t,(4 V .'"fTHi&ic&pl, -""1 '" "JRAi'w V I.' V'tv''flU afTTFSTOTTO v 7575 K' fS-f' fta lTt- , 2 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PmLAIELPHIA;: TUESDAY.' DECEMBER 12, :jfl: 22 JTY SCHOOLS GET SUPPLY OF COAL ft ij,r p Kv t- tr it ( JEneugh Is Rationed te Keep i Buildings Opened for Three L te Four Days ONE CLOSED FOR SHORT TIME JILTED SUITOR SHOOTS GIRLl Then Man Turn PUtel en Himself In Pittsburgh riMsburRli, Dec. l- (Hy A. 1) -A Kcvonteen-jr-nr-eltl girl was chet In the biu-k while crewing it bridge hfre tednj' by e man who then turneil the pistol en htwclf mill sent u bnllr-t through his head. lletli lire In a aetl aetl eiih condition. The girl, Anna Aniszlewske. told the notion that tlie num. Lewis .lustcrxin- hlsltl, Mint her when Mie tr-fuml te elope with him. She Mild Mie Miurncd his nttentletm when Mie learned he vvna nmrrlel ami the father et several ehll-drcn. ' Danger that u number of the 'lty Schools would have te clot because of the lack of coal was averted, for tin present at lcnit. by distribution today of a supply that arrived last night te Sill the buildings where an Immedi ate need of fuel had been reported. The Marti" Scheel, at Richmond nnd Ontario street, closed for n time this morning when notice that coal was en the way te the echoel arrived fif teen minutes tee late. The Mipply at this building had been nbaustetl ji-Menlny. When fuel faib-d te arrive at the school as the time for opening drew near this morning an or der was Issued dlMiiNMng the 1.S0O jmplls tempernrllj. A few moments later notice was M-i.t te the school that ;e!il was en the way. It seen arrived, the, school reassembled and sessions resumed. BRITAIN TO UNO AMERICA ON DEBTS Three te Tour 1 Supl '"The suppl whieli arrived lat night has placed all the whenN whleh were In need en .1 .ifi margin." -villi I'n-il--rii-k Semple m ihargi- of the cial de liveries ttitlav. "The r-ititnt iiu liu t.iken n mm li jnere faveralilc turn tnil.iv.' ii'l Mr. Si-iiimp. "Di-lrihutieii nt tlie Washington Expected te Be Questioned en Cancellation of French War Bill FEAR BIG ENTENTE RIFT fill Aaecvlt& I'rfjj liOiiden. Pee. t'-'. Tlie belief that Orea Urltain intends te sound out the American iJevernmenl's willingness te take -eme Mich action In reference te allied debts n the possible cancella tion of tin- I'remh debt. ! asserted by the R.llj Telegraph'- il.nIeni.itli: ts liert. The rreneh deleg-iiieti te tlie ml- has gicn all .f the -i benis a Mipplv .jmiined I'leimers cemerenei. was rep vvbirh will lu-t thiee or tour ilnvs in re-.ei.ted lnt nllit as holding that tlie any kind of weather. 1 al-e reeeied ' Hritlsh might approach the 1 tilted word this morning that there ate tlier i State before the January - meeting of ehipments m the wh. and 1 esp.vt the Premiers te ascertain whether li.it fnnp nr tin. arle.iils will nirive I America would be willing te consider PINCHOT TO MAKE CALL ON HARDING Politicians Speculate en Nature of Governer-Elect's Visit te White Heuse WILL ATTEND VARE DINNER tomorrow . Yesterday tvvcnt-M sihoels weie threatened with doling. Tlie coal was sent out in eight and tui ten lets f u m tlie wharves at Tus ker street, where it arrived in ais. A wagonlead arrived at the Paul Ilevere Scheel for cripples ami phvv. e-illj di fit-lent children. Thittv -itli nnd Ludlow streets, just as the Inst shevelful in the bins had been used. The Slngcrl) Scheel, Tvventv --.pi end nnd Herks streets; the Steklev. Tliirtv- (toverner-elect (lifferd Pinehet will call en President Harding in Washing, ten ut neon Thursday. When announcement of this appoint ment was made in the office of the Governer-elect today there was mm-h speculation us te its significance. Mr. Plm-het said lie was going te call en the President, as a newly eletted Gov Gov ereor, te pay his irsppct". In Pinehet eirele, of course, it was indicated that the President iniij care te discuss a number of nallnnal tines tines tiens with tlie Uoverner-elei-t. In ether ipiarters there was a suggestion that President Harding might take tip with Mr. Pinehet tlie plan suggested in the President's recent message tel 'eugrt"s of assembling n conference of! Governors en the question of law en- j fercement. Again there was a sug-j gestien that tlie subject of the pregrt-s- ( sive bloc anil allied political problems would be canvassed. . Will Attend Wire Dinner j Mr. Pinehet Is going te Wns'ungten , tomorrow afternoon and while tin re' plun te meet a "geed mnn.v people." Ineliiding