Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1922, Night Extra, Page 22, Image 22

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I - i
rt Fletcher iii Arizona, While Big League Meeting Will Be Held in New Yerk;
-'? -wvvwl
rAs a Result, Belgian Billiard Champien Has Developed
Streng Nursing and Dead-Drive Game Art Fletcher
Should Be at Big League Meeting
IK Tlin sports world when a chap ulie employs his left arm te indorse his rny
cheeks does or says something thut Is it bit ent of the ordinary channels, the
right-hander shout In chorus, "lit- can't help It; he's a southpaw." Why
left-bnndera bheuld have n stranglo-held en the eccentricities has never been
sensibly eMilalned that is, assuming that ft
southpaw Is well, capricious. It is a fact,
nevertheless that baseball players who use the
right arm In throwing the cork-rered sphere
art- went te regard the fellows who use their
left as whimsical and frivolous "bugs," they
cul! 'cm.
It has been discovered that this opinion
of the southpaw extends te the billiard table,
where IMeuard Ilercninny, the llelglun cpert,
is the chief pertnlde cueist. I'nnucStletiably
the master of the masse, the spectacular (-het
that nlw.ijs thrills the gallery, lleremaiis has
lest important matches because he "stuck his
cue butt in the air." as Jee Mn.ver eiipressed
It instead of selecting what would lime been
an easier draw or carom that might net have
ill- lied a murmur of applause.
Heremans is the one left-handed cue
artist who is in the top flight of professional
fact thai he should be the cvcninc one. In tlm
course of bis muMi with Keger Centl. Trench champion, staged at the Hud
son recreation parlors Inst week, the Belgian southpaw executed masses
that were posithe! remarkable. When the balls are in a position for
him te elevate his cue. he does It in a workmanlike manner. He leans ever
and gives the la-out a .crmitmlj careless glunce. 1'p Gees the Mtek, down
.eemci the cue-point with a onlident left-hand poke and the ball scurries
iaruund te touch the ethers n if It hud human legs te carry It.
There are times when Heremans' masterj of. the masse is a gre.it nssct.
But even he can fall down en the dltiiciilt shot. Usually, tee, his mii-es end
Innings that might carry him along te victor) if he could squelch that desire,
uppesedly common with southpaws, te de the speetneu'ur. Again quoting
Jee Mn.ver, "Heremans gives the impression that he would rather earn a leitnd
.f loud applause from the gallery than win the match."
m .$&'? ""J Ti 1
leavers nnd it i .t curd
l0Yi:'i:i!. the Kebjian champ it lireinninij te rialuc thut the
1 useful I nited State dellan and thr fame tome te him irhe uins
title.', and that the applause of thr anllrip for fancy nhets h ficlle.
lie has dcreleptd ie nurnlne and dend-drnc game te the point ichcrc
experts tell a Heremans ts net surpaiicd by any ether tournament
( pleyir.
The Balls Obey His Cue Absolutely
'ttqKKMAN'S' uncaniiy mater.v ever the balls when he Gathers them en the
Xl edge of the balk line Is the real feature of his game and what may be n
,Vlnning teature. tee. Twe, three or mere short caroms almost invariably find
a line-up as perfect as though two balls had been placed with the band just
Where the player wanted them. And then a ball is driven te the side rail and
brought back precisely where the eipcrt southpaw required it te continue his
"Nine times out of ten. Heiemaiis can bring that ball within nn eighth of
Jan Inch of where he wants it ami where it should be." -aliJ n billiard enthusiast
who watched the Belgian in all his games with Cnntl. The best part about it
ifls that there is net the slightest indecision in his phi. Se perfect is his
Control ever the cue that he execute-, his shots with a confident rhjthm whli.li
"delights the gallery.
I5y the way, Jee Mayer hours out our theory that Willie Heppe, present
'champion, is a victim of the "flinch " In ether words, the essential co
ordination between eje. mind and muscle is missing, The popular Heppe flmU
Indecision a bugaboo that is wearing him down, phjsleally and mentally.
