Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1922, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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,.,-tWu:. T. .i'. ifr -tA
l .w
Religious and Business Leaders
Acclaim Mr. Wanamaker as
Man of Highest Aims
Men prominent in nil lines' of' on en
.kirn today joined In expressing ; deep
ncrtt nt the , leath of Jehn Unrui
maker mid praising his life as ene that
"a" left the world better for his havlnB
"'official of the Presbyterian Church.
f which he wan an active member, and
frtdlnir dignitaries of ether churches
alike declared him te have been one of
th r lending- lay Arums In religious
ictWtUs In the United States: Eusi
mm men praised his ability as a mer
rhint and his remarkable career as one
Sf'Mdlw forces In the development
tt modern merchandising.
Everywhere great snrprUs and regret
.r expressed at Mr. Wanamaker's
death. Many could hardly believe first
reports of It. recent bulletins from the
Msldc having been optimistic as te his
"miii. i.n nrnmlnenl In national and
rfty activities, many empleyes of ,thc
Wanamagrr were jini.- . . ..
te their feelings at the less of their
i Wef. Among these who expressed re
great at Mr. Wanainakcr'a death were :
Goremer-elect I'lnchet! "In Mr.
Wanamaker's death Pennsylvania t hns
lest one of its greatest citizen. Dur
hi his active, long and pre-eminent
.....,i iifn In. was recognized net only
In Hits State hut also throughout tin'
Natien as a man who net the public
interest In the first place, and whose
r?ady and powerful aid was generously
given te all geed causes.
"Mr. Wanamaker was net only a
national but also an international fig
ure, net merely because he had held
high and honorable public office, but
also because he ranked as a private
citizen with the most conspicuous lead
ers of the thought of the world. His
fight for the senatersliir), although he
Inst It. may fairly be called the bc
ulnning of the movement for better poli
tic in this State. Mr. Wanamakcr's
death removed one of the great figures
nf the CniMneincultu..Tln whole State
feds his les."
Mayer Moere: "Ne native Philndel
Tiblan has Meed out ns conspicuously
for mere than half a century as Jehn
Wansmaker. His business career ex
tended ever mere than sixty years
throughout which, he was original,
progressive and constructive. (Jarry
(mr (li husincss. which he established
at Sixth and Market streets te the great
central Mat Ien nliicli lie catuulislicu nt
Thirteenth and Market streets, ami then
en" te New Yerk, te Paris nnd te ether
ritics. he easily became the greatest
merchant In the world. Hnving at
tained this unparalleled distinction, it
Is difficult te estimate adequately the
effect of ills life weik upon the whole
clly, new grown te n population of
2,000.0tH), where, as a boy, lie began
his labors in a briekj ard for a few cents
"At this hurried moment it would
be almost impossible te enumerate the
activities of Mr. Wanamaker apart
from theso relating te his great busi
ness. He was the founder and mnin
prep of Bethany Mission and the re
ligious work growing out of it in the
Srieus sections of the city. His re re
tixieiis n'sociatiens weir many. His
international associations were wide-i-pre.id,
enii of tlieni arising nnt of
the Centennial Exposition of ISTli, of
which lie wns the last surviving di
rector. It wus ihii: wonderful ex ex
perience of nearly fifty years age that
made him the prime mover in the pio pie pio
liesal te tittiuglv celebrate the Sesqui
Ccntemiial of 1020. although In re
cent mouths lie hnd been unable te give
It his personal attention.
"Ills national associations began
largely with the Harrison Administra
tion, when he was Postmaster (Senernl.
although lie keni in touch with every
Administration te the nrespnt. Mr.
Wanamaker as Postmaster General was
.1 . . . . . .
population which cannot be everesti- j
"1 Mlfler :i tieisennl Iecm in the ilculli
of Mr. Wanamaker. Prem thp begin
ning he wns a fnm friend and sup
porter iif the. present clly Administra
tion. He wns one of the first men I
mnsiilted befeic entering actively upon
Iho campaign. There was nn old tie
which interested Mr. Wanamaker, in
inp fact 1 hat my mother was of the
ssrae da's which Mr. Waimnmker as a
jenng uuin attended in the Jehn Cham
bers Presbjtvriuu Church."
Cardinal Deugherty: "The death of
r. Wiin.niuiKer will be n --lini k and
ieks, net enlj te Philadcli.liiu, but
also te our entirn ceunti. His career
' s proof of tlie opportunities given
Americans of iiitelllgem e and .ireng
'nsraeter. Ii wash bis own lalwr and
!'it tluit In. arose in ibe front lank
f the nicti of our limes,
'His inlluencp In Phlladelphiii has
wii se v.ist and vaiieus tlinr It cannot
ee me.isnred. He linil been n leader in
limine..,, nnd Midnl life fur mere th.in
m f n eentur.v, mid his nnnic is ,i Tu)iic
t Wnr'' throughout the hind. His.
d'sth is n personal grief te me."
The Ilrv. Dr. Hussell II. Cnuwell.
Pienldent of Temple I'nlver-lt.v : "A
Jtatennnn n merchant general, .i
iiiihfiil patriot, n true friend, n
J iirlstlan gentlcm.ui. a Mudciii and
et of mnnltlnd Jehn Wanamaker.
.U cl.ihSi'S, Incliidlli
Ich and peer.
'iie ii n.t
. ....,, nun in iisii nt r-ii'iii'" t
' "'''hcH, s.vimgegne.s. ledges and so se
"'ties, will miss ,m, A crcat mnu
I'll fnlle, '!'.. ......... , i. i i
It lilati tMwwl
of schoe'
,. , " lie HUH JO IH1VVH US IIC11U
"id weeps."
V"1 llv' Renten .Maclnnau,
rn.toref Ilethaii Fresh terlnn Church.
hleh wnR fenmied by Mr. Wanamaker:
inlin Waiinmakep will be missed bv
s. jet becniiHe of his greatness In
nr.nnelnl nnd huslne.ss world, but
ifeaiiM) he wns u real father te re
.'V, nf 0,lr iifepjr.
Hn has been loved as few men have
'n loved. It will be liiipesMbh) te lill
Ills pltiee.
ell. Vail.iinat:rr wns Iho lmiin1ri of
I in Ua.i. .",""' . '" l,,."","vl "
""". i ri's.i.v i"rinn i allien inn
ciuer elder. He leiim ed tin i
si r1' "'Mi-I'M' J''1"'" "" 'tli unimll
I iiii.)y h.'ioeI en Seuth street, ami bus
"en nethe superintendent of the Sim
uy tehoel since its establishment."
lllshep Garland: "Jehn Waimm.iker
s a warm pirsenal friend, for whom
1 llUll II lllirl, r..nn.l n.i.l ........l ..fl.....