piebably I'liltetl Mules S-n-iitm s Pepper and Ked. He will tle-e. his trip te Washington b.v attending the dinner whieli Congressman ale is' giving en Thursday night. Intimations were current teiiaj mm some Important announcements may In- made bv tin- Governer-elect in a da CREW BEING TAKEN OFF 1 AS SHIP POUNDS ROCK' Cotten Plant Reaches Freighter Or terlc, Rescuing Fifty-five San Francisce, Dee. 11. (Ilv A. P.) The Urltlsh freight steamship Or I eric, pounding ngainst Fish Heck, off tlie California coast, about beventy miles north of San Krnncisee, was re ported illllng with water rapidly this morning, but her crew of fifty-llve were being transferred te the steamship Cot Cet Cot eon Plant, according te a wireless re port te the federal Telegraph Company liere. The Meamshlp III Segundo, leaving San rranclscn last night In response te SOS ealls, sighted the Orterli! two hours after midnight. Tlie 11 Segundo had reported It wai Ulillkelj the crew had been nble te land because et the steep, rocky shore, but that tlie men probably could be transferred at sea without difficulty. The Orterie, en route te Kurekii, Calif., te lead lumber for the Orient, rnu Inte the rock lust night. Presuma bly she lest her way in the fog. She has a teunase of ((!HG and is owned by the Hunk Line, of Glasgow. MARSH MAROONS DOCTORS T WO DAYS HAMMER SLAYER TRAIL LOST AGAIN either c'incclhitleii of tlie Prem-h debt op iiHrMcInatien In a consideration of such a step. American official elides lti Londen are awaiting Prime Minister Itenar Law's proposed statement in the Heuse of Commens Thursdu for verification or denial of the icpeil tint overtures are te be made immediately te Wash ington. In Jlrltish official circles it was point ed out tedaj that Staule llaldvvin. the Ch.n ller of the I'tcheiiiier. and tlie Suspect Arrested In Wyoming as Fugitive Declares She Is Net Mrs. Phillips POLICE STILL MAKE INQUIRY ISy ljiffa(ci J-rcst Casper. We., Dec. H.'. Uelief that et" se. He was grcatlv pleased ever the Casper police had succeeded in appre- .....li ,.- l.w rwiiirnrxriVnc in Pit fOllr"h I hciulillC Chilli Pllillilis, COIIvlctetl lllllll- couference for V(t,.tl)aj .! t.arried home with blm liter Mayer of Mrs. Alberta Mentlevvs. wl.e escatied from the Les Angeles jail en December (1, Is thought te have been exploded this morning when u suspect attested last nixht declared she was Itrn trice Crai'. of Klrby. Wye. The woman said she had been living in his I.ilice In the Heal Lstnt- Trust . in Casper about three weeks. Police Untitling Included .lehn J. Gheen. of authorities liave net ilelinitely ncceptetl ( In ster. one of the old Koesevclt group ; her explanation and are continuing their Jehn Kent Kane, a lavv.ver. et Delu- investigation. ware C.iuntv : Themas Kennetlv nnd a Arrestetl witnin two diecks 01 tlie tin- (miii-esslen that Pittsburgh leathrs, like these in ether scctieati", were glad te co-operate with him in ids mil structivu plans for the Commonwealth. Tedav's rallers en the Oeverunr-elei t ' .,. ... .1... ti.,..t t". ...... '!-.....-( Dr. Rebert Bett and Twe Com panions Suffer While en Duck-Vlunting Trip STRANDED BY M0T0RB0AT Dr. Heltert Ilett, head of the Phila delphia Veterans' llureau, nnd two ether physicians arrived In Wilming ton last night after being marooned in the marsh lands near llembay Heek, where they had geno ou a duck-hunting trip. Dr. Pett, with Dr. Meredith L. Sam uels, of Wilmington, and Dr. Cahall Slpple, Dever City. Del., had phm ned te return home Satuiday night after n two-day gunning trip, but Femethlng went wrong with their me- torbeat and they weie strantieti. While net In great danger at any time, the three physicians were forced te remain in (lie marshes for two tlavs. They ripped off the floorboards of the motorboat and waited for high title, Imping that they would he able te paU paU dle te their cabin, which was across a st retcu of marsnes. They were compelled te abandon this plan and Ftarted across the marshes en feet, falling into tnuskrat hales nnd trinplng across the tieachereus beg. Dr. llett'.s companions became se ex hausted that the could go m further and lay en tin- ground. He gathered tin Mhks nnd twigs and built a lire te keep them wnim. but snow compelled Ilium te again negin i iieir mu. " 4 o'cletk in tlie morning the started acre-ts the 12,000 acres of swamp. Com Cem lug te it large creek, one of the men was about te swim across tlie stream, when n rotten plank was found and they managed le