However, it Is net te be assumed that Willie will lese the title when he meets
Schaefer. Centi or Heremans. for his superior generalship may carry him te
.victory ever these jeunger and mere busatiewtl players who beek the npplause.
j The gallerv doe- net exist, se far us Heppe is conceived. He leeks ahead
palways. His object is the winning of the match and never does he execute a
(het until he has determined in his own mind that it is the easiest and the
imest likely te prolong his run. That is billiard generalship, something the
ijfancy shot plajers have net fitllj developed. Heppe may flinch aud still held
'the title by his superior mental effort
AOA 7 ha' u alas arm tchich hat reduced his nnmr te temporary
mediocrity. The French expert, in hi' late teens, has reached the
stage v here he rntcn a match convinced that the cue he is using in
net prepcrlp lalanerd and the tip is loen: ur ethcricise all ureng. In
sheit, t'enti t' off his game and the cur and tip are hi' alibi'. That
condition billiardists refer te as "a nlais arm."
3. Where Is the Phillies Manager This W eek?
TijtlKV, THOMPSON", the football official and Marjland editor, is the pu-i-'.
JLVx dent of a unique baseball league, night towns of Prederiek Count) have
jtnms in the league and the schedule prevulrs for four games each Saturdny
and helidaj 111 the course of the season Ne salaries are paid and no admission
irharged. Hut practuallj the entire lopulutten et I'rederu'k County Is
'watching baseball games en afternoons and the rivalrv and spirit arc intense.
iT In N'ejv Yerk this week Mike Thompson will he mixing with the baseball
throng He will net have ST.", (100 in his wallet te buy a Sammy Hale; he can can
Jiet select one of the man.v loose umpires who will be hanging around seeking
'te pick up a S2-10O job. Uut Mike will be there because the December base-
Jfeall meeting wetk in .New- Yerk is the one timi
i walk thieuuh a hotel lobby anil meet pra-tli.iil
in the )ear when one nuv
I'Veiv baseball inun who is
'in n'nv wav whatsoever i ennected with the national game. The daj may come
XTKVlUn MILKS.:, Manager Vletchrr belongs in A etc erK thi
iV urrA-, icicre he miaht be n participant in the gemp and dirheruie
.'ten though the I'hillies' jiiMident purchases an entire; nrir team
heir ii ill he knew that the players mil be nccrptahlc te the man iche
is te guide them en the field.
A Team for and by Philadelphians the Slogan
11T FLUTC1II:K ma give you the rii'puerr) , declared J. .1. Jv
then Informs tin that the
Loughran, Freedman and Wal
lace Are Defeated Before
Crowd of 7000
DOPI3 in local boxing circles wns
knocked Inte u cocked lint, or
something like that, at the Arena last
night. Three of the favorites boxers
who steed out ns almost sure-shot win
ners went down te defeat before n
urevvd estimated at 7(X)0.
Temmy I.eughran wns outfought,
Sailor Preedmnn found his superior in
Pete Latze in the art of sock, and the
biggest upset was Jee Cellcttl's victory
against 1'ntsv Wnllace.
In the Lottghran-Ilegash content It I
was a case of a hook being entirely tee
fast for n straight left. Time and again
Iaiu uncorked n seml-clrcle clout with i
his southpaw, getting under Tem's jnb'
at the sntne time, nnd from the feurth1
round en I.eughran was shaken up
several times.
Ne Knockdowns
At no time did either boxer appear
te be en the verge of n knei keut. al
though Ileg.ish drove Inighran into the
lopes once in the seventh round with a
left that carried knockdown powers.!
The hemp saved Temmy from being
Ah usual, I.eughran was en the de
fensive In the tlrst round. llegash
oreod the milling and the end of the
Initial canto found the visitor from
liridgepert, Conn., in the lead.
IrfHighrnn opened his speed throttle
in the second and by con luunlly beat
ing Heg.ish te the punch Teminv earned
that session. He was In and out, jab
bing and right crossing nicely, making j
Itecnsh inNs at the same time. Inci-'
dentally, this was the only period car-j .
rled by the Philadelphia)!. ! , ...
Hie third was even, and se was tlic.f . Master find i .UP. iWflCl-
ds ' w
fwvwTSdAUUgen ivJtf AT SUiliCeT?) I Ee ?, '!? "? 4 VA" ." !
per jimmy ??9 fliPSS'iUceiw leek AJe depot 'eJEvEftYTHiwc.. I J
I J H heSb ITJ I . t(
lAV'eea.Trt'0BiP - uMok-SnfTtrtieivi v ? g .-.fMp -3 "s:
Hew Dees It Strike Yeu?
