!aww'wrarijtT;nwwiTTj ftE.-sjrm r.'t: Mir"WttBWjnwTOi3sr'wW!VfH'u4,tnHK!ft).M I .'. '"'" ' - ' --'-1 Mfc 1 ' i' t .A' the Weather EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER Mid wave; temperature will fall te IS &tfrt ey weancsusy morning, TE.MPEBiTUKi; at r.Avn uuw 11 112 I t 23145 38 140 40 41 Tfl PublUhed Dsllr Exrept Bunilajr. Pubicrfptlen Prlee t a Tear by MaU. Cep yrlibt. 12. by Publle Ledur Cempanr. s PRICE TWO CENTS VOL. IX.-rN0. 77 JtnUnd 11 Second-':! Mttttr tt the Pontefflc t Philadelphia, Pa, Undr the Act et March 9. 1870 . PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1922 CLEAN UP HOLMESBURG BY JAN. 1 STATE ORDERS 4 ... I ! - .. . Jehn Wanamaker Dies at Age of 84 After Brave but Lesing Fight Against Death for Weeks, , GGEn? rsjjni". pw i?7 IH7 MERCHANT DIES, -ID DAUGHTERS AT HIS BEDSIDE Native of City and Leader in Business, Public and Re ligious Activities MADE VALUABLE REFORMS AS POSTMASTER GENERAL Worked Hard for 1876 Centen nial and Suggested Helding of Sesqui Here STORES HIS MONUMENTS Daughters and Sens-in-Law Watched End, Hastened by Failure of Heart te Rally t '' Jehn Wanamnker died at 8 o'clock this morning at his home, 2032 Wal nut street. He was eighty-four years old. Early in the fall Mr. Wanamaker had pneumonia, which tremendously undermined his vitality, and was fel lowed by a general breaking-down. The death of the famous merchant and former Postmaster General was heralded by a violent coughing spell at 5 o'clock. After the paroxysms of coughing, Mr. Wanamaker'a heart action be gan failing rapidly. Mrs. Mary B, Warburton and Bfcs. Elizabeth Mac Leed, his daughters, were summoned te the bedside. Mrs. Warburton and her hus band, Majer Barclay H. Warburton, Director of Public Welfare, have been living at Mr. Wanamaker's home since his illness. Majer and Mrs. Nerman MacLeed live nearby, at 2000 Walnut street. Mr. Wanamaker was unconscious when his daughters and sons-in-law reached his side. A grandson, Bar clay H. Warburton, Jr., 2141 Locust street, also was present. Werd was sent immediately te Mr." Wana maker's son, Redman, who is ill himself at his home in New Yerk. Heart Failed at tlie Last The dying ninn's henrt would net re spond te treatment. TIIh respiration was barely nppnrent, and his pulse flut tered feebly. A half hour after trnt first violent coughing spell, these grouped nbeut the hcdslrie detected n flicker of con sciousness. Mr. Wnnnmaker's eyes opened slowly and he seemed te rec ognize these who were with him. He smiled faintly, but Iio did net speak. Then his eyes cleed nnd he passed into unconsciousness once mere. He was unconscious when he died. Mr. Wanamaker wns attended by Dr. Harvey Shoemaker, Dr. Alfred Stengel ami Dr. William R. Qulcksnll. When the coughing spell began, Dr. Qulcksallvwas summoned immediately, nnd he supervised the administration of oxygen. He remained nt the bedside until the end came. The shock of Mr. Wnnnmaker's death was nil the greater for his fum lly becmiM' he had nppeitred cheerful and seemed te be responding te treat ment ns late as 11 o'clock last nWht, the hour when Mnjer and Mis. Mac Mac Leod left hiH bedside te return te their own home. Majer MacLeed wns en the steps of Mr. Wnnnmaker's home nt S 10 o'clock, talking with newspapermen, when sev eral women passed. "Hew is Mr. Wanamaker this morn lag?" one nshed. When Informed that he' had died n half hour befere, the women were Plainly deeply grieved.. A little group gathered nt 8 :15 o'clock when an under taker's wagon nrrhed In front of the house. Old Friend First Caller After Mr. Wunnuiiikcr'H death, the first caller nt the lieut-c was .lehn K. Mehr. of the Wellington, Nineteenth nnd Walnut streets. He Is an old friend of the- Wnmtnmker family. Shortly after 0 o'clock n small motor metor moter truck from Mr. Wnnnmaker's Jen Jen klntewn estate reached the Walnut street house. A middle-aged man car ried a box of flowers into the house Up te that moment he had been una ware that the merchant hnd died. He was an empleye at the suburban ostnte. It was nbeut the middle of October that Mr. Wnnnmnker eNprcsscd n de sire te be nt his town house en Walnut street rather than nt Ills country place in .lenkintewn. Ills bedroom there is en the second fleer rear, adjoining a handsomely furnished librnrj, tilled fM the books he loved, In the enrly dnys of his Illness he was nble te go from bis bcdioem te the library, nnd he passed much of Ids time there. He re'rend passages from Continued en I'm Elihtrre. Column One Why net bu Kttraer Crnn Crnn atrrtes new? Put up tern InIcIeui tranbtrry JelUr. An ivtnr-misl reiub. 