ifrHrttt "fi; 'Jf 'V- fn!t 'HjK'tfC0'! sspv 'r "'wiwfiwy fii n r 5. j. B57J?SWVt 20 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGiSK PHILADELPHIA, TtJEHDAY. DEOJflMlSJhlK, 12 11)22 I i 'STORK OPENS DAILY AT 0 A. SI. AND CLOfF.S AT C V. SI.: All These Goods en' Sale Tomorrow": Alse See Page 32 :fnl! anil Phene Order Filled Dell, Wnlnet 8800 -Kentone, ,Maln 4101S U (TviUc E2f All? Every Kind Will Be Found Here Marked CvirHTC Pflf Veilf UlHS r Or AUI tTChristmas Price That Means Elrtri dVlIlCb rUf I UU ' . ' ' f . i ' The price U for Alse See-fll Page W 111 fit Christmas Toys & Santa Claus A vast (k-iMrtinint devoted te whizzing engines. levanic neus, "-iv nniiuiiH, games every Kinu or ieys, ui rar pm.re. ! -" r i urcsscu uaey deiis, qe je I H'gque head ; natura i lamiai". ,$3 93 ' a I ie I Metal Tea Sets. Sl.J'J HIMccn nieces, with tray. i Alabama coon Jigger. COc. Ulght-Jilece laundry set, ?2.88. te.s, full assortment. ltex furniture. TCe te $2.49. Dizzy Andy marble iratnc, "5e. ' Iren Four plice iron train sets, tve $t.7D. Shuece tnenke.v, $t 40. Climbing monkey. 25c. Filctlen toys, $1 25 Midget Circus Every Day Frem 10:30 te S P. M, I.lt llruthers FOURTH FLOOR Mali order, FiiiH HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE rheneOrtertriHtd Market I ONE YELLOW TKAUtiSU UTAMf WUU Eieiith EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh 3 Fer Christmas Giving! $1.35 Embroidered) arc Pillow Cases, pair)9 Made of fine-grade bleached muslin; embroidered effectively in. several very attractive de signs, or neatly hemstitched. All in pretty Christmas boxes. Wt Dretlitri FIRST FLOOR HSEiPP The price Tomorrow! for the one day only $25 Taffeta )&4 MM - T gag Lamp Shades) Fer both table and junior fleer lamps Exauisite silks trimmed with geld braid and silkj-curUin-Utie shapes are 1JAl' . .f it..- m. f.i... uniiaitnltv letur. All colon. ... .! ttnitinri rnn hiik iiiiiaeu uiiulihhij "r- - - - . new unu mump v..w ...... c- - - , Lit Breth'ara-i-THmD FLOOrt Tf& S HI Wi lilt. vvitB' SJHBBSBRBfflsifiMPi IBII M 111 1 1 'II ITI rTfl II" I TjW At.A'Bt i r'XJM- i i BUIDK avr IS mm Ik I3' luiL IA Gifts of Extreme Appeal and Rare Charm! y Silverware, Jewelry, Clocks Beautiful nrtic'es that you can easily affenl te give at our lower mat kings $g.98 Water. $16.50 Mantel Clocks Frem the famous bury and the W. L. Gilbert Cleck Company. .. ,. .... Rich, hand-polished, mahogany finish eases, in newest tambour style. Guar anteed 8-day movements. Strike every hour and half hour en clear cathedral gongs. IS'j te -0 inches long; 0 and 10 inches high. $1.50 te $6.50 Necklaces & Earrings, 98c te $4.98 The season's most popular fancy beauti ful imitation jade dainty and "bewitch- tji ii i $25 te $30 Mahogany Mantel Chime Clocks, $14.89 Unrsually handsome, piano finished cases; some with brushed silver dials. Strike hour and half heiir en two-red Normandy chimes. $15 Wrist Watches, $10.98 Twenty-year geld-tilled cases; fine 15 15 jewe. lever movements; convertible ex tension bracelet. $1 Rhinestone Bar Pins, 59c Many pretty styles with brilliant rhine rhine stenes. $10 Pearl Necklaces, $5.98 Fine indestructible peails, in a dainty size, that are worn in several strands