' ) UMi".V -,Js T nV''tfW !, wti jy I v'f , V ,hJ . llV h ! Hi fc 10 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGJEK1HILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1922 -y- -:. WON 111ER MAY BE SELECTED Administration Senaters Be lieve State Jurist Will Be Ele vated te U. S. Supreme Court Film Star te Wed v PRESENTED TO PRESIDENT Washington, Dec. i:. Chief .lustier-1 Rebert Aen Mni-clizMier, of tli Su preeo Court of IViiiisjlMiuiii. it declared yestercliiy by v'in.ib" . Administration lender" t be tlif most lll:cl,v ehelie i.f rrcidnl Ilinliu? for appointment te lliv Supreme I'mir' of the United Static in the .n inii-y rrented tliretieli eoiisres-slenul retire went of Mnheii I'ltney. of Nw .ter se?, Associate Justice. The matter was described nt the, Capitel as having proprei-.-eJ te such i :l favorable point for Justice von ' IMeschziskcr that sexcrnl Arlminlstrii- tleu Senators, Mippertlns ether oaiidl eaiidl dates for the plaee, lrtinilh had con ceded the l'eniijjhnniiin'. noininalieii. Justice von Mii'r,ii"r !': tr" pentcd le the 1'riMdrn' b Sen Sen nler liaiid A. IJerti. of IViiii?haiii ' but li'j .iniieiiin'i'im'!!' v.v tnade I" "hether there wim no ii'dii.iiien b. Mr Hardin? of his hiIcmiIIi'Iis :tb vr peer te the Mppnintincnt. rt, cumin;: en tb! IipU of tlm iitinl "ilhili.ial ii"m' the contest of -enr.l iir"Olill"llt r.i'i illdatet-. the While Ilmi-.'1 i niifeieinv assumed tn political Wiibhhisten th hishest ort of unpertanee. ( Senater Pepper and Kepreetitathe A'are. of I'ennsNlvanja. har been ae llve in behalf of the State Supreme 4'eurt Justice, the President hem pit en te under-taud there tteuld be i" fac tional aftenn.ith If Mich a chde tere made, and that Justice ten Mem-Ij-V.isker had the iuder-eineiit of leadeis of the Uar no less than "f tlie poli tician!). ' Seme candid part l-ncWe. bavin" ether I'aiididiites for the Supreme ' Ymrt tacincy. declared tliey had been mistaken in their belief the President would Het cite swell an impeitiint I ed eril iippeintment te a li' piibllcm stronghold lil;e VtMim.l:iiiia. I' ttu their tintt the pest will ue te sine Slate where the interests el the pai'.' tteuld be promoted tliruiil te.-ipni. tlOll of some eiittnildillE lejil I'-iitlire. The current "eicii i- the lrri(ein h.i fiettned en ueh ;i presr.im .Mid hn riven notice I c intended iippmntin; i" the Supreine I '"Hit a lean who ! ! lieted te liate the b"-t prelr.-Mu'inl (pialilicatieuM for the place recaiiile of where be resided, .liistpe ") MeschzisKer. UUe Aseciate Jmtn-p J'ltnej. is a liepublienu. se the ipies ipies lien of pat it b.ilance en the lirncli d"c net ent' r into the present eipiati'ii n- il did in the naintii et IVn'e Duller. ii t'eniecmi, of MinneMita. The tffur' of farmer-laini st"iip m (he erthttrj.i te bloc', cniirni iri'n of Air. Uut'ei ":is aiil te 1i:uc beeij ceuiplice.ied t cstcrday bt uneltins the, i lisiens l-Mje. Premiii' nt bu-iness men iii Minnesota hate indieateil ibe'y arc re.'.(l te appear and tire con tinuation et Mr. Rutler en the ground that lie ts one of the Wet's, srcite-t lawyers. One of the men mevt ie-tite m that respect U a Itepublican .uid a Masenl" leader in Minnvla. HILEY CRITICISM RESENTED W'asllinclell, llec PJ I!epfc-eitil - lite Aiitheu.t i liairmiiti of the eu.e Mlbcellllllittec ill villi ei llle VriT) .