ford the water in satety. Tliev arrived several hours later nt their cabin, n shmt iliHtamc above the mouth of Duck Creek. eni of the r arrival was taken te Dever and Lcipsie bv a trapper, and mentis t tlie marooned phvsicians went te their rescue in motorboats. CELiBRATE NEW BRIDGE etfend and Perks, the Martha Wash- I nruisii tieet uinuing commission we mi , lp, uk,n rP,,res,.ntlng tlie I nited Mine railreatl station, wlieie she liad entered lngten. l-'ertv -fourth and Aspen: the j leave Vm- the I nited States December Werkt-is inlen; State Hcpresintative J a taxicab immediately after getting off JUieads. Pertv -ninth and Parrisli. ami ! -', for tlicussien n the whole tpi t ion , , os jnrm.t f fatnbrla Cinntv : a train that just had arrived from the Dunlnp. l"ift-tirst and Haee. vvt-ieef the dUied debts, llns consultation i ,r, IelM j, Varnham. of Wilkes- Hilling. Ment.. last night, the woman amenz the builtliniN te receive, their . will 'ie t. hi late for the net Prt miers ii1P:. .,,,,1 Mrs. Kdvvurd "arnall. of betraved no surpiise at heiiic taken into new supply this morning William Dick. .,, rctniv et the Heard of Ltlucatien. siml teda.v that the sit sit untien was net .il.iimiug. There Is no thinger whatever of a reneral shut -down, he snid. Pumping htatiens Supplied Likewise the ity institutions such s hospitals and pumping stations where coal is absolute! essential hare been insured ngaint any acute situa tion, according te city officials. Cartfteli V.. Davis, thief of the Water llureau, saitl teda.v th-it some of the immping stiitiens have a supiih for e-eiiteienee, however The Itritlsh financial mission will in elutle, besides Mr. Uablwln and his staff. M. C. Nerman, governor of the It-ink of Luglnnd. and his stafT, and Uewe Diittmi. atlviser te tlie treasur. All the visiting Premiers tmd their delt Rations left Londen tetln. Many l.oiulen P.iscisti in picturesque head dresces ami black shirts went te the Victeria station te see Premier Mutso Mutse Uni of Hal off. The leply of the allietl Premiers te tlie latest German proposals en repa rations was dispatched te ISerlln last night m the term el a brier but ceur tswurthinere. revpral weeks, while ethers would be I teeus note from Prime Minister 1'yii.ir able te run for a month without the coat iipp v being replcntlshed "We ure net particularly concerned filsmt the coal suppl," said Mr. Davis, "for we have been receiving our ship ments regularly. "At nil the power plants of the "Water llureau. eicept the Shawmunt pumping station, 'rice' coal is used, nnd se far a suppl of ihi" kind of fuel has been received steadll." Hospitals Supplied Director of Public Health Puilm-di said that there was no cause for worry ns far a the hospitals were concerned Law te Chancellor Cune. Mr. llenar Law tied expression of sincere re the existing oiieum-tani es the pro posals did net offer a solution of tlie reparations difficulties. Cemment ou the adjournment of the conference ;s rather doleful. While the newspaper-) try te build hope en the fact that the lonversatiens ate te be resumed, they de net conceal a fear custetl . net timing ie me arresting otli etli otli cers. She asked few questions con cerning her arrest nnd answered none, A man who iieeempiinled her from the train entered another taxicab. which I followed a different lente from that lit- had net The lioverner-elect. will attend a meeting tonight of the llebert .1. Pat Pat teu "Marching Club at 414 Kan Alle L'henv avenuu. This organization, mi- .).. tlw. leiiilershit) of Councilman Pat- taken bv the woman's rnr ten, will parade at the Inaugutatien been located cany tetiay. eeremei.ies In Harrlsburg January It!, j The arrest was made by two motor meter Councilman Patten's is a volunteer cycle policemen who had been detailed narihiiig t-hib, and the cost per man and te meet trains from Hillings every night per woman be only S-0, as compared J since Mrs. Phillips was reported te have with thel St'.O charge for these, who match ) been sien in Idaho lulls, Idaho, re undt r the auspices of Congressman .cenil. Van- and Ilarr Mackey of the city J Tl.ev s.iid that they jifited her re- committee. Tomorrow noei.. as n mem- semblance te .Mrs. runups description her of the Itetnrj Club, Mr. Pinehet ared with an "I" "JwP In" the luncheon of U.at giet that "in organization In the Lcllevue. The Pinehet tceimiuv tlrlve is caus ing much walling and gnashing of teeth lailread station in the ranks of these who In jears past verc