul tui the hi 101 l-itril rellryri. It Innlx like a hlil in ti r in littrieellciiwtc siummi'm.' t irrlrn. Pciiii'm liaucrs PUNXSYLVAMA ariialic hopes this A ypnf an' basetl. te a grent rtenl "I,0 ""' ""llilx of riiptnin Vic HeNt. I" cenliiiue bis consistently biillinnl sw imming. Heist last xear xxns one "f t no limit xaluable men in the lengue. scoring in lietti dashes nml the rela.x. l in oilier menilipn of the iclny xxill nrnhablv iiicltiiln Hiehnril. I'nwlnTii nnrl Durham, xrhe Inst year starred with the iresiinieii. 'I up fame men xxill in xitle dut.x xith Heist in the fifly and tentiiry. xxlth I.urcett held in icseixe as 11 possibility (Vnclt Kistler lm tlnep capable men ' III the middle distances In KimPr, I Ci'clile' and Cardiner Tliree geed men IUp nife avniUHiie for ihe lircabt and Imrk. stroke epntt It h in the it. .ex dire (hat the '" '",e """ -x "lre '"nl Ur , Beets and Saddle ' : rf" urieaiis: nerjes xvnieii sppu. New Orleans: Horses xvhieh Iirst rm-c ln!jl' P'''1' "jCO risher Fornnndes. Seceml Delle of Chi" rtidge, Iligli Ten, Hlllheus-e. Tliinl Dimplps, American Hey. Matinee Idel. Fourth llailiinn. Lina Clark, Lainpus I Fiflli Orlevn, Minnie .Man, Onmeu- I Huge. .Sixth On High. Kirnli, Mnen- winks. N Ilavnu.i: Firt rn, e Crushwnnd. f !-.,- tt.-.,lnll I '.-.mil,. It S' 1 -,i.i '.iiiiii,-,,. - "im mi) 11 111. rvciiinj- .mn J1".mn. Lieutenant Willinui .1 .i.'ip .xi'imrt. i.teutetitiui '...- ft t!l...l. rr. it, .. - ' ' uiiiii 11. niAin ii'iiiiiut'e, v nne'.Mi VelIe, Review. Sexcnih Laxag.i, Ixenxxard. Count Ceris. Jockey Corcoran, Hie little NVw th -leans box-, is tlie xx hole show at the Jeffersen P.uk iccln?, Corcoran hn-i wen sixteen races In nine dnx.s, aim mole than half of his me'inis'. Lat winter it vxns Liiiir wlie was the winter sensation. He lias a lead of eleven victories exer Peel, his nearest rival. P. G. JUNIORsIn FIELD Downtewners Have Pick of Friends' Guild League In Line-Up The Passen. Ciettlieh ix. Black Mid gets would llke te urrange gemes with thirteen tn fifteen jear old basketball teams. The llne-un is nlcLed fmm tin. 'Friends' liulld Junier J.eague. and Ihe jtpiiniet i'eiuI is of the best pln.xers 111 Ihe 1 Ircliit It Is cn.tcheil by Kazincr" l.iilm. wicchi itiiiti I'.uwnru liexenter, the nip lain of ihe P . tl. & II, tenm, new lend- iik me 1 in 11111.1 im hi .xinnuiaciuiers League. The plajern nru Wllehitiskx , 1 Lin atsk), Singer, Solemon, Carile'r, Callahan ninl Caplan, i.iiims 1110 tleslretl with Natixltx Midgets, i.riice MldgetH. St. Anne Midgets. Sherwood Midgets nml espi'u'inllv J. II. C of Starr Harden. AcWreni Kniniler I.ubewleeki, 210 Fnlr ineuitt avenue. ffily... HtyVl Sprightly dEAN Repeal in I " " I'e.m coach facet u real problem. The less of Ar.nslreng mid Snake and tliei t .1 .,,....., .... 