PPWiPll rj'i-v '" JiVi'.TTT!' ji Iff" " 'i ,v - v I, , ,. V itr If? L BdS& PUBLIC tEDG-m 1 HUGE SCHOOL PLOT CHARGED TO KLAN Oovernor of Oregon Warns of "' Plans te Cru3h Parochial Institutions n,-y. aldermen defied New Yerk. Dec. 12. Governer Ol cott, of Orcjren. who. with Airs. Olcott, I ! im Prince (Jeersfe Hetel, en route te tlie Ooveriiern' conference nt WtilU' 4iilrhur Sprlnss. W. Vii., denounced 1 J ' Kii Klnx Klnn yesterday n men - :Vt te American Ii'ciiih nnu mwH uuu Miitieiie.1 New Yorkers njcahist re Sin: tee lightly the danger of Man nrthltle here. "There should he no rn.lf.tnup nheui lie Intentions nnd power of this or er or MnUntlen," wild Governer Olcott. Thp Ku Klux Klnn put through n clioet law In Oreceii nlid Is plilnulni; tb push the wiine leclKlntlen through In trerv StHte In the Unions "Tfils" law makes compulsory at- .L.i...... it n t.nliltr plinn1 In nrrrv rhllil In the State between the iircs of fight and Hl.xieen. J ue icKiMauen is ahird directly nt the Henitm C'ntiieliu Pfhoels, lint It will npply ns well te all privnte schoelt attended hj chil dren of the wealthy. . "A penalty is provided for violation of this law and' another for efforts te evade it h.v parents who send children t ether States te he educated. If the jaw heroines effective no child in Ore jrrni will he permitted te attend any liut public schools. The originators of the law were n wn:ill group of Scettisn llitc Sinuous. Thej; ((litainetl u mif'u cleilt miinher of elguaturcs In lime it put en the ballet mid it received u sub Bianllal iiwjeriO . "When the Klan began operntiens in Oregon we 'did net think it could thrive there. Most residents .rf Oregon arc descendants of old pioneers. The Klan jms been at work in Oregon about two vear. In n very short t,hin it cap tured the State politically. I believe tliis organization constitutes the creat-r-t iiicniicc te American institutions jinw extant. The Ku Klux stands for line things en paper, hut in practice It divides the public Inte hentile groups nrrajed against each Other in religions mid racial grounds." .Members of the Heard of Aldermen li'ieiu'd jeterday iinonjnieiis i.jmmii lildilliins liilmengr'iplied en plain paper, In which the Ku Klux Kl.m N de fended. The caption under which the piDipblet appears reads: "Ivcm Ainer Ira Protestant." Identical paper were rent t members of both grand juries, charged with tlie duty of iiivc.sllg.itlug the Khin. In puit, the pamphlet reads : ".Majer 11 Inn's order fe tin police te 'hunt down Klansinen and trent Itinni nu fiil ivmlfl l,il4 fllwl lirituli throwers' is proof that the Reman i Catholic heirarcliy believes itself new i itreng eneugn te inimiie us minion-. leal system of iniilItlen ou America. Jlnnie- bus overlooked the 'itivt that there arc 7ti.0n0.000 or mere Protes tants In the United State.-., nlid that once they arc nwahete the papal con spiracy they will rise en ninsse and ilrie cut.v .alien, papist from uup sheret." , WaMilncten, Dec. 12. Oregon poll pell tieians c8terdey wild that the Ku KIuxKlan iiiuuencc.iii their Ktnte Mould name the nest Speaker of the. Heuse of Kcpresentuthes of I lie Gen eral Assembly, ami his name i.i K. K, Ktippell. That Is n combliiatien. of Ks that cannot he beaten at this time. Kuppeli lives In Oregon and Is a lender of the Klan inclement i which is ery btrens 1hcre. HELD FOR PLOT TO KILL HIM, WIFE ASKS HUSBAND'S AID SEENA OWEN, FILM ACTRESS, DIVORCED BY GEORGE WALSH Court Upheld? Acter -Husband's Charge of Drtlen tfiluu .. faCl? v' yA ,.A 73Mfg 'jyrx ltt V'rMNHtl'H P ' vl s' v- A K 1, -..ifriM (.. , n-.C-iW Fairbanks, Jehn Fairbanks nnd Dennis V. O'Hrlen ar the Incorporator with 50,000 ca)jtal stock. , Incorporation papers of the Jackie Coegnn Production, Inc., a flrm,er', gnntzed for the production of moving pictures were fifed yesterday In the office of Secretary of State nt Sacra-, mente. Headquarters will be In I.es AngclcH. The dlrccteru nre II. 13. Wheeler, It. M. Kenry nnd Xell H. Mc Carthy, all-of 'this city. The cirpltu! hteck is .