Amateur Rules
"American Wimbledon"
Heppe 8 Sincerity
lv l'ublta Ltiatr Company
shth. while each of the ether rounds
hclnnccd te Itezash. I.eughran flared
several times and it npneared as If he
I would put en one of Ills will-known
rallies, hut en eacli occasion ins nasties
did net last long. ,
I.eughran had un advantage in height
and reach, still he was the ligh or.
coming in nt i.n" peunus, wiiue me
beaut quivered when Ilegnsh steppivl en
the scales with the indicator ticd at
rreeilin.ui Off Penn
With an advantage of seven pounds,
I.ate bi oozed out into the lead against
W Imaii alter the second round, and
dan Delight Crowd at
c j
Hudsen Parlors
I vzJ
from then en the up-Stater icver wasmlng. If
cue master and the cue magician,
Iilch is another way of saving
Willie Heppe aud Charlie Petersen. If
it's variety that jeti are seeking, then
these knights of the green ileth can
serve it up te volt vvitli an tne trim
This Is one of Petersen's special
ties. He calls It it (llfllnill drive
three-cushion draw. It leeks Iho
j ou desire te see billiard
headed The first round was even, ' Halls loop ine loop, ie ine iiiuge,
while Preedmnn took the second. After i shimmy and camel walk, Petersen can
that however, It was all I.utze. I put en his stuff. If you want te sec a
Preedman's judgment of distance was cool, i lever muster of the situation at
wav oft. He missed as often as half a i all times, oust .veur eptbs en Heppe
dozen punches in a row. lrcedman and jeu will cease wondering whi he is
tried hard, but Latze never failed te the champion IN.- bulkline billiard
accept the Issue and he outpunehed thepktcr of the weild.
Chicagoan. , Yesterday afternoon and evening
in the final canto rreedm.in put Heppe and hi- pnitner put en their acts
.1 I.. I..l 1,1.. ii..lini. .... . . ti . I. ... 1 tln.1..
7,r"V"?!, , .i .1, :..;(. . ,..: . " l,r "':r"""' ;, ...V. ...''. tlmt'M no excuse for mv being ever-
......l.i niiiVimlil he via the 'knockout ..'... i..i'.. ...i... ,.,.,. .,,.',,', .liemtislinl .' confident ei letting in
..., l,i,i I.iiie llnbhed with him audi....:.. ..:...,, t.i.ii.,inti(nlru or oreouet "Hvcry shot is the best I can pre
.....' . ' HI II 'IH(i""l. l,,.,..v... '
both finished up :n a great rally. ib r,.snectfuliy suggested.
It looked as If allee. In his Mir- Tii .., nf.rnoe Henn
prising deleat. held ins l ''Peun.l op- , ,,,,''.. ;00 , 13j, nnj lu ,he evening
he seined another triumph. ..00 te -Ml".
Jleppe-s liiBii run was j., ,,, ,. e eve-. Ael
iu iiiiu !----, -,,".. . ..:..- .f.t
lleiiiie nei merely wen mil juwi us je-i .
I tcrvening time his cue has been a
I "moving finger." pointing ever toward
I a goal which Willie Heppe has trav
I eled with a MngU'iics et purpose that
1 makes one of the most impressive rec
ords in the annals of speit.
Always Plans Attarli m
"liefere every match I always think,
'well, this man has a chance te beut
line.' snjs the champion.
Lven if I think It's a slim chance,
iienent. elletti. a seuinpaw. tee
cheaply, aud while Patsy was tr.viug te
i stew away the rertn .miidej iiki. jee
J went along winning en points
I UrevvTi Extended
The lirst round w.is iven and t lie
next two were wen b.v Wallace. There
after, however, ("elletti. although he
did a let of backstepplng. was able te I
pile up a tleek of points while Wallace
was making an effeit te connect with ii
single wallop. I
.inbntiy Hrewn, tlie ilasy Pngllsh
featherweight, was given h.s hardest
bout of hi I'liilndelphbi engiigements,
but he tniethered I.ew McParland with
i punches in the lmt two rounds and wen
thaudll. McParland fought a rushing
I battle and for the first six rounds held
' the liiitisher even,
In the opening contest an Injured
I right hand hatnltdipped Sam Hlneklstnn
I somewhat and Patsj lingnsh, brother
I of J .ou. succi eded In winning in eijht
rounds from the former amateur champion
Is there?