1 .. 1111. . t I'.t.lt iJ 1. 1 -. ' ...ui.ii-y ineiiuiu 11. 111 r.ue.c Puny se lme pb,iustcd the list of cvncri- Clli'f,!! 1, off,,, ,nct I !,,, ., tlm 11ml -'y ' "iii;iimsi .;.,, i-i, .in- ,. eji """ enif icani intrn uihj iti ui'mi''iii'' 1 nrier te the eml nf lint in-esi.nl m l.nnl I I'liir eteu it is impossible te pick Ihc winnei' 1'rnm Kebrunrj and tin en-jlmtit the reiiriinder of tlif season tin- l'eiiu team will be very ceiisiilerahlx strenttliPiipil. S'chisbcl will be nxailable for the dive, anil Paul I'liacc. Ireshuinn scoring ace nf last jrar, vlll he eligible. , fillAVU it 110 0111 our 0 Ihc liral riasli turn in llir Intrrrol Intrrrel Intrrrol ciJec sserinltnu, lint ai it ell h lirnhnbly witlie'it i prrr in the iiiitldlr ilhlnni rv. IIH iirriiiiir will tli rr Cnnrh Willi r 11 inirlnii fnr n Icni'i that 0I11111I1I iiiinin jirmr a cen-tnidrr. iniitest nnis be ergauiztil b.x the IVil Kistler's I'lungc Uianipieus eratlen mid tiuauciall.x toutrellcil b.x AT A retent meellng of the Kscr-u- "op'-P'eutatixes nf tb- fund: all uieitc.x exents. ' Iheenl.x tit tlucliens pi 1 milted will be As a developer nf ch.imninns in this ' 'V1' ","" "f l1"' ll""- "i"1''!-'' is N hoped, event Ceorge Kistler has been xvitheut ' ""' ,"1" V'1 '"' CIW'" ''"''' alMl "l" tletibt llw most si,ps,sfnl lollegiate expenses et attendants, mentor, (ixer a period of meie tlian I Thcie xxill be- no Iren seats. Tne lxenx-M jiais as 11 tellege coach he inenihers of Hie leder.itien. elln inN. iel has been successinl m leeepillg 11 ! dees, judges, tiill. 'keepers, mcuiiiIs, j Hiiimpleii no less than eightepii tlinrs. luanngers. lmxeis ami repei it is" mil' t The font has been inade possible in u 'nil p.t.x uu admission Ice. Ifexx instances due te Hip iniiuie nbllit.. I , 1 of die 1, lunger, le.xcxcr. in the xiist , Columbia Re-elects Cob Moere 1 !!1!J?r.,l i'mi"""'' "",' ''",'I' '"vclepe,! j pii erk ler ,..,. ,,., of . ll.ixe Hail llltle or no knexxlergn nf the linn Meit n , ipihIii ,( th. 1 elin l.i. , ms seen 11. uu Kisiirr placed tlu'tn uil'Ier 1 bis tutelage. fr Ihar (lifimpien, tlie prcalrnl " i"'J iiidniihlrdl'i II Wis, irhn In 1011 bmkr Ifrr mriltuii rrrnnl, llr vemnl "S feci !) imtcx in the time limit nf nvr minute. In l!t: llVlfs ail'iin ii'-hirvcd diilinrtlmi 61 tiaicl ing SO feet 111 su ly areends' 20TH CENTURY g FIVE ALI.-5TAH RATTLIKO BOUTS BENNY BASS VS.CUDDY DEMARCO Ailra.. 