around the neck. Guaranteed net te peel or discolor. ing. $15 te $20 Sterling Silver Cicarette Cases, $12.50 te $16.98 Bright finish; plain or engine turned; some in'aid with green geld. QUADRUPLE PLATED WARE $9 Cake Stends, $5.50 Bnuht flntth, pierced design $7 te $10 Cigarette Cases, $4.98 te $6.50 Brlslu ilnish , Ida n or enB.ne tunud 15 Chocolate Sets, 59.38 bow' waste bowl ami tream ' KiIrIi ,.... l .. ... ...it '.n... .1. I ruu. i.i u . . .... .... p trher lirlc n fl iiih . Cu pill, Sr-i wui 1 .ir-tiiii (i tin , , , , , 1 rw 1 A ma. er. Bright finis1! . Colonial 1 'e"1' design , $10 Tea Sets, $7.e0 design. ' $2 te $3 Ben Ben Bowls I Flv pieces tea pet, sugar $7.50 Fruit Bowls, $4.98 & Baskets, $1.25 & $1.49 low'. poen holder and Urtght tlni-h , Colonial de- !,,., 1 eiv.un pitcher Bright finish, sign: pltrced berder: geld Br Knt flnlfh . pierced ber- , ,hlead c,iEP J lined. ' 1 der cut bowls Klrst Fleer. Peuth $14.50 Fruit Backets, ' $7.50 Flower Vases, $10.9S J $5.49 Dr'pht finljh . pierced design, nripht flush . i.Iemi.H le. $25 Tea Set, $22.50 , Men . tanr t.c.rfifr Four pl.cef t.a poi t-ugar 1 J Kell I rays, $1.95 l!n sh 1 "lenla! d -"ign Gloves & Handkerchiefs Thev Alwnvs Tep the Christmas List! Exceptional Christmas Groups! -iKwitf'' ' B3" 1 MMr3 r Ji Mil" Women's $2 te -$3 French Kid $1 AQ Gloves l.KF Twe-clasp. Pique and everseam sewn; novelty embroidered backs b'ack, white and colors. Women's $1.25 QQ QQ Glevcs OOX. Chamois suede. Elbow length with strap wrist. Wanted colors. Four row embroidered backs. Children's $2 Cape and ' Men's $4 Cape Gloves, Suede Gloves, $1.49 $2.98 Tan, brown and gray. Seamless; one-clasp; , tan ami urutwij spear uucks. Women's $2 Skating Men's $5 Mecha Gloves, $3.98 PXM sewn, one-clasp; gray and beaver. ., Gloves, $1.25 Leng wool skating gloves. Wanted colors. s Women's 25c Handkerchiefs, 15c Pure Irish linen solid colors in new shades; also plain white some with embroidered corner designs. Six for 8ec. 35c te 59c Handkerchiefs, 25c Men's: Smart colored Wemen's: Beautiful Swiss woven borders with initial embroidered handkerchiefs te match. J in Madeira effects, lace rirst Fleer, Seuth edges and colored borders. FUR COATS A Marvelous December Sale beyond comparison for Quality, Style and Value. -II It MM Ml .- -, Natural Raccoon Coats 45 laches Lesf, $QQ.75 Self Trlmned .... 00 50 Inch Leaf, $19Q75 Self Trimmed.... '' Natural Raccoon 210 Coats, 40 Incites Loet 45 lnck )$310 Lcn( "Northern Seal" Coats 47 Inches Leng, Self $9975 Trimmed 40 Inches Lenj, '145 Sknnk Trimmed 45 Inches Lenf, 1165 Sknnk Trimmed 45 Inches Lenf,. $165 Squirrel Trimmed rilMM,IH. -..J. French "Nearseal" Coats 40 Inches Lenf, SQfi Self Trimmed " 40 Inches Lens,. $1(J975 Raccoon Trimmed J . 45 Inches Lenf, 165 U97 50 I.lt llrnlhrr. Second Fleer Self Trimmed. 45 Inches Lenf, Raccoon Trimmed Civet Cat Coats 40 Inches Lenf )$13975 Self Trimmed ' , 45 Inches Lenf, 179'75 Self Trimmed ) Ivery-Finish Toilet Articles i I euci JCI3, ipi.aa I j Fancy 1 lied Iiem-s . --. -------..