$000,000. MASON MITCHELL SKKNA OWKX Iis Angeles, Dec. 12, (Uy A. P.) tleergu WaWh, film actor, wnR granted n divorce Yesterday from Sccnn Owen, film actress, whom he charged with desertion. Articles of incorporation of the Douglas Fairbanks Pictures Corpora tion, incorporated under the law of New Yerk, te produce nnd sell moving pictures in Xew Yerk City, were filed in Sacramento jesterdny. Douglas KOHLERLAW DECISION GIVES WORK TO 4000 i ii Scranton People Disappointed at Judgment Rendered by Court Scranton. Dec. 12. Failure of the United Stated Supreme Court te up up eold the Kehler Aline enve Law in full wes n disappointment te pcople of this city, yhe were rospenidble for Its panssiRO ut tne last session of the Legislature. Preparation of the bill followed the wrecking of mero than $1,000,000 worth of buildings in tills city in the last few years, One effect of the decision will he te give work te nbeut 4000 mine workers employed In four Glen Alden Company collieries. The company refused te op erate these cellerles en the ground that they could net be operated without violating the previsions of the Kehler law. ADVENTURER'S LIFE ENDS New Londen, Conn., Business Man, Once a Chinese Sailor, Dies New Londen, Conn., Dec. 12. Ilnst nnd West were strangely mixed in the Hfu of .Inines 11. ii ill. i niiichc-Auicrl-caii business man of this city, who died here vestcrdny In his seventy-sixth jear. Hill was born in China of white pntvr.tn nnd lived there until lie was fifteen years old, when he shipped en n limit. It wns the Inst time hn saw his native land. Three days out te sen U. S. CONSUL, SHOT 'i Wounded by Unknown Assailant in Malta Attack Arouses Indignation Zanzibar, Chungking, China, nnd Apia, Snmea. When the World Wnr broke out he foek ever the British and French interests tin German Hamert. He has traveled extensively through Seuth America and the Seuth Hen Islands, nnd has written extensively. While CeiikiiI nt Cerk in 102L he nar rowly csenped being shot. He was rid ing with n friend in an nutomebllo from Queenstown te Cerk when u group of soldiers ordered the car te (mil. llclnir somewhnt deaf, he failed te hear the challenge nnd the soldiers HIS CAREER PICTURESQUE livai luc uijiiit.-iihi; mm nir ni'mii.i leveled their rifles preparatory te firing. 'I lie mnnaKcr et tlie Hibernian Uiiiik u Cerk, who happened te witness the in illcrs, exclaiming: "Don't sheet! That is the American Censul." Itillcs were lowered nnd lie was allowed In proceed. Bu Associated I'rcai Valetta, Malta. Dec. 12. Masen Mitchell, of Xew Yerk, American con sul en the Island of Malta, was shot nnd wounded today near Uaraecn. Ills assailant escaped, but pursuit was im nieillntelv taken up. Mr. Mitchell was slightly wounded, the bullet Imbedding Itself In his chest. He was taken te his home where this afternoon he wns confined te nls hen, but with the expectation that he would be about In a dny or two. The shoot sheet ing is generally attributed te a madman. "I knew nobody who could hnve done this," exclaimed Mr. Mitchell ns assistance came te him. The Censul is described as persona grata here nnd he has taken keen in terest In the welfare of the island nnd Its people. The attack upon him bus aroused Indignation. Masen Mitchell hns hnd n picturesque career ns nn actor, writer, trnieler, soldier nnd diplomat. ' Uerfi in Hamilton, X. Y.. in JWO. he went oil the Mage nt the age of eighteen nt the famous old llreudwii Theatre in Xew Y'erk. He plued with IMwIn lloeth, Lawrence Ilarrett and Jehn McC'ulleugh, Inter becoming lead ing mint with Mme. Medjcskn. He ac companied Mary Andersen during her theatrical engagements in lirent tlie shtn wns bearded by pirates, who i llrllain. At one tlnie he. mannged the stripped it nnd left it n wreck. A fewiunrrick Theatre, Iscw Yerk days later it wns hikiucu