wei.t. te draw Si .10 a tluy as pasters and folders ami assistant st r-geaiiis-at-anns In the State Heuse ami In man cases the only real antl tlieir suspicions were luuiier aroused by tlie fact that she pulled dewi. the taxicab curtains as seen ns she entered. They followed the car and a 1 1 est id her two blocks from tlie Parade Marks Opening of Fifth Street Structure Fifteen hundred persons took part In u parade last night te celebrate the opening of a new bridge ever the Pennsylvania llniliead at 1 ifth and Tiega streets. The parade, which in cluded floats anil string bands, lenned at Hlxtli nnd Diamond sttect.s. The route from that point was te Fifth street, te Hlsing Sun avenue, te Sixth street and en Sixth strett te Allegheny avenue, where the marchers disbanded. Jeseph A. Fcrke was chairman of the committee in charge of tlie celebration, the ether members of which were Ed ward Hynn, Jehn McDowell nnd Jo Je seph Gevviu. Tlie new bridge replaces a structure i...lA..riil tnnrn I linn tl Veitr Dfffi. It was etienetl te trolley ears and pedes- ' tiians December .'!. It Is expected that vehicular traffic, will be permitted upon it within 'u few das. GINI SAYS BERLIN CAN PAY Would 'Draft Youth for Reparations Werk Heme, Dee. 11!. - (Hy A. P.) Corrade Oinl, professor of Mutlstlcs in the University of Padua, te whom was Intrusted tin inquiry as te whether Hermnnv enn nav retinrntiens. hew much nnd In whnt form, has decided the lirst question in the nflirmntive. of. (Hnl makes several proposals concern ing the best systems for the liquidation of the debt. One of his principal suggestions is compulsory service for reparations, similar te the military service in nor mally before the war. That compul sory service would embrace all youths of twenty years of nge for one or two years. Surh youths would serve either In reconstructing devastated regions or In creditor nations, where they might be fed ut the expense of the Herman Government. In the latter ease the total value of their work would go toward reparations. If fed nt the expente of a creditor nation only the difference be tween the value of their feed and t lie value of their work would be credited te repnrntlens. Prof. Glnl nlse proposes taMiic a census of all precious metals, jewels nnd foreign currency in Germany, nnd making compulsory their sale te the state or te foreigners. Nobody would be allowed te keep any of these things, except by paying a sum In geld far greater than their intrinsic value. SENATE COMMITTEE BEGINS HEARINGS ON FARM CREDITS Bills Sponsored by Lenroot and Cap per Explained by Authers Washington, Dec. H.'. (Ity A. P.l -Proponents of various farm credit bills appeared today lielere the Senate iiatiu llig Committee at the opening of hear ings en credit legislation. Senater Capper, chairman of the Senate farm bloc, opened the hearings with an explanation of his bill and xvus followed by Senater Lenroot. who outlined the Lenroot-Andersen bill con taining previsions indorsed by Admin istration officials. Among these present nt the hearing were Eugene Meyer, director of the War Flounce Corporation, and mem bers of the Federal I'm in 1auii Beard. Senater Cupper snid his livestock lean bill would meet the needs of betn large and small livestetk growers, butl did net deil with the credit require ments of the general lauacr. The bill provides for co-operative associations with $".r0,000 capital, whose paper would have discount privileges with federal reserve banks. The small live stock growers, lie said, teiild secure leans through such associations, and he did net believe the bulk of capital for the associations would come from tlie industry, but from banking and business intete.sts of the community. INSANITARY CRUSH IN SCHOOL CHARGED Parents Pretest te Beard Against Overcrowding at Cur tin Building in Cermantewn 953 CHILDREN ENROLLED Overcrowded antl Insanitary condi-tlen-j at the Ctirtln Scheel, Muegrave nnd Hertter streets, Germantown, xvcre described in loiters te the Heard of Educntlen which meets! this afternoon. The Heard of Scheel Visitors of the Twenty-second Ward reported that 0511 children are enrolled at" the school nnd that -11" of that number arc en part time. Crush Will Increase The school visitors wrote that f00 new houses are being completed within a radius of two blocks and that 000 mere arc te he built in the same le-enlttv. The report touched en the bubbler fountain in the school yard and tmiu . --U th6 flew of water is se been that chfl. 