------J Hand Mirrors, $1.98 te $7.98. Dressing Combs, 49c. Puff Becs and Hair Receivers, each. $2.98. Pure Bristle Hair Brushes, $2.19. Infants' Sets, decorated, 49c te $3.98. Clocks, $1.98 te $6.98 Various styles and sizes. Flist Fleer. Seuth 1 Gift Perfumes The particular odor "SHE" likes is here! Hudnut's Plaza and Seul of Violet Perfume. $2.75 Brad'e's Asserted I'n-fnme, $1 Hudr.ut h Hese Jars. 75c te $3 Hudnut's Perfumes, $l..r) De Vilbiss Perfum izcrs, 75c te $6.98 Cappi Perfume Sets, $3. $5. $7.50 Cappi Perfume $1.25 and $1.50 D'Orsay Toilet Water, $2. S3 $5.50 D'Orsay Perfumes, 75c te S10 Coty's Sachft. $1.75 Cappi Toilet Vater, $1.50 Fer the Bey Who Wants a Raincoat This $3.50 Ceat With Hat Rainproof absolutely! Tan double back-te-back texture, every seam cemented. Loese cut arm and drawn in, swagger fashion, under a full belt. Outside patch pockets. Sizes 4 te 18. Here are some gift nuggestlena that will Please men ! Solid Brass Fleer Smoking ) $J AC Stands f Thermos Lunch Kits, $2.75 Thermos Bettles, $1.75 75c Steel Shears and Scissors, 39c Mahogany Humidors $6.98 Glass Tobacco Jars, $3.98 French Briar Pipes, 98c nitST FLOOR, SOUTH s GiftSlippers in Many Celers Many materials and many models every size, tee! Moreover, each price here is about a dollar lower than elsewhere. , .j.. ,........ " Women's $2 and $3 $1 .43 and $1 .e Juliets and Slippers ... J A Oxford gray, light or dark blue, maroon, rose or brown. Bluck plush or ribbon trimmed. Sizes 3 te 8. Women's $1.50 & $2 Felt & Satin QOc Slippers TO All-wool felt and quilted satin; wanted colors; chrome leather padded soles and heels. Ribbon and pompon trimmed. Sizes 3 te 8. I. it-f Men's Slippers, $2.98 te $4.49 Remee, Opera and Everett, in black or brown kidskin. Turned oak leather soles and rub ber heels. Sizes G te 11. .... Misses' & Children's $1.25 te $1.50 Slippers 69c te 98c All-wool felt in comfy, princess or bootee styles. Large pompon or picture designs. Chrome padded soles and heels. Sizes 6 te 12. iitf mwiiii"iii ' mmi Misses' &' Children's $4 &$5 Shoes, $2.95 Teny cut l.ice Bhecs In tan Russia ; rubber heels. Alse soine patent celtsUIn sheca with white ld tops. Sizes V.i te 2. Men's $2.50 & $3 Felt Slippers, $1.49 and $1.98 Felt Hyle slippers in ex ford gray, blue, brown and wine; heavy padded chrome soles and heels. Sizes 6 te 11. - Beys' $1.75 Felt $1-19 Slippers . . . t , Various colors; padded soles and heels. Sizes 1 te 5. J,, m .,. ' nt -! - Women's Superb Strap PumDS and Oxfords. . . Tatent colt, plain and beaded blatk natln, black kid, gunmetul and tan Russia calf. $4.98 Beys' $5.40 & $6 Shoes, $3.49 & $3.98 Lace and blucher styles In mn Russia : welted oak soles ; rubber heels. 134 at $3.40, at S3.0S. Men's Shoes and Oxfords, $4.85 Black or 'tan Russia calf. Newest round tot, seml seml breRiie styles; also full bregue and dress lasts. Plain and neatly perforated models. I.U Brether FIRST FLOOR, NORTH Sizes 0 te Sizes 1 te 6 , $,9g i y v "I Beys' $6.50 ) $0.98 TwppH nit; ( $J Middy, Balkan and French Oliver Twist ? models with side laces and yokes. Smartly trimmed with three rows of black braid and sleeve chcrens. Sizes 2'j te 8. Beys' $10.50 ) $1.50 Winter Suits ( Excellent Offerings in Glassware for These Who Seek Useful Gifts! $!5 Fleer Aquariums, $8-IL Wrought-iron stand, in dull black with polychrome touches. Three gallon, flare shape glass bowl. , Mackinaws