4dv. 4 - ..' LATE PICTURE OF aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaP9Kil -"'LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM aVI'"B-,j'K'' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaViaaaaami'JaW'''y v''xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS ILIIIIIIIIlHlr,-.!' "x"'iilBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal BaaaaaBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaiaaBaWi' & wPHwaaaaaaaaaaaal LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMaaW?HmUlaaaaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafcaaaaV'Wapr laaaaaauHlPBaaaKlaaaaaaaaaaaaaB iKWHaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaBHni::SHB iaaaaaaaiiaaaHlHKW'ilaanH KaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaflBaaaamv !",4,'T'"- .'-VHaHaaaaaaV itititititlHaaaaaaaaaaavaBafaaanBHe''; '- ' vBHaaaaaaal tHHHk'", IP 'U VLaaaaH Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaam'''V'' J'laaaHlaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaBaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaam ,tifV -''''' 'aaaaaaaal BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaav '',. ,,. iaaaajaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaClaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ? -; --'-Vaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV'' "'aaaalaaaaal LHHMHHaaaaaaaaaaaaam:'''' ? '"LaaavaV i ; .... . 4V3M liiiiiiiiiHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalBaaaav ','? ''!-'' 'TKBM ' BaaaVBaaaaHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTA 0'saaaaaal HlilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaailaaaaaaaP aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaU'V ' BaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW' "llb'aV BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanBV 'K.aW'a mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimm , . 1'hoteicraph hv Doencr This is one of the most recent photographs of the merchant and civic leader, and was taken net long before the illness which resulted fatally WANAMAKER STORE DIDNOTOPENTODAY News of Merchant's Death Came While Sales Force Was Preparing for Business BLINDS ARE ORDERED DRAWN News of the death of Jehn Wana maker wns received nt the Wanamaker Stert today when the salespeople were nt their pests nnd preparations were being made for the opening of the business day. The store did net open for business, nor did the Ney Yerk Stere. The bis? force was busy uncovering nnd displnyinjc stock, in anticipation of the holiday rush. It wns n few minutes after 8 o'clock when n telephone message from Mr. Wanamaker's residence brought the news of his death te the manager's office. It threw the whole force Inte consternation. Bulletins these last few days hnd been cheerful. nrrsaKlns n commete re cevcry. Though no one hnd expected te see Mr. Wannmnker's familiar figure in the (.tore during the Christmas holi days, everyone .believed he would be about ngaln before many weeks. The snlespeople heard the news of Mr. Wanamaker's death first ns n ru mor, sweeping rapidly fiem the busi ness truces, wdiere the word hnd been received. Then the heads of depart ments were notified, and the decision wns reached that the store" would net open today. The doers wcre still closed, se there wns net the problem te deal with of a crowd already in thp store. In the midst of the resplendent riii'lstmiin decorations an ntniesphern of deep gloom and sorrow settled upon the mles force nnd executives, liven the youngest empleyes were familiar with the venerable head of the bust- Continued en 1'agn Si'lncttrn. Column Twe WANAMAKER DEATH SHOCKS WASHINGTON "United States Has 8uffered Qreat Less," Saya Senater Reed Washington, Dec. 12. Thp news of Jehn Wuniininker's