ny an Ameri can frigate nnd Hill was found In n cabin. The captain adopted him, bring ing him te 4ew t,onuen The hev wns nnjned .Tames Haines Hill and wns sent te American schools. Hill later became u successful rcdl cs cs tute dealer. He was chief of scouts -in the Cnun- dlnii Government through the Kiel re bellion and was promoted for gallantry in net Ien. In the Spanish War he was u member of Itoesevelt's Heugh Itiders nnd wns wounded tit the battle of San San tiaeo. He served as American Censul nt Declares He Is Obliged te Give De fense Financial Help Kelreit. Dec. 12. City A. P.' -Xej .1. 1'eril. we.ilthv Wit lie County fanner, rti.ij haw te pit for the defem-u of bis wife. Ala It. Feld, who is clitnged with mi attempt te hire u gunman te kill him. Attorneys for Mr.s. Ferd nil! inter it motion in ciiiuit court that lord nd. line KltH.lt) for preliminary at at terncjN' f, , anil $,'(11(10 for the cprii-c of tie defeiihc -lien d Mrs. Ferd be held fer 1 1 in 1 at her examination Fridav. I'liiiiiii-itil support of the ilefeiwc. the niinneis contend, ih ii husband's legal obligation, regaidicss of the unusual situation iuthe present case. rerd'b first public hlutemcnt relating tn his domestic nffniis was made public tedjy. "Women and death lime been sjnen.Miintts in my two mnrriage en Hires," lie -.tUI. "When my first wife I'Munie angry, she threatened te tnke her own lite and I was. kept busy re straining her. Mj becend ife threat emsl ni life. 1 de net knew which is worse. At nil rate I'll be u single nun from new en." THIRTY THOUSAND ALIEN TRUSTS MAYJE RETURNED Differences Over Amount te Be Held te Protect U. S. Claims Washington, Dec. 12. DecWnu has hri'ii ic.ieliid b Administration leaders Ie pieai for eniictinent at the present s"-pieii of Congress legislation which Villi lltllllfirtfi. llin .i.ln.i.n r.C 'II lUUt .' .in- i in. ii?." ,u iw,tnf tllKtu fllm..l ..I f.... W1ltlM ... C,r,flJ.i, -- .miikii ii iiiiiii rwinnr te .Hl.euu JtfM lii the Alien Prepei t, Custodian. It dew loped jesli'rd'iy there is differ eji'e of opinion nmeur; (ieverntiient etli- '.ii-' im te me huiii wiueli slietld hcheld t'MUlileil li Atliei'ii'.'in cIiiIiiih liitnliilf MMKliMlfKI. (If thevc chums about S1!KIIHM,(HH) gt..w out of the milking of tlm l.iiMiuntn. mol Miipe ellicmls Ji'ire expiesved the opinion tlint class of C'llniK, ns well as most of the ether elJisiticatiens, will be nuiterlallv re lucDil when they cemu te be adjudi cated. Mr. Miller has expressed the opinion Jlmt the 7 per cent of the trusts remain "'J in the IiiiikIk of tlm custodian would in ample te satisfy IcsUittinte Ameri Mn iliilnv. 7000 PENNA. DEER KILLED Season Best In Yeare and Hunters Generally Obeyed Law IJairlsburg. Dec. 12. The total kill W deer In l'eiinsylvanlii during the ten ten en which doses December 1.", will ex ceed 7000 bucks, Selh Ooiden, seere "ry of the Suite Uame Cominlsslen, Predleteil yesterday. The season is the in ,ears und the kill in many dis tricts exceeds Hint of lust jear by from -J Je -10 per c,nt, he tald. . npertuneii through 'the State nre willing the department's men te up up rhenil hunters who mw killed deer megiilly, nnd generally am ebejtlug the an belter than ewr before. Secielnrj eidiiu di'i-liiieil. He ic ported the l.lll- ";' el fewer d t und short spike bucks "'i In an icicnt season. , llnd ceiiKiiletable senlimeut mnniig "ltileis in luvev of u law te pieleit 1M liuchs and In limit lesnl Kills te I V" I'm "l or better antlers," Mr. IJei - 'en said. "Mirny of the camps' tire I'HTnik lO.in.. ii. lu ...i . . i... ,'ll'5' that are killed tire brought down ""J uunicis." LbM v ?Snt f-j.v iflK'f . Smith &Brodhead Ce. Largest Manufacturers Custom Furniture in Philadelphia 11 12-1 114 Walnut Street Wail WORKMANSHIP! SELIABl ; Cfirfetma And a NEW SUITE of FURNITURE in the HOME will make the whole family happy. We are SHOWING SOME VERY GOOD BARGAINS THIS WEEK in discontinued patterns and fleer samples in furniture for -the LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM AND BEDROOM. If you have looked at ether stores and found the price a little above your estimate THEN DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT OUR SHOWr ROOMS THIS WEEK. t 0 Mil tnt k:hT7rc'"r r j- X-! 