in handsome blanket plaids and sel'd colors. Sizes 7 te 18. ! Pole Ceals in brown and gray cheiets. Sizes 2'j te 9. Jv 4.i.....u,.ik.Mjiaai.a is at i i ii $25 and $37.50 Men's Extra Trouser Suits, $18 and $25 A splendid Christmas .gift! Guaranteed All-wool cassimeres, tweeds, cheviets ana waterproof, double texture material. pnr. penm binpBu uiBluB. ticularly well made-cvery seam cemented. geysf $12.50 All-Weel Men's $35 All-Weel $Ovl ! Suits Overcoats ' " J With extra knickers. Sizes 7 te 18. Smart plaid backs. Full or half belted. I i.u iiretbrr. -second fleer, tth st, $12 te $22.50 Raincoats for Men, $7.50 te $15 $8.50 $2 Colored ) Bowl Set) 9-inch flare shape bowl, in bright colors black stand. 98' H Cut ) $ Glass Bowls) Various, cuttings; 8-inch size, 95 1'2 iXJfty Lit llrellierh-THIRD FLOOR Holiday Special! $6 Pattern Table Cleths, $4.98 Twe yards square; fine heavy pure Irish linen damask in beautiful floral designs. . $1.75 Hemstitched and Scalloped Cleths, $1.29 Twe jurds long, line heavy mer cerized damask In beautiful floral l design. $6 All-Linen Damask Napkins, dozen, $4.98 Larce size ; heavy jure linen ; leely designs. Lit Ilrnthern Fim Fleer, North Actual $30 Fur Trimmed Coats Jil icr .75 A Notable Holiday Sale Event Wonderfully smart and serviceable models of belivia, mannish coatings, veleurs and double-faced fabrics in all the new shades. Majority Have Large Fur Collars Cellars Others Are Plain Tailored Styles for sports and dress cut roemily and welj finished having many little distinctive fashion touches and all warmly and richly lined. All sizes for women and misses. Lit Brether SECOND FLOOR JSf -jn. SP m aA VVaK A"m F&m mm IM I'm a wiMiKmi . Mix r JH 7 1 A iKwil'l l wKl Ni k WM i ! M 1 l M I'lilt t!i it'll' Ifi I U aWV il 1 A fell Jii I mi u us rQ T7i a MiP'' m ls) Men's $7 & $8 Splendid Silk Shirts for Gifts $ZL85 .. . ., . . . J Tomorrow Boxed, Ready te Present! 5t5' The greatest ariety and value in silk shirts, of gift chaiactcr, that it has ever been our geed fortune te present. Strircs in colors t) satisfy the most discriminating. And the cut, fit and finish aie of very eident superiority. Rich heavv silks that count genuine Empire Broadcloth among them also famous Mellewspuns, ciepcs de chine and jersey plain white broadcloths and all-white satin stiiped jerseys. Superb gifts. a. a.-.. ... u .. .. ... . I. ... w .. n ..y JIM WfflQ $rMlPw I 33 Silk Striped Madras) $1.59 Shirts J N'otel inakw finely even ni.idri-j Uitirin nil. btiiliiu ui .ii 'l l- 59( $3 Brushed Weel Scarfs, $1.98 Hf.iW brushed sirfic All n' colors camil h.i r buff br" ,tnd cra . uli-e prtlt wtriliu and heather inUtureB c1 Firii-M i $10 Smoking Jackets, $6.98 I)eull(-fu i il. i r ra bro n 1 ' i. i. ' i tur."! 't 1 i.u. i I ii roll inuv 1 .ii nr d miiu $1 & $1.50 Grenadine, Knit Four-in-Hands . . p r i . .n uii-Ki-da'e close w ic. H.indsome colors with ngurn, I i i tffects i r i 3.9$ $12 Blanket Bath Robes, $8.93 Iir; rra'l , v"T wool I'jl) !i' ..i i f ' ii dtalBl".'