..,.... I "Kverv shot Is the best I call
ilucc. It makes no difference whether
-inc.n.,.,1 I'"' " n championship tournament or
tleteatedl .... ,..,.,. '.,,. ...' ii,,i., ,. ir.
nil elliuiliuu lllllli.ll in run"- i.,...
or whether I'm playing all by m?'
1 1 helf. It seems te me that anything
Petersen had runs
These who had net
.lav since he lest and r gained ins till" ) "",'" "
s te ins ltuure , "'','
iiieciiiiieuiiii"!' ... i, ,...,. iiih'i. - i . -- - .. . - j
areless shot. U takes nothing for Petersen will be at the Hudsen rooms
Iltrj 'today, tomorrow, Thursday and Irl-
... ' day.
i.n.n en i'nw ir iiiuriii 119
I after seeing his exhibitions, no s tin1
same Heppe. The most careful player
I in the came and one who never mall
a ca
' Secret of his Success
After the exhibition Petersen was
. . l.l I.kIaII.. nhn, n tnr .
nSKOd 10 O.ipiUllI uin-ll.i mini. .. .vii
sidered the main reason wuy
s-tnnris sutireiue in the billiard
'Pete has prenaniy tern
thing tu Iiiinilreds of ethers,
"While ethers are playing Heppe,
Heppe is pWiing billiards."
Twentv-tive .vears age a seven-year-old
bev clliiibed en a soap box in a
one-table billiard parlor and made his
first shot with a cue. Through the In-
can possibly de it.
If there were no ether rea
son. 1 d pin v as hard as i leuiu m
exhibition matches in order te give the
nubile a sauare deal." Heppe nnd
Basketball Star Can Only Play
in Contests Outside
of League
Dill (Legs) Legan, the star forward
of the Catholic High five, who pla.vcd
a prominent part in bringing the Cath
olic League championship te the bchoel
last ear, will be unable te participate
in league competition this season.
Legan is affected by the grammar
school liile which prevents a placr
from I'etupellng that has been out of
school longer than five vears. How
ever, Hill will be eligible for games out
side of the circuit, nnd this means a
The Catholic live opens its reason
hrlday afternoon in the auditorium of
the fcchoei nguinst the Celli go of Os
teopath. Coach Hilly Markward made his first
appearance at the bead of the team
jesterday afternoon. Per the last three
weeks Hill Porcusen has had chnrirn of
tiie candidates. aud Markward was well
pleased with the results accomplished
Due te the football season closing se
law, two ei tne rurpie ami weld legu
lars win prnunim De unalile te tee
notion iritlin. .Maxwell and MeXallv
are the players who staired en the
football team and who aie se badly
banged up that liasketball must be for
gotten for a while.
TNTlAMeOOtOVlT. t... ....Knlf .Imwasm .! n mi.I a..tlt. -.1 . ..
Uiwir.i50iwnu uuecumi iJiuua nu uicri, mm scneiastlc rC0Ulrem.nl. til
A will be ellglble for athletics in (Conference gemes of the "LIttIe Pi t II
11-. . .M MflHA.uktu " " KITH "'
At n recent meeting of .the governors of the association It was deMj
te permit students te play baseball for money in the summer time without U.i
their eligibility status. neut leiln,
Here In the conservative East our college presidents would ha shocked
any parallel rule in this sector. They would held up their hands In w..
It is net being done. BOrrer
But out in the West they take a broader view of amateurism. The ml
of the "Little Five" fellows a statement mode some time age bv M?
Griffith, head of the "Illg Ten" Conference, that students had the "right te
believe thnt miner Infractions of the amateur rule would be overlooked.
Amateurism is the very heart of sports, especially cellege sports,' and It
would net be for tts te advocate that our Institutions let up even a little ku
en their eligibility vigil. D,t
' It would be against all tradition te permit an athlete who has received
money for playing baseball te represent his alma mater en the diamond but
why, if he Is a professional baseball player, should he be barred from football
or basketball or any of the ether sports except the national pastime?
'Summer baseball Is n Held for the peer athletes who arc seeking an education v
te earn their wny through college, and many students play for money duflni
the vacation period and thus eliminate themselves from the college athletics.