- '.iiipplv Pell, refused te-teidiit 'e l-f.-ir a li'eleS-ti'll of ff.-irte officer- licc.ni.-i ljenr.t ! Iti'i" ednei ..f (In rtit t .uid Net v l"Uiii!.l. t 'i (iiiienc I'leiu Mr Alitie I' di i lined I hi,' All ,ib-' ,ad been "oTen'iv " in critn-t in ei till' Cellll 1 'ee Jlld lie 1- ,'. le li 1 c ixpreM'd I'lin'ie te i Hi ', V;'i tien if i' iippeiired ttiHimn li. IJiie a. a meiiiber . 'si, --K rfrMr -kJh RECORD WINE HARVEST ' REPORTED FROM FRANCE 78,000,000 Hectoliters. Largest Since 1875 Paris Has Vineyards Paris, Dec. 12. Tlir lnt-Rest vine harvest elnee hir has been reglteied 'li France this .tear. Tlli- yield la 7.- ,1)00.000 hectoliter.-. In 1S7e tlie total I ttni S'i.OOO.OOO heclellter.N. Tb I1U0- 11)1-1 iivrrape ttnn IT.UOOJIOO lielnliprs 'and the ttar nteniKe vns J'S.OOO.OOO. I AVIien the re.iultn of tlm wine harvest 'In Algiers and Tirtils arc added te that of France the total ttjtie yield for this i year will reach 170,000.01)0 hectoliter?. Hesidca nil till" It Is tisllrnatcd that there arc 0.000.000 hectoliters of wine i in stocks en hand. I ThN .tear's rezlstratlcwi reveals the fact that even the city of Paris ha vmeyurdi. tthese eutpttl has Increived 'from eljslit heoteliters in 1021 te 200 I bectelllers this .tear. Drank Liniment by Mistake I 1 rank tlriindt :i:!2 North Second I sheet, (.'aniilen. i in a vrleus condition n t-euper Hospital trein iinvinc swnl EMPLOYER HELD FOR DEATH Richmond. Va., Man Arrested en. Charge of Sheeting Stenographer Ulebmeiid. Vn Dec. 12. Themas' Pollard, real estate man of this city, ttas released en !f 10,000 ball Inst nlRht en ti rharsp et kllllnir Ills stenographer, Mrs. Theltmi Itiehardsen, who, accord Ins te tlie pelifr. ttns shot te death earlier in the liK'ht while talking with Pollard mill .1. M. West, of this city, in front of Pellard't; home, The police were nhablc te give any motive for the killing. Mrs. Ilicbnrdseu was twenty-three years old and vtaa sold by the riuthori riutheri ties te have been n divorcee. Pollard. who is thirty-three, also is said te hove been separated from his wife. "Jim Crew" Law Sustained Washington. Dec. 12.The United States Supreme Court upheld yesterday the Jim C'retv law of Mississippi, The case intelvel three white men. each of ttheni obtained !?0) damages for helnc compelled te ride in paseiigcr conch of r '.... ,1 . ...... .-'-- ..---- -i IIt iff iTiLl 'rm r r "pri nmra-if nmrinm in masisie n xw j9Bk Measure mm BBHi I i i f ini mmm.m mmMjmm tL&MKbXm I mmmwmmWHBBmmmmmYSsgZA - TSIz. I i i i the Louisville and Nash eliser tide ltailread letted liniment. His miMoek the bottle ' with Negroes while the company was ter one ceniaiiiuiK ceiikii Miup. nuui-i uun.uiiiiint uuumi. MISS OKA C'AKEW tlMnnlitg 011115 lady of the slher screen, who lias decided tn become Mi. .Inhii t. llnuarcl. The mar riage, license ttas obtained In ls ngrlcs yeslerdat. Her husband husband te be is (he son of a llateiblll, Mass.. inauufaclurer VIENNA BUSINESS STOPS ' AS UNEMPLOYED PARADE, Paradcrs Deniiind Feeri and Werl'. CiDvcrnmcnt Uneasy Mi una. ! 12 iP N A Inn : den en lr.