!. lit llre. FIRST FLOOR, hi lilt These Satin Readyte Wear Hats , $ Have a Welcome Brightness j Of taffeta, gres de Londres and metal cloths in chic medium styles trimmed in a variety of pleasing ways with flower front, soft bilk bow, plaited rosettes or embroidered front. Seft, linht shades fawn, gray, blues, greens and the difleient hues of rese and red. tfMn iM Sports Jaunty felt and MQ V,,-" 4,Y8 &MWlh &aQhai&kf I Hats, 98c te $2.98 j styles of bniidicd wool,! velour in light shades. I .,.4. Corsage Flowers, 98c te $4.98 .Metallic effects of silver, steel and geld; also large velvet roses, pop pies, peinsettins, in all colors. Boutonnieres, 25c te 98c French fleweib, violets, eichids, gardenias. Boxed 1st Fleer. NerthiJ At Incomparably Lew Prices Materials of great beauty in colerintrs nnH nnttm-n: nura .. nni.r.. . tvin.n e cni nr trnmnnHnus importance, coming just as it does, at the very heart of the holiday season when new drapes, curtains, cushions, etc., are most in order. l 1 lll HH H M4 Superb Silk Draperies $3 Silk Peplin, $1.95 One of the most popular drap.ry fabrics; fine, soft quality. In a wen- derful range of colors. B0-lnch. $3.50 Art-Silk Glace, $1.98 Blue, rose, mulberry and wanted colors. 10-Inch; suitable for hangings. $6 Satin Damask, $4.48 Handseme ieft material In tones of blue, leso and geld. B0 inch, HM Duplex)$ 25 Drapery, yd.) M Rese, blue, mulberry and green. Rich, lovely quality. 45-inch. V I II !! ..-- ,, ,,, $4 Deuble-Faced Jacquard Brocade Splendid weight, in beautiful fig ured efTects. May be used en either side. 45-inch. .25 2 $3 Silk Grenadine $1 .Q Gauze i XJ& Rlrh, self figured Jttcnuard veurs; plain colors ; for French doers and ever coverings. 45 Inch. j H. . .. MM ., m W ily $6 Plain Damask, $3.69 Rich new colorings. 40 Inch $5.50 Meire Damask, $3.98 i:qulslte frelf.flgured effects jieplln weave; rose, blue and geld. Lit llretlierit THIRD FLOOR 5! Girls' Jaunty Apparel Extremelj Lew 1'riced! Girls' $10 $J Uctirtmnt ptc: e' Fer lainy, sleety winter days thie is no gift that the schoolgirl would mere pppieciate tlian tnese! LEATHER GOODS A wondrous selection of fine holiday gifts. .98 All Marked at One Extremely Lew Price Each One a Truly Unusual Value This $25 Sewing Cabinet, $14.98 Solid mahogany Marie Antol Antel nette design with Interior c e in p a rtment and removable tray; swinging top. r In nnL Il l( "" 1 e? a. I y Sninr Desk, $28.95 .Mahogany with heavy turned legs, two drawers, letter compartments and large writing bed. $20 Solid Mahogany Smoking Cabinet, $12.98 Large cabinet w 1 1 ii bottom drawer; coin, plete with ash receiver, cigar and match box holder, Queen Anne Chippen dale design In solid mahogany. ''.', "i" ' -I, oe.i K lift New, artlbtle oval and novelty shapes,, In silks of line quality silk fringed and richly trimmed. $10 Famous Che-Kr Smokers, $5.98 Beautiful DemeShape . ,IIK .IIMIIflC J Fleer Lamp She $15 te 7? ;n Shades, $9.45, $12.95 and $16.95 is iH Pi i'Ht Ah ff&Xx'S "HH- ILrl 1 1 Vyu Verv attractive coats and hats of blue rubberized. ,i IHu r,'9riU PaMiIVi rainnroef fabric. Sizes 6 te 15, -. H " I I 111 "( 'f :Tmiwrp r vj tin ii i i -i -. iab jrz m m ii im ifiii r. a ii iLryiia ? aMTk V f " v lU ( t. j. af- IP) i " j . II I M 'ill BO"a mnneguny i ,. II ptti r F flHB &ft&Av TVn - . r. n - ttSwarSr t. ,Jf,H..fr, ?yy I m II i! Mar' Antei- tf Spinet IJflWW fim$PVh tS-dKry Coats LJOtJ I fmpl3S&D