'Vl iircn press ineir lips against tlie bub. bier. . . .The- Education j Committee, of tfa. Germanlnwn and Chestnut Hill m. prevcinent Association nlset wrote abetit v conditions at' the Curtln (Jchoel. Bur. prise wart expressed that the 'shorteca r" of classrooms has net been corrected '; befere this. ' Parents Approve Lean Iteferring te plans for it Junier hlsh soheol en Washington lane, the im. provement association asserted Chat the proposed institution would net enre for all the children In that section who need school facilities; , . Approval of the I'tepmeil $15,000,000 lean for new school buildings was sent by the Parents' Public Scheel Assecl?. tlen nnd the Heard of Trade, both e the Tvvcnty-Hrst Ward. 0I Geld Watch Frem Empleyes Empleyes of the Estey Company, Seventeenth nnd Walnut streets, pro pre rented a watch te Leuis P. Quimby vice president nnd .general manager at i a surprise birthday perty given te him Saturday night in Estey Hall. A mini, cal program was arranged in which Philip Wuest, violinist this son Harry Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Ming Alice riclbcl, Miss Miriam Alter, Ron Ren ald Wise, Prof. P. Nevln West and I Miss Nellie Hurff took part. New Jewels Notable Gifts JRCaldwell&Ce. CHESTNUT STREET BELOW BROAD ARE YOU I.OOK1NO 1011 Ill-.U'. TKR- Imps th i-rv ls-mer ou vnnt Is nnv-r-tlflne ur.Ji-r Situations en !ase r.7. .4(Ic. ..-."il.ll-t,, ,'f Excellence Deaths of a Day i 'ITS 1 1 ELIAS NAUDAIN MOOR Sen.lte. that the impossibility of hurmenUini: ! '"lk attached te the-e .ethces, which the allied views will again be mani- were poeti tiunnc wie s.-,.,., ei ...- fcied iii I'arit. , l,i-Ki-liiture. was the ilcniiic of the phv - Tacony Banker Dle3 After a Brief i The hope is generally enpresBed that roll. It dew loped In the le-arinps be- Illness I thn tiltnnst ulll be ilnne ilnplii" tlie in. lore Allllllep ItCnernl I.evvi-. when 111-, ...... ! There Is -.iitlit-ieiit teal for the om-ratien I ,,.n 1 ,. nr.nent ., . niiinli el !,,. t ,..mi!ii tii.tr the it-LMme if state Treti-- I.li.is atlillllll Mner. seeietnry and t of tin. I'lillndelnln.i Cim-rul Mn.iiitiil. ! i... t.,e Alt ...,n,,n... .. i... ,,r. r HTnnlinri. rlitit one iiiau hail iltnvvn tnaniier the I at en I rust tern "' - ,7,,,,' i , 'lll ill lli- l I riuiil-.iiiv,-) IHIIAV. -'---.---. -- ,, . the riillntlelplim JIe-pttal ler ( en- jt cI,.Br that whatever hiinneiis (Irt-at taceeus Ui-eases ami the I'.vlietr I'.ntain will have no share in eccup In branch, tin- tllrci ler said, and two nr- -the itulu. JeatN are'lieln ueelvctl ilall ler these I pa uinler tin- aim-, et .ioe .ninn" The Putt-het leB.in i-. "Ne .lt"--e Jam nnd no i-.iv for iiiiiitt.essai.v -ett jub- lti-titiitieti With the --ehiMjIi of Camden faeins imlliir dilliciiltit. Camden Council las; night took action te r'lleve the -.hettase. It was determined te appoint .1 'ity fuel administrator. Tin- eitv will aNe buy eal at he mines te be -.nld te jietij i ensumers at eet. An eris'ual nitprn nitprn Vriatieti of SUOIMI w.is made for thii plll'liese. anil .itl.lltieii.il ;unus et iuiuis Paris, lie ment of tli Jaiiiiarv l' terruptien tune Were , 12. -While tin. r-o-tpeiie- cenfereiit-e at Louden te s descried as a mere ni- f the allied in-gn-Mtiens, teriaui luilli atlniis i,,.l,i ABHOR REPRISALS that Crane- m ting alone or with the Allies will consider the three weeks' ilelaj as a fitvil atpe.il te Americi he fore taking up arms in the e. eupatlen et the tieuimii :r.'r.i'-tnal area. FOR IRISH REBEL1 JTlil J'lU (".'"" itlltl ilMHUU'lJiU pi ill! ID Ul lUIKH i UL HI' V.I'iilHHI . ii'1 VI 1 I 1 U ill ' .1, 4j Will fellow . LfL rrll" i'"" ,-1''11 '" '.imden w1- .ivrmve irvviwiiv M&- N lecided after flavor Nan Hart hail a C(J.(slih$b ALOiSL Cl. ilRff -enfpienee with llaiiv slurp, president tr'v av ir t ri rr-ir'-i Parents of Executed of the HtMid of IMticitien. Mr. Sharp iSave the .M.i.ver the names of a num ber of coal jobbers who had informed him the had large itinntities of mul for sale at about Se a ten higher thnn what the I'euus.vlvaui.i Ceal Ceiumis , Fien deems a fair price. This would jmake its cost delivered hi Camden nheur 17-ji. ten. Tin se jobbers said the could ship liftv i ar'niids within tvventv tvventv 'feur hours. The oil plans te bii di recti v from tlie mines. The Muir. who presided ever Coun cil, said if the Jelihers wt-te able te buy all tin- i-e-il the want, the (.in of Camden intt nihil te tin likiwlse or knew the ttaseti wh.v. He aiil In mid