''Vfl Jp Sf" rmi ' EVENING PtJBblO LED0ER-PHIi;AI)ELPHIA, TUESDAY; DECEMBER 12, 1922 ,JLU fST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE " " JVancy Wynne Tells of the Gelden Wedding Reception. of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn T. Lewis, Jr., atTher Heme Yesterday Smart Gowns at Morning Musicalc XAM sure you v,i leve te hear of the dcllBhlful reception which Mr. and Mm. Jehu T. Lewis, Jr., gave Tcsterilnv ufternoen nt their home. 1000 teriice street, te rclcbrate the fiftieth nnnlveranry of their wcdtllnif. Tlie r. PIlll"'" -, ....... . ..fl. fliilv members of the family nml Inti mate frlcmla were Invited, but 1 doubt If any one Invited mlwed nttendlng. te eager were nil te wish them joy and congratulations. The marriage of Mr. and Mm. Lewis took place at midday en December 11. 1&72. at 1003 Spruce street. Among ihe (IIMlnsruMied guests at the wedding wasr President Cirnnt. Indeed, the President did the brlde the honor of escorting her te the break fast room after the ceremony and re ception had taker place. Mrs. Lewis wan Miss Elizabeth Mi" Kan Berle, daughter of Mr. and Mm. "harles Leulp Beric. Her mother, w he died fcome few ears age at the wonder ful age of 'ninety and mere, wan Mis Clementina Melvcan. a daughter of Themas McKcun, Jr.. and grand dauphter of Governer Thprnne McKean, of Colonial days. Ikr Muter, IMlss r.lbnbeth Mclveun, for whom Mis. T.eni was named, unrried Mr. Adolphe T, Beric. Mrs. Lewis is n sister of Mr, Beauvenii Beric, whose wife waj Mlt-s J'etty Neillt and of Mrs. James Maurnn Bhedes, formerly Miss Emily Berle. mi, Mrs. Geerge Masen, formerly MI&3 Sillie Beric. MB. LEWIS Is n son of the late. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders Lcsls, of Ambler, vthefce winter home was Ter manv vears nt the corner of V alnut utii r'umac streets. His mother wns former, jr Mlts I'heebc Merris .lumen, one erthe met beautiful and, dignified of tlml elder generation which Iibh iia(d ewny, iome of whom, however, lived long i ueugh in our day 'for us te remember tlirm. Mrfc. Lewis' father wns the fu fu ineut Dr. James. The Lewis plnre nt Ambler had been used as Washington s headquarters, and among the treasures cf the family is n wonderful old chair In which Geerge Washing en often fit. Mr Lewli was nnracd for his uncle, 'the late Jehn T. Lewis. He was tne rldefct of his family, bis br.etb.ers being Dr. Merris J. Lewis and Saunders T,wls, Jr., and hid sister, Mrs. Gcerge ('orden Meade, Jr ABEMAJHvABLH feature of thn re ception jestcrday was the presence, of three ether members of the first bridal party. Twe bridesmaids. Mrs. Meade, Mr. Lewis's fcMer, and M rs. Maen. Mir. Lewis' sis-tcr, nnd Dr. owl, who .was tlrst groomsman at Hip wedding. Veu knew In these dns them as no bcit man and the bridegroom walked Inte the room with his mothei-In-lnw. The ether members of the lridal party were the late Ml- Bosn Stcdman. Mr. Willing Lewis and Mr. Henry Pepper. The bride of fifty :ear& and her two bridesmaids carried the loveliest old eld old fishiened bouquets, the bride.'s of white res.es with a few pink buds, and the biidesmaids a combination of orcnld ercnld