,1 ,r .-i.,'. mil, ,"-. i-iii. lit. lui.i
,ii i r',f"'Bh he was a Fresh leilnii,
" ,'.i. Irenes vvei
I . . I il...
V.:,.',."! J"..Vli,..ll,i. J .":
",,':e ulwiivs
miiI in ,n0,..v geed work. As Ihe lend-
l"llll Mill) III 111' Mill I
" uien liuiit el Ihe world lie iiiiiiu
"iiuicd high slnuduids in his IhihIiicss.
uiii iiiiviip he, inn,, m, (.iKrs, , l It ii I
'; "U'gleeieil his diillen in the f lunch
' esuuied hie Intel cl lu Ihe nffalrs
" his is.iiiiminllv. UV nil feel hU
. ut ji t ii us i,P,M1;,i iKs."
-- i "
UtsllAll VaaIi- l 4tn rt-..,..livt
IIII . MVI i; 11) lllll 1lllllfl(l"-
i'llUienjjRl Church i J have always ie-
ll""icu ,ie!iii Wiin.li Hi. er as a gicut
me leiiiuiet' nt the tiiietimntii' tube serv- , been interested In education nnd held
he, nnd it wns lie te whom credit i n wnriu siet in hi" heart Inr the tench
tntiM lii ivcii fur the establishment in ers nnd chlldmi who ntteinleil etn pub
tlie I nit,, Stales of the fne mral lie- ' lie m heuls. His (loath is n jr.u less."
liven- a been te the f.irmeis nnd riirsl
man, ene of the greatest men of Dill
ncephla. He revolutionized the retail
business nnd lifted up Philadelphia and
n largp part of the country. He. was
net only interested in business, but also
In n great muny thing concerning the
people. '
"As Postmaster Gcnernl be showed
ability te manuge a la,rge number of
people. I am sorry personally te hear
of his death. I lmve known him for n
long time nnd have watched him with
interest. He was n product of Phila
delphia nnd was a great honor te our
city and will be greatly missed."
Jacob Lit, of Lit Brethers : "Mr.
iannmaker WHS the fnremniat tnnrelinnf
'" the world. He set an cxatnple for
viui-t- uii-ri-uiiiiia IO louevv. ,110 news
the pioneer in the retail business, all
ethers followed htm in it."'
TltO HOT. William P. Fnltnn. Ulntnri
VItIl Lthft W"ndclphln Presbytery:1
..u.iu , iiuuiuuner wns our most ais-
tlnguished Presbyterian elder. Ilia
death is a great less te thp Presbvterlan
Church in Philadelphia and the Church
t large. At the Umd of his death he
was the vlce moderator of the Pres
bytery of Philadelphia and a member
of the .Beard of City Missions and
Church Kxtenleri in Philadelphia. for
mero than sixty years he had been
actively identified with the work of the
Presbyterian Church in this city and
waB n generous contributor te nil Pres
byterian enterprises, homes, orphan
ages and hospitals.
"He was the organizer and founder
of Bethany Collegiate Presbyterian
Church nnd Sunday Scheel, Twenty
second nnd Balnbridge streets, which
for many years has had the distinction
of being the largest In membership of
nny church or Sunday Scheel in the
whole denomination. With this church
nre associated Bethany Temple, at Fifty-third
and Spruce streets, und Jehn
Chambers Memerial Church, Twenty
eighth and Merris streets.
"He was iirestilent of the VMIn.tiO.
phla Sabbath Association, president of
me rcnnsyiranin State Sabbath Scheel
Association and of the World Sab-
uuin cicnoei Association, lie was
lnrgcly identified with State nn.t '.
tiennl Christian Endeavor Union and.
tue x. m. v. A.
"The work he has done has net heen
confined te this city, but has reached
out te foreign lands as foreign mis
sionary enterprises. We all feel that
his less te the Church has been irrep irrep
nrable. He had been n great and loyal
worker all these years."
Jeslali II. l'ennlman, ncting provost
of the University of Pciinsjlvanla : "In
thp passing of Jehn Wunuiuukcr net
only Philadelphia, but also tin I'nitcd
States, loses one of its most distin
guished citizens. His leadership in
many departments of human activity
mode hi m a citizen of the weild. In
business, in religious work, in philan
thropy and in public life lip was an
outstanding figure, lie wns undoubt
edly one of the world's greatest mer-
cnmits. Te the, Government lie. gave
his thought as a Cabinet officer. Te
the humblest person in his emu'Ie- he
was u true friend."
Edgar Falis Smith, provost emeritus
of the I'tilvcrM'ty of Pennsylvania: "I
am deeply grieved te leiirn of Mr.,
Wanamaker's death. Ile was n per-'
seniil friend of mine. He wa. n mini
in whom I hail the greatest confidence.
America has lest ene of her niefct com
manding figures."
The Kev. Dr. L. S. Mudge, Stated'
Clerk of the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church of the United
States: ".Mr. Wanamaker was one of
the greatest laymen the Presbyterian
Church has known in this generation.
He was noted throughout the church
for his loyalty te worship and work.
Hp yas most generous in his gifts te
foreign- missions, contributing verv
lnrgcl.i te the general funds of tlu beard
and aUe making donations for the Mip Mip
pert of special mission stations. He
was also widely known because of his
splendid leadership In religious educa
tion. The church has certainly lest
one of its most distinguished and noble
lnj men,"
William Itevven, president of the
Beard of Educatien: "It Is with sad
ness that I received the news. 1 have
been associated with him for many
.rnrs and have found that association
one of the pleasantest happenings of
my lite. He has been n great factor
in tlin city and has done a great deal
te advaiiic the moral and spiritual life
of the I'einintintti . If. Ii.iu nlirinu
. - . ...,,., i ... .... . .
.Samuel AI. Yiiuelaln, jr -blent of the
uiuuniii i.ucomeiive welds; "i mn
only express sorrow. The death of Jehn
Wanamaker is like Ihe p.iH-dng of a
nation. Jehn IVanamnker was the
greatest merchant of the country, or of
the world, for that matter, lie was In
n class by himself, one of tlie greatest
men the world has ever produced, and it
will require n long time until we will
have nil body who will ascend te the
status lie occupied.