death came as n shock here tedny. Ueprcsentntive Watsen, In whose dMrlet Mr. Wnnnmnker hnd his coun try home, snld: "The country has lest the greatest nierdmnt of modern times, the Influence of one nlwnys in terested in the higher Idenls of human (enduct nnd whose philanthropy ex tended without dlscnmlnntlen." KopreHentntivo Pa trew: "I knew Jehn Wnnnmnker nersennllv mid wnu usseclntiNl with him In many ways. In his death Philadelphia has, lest one of Its most prominent nnd beloved citi zens. He wns a real philanthropist and, of course, nne of the greatest merchants of modem times. Ills life nlwnys wns one focused en the higher IdealH of humanity. It would be Im possible for me te express te the full extent my sorrow ever his death nnd my estimation of the mnu." Sennter Heeds "The City of Phila delphia, the State of Pennsylvania and the 1'nlted States all have suffered a Kit-ill U'ie. ' , i German te Yank Yankees' Tenth Ceblcnz. Dec. 12. A German dentist will hereafter nttend te the teeth of the American soldiers here. The reduction of the occupation forces resulted In the return te the United htntcs of the only milltury dentist, and it was announced today that arrangements bad been com- ? iltted te have a local dental surgaaa de he work, MR. WANAMAKER WIN APE E Shet Fired Scares Intruder, Who Flashes Gun and Knife In Hersham Heuse CAUGHT BY STATE POLICE Mrs. Alice Burleigh nnd her eighteen-year-old daughter, Mary, escaped nn nttnek Inst night when a mnn broke into their home nt Hershnm nnd threat ened them. They locked themselves In their rooms and summoned aid by firing a shotgun from n window The man, nbeut thlrty-one years old, who gave his name ns Themas Yeddo, of Wet Haines street, Gcrmantewn, confronted the women, who he thought were nlene. He flashed a revolver and a knife. The women ran screaming te their rooms and locked themselves In. . Mrs. Burleigh's son, Themas, twenty years old, was the only ether occupant of the house. He fired a shotgun into the air scvcrnl times from nn upstairs room attracting attention of ether families living nearby who summoned -the State Police. State Trooper Bobbins hurried te the Burleigh home en a motorcycle. He ar rested lcclde. Bobbins placed the roan en the rear of his motorcycle and rushed te the Ablngten police station. Mrs. Burleigh nnd her daughter ap peared in the station house nt Abington a short time later, when a henring was f liven Yeddo befere Magistrate Wll lams. Mrs. Burleigh testified tbnt she nnd her daughter had feared for their llves when the u.nn broke Inte their home. She said that he uted such vile lan guage that she and her daughter llul te their roeniri, hoping that before the intruder could reach them help would arrive. Bobbins said that he took n revolver from Yeddo, together with u large knife. Themas, the son, declared that when he fired the shotgun from the window Yeddo fired twice ut him with the re volver. ' ' Muglstrnte Williams held Yeddo In $2000 ball for court en charges of for fer for clble entry, carrying concealed deudly weapon and threats te kill. SCHOmDWsEE MAN FALL TO DEATH Hurtles Frem Reef te Midst of Greup at Play Harry Mitchell, thirty-eight years old, 2010 Wallace strj-et, n plasterer, was killed this morning when he fell from the reef of the parochial school of the church of Our Mether of Sor rows, Forty-eighth street and Wynlus ing avenue. The body landed In the school yard In the midst of a crowd of children. Mitchell died en the wny te the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital. Mitchell had been repalriug the eaves en the edge of the reef when he slipped en the wet reefing nnd he fell. MAY Dl! 