85e & it. le. leu cf Thrills! ' r'AMRIJIA A sf I te Knt,,-4- 1 ,Tr , f1 '' s'-' "fsV. ridA",X X'V- ?OTi",."t;vi..?M8 AD S10NK . TE7C McCUNE tur uiaer airr B3UM r- Anu.1 "QUIXET"Perui,i. GARAGES & BUILDINGS H. F. HILDRETH 205 N. 3rd St. SUrlitX 11 b: Agt. for C. rhiiu. D. Pruden Cerp. Alfrcxl Dunliill POKER PIPE fr niiiiiil b Itlft4 of t wi uni Other Fftueui pert akf . WHY nor firp i'n R Ann Jniprtrri y I p for M3 or a fm tin nf Eur )Uh t e b i r r Ui i l'k thai COMOY'S HtnlitM.0rlnd R. R. B. town Make) KETTLES G.R.D. tnd MM C0ATES COLEMAN CO, f lib temmcrctRl I rust Bid. Alain m i&ciHl iJW Can yen afford te wear "standardized" clothes? Individualists who have ru'iik'vt'd fiUcce-Fs in niaUinff "standardized" things for - citlnrfl are .still individual ist' in the 1 latter of clothes. 'i'lint'i v hy tlipy I'oine te ua, llur I'iIiim Xip XmJ,.r Suits $"A) ami upwards 9. Cuttom'XillersSincHZ70 Fjhi'tuerg) 1116 Walnut St. 1ccujv1 HH IWT'siaPfanKW ME31 in: T3 1 and Skillful Basketball Play STEIN HAUSER SJSb'SSriu w Liggett te Pilet Football TeamOf TeamOf fenheuser Cress-Country Leader Wnlly Llgcrlt was cletteil captain of thp Vpt Philadelphia High Scheel football team at a meeting nf letter mpir. Liggett was the unanimous choice for the honor. ' I Ills pleetlell linn ks the III st time in (the hisferj of the Institution ' that 11 football plnjer has been chosen le lead team en In.s spcmiiiI ear as a mom- lcK ,f ,'"'' ,,!"'- . , . . . ..' "fir: " " " " ". ," ... ,', ""'' "". -h ', ' '. u . iJ ' .'. 1. " "... "."';. 1 , ' Mil in " nil 111.I'' IP ll urnrMiM 1 ,,is ,..,., 1., ..1 . . ..:. .,,. ,.,-. f..,. bailers made ' his election 11 pesitlw ,, . .1, , 1 . Oi'OI'gO Iflenheiiser T as named te senior line ami tiuring the last -cn'eii Im .m it,.. 1. ii.:.. .. 1 .. 1011 1.. was the Hist I'liihnlelphi.i runner ( finish in the American championship. , . I SIKI BOUT FOR CHARITY Return Ge With Carpenticr Under Control of Federation Paris. Iec. yj. The Kicnch Ilnin.' . 1 eileratmu aniieiiuees that it is icad.x lit) ntltlienp a light between Cattliug I Siki ami (ieerges farpenlier uinler the j fellow ing conditiens: I The lenipts iniisi gi tu die aid el 'some fund of 11alien.1l iiniieilamv: Ihe cilinli K11111 i.hs 111 iltilllii I felluulni; I IliPPtliiB (if thp ir 1 MU nl Mniiii. v 1, etiM 11 J mini h' 11 te 1 1. ip I ) hi nt 1 In IUii.i .nut V. hit' H mi urn. ItiPi en 1c lii 1st III uneihrr xp.ir of pemppillltiii lfl 1 Hregues -$7.S0 Bes' Gelf lleic ' $3.50 Beys' nfioiqeriOali S 7 'Beet Shep C 1420 Chestnut St. ler Christmas t Give America's Foremost Cigar for Christmas. The mere name Girard is a premise of pleasure te the knowing smoker and, every puff fulfills that premise. Any geed dealer sells' Girards. Antonie Reig & Lansrsderf Philadelphia ( Established ."1 Ycar GIRARD Never gets onyeur nerves I -esag"- --!