-t mil b illpempiet ed, in tthich i is etinuited 'ill.uO'l per-e'if tool. part, ciiued n tultial Ml-peu-ieii j of bnsliie here testerdat. The demon 4 Vs straters, ileinanding ' ttevk and bread." J-Cyv assemhlei tn the S' bttiirenberu and, v-vj marched te the Parliament Hullditig. i Vf Passing tlie bi hotel-, the.- booed and shouted threats Unit I bet e eulil re- i turn. ' The pelne in luce li'llifliris ilnallt herded the throngs mil ,,f t'ie inner rit.t. It i- i -liniated i!i:it thern are mere than llMi.ltiin uneuiple.ted i'i Vi enna alone, nml the inimtir i1- con cen stiiiitl.t liieieiising. 7he ceteninii nl, in t peu of ill'- 'iiualteii. ttleih i' r.ip Idl.t Kisetnitf t"i-e, I 1 eitatius I" iii.-.ilte P'irli'iinenI a, id feri e tleciien. VOTING IN POTTSVILLE hit Our .Villus Gift Shep, Sansom at 13th Sired BONWIT TELLER fi. CO SifamerJJvep WAJXUT AT.TKIKIBQfni Ku Klux Klan Fijlires In Girard villc Scheel Election Pellstille. Pa.. lee 12.--e Ictlt i- lh preposition for Hie cpendt in of !JleO."M for the erecllen of :i in v lush -choel building beina ienii-icd in tiiraidtille thai .Incise lee1i i:is ip- ' pointed tlir. e b.illel -tmx mersecr t" insure fair plat anil announced thru ethers tteull be .-ippeinte, .,, (Int iili i sides of tlie cunt niter-j could lie top. I rereuted nt lh election and count mg of tlie bllllel tedilt Tile mer-eer- iilipeiuteil 'u'" Willi, mi t'laiK, l!e iirc""i an, I .lelm II,,! :in 'I'he Km Kbit Kbin I .i- icured m ll'e i Miiipulgu. "aviung bejiiK gn en elli" et thr -t'linp -peilii-r- lit rli i ri'ilii.' ihen that 'In .r iniir-" t.is di- - ' appin.i'd by the Kliui niid iniulit In . punished l -umiiuirt -t-itiiiien I" .1 ' Slagetin, .s-isiant Distint Attorney, had I lie e.-"rs,er- appeinu-l. Ui. liI", j in iiirai'dt illc and -tiite- the elect ion ttill be the beite.t in the lu-iert of that ietn. j DIES WHILE DRIVING CAR i Wife of West Milten Man Steps Ma- chine When Husband Falls Dead s-unhiii . Pa.. J1''' 12 -l.V'itie,, p Xmasi ufgat&tiavai At Special Prices CREPE SATIN CHEMISES n,x(iuisitc models trimmed willi Irish lace. ,75 llcsli, orchid, turuei.c, wliite, peach. CREPE SATIN GOWNS Beautiful crepe satin gowns in pastel (y,()0 .-hades; trimmed with real Iri?h lace. CORDUROY- ROBES 10.50 & N.50 draped models fashioned of fine quality 53?55H r i Si (S Ceat or tt ide-v.ilc corduroy, fhades. SILK PETTICOATS Straight - line fringe - trimmed model of $,$5 heavy silk Jersey in smatt whiter shades. Regularly e.Ofi in i . M .wr Mi'teii .ii,, i".- I J lv I Mi- M I!' M'r Stepill'li ,l' tune ' eiin 1 nil.. l!ei ,it"i r -,. . i i jr. W. M id. of . lied t hih 'i Sun 1 1 ,"l a;,l s i Mr.-. Mier i i m&i SILK CHEMISES & GOWNS 2.95, .1.95 te 34.50 Delicately fashioned undcilhings of crepe dn chine, ladium. saliu or Georgette in tailored and lace Iriiiuned cflccls; in p.i-tcl and deeper colorings. HOMAKERfpSae1 With the Improved Shaking Device Ne Bending or Steeping Necessary All jobs fully guaranteed. Vp havi a uize for anv heusp, widlier (W-, "ve- or 1hvee 1hvee 1hvee ftoriep. C?h or Tim? P.