'PICKFORD Lubltcch Said te Have Been Invlted by "Our Mary" nerlln, Dec. 12. Mary Plckferd, no cording te announcements in movle circles here, has invited Brnst I,u bltscb, the German photoplay director, te take charge of the production of her forthcoming picture. "Dorethy Vernen of Hadden Hall." Werk en the film Is scheduled te begin at Hollywood in January. ATTACK IN HOM EGGED ON TO SLAY BRUNEN BY MOHR, POWELL TESTIFIES Slayer Says Widow Suggested Exact Way'in Which Crime Was Dene MURDER PLOTTED 4 MONTHS; WEAPONS BOUGHT IN PHILA. V State Unloads Heaviest Cun as Man Calmly Tells of Death of "Honest Jehn" Harry C. Mehr talked of nothing hut the murder of his brother-in-law, "Honest Jehn" Brunen, for nearly four months befere the crime, according te the testimony tedny of Chnrles M. Powell, self-confessed murderer, nt the trinl in Mount Hally. N. J of Mehr nnd his sister. Mrs. Deris Brunen, wife of the victim. Powell, chief witness for the Cem-1 menwenlth, spent the morning en the stand, nnrrating In great detail the story of the murder of Brunen. a wealthy circus owner, in his home et Riverside, X. J., the night of March 10 last. He declared that Mehr had first breached the subject of Brunen's tnk-ing-eff some time after November 12. 1021, nnd hnd spoken of little else at any subsequent meeting with the witness. Fer many weeks. Powell declared, they hnd debated using a nlstel. Mehr i nrguing that the circus man should be snot us ne entered 'his garage, because the noise of the meter would drown the noise of the shot. Then thev decided nn a shotgun, and Powell declared he bought two guns with money ghen him Dy .Monr and gave Mehr receipts for the price of the weapons. Then, the witness declared. Mehr had tnken him te n lonely soot te ninetlre sheeting. Mrs. Ilrunen wns mentioned but once by Powell. When Mehr wns nwny, the witness declared, Mrs. Brunen came te him nnd sold she was afraid of her husband. "She said," declared the witness, "she wished that while Brunen sat nt the window somebody would sheet him." It wns thus he met his death a little mere than a month later. Powell Allowed te Testify Before Powell wns permitted te testify there wns n lengthy debate ever the ndmissibility of his testimony, Wnl ter Keown, counsel for the defendants, contending that he was Insane and in competent. Mr. Keown based his argument en the probability that Powell's own de fense would ie insanity. Justice Kalisch declared there was no authority for denying n man' the right te testify because he had been insane at some previous time, and ex amined Powell himself. The Incident came within n few min utes of the opening of court at 0 :30 o'clock this morning, and was only less dramatic than the recital of Pow ell's actual story of the murder. After the lawyer's argument the Court decided te test Powell himself. Pulling bis chair closer te the wit ness nnd leaning forward, Justice Knliscli nsked: "Wheie de you live?" "Indianapolis." "Were you born there?" "Yes. sir." "What is you age?" "Thirty one." "Did you go te school?" "Yes, sir. I went te common school, the grammar school, you knew," "De you belong te nny religious de nomination?" "Ne, sir." "What is thebelief of your family?" "Presbyterian." "Tell me of your business career." "Fer fourteen or fifteen years I have been in the show business. I have been with different shows. 1 held conces sions." Han "Lucky Wheels" "Were you financially interested in these shows, or did you held any con tract?" "Ne. sir. I had wheels where peeple win dells." "Oh, you hnd gnmbllng instruments. Did you control thein?" "Ne, I only had one myself." "De you understand the nnture of an enth?" "Yes, sir." "De you believe in a Supreme Being?" Yes. sir." "De you believe in a future exist ence?" "Yes, sir." "De you knew what perjury is?" "Yes, sir." "De you knew that the law punishes perjury 7" "lcs, sir "Mr. Powell, Is your physical nnd mental condition the same today as I when you were incarcerated in the Bur- i llngten County prison?" the defense; attorney asked "I can't answer: I don't knew." "What is your physical condition?" "Better at pusent." "What Is your mental condition?" "All right." "Hns It always been all right?" "I don't V - " v "What V ..nental condition en the nlghtv ,,J tragedy?" Prosecutor N ...slscy objected, and Continued, en rm Twentr-ene, Column Twe ALLENTOWN SAfTreBBED Constable Fires Through Window, but Fails te Step Thlevea Allcntewn, Pa., Dee. 12. Firing through n window nt tltree burglnrs working nt the snfe In the office of Schudt & Ce., enrly today, Consta ble Llewelhn Hepper, street watch mnn, sent the robbers into hnsty flight. He was tee late te prevent the loot ing et the safe. PR AnKNTOWN BrieU. thru lMn Its. Wt PhUadjlphU ell B.tS