5tfi iP vis THIS HIGH-GRADE 4-piece BEDROOM SUITE, witn 45-incn uresser and Fuu Vanity Chiriorebe, choice of American Walnut or Ivery. SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEK ONLY .50 A Present for the Whole Family THIS HANDSOME 3-PIECE SUITE, HAIR FILLED. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP THE VERY BEST Price, '145 GREAT SHOWING OF THE NEW IDEAS IN FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL LAMPS LARGE LINE OF DAVENPORT TABLES, CONSOLE TABLES, AND MIRRORS, DAVENPORT END TABLES, SPINET DESKS. ODD CHAIRS. ROCKERS, ETC. ALL MARKED AT SALE PRICE THIS WEEK ONLY. SPECIAL Windser Chairs & Rockers This Week Only $7 & up Motertruck delivery anywhere within reasonable distance Smith &Brodhead Ce. MANUFACTURERS 1112 and 1114 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA Bell Telephone (Showroom), Walnut 0548 (Factory), Walnut 1801 Let Cuticnra Keep Yenr Skin Fresh and Yeung Dally use of the Seap keeps the kin smooth and clear, while touches of the Ointment new and then pre vent little skin troubles becoming stclens. Cuticnra Talcum Is Ideal for powdering and perfumlag. . cAntaNBt uiStSm. fSSmM. Cntlcwm 3 ami with t mm. r Annual Pre-Inventory Sale of Used Cars A National Bank With a Savings Department 4 Interest en Savings National Bank of Commerce jtyOm. taut St 'The efihs World, Our entire stock of Cadillac cars and cars of ether makes has been repriced te very low figures en account of taking inventory. Yeu unquestionably canjnake a better pur chase of a renewed Cadillac than any new car selling at the same price. It is our opinion you will be able te purchase a used car at a lower price during this Pre Inventory Sale than will prevail after the first of the year. Purchases can be made en liberal time payment plan, NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Phene: Spruce 02 JO CADI L L A C flfiRiVai5aE3L!l9SZ!'HPllSS""a A ntt enmitt iiai ttm tm aw ttmmcKt wicw B CoelbaugbMacklin Moter Ce. 3723-25 Walnut St, Philadelphia oAnneunced as Tew Haynes Distributors BHROUGH an official an neuncement of The Haynes Automobile Company, Ko Ke Ko kemo, Indiana. Coolbaugh- Macklin Moter Ce. become distribu tors for Haynes character cars in Phil adelphia and adjacent territory. This acquisition of the selling rights for the popular and desirable Haynes character cars is a significant event for the motorists of Philadelphia, placing Haynes representation with a larger and finer institution, equipped te render a mere careful and attentive service, which will justify the utmost cenfi dence from the present and future owners of the Haynes. The Coolbaugh-Macklin Moter Ce extends te all owners, users and levers of fine meter cars, a cordial and hos pitable invitation te visit their sales rooms and te familiarize themselves with the perfected mechanism of the famous Haynes-built six cylinder 55 and 75 meters. In their 1923 presen tation, these character cars stand forth as an engineering achievement that has been made possible only by an unparal leled record of thirty years of success ful automobile manufacturing. The Coolbaugh-Macklin meter Ce. has established a thoroughly equipped service station for the benefit of Haynes enners in Philadelphia, at 3712-16 Sansom Street f 55 Spert Sedan, 5 Puiceger ,., .,,-., a ,,v,w t.,V i V,.w,r)'iA tAvfyiVMt ,,. , , t, 1. 11 lft?fe (Ml. ff nU IH Ih i The New, 1923 Haynei 55 Spert Touting Car, 5 PatiengeM The New, 197 L t V - -vith sici - g wool w"f aT A la-P-V-aLlaw-V ml Wj' "" J lf-faH -( ' .. ,A...i..iVn''v4'. .';'u.' wLjt "1 w. 1 hi Md .HI M I tAtf r. i i, '?? If :iiMi' '