orcnld .elored chrysanthemums and deep red roe. All were edged with old fashioned paper lace. And the bride groom were a white houtennicre. As for the IlewerH which were sent, no debutante has bad as many this tear. They filled the large d liming loom and were en ecry spate ipet in Ihn lihr.'ivv nnd ilinlllL' room On en tering the "room one had a perfect golden TO BE INTRODUCED TONIGHT Is a brother of Mra. It. Sturgle Ingcr Ingcr seil, of Penlyn. Jlr,.an'1 Mrs. Itebert Kennedy WurU, rt 2134 Pine street, will entertain at a tneatre puny, te be followed by sup per M the nitz-Carlten, en Thursday eyenlns. January 'J5, In honor of their niece, Miss Elizabeth Dale Wlllsen, debutante daughter of Mrs. Wurta W. Willton, of 1708 Le-cust eircet. Mr, and Mre. Nicholas Blddle, of Verk read, Ogentr, will cntcrtaltr nt dinner Mile evening at the home of Mrs. Bid ulan parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 'Ber tram Llpplncett. of 1712 fpruce street The guests will Include Mr. nnd Mrs.' Charles Leuis Berle. 3d, and Mr. Llv Llv ngstene. SullKan. They will Uter' at tend the Metropolitan Opera nt the Ateademy, of Music In the box of Mr. and Jirs. Llpplncett. followed by a party nt the Opera Supper Club. The guests who will attend the dinner which Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hep burn, of Orchard Lee, Vlllanea. nnd trio Lengacre, will give en Monday eve ning, January 1, at the llltz-Carlten, In honor of MRS Kllen MbMlchnel. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C, Umery Mc 'Icbael. of Knell Heuse, 'Deven, and -oil 'Walnut street, whefee engngemcin te Mr. Cliules Uraham Bcrwlnd was recently -announced, will Include Miss Jtuth Packard. Miss Dorethy Brown !','? n,ud,Kers: M,ss L-ydla -M. ClcUiler, MISS JllCII Dnlltrl.Tn T.1nH Ml.. Annn Ash ten. Miss Augusta W. ' Harrison. 1 Miss Banning Orange, Miss Margaret1 Herwlrid. Mlua .Innn Milan. TTnr.1...MM -T. tTrArlAl..l T r. . . ..r . "' . t Mlchael, Mr. Harrlten McMlchael, Mr. lu?,rd4r1,re.w".,nB- Jr Mr- Lawrence bmlth. Mr. J, Andrews Htirrls, Jd, and SJni 1.Jel",6,: r ,Ne,y Verl- Tl1 suesta m.i iife- Je!V,' Whl, Oeary, of Chest J1n.,t i11"' wln BUe ut tl'e r.ltz-Carl-ten, In honor of their dobutante dangn tcr, MIm Mary fle V. Ueary. ttrv-l" u-1. .'nect''W of Mrn. fharles Mev.art luiln' Hancng i.'laas ut the B5lIcur.8tratferd en Vrld'iy cvcnlic he cotillen will ,e led ,7 j0rUK en. Barker, Mr. Olies P. Wetl.erUl ,m he incinbern of the committee irJrt'c""11 Mrs' Christian Kcblger, of 1B20 1 Spruce street, will occupy the bes "neiY-nT"1. M.rs' .Arthur II. Lea. of 22nin-aiVut ?trcet't U" opera this f,nlrV.Jt5"' .Tfca "'" ,eave "'Is after noon for Washington. D. C. where she will attend the "meeting of the Red Cress incorporators. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Frederick Lewis LW" ?..dlMner lnls evening at their home, 19H Spruce street, and afterward In their box at the opera. Sn ivMeeWJBU cnt?rtali, at luncheon 7P i Cf a.v,,f?' .wca b' a nex party at Uk Philadelphia Orchestra. Mr. and Mrt.. ICdward li. fjctze. of M,rb' "" fittuln at dinner ut JVL'v ,"me, ,,n -fturday evening, Jan uan l... followed by a party at th r1ehr'Vnn,cf. ,h? .Ineet"" Triangle Blercu1Ott,Ze,.'0Jr.0f ",t,r E"' 'Mr' U ihni"'1 iMS?' u,cerBe ''"ales Baker, or ,2iJJiSV,l?'ratfP'',J' l" entertain In their box at the opera this evening. MrS. ThOm.15 TllirneMA fnnlu - ..in Seuth Twenty-second street, hia irsucd AUADEKY OF MU8I0 FOYER .. TEUJAtrfi-CEMBER IS, AT S r. M. MASS MEETING AND CONCERT In tba Interest cf QUAKER RELIEF IN VIENNA NOAH X. BWAY ltll-MUi hT OERT HAN8 KINDLER, OeUIlt, Alt X. BWAYNE. td. Bt ELY P. 1 Frep eird of admlttlnn tt AraitemrAt RcpM'l auuilfement iltlEN rULAEKI INNES Adilrni by OERTRUDE ELY nd KUVB, JONEB tt 9 T. i WEDDING- I vv Afrsnvxc euier Ht.tf I Oil I Wrll I ttttt KllfMI I f7pll ... latere ftmnlt. -KHH cniraviuK boed. FROM PARIS! peiittlfnl Uijeni. Crctennn anr) Clilntien UM te il'll? "Jeslgei una colere. A. L. D1AMENT & CO. 1015 Walnut St, and at Strafford, F $g.50 Willow or Reed Chair Enctb' Llka Cut 3-pioce Set Reduced te $43.00 Marcel Willow Shep gnoTsreom! H10 Chttnut Spruce epuii pai Aapiirea rearia Bpt R TOM oatruer Acadtay of Mmic Than., Dee. 14, 8:15 NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DAMROSCH . JlBCTHOVEN conductor TROGKAM HIS FINAL APPEARANCE THIS SEASON Mr, Damreirh wilt gire an addrets en the "Erei6a" lymplieny with lllustiatlem at tba piano. Tlckati at Acad, and Hoppe'i, 1119 Chestnut AOADKKY OF M TJ 8 I C BURTON HOLMES ffliEASTOrSOEZ Tie, $1. $1.(0 at Acad. As HeppA's 60e at Doer K EITH'S THEATRE MISS JULIET One Olfl R'tiie. Lu Tn4'n. Pltnlit FRINCEBB JUE QttON tat Jimmy i.ucai lc Innc.me. O.nera & THti UAiNSlAO.S , Pretentlnir "Fantasia EuianeU" BROAD AOADUM OK MTtSIC METROPOUTAN OPERA COMPANY, N. Y, lYa MADAJhA liLUUKHV Mme. Tasten, Perlnl, Mm, Chamlni, Ocettl, PaUHnlerl, Otien. Conductor MoMnsenl, T'ekets at Academy Bex Omea and Hoppe'B I Academy8a' Acad. JTeprw'e, me fnt, PHILADELPHIA IBAT. i; rrM, ORCHESTRA! tL- nilMONT'S 0T" A A,,r!1 l' . " t.i "U"" '.Mute Mnn T.iurn Ml sn Nights at KilS Mat. Tomorrow LAST 7 TIMK3 iTOMN DaiNKWATERl ABRAHAH LINCOLN WITH FRANK riCULTiNiM ANP COMPANY OF 39. BEO. NEXT WEEK EAT8 THURSDAY HO"F"r 1 MANTELL and GENEVIEVE HAMPER ... uuivrsprmrtH pr.AYS Men.. Kin Leart Tun.. Hamlet! Wed Mat. 4a Yeu lAt Itl Wed.. Jiilliiii Ctert Tbiira.. lebalteit Frt' Maebelhi SM. Mat.. Mer- i 'i I ' laaViaffr I -r IJf P'ractlwi BUnlar Company of AmarifWMr.WVJ I VWfmmm y !Ja5. Jt MNtrii'r.MTif niAtik-rtT f'lSliV. , 11 A. Jf. te 11 r. if. I Mi f t lvm GARRICK FUNKIEST MUSICAL MTIHTOWN NIOHTS AT il0. MAT. TOM0BBOW wth JACK DONAHUE 0RK3IMfllGL0J THfATRE MY CAST FORREST ev ,..;, 8:15 ""TOW LAST 2 WEEK Chariet Dlll!nhm Preien HU le-Stax Musical C'emedv lilt It. Y. Cait EMMETT WELCH Minstrels renrAnFRO the cheery R0SEDIA tmilre MA.NHI.At CHIKH TROCAUfcKU BL08SOMb fe V3"l Thete by Vanity 1'dlr mtiS FLORENCE GROZER Debutante daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. Edward Crezcr, of COSH Locust street a;id New Yerk, who will make her debut at a ball which her parents will jtc at the Ritz-Carlten this evening. this city for the purpese or establishing a free employment bureau. Mr. Jes-eph Ij. Kun Is chairman et the cummlttce In charge. West Philadelphia Sirs. Peter Cenrad Fulwcller, Mrs. Walter Herbert Fulweiler and "Mrs. Jehn Edwin Fulwcller will give a tea tedav at the Marlyn Hetel, Fortieth and Walnut streetw. Mrs. Alfred Telf fcr, and Miss Jehn Walker will prelde At the tea tabty, assisted bv Mxx. Wil liam Welsh, Mrp. Alfred Slidderls uiid MIfs Carolina uulrd. Mr. James S. Montgomery, of KPtrt Pine street, Ii.ih hl.x tlster. M1m Khe Montgomery, of Leeh Haven, as his guvi't for P"vnrel week.' After the reception Mr. nnd Mrs. Itlen Itlen geld left for Bermuda, where they will remain during the month of January. I....1...I " .. ''v... una iiiwuiuuns ier a .iinne. ni i.... t en Friday ex ening. February 9, In honor ,,fIls,8 Saah Jfanklln Duane, debu debu tante daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Hustell Duane, before the Second Assembly. vt.AuVrddlnKr.ef Injercst will be that et Miss Mary Hrnebtlne reletnati, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrt,. Clinten B. Cole Cele ,a. et Gwynedd Valley, and Mr. c. Jeseph Dexter, of Ovnrbroek, which will take place quietly ut neon en Sat. urday. January 20. dt the Church of the .Messiah. Gwvnedd. Mrs. .1 V Manners cf New Yerk, will act aa ma 21.' 0f. .he"or, a.ncl Mlw Ulwiier Colf- nr V,nf,ninr tf, ,hp, 1.";le' wll ,,c m-W f Jxel.r- ..lllf' Ir dcFnialdh will in V!1.'. "B.V"F,nl Celeman. Miss Mae ti','";',"""li,iMeieii1 cousin of tlie bilde: lmpres-iiili, cery kind of golden tlewcrj Miss DerN Oeter and MLss TilFrllla as thoie. . f'SS?,r'.-r "LK e:,,.(?! Tr.x- . Mr. Win- Mr. and Mrs. Leu la unci three elill 'iren, Charles Borie LpwIs, who is iu biisint'.H in Chicago, but who came en viitli hit wife for the occasien: Mrs. ttnlph Derr. who was JII&s I'hocbe Merris Lewis and who received loe durlns the afternoon. The third child was M'f-s F.llznbeth Beric Lewis, whose death occurred at the age of eighteen, hut whose memory is as fresh today in the hearts of her friends as if she had been there with them yesterday. ALL -fi tin the guests were asked le sign e eertiheate, nnd whnt de ou IIIIUIJ II. 1.1ITItM Vt I hA l..et .... . Dexter and his bilde will ,e at heme after March 1 at Ardmore. where Uiey have taken a house. Mrs. Oeorge W. Yeung, of Cliv Line f.n,.?Ui,y-i?.ln.t.h BtrceU Overbroe, las ssued Invitations for a luncheon nt the Bcllevuc-Stratferd. te be fellwed J an nuc"ii bridge party, en Tliurf- day afternoon, January 4. vl v " and, y, Samuel S. Thornten. Wajne. will entertain at ibeati 'artl'nSn,atmn.ay , evening. Dec-mb d;n,laicr, at, the, Supper Club I betirVorn'ten!1" daUeh,Pl- " u The ueddliie nf Mr n ii.. ... "" .... --I..,. "r -. -. uaiiiii u Tin- original cert iiicutu, V,1 0,or. V'-;' I-'ne'ey avenue. ,ir ;"iV,. ,. T- . 'r'u. ' "'Ten, or Atlaul J-lt, wlh lake pljce eiy iiuleth t Sin! Iir.lfll tldnnn.l... ... . '. . . fiiens nt tlie wkiIiIIiik iiwliiillinr Pri'sl. , ..e -vt n. v-""" '" J1 "0 lK:r dent Grant's, tlfty jears age. On the think it waV which was handwritten en parchment (uk which had the tlgnatuies of the I Saturday, or .Mrs. Slicex, i iic U.-..U b run u.iij will be clvi back et the long hit of parchment wetc the mimes of these who hud attended the twenty-fifth anniversary dinner in 1S97 and yesterday all these who were there signed. It. that net u wonderful thing for the children and grandehildten of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis te have? .Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have lled all the fifty years of their married life In the same house at 1000 Spruce street, where they came one week after their v-dfling trip. Their wimmers wet 'Pent at the Berie place, "The Dell," In Terresdalc, which has since been teught by Dr. nnd Mrf. Jeseph M. I'ev. This is the third golden widdlng vithin the last few :enrs in the Beric family, Mr. and Mrs. Beaucnu Borie Iming celebrated theirs sumo live or nt jears age and Mr. and Mrs. James Mntiran Rhodes their two year.-, age at their home in Culiferniu. It is hard te write about such things, "here is the feeling after attending an ffalr like that, where hive and com panionship and mutual respect have listed long through the jears aud arc listing jet, timt net many of the pros nit generation are us they. Net many of these we see around os will live im Hiey hue. Whut u lciisen It is and klietlld he te us. Can we net de something te prccne llie hriuly, the cpmti'sy, tlie itnteline-s of the iild generation, their kindlinri's "1 spirit, their utter geed luste'.' rpili: Monday Milsicale at the Belle- lue.Stratfurd jestcrday was inter- e-tlllf. Clnlr.. ltnv k..iiu. ilr-M-'Ilf fllllv. The ballroom was crowded und I saw a I great many people 1 knew. Mrs. Bur cldv McFaihlen was there IieUIng ery "ftell. She were n small green felt hat jnd a brown dress. Anether recent hrhle I Miw (Mrs. MeFadden was Miss Virglnin lleckscher before her marriage Inst spring) was Mrs. Muscne (laniett, JjUie was with her cousin, Mi- Fannin' h. WKler. Mrs. ('arnett, jeii reini'in ber, was Miss t'areline Barclay before licr marriage in October. . beer,il ili'biitanles were in (lie nil-I fljeni'c and among tlinM I netlceil was Hair (ilttliigH, Mrs. Jehn V. lilttings' 'hughter. Mini t'ittings looked pnitty j m u ir ray hemespuii suit nnd a gray, ''It hat. She carried a dark brewu coat with u inllar and cuffs of beaver. Anether deb in the audience was1 NiraeHen "flicliarden, the dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Telbert Hlchnrdsen, of MOminntnun SlnnAlla ' no IlinRt nf "er friends call her, were u muskrat reat and u blue felt hat trimmed en the "i'le with a null. I hear she is get "ne better fiem her UvCldent eery flay I am se glad. N'ANOV WTNNI3. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr Ueheit II Large, of 1S21 tpniee i kiiehI announces (ie euBiigemiMit of i '""r daughtec, Miss Mnrgarel Lnrdncr i '"'rge. id Mr, ijcorge D. Fowle, son of Mrp lieorge I), l'ewle, nf this city audi 'tuierri uiiis, im. ."Mlsn Large, wnu iiiarle ii,.,. debut List season, is olio rf "' nest popular mcmbeis of the jeiniger bet Miss Large is a great ""iiddaiiRliter of the late dennral '"eige (Jerileu Meude Mr. Fewlc. who ' a mcniucr of the at, Antheny ciue, toincrreiv eenlnir In ilm iv,iii.n. . .. Bellevue-StratfordntOe'eluok under ti uuspicea of th P.'nnl H'nui r-....-,.i. Seuth Philadelphia On Saturday cxcnlng last, a blrthdij party was glen Mr. Ad Cudden, of 235J Seuth American street, by his friends. Among tlie guests wcre Miss Isabclln Cudden, Miss Katliryn Jennings, Miss Madeline Leftus, Miss Margaiet McColleuKli, Miss Mary McDadn, Ml-s Rese McDade, Miss Mary Farley, Miss Kathrvn Farley, Miss Anne McfJlnn. Miss Thercsa Cudden, Mrs. Mary Cud den, Mrs. Mary Jennings, Mrn. Jehn Hearne. Mrs. Mary Knlllan, Mis. Mi Han Stein, Mis. James Lauer, Mrs. Sarah Legue, Mr Jehn Crenlus, Mr William Hoelcr, Mr. Jehn Hcirne, Mr Cliailes Cudden. Jlr. Hdnurd O'Malley and Mr Ldwaid Cudden. liecheOtt A etilet home wedding took plae en S.ituidav evenlng last at S o'clock, when Miss Lilian Ott. daughter of Mr and Mrs. William Ott. of 1358 Kast i olum elum bla aenue, becaniu the brlde of Mr. Clifferd Iteche. of 0SO7 De Lancey street. West Philadelphia. The Re. Dr. Henry, of the First Presbyterian Church of Kensington, officiated. The 'ride, who was gicn In matrlage by r father, was attended by Miss 13dlth ertelet as maid of honor. Mr. Walter eche, brother of the bridegroom, acted best man. A reception followed, ter which Mr. and Mrs. Reche left en wedding trip. ninNGOLD JflLLLrt A pretty home wedding tool, place i Siundny attcruoen at S o'clock when l-s Ksther Miller, of 32i". North ililj-Llgnth street, becjnm the brldu " Mi lilug Itiengeld The Rev. IJr. 'itciistelii elllclat.Ml The btlde, who us ghen iu marriage by hr uncle, v. Cllffnid Miller, was attended b ' s M. liuiensteln a maid of honor. I r.....r,i ltntimi was btst man. I Ira1 V v BuyHer Christmas Hosiery NOW! And enjoy the complete ness of our selection. She'll recognize your gift as one of extra line qual ity 1ft its attractive Xmaa box. $1.75 3 Pairs, $5 Our Hosiery Depart ment Is Just Imide the Doer Winkelman Style in Quality Footwear 1130 Chestnut Street at Tvelfth Stere Opens 9 A. SI. Clesc3 6 P. M. Daily ' litpeirrrnx nKsrexuitu axd makers or wembx's a.vd ciiiLenas's apparel Oh' TEE UIQUE8T CEAHACTEIt I'Oli MOKE MAX TWEXTY-SEVEX YEARS (til fir? P H AJ sj1 sifl Ik 38 '-A -sw X. r 2.! i Ufl Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Stere remains open daily new until Christmas, 'till 6 P. iV. as an accommodation te busy Christmas shoppers Wonderful Clese-Out of Dresses, 25.00 and 35.00 Formerly te 69.50 A wonderful cel ctien of beautiful dresses, in a range of styles that include winter's most wanted fabrics and effects. The showing of Peiret twill dresses is notable. Others of equal attractiveness in Canten crepe, satin crepe, crepe mystic, matelassc and velvet. Levely dance frocks of chiffon, changeable taffetas and brilliantly colored velvets are included. A Clese-Out of 28 Evening Gowns Medels of Exquisite Beauty Fermer Prices te 275.00 87.00 An opportunity for the woman in search of a wonderful gown for a formal function. Of chiffon velvet, beaded Geergettes, bended chiffon, metal cloth combinations, beaded and lace. Light and dark colors and black. Chiffen Silk Hosiery IM; Regularly 2.95 Taken from regular stock and 1 educed. All perfect. Of geld, bilver, gunmctul, brenze and black. Corduroy Robes Special, 5.95 New breakfast coat and rebe effects. tioed quality. In cherry, roe, purple, cepen pretty for gifts. Others te 27.50 Envelope Chemises Special, 2.95 Envelope Chemises of geed quality crone de chine; plain tailored and trimmed with real lilet lace motif inserts. 2.95 Others te 16.50 We Specialize in Apparel That Slemleyizes the Larger Weman- Geerge Allen, 1214 -Chestnut Street 1214 Hstabliihcd 18;i7 Until Christmas This Stere Will Be Open te 6 P. M. v Hats That Were as High as $15.00 and $18.00 at $5.00, $8.00 and $10.00 Most of these hats arc velvet, and they were beautiful hats te begin with. Then they have been most attractively trimmed with pretty ostrich fancies and ether feather effects. In the third place there are many different styles and colorings, se that every one can be suited. Three geed reasons for getting one of them. - '" '"- ' -' i . Fitted Vanity Cases at j fit $10-00 ii" i These cases arc cry compact, for while they carry a geed-sized mirror, lip stick holder, perfume and powder boxes, they are net very large. In black vach vach ette and colored en amel leather with metal fittings, ? 10.00. IX 3 KgL The Lace for a Bertha Cellar Is a Welcome Gift Any girl or young woman will love enough lace for one of the Bertha cellars that are te well liked. In white, ecru or black shadow, Spanish or net lace, 75c te $3.00 a yard. Pleated laces, which like the plain ones, are 12 inches deep, in black, ecru and silver, 5.00 and $6.00 a yard. Corsages and Hair Bandeaux for the Girl Who Dances A silver or geld corsage will go with any frock and is sure te make it twice as pretty. $;t.,"0 and $1.00. Bandeaux for tlie hair come in silver and in color combinations te match one's dance frock, $1.00. A Man Must Have a Fancy Silk Handkerchief It may be of pongee with hand drawn threads at $1.00 or a gayer one with a Batik design at $1.00 each. If he prefers a plain white one, however, we have them of Japanese silk at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. Full Fashioned Weel Hese at $1.95 a pair Full-fashioned imported English wool stockings in black and heather mixtures with hand-ombreidcred s.ilk clocks or Jacquard effects, $1.95. Women's Union Suits Reduced Frem $1.25 te 75c Women's union suits with low necks, no sleeves and ankle length drawers at the low price of 75c. It will be a geed idea te get a supply of these, for colder days ure coming. Articles of Rese and Blue Brocade for Boudoir and Study $1.00 te $10.00 There ih such a large selection among these pretty things that you aie sure te find just the right gift for any woman who love pretty things. There arc boxes, pin citehiens, mirrors, cembh and brushes, can dlesticks and picture flumes, and thev varv in price from a hairpin box at $1.00 te n dtk s-ct at $10.00. l n Guerlain's Wonderful French Perfumes at These Very Attractive Prices Guerlain, Parfumeur, Paris, is unquestionably the most eminent Partumeur in the world. Guerlain's new odor, Gucrlinadc, lit.-e. size, $8.50. Guerlajn's L'Heure Bleue, 1-oz. size, !?1.'J5; U-oz. .size, $8.50. (tuerlams Mitsouke, 1-oz. size, SI.25: 2.j-ez. size, $S.50. uufidiii. ivuu ue iu mix, l-oz. sie, M.uu; L'l-ez. size, S7.75. buerlmn'H Champs Elysee, 21 ..-e.. tize, SS.50. Guerlain's Fel Areme, 2V-ez."hizef SS.50. Guerlain's Aprcs L'Ondee," 1-oz. size, $2.73; 2i:.-ez. size, S5.50. Guerlain's Jiclcy, 2-oz. size, S2.75. Constance Talmadg IN ADAPTATION or HAT "EAST IS WEST" A FIIIHT NATIOKAIj ATTltACTtON 8S& ELSIE FERGUSON ,.0vazv Aunni) ni'STKit kbaten in "i in: rlecium heubu PIETRO YON weurn KAMern STANTOWI 6i30. 7l30, 0:30 ion lBTTf AMI1 MABJtr.T 11130. H30, 3:30. 6:30, 7:30, 0:30 wm lff&v.MI! wUMMk mm C08JCOPOI.irAJT CEJEAT10X Will A PATIAMOUMT PIOTIinF, AOOMENXED OBCHESTRA "Knf"lv lin n uintloe nldiirp h.t ttf-mrAt I micli mi r.Dthiile4tl. rtfptlen Ipt prch mv) pi)MI. allkn ft linn lliir nne " IMjl 1HEII ALDINEf f.TH AND OHF81NUT II TO 11 Itl( V 50c METRO l'lllf r nitSLMATlOV "FoIt-VIe-Net', r.r,.'i Tiur ,in.i niji'rii iif r.'tvs ernN u.ij A M TO 11 J5 1'. M. BROAD & OKF"TNUT A FAEAyO" P'CXiiRE "PRIDE OF PAL0MAR" ny rrrr.n n rcY:;n PALACE; '2TII A. MAIJKET 110 A. M. TO Il-IST. 1! Nerma Talmadgc 8f ARCADIAi?sft.rf,w3PM LADY DIANA MANNERS "Glorious Adventure" 2fi?gi- VICTORTA,?i,I!t.V,iaK,Fr MAE MURRAY BROADWAY xiii A M vituj:r 10 M la U 11 ! J CAPITOL ETHEL CLAYTON-'.',; ., mr" GLOBE JUIUPEB anb 11 TO 11 PIG vunEV!LT,F. Wti.l e tthttt. QUALITY AND QUANTITY AT NOMINAL PRICES Broadway VIZ.TOW PTT.T.S BROAD A. HNYlinit L" is. e an. n r. m. VAT IH'VI' 1 f f. SKIN DEEP" ALLEGHENY rCK ?tIitLTs0N "'SKIN I)EEP',1"J IN CONJ"NrTiOf i"iT" 7"TiirTTT,E Cress Keys OH 1H AM) M VliKKT auleiile 2 11 All ft ft I I ft fa ft ft ft ft & ft ft ft 8 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft SAILT MATS., 2:15 EVES. AT 8:11 SPICE OF LIFE A VaiirtMllIi. relllc" with VariMv nf SOirs IJAVC KRAMER ifc JACK UUIL SYLVIA CLARK FRANK OABY H1CKEY BROTHERS JUI.IA KELETY lllta Illl Ir l)i Iirn r.iMmeid Ijri'.'U. Ihi ulnur.clit MIPr 12 LONDON TIVOLI GIRLS 12 (Flrft r.nJBdn'i t cf Tl " ANmJir lutiivrs In Vmrrlcul LAST WEEK Tep. Mat. TLura. ADELPHI Grace Geerde IN "TO LOVE" M"1 Rel?ert Warwick, Nerman Tre or 1 VDIP OTH CROWDED WEEK JL. I Il O EVE. E.1SM.I. Temnr "Pelicltlful rtpri'tta ureuutl rucuaute of ajbosseM KiKlfSOMA ttmr WAtSCWAT lR'fll I WITH 08.6l.NAL '.nv ci;r m ftr "TS9 ' fti:i s in ruitr nN Mtsu STOIIN vi II' i i ' ,i S I'llM VM-n WHIHffiiSBffiw .',S,.E,U1 tnffiasttS&Siyfflig Metropolitan SSSJ oiiea'j .v j-erLAu .sTiinr.Ts bECOND bUCCESSrUL WEEK 2:15 and 8:15 P. M. See the Fighting Whalei. Drilliant Photoplay Cast. A Whale of a Picture. F! MI.ll I LII ION'S Ml t. iil u r Lu. i 1-: mi Mil r j i "Oi. P'l I 7"in 'I' uiil 3Utf ai a i i i uiMni;i.s !.'! I I M .Ml .sir 14 !,,,, NIOHTS AT 8 20 TT 111 K 11 Mat Tcnier., SOe te $1.50 PAULINE LORD Iu tuirm O null i MaaUrpUr ANNA CHRISTIE Wltb OEOROE MAniOW. FKANK SHANNOtl Bt net ne aii lierx 'n many imnni '-nnl MUSIC WEEK THE CASTLE KI0 SOUTH DROAD BT. TOWIOKT m JULES LAHDF. I nuerly nfihs (.hhi.i oil Ids (us in-nir.i uii'l UHI'8 SOCItTY OHOlirSTRA WONDI.KFUt. MUSIC DANOII.'O 8 40 TO 1 DESSONffi '""'"i..1 . ' "lllt'l'IIUIHl Mslillr lit S ,-i llIM 1 HI I Inn. U.I Br;n,dGCTTIHG GEnTIES GARTtn 15? CJf fl 111, a. We l ll I Jn 'ln, . 3felftfcrifci LaSlQTewn Scandal i M m ilrji 'fir U i'M m J m m 9 rV m iu I t : Ii 4 i n J V'J m !& 1 - I 'i' i.