Chj Solicitor Illi-akl hntl ( t r lnined oil mi action that would briiu Tesults. Mine owners, he snid, could net re fuse te sell te Camden anil then sVU te coal jobbers already overstocked. I Seme of the Ceiincllinen saitl thnt , Camden teal dealers are i barging as' jnuth us S17 n ten, while i-harged by operators less than S10 a ten. $57,000 GJVEN ORIENT Women Contribute for Missionary I Colleges A total of S.'T.OOU for the Women's Viileu Christian colleges of the Orient, ns Philadelphia's share In the $1,000, (100 fund up te date, was report! d at u meeting of the Philadelphia Com mittee .vesterday at the Civic Club. Mrs. Jehn Harvey I.ee presided, ItepertH en the "Dellar Day" con Tass made by the women last Satur day Indicated that appmxlmnu-1 Stiiiin wns cellistcd in this rlt). .Mrs. Lee said a gift of $1000 from a (ietmun (ietmun tewn woman should be added, making S.ititm, pan. lietl .veatertta.v .it ins lietne, ;)w$ Disston strLCt, T.iten.v. Mi. Meer was bem in Ilnvrr, Del , Jul ".".. 1s"0, and received his educa tion in tin- West (bestir Military Acaileiii.v. Ter tblity-tive jcars lie was associated with the Lehigh Ce.il antl Navigation Cempau.v. lie then became .... ..,. .,... !-.. re .. jiueiitinitl wmi I lie inceiiy trust em- pan.v.wltb which he was cennci-ud six teen yenis. lie was president of the Thlrf.v -fifth Wer.l Hii.Iilliic mul Lean AvMiclfitli.n I seventeen vear.-. At tlie time of hi. death he was treasurer. lie was u r. member of the DIsteu Memerial Pres- Kery bvteriau Church. Tneen.v. , ... . , Mr. ileere is surviveu ny hh wne, 0 CeilllOr WntO tO Dub- -T . rianres N. Meer, ami four chll- .. iireu. I'.hits N. Meer. Jr., Heberr II. Iin Newspapers i,lnr. Miss llessie Meer and Mrs lMith M. Leng. i l'tinr-ial services will be conducted at , in the reparations discussion by theiMPlA PARI IAMPWT HALI ED hit. home Thiir.sda afternoon. alli'il Pii-lint-ls has rem lied the Wash. I - ' ingtmi (i.-vernment. I'endiiig examinn- I ,. iDr-ilr- ncpnnn ' tien et. the suggt-tl.m that the I ulted , 50Car(.j ,.Pl.jj i Mho. IntNt UOUUUU States .im el the rreneh war debt, elb- i Uui.H.i m,. 1" The p-in nts if! ' ,ials ate net Inclined te make any com- . (,.;,(mi,jr'i wns c,(.llllM, , j Novelist and Playwright Dies at Her' tithniicd (ievernment spokesmen tin l'n-e State Government lat wti-k, English Heme liavf hehl that the whole quest Ien of vvnn i- the new -paperH as fellows . Northampton, Ing., Dec. 1". (U.v aliied war debts has parsed out of thei "WV abhep nn.vtbiiig in the nature .. j. Mrs. Irene Osgood, novelist,' hands of the executive branch of the et i- it-prNal for the death of our son, llMl playwright, tiled at her home here i tinv eminent. I eiign-ss naviug ci.argtM uerj e i onner. 'uv grn-i i- nei tin tlebi funtling i iiinmlsslen with the seftmni by the thought of Ibe stiffi m-giitiatien of all lefundiug itgrn meiits. incs t iin-rs. In ins last b-iter. writ 'I he i oiuniissieii, moreover, is sjiis c- i n t . hi- .eiiuger brother in the r irlv allv tlescribitl in the act creating it as i mining of December S. (the d.i.v i! tin a iefundlng commission, whMi. in the I execution , the following pnsngi opinion of 'ionic ethcials, precludes It fti-urs: 'I could net continue with mv from considering auy tmestieu of tan-I feimer reimudfs: I am te meet deith cellatien. ;it their hands. I forgive them all. 'Hie Wanted? Something te Sell Have you a line of mer chandise that needs dogged, resourceful sell ing? Let me produce for a "show down." Full de tails at interview. Write at once. D 532, LEDGEU OFFICE act e.v u ar debts: Washington. Dee. IL t Uv A. P. i Ve proposal for Ami riiun participation. It has been -a,l en the highest au- ' will of lied be done nnd mnj the honor tlierilv, theretere. that the rrfsnpia el Ireland be preserved has no power te negotiate cani-cll'itlen agreimeuts even if that were Ids desire It would be ni-cc-ssarv under thsi l( te take an such suggestion before 'on 'en grcss whose sjie-it'u sanetieti hanll.v could be tibtaliliil lief., re the allnd Premiers reassemble just after tin lirst of tin- vear. FARM SCHOOL DRIVE ON ii.n I'ene cenzrntu atlnir mm en lii i nntieiiiiment and praing for ,i happ.v I lie retn teiiti after a month s illness. sue was 'hoi n in the I'nitetl Stales and re i..innl her Anuriean citizenship. Mis. Osgood was born In irglnia i ;.nl inarrietl Captain Charles Pigott ' Ilarvej. North Hants, Liigland, in t V.mC. After bis death she was grantetl the name of Irene Osgood by re.val deed She was a member of man Anuriean, Lnglieh and Trench lltcruty .111(1 lilt seeieties. Among her many works. "The Men ace." produced i-t Hill, wan perhaps the most successful f her plaj s. Duri'ig the war she maintained three hospitals mi her .Northauipren i.stnte c I BUILDING SITE en Main Line I? rierei", aultable for country home or small farm. Southern exposure ; ulrcnni of water. 