AVe knew of one athlete, a Pennsylvania man and new a physician of
sonic prominence, who paid his tuition and beard bills nnd bought his boeki'
and ether medical equipment by playing summer baseball. He was an ercellmt
football plner nnd had prospects of developing Inte an All 'American, 'jut
he was net eligible for the gridiron game.
Jim Thorpe, admittedly the greatest of all American nthletes, was stripped
of his championship titles nnd cups wen in the Olympic track and field garnd
because he accepted a few dollars for summer baseball.
OL'TSIDK cellege circles Iho professional in one snort is net barred
from amateur standing of another. A professional baseball player
can be an amateur golfer or an amateur trapslioeler.
A Wimbledon Tourney at Germantown
IT has 'been forecast that the British Lawn Tennis .Association will give up
the world's tourney at Wimbledon If America will enter the International
It is said that the West Side Tennis Club, of Xew Yerk, already is planalnj
..... ...... I., r.l.ul I..... 4ii. 41... clnnlns r,f ViA tttln Ai'iiit nnvt ....... .
il I'euun'ii.' fiuuiiiiu iwi i.ii'j ci.t.iin tn.,.11., i.v... ....iii. iivAi rummer OUCa S
stadium would he the lirst of its kind devoted exclusively te tennis.
It Is being talked about that the world's championship en grass will hi
played in rotation in England, France and America, but the proposal of
Put O'Hnra Weed, mude when this sterling Australian plnycr was in thta
country last summer, we believe is the most logical.
O'Hara Weed suggested thut the title tournament hheuld be staged in
the country holding the Davis Cup, reasoning that number of foreign playen
would go te that country for the team competitions, and therefore expenses
would be reduced.
If his proposal should be passed America would Iks virtually Mire of tnt
"Wimbledon" for nt least two years, unless Bill Tildcn's stiff finger affects
his game mere than is nntlcipnted.
This would mean that the Germantown Cricket Club would be In line
for the award of the title play In 10-4. The Mnnheim organization has
successfully sUgcd two untienal championships and probably will get the plum
for next car.
GEIOLVXTOWN has proved that It can handle big tourneys. An
American Wimbledon would be xs successfully staged nt Manhelm
as In any part of the world.
Willie Heppe the Man Who Canie Back
WILLIE 110PPL billiard champion, Is entertaining at the Hudsen Academy
this week with Charlie Petersen, the trick shot, but he will be entertained
en Thursday night by the sports writers at a dinner te Ins given in his honor.
There are few men in professional sports who deserve the respect and
admiration of the public mere than the chnmpien of billiardists.
Heppe is one of the cleanest-living men In sports. Neither Jehn Barleycorn
in the heyday of his career for Lady Nicotine ever succeeded in getting en
speaking acquaintance with the blend-haired cueist.
Heppe reigned for many years before young Jake Schaefcr toppled bitn
from his throne. lie outclassed the field, but he never relinquished In Ml
training nnd practicing. He kept hlmyclf In excellent physical condition by'
exercise te meet the mental nnd nerve test of a crucinl match, nnd he practiced
diligently ever the green cloth te retain the touch that makes him se famous.
The champion is a home man and devotes much of his time te his wife and
two children. In New Yerk when he regained his crown recently b.v beatlnf
Schaefer 'n the match, his wife was the lirst one te cengratulate him. Cengrtt
latlens were tendered in the form of a kiss.
the same
But here
.hen even the president of a semi-professional county league may use te geed
advantage the aiuaintanccshlp formed and th' information gleaned ut the
combined big league si-m-iens.
And where will the new one-campaign manager of our Phillies be found
this week'' We are Informed that he will be In Phoenix, Ariz. He may trade,
n plnjer or two for a s-np of the d' sort .nd get the best of the deal at that.
Jlut here In Philadelphia we can't use An.ena dead lands te win pennants.
ijWhat we need are ball plajcrs and a field leader who is mennreh of all he
The Inti riiatienal Lougue Is sUng te compel .l.n k Dunn, owner of thr
'Baltimore fnm, te unke geed his premise te dispose of his three stars
k'Bentle. Ogdeu mid Heley The (limits lun e purchased Ilcntley, but Ugden
Vand Be ey were available jeiterday. Perhaps Dunn would usk mere than
'.the men are weith; his price might be higher than the stack of iron men in
'the Phillies' safe Ur It might be that Fletcher would net consider these
J players as like! te help Lis club climb.
