tfr y$ i v & EVENING PUBLIC " LElDGEBr-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1922 it Wv f, M I About Cert? Pudding f te Demestic Science Lessen Takes Up the Cooking of Three Vegetables Today Earrings Must Carry en Celer Schemes of Costume Br MRS. M. A. WILSON xrii n. . rv-e u4M. Jiff,.! " .- 11 M hit rtiervta All TjB rentable lessen today betfn-. with spinach. Spinach Is a pet or nt&tn green; both the bread nnd curly i.i mm used. Te prepare spinach se tat IMrtfil be entirely free rem sand Sr'irit mew nnd clennse the kitchen i iri,ii and then rinse with scalding Star New old clean cloth and place S5 th . dnln, and corer thte Ieth & WASE" from root, nnd .llicard all bruised and wilted I leaves. im in the sink, nnd cover with warm St?r. Wash through several waters "".ei' .v.. I..f flmn rinse In Blent? 01 anrt .wr m""-".. .thnA . w..ninK alie u..- -. ----,- "5 Ceiii Ti" '"",. Mmn. nil hard Sffef the eon and these tiny invisible , ubs that sometimes , dim te the leaf. Place one cup of boiling water in deep upan! Add the spinach and cover "only and cook for fifteen minutes. Then drain and chop fine. Place In anctpsn Four tablespoon of curler,. four talktpoent of flour. Blend well and add with water drain ed from the spinach. Btlr and blend in the butter and flour te a smooth mum. Bring te belllm? point and cook for three minutes. Add The prepared spinach, One teaspoon of salt, One-half teaspoon of white pepper. Chen and stir and cook until the fplncn is quite thick. Add three tab e noens of butter and turn in het diMJ. 8SS.h with slices of hard-boiled egg ""SQUASH The (squash nnd vegetable marrow belong te the gourd family. In some portions of the country this vegetable is also called cymling. Te coek: Pere, remove seeds and cut in Inch blocks. Add one cup of boiling water te three snunshes of medium size nnd steam until tender. Drain, mash, season with pepper nnd salt and add about three tablespoons of butter and serve In het dish for vegetable. Squash Fritters Squash is also used In squash fritters by paring nnd grnting squash and then rubbing through sieve te remove seeds. Place this pulp In mixing bowl, nnd te two cups of the prepared pulp add One cup of flour, One teatpoen of salt, One-half teaspoon each of white pep per and grated onion, Ttce teatpoen) of oafctne- powder. One egg. Twe tablespoons of milk. Beat te smooth, fine batter nnd bake en griddle as ter gruiaie caKee; ir In deep fat as for the usual fritter, or bake In waffle iron. SWCKT COllN is a wen-Known 6ucculcnt vegetable, and needs few if any details as te its use. Served ns green corn by boiling in fritters, pud dings, nu gratin, crushed, with butter and cream; also fried, and in many ether dishes. Cern Pudding This pudding is almost as old as the old pens pudding of Ye Merrie Olde Englande, nnd was the staple dish for high days and holidays in Central Eu rope for centuries. Scrape the corn from eight large ears and place in mixing bowl. New add One green pepper minced fine, One onion grated, One tcaipoen of salt, One-half teatpoen of white pepper, One cup of fine sifted breadcrumbs, One-half cup of melted butter, Four well-bcatcn eggs, One and one-half cups of milk. Bent te blend nnd then turn in well buttered baking dish and bake in slnvy even for thirty-five minutes, stirrin? this nuddins when it is in the even for five minutes nnd then in five minutes again. Just before it is rendy te take from the even pour ever three table spoons of melted butter nnd bpriiiMe with four tablespoons of grated cheese. This amount will serve Fix nmple por tions. If baked in nu oblong or leaf -shaped dish, it can be rut in slices for terming, and the remainder when cold cut in slices nnd (muted. Serve the sauted slices with gnruish of nice ly browned strips of bacon. IffVw'M l'.',! fA4sl 1 aT Y "v.-. " A I in e FRANCE LENDS A CANNON TO GREET STORK'S ARRIVAL Luxemburg Has Ne Artillery and Grand Duchess; Expects Heir PnrK Dee. 12. (By A, P.) The Grand Duchy of Luxemburg has net n single piece of artillery te support its army of 250 .men, Bays n dispatch te the Mntin from Metz. Ne gun wns nvntlablc even for the firing of a salute in honor of the ex pected accouchement of Grand Duchess Charlette, the ruler. A court emissary, therefore, called en the Military Gov Gov ereor nnd nsked him te morrow one ennnen se thnt the army might fire n royal salute with the advent of n new prince or princess. The Governer telephoned the Min istry of War at Paris for the lean of n gun. Ills request was approved and a French "75," in charge of an officer nnd gun crew, was dispatched. With the gun enmc double the required amount of ammunition In case there should be twins. Give Invalids a Chance Xma (gifts anb Carta SHUT-IN EXCHANGE 80S 8. IflTlt 6TB.EET MMMBMM.MMMWI TAPESTRIES with en wrrnecT NKnnti-reccr FOREIGN or Demeitie ' at RIGHT Prices THF. AHSOTITMENT IH WNEQPAI.ED STAMPED LANDSCAPE CANADIAN HOMESPUN BAGS im am. ror.ens GIFTS BE ADS WOOL Gerxnantewn Novelty Shep A XT. CHEtTKN AVE. filn. OM -m, -- a . i J Dy COBINNE LOWE The story of the girl who said, "Oh, I'm be sorry, I enn't go te lunch to day I've leBt one of my earrings," la supported by mere than the usual totin tetin totin datlen of truth. In looking around today ever any fashlennble dining place you leek iu vain for a neglected pair of ears. Lately quite n great deal of cor nelian lin been appearing. Alse amber nnd tortoise shell. These enrrlngs are usually accompanied by chains te match, nnd no jewelry is nowadays considered haphazard. The earrings must rlr.x true te the frock or wrap. Likewise, the chnln and the ether uc uc rcserieq. Fer example, the wemnn of today s drawing wears large rings of amber In her ears te carry out the theme eC brown panne hat nnd of n brown duvc tyn suit. The lnttcr is trimmed effec tively with folded crepe bands in lad-, der effect these of nmbcr-colercd crepe. The name material forms the bodice, which ricjcct-) its sleeve under that of the coat. The bands en the coat step at the shoulder. Brown kid slippers and amber-colored stockings complcte this harmony. The Weman's Exchange Pearls Re-strung Prlccn lewe.t In the city. Epert work. All klnda of nccklacci rc-ttrunt. Knotting a speclaltr. Quick aerTlce, work guaran teed. Claapi furnished, i Ideal Pearl Ce., &!.,. KNITTING WOOLS 200 Samples FREE COLONIAL YARN HOUSE 1131 CIIEHKV STREET rhene, Locust 0010 DIAMOND JEWELRY Purchased en a YtWm my Confidential Credit Plan C'wti immtdiatt pontuien uith small weekly or monthly payments, and cash civaMalts. Ifetfiati Stflien De Yeu Knew Why Yeu Are Fat? Obesity is due te wrenfr ways of livrnc nnd niust be treated accordingly. Dieting only starves the tissues nnd strenuous baths nrc harmful te your Deay organs. Our easy, natural treatment1? under the supervision of skilled women experts, including electric cabinet baths, mnssage nnd individual exer cises will reduce your weight te normal. Arrange for Frce Trial Treatment COLLINS SYSTEM OF PHYSICAL CULTURE Exclusively for Women BcIIcvue Court Building 1418 Walnut Street Hell Phene, Spruce 5J8 x&&&&mtit & Mothers 1 Wives gJ Sweethearts- ftrf give JtlllVl nn I a Luff Mil a' Km i -MiATIHl.. funeral. Wad.. 80 A. M IMO lUliMm Nelcmn hlan ma of rilMn t UH yst'-sirr.! IS A. ;:. Int. Hei rresa fm. , MpaiNNfHH. De. P. OHACB, , willow thn into .Inmeit Mcnlnnlaa. Relative MjCiM rx.i -. 7 tf! fV), w., yiii frlenda Invited in funral. Wert., trem ner mie rceicienre inf.", n, cm ii inafB uf reaulam At Ht nu am At Ht. I.omen1 M Int. a-w Cathedral Cm( H.SO 314 at I. ami 74 WX'U.1 um I C'hurcli. in A 31 Int. w Calliearai utm. lyilV McClOWKN Per !i, 1:2. MAIIT O.. wlfi IM Vl of Trnncii Mcdnwiin (nee lleiiy) HelMWa; L7 J nnd frlenda Imlte. A. M , lute ri-efdencd ........ il..i B)tKa 4M1H N WarnecK m. 9 1531 CHESTNUT ST. SSSBS?; 17R S S2J St. 5BteJ MRS. WILSON'S ANSWERS My dear Mim Wilsen Will .veii pleafe give the proportions for making country sausace, the piopertions of lean meat, fat, Bpkes, etc., per pound. M. S. The usual proportions for making country aausnge nre : Three euncci of lean beef, Tire eiinee of fat perk, Eleien euncci of lean pari: (the perk will Tiat'ti inmc fat attached), One-quaitcr ounce of salt, Tue tenspnem of xuhilc pepper. Four teaspoons of poultry seasoning. Run the meat through the feed iheppcr three times, add spices niul then put through again. It will net Py the housewife te attempt te make small lets at home, the labor nnd ent must he counted. Pure country Ban sa&e freshly made Is sold in every com munity. My dear Mrs. Wilsen Will you pleate Rle method of cooking wild ticks and n few meniw te ufee the uuclt for the meat portion? . MRS. J. n. Ilp the wild ducks in boiling water loosen tlie fcutliern nnd pick. Split e ducks iTewn the bnck nnd iliuw. ami well, ami if nt all fishy place In ucepan with Tco oniejii, chopped fine, One lumn of uueil charcoal, Three tablespoons of vinegar, ihree pints of uatcr. Steam for few minutes, then remove and place in the baking pan nnd bnke or reait In het even, nllewing about thirty-five minutes for the small duck ind forty-five minutes for the laige uucka. Haste with bacon drippings nnd het water, or jeu may line butter in place ""the bacon drippings. Scne wlih either cranberry jelly, currant jelly or npple sauce. Use the Sunday meniiH given In this column, ieplaciug the meat Portion with the duck. Te Mnrjeric Ilraib Yeu de nat t-eml any address, be I must tnke this meaim et reaching jeu. If the canned goods nave been In freezing temperature dur ing the winter nnd then left in tl.e !'ea el the Rummer. I believe it would Je far safer te take the less rather 'nan chancing Illness through using tliein. If they were mine. I should ills "rd them. I have recehed niuny lu luerles ubaut uandjing citrons. It will nut pij tlie lieucewlfi', nor leuhl Hie de thin successfully. It requires it Miccial kind of utensil and a 1 u inlli us nu i hed, ceM'iing a period of K'M'inl wcdtH, j,',. (u. snuill uniiiiiii "Jtil in I In. home It would he u wiiti' b'tli time and money te attempt I'1 "il en I (HIS. .. ion tan nnke a spited (ensene sliu "? le liie snltcs and mesetved witter IstlOU lillilM. llwtiif tlie uninn ri.rllli llllll muhed. A Perfect Thlrty-slx Te the Editor of Weman' raas: Dear Madam Will you kindly tell me If I'm ever or under weight? I'm 4 feet 11 Inches, weigh 110 pound", have 30 bust measurement and am married I am nineteen years old. Alse will you I tell me If cheap reuge causes hair te Brow Brew Brow en the face nnd of a face powder that Is geed for tender skin. I've used about fifteen different kinds. Including: cheap, expensive and rice powder, and none seems te agree. MRS. B. Tour weight Is exactly right. Yeu ( Aiust be a perfect 36. De you absolutely Kave te use rouge? If It hurts your skin, It would be much better te work up n geed color of jour own by using first het water, then cold, te bathe your face nnd finishing off with either Ice-wnter or lce tt.seir. Pat jour face dry with a soft cloth and pinch the i checks three or four times. This will stir up the circulation nnd give you n geed healthy glow. Deep breathing will also gle you a geed color. Geed reuKi" should net Injure your skin If you de net use tee much of It, and If you rcmoe It carefully with cold cream afterward. But, of course, It Is much nicer te have a natural color that Is nice and bright. Christmas Gifts for Girls Te tha Editor of Weman's Pane: Denr Madam Could ou nleasn sun -gest n few Chtlstmna gifts that I cetib. give te the girls nt school? They ain around sixteen jears old I would lilt' te jnakd the gifts myself If possible. What AOttld be ti nice gift (ether than a toy) te glve my nlneteenth-month-eld nephew? What can I de for oily hair that Is full of dandruff? I wash It often, but It still is oily. S. M. Can yeii make the handkerchiefs that hae a thread of contrasting color drawn through them and a little deco ration In the corner? They would Iee these. Or Just plain handkerchiefs w Ith a tiny relfed edge would be nice. Yeu could make some pretty camisoles out of ribbon and lace or cecr some llttle lingerie pins with silk nnd lace or muke funcy garters. Unless jeu glve the baby an article of clothing, llke a cap, a pair of gloves or a little sweater, there Is nothing but a toy, and ccrtnlnlj- he would net ap preciate the ether tiling half se much as a toy, hocaure he weuldn t rut any pleasure out of It. It would be nere of a gift te his inother. lleliur ghe him something he can play with nnd chew and break te his heart's content A tonic will help jeu, and also mas saging the scalp with the tips of the Angera wet In cold water will stimulate it and put It In better condition. Here la a aplehdldly appropriate &tll Gift for Man, Weman. Bey or Girl USr&S Sweater of 100 Pure Lambs Weel Worsted Pure worsted it warm, soft and comfortable. Pure worsted sweaters will wear for years 0 The 100 Pure Worsted Label, insist en it such a label must mean what it says i&4 Marshall E. Smith & Bre. - 724 Chestnut Street TwK iW $9-se li 12 D ut this en W,,m,n fte j'jif- Wfia3jV44It71MB aW8&W?2lir5aBJH HaViit4K9iaVBaV Only $3.00 Sterk Cigarette Bex The gifts efall gifts from Japan. Handsome, Unique, Useful. Ahe touch of a button, the little s f'er stork steeps, the lids of the beautifully decorated Lacquer Bex automatically open a cigar ette is politely offered. An excep tional value at $3.00. And a host of ethers lamps, smokers' articles, mirrors, etc. all moderately priced. KAYSERsALLMAN Furniture, Paperhanrjing. Painting. & tiifts. 1522 CHESTNUT ST 1 HT HE scope of Valiant's 1922 Christmas gift displays far surpass these of former years. Every offering possesses the three essentials of the cherished and per fect gift beauty, utility and in dividuality. The prices arc sur prisingly moderate. A' few of Valiant gift offerings arc: Metal smekinc stand;. Fleer and table lamps. Library and fireside chairs. Gate leg tables. Tilt top tables. Desks. Candlesticks. Reading lamps, i Heek ends. ' Tercheres. j'r Mirrors. v (1 Aquariums. Cigarette boxes. Hand-fashioned ash trays. $ Vases. Tapestries. Bric-a-bracs. fi Objects d'art. Chinese ginger jars. Porcelains. Decorative paintings. Heek rugs. Bird cages. Hand-wrought metal pieces. f Electric boudoir clocks. The entire Valiant organization is prepared te assist you in every way possible. De net fail te visit Valiant's en your next shopping trip. fK The Extintuiihing Aih Tray JT & FOR CHRISTMAS jg All Medels 50c te $10.00 j Bxtlngul'lit clriretUa liutantl. rm rilreln.te all cfTenalve ndera. g M Amunm alneliitu Mfety from Ore. rfl 0.g lleautiful 'iMlL'm nii'l rolerlnm. ,(, 2r At Ml Hrttrr Dealers J3 & Griffin Ctafe Company g ! ty Philadelphia l gggggggwqggg 1 y - - IX .MKMORtAM HOLLAND, In levlnic rtnmbranc of my aunt, S1ARY A. HOLLAND. December Beatbs l. ALLHN I5c. S. 1 Ih'a On M nl IlUn 10M HAP.AIt. wlf Of l.-nnernl ..rvle TUf . I 1 2 l M. at htr late residence. 1720 Ula- .mejnd nt. Int. private. AIIMSTIIONO. Due. fl -"- "" 1 HLLKN AR.MTI10NC ltpltttlm and ' frtend. ale l'hllu. leAe, Ne .-0 ", f U . ar Invited te atti-nd funeral -eivlcea tier lite -."ilJence. 10 B. fer.i''l i Wed . l ie P. JI preclaelv Int. Norths oe J I Cem. Krlenilj may call Tuea.. T tu V V. J I HAILKY. At Atlantic City. N J . en IDpc. (t, 10.12. CItAMI.ns WCAVCH ULlLblf IStrvlcea and Internum private. , I IIRISHLAf. Huddfnly. en Dee 8. 1H22 i I WILLIAM IJ Ili:iMU.AO berlcj en fu'" aay auernoen. at o-cieck. i w.w v,,... - Ilalr HWb . 1(120 Chestnut at lnterment private IIOKKLB -Dpc 11. JACOIt. husband of the lata llarbara l!eck llelatle and I .fu.ii. ... i..ii..i ,.. attunii ftinral ser Icen. Wed 2 1 M . late residence. elO 1'eplar at. Int, private. IlItADLRY. Dec. 0 , tf22. rnANCES. alfe of Charles Hradley (ne Kelly) Hela tlvea and frlenda arn lnvlt"d te attend funeial. Thura . 7 30 A. M.. late residence J20K Halrnen at Solemn requiem man" at Church of the NatlWty U A. M. Int Hely Hedeemer Cem. URODHBAD At her home. In Weed- i nut at .Miplcinn requiem inasa Church of lh HeJ (.hlld, II A .11. mi Hely Hepuirnra ucra. MOOIl Dp II, I'LIAS N.. huibana of I'rance .V Meer lleln Ixea and friend and. k tneinhera of III. tun Memerial Presbyterian 72 f liurrh anil HililuMi S hoel nre lmltad te jfJT i atlend funeral enlce-, Thura, 2 V M.. Rt JfT! hi Inle reldnfO Bniil Dlaatnn at . Tapeny. JTJ Int lirlmip Jlemalns iiihv te Mewed Wed., 9 I 7 te 9 ! SI SS JIOItlltSON Der 10 JAM!'.1? MORRI Pm i 80.N JteliitlM-a nnd filenda, alee empleya , of William Fellcm A ( e , are Invited te Aft funnrnl Tmr t A M. from hla lata Vj3 , rraldeni 2221" Kfsuerth at Int. Waal rfft laurel Hill cem Krlendi may call Wa4 yS ' '" " 1' SI fl? I , S'OCN'f i: D- at Inferd. Pa.. '(.WIUII H MOl N'(-i: fenijial asrvlca, ft i,ei ' 3" '' SI '" Htiaitmrnta of P. ffl . H (Jlmmotie ( e Mi Market t t'amdan. affi i ..' wlimc LkI igten Cem Clarka- y ' boie N J, rap i 1111. f.t.V fi.. .I ,ftnn nAali m.a I Mn-rlj) wlf of Wl llii'n .Muller. Jlelativea I nd friend i nNe n V M Sodality and irrerl IInrt Seplet nre Invited te attend fur nl Thtii i no A il from her lat tejidenee 827 June ft Solemn requiem ' ,"" "' Our ite-h r of HeriOMi Church 10 I A II pre .,Mj, Int Hel Croaa Cem. i..-'.KV,,'!,..,-r? At Sernnten Pa. Dep. 0 J'i.V OILIiMiT I.AWRIU MKWIWLD. farf I IC' . re.ldenre of hN mother Lrdla t. ..-nbeld no Midl-en kt Sit Helly, N. J.. i ONTJILL pee (i, MARIE. beleverl datir iter of Harry R and the late Suaan l .." ."."" JH Relatives and frlenda and 1 M Sedalltv are InMted te attend Jure rnl Thura.. ha SI. from her lata realdnnce 72 N ;Gth at. Solemn high mini of requiem nt Church of St Krancte Xler 10 A M Int. Hely Cress Cem. I O VRILL --Dp 0 MART J O'NEtM. 'h', .Kerna1 lelned lfe of Jamea O'Nalll nlatle and frlenda are Invited te attend flil15ra. Wfd M SI , late reeldence. '' Lecuet at rielemn reaulem maaa Churph of .si Francl de Salea 10 A. II. Int Ht Denli Cem PETERS Dec. ie THOMAS J !m abend f Ane A HMee Relatives and frlenda. ale all aeuletlee of which he i a mmber. lnlted te rUc Thura 2 P St. at hl late realdenre SOH I.everlmrten ave , Mana lunk Int Weftmlnnter Cem. Friends may , call V,cd einlmr. POTTH Formerly of nil s nread at.. en Dec 7. 11122 ALHERT R POTTS. Rala Hvee end frl-nda are Inx'ted te the aarvlee en Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the. iOHerH iuir rildir H2n Cheatnut at. In terment at North Laurel Hill Cemetery. Qt'JVN Dec 8 1022 MART R wto"ew Valian 1822 CHESTNUT STREET 224--926 IV. Charles St Baltimore bridle, N J. after a week's lllnea Dec , i em U. 122. ANNUS K HIIUDHKAD. ire Ol narretf Rredhend. In her 73d jear Funeral Tuesday, Dee 12, 2 30 P SI Interment Al i pine Cemetery. Perth Ambey. N J 1IROWN Dec. 10, i llroekln N Y. I n.IZAURTH K !eteed ulfe of lehn II I Drewn. Puneral services Wed.. 2 30 P. St. , eiMer'a reilrtence, Laura llnlten 10J5 Faulk 1 rel et . Krankferd Int. Maenella fern. BURkHART. Dec 10. 1022 WILLIAM I I , son of the late Rebert and Slarv Ilurk- hart, axed 73. Funeral sen Ices Tue 3 P. M.. at residence of his nephew Frank B Kill), flu W. Tulpehecken at , Germantenn Int private. CHRISTIAN Dec. 10 CORNELIA R. widow of Jehn K Christian In her 73d year. Relative, nnd fH.nri. ntan T.uitl..' Auxiliary ' of KenahiRjten Cemmandrrv. Ne 54, K T . I are Ijiyft-d te attend fur.i-rnl eervlcfs, I edrrtday. 130 P M. at her late rail- dee, 2721 K I ehtch ave Interment prl- .if .iinuni lorien i meierv. ( CLAfJIIDRN On Tl.a 11. at dence. 4110 I'lne n . ill.tVTA RHRRRERD widow of Jamea I. C nshnrn In her C7lh ' vear Funeral service, en Thurdav at : P. SI nt the office of IIenr C. ShurtlenT, 33 8. 40th at. Int pilvate 1 UIAItK UPP IU VVII.llAI M Ul.AllJV. of Andrew Qulnn Relative, and frlenda are, invited te runcini service Tua . 2 P. M,. late reeldence 1811 1 Stanley at. tnt. Ml Slermh Cem Frlenda may call Med.. i te in l' ai RICH De 10 JAVK"? R en of thn nnd the lata IVIlllim Rich, are, vear Relative and friend. Invited tn fu neral. Thurs ,2 1' M from residence of brnther-ln law'i II Ounaen ! Wal- f Mar red 37 Cllft n Heluhts Int. Sft. Sferlah rrlendi may call Wd evenlnr. ROMIO Dee in flRnilnR hllhand of Rvn IlnmlK BK"d 72 Relative, and friends, also Oikda'e i'n-tle Nu ',(. IC O. E.. Im perial I.ed Nj 1001 I O O. F.: Iter mann ''iiiertUHtsunira Heeletv are Invited te attend funeral services Wed. 2 P. M. late resident e 2i W Montremery ave. Int private Northwed Cem. Frlenda may call Tues . 7 te 0 P M ROONEY. Dee d 1022. EI T7.ArtETrf. wife of the late Jehn Roenev Relatives and frlerda ar" Invited te irttend funeral Wed.. 8 30 M . rr,.dence 012 N 17th at. Solemn hlah requiem mas. at the Church of the C.emi 10 A St. Int Hely Croaa Cam. In his 811 vir Relnllvea and frlnds nre Invited te attend funeral rvks Thurs 2 P M. een-ln laiv' residence Rohert SI faraen 4i'1rt V. 11th t Int rrlvate. COCHRANE nn Dec 1(1 102J JANET ". widow of SIonteinerv N Cochrane. Relatlvea and friends are InvKed te the service, en Wednedi afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the residence of her son-in-law, Charles E Ihrnnn. 214 !etn.ten ave, Ei.t I ardewne Pa In'ertn rt private. CnLES Dec 8. 1022 CLARA E wife of 0erKe II Cel- Relatives nnd frlenda are Invited te ntlend funerul a-rvlres. Wed. .' P. SI. residence .13.1H Cedar nve Int. private Vrllncrten rem Vlew'nc Tues, n COLLINS -De-. 0. 1"2., M VRY E wlf. of Calvin I) CelMn (nee CralRl, aaed t Funnral rervlces Wed a P 11 at her Inte resilience ;n i; Frent et Me.lla Pi Int iinpKcasin Friends lljnlni.' Ureand ware i llVNOLLY P-P 10 SARAH '"it NOLLY (neu IlerrUan) widow of William I Cnnne ly Re'tivi ei and f-!rnd tlse Natlvit 11 V It f.edali'v. nre Invited te funeral Th'lr. iie A M from her late tealdenre 2651 E Clearntd t MLmn re. eulem mass at Churcri of the Nativity 10 A M Int at Cathedral Cem COOK Dec 0 ALIIERT A C"iOK son 'f the late A!frd and Stirffuerlte Cook Relative, and frlnda Invited te fun.ral, Wed S 10 A SI . from '.'m 8 "nth. et Solemn hlifh mass at M Tntrlck'a Church 10 A it tnt in IIelv f're-i (m DOKEVWADEL Dec. S 1022 FRF.D EHICli IiOKBNWADEL aeed C4 Relatives end frier Is a. he Richin ind Ledze Ne 280, r .ind V 1! are Invltel te attend funeral Tue. 2 I' II fun-nl rirl r. nt IleVer. town lid 1211 Ar"h et Int Hilleld- Cem nt'NV I-c 0 102'. M.UIY M , beloved wlfn et 1 etnard D.'i n (ne Parkrl. Reli tlve. an'1 f-lend-" are invited te funeril Wed, H 30 A M resldenc, lilt) Wiln st F ankfir elmn r-'iulem mass St Jea chime Churcn 'u 11 Int dt Djmln i t DYINCEIl - ' 1 '- D" 11 IIVTtlty r hu 'ii l f 'J 1'v.liwer Trle-i.N nnl all f cletl. M ' le is n mi- ',- mv.iid n .l'-w -mi-ins at his i te r"l dente Old ,S itirn en st Tut". - Int F i"l ell ' nvii Pa 1'ELTtiV 1" s. Ca'If . W SPEW Kit FI. T V 'n if lie lte Walter . anl lurn luu r-''vn ase,J .14 r, I ce nesr;.)siiiL nep e alrertine. wife, of Joeph Resbeehll (re flphwnb) Relatives nnd friends Invited te fureral. Wed. t'Bl A M . reaMenre. 21111 Mele at. Htrh mm ut St Renavntura'a Church 9 A. St. Int. Hnlv Cress P"em RY'VN' Dec 10. DAVID N RYAN. ael hr reel-,! '4 Relatives ind friends Invited te funeral. i nur. n v n i-nm pl'innc 01 .jarnrif Diamond. 4414 R Thompson et Rrldeabunr. Rnulm hU-h mass at All Salnta' Church i A II Int New Ca'hedrnl Cem. SAWYER. Der 0 JOHN, aen of Jehn W and Ann Ellen Sawver (nee Shlvera). aied 8 jearr and s month Relative) and friends Invited u funeral. Wed . 8 .10 A. M.. from hie patents' re.ldence. Terreadata Oolf Club, lerresdnle. Thlla A votive man of the anitels will be aald at St. Katherlnt of Sienna's Church 10 A. SI Int. at St. Deminic's Cem. SCHAEFER "nddenlv, Dee 10. AUOUBT. et laic ivarenne wenacrer (nee Ret- termanni npeu . iveiaiives ana rrienaa. The Personal Touch If jeu knew thnt 1(blie wants Mk stecklnifs nnd decide te give her bome for Christmas, nnd jet would llke te give her bemethlng jeu've nimle jour M'lf, try this idea: l'lucb trie Meckings In n narrow box, then, Instead of the usual ribbon te tie them, snap a pair of gallons made of ilbbon-cevered elastic in her favorite color, ureund the eutbide of the packugc. YOUR FEET NEED THEM GOOD TASTE DEMANDS THEM Comfertfor Xmas! FURNITURE DECORATIONS "Vahant Service 7s Cexiri' Valiant 1'rur Ait Mudtiatt 'ti II JPN'MI I format v i u s . t Tuen ! i Dar t nu mil m i. c; r in i D m at st .'t ,f in ' lur I uii S . I .me . 1 let P M I Ttijr THE NEW A.B. LITTLE SHOE Could there be a mere appreciated gift? Relief from the aches ami pains of abused feet. What man or woman wouldn't welcome the news of guaranteed, built-in comfort for his or her peer, tired feet? ' STEUInIHP J.miCF'" 1I MhM' Mllll l.s But mere the A. E. LITTLE shoe net only lclieves it con ditions, strengthens the feet and ankles, due te a patented construction. And built te stand in the front ranks of fashion. tiL E& 8frefti3LK.ThffiiiTr-. if iivlr lawRVAYiSaMB ! a-aj-ajnw -y. i J 5fflW3&2?H8!JT-J Xxm w I 1 ) t 1 f rl-ir l I l sons 1 11" ii ,i - .! 1- -l Vh I I terl-i'it IH rj W Flt-h I 1 'II fnl r I' ml. in! Ha 'vvfilnt i.m I" M .11' M alne members Herman Ixidae. Ne. 125. F. and A H Fhlla Turnaemelnde. hra llencvelent Society. Oxford If and L. Aaa'n Director, of Steel Heddle Mf. Ce . and alt ether (societies Invited te funeral. Thura. 1 30 P SI . residence, 1R71 Wsnnewned read. or of Malve-n ave Overbroek Int. Chel ten Hills Cem Trlnda may call Wed. ave. Uf IllPPIll ll.lilAnl.. n. .. . s...r. Dela- p. SCHAEFER Relatives and frlenda and uii i,rr una or vvhuh he viaa a mmbr, ar.' Invited te attend funeral eervlces Thure . 2 P SI at hie late reslJerce 440 W. Hrlnshu-st st Oe-n.nntewn Penna. R, n. t. Q teen I.ane Station or Reute S3 en 13th n SEVERN'' Suddenly Dc 10 1022 JOSEPHINE E wife of A J fleverna! Relatlvs and ft lends also rflaekwoed OrunRe. Ne 00 I' of H are Invited te attend funeral Thurs 1 P JI, from her late reeldenee fl endern N J Servlcea In Fhews 11 E Church nt ! ! M Frlenda mat ca'l Wed ee Take bus at Kalchn ave ferr for Olendera. HHAFFFR --At r.ilmvra N T. nee. 10 '022 JOSEPH F husband "f Ellen it. she'-er H1sh r n-lem mas. Wed 0 10 A M nt rnureh of the Hrr. j u,,rt Rverl ter N" J I rlend. call Tues eve -TMVN Or D 11 102J LIDIE A 1TN 'f 1S10 V IR'h st ReUHv,, nn4 ' Mf Invlt.d ie ve .crvle" en Ttiurs. i a' ernoen ni 12 .10 ii'p'nrfc nt ,-, , I ,. il hi.'- r dc !SM Ct.ctnut at , t ni -t vt I!-lv N T "nerim i-,i n ne e ie2n fler. l'Ni 1", w fe of Ie hua I. Shoemaker aaed il '.- R nt.. .n'i f len. are Invited ie th" "t' - tnernlnr at It r, nc'i a,v"- te r-.ldeece 13-va Sherwood r n i , rt'-" 1 I iter nt p-l it i-MITH f Vitlenel IMrk, N .T Dee 1 11 Win il) MTTH BFd 70 Rlatlves ind f 1,.,,-kI" i-viiel te funeral services Tu. Oj I D-p 12 at S r II nt t residence of iirrm - "!' - 't iir.inn anq Iaka 1ni i t"i II I V I Vfitiet al PirK i. n i ( v 11 V VI ,7 J .. also at 024 11 iv N j Thura . t it Celd SPrlna t. 1 O 1 VI T 1 . ! MEDITMMNEAN WEST INDIES Shee Company mi Chestnut St. ADRIATIC (24,541 tens) Jan. 6, Tcb. 24, 1 92 3 "erld f uueil for Htendliuti, tip luve Qimrtrr- rnUIne and eirvlie Urlulii fill tlinre i vt urlnns (oplletiitll J i-vpt Inline, 11 It (,rite ;iml lite llnlv I mil ' Inquire fir pyet. let ami Je mormctien MEG A.KTIC (20,000 fem ditpLnement) Jan. 1-;, Icb. 17, Mar. 22. 1023 Mji'ltlfacm cni " ns vli p I Jtulralil viinsiriKlu n t. r tripi .vjtfci. Ixiit t $2u I ,ejr,t Puntlun et u li wruiee Ildjvi. I , - I I sv 1 . t , (,' v. I I 1 I V 1 II 111 1 ' " I ' ' It III nl -v t I , t t- I j I,a- .'tt , , n I i B II t ,1 -r i I V - HI ' -n e . ji i rien u n1!!' ml P ii 1,11 1.1 M II. I . -i tiithier u! in. .Ill'Slle RilallVH- I,. f V 1 1 I-twii .. ' ul '; hh u i i i et i,; s r t - ' i -I ni i 1 1'iui I ri in n ,i ii W ii pi i in vi ': : pi., ii viti i i i , II iik I '0 1 ' l 'l e ' . 1" i - M !l'i e J n 1 l t l n I i Vllv ite III. I " It ' . -ii- "'in! ! d c i j i'i . cHARr.nq te htiwh fi 1 f An l.i II "ltlet ltnfi.a -j 10 -.AMI IT, )'L si:v I fMnd. i v it I te a-en I funeral Thura er- ii-i-vi e in 1 k in V M 'mitt nn in'. residence am 1.1 ill i ! - " I l"'IU III l-liK n .... JmiiM I . te i ii e.ti i (.vtjr Ii ;n A M Int lln'- i'Iii 1r 'iii'i.iri'- -i" '" VI ' I'll l el'J II. I ul'.vn I ' ' lr i 'Iv. and 71", It. a v ' " I I '-'M M.-i I, t'P'' M - . i... , '.,i , -. ' 1 1 ii II- . ! I' t i - 1 I " I" l'r ir kenhe'l I I u v 1 I I i uu'l r M 1.';.2 SVMUET, lm m am aired '",.'.. ''"'ed te V, ". "" hi" I'edl -t !7-lht 'in I i en Is tnay vl'V mi h I Hi vl e t r i I hi it l vtt I i - ri I I P. a'e I' VM l "hi; i i I '.r 1 1 I 111 I i d nrl ' ,i . . r, - t MluV-.V. v h . ' I iliti 'i" 1 . I'i'l AM' I I t I'M I Vi'Hl M I " 'P 1 IK 'T 11, U f i IV '' '1 I v I ' ,.- V I- '-' I' M I ' ' it t I II f lull v 1 fr prl tie r. t s . i " iv t F'11 i ! f ir'll IV Ti ,!., .-r - e , t t , it- . I i 1' I t vv i!t 1 1 li t x Star S.fwpffsr ':d A&-vNLlHVbt&ilVrsXiJ5v.VRLWE I.t-nii M.aciS'rTiaHaaiKr. Cer4-r Irtjuirt fir I tiffc. Irt .i'i .. MiiVJ t ijerrtjttvn Things You'll Leve te Make APPROVED BY FASHION -- 5i 's1i55K . yj I HI) WiiIiiii) -.i . r ,,,,! a Bk fl f fl le- R J X Q M-MI 0 ENDORSED EY PHYSICIANS I E3 Bl t'B IU.HiNliC.e3 R egular Service PHILADELPHIA te MANCHESTER USS1 S c "Blair" Dec. 12 USSB S S ' Wcit lilfls" ... Dec. 29 OCYLLIN &i CO., Inc. 103 S. 'Ub St., PhiU. lemhu 'I 514-4 Main 7791 L'se nn Old Fur Plcce for n New Olnll Tlie new ulnllca en frocks nrt' er.v (H'ceritlvp. Yeu enn uhe un old fin iile(i In iiuikli)!: lilt' I'linrmliig one ,i tin oil iilievi-. Kin ajuiit nn old imiir in M'.uf. Turn the fur te the meiu kiile. With n very slimi Uulfe cut It into n.iriiiv' Hlrips, Stitch Hit- fur tu I'liuls of t'liiln ilik'inl sill, or t leth. I'd thri'f ievvm uf tin.' fur nnd four of tin kind I ' ""' "f ""' "I'lc diiipfs i ' our fieih jiiks iindi'i' the Klrdlc, and lln etln eiui oer It. Ilttli'. if unj, ether trlujiiiliiB in iu cetury te kh a new niul hnmlsome touch te your sewn. FLOIU, ! BACHRACH PORTRAITS at reasonable prices luill solve your Christmas problems, but their quality demands time and care efrrangc your appointment neu before it is tee late. I'll lll'elu's Aeents for V .. RLAUr 4. CO . Itiu. , Opi-ruti'1,1 II. S. Gov. Sii'iia FLORIDA RY SEA rrTtT-ADFTPlTIA TO JACKSOIVV8LLE ipive "Wat IKsmd Tilt 224.38 SG1.8S laclQdinit meal, sad iitirrerm rcemiuulticm rtmd'liln Ticket. Ovxl tu llff.ra 11.. Ml , ,1 p ' i 1 r-t i'.i i "Pi i nr I v im tni f, 1-1 i V lirt.p, n rhure 11MIH Mlnr' MVd t I I vl! i At I II . -iV I I'. J. ., i r h 1'. , ri VIim i I VI il I i I i i ml t i' VI .it l I ' niK ll I III I' VI I' ,'l I I " UII.- 1 a her v - PK V . I f I' II 71 I . t ' i-" i II v II' VI ) . tr II I' '' If'.' Ir. ' 11 p-l fi -I IS Villi i msa ' I Temr. Iu. ' li! pe- 'II 1022 , ' " I' nnl i'. it s a.nd fi ml serv ii "i I rnrlere i pjl J-nkln- ' VN'NIK i I d Ku--l ', I .'eck riji.TJi ive.i n 80 i Solemn 111,. Tm. h i hut li In v M, 1'iJ. ' I II. li li ut Il I'r i . li 'i Is I i' i:r p 1 ' I'rapr i't I 'in re i -- m- I' tm nt at I V. v 1 fl 'Hill. 11 V Ar li !I!1 I Ct a CZTZu r, .r..M tiL. I1.IW I-IPJti Regular Srrvice PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW & AVONMOUTH USSH SS "Hunnnck". .Dec. 20 Lic.Vi-.LIN m Cu inc. 10rj b. 4th St., I'hila. Lembard $114 Main 779 vnltulrliiMa Arent. for lll IIVIHIll sl-ls (). OpenifinR U. $ Gov, Ships PM0TO0RAPH5 Or DIS UNCTION 1G26 Chestnut St. PHILADELP1 I1A B) ffT ti Q I t j tii irarai rer priferred . tvtsuiu 11 in i it nea IS. 10M. 5tci.r;iera velnrtiiT nd RrvHiri, ft Y, Make llc&vriatien Aeir Merchants Si IVIintrs Transportation Ce Her . B. Pel. Are. Tel Lerabird lDt r am cu m j- . u. . ALLURYl TRANSPORT LINES. Inc. Operating U, S, Gax. Ships GENOA rfJv f van. mmm, OJ r.'n '.'0 WI -H ' J"U K-asVdOfc lAMCSttCA WWB vjUV OUK'10 UOITEHIMUI ii in uuii " u4jri.t--ur-xivr JIVNOAM V0' 'i3 J.H1 ?7 Mf' 3 NOOItriAM Jn e I'd 10 Mar. IT vel i mm.1 '. " NAI-i ES. BARCELONA AND LEOHORN USSB S S "Sin.inawn" Jan. fi LEGHORN GENOA, MARSLILLI S AND NAPLES USSB S S "W-it Ix.hewt; Dec 23 GEYELiN ft CO., Inc.', , 108 S Fourth St, Philn I.em(nr. 5M4 Matn 77 (II l.s Cts MliTII I in etn' ,ii .. ' I Oillili rm ill. 'iiiii im .i. in. i.i.ii, I' , t i .j "met ten I'e l"i er 1 ini-v ull I iei ,,-re- S te 10 V M IM'KsiiV On I H, '.' n..' i I M'l-i-'irnv-'HAVT ha.ti.. I ,f v i -t. i c r i ei JuikKun Hi ail v ..tiii fi .eniN i Orle'itiil 1 tidfce V l; n j iiilen i' ibiiui : . lei, 11 A vi K ide.ti i r t me.! ilr . . i K i ,, ji, i., till ,i l if sImm A V-.Il e e im . I SHrv'i.r li nl,. a". If ,,, n ll "1 tilt I'llvi'l It 11, i t J, IVM i i I i I H II If I , i t KM Mee fl II'1' Tr V d vil'e of I,..,-. M U , ,r,t,j' 1 ," '"i, "'Vt' rr.'AVJ ,'" " funera- .el . I' M rj lid ll Imiin t Int r,.r. l t.en Irlmd liiv n Iim ... Ullllv -P Li ll..'.' j us j 'kmii irrm.. r..iii..r , n. UJ 1,', I 1 Kill II . ' HNMT mi T'.p S ill"., msTAVr no-i e' J In M ai 1 the In-.. I ,fK Ain,,, Ue i( ea ard friend an tin'ted Im the s, , i 1 "i. iu'4"i' aiiiiiiuun, IVL '' oelerj a il re k KnKin Til 1V1I ,a ,11- join- (lewei. "r1" i i. mill -m fiiiTiKii r. j ri. TrnVKIl "' invited 'I ihrel ' ind 19th I Tues I i .' I' -I 'i i ''w I s r'ti . . 1 M I 'A 1 f I ie 1 r i re f ".Hill rfli I Trlt i. U i h '" of T U-lMlva i- p' i merai r r i h. r ,i l.wrH li.1l I'l'trmn at t "lar lll'l Cem. I f ' te 10 luieband e and n air s n .Vavir ' M'ed 'vi ham H. Svr fe ala "I! Tu... I- Irf. rtiii.eiut f ln lie(hr Jhfe.Kr ,1017 N 031 nt Interment pilv n i I.rilNlll) ll'lKlWlli of ) Mll'V le(,t I I i lei.hlint Ue "Hvhh m frtnN i,,ii L I n nnd I i dsi Ne 1-3(1 r in I v ( V HiKlen llielil Anil I'hiyler Nn il ti.hv V in I k1. N'j 1H17 in e 1 i'i1" invited te fu lernl Tlinri, u v. t , rentneti'" ' ,,, 'iri',1 1,1 i ,,,, . . . ... .. -nuuuri J ei. i'i tends !1W AMblZIlDAII fob 17 Mar 31 Apr. 23 ,b I' ruieucet OiUce. 1.31 VUlnut 6t.. S hlu, Adv. Ill I (llll CtlNtll I i 1(1 III i i im in Ir in - i t tin Pui'lule ut iwvlcudel Hie fi(, r t mom tlul rj i ' VII vi ! r, ilii reii , rf (lie I'i hi n I i.nihii h 1'iiicl.n Niin UurekU It iw s HI) imlill, Atliii, if -u I, fj I u no.. el" I ll .il Hu N I'liee, of I'llilU I.uietu. '.rak It u llalll." Int Or, inn i'i Me M VKir Jn I ' i v 1 1. ji MM i ii vi l.u.l ,i d .f Ariv M, , iw.ltu-, ,,n friend, im 1 ii i iK.inliiiliin. nf ivtii.ii i win ll rneiill i I 1, l.i Invite I tn ,,,n, . nei tl e. rvl . . Inure s 3i P M Im. , den. .out N Mh at In, i'r, '", J 'u veilliuiH of f mil " MifAi I isruit -en iie 8 ie:" nrii 1H 1! laiiKhier of ,nnlc nnd the Ut. JuineB McCulllaler hKtd ; yer hervlrj , i s - '. . e . I It N I It '' '" 1,1. "t I i ... i . fin it . f I " " f l .1- I I r fr s II l-i' I l - i-i ii r " M V. I 1 ' I i - iu i ! ,i i - r. .1 1 ' I ikfnr 1 III IIPT H 111 . I It 1 ' r i' M IklllV . it'N i - 'l J '11 i f Mil l .fit I t M v.l ,. IV f-ii n In liK, l i I' i - nf A I'I I i i M u ! V it 1 IrvlliM ' I' VI 'line' I nv t M li I llni-iiin i ii s t in I' M Mill IT - Vl -t 1 ' e i tl t rh en .. v I-,.,.. i.vivia v.f.. . ' lr Samuel if.f s.rv' ' tu iliu-Mii . pirt- &t 8 it M' I v i II 11,1 nirli t2() . .i in ei I'I I Ii'.mteit m .Sellera i' ". i n In Ih wiil.JItr r.. ii nn )M ..- w .en of i hai ee l and M.riaret J Wrlclu (n. tulneel p..!"! .'e It' iim.ii nnd friends are rvllel fjlu-ln e r I. ex M'ed 2 P if it the ri.tdi i.ullx fth, r 11211) Clearvlaw nt Int prlvnt vn'H.i: Ie" in jniiv r hu-hand of tlte late Hanli I: 1ei Itelillvea and friend' ae Invited ti mtei I funeral Wed I' M fliim hi. 'KIP re. ,-r,r, I.Mdln.l I pi Int ( li irrlivlMe, t em Truln for Cern. 1 ei,e ,e n , i i i i.iifin i 113 . jjk " I" HltrxjIVN hU.. ' - "fill Ilelstlvaa ' i 1 1 1 1 V Ce . "i f ' w rvl ea U'.a , ' 11 110 Tlul Wlaal. ' i't Iv ate . T.TNI It tini I f 1 1, .1 11 1 II : 11 11 tv 1 I , I V il 1 11 r 1 1 1 be it iv e I I e I MWKTtKKHH "I e 1.101 K, 13th at In- I'ntula, en Tu"ili.y alternoen nt her 1hI' reelOeiue. 1730 N tennent erlvaln of ( harlea Mrdnpey (nee leii.hert) li.UUve. una ineud ure Invited te attend BROAD Ah DIAMOND M BI i K i,