10 acres woodland. 3 300 fcet frontafe'e en ntw concrete read. Only 20 miles te Philadelphia.; three-quartcr hour by meter via Lincoln High way. 30 minutes by train, P. It. TL main line. Will Sell for $10,000 or Exchange for City Property Owner, B 521, Ledger Office wWKWmM jrJm i9KaliKlII mm R0 I ' j 5 3m 1 Kl r!sN mS&. f5lM 1 ' flSSJ "' Mm ? ?mi JatSk 8 ftrd Ji I n ' mkmmr WSL i mWKkm ' mar i DMMiWi ' HHHn i FORTUNATELY It has been pelble, without departing irem our standards, te held our prices te h level net usually associated with se mgh a degree ei excellence. Jk 1 .Ycic Yerk Starr IS Hast 17th St. Rebert Stewart MEN'S TAILORS 1501 Walnut St. TJm-M.,nr-PV,;.,sf..,irsi HEmanwhoeffers you a Melachrine Cigarette never apolo gizes. He offers te share with you the best that geed taste can select. MELACHRINO Oijraj art madr. from tfie ehekett and most cartfully sthxted Turdiri treti-n, eni because of thtir superb aualltj, they km had no rvef for ferty-thm yean. MELACHRINO "The One Cigarette Sold the World Over9 Workers Meet Today for Reports en his heart bends jeu the apostolic U-ee- 9nn nnn CunH rimniinn diction. A luncheon for workers in the cam paign te raise S'.'OO.OdO for the National rami Scheel will he held tedav In the I.ecutt Club, at which time rtperts te subscriptions te the fund will be re ceived I,e Semite will meet jointly with tin- Ii.-ill Ihrennn today, when flevernur (Ji-nerel Ifealy will read the reval mes. sac-1 .tin! deliver a messnKc win, li will hi ilelmted 1' both sides. The (iovirner lieneral teilav I'ti-a d i,rr..ii r-nrilliinl l '.tisiiiirrl. iinnnl see- r-tui of state, a t erdlal frrietins ftetn i and was rcein-d in npecial privali a u i i "ace nv i one nenet ici x . Sic v-.is ) nll.v mentioned by til J l'rem li Wr ( Mhce fet war work. Leule P. Schaefer , .. ,. I .in,t i,. Kit, l irn i .ou is i ncuaeier, i iu west iiitet,- An armed hand M-I.ed the ililare ., f railway station jes erda; y nucl set i, os svhll.fn. -,-, ld uslrr,,ay nfter- threiv locomotives at full speed, two in 10 ,,,,(,,, nuptial, fellow -of them weru wrecked. ,n(, u1 (ip(,rriljnn un(ergm. ten days I'nrlt lec 32.' (Uy A. P.)-The u?- He was lifty-elcht jears old. I one. J'C. -"-. vJ i ,. , ii ,111U ,i,. ,. ,!, i,n- lnee -.1 sinin llnies. Hie 1 ree istnle' .-" "" " """"i ." "" " ST ft.i of ponre and prebpTiiy tnr Im'IuvimI ii'Opl of lrrliiml, nii'1 "f , hij . T St, tl 1 nii.l 111 j f.tmeili inttlt in llOll" .... - . . i i.. l l !.... r. ....i.. . i... ii i. ntian khiiiiiiii in nun. "'-i ! "-i m'iim-hj h hik i Tilt- 'Dellar Ua" cellit tien.. j, us A u-tii-r mini .-sumtiei i.eiapeiu in . -"l"' "" ""","", ,""",', ,:.," i tbs In the TweuilMh Ward. He wan a the amount obtained by the I'l ila- which he indorses the campaiKn has n lat week, '"rived 'e edaj . beard . , 'J '' )f ' J''V.nnVh u LeVe. r. delphla (.mmlttee di.iini; the ,ellr. been received by Ilarr II. lllish, chalf- a steamer. It was im etllate , trniis. , "JrM I ,'ltj Wit-, made XM nu. In addition, the &MMM) man of the (Mmpalc,, rl)m,ce. The I'Oitwl ... lh- rathell i?1 10 ,iwalt l" aVpl..nrir.lVr f ' rie. eud that iH-beim; raised by the fhaiiibcrH- j amount beini: sought is te be the nu- Hi ub lie """Bl t0, e, rr ,',' m,m several ether fruten.al orBanlzatlens. burg Cenferenie Ceiainittee will be' cleus of an cndewnii-nt fund in honor of J he rcmatnH vvr-rn iiLieruttj muuar , mlded le this cit' total. ! Itnbbl Jeseph Krauskopf, founder of ths ! lennr- nnd the NtrectH from thy tii.i , i t ' t. tin cathedral were crewd'd with Mrs. Sarah Connelly Iaa . I Ll-lllllll. !.- s. .--- - I ..-.--- I f tlirviiLinirlsi nf I'ltlZftnK. K V' ST0TESBURY RE-ELECTED Union League Makes Financier President for Third Term 13. T. Stek-Hbury wan elected presi dent of the I'nlen I.eagiie jeuicrday for the thlril nuctesslve time. Vice presidenlH chosen at the annual (tactien were I!. I'uscy I'lisSninre, Ueorpe A, WiilKer, AVilllam H. Mmiiu lind tliarlCH .1. N eue. Fifteen dlreclerM also were elected. 'They were Melville (i. linker. H'llllam 1. Vttee. Jr., James 'II. Mitchell, Wil 1 tliatu lleury Smcilley, Charlemagne Tower, Hayartl Henry, Herace t'. ji '.lone. Jehn T. Hlle.v, Chnrh-H A. Per- f 1 '.'''