Hew I Made My Start
in the Boxing Game
I Praying Colonels May Be en Red
, and Blue 1923 Schedule
Danville. Ky., Dec. ID. The Centre
ter College football team will play
' Sewanee at Memphis in 10'J-'l nnd also
will meet Georgia, the latter game preb-
ably at Athens, Thanksgiving Day, ae-
fording te an announcement by Hthletlc
otlieiale here. Beth Southern teams will
come here in 1U1M.
' Bequests for games next year have
been received during the Inst week from
Michigan, Colgate, Alabama, Gcergiu
Tech and Georgia. All request that
CVnter play nvvay from home, however.
A game with Auburn at Birmingham
Is practically assuied (Jno game will
he played in the Bust next ,vear. with
1 niveisity of Pi'iuis.vlvnnl.i. Penti State,
Ami or Colgate as possible opponents.
PUTTING up placarde advertising
weekly bouts for the lata Jack Me
Gulgan. then the biggest promoter in
Philadelphia, and who had a national
reputation as a
1 A I
JA i imn tnfeemu nn that the former Giant shortstop is a bem liader.
Sfconer man in the McGraw school of baseball and u chap who will command the
VTMPect and admiration of his plnjers. Well, old-timer, If Art Fletcher wins
the pennant or finishes well up in the rate, no fellow in this city will by
happier than the typist of these words, nor will any person offer cengratula
tiens that will be mere sincere.
The Phillies' new field dltccter was an aggressive player wue wns popular
BYJUi every fan who liked te see a mun put his heart into the game, Iirther-
erc, William F. Baker, the local .National i.engue riuu president, is a gentle
man with a line penenallt a man one uites te meet anu tain with about
baseball. We have no quarrel with either Fletcher or Baker, se please get
(that idea out of our hi ad, J. .1. K.
What we have said and shall lontiuue te say Is that Art Fletcher will
aliuve performed a miracle If lie builds u winning tenm nt Bread and Hunting
den streets in one year and lacking the money wi.u is aii-cssenuai in producing
big league winner. The Phils' president wai. criticized and will he criti
cized some mere because he did net offer Fletcher u three-year rentruct, plnce
lilnt in absolute charge of the team and provide him with net less than ?G0,000
s-Itli which te scout pln.vcrs and hit them.
FLUTCUr.ll should be in Sew Yerl: this irteh. lie should be in
J'hiladrlphiu all winter. JCememher, our slogan ii a A'aHenal
League ball club for and by I'hiladitphians, (larry Hermann and I'at
.lemi lite in Cincinnati; 711 1 tevk and Will Killcfer live in Chi
cago; Chaihy ,Stencham and Jehn Mcdraw liie in Ync Fer;.-. AH
lire H At'lC I eri: rigilX tieic jer mc mirnny, i, ni uu ou, .mne'ini
J,eague Club picsident und manager rcsidi,' Where is our manager
this aeekf '
, T -, , vears These matches were held at the
i ayiOr bteppeii National Club en .Seuth Kleventh street.
uil'l ui' vverc euuieieiiL l"J ivii.iin.i ...i
Fistiana as a Card , v'iii be mm i, better te ten the
"llier leuew new lO DUX lliuil eutu mm
r . .1 J.-.. r.'l 'lull in
no Ul ine Igv uj wnm Se ,... .. ht manEer. The. Albert Exendlne Retiree as Grid
urt boxer I handled was a iigiiivveigni i Menter After Seven Years
million dummy unnnn, ei iiruuuijn.
had him ter some time and then ndden
Iletni Kaufman te in stable. Benny
was quite a rage around here, beating
everybixl in his class, even stepping
out of the bantam class and winning
from featherweights.