- mmmyy' URSULA- LUDLOW LADIES OF PINZON ARE UNDEFEATED West Philadelphia Girls Get Away te a Geed Start in Quest of Cage Honors Dr.T irOTr-nl CI rnrnin DCHI VVCOIcniH CucViniu Vi'UU girls' basketball new In full, swing, this city pmmi-c.s le be repre- ' scnleil by some class teams that will be able te bold their own with most nf the leading lives in this district. I One of ihc; ifiims that is new showing considerable premise is ih,. I.ndies of I'iiiKeii iiuliitet It is iiinetliig all op- ', I'liueiits tit Knights of I'elumhiis Hall.1 uni.x -cgmn ami x .in-ei sin . 1. hum JPal" !",s ; "Im-ihIv tiikpn the mensiire of two rivals mid is uexv 011 the lookout for nieic teams te cemiuer. I The liist iip t0 bow te the Ladies' I of Pillion was the live rcpieseiitlllg I Mouet.xpe. ami after one of the gieat- 1 I est giinies exer put en b.x girls the Pin011 tixe tiiunipbed in an eMni pe- ! . nod. Ill te s. Cnth l"ams s10wp( a , I preticienc.x at guarding that for 1111 I carlx spjiMin .'nil" uns renin rliable. At I lb"' end of the legnlatieli perietl eight 1 points hitp marked up for rnp, ,.un. lender ' In the ettn perii'ilji prelt.x field goal I b.x licit 1 nil" DnxMie.x liirmd the tide nf viclnrx tn the Pin.eii iriiui ami itiirtiMl Ihc est lliil girls' season ill the' right xxax. . Last night the spivuiil game of tlie .xear was plaxisl. ibis time the oppo eppo oppe . Iienls ,PinK hp Western I'leetrie iixe. X I !.... l 1....1 r.. .1.1 I . ii., ii -1 .in jn iiiuiip irini''n, 111 inn I two h.ilxes the Piiunn s.'irs 10. ild only I niusier sj )ieiiits, while ihe Western l.lectri" gills mjile hut one counter, this a frui i. Miss Ccrirutle Dexmic.x nml Miss 1 Kailicrlnc llicke.v me the two ferwartN en the le.ini. and thev aic pla.xing.n bang-up game. Tegeiher with Miss1 Mingaiet Kell.x. captain of thp tenm.1 who pla.xs centPr, this trio is able In, lake chip el all the efteiisixe work nec 1 ss.ir.x . t giinnls are Ml s Mnilp Weiser and Miss Marie P.reiitmn, and th" showing el these two ghls in last night's ganv xx ben thev shnl out tlie Kleerlcs with , Fer his first kmckctbuckcrs vc,vc imported some fine FJeys' Gelf Hese. And ler them-- these brogues Let old "Xick" present 'cm both. g222gp l uhj fH HREN H ILLEGALS out u field geul stmnps fiiem iih bdng .ilneiig Hi" hct in their class. The lenui in rapidly acttiiring 11 st.tle of ,iln. thai bids fuir te luakp things In teres) Ins for future opponents. In mldltlei. te the Ihc regulars, thrtp eiy I'.'ipahle hubs me en hand. They are Mlta Knthciine Driscell, Miss Ami Millard ;u id Ml.