-j-menU Our Enginen Will Cnll Dey or EvtKin' PAene Spruce 2775 or 2778 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Phiia. Furnace & Supply Ce. 260 Seuth 15th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PHILA.'S FIRST P1PELESS FURNACE HOUSE 1917 10.000 InstcllatiJns 1922 "armerly 1S3I I.ecust S-ya, "c't P'-.ones Sprue 277S-277f Where Old Sel fa$dtt v. vrAU. AXllJ. VILICU Supreme telephone service Keystone Auteivatic Telephones Ask our subscribers they are completely convinced 44,000 telephones in use. Keystone Telephone Ce. Main Office, 135 S. 2d St. , c : Telephone Race 06 for information uitlieitt oblvjutien i mm -flvWi5fe . zxj jt.yw'Km lias, x i TV niri dlllOT Weather like June, with flowers bloom ing and ex-anges ripening all winter. Ocean bathing, gelt, tennis, pole Sporty sea fishing for the tuna, swordfish or giant seabass Paved meter reads everywhere Old Spanish Missions Yosemite Geed schools for the children. On the way you see the real west the Overland Trail, the Reckies, Weber Canyon, Great Salt Lake, and the colorful Nevada Canyons. esAisgeksJimifed Th all-Pullman train for Seuraern California laaves C. 4 N. W. Terminal, Chicago, 8:00 p. m. The CONTI NENTAL LIMITED, with both btandard and teurjst sleepers, leaves 10:30 a. m. Dining Cars well-balanced club meals t moderate prices a special feature. A te carta service also. WRITE Let us send you complete Information FOR FREE together with illustrated booklets and hotel, BOOKLETS apartment, and bungalow lists. Fer Information, ink n M Tlivt G.n'l Agent. C, " W. r?.. ill Pennsylvania Ride . .. isth and Chestnut Str.. r'niladelpbia i5i """ptepe -spruce e85 P. L. Feakini. G-n'l Agent. U. 1 Syitern, 508 Cem'l Trust Hldg.. 1 3th & Market Sti.. Philadelphia Phene Locust ;6j . Chicago & NerthWestem Union Pacific System A Joyful Gift for a Joyous Occasion W ILLCOX & GIBBS New Portable Auto matic Electric Sewing Machine is indeed a "joyful gift," for with it the owner is intro duced te the newest form of pleasure "joyful sewing." leylully eager te sew. se will the woman who rc rcccives one .as an Xnias gift a girt that will give pleasure the year around, Let us demonstrate one for you show you what it does and hew it decy it. And also let tis tell you hew simple and convenient our easy payment makes the purchase Sewing Machine Get Phene, Spruce ZtV'J Service Se easy and pleasant does 'it make sewing day. Se quickly and neatly deesjt de its work without toil or drudgery with no treadles te push or tiehbins te wind, no belts te ,id.iuH or ten sions t trguble Thou Theu .iin!jjf women Imd thai ihctr WilleeN & illihs Ten .li'lr ) icrlrii in ike them Willcox&Gibbs 170! CHESTNUT STREET Courtesy J t Mwr i-kA m-i 14;. W "" " V fWW5C . Is Preferred Keystone Magneaitti Stucco a manufactured in Philadelphia. Immediate delivery. i KEYSTONE STUCCO MFG. CO. .203 N. Vegdes Str, Phil. Belmont 9407 KifliiiiflH awBitBII'llll(ljj MIMaflHIi! H At Stores Frem Representatives TERM PAYMENTS The Gift of Light What Christmas Gift could bring mere cheer into the home than a beautiful Gas Table Lamp with mahogany stand and elaborate silk shade? Equipped with the latest type of burners and mantles, these lamps give a quality of illumination never equaled except by daylight. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. Vs I I & 1 1 k vO aaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaatiaaaafiaiVataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVBSSB!niHBS??aBSRS9 W aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaariaaaaEiaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaa I. -Jr aMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBaBBBaBBC?V' -..T '' f " -'j!j 1IXi 3vl w mT- " &, -rBaaiaMMMMMMaMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBa m aimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMWiififfL?-1 " , m.i ' .-. nii.!" ' u m i - a i f . i Maaaaaaw.-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai t . WBaCTCrrvT . UrfTTTTTrrf LwrT-"VSfflffaVMrirginaff?Ta3aa -x I yi'tuKriSTi' -- 't JSAaiKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "j BKKkwtiSSTJX'i!' j-e -5i -w QHSiLHiLLlflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiLaaaaaaaaaViaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB i aaaaliaaaaalaagiwaaaiiiaaaMBMalaBLvSfcuTjSBfaDilMB fS ' rJ'Vg'',lBBBMB (lO' iaaaaaaaaaaaaalBBtiWaaaiaBaaiaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaattagl75i A- ROKalaaiaaaaTS-'i -iA -aawSTTLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Vv aaaaaaaaallaaBiaaaaWaataaiaaaiiaaaaiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaattWiBS faBJfct i I '"" " ' aBiaaaaaBlaaaaaaaal v aaaaaaaaaWalaaaaaaaaaaa1iaiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBalaaaaaiaaaWtl." 'TS5aSS "T. t- t. iiTBWtaaaaaaaBaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB V aaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaiaaiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWBaaaaaaaaiBM W aaaaaaaaiaaaaHaaaaaiaaaaBaaaBiaaaaaWaaaaaBcSiaaaaa BljmiiMf. vnu ei')BB VS aaaaaaaaaaaliaaaaaaaaaflaalaalaaaBiaaaaaaaaaaV9liaa9aaaaaaaaaaaaaaia ercn nikJl tT aaaaaiiiaaSIBiii8iaaaaaiaaaaaiaaaiarBaaaaaaaaaaaiiaaaaaBWTi aaiaaT MlCljj'"""' . ; C?M (P' MliM sJ iiiiHiHRilaaaaaiaaaaWHaiiiiiiiHPiaacaS !faaailiaalSaaSBaaaaaaaaaaiiaaaS sssim. :W$ iQMmmmmw e5 v The Great WHITE FLEET "$. Atlantic Service is mere than a merchandising feature in the business of a large manufacturing company. It is an essential factor in the commercial and industrial activity of a great community. Upen it rests a heavy responsibility for supplying one of the necessaries of modern business: Gasoline. Atlantic Service is an outstand ing example of organization and efficiency. "The great white fleet" of Atlantic delivery trucks covers every section of the city and its environs. As the mobile division of a vast distributing system it offers virtually a next-doerource of supply te truck fleet owners, industrial plants, garages,' service stations and ethers using or han dling gasoline, meter oils, lubricat ing oils or kerosene in quantities. Net only is Atlantic Service always close at hand, but it is dependable. Prepared for any emergency any hour of the day or night, seven days a week, during storm or blizzardAtlantic Ser vice is always en the job. Truck fleet operators who understand the importance of a constant, unfailing gasoline service appreciate the de pendability of Atlantic Service. Jr.&. ijx"iULj I 1 GASOLINE Ruts Pep inYour.Metor V "m ti A Hi- i iVj wirt