Overnight ( .ihes tt M MWi SESm. fflkt V-.OaW...... fiWS " ' Tourists' If H M lii'lMi arcaJrmlll ZrlX'f Vtleurs, poletones, silk helMas and CBaK"gXy Cast's beuutlfuly f U !J fffXvl JMaMUl 1 0sA cheviets with large cellars of fur or . "S' (Ittud. uJ n ' ' 'nl.'lVRy "Wl n lnl cloth, sem have new cape sleives C UarIVifi ' Imhht i u i il inrtJ tt Ul ft ethi-rs with the smart threw cellars, Smart nonaeagJ Ku?m E I u j- -z.y nnb,,-i r i'in iiii.wuin unu 111 i u, ni lff lintimlHtl ana .1JUK w. w. . mvw m m m ii ii ii m ii I, II " - ISMv A A YlVIXv. c let Warm'y "net su,'a 7 te 1 1 of t nnea quality. Hach bag Surface sleck cowhide. , Ex- fi-'RJim $10 Famous XBtV 'U ViATl W) $5TubFrPCk8 $29 .-!-.U!. g. Wn and cordovan. jggg SmekinB Fl Smoker. JW . J X, WaWi V 10r uM JtMChl ch-irrada Kinchams and cham- tT. ' .-- fOTrTK? e....- A H omeKers, &ZMxim'vv?$L lafK ZZZiyf rrrlr hravs in new britrht chek.s. nlalds rSTTffl i i "A M1 K- -uin, y Kv RJ)B i! ,TM1liElr VA "" u,muwe WH 4- I'l J.!fn S ',. H c (Af and n'pin chnrnVrav,. s,?,3 0 te 14. AtWM IsSjkrfW Wfy $9'98 JS h.J , L' ',181 m . Lttmi' She Cl &Y'':L A Bnt." UTI m , f T-,1.1 en an -. tme i VWil llVMlX ffuffmra7 I 'li A A -rl Hcllv' malieg- M5,miir-pUMSft JivJ 5 t 99 tin vi.f'NNi IMK aaaaaa 'ri ii i i v if i liii j.a uuiuu vfLtLtia mknu awHii lniii'iiv.'! jtf snrrvjr.siEP avi 'J m i i 1 1 n yim m - .... t n t in id .. u.. i . i . 1 1 . i r in i in rmriin i u. i 1 W a! W ' a'.;sr'Ki;rK js EWW'l . MBS J ffzs&isrxs; Ti ns atmmSTm EaV'-: m ml ViK yfcvii -,e s iM'UMil t1 V.H KJmfm Jr ll I Mil aMnei oem- ? -Lr imB0 nh cigar iB vni .. - LWWWXt lw lw i il I te -po.eu wnitc ureases, - Ji1Hi,i VMIU" SZZZEKlJ A W fc ' V T ui . r1 "" fft j $2.98 te $5.98 UftmKv t TtI , . ,l J 4 I '' S? cfc a"n t Table, $7.98 rUfh ,!: fl M ' HUJ H Linen, organdies, voiles and I'enlan In black crepe grain leather; Teunit.' Caiei of Real Lealkar tLsJL. ni, holder I'illBe ,.,h0' "' r, ?mh1'? ,t)B',r- VAj VTn7VR 7W-WUlWm, wiV' ,aSe- breidery, frills and h"avy handle and lock. Full cut; Leather lined ; llve practical W match holder. OI, W)th beautiful e tes, leav ng no HH " A 11CP'5 J PteSrumes. Sizes 8 te 14. Lilk fined. fittings of line quality. Alae , , turned legs. Uotlem odor. Hllsht Im- Pf ,1VIJ- ' "r UHlretl.er.-SECOND FLOOR Flrt IHoer, Eighth Stre.t space te? razor. Lit Brethen-FOURTH FLOOR ehelf. perfections. Beautiful Gift Furniture Christmas shoppers will mere than appreciate the marvelous values shown here 1,000 Handsome Bridge Lamp Shades of Silk $15 Shades ,, V . ..!!. 'I ,(n !V'M, ',!. I l'1'I.JII'i' $15 Value, $9.-13 M. Ii.. r nu-r'X.i'KHy01 nn(l I'luJn silks in many novel artistic shanes with Lit Hrethera THIRU FLOOR sk lincl IrS!1, 1!'. JaJ?ae? Panels or sunburst medallions-all suit lined, tiimmcd witli silk galleen and finished with ,i.nn silk fr iikc. H Vi! -LIT wanTHKHH Oer Rig B..Uerant-B of ET.rythlag ! iea-.B.Tiith rwr or unr x,.w -,;." -: . 1 1 BBOTllgKH K S it f ' - (aw f. iL.'-'",',"f''i(' . u ., .... I . - 6". - - ' ,jx:L-!zl : ' - - .' ..,.- jL,- ;""''. 1 ,. , .- ' ;jaTJBBMaigaaaaMBi .i)c BBBBMMBBBaWaaWMMaWMalMaWaWaWaWaMaMaWBa "'"' "-'- ' '- .''-' -:v.. nr''-N', -..' fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflff