W ?T7flW' RSH53f ri -"-? BViiNINd VpUBUO , IjED&BR- PHIBADBtPHlA. -TtJESDAY,' DECEMBER 12,' 1922 t . . 1 ' - i i ' , . Our Great Winter Sale of Furs Is New in Full Swing Offering Marvelous Assortments of Choice. Fur Wraps, Capes and Coats Smart, new midwinter models, developed In fashion's handsomest pelts. All richly, service ably silk lined. $195.00 Marmink Coats 01 QQ r ft Chic cellar. Mandarin sleeves. tJJL Otatlvr 40 inches long. . $195.00 French Seal Coats. . .fli or AA 45 inches, -lbnr. Silk lined. tPl.t)UU trimmed with Squirrel, Skunk or Beaver and plain. $95.00 Bay Seal Coats : . . . Q7h p? A Extra fine quality; 40 inches P I U.0j lenr. $225.00 Near Seal Coats. . . .M OK (( Trimmed -with Beaver cellar PX7JUU and cuff, Skunk or Squirrel and plain. $250.00 te $275.00 Hudsen $1 Oft QQ Plain or trimmed. Wonderful Let of Children's $29.50 Ceney Q1 Q r A Coats at WLVDJ In brown, natural and combination colors. 8 te 14 years. Sites i VBXavav sBs i S TUESDAY, DECEMBER It, IMS. Star t)pai M A.,M. Clout! at 0 P. M. M V NELLENBURGN ENTIRE BLOCK-MaBKETnatTel2iSTBEETS LL SfJELLENBUReS Second Fleer If She Likes Fine Dainty Things, Give a Pretty Hand-Made Blouse This Unusual Greup Offers Exceptional Cheesing at This Very Special Price w $2.95 a Think of it, every stitch painstakingly put in by hand. And every ena ,ls becomingly styled and prettily trimmed. Fine Batistes, French Voiles and Dimities Richly adorned with real wide fllet and real Irish laces, hand embroidery, hand-drawn work and hand hemstitching. Seme have touches of colored embroidery. Have Peter Pan or tuxedo cellars and vestees. Plain tai lored models, tee. SNELLENnUROS Second Fleer Delightful Greup of "Merry Christmas' Suggestions m Frem Our, Women's Lingerie Section All Specially Priced MGtv7vmTt2W!$m urn. WmJwk r7M AS? Boudoir flippers, Pair CM QQ In all negligee shades, with PJO contrasting satin linings. Crepe de Chine Chemise 1 QQ Beautifully trimmed. PAt0 Crepe de Chine Gowns flQ QO and Envelope Chemises 'O Charming styles and designs. Philippine Gowns and Envelope Chemises. . . . Hand made and hand embroidered in ex quisite designs. ' Dainty Boudoir Caps 98c t0 $2.98 Frilly little affairs of satin, lace and net. SNELLEN BURflS Second Fleer $2.95 Wondrously Levely Are These New Beaded Gift-Bags FROM FRANCE And Moderately Priced at $7.95 Each !P HP Qp Handsome effects, featuring all the smart est new styles and colorings. Strap handle, frame and draw-string styles, in the fashionable large sizes. Rich designs and color combinations. All silk lined and fitted with mirror. Several styles sketched! SnelLENbUrgS Jewelry Section, First Fleer Big, Warm Spert Sweaters A Mighty Fine Choice for Man or Bey Here at Splendid, Werth-While Savings in Our Sporting Goods Department Tomorrow $12.50 Imported English Brushed Shetland Weel Sweaters Finest quality fashioned in the knitting; light weight and warm. Just the thing for professional men or golfers. r11 ' wzWmJPM gjgM $7.50 $8.50 White Shaker-Knit Pull-Over Sweaters $6.50 Just the thing for sports wear, school and general wear. Extra heavy white shaker-knit sweater in the popular V-neck I pull-ever Style Wlin large culture. Beys' $7.50 Shaker-JKnit Pull-Over Sweaters Big, heavy shaker-knit sweaters for school or piny, with large shawl cellars. Navy, maroon, rewn. Sizes 28 te 36. $5.00 Officers' $5.00 Flannel gQ45 Fer all outdoor workers. Extra heavy flannel with seams strongly ro-enforced I and cut full size; double elbows. Sizes UVt te 10 Vi. Brand-New Leather CQ Cft Jerkins pO.O V Every one is Brand-New and in A-l :onditlen. Blanket lined. Fer chauffeurs, drivers, carpenters, bricklayers, milkmen and all outdoor workers. L. SNELLENBURflS Third Fleer ;N. SNELLENBURG & rn 1 1 i V I fW. 'Tomorrow a Wonderful Holiday Sale of O CHILDREN'S Colored Frecks at $1.00 Each Smart pantalette frocks included in the let. Cunning models "of excellent quality materials, at tractively stitched, smocked, and trimmed in charming effects. Practical gifts, that will delight the kiddle and her mother, tee. Sizes 2 te 6 years. Twe pictured. SueR .SNELLI-nburcS Second Fleer ji L, ivf Beautiful New Christmas Silks Te Carry Your Merry Christmas. Greetings or te Fashion the Loveliest Holiday Gowns at' Extraordinary Lew Prices $15 te $25 Metal Brocades, $6.75 $9.00 Ya,d Exquisite designs and colorings. Made by the best manufacturer in France. Seme are in rich Persian designs, ethers in two toned combinations. Fer gown purposes, wraps, millinery and hand bags. $1.50 New Printed Kimene Silk, Yard 85 inches wide. All silk. Very pretty Oriental designs, in a geed assortment ground colorings. Fer kimonos, lamp shades and fancy ware. Tubular Silk Jersey for Underwear, Special at $1, $1.35, $1.50, $1.59, $2.50 Yard Very fine qualities in both plain and fancy weaves; in white, flesh and pink. $2.50 Silk Shirtings... Q1 QT 82 inches wide. Very 01mUO pretty colored stripes en, white grounds. Heavy weight quality of silk also plain white silk broadcloth. $1.75 Black Taffeta. . . 85 inches wide. geed black. All silk $1.35 $1.25 $2.50 Satin Barred Plaids, Yard 85 inches wide. Rich French and Scotch designs of plaid taffeta woven with hand some satin ever-stripes. All geed combinations. $15.00 Brocade Velvet, flA 7K Yard 0V.4D Very large assortment of newest color ings in a wide variety of small, medium and large sized designs. Georgette crepe ground. SneLLENBURcS Second Fleer Answering the Great Demand for Smart Gift Sweaters With a Splendid New Let Tomorrow at an Extremely Small Price $2.95 Each mP? ?Lfffjj3QMXyJ'jMy( Prettily Boxed for Gift Giving Pure wool slip -evers. with round necks for popular Peter Pan cellars, and long sleeves with tight wrista Have re-enforced shoulders te held sweater in correct shape. Gray, buff, brown and black. Sizes 36 te 44. One pictured. SNELLENBURCS Second Fleer Just Received a Wonderful Holiday SfUpment of 2400 Beys' Blouses Te Sell 'Way Belew Regular a 89C Each Woven Madras and Fine Harmony Percale In pretty striped patterns all guaranteed fast color. Full-cut, well-made blouses, that are perfect in every detail. Splendid Gifts for Beys of 7 te 16 Years Beys' $2.00 Outing Flannel Pajamas Heavy-weight outing flannel, mnde in one and two piece style. Nicely finished with .silk frog fasteners. Sizes 2 te 18 years. Beys' 50c Silk Neckwear. . .erp In narrow and open-end shape. itJKs Attractive plaids, stripes and figures. bNELLPJlliiRrS First Fleer $1.47 All Signs in Toytewn Point te the Biggest, Jolliest Christmas in History! Stocks Are Full te Overflowing With Just the Toys the Beys and Girls Are Asking Fer Everybody's Finding Just What Is Wanted and Tey Prices Are the Lewest in the City We've a Splendid Variety of Christmas Tree Ornaments Balls, fancy ernuineiitH, re re re neotere, bells, trumpeti, birds, liunjis, Icicles, tree tops, strings, beads, candle holders, etc. $3.00 Teel Chests Filled with tools for the little enrpenter. $1.95 The Popular Madame Hendlen Walking and Talking Dell, Daintily iIicsumI. Special at $2.50 te $8.95 $3.50 Bisque Head Jointed je np Dells &&,VD $6.50 Infants' Character Dell. With wig, meine .yes and rye laHhes. $2.00 Jointed Dells Curly wis. melne eyes and eje lashes. $1.25 Infant Character Dell . . Has hair and moving eyes. $4.95 .yes and $1.35 and eje 75c $3.75 Ives' Mechanical Trains. Consisting of locemotlte, with brake; tender, bajr Kare car. chair car. and 10 pieces traclt with ad justable brake trip. $3.25 Ives Mechanical Trains Consisting of Iocemotle. tender, baggage car, chair car and 12 pieces track $2.95 $2.50 The "Kiddies' Kounte Beard," Reg. $1.00, 25c uevv-mi ui Teaches tlw children elemen tary calculation. Ne aid Is needed In the c;)eratleii of th .. bentd. Chemcraft Sets, I9 prn SnPei.nl ui DA.tlU Special at MMmvmk rvr -mwW ificxil I ITTTili $14.95 $17.00 Meviegraph Just like the real melnir pic ture machine. Complete with tides, new safety film, tickets, operator's button and rewind. rievs nnel rclrls f1n work many amusliifr, Intel estlng nnd lnstruc the experiments with these chem istry nets. Other Sets, 75c, $1.50 te $10.00 Figures and Animals Fer Around the Chrhtmaa Tree That make a reallstle Xmas tree garden. Barnyard Sets, 25c t0. $3.75 Villages, 50c, 75c & 95c Animals in Their Cages, As In the zee. $1.25 l0 $8.75 bNELLENBUROS Toytewn, Fourth Fleer Men! This Marvelous Clearance Sale efSnial1 Lnt of "Best Sellers " in Men's and Yeung Men's Smart Winter Suits and Overcoats Offers an Unprecedented Opportunity te Secure "Classy" Holiday Clothing At Extraordinary Price Savings $30, $33.50, $35 and $37.50 Winter Suits at $21 Ea. $40, $45, $47.50 and $50 Winter Suits at $30 Ea. $40, $45, $50 and $55 Winter Overcoats at $31 Ea. High-Grade Imported Overcoats of Genuine Grembie Fabrics $67.50 The kind of an overcoat every man likes warmth without weight, coats made and absolutely incomparable at this price. M.SbL2aSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSfl KlzilVsssRjsr. I jHBSllBllH.VBHfliBillllHfSlllllSllllllBHi3 iH Jill M IV All The finest ever- Crombie Montagnac Overcoats Alse at $67.50 These dressy coats were made of Crombie Mentagnacs, in our own factory, and come in black and oxford. They're marvelous cea ts at $67.50. bNELLENSURCS Third Fleer Splendid Gift Cheesing and Wonderful Values in These Men's Umbrellas Matchlessly Lew Priced at $1.65 Each All With Pure Silk Cases Made with closely woven tape edge cotton coverings ever strong Paragon frames. HANDLES of hardwood in opera and Prince of Wales styles. 28-inch size. SNELLENBURCS First Fleer Cheery, Attractive Christmas Decorations Vast Assortments of the Prettiest Kinds. Very Economically Priced Red Frieze Deco rated Christmas Wreaths jfir yi 10Inch fiQp : ft) Wreaths at. vrx V2: Wreaths at. 0- Automobile Wreaths, 30c Christmas Red Frieze Bells Christmas Red Roping, 10 Yds., 35c Large Variety of Decorated Magnelia Wreaths .If Especially Lew Prices bNELLF'JQURflS First Fleer ittr Fourth Fleer Rug and Linelei . Dept. Brings Forward Remarkable Values in Pretty Rugs for Gifts $52.50 9x12 Seamless QQQ 7K Velvet Rugs DOO. i O Closely woven. Made of fine all-wool yarns. New Chinese and Oriental patterns. $49.50 8.3x10.6 Heavy Seamless All-Weel (QK 7K Velvet Rugs $Oe). I D Neat, well-covered Persian and Oriental patterns. Suitable for any room in the house. $4.50 $24.50 6x9 Seam less All-Weel Tapestry Brussels UBS. $15.50 $110 9x12 Finest Quality Wilten 8110.00 New patterns. $7.50 27x60 Heavy Axnunster Rugs at..., Well-known make. I Linoleum Special $1.50. 4-Yard Wide Best 70 sq. Printed Cerk Linoleum OC y(j Cut from full rolls. The wide width enables you te cover a large loom without a seam. 1 Carpet Special $3.00 10-Wire tapestry Q9 OK Brussels Carpet, Yard. . PD Neat, well-covered Persian patterns. Suit able for rooms, halls nnd stairs. SneJZfneTrgS Feuith Fleer $37.50 8.3x10.6 All-Weel Seamless Brussels aR,US8.. $24.50 Pretty patterns. $57.50 9x12 Heavy Axnunster aR,uss $41.50 Limited qmntlty. $10.75 36x70 Best Heavy Axminster aRtUS!....S7'50 Pretty pattern. Cheese for the Bey a Handsome New Winter Suit or Overcoat from This Great Holiday Sak Splendid assortments of brand-new, smart midwinter styles in geed-looking, durable fabrics. Best colors and pat terns. And colerinfe. patterns and Savings Are Absolutely Unparalleled! Newest -.tyles, most serviceable materials and smartest patt $14.75 Twe-Pants Norfolk Suits at $8.95 e jaunty models from which te select in fancy cheviets, tv sruns. Coats lined with mohair. Twe pairs of full-lined kmc twced3 kers. Three and hornet Sies 7 te IS ycais. $18.75 Right-Posture Suits With Twe Pairs of Knickers. Sia.fls All-wool fancy cheviets, tweeds nnd hemespuns in herringbone wenv Giay, tnn an. blown. ! our smart models. Best taileiinp;. Full-line knickcis. Uest lining. Sizes 6 te 18 years. """ Wm Irs mm e. lined $22.50 te $25.00 Right-Posture Suits With Twe Pairs of Knickers at $16.75 All our high-grade suite taken right out of regular stock. Finest materials, newest patterns and best tailoring. Sports yoke Norfolk, with full-lined knickers. $18.75 Winter Overcoats, $13.95 All-wool fancy overceatings. Plenty with raglan sleees and mulf pockets. All-wool plaid lining. Sizes 13 te 18 years. Novelty Suits at $2.25 te $8.75 we m bxenange for Sue After th I f .' w m JS city. Holidays The best and largest assortments in the :N. SNELLENBURG & COj $1S.75 Winter Overcoats, $12.75 Big assortment of styles with raglan or plain sleeves. All-wool fancy overceatings. All-wool plaid' lining. Sizes 3 te 12 years. Useful and inexpensive gifts! $28.00 te $32.50 Winter Overcoats at $22.50 Beautiful, high-grade overcoats new in stock above this price. New model of all wool plenty of plaid backs. Sizes 12 te 18 years. $5.50 Black Rubber Raincoats at $3.95 m B u, ,ery, ,"ey wUI "PPreciate. Geed quality black rubber, with tnn back. Sizes 4 te 18 years. bHELLENBunr.S Third Fleer :N. SNELLENBURG ft CO i i m. 12? . U(i , VtCv" ,H (VViA J ;S