"Tlie less is se gigantic thnt It is net
Dessil) e fur mei'f, unnls tn iivtirsij It
ll will leililire ii liinir time te realize
what the less will mean te Ibis cam
liuinlly and te tlie I'nitcd States." I
1 L Xlnwav. We ii'.isiined thnt the world
.lliles .Mn.stb.iuin: "I wns greatly weuid miv thai Gcruuui.v wns light and
shocked ut the news of the death of Unit the weild would gii" her hep sin-
.Mr. Wamiimikcp. I lmve known him Umthv Instead of giving it le I'taiue.
for a great muiiv .ve.irs nud leiislder
his .lentil an iirepniable le-s te tlie
miiniry. Slate and city. He was nn
diiuhtcill olio el the i;renle-i men who
iver lived und (he cemniuiillv will feel
the less greatly."
.lesepli . tay.ierl,iu vKe i,ies.ent
r.iru ut i.iiucuien: ".Mr. WamimaKeiM
wns keenly Interested in the nfTniis of
the heard," said Mr. Catlyiniie. "As
clinirmnii of (he Finiiiice Cemnilttec he
gave a great deal of time and energ
le iiliicntiemil alTair.s, lam able le
leek hnik with gre.it plcisiiie en the
ninny pleasant oicasieiis when we have
te disiuss the business et the cducn-
tiennl b.v.steiii. Ilih less will be kevnl
fill in all camera of the city." I
Wanamaker Stere
Did Net Open Today
Cenllrtunl from lce One
in s. w'lie was loin e eelni; nlmm
umeng the departments, seeing for him
self the disposition of the stock nnd
Hi., general conduct nl tlin store
Tin list net ee the emu eves hml nf '
I the decision te close the store was the '
ener le ililVV Iho i in s no llin , im
and dlspla.v willilnus, Tlie snleMiieoele
were nelllic.l then tint the slere vvmi i .
, ,. ....i,,... il Hint ii,. i.i i '
pen unlay, anil that ihe.v
..i... ,ii..,. v.lin,, ,.. ,..,i,,,... I ,
"lveu notice when te return ti
" .... , . . . . .
Tile empie,vfH moeo, niieut
knots liml groups nfter they received
word of Mr. Miinuiniiker s death, talk
ing it ever unxleusl. The dispersed
gradually te their dressing rooms, put
ting en their huts und coats and leaving
Ihe i-tore.
There wns almost as nun U eveite-
Illll. .I.A Ut...... n.. .. (.1.1.. I.
I'l "iil.piin- in- i-iiin- i,n will HI II
The I. nllle patn.ln.Pii nt Thliteeull, nn.i
.Mniliei and Ihlrieenlh and Chestiiur
Mis els were pesicgeu Willi ipierles. The
. , ,- , . . ..,,,,.. ,t, i. ,ii ...il 'tM iniMiricu in inn tn. nih ii in. it. i, .it
c 'JmuJ s In, ana i I '..vn "''? rpRlMmtlei. plates .. the, than Hi,..., is
U'i lis .... Li.. BuliMf I., .-I'lr'-f uf hiimI for ihecni-n.id his license w,.sl,e.
.eiintless pelM.lls go III, te work before , ,.., ,,.,, ,.,,, ,1..,..,... , ,,s0 f i:
the store opens, 'le sen the blind-.
diavvii l.ulii ii.'eiiseil the curiosity of
liiiudi'eds, who .iiu;lil mi explanation
from bstauders and tin; tialliii men.
Xetllleatlnn1 of- th reepcii(ug -of 'thp
slim will be given t! i i,gh.the news-pupri'b,
Mr. Wanamnlier spent n fortune In
the spring, summer
Lloyd Geerge's Fermer Secre
tary -Bares Versailles Secrets
te Contemporary Club
Snnin of the things that liappeiicd
'behind the scenes" nt the Versailles
conference in 191ft were unveiled Inst
night by Philip Kerr, former private
secretary te Lloyd Geerge, in n speech
nt a meeting of the Contemporary Club
in the Bcllevue-Stratfenl.
Mr. Kerr upheld the statement of M.
Clenicnecuu. In reply te a statement by
I.le.vd Geerge, that the Trench view
was net anne.vutien of tlie Khine
"The l-'rench thought." snid Mr.
Kerr, "that human nnt lire would net
change. Prance was invaded twice bv
German in Jfly eur.s. They thought
it wan apt te happen again unless we
could make arrangements te prevent it.
"They wnnted the next invasion te,
start from the ether side of the Hliinc. i
Tin next time they wanted German soil
invaded net French'."
At tliis statement the audience broke
Inte prolonged iipplniii-c.
The subject under discussion wns
Are We Drifting Tevvnrd Aneilier
tp-ViSaOTXM -s & -'4 v ie& Mt v- a. - s "" y iiMilaWWlaWMialaS
wCivf' ys't tCli.,-, , lKBttMkatf ' lSt vtKKKKSBA ff'''- C 'KaValBflaaaVr Cwv ?
w gHrificAflBnnnnnnjBnMf j sSKff . BBBHaBBBBaBaBHl s J0aaBIBaBHaBHs
a HPP'wiV'M'Hr-HH ; Wgmp-i 4- ' tfA;-jt
LLB v LwK B B 'CaaaB saaaLB BbbbbI BBaBaaf'fl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBar M '" y if MtMBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB
piiaiyvv ...-.v t.a..,.l, .....it:. ,r iifiifcuftgaaaasw
World War?" The spenkers, in ud- , ,,,,t.kllB0S( Postmaster Kem,, announced
dltien te Mr. Kerr, were AI. K. ,,,,,,.,.,,. , . '
Zhi l!ey. whose father wus Tuikisli l" '' 1,u Il!,d 1m' "' the (,oiner.v (,einer.v (,oiner.v
Amb.issniler te Italy, and Arthur iiul- i s" hwurt lliiilding. Twenty-third and
l ...I ...i!... ..r i.n.. ir..,ld '' i
eimi. c. .or ,n ...... .........
Mr. Kerr, iiltlieugli ilen.ving the .or-
rectness et the I.le.vd Geerge charge
l.le.v.1 Geerge charge
concerning the desire of the French at
the I'eace Conference te "annex" Ger
man territory, made it plnln thnt the
letter of their wishes amounted te just
such u seizure.
In refcring te the Lloyd George-de-menecnu
controversy. Mr. Kerr remind
ed his audience tliut he was present at
lin niiiitnpiiiwin ,,, 1'ilffii ..llOll the trc.lt 1
was being fiiinie.l. '
"AI. Clcinencenu N peiferlly ru'ht in
that the French view was net niincsa-
Ueu of the Uliine frontier.
ll' ll I III I ev jiiivei .hi ii us i"
leave the Itheuish inevuiees ,i pa it et ,
Germiii. ler.iter.v, hut le separate t
pellticullj. 'I he lreiuh de-Ired that .
in the occupied area the eeiitud of the
r.illriiads and bridgeheads be under'
Allied control. The lesiilt of sucli nn
nrr.iuccmtmt would be te provide r ranee !
, ,. . . l'i
with a' big barrier which German i
would have te cle.ir Detore tnvailing
".Neither tlie llnlisn nor me Ainer-.
Icnilh would accept the Trench mllitnr-
!..!. .!,.... it,.. ilinn l!nl lllllll llltnulnn
"Veifhm- (lie Itritisb nor the Amep-.
was nlwelulelv inevitable. We told
IWlr rn lllill iiikhii'i "" ..!........
1i..i ilmt if I !.M inn il icreveteil sul- I
lli.li.mK- nt mi time te mnke a war
.( . ni.'.nen slu. umiU claim she was
emntl.i.. m. i.i lemver what was taken '
"The I'nnch icplied in cfrei t : -it aiieipiiia. v i st I'arh. esi .Mar
is all ver.v well lei vmi people wheket. Kingsessing and I'iim hall sin
have distance nod th "e.i te pieleet ' tiens will be bietight te I'enn Squnpe
vmi We live ncvl d'ei He should station, l'i, mi I'll-, nid., Seiithvvnrk,
lit given ll
lltlllllilee Ii' in 1 lilt (I
'Slates and tire.it Iti iiiui Hini tlie
vve.ild come te tlie nnl of I r.m e u
invaded by Gcrunni '
The (li,cisMeu following the mret.mg I
wns brici'. I'he iliitl hiaifm-nt ipies-
tinned was Mr. Iliillnid's nr-seiiinn tluU
"CUd Cleiiienc.MU was right when be I
snid that we wen iintli r". The
truth of the si.itemint was denied b.v
I'ref. Tlwodeie .1. Ginson, of the;
Wharten H hoot imtliee spenkep !
lien, the tlner w.i
I lllltnll It
'"Jl1 j
Thirteen Lese Privilege Because efj11ir',"
Intoxication '
t . . i. , ill. J1..1. i
llill I'ISIllll'g, IM-i . 1-. ne mm.';
Ulghwa.v liepmimeiit vesieid.iv revoked i '
lUirilslllll g, I'd . i. i ne nunc '
t owners' drivers' Incites of n deen iiii
tomebllihts who dmve tluir ears while
intoxicated, Ihe ilcp.ii'lineiii s n-t ei
relocations follews:
I ler leri i', nl I i.ninver ; iiispip
Uurat, lieiims, Senieisei I eiint ; .1 F,
eni, 'l .W i asm
Frni" t l.vnn.'ef
. would be' louver Calls; C. .1. I'm mer, nl 1 leaver;
e weik . I'hllip Tlugle.v, of CoeperMiivviij Me.irl
: in little IS- Went., of CI. It. I. I: C V.
lM,llli. 'I'lnnln. ,,f C icr.stinvn : Me.irl
Ciimnilugs, nf Frimklin, It. I. l; Jehn ,
It. Humes, of Franklin: UiinjpII Sweet- t
aiude. of Cllnienville: llnrrv Hlrch. of
Washington, and Hubert Harris, 8l(i
l.embnrd street, I'hibidelphln.
William Fergusen, III I Neiih Ilread
street, I'hlladelpbiii, incused of oper
ating a moclilne while liilelcnted, hits
net at.iilied for a license, lie cannot
! ebliiln one until lie, ember ll, lUL':!.
Leuis lticllt.irsexik, nl lll'eekvvil ville
i....i . ... .. i....
C. Denires, of Franklin, vvns icveked
after he vvni, convicted of having driven
u car while. Intoxicated,
Numes placed oil the department's
Ueu j Cleaver 1). Arllev. of I.emevn.
nud allrliiiii Cibatteiii, tiOJd I.ung-
building and beautifying this estate, where lie spent most of his time during
and' early fall. It Is ene of the show places of Jcnklntenn
Every Air Unit en 1500-Mile Berder
' Helps In Search '
I Xeirales.. Ariz.. Dec. 12. Xe trace,
I of the missing aviators was reported .
I today by Captain It. G. Ervin. who J
i relumed Here wiin lour pianes tremi
the interior of Mexico, where they'
scouted vcslerduy In search for Colonel,
iPraneis Marshall and Lieutenant c. l.
I Webber. .Ne nttempts were made te1
i lnnd in Mexico. The squadron Hew
low nnd "grldlrened" wide area
eighty miles across the border.
Hrlgudier Geneial Hewge, of Peit
Bliss, announced that a reward of S100
w.iuld lie paid any person nnt ceuiusted
with tlie military service who iimv find
tlie lest plane or one or both passengers.
l.ver.v aircraft unit in tins mited Stall's
J n..Ji 7, U :Vm. '"" I
Space Leased for
Handing of Holiday Parcel
Pest .Matter
Te assure the public safe und piicl;
handling of Christmas nariel-nest
i.. ..!.. . . . n Ann . ...
...,....,, slrc,.,Si .,.,, tqunie leei '
,,f i0,.,. N,m,.0 . hmiille ivn..l.nnt
, nvniIlsi,i.. )rnm n..r,i.,... ir.
te ,10
, ,.,,.,. . . ,
In addition te ineieased weikuig
ep.ice for the .',000,000 pieces of extra
... l.
Christmas mail expected here, the I'enn
Square station is being rearm
speed the handling of from de
Oil. i-'Uii letters mi liuiit lui llicr tn Im-
l"','t-H 'he public with its necessary pari
I '" M'eeding the mail s,.,,,., ::eu,t)00
ciicuhirs are being p'aced in as man..
'homes with instructions ns te hew par-
ici s liiiili lin ur.iiiiw.il nun
, .., .,. ,,,,.. ,,llllw ,- ,.,,.,..
k , . , , f -
,,, liu'mlr(ll 111(1 ,.., ,,, IU( ,.
riiunliur about the cilv with tin
2a: ".-,.0011.000 nicies bv Decern- I
i, .i
f n i n ii 1.(111 lliiuviiv iliV
...,(Ht r-s.. .,,. ..,-,, .,...,.
AVe can handle them if ou
It means
. ,.... Christmas te lS."
Inre being thrown .en the screens In all
tbe incitiun.nlctiirn tlie.'iirnu 'l'i rnimli '
the motion-picture theatres. Te reach',,,"""'
the children squads of them nn being ,),'"
I.i mini fnm,! ik i,,,!,,...!. ....... . I .. .. -. I I MM
huiiiiii 1 1 wmi inr iiuiiMfv I'ti'l,! ul J IV
hear talks by the Pe-tniiii-icr
1ln 'Inniiip nt 1lir. V M iIiim,-, wtl!
lie n cnllcclieii mm lun limn-s. bin
instiiul nf cnrrvlmr ii i. tlm unimii.!")
stations, at the' ureseni. ii will in. i
brought te the centr.il .illices nnd r.ul-
liemls ilinct. nccerdliig te locations."
Ni.id. .Mr. Kemp. "Mnil fiem IMeliil
Ilier-r. Middle Ci.v. Wei l'lill-
' '-iiiiiii 'nice iiisirn i ,n 11 ,-, u, anil
" snuiens cnnsigniucnis will go ilficct
' eiiiriii vfim e. nn.i imm .nnu I'litm
e in . cetevvn aim i niiniii te North
""... imm mauen. i ii nrrnngrmeiir
ni upecuup ongoing mail, as well as
'' ter city deliver.
CUT OF $111,900 MADE
imuuwuui te l IIVIM I CO
Heuse Committee Add3 $440,000
for Admlnleterlng Maternity Act
Washington, lice, FJ Ileieiumeiid.i.
tl,,ns ,,f ,1,' '""'R"1 ' "'" i
I'l'vu.iuni uc Iiniinll'llliei ler IlllllllnlS-
the siiepp,uil-'l owner Muleruit
hVnl .veap were dlsreLMisleil 1,. h,m
iiium v .in .lining in.
I V .llT I III Mv.. ..,..
llnuun ,i.s. t.i. In l.i..l !... V.i
"- - i'l. "in nn n-iis i eiiiiiiuicc, wuieii,
;.- --I-; " n- .n.iiii in i-r, which
reporting the annual sn,,,,j bill fop
Ihe departments of inmmeicu and labor
..esicniii.v incrensi-ii tne item tn Si " 0..
The inlnl diiiieij in tin. bill f,,. ,ur
by tin Cnminene mnl I.iibiip llepuit
mciils wns SM."i.M)7,l(H, or upward of
sl'0,)(lll iiieik Hi, in lit-t .vim. Ilc-nlte
iiie iue,,,M. iii iiii. maicinliv and
inl'aiie prm ihinu, ihe leuiiuilie.. baid
thai hv medcniie mil Ins the tnini r....
l'l" dcp.iitinenu wa, M 1 1, ueu !..-, than
budget i-siimat,s,
Murder and Suicide fellow Quarrel
Over Marital Separation
ll.ii-vi, Ment.. lce I" y .. l I
Jehn II, lln.vs. nun he 'ncn- hcie.
killed Ills wife mill bins, f ,,,,,!, ,,'
da, m cording tn a Hery told n'lluvis
Ii his l,i-,vtur-uld miii.
The ile.it h left Ms eblldien erphnns.
tin l.i-,Vciir-eld hi), the eldest, Uc)
liile Iho nlcjit Willi the meiciirv .'!0
il.giei'h below .eiu III senrcli of "belli
nJJ .,, 1 ! K.i " '.'l frt"Vn 'luurrel Lf Murshnll Fount, Mil lust night. In'
2I7..".."Pm"!U'" ,,(,,"-'.''n his fathepl",.l peip.ePnf State eflleials. vrerliln.
and luutlici, the be said.
- . . .... , n x-
Twelve National Organizations
Discuss Separate Depart
ment at Conference
25,000,000 SPONSOR PLAN
Washington. Dec. 11
that y.,.000,000 persons In the f uite
Slates favor n separate Department of
Education In the resident's Cabinet,
Miss Churl O. Williams bns cotite te
I Washington as field secretarv of the
National Education Assoclalien with
the major purpose of furthering this
In het office in the headquarters
building of the .Vatlenal Educutinu
Association. Mi's Wllliems sub tlint.
far from being stainaut. Interest In a
, Depart incut of EducntiMii 'v.is growing
by lenps nnd bounds.
"We hnd a meeting lieie .vestenhl.v
i of representatives of men's and wemen'ri
organizations indorsing this project.
These leprescmed were the "ntiennl
Education Association. General Pod Ped Pod
eratlen of Women's Clubs. T.cngui' of
Women Voters. National Council of
Women, W. ('. T. P.. Ami-rlcni Ked Ked
eratien of Laber. National Vcdcratien
of Musical Club-. National Ceniinittei
for a Department of Edui utieii. liuer liuer
iiiillennl Council of Iteligleim Educn-
i: ...'". """'" " 'i"iiiers line
I'litent-TeaiheiV Asveeli.ili.ii. N.illennl !
hy-lcaland IMuclien Service ml ibc '
Hureaii of Secial mid IMij. : tienal
Service the Grand Udv of Maxiiis.
New link."
tf en. .ntlnuiil I engies of Mothers nnd
,;W 1 e k." i
.: m"- ui ,'ihsii-i,
. "iKani.illens D.vi.IeU
n i - inn in- iiMii.im.-u
I'" the-e orgiiiilatleii!, an- necessarily i
back ei tlie Sterling-Tevvnep bill, which
net only creates n separate nepaituicnt I
II,..,,lll. ll llltll.1 .w.l I I. ...... I
Ihe I'enn , ',llir',U0l " 'be l nbliiet but an-
iif-.ul m thetles n j,.ary iVderal appropriation ,
mged ter siotl.e(M),(Hlii te be divided among I
(1,000 ti the Stales for educational purposes I
, '-ducntlen In ihe Cabinet but an-
upon certain conditions.
ljidee,;, riinst of the organizations n)l. ' lug the m'lier.v .einpaiiy re appear in
willing te i onipremlso by uccepting cmin .Iniiuav d in answer the pitltinn.
vhut litis In en heinldril .is Pi i.-iitm Mr. lla.vs textilled he went tn Vlo Vle
llapilnig's leeigiini.it.iui jil.in. Tins i temlnle v. it Ii H'pteM-iiiatives of the
plan cicalis n Iicpai Uncut .1 IMma-
I1"'1 .""
I'llbMc Widfiue. eiliic:it!,iii
being its primniv I'mietJen
, A. .-in,,. s meeting ,, was ,e.
' i'1"1 '" ,il"1 "llt "hat -vlnt In O.n-
I S.ie- and In the VrUU ill 's mind. H.i,
M'"' ' IVs' ''nr lopped Ills avowed in-
.s'linlnv 'i
tentlen el picsM,,). the leorgnnlzatlei.
Ndii'iiie' Ills failure in mention il
us laiKsage m v ungrt's, wmilil ltullc.it i
i he liml.
in iiiui i'iim', siuill we nsi,
Sterling and Keprc-entatlve
le resuriect the Steiling
lull? enilt"1'
J owner
. i i i V f
is Hie lllicmill.l ill til" tllOhC
, men .itiiitlHi) te erlm fitlen. ami that
is ll
P ile Miss Williams is i.iieetcd I
lanlv She ihs hired lier-clf as'
i.i-t enilnisinstlc ever hep new '
Was Count Superintendent
"ll minus ilia' fop ihe i hildren
of ili,. Niule" i,I .it I wis nbl, te ib, as
Sill" riii. idem of Slielb Coin.!, 'J'en
ni'ss, ,,," .i Inip . iliinallen
Mi-s Willi mis i.hIkiii., f,,, (Lint
pesi te mine I Mh bus been no.
rusiuiiiril tn liaudling a .venply apppo apppe apppo
tnlntleii r inn iiil: te n million iellni-i
nnd li.el .1 rtii ft et thirlecti clerl s tn um
the dei.nl . of her etlicc.
1 II IT tn qualifv
jirr mn fiiriljcr ler
r present t-k
..r . ..i.... ,l i........i .... mi.. y,iiii i
Ol Ill.lll'll ll lll'.IUI l. III! I' ,.S UlllllllS ,1
was hist ar's niesldciit nt' th,. V,i.."""
lleual IMiiiathin Aseelml(in, which
cemprlsi s ibi. in 'Mil, IKIll m'IioeI teach
ers und niher ed icatnrs ic :!n Fnllel
Stales Sin- .- ,i voting woman in th
cirlv fhirre-
Ml-s I1' .1 1 nl e Is n mciiil). i i.
the I'm .a I!' i iiiuiis Ceininltt. . of ii,
V 1'.. A I Im . called a world n .i-
fi ri II. i "i eili.i ninui) June 'S ,i ,fM,
ll, 111 Nlll I I il.Cls.ll. I If. U34tltS CI.
Theiii is Snpeiiiiteiiileiit el N lioels of
Mnlni , I ' 'i.iirman.
Ul.lnevll f IIWWI J UnUULU
out I k I linTODnln Tlirrrn
Officials Who Are Investigating
Rebbeilcs Ask for Protection
Uhl.ihniiu til, lin 11' -Twe nfii- '
errs nnd (.'ii llll ii nf tile l"ltll I n f il i
trv, ')kl tlm ii.i Notional Guard, were
niilei.d te Miiddl hist nighl bv Charles
i F. Far. en. ndjill mi geiier,il te protect '
State and local ellicinls theiv invesii- I
gating lie operations of u gang of nu nu nu
lomeliile tluev's.
The gnaidsmiii were ordered te the'
Marshall Cmiiuv town ns the result of!
nn in gent appeal fteni It. F. I.ep, As- '
sulnnt Atimiiev General, who teperled
icondiileiis in Madill were grave nud
that thi' Hs had keen made ngnliist ih,, I
Hvi mi nihicis eiig.vjed in running daw ii i
.lllliiiuebile linens.
Illnn Ciiiipmii, of the Slate High
vvii llep.ii'li in. has reported th,, ,,,.
cnVi'l' nl HvilltV-lHll MnlC inr in llllli
near Mm. ill Male iilhecpi, complained
tin were injl l ec.lv lug co.epcrutioit
from M.iis'i.ill Ceuntv eineinls.
i ill, I. Ii... lk tin.
iierc, fur lumecUeu wcic "UdicleuB.'i
BEdEMBER 12,' 1022
Twb Charge William J. LaWsen
Pocketed Meney Given te
Him in Trust .
Willinm J. hawpen, former I'hlladel
phla lawyer and "divorce npecinllsl.
who disappeared mere than a year age,
will be disbarred nnd his name btrleken
from the roel of ntterneys for this
This wns decided upon by Presi
dent .fudge Shoemaker and Judges Hnrt
lett and McDevItt, after they studied
the report made by the Beard of Cen Cen
eors of thp Enw Association .
A petition for disbarment was pre
seated with the report en tlie unprofes
sional conduct churged against J.nww'ii.
Fer the first time hIiic his disappear
ance became known evidence was made
public pointing te a motive for his ab
dcncc Clients His Accusers
The complaints were made by two of
hawf-en's former client!! for which he
intended te pnments en mortgage
leans and the placing of similar en
cumbrances. Thex" complainants are.
Eleaner .7. Brown, owner of 5747
North Woodstock MreVt, and Jcue T.
The fen.er went te Lavvpen te pa
rf n lnotgege nnd tcstitled that for
that purpose she gave him $1S'2I. The
attorney took the money and cave her
a receipt in the twine of tlie holder of
the mertgugp, whom h represented.
The mortgage, however, wan never
paid oil. according te the woman, and
she said she did netg et her u.eney
lleckstra told the censers he en
trusted SJilUO te EawMen te be Invested
in mortgages en a Woodstock street
property .adjacent te (lint owned by
the woman complainant. Eawwui Is
alleged te have pocketed this meney:
also Ileestra testified I.awsen had ad
mitted te him lie had used the money
for his own benefit, but tluit he would
repay blm. Subseeii'iitlv . It Is charged.
I It lu llll tl.,ll 1
ri.., , Lf..M sitinii '
A' :.,ti.;!' !
be did turn ever t"
still due and Ulipunl. ll u.is en these
two charges of eiiibe'.b'meiit and nils
appropriation, uiteine.vs for the cen
sers explained, tluit the Law Assoc ih
tien moved for dlsdurmcnt.
Ills Affairs In Tangle
When I.avvsen suddenly depaited
from this city tlie affairs of his office
were found in n tangled mess, nciord ncierd
Ing te his associate. Law son benstcd
of having 300 divorce cases n cnr
which netted him mole than .?:'A000
In fees.
Btit when lie left town n number of
the applicant for divorce appeared
nnd bnid the ntteriie.v lud taken fees
from them. ' bill never pushed their
iif-es ..ivvMiii had u numlur of es
tiitev. in the (irplmiis Court, b r as
far as is ul,l be learned be did net take
a dishonest penny in their t-ettlemcnt.
Declares Operator Ordered Armed
Men te "Threw Them Out"
l.'lieiishiirg, Ia.. Dec. V - Art
Garfield lla.vs. of New Yerk
iiruii-vi inr inu .iiuei une nil I ,iul lies
l'i ion. was the itrliicipal w itne. , ,be
trial vc-'erd.-.j of live .... indicted f,
i.s.ault and h Hti-i when Mr. Mnvs was
arrested In Vlntendnlc. I'.i,. while at-
tcmminu te held a iiublie ineetin - .l.irin
eunscl i"i ip the American Civil f.ibetties
iiimii'i tu i iineiiiiiiir. i u,, t'iiiM:ii
tf.tnnllnp tn Iml.l n ...ll.lic met!
In... f.,.,.11... i,... ......!.,., " "
..., (I,.f.1.t,.ts m,' I. I. A.l,nMut.l
..! .1 !.. ..... .V
an iiiui iiii ei iiii viuien v einerv i em
puny ; Uichard INinsis. Harry Me.Vidle
Jehn Hutclla and James Uenipsev , com
iniuv mine guauls.
Anether mew te tct the "right of
ruibllc nsseiuhluge nnd free speed, in
Vintendalc" was made bv the Cnited
Mine M'erUcrs while the trial was in.
Anether move te tct the "right of
ipieRrcss. 'ihe nbluined a rule diner
' nllcil viiue vveikcps te imiu a mi.i -
no.'. lie mi'ii .ur vinm.isi ui' i,.
armed gnaids in "threw them nut.'
tlthels in tlie Kteup then tm.k liuld e.
I him. lie snni.
Almest lmmediai.lv Mr. II.ivn siid.
, Jehn Itutiell.i. whom he de-cribed as
1 chief of Ihe Coul nnd Iren Police, slid:
I "Villi fellows bail belter cut nut f
iliere," nnd tun iiieiiiiied Cm1 and Iren
policemen rode into the group. Mr.
illus was aiieteil en a rhurgi of dis
i orderly iniiduei aicl l.iiep relented.
I Mr. Ilnvs' testimeii viis corrobo cerrobo correbo
j rated by Jn'm liiijer. of Cliicngii, and
( nTO'lt
( .iirence inib. ei I'liiiaileiphui, mem-
tlie pnrtv .
November Fatal Accidents Are Dou Deu
ble September's
lliiirishiii'g. 1 1". --' l.v . I'.I -IScui'wci!
iuiiiis,i il . i ii,v no Ii diiu
I mining npeniliei - i t- .1 limn f.lfnl
incidents i'l' d t il Suite I'mii-
pflisitliell ISllleill ll Nn llllli P lb I'l in
nil leieni nmiuli il iniiib. r liein,'
twice thnt nf S( p iniiil 'ihe sp,i ,,., ,.
mine .ii". imi i n.iii i i 'ii ihalhs te
, ihe leiiil hi .'in
iwetil -eiL-ht e i
BV. t-nMBB
in your ,'iihrntiin i- a,!- a
ways a cotnenioner. H
The FiNtiirc shown is mum
white, licautilull finished,
very durable and serves ,m a
shelf, tumbler holder, snap
cup, loot h brush holder and
towel bur.
Articles such .is this make
excellent Xmas Gifts.
Write for our catalog "I"'
showing ntniiv lli.i In mini ,ic
Plumbing & Hrntint
tD II, 8vh St., 529 Arch St
Xanictgwn. Ft,
Ctmdte, K, J,
Pel 1 III. lllllll. WjMI.lt Ul'silin- (
1V " -'!.' '""' ri wtii i in .i f)
I O'llCI " rj J
! iBvmir w m.ra u i
. bvk w . r-jm rv r. c i
.MSilnVrwilHwWVlk. On .,,. u in i i r ! Vl b fi urT:
SEwVaUt&KBm&'iW. vviLIln vn i'ii t '-'sJ'JP.V
tmBmUMm mi Wl ' mim ;: vit stimigim- im nw I ux2
BlHKuHM&nBHvvf3t?lvi5iXk ' '.mu wm r $:, . , !
HBRvwOHS!ww3vR!i Iul ' ' '" h" ",j I .
MlHnKWHflnKni2RfS3ERljw (), t.-tu ( ' i,'i !!, n. , Ii.ii. I ut mr
m. tmKm9KW9ilZ Jrm "T" "' i it I r??
MJLgJKMl&MZafflMimbjtm r" 'iun t n..-. or',-, I fw
, piHMiaiMHMscraqmfiS '" n-s
wMmgKBsim eCczSi
wmmmimmKmammmmammm i m 1 1, antic city. N. J. s
r '
Demand Signing of Nen-Ag-
gressien Pact Before Arma-
ment Is Cut
liy Attsettattd rrfti
Moscow. Dec. 12. A joint declarn-
lien fdcnwl bv Poland. Latvia. Esthonie
and Finland, demanding the signing of
a non-nggressien pact before th" tech
nicalities of armament limitation are
considered has reunited in a critical
situation In the disarmament confer-
ence. according te n statement Issued
by the rorelgn Office.
The lwrder Rtate delegations leek
upon this declaration as an ultimatum
whlcli may result in the collapse of
the conference because Jtunsian om em
clnls have let it e known that Husslu i
will net sign a non-nggrcsalen pact utt- i
til an agreement hna been reached en
limitation of armaments.
After Itussiu's proposal te cut the
armies -."5 per cent had been condition- i
ally accepted, n dispute, arose between
KtiKsia nnd Poland regarding the
strength of the Polish Army. Kussia
contended that Poland's military force,
according te figures submitted te the
I.pfigup of Nations last June, numbered
lf)3,000 men and that It should be re
duced en this basis te 214,000. Poland
held out for an army of SO,000 men
in 1923.
In the declaration of the border stales
It is insisted that the latter figures
should he accepted by Russia without
discussion nnd thnt a (ommNsien of
J experts who would work out n plan
Hey limiting nrmie.s should be appoint
ed after a nou-aggrc-sien pact bns bueu
City te Undertake Construction as
Soen as Meney 13 Made Available
The city will undertake the construc
tion of the new Kairmeunt Until as seen
as appropriation of tlie neeei--nry funds I
In (nn. In Kv IVillllMl. Tim MilVni tfii..
lllllll' I'.' ........... .. .-a..,. ... ,, . .
terdny ricelved a letter ttem Theodere
Justice, member of the Pari; Cemrnis-
Ien, culling attention te the dangerous
and dilapidated condition of the pres
ent dam. Mr. Justice termed it a
The Mayer replied tint, he had re
ferred the subject te Council en i-evernl
occasions, the hist n jveek nge. He
said thnt Council had evinced Its de- i
sire te make the appropriation and that
the Department of Public Works would
undertnke the construction of the dam
as seen us the money was made avail
Purse Snatclier Indicted and Cen-i
victed When Victim Explains Haste
I let man Shere, who snatched a
woman's handbag, enntuinlin; S.'O. Inst i
Sn.tui'lnj. wns indicted .ve.stcrdu.v nud
cveral hours later was convicted by
a jury before Judge Germ.tu In the
criminal division of the Municipal I
Court. Sei.lenci was deferred until
rrldny. pending inve-tiSntten by the
court into the .veuth'b record.
He wns aeciiHe,! by Mrs. J. T. Con Cen
I nell. 0I2 Carmen st'eet. Cunulen ..t
taking he:- linndlag fiem ber in m while
sie w.is vnitlng fur a
beat a the
,, ,,,, .,,,,,, .,..,,, f,, , i ..
.1 1 ' ! ,i , e '' """ ' ,
,., . '".'' " . "' ft'""- ';-'s, t P'i "!
"l ,f.rs- l ""!' ' ",!l A"1',iVa,,1t V1"'
t", ,..,".' J M""" Ir'"' , "' l,a,1 !
. "'" '" V ''Hhlngten t.. iiifiel ln-r yrjiid-
, go i" .IfllHlgleil In ill t. ln li.-r
. n ,. ,
iimt... t s tuner .1.
l lie grei
lal.e j.l.ir.. a.
1 reilneiieii l I
"r brniieli 'i ic for
lie VTICKi.lt 1 Oel t I i
etd of f.xtur"i vre n.l
Meney s.itii? -
' (i.liU ivrtl.n
l.l.n IIMIIU MCIUNTUI). (IJVtl. Kllll.l
A U-a
In Sn.J
lir .1
I.'tui I if "
with L't i a
Rut. Pr'ee K2
Si TriM
.'. I i:i.t
i iiiii-i"
.'tl. L'lill
' i men
II) "All
I M f,
n , v
;'f S2.95 y
Thtte trt Krai Bargair j f.cr.i Ont. rhr
1 i.l lrcl-rs i: n.ilrr IJp
. - 33 Neith
i in t v ruts vi
Het ll srx.'s
ISTRAYFR'S set Ch..n
" -' r u- ii i i i"
UeiiHl,i)!nc ft iSei'lnn I
I'h l. Iluiii-i., Collejr
lltrerll nn lir- Oitra.i I'Vtinl
a Tb Amcrli'mi Plan IteiH pur eie.tie !
R mnciii-Mii . ,a.i nniri pur fxcriif ice z
M M..I fill! ".1A" ""' M'h '
I fl li. Ii ' ' '1"- ' rci r i i. fci
I i i"iiliiiirni .ylbffi II I ,ni..l
(L'erld Urmeit Hetel iucces
- i-J. VlVt- CITY
Ivt CveVlil Wct Palm Unui, Hn.
V s
.-an nc r tv i nh ic m . .
i mvi-iwoeiTn, .i. j TO BOSTON
, .. ,,. I.AynEI..ITMJti:.?tIJi;s -W'TWhe mi Bjmh CenmrM "
lAl.rVVOOi. .S J. etwvMiiuei of .lictjir. l... M ' .?i(li!l,it .low
TUn rencMOST uien Hern, i m"mmf!fmmmm
i i ' ii m
v y ' ' 1". ft ,
iTiiin nu niiiAUKm-r'j
. . ;, vwx
Declared committee ueie im f ;
Insert Charges at Present . ,
Washington. Dec. lS.-hepresita4 J
live OIBICHU, ceuirinnii ei ine Jieua
Judiciary Committee, veterdny denitc
! charges of bad faith made against bin
by Iteprcsentatlve Keller, of Mlnne
eeta, In connection with the commits
tee record of hearings in the Daufln
erty impeachment cnNe, Sir. Kellarf
Similar accused Mr. Velstead of emlH
ting his letter outlining his charge
agnlnst the Attorney General, nnd crlN
i,.it.i ,im for Het including the Mint
( of Chief Justice Tnft In a list of wit-
Mr. Velstead asserted there wss dls
cussien In the committee, in the prs
encc of Mr. Keller, as te whether tbd
i barges flheuld be inserted in the re
...ri .if thnt time, .nldlne Mr. Kellnt
understood the text of the accusing
i.n.r mlcht net be printed until Uteri
0 fiaid he made it plain te Mr. Kels
lcr uc Would abide by the wishes of
tn(, COnimitlie.
In remodeling the bath
room, kitchen or laundry
our Showrooms prove of
great service te many.
Latest designs in Hajeca
sanitary fixtures arc shown,
here in model settings. A
visit will give you helpful
Haines, Jenes
& Cadbury Ce:
Plumbing and Heating Go'edr
1130-1144 Ridge Ave., PhQal
Cempe Beard
Net only th btt witltwirj bnt tk ealr
B'.tabU beard for Jbii tort, in It
for milttn tble top for mchnTel tnlat.
for Oell lieuiti. JPj 2itij bj toy nfffc
Kiln-Dry Lumber
Entire Stock Utader Cever
Beth Phenu
3rd & Girard Av.
Lighting Fixtures
Manufacturing Ce., Inc.
On nr
Mhits 1'llbert
untitle n-stnrr, mr hebl In Hills., vrlll
itrek klnitme 1 rnlnr Iir. . Hi. 'I SU will
a' - .u.il ;, n. nhn .ir- or rf.ll be, In
for your own ben. (Ii
i,-ri l.n
lunttf Iiu Ilw Jnr
niat 'Ire.
VaT?y'jr7X ' V,ur Cciarnt
Ir 1 1 ; nt ., .,,i, itrie
nth St.
v. iMi.it ui:ei:ts
sKllttlNIi n..
' Jf 7' SEBRINO-. FieBinA. I
I n;hesrnivli,sl,landenbeulfii
i I l.s Mrn. Excllrin drlnkinc .
virfteri I ulitcen hole golf ceur.r. J
s. Nr . ir ClfiiL U
sl Hr uja,N.
inr -TTI- Min -"
O.i. i i e
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ru.w i
1IIXMI I'l -.
i r - ei -te 4T. TCL. LONaesie
llltSV Ml,l, IT .
Hetel Royal PaSmSE';
'ie( I lh'
Hi. inim i loel
.1 U M.I SDK
lll.UMI II
Fip ideal Winter Retort
i -
'. ti Mu,. I
rmucUii . ten,
lUrritlr nn ! If.ilwi.
7, .. ,.' '". "fe'i.. 11IM
hs en. inj rum ticir. utnnn. 'viHTnr, (c.
(.,r.,,,n, vi i, n, 4WUUUOt.lt UD.
lliuctird lit ilnmei nf I'lmi.ta lnrgiite
t.ui nil Until Mall Stfam I'a. kt Ce.
101 Its
Wat tnJIti. Crntral anil Seuth
United Fruit Company
rajieiuerTwaieJlcpl.i l",Uttcri lTat'a. N r.
V riMii 'it ffkjs.
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