-s Helen ISrennan, slsttjr of tin guaril. Eddie Plank Game Law Violater Vrk. Ph., lici Vi one of Mx mn ar ret, rtl en th1 Olieuliisr of the nr seflBOn fur IelnHiiK Stnle cHine I.iwh ujb "T'ddt" I'ln.il,. furmT btpbtill rltelirr and no ewner "f ti UHratt. nt ijeiMnbnrff !! ufl HrriMrd b tlmu. Wnidttl W C Htei-nn, of ttip Pine iree Pinsn 1. who allce h m iiil..v nulilde Uie nfnerve utter darlc v.tMuiff ftr d'fr te eemc out Christmas Gifts Sentiment. :i3 well asSatis asSatis farlieu suoeft "Spaliling.' W can guanuilcc 5aia. tiuti. "lust as ",oed" takes the cdi oil bcntiincnt. A new end helpful idei Spalding "Yeung America" Base Ball Outfit I'onVntlnjfef Ne. 4 Uniform (Slitr. Pants. Ciip. FJelt Hml Ptnckitn) Ne. 40 Mitt. Ne. 251? T)Ht. Ne. 711 Ball.ennHiialdlng' Athlptle l.lhmrv BoeKon "llewtu Pitch 'c je Outfit Ne. 1 Cemnlelrt ipD.O Yeune Ainrlcn Outfit Ne. V. enti enti mutiniref Ne 7R Ball. Ne. EOlt Hut sud sjpdldinsr "Hew te Bat." I'rlie romplete 51.03 Veiips: Amerlcti Outfit Ne. 3 (Oftl cial BrfllOoinbinatlen). Coniitaef Ne. .IM, Twit Rail. Ne. 12PB I'las Kieuml Ball at d Ne. Bl fta Ball Price complete $10.00 A Gelf, Special Caddy Bag' lid 5 Clubs Prixer.Midlren, Jtashlp. T'nUcr, Nlbllc. CemDlfle r 9.50 Otliprtlutfits til 75 and 517.00 Kre-Flitc Gelf Balls The nu-p-t dnrahln bnli inade. Hpcc i il ( hriMm.iaX' raptiini;. l)oz. $9.00 I iJJv 1.IK1 i:ach $1.73 le 20.00 (nit shoes l'uir 10.00 te 11.50 liolfelep " .90 tn 3.00 Ktrpp. 1ieps " 11.00telZ.S0 Uelf clubs Kaeh 1.50 te 9.00 Spalding Feet Balls Ne. ,1-,. Th hall ud In all tile contest?. Pv.eiialChritniasxrratv. Vlns Each $9.00 Other feet ball?, J7.00, 15.00, (4 00. 1.50, $2.23. $1.75. Spalding Basket Balls Ne. M. The original hall of the Bame. Attraetively xvrnppeH for Chrmtmaa Hach $13.50 Otherhal,etball,$lone.$JClO.J6 00 Boxing plexea .Set $4.00 te$18.00 Strikinubaitii.Eapli 3.00 te 15.00 PUjZieunri halU" ,2Ste 2.25 Heme cwnnasium Cemplrte 12.00 rhptXKeii!ht Kneii 12.00 te 36.00 Ilewltisr machine" 25.00 te 40 00 i:iastlceTPmer 1.10 le 6.00 Medir up halls " 6.00 te 15.00 Itellf ilatea Pair 2,00 te 4,50 Daw halle haeli .13 te 2,00 Basppall sleves " .75 te 8,00 Tentiii rackets " 2.50 te 13.50 i-iuiih rackets " 4.50 te 6.00 Spalding Sweaters W (ZSK Warm ami com- l.l Portable. Jutt i I ncht for all man- V V tipr of outdoor xx ear- aiitomohll aiitemohll aiitomehll Ine hunt In tr. walklnt, selfiiiE, etc. q..ji.. . C, - ,',' "iiiik nci" eraarenndepffu In our own fat tones. Coe'. V.ntrka Pull eteta Ne. BO Best quality worsted. Reed xveliht.V nek Karh $10.50 Uthcr stx.aUrs, IH. J12.W, $14. Jig, Spalding "Blue Streak" Skates Heckey and Hieing-. Beautifully flnlahetl. Hkates only. Pair $10.00 Willi Ne 333 Sheea " $13.00 A Breat variety of ether models. l'-xlr $2 00. 12 60. IS 00. $3.60, $5.00, It! 00. $7.DU. $10 00. $16.00. F.kathiK Shoes, $5.00, $6 CO. $$.(0, $0 00. $19 00. M.la pair $7,25 te $13.00 Snewshiie. " B.OOtn 10.00 'I iiliiiicsana Haph 10,00 te 28 00 lleiUey slicks " .50 te 3.00 .1 Ih' Hml Gift Inuring the Spalding Truiit MurLunurci Quality Vs$aA?ffex, I21U Chestnut St. riilludelphla I 1 i 11 -I ffl -j.H? - w