After defeating Johnny lyllhane,
Kaufman bnd trouble getting action in
the F.ast Wti packed up nnd followed
Herace (Ircelev's advice, aelng as far
as the coast, Benn had only enn bout
eat there, get homesick nnd he returned
ia.li I ix.mnli.af in I ,IUf.ft fnl Tllllfl I
rnnnihs ' ' Bxendiiie, who has been considered
. . . ,,,., . . . , . -, i a successful fnneh, has been in eem-
r returned t0 Phi adelphla in BUI. Imlni(.ntl(m Vllh ,,eth Columbia llml
end a year later took e or th Bren - A, bnm , ., rM,e(,lcd ,0 ceai.,, llcu
way ( lub from Lew Hn.ley PVemi.U,W l
street nnd WaHhSncten uvphue for four
. - . . . i ruin tiii i irrniiu'n v i uriu m iiiu i
hour, I nlied m '' NMlennl au manager and matchmaker,
rndeat Ait I,u.l),,w,R '.uted with a syndicate oft
Wn !,t Btr!.i sportsmen and the following year my,
Olie night
newsies. I went t
matchmaker and
referee, were m I
first duties In con
neetien wtli boxing.
I wns elevi n '
jrcirs old, bavin.'
graduated into tl,e
boxing world after
selling newspapers
for two years. At
the age of nine I
was forced te go
out nnd help earn.
n livelihood for mv
family and m.vself,
Washington, Dec. 12. Albert Bxcn-
dine, head football coach at Georgetown
I'niveisit for the last spven years, hat
declined te continue ns football director.
Uvndine said he wns unable te
, accept bec.uiEe of the recent facult
I decision that all athletic cearhes shall
be engaged en an all- ear basis and
shall be membert. of the faculty.
He v(a' Invited te join the law facul
ty in combination, but said business
i interests prevented his acceptance en
au all-year If sis.
piMaik.W.UirTmigh1rrrr4 ..MA, I'liyjangSBB
I wriJfW-sjM'-"."-i':"'v" C7rrprrnftf Ji'ii if irrtTi" ' fitHi'
Excellente v . 10c
Senater . 2 for 25c
Blunt . 2 for 25c
in ftaitjmr)
Magnelia . . 15c
Perfecto Grande
,3 for 50c
Results of Bouts
Held Last Night
Hevernl ether
clubhouse, where McGuigan staged hi
'Saturday night bouts, at Llghth nnd
'Christian streets, nnd managed te get
I bv the ticket taker unnoticed. I wit
' n'essed my first boxing bout what a
I Boxing made a hit with tne right
l off the reel. 1 wanted te tee mere
of U. and as i ceuntn t atierd te
pay the price of admission, I get up
my nerve one afternoon, stepped around
te McGuigan's office nnd Hskcd hlin
if ha bad a job for n little fellow who
wanted te see nis wceaiy oeuis
.. i.i ' piiriuersiiip sinned wnn juiuuy uui Tjj- AnKN.V I-ou Ileennh
,. Vi.il That was in 101". and since we have i Temmy l.eyshrnn. tet Lnti
. ..linen nremnllni? nnun.nlp linllnir at the ' HUr Trccdman .tee t'etlettl
d hi i , V"'""'"n. open-air OOXing m i""-, ,,ay v.-nlr. .lelinny Ilrewa
iei ui uitii jsirhs. -
Ttocesh wen from I
Rlre oefealert
OUtDOlnh 1
y Xlrewn rieat r.ew si
tj Jieirnnli outfeuilit Hani !)!&' .
Jlmuir Diinn. rirrrhnil flclit nianiiwr.
will tfll "III1W I MUlK MV SI ART IN TlllJ
1I0MMI (IWIK' In nrtt Thursday' lue
or the i;vrulnc I'ulilln l.idccr.
McGuigan gave me u chance te nail1 -ill enen
up cards, and that entitled me te f,eci , l?p
the "fights" free, besides sibling n bit dancing
fTufti Football Schedule Shortened
I HaAfert. M., Dec. 12. -Th Tuft feet.
-Win-chilui for nxt f Alt Is shorter by two
'!! hw. .1?t or il.J srr. .Vnilum.
.. Aerv3in mnu iwpiwn i;iiic(ifcjr m, miwk-vm
'r.v a nruiy i naate.
Football Team te Held Reunion
The mrmberi mid frlrnda of the t.lnceln
football team will held r rnvmlei en Thura
day nliht t MaMbtcb'a Caalnu. Tha Mm
coin team wu watt known In HilUd.lrbln
anil vicinity twanty yr Me, pUtnc sm
uitii all tbe prominent tram et (Ut lUa.