- Jehn.JV, Ilsmer, Kdwnnl A, '- SsVktem.- jQDAthuu Jcpk, Hareld 1). W5rft;B. 'Sharp nnd J. Warner s".K llHUflUU. FACE BRIBERY SENTENCE New Trial Denied te Ex-Wllmlngten Official and Father Wilmington, H., Inc. 1'-'. Dr. Abram V.. 1'rauU and his son, I low aid H. Traiit.. former secretary of the Heard of Health, recent I v tenvielel of ceiiKplracy te bribe city etlh-liilx in ism net tlen with the purt'hne of an incin erator plant h the elt.v, weie denied a new trial In i eurt el lielierni Messienx I tedar. Sentence will be imposed I Thursday afternoon. Henry n. hook, a uiiru ueicnuant, plentled nelle centendere, equivalent te a plea of guilty. I.OOKIXII TOR MAY ou " ItelfjHt. Dec. !'. (nv A. P.) --Tim Duke of Abercorn, appointed Governer of Northern Ireland by KiiiR (iwiritc, was Hvvern in today. 'J he ceremony took place in tlie courtneuse nere in tne nr..bi.tici of Premier ('rale ami the ether iiiembcru of thn L'lHter Cabinet, the local memberH of the Privy Council und the Judyen of .Northern Jreiiin.i. The oath vva.s administered hy Kir Dennis Henr.v, the Lord I'hitf Justice, P. and R. Train Kills Laberer resident- of that place and wus widely Matiee lotiaie, tuiriy-iwe jcars old, Mtevvn, !!s.!n Verth ralrvlevv strtei. tllcil in' thn Jewish Hospital today from injuries Mre. Anna Geldman 1'iiueial sort It eh for MrH. Sarah Cen" nelly, inetlur of Congressman James P. Connelly, who died Sunday In her home, L'd.".! Hust Clearfield street, will be held Tim ruin r imirnlnir. MrH. Cen nelly was nlxty-tlva years old, and widow of William J. Connelly. I Mrs. Mary A. Morten I Mrs. .Mary A. .Morten, elKhty-tvve hears old, died at her home in (Jlou (Jleu jicHlcr this inei-iilnt; after an lllnevi of one intuitu, run- was one el inu imicnv FfrfFl When you rent a property you are contributing toward the increase of that building. Why net own that build ing? Yeu de mere than pay yourself rent -you gain by its increased val uation you are building for the future 1 May we be of service? HEYMANN & BR0. Real Ettate litrmsnn Building 213-215 S. Bread St., Phil.., Vu 8 CD IIE JfiT J CITOt Y k rlSai w AI'AKTMnVTS. KF.VT Sl'nt'KllW. . ltOSi:.MO.Vr. I.ini-xlir tind Onrrrtt Hve leumti mul bttih pereli, le-rand fleer; con- v.nlcnt te 1-f niisjlviinlu une I'hlladflphlii Mtul W'futirn it it Tddiliniin Ilrvn Mitvui r,J, THK JOII OV uAltr. I-OOKIXIl FOB M lii jteund In th lislii VuuleJ cvlunuts VSgU3 UU nuu ill, li . 1 ..!... l.A WftU ... .t t... .. III. II leceivcii vMi'ti -- .." r,.iii.i hj h nu adelpblii and Heading Jtuilway fnight train thH morning. Vonate was a laborer and was at work in the railroad yardH above Taher btatien. Mrs. Anna liehinian. lifty t-nra old, 1 01 Kalghn avenuu, Capiilcn, died in Cooper HettpltHl this mprnlrig frfm in. JtirieB she iccelved when struck by an electric trala en November 27. 1II1TIH 1 1 itrn i- iin,. ii, nu nt Ur, xi I J 111 I er.ulliir. .MVXVi:t.I liiftint en of Ulehnril ll.tuniiint st), I Lillian Allnm Tjliuiil Serv.l Ik-h und ltit'rnient erlvutn ut Ht Ueurt-c it iHWlfri-, li.l , en 'lliurmli.y, , I'lllt'i:. If 11. 11.21:. li'WIN' J. I'O.' i.imiI hin-lsiiHl of l:mniii lliin.e I'flee, n, , JO llflillivl ail, I irillluw, ui-'i firmaanu .eilBx. Ne. H(l. i, O, O. I'.t tJiieliia Tribe. Nu. iH. I. O. II. M.. ure lnvltd tu attentl tuncrul uervlti-a, Thursduy. .1! 1". M.. ut ln r-Blt1(ne of his en. Ilcnlumln V. I'rlce. 1(25 Vrenilns s-vs. Int(rmBnt Mt. Peace Ceme tery. ITIcnds my call .AVedneeday evenlnif. "The Tie of a Thousand Knets" Berkley Knits arc smart in .appearance and texture, and the most durable scarfs manufactured. Plentiful assortments of colorings and designs. $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1426 Chestnut Street tli ". II , .f .i m .ss M 4- s L 1 i -a(gtoemaFv vzr m'm Hmm Ymrh BreiMl Strjt ' Walnnt (ttrwl RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL Price Considerations NEW and Levely Fashions for the Winter Secial Occasions of Daytime and Evening. Featuring Important Offerings in Smart Daytime and Evening Dresses Of crepe, twill and satin. Fur-trimmed Day and Evening Wraps Of soft, rich fabrics, with trimmings of beaver, mole, wolf and kit fox. Luncheon and Tea-Time Frecks Of chiffon, satin and velvet. Beautiful 3-Piece Costumes Hats for All Occasions vu specially Friced Dresses 35 te 95 , we-r rrem 575 te $195 J 'ivTrtw' a O 'V - sVf.'.-'.' 1 ' .. Jttstlw U tv' ... l