Palm Hall Tonight
The Hely Name. C. C. basketball team
the season tonight at the new
iiendemv at Frankford avenue
te my weekly prellts of selling pupers.'and Nerrls streets. Nutivlty will be
As the dnys rolled by I began te make the opposing club.
msclf morn useful around the boxing In the line-up will be Bill Black, for
club, and that Inspired me te gle up merly of Germantown ; A'nn Osten, who
selling papers. pleyed with the same club; Fred Wei-
Fer sevenil sears I watched boxers ler, of the Manufactiiiers League:
linve their hniuls bandaged and tapped, i Qiiltm nnd Okens, of the Independent
carried buckets te and from drewliigi ranks, and Gardner, Carbery, Gilooley
rooms ti the ring, and finally when I.and Gerrish.
Wa flfUen I get the notion that I They will also have a fast reserve
WOUlU Ue w iuj-.ru. ,cam ,, . at h
nui w vi" v nwuiiii x met 1 nights, Fer cu
neiy isame Will oppose Nativity at i niuy J'lmria. vcnni ipez outpoint! Pit
. ,. t'.radly: K, O Tumpa ilffaiiea 1'rrnten
.link, 1.A ....... .
u-'unl. .nH Him... KJ CV ?.T '-.iur un.c KI
iniuunj.w"- --"., "ii4i vuiu nenn
m'flAHHA nnan fJ.
of wheea hart ptfted away in recent Then. Kentingten 3409.
NBW YO;tK Jick Uerniteln lat H.lill"
(Kill) WaKiii (hurley Uerelmr outpemii'il
riunUI" (larrln, HKrvry Ilrlght le.t i i
Sainiu)' .M.tiiil.'U. IrNIi .telinnv Curun Uneikr.i
out !''" Ut Kaiser, nrnt: Willi.. Kulr vveii
e it Hnniin Hien: Wolf I,urf n Unei .id out
Harry l.rwln, fourth. Jutk JI.iuhit i.u.i
MtcUi Iirmvii ilrv. Law Hurlii UnoeUmi
out Willis I'erttr, fuurlh, Johnny lint w .u
evor Kid AlJitundsr.
ATIANTH' C1TT Al Gorden il-ftat.t
nreihll. t.eiv Htlnser v0n err Ynilnr Lurln. .
Temmy Wurrm beat Jimmy Adamn.
TOI.TIDO llenny Vulsar wen ever Jlud
Di:Tlt01T nilly Shade nulbeiM Andy'
Rclunajer l'lill Ounnane wen by uliude evr
1'ranUle Keeuuli,
HltKKAI.0 Tem Glbbena Itneclied out .in.
Burxe. flrat
rrntSNTON Ofere VWymun jlly df.
f.iatcd Yeunir Aluffo! Jurkle nbl khaeril
Itmr Huyla. uiiuk Teiniiiy Muruliy lstj
Kid Davlat Ten .Maaua drew with aallui
l'runlt Webb '
Title Swims te Broekllne
Iiroekllnr. Ma Dec. 12 Tim llroeldlne
Httlmmlne Club li racrlved mmtleu of the
a J. - ii. ill iiniii iij nut nnni uiirnuni., aii.
en J-UCHUay .Jrii fr0 atvle awlmmlmc ihainnlenahln .. j
in touch With i iha national Junier me-yunl bade atreka
give Him La Patina?
La Palinas are net "just cigars," but
are the smoke most appreciated because of the
finer flavor and aroma that lies hidden in the
expensive Java wrapper and the selected Vuelta
Abajo Havana filler.
They appeal instantly te the man who knows
geed cigars.
Cegre.Cig.r Ce., Manufacturer. & DJ.tributer.
.im2.5.' .?.!S"?.t. PhUadelphU
-... .. vi UIUU
ieviione: Main nn
P1MI 1
hThe Quality Ciga
Since 1896
C. II. St.llm.n A Sen., Yerk, P.,
Schwar & Sen, N.wark, N. J
champlenahl. Th avanta will
awlmmlna- meat te b hrM tiare
I aiittvviivcii4 (
rrt et
i--tt -
-. -,-- rwmmmssm
juw ,.V; r,
w.b .,...
l-iii- wi ,n-ft,?fiWVr.v'.
L'"'.s 1 4ZjCyv Y
fNI). 'H(j
. vrW.
l ..,M ,'ni' . 'fj' jUk