P. Mrntii?: Tstleni iply 11(9 cJhttt, t. Loe. sU.Viv. 600 PUPILS FILE OUT QUIETLY FROM FIRE Drill Works Perfectly In Blaie at Eighth and Chestnut Six hundred students' of Strnypr's Business Scheel filed te the street in order nt 10 :U0 o'clock this morning when the clans of the nlnrin bell told of n Urn in the lncment of the building nt SOT Chestnut street. An nrmntnre In the exhaiiKt band became eveilienteU and sunt out volumes of smoke. A schedule of flic drills hnd se tralneil the students that there wns net the Klii'liteci ilknrcW when the smoke told of a real lire. At the' Hrst tap of the gong the boy and girl students divided into two bodies und marched from their desses by wny of the two fire towers in the rear of the building. The jewelry firm of I. Press & Son Sen shares the first fleer of the building with the Quaker Ten Itoem. Customers et the jewelry firm nnd patrons of the ten hop made a hurried exit when the alarm sounded. . , The blaze was extinguished before the arrival of n fire company. 12 Electric Cars, Running en Same Track, Meet Head-On in Dense Feg DANGER SIGNAL OBSCURED Twelve persons were injured when two crowded trolley cars, operating be tween Atlnntlc City and Absecon, crashed Jnte each ether in n heavy fog ene mile from Pleesantvllle this morn ing. The most seriously injured are : William Prettyman, twenty-two years old, Bolten avenue, Absecon, mo me mo termnn en the car from Absecon. In ternal injuries. Condition critical. Margaret Spearman, Philadelphia. Blanche Sommers, 2310 Atlantic ave nue, Atlantic City. Henry Williams, 127 Blsley avenue, Pleasantville. .lehn Glendennlng, Pleasantville. Emergency cars rushed te the scene of the nccident from both Plensnntville and Atlantic City took the injured te the Atlantic City Hospital, where it was said the condition of Prettyman is critical. Tht cars were traveling in oppo site directions. Beth had turned from the main track nnd were proceeding en ie. & switch. The motormen failed te ree danger signals in the heavy fog nt n switch. Beth were going nt n speed of nbeut thirty miles nn hour, passengers snld. Accident In Rush Heur The nccident occurred during the morning rush hour, nt 8 o'clock. The two cars came together with such force that the front plntferms were telescoped into the middle of the cars. Virtually nil windows in each enr were shattered. A cloud of dust enveloped the smashed vehicles, while screams arose from the Injured nnd terror-stricken passengers. Men who had escaped In jury set quickly nt work rescuing these who were fastened in the wreckage. First reports of the nccident reach ing Pleasantville and Atlantic City were that inanv passensers hnd been killed. A relief train w-as rushed from both places carrying first aid equip ment. The car which hurried from Atlantic, City carried n staff of physl cluns and nurses from the Atlantic City Hetpltal. Through Traffic Tied Up The wrecked vehicles weie spread ever the tracks in such n innnncr that through traffic wns impossible. Cars are new running from Plensnntville te the scene of the wreck and return, while they nre met at the switch by the enrs coming from Atlantic City, passengers trnnsfeirlng at the wreck. It is expected that full service will be resumed Inte this afternoon. Superintendent Montgomery, of the railway company, in n statement issued nt neon In Pleasantville, said his lnves. tlgatien revealed that the accident was due te n misunderstanding of signals because of the fe2. He declared that the cars had net been proceeding at u high rate of speed. Beth of the enrs ere of the old tvpe, which were recently converted into one-man vehicles. Rerh hns n ca pacity of about sixty persons, nnd both were almost tilled when the nccident occurred. Passengers said that when the cars came Inte view of ench ether through the heavy fog the motormen Jammed en the air makes, but the cars were tee clesu te avoid the collision. An official investigation into thi snumli.im will be started at ence. STATE GRANGE IS BOOMED McSparran Announces Increase of 3000 In Membership Willlainspert, Pa., Bee. 12. An in crease of 31X10 in membcishlp, bringing the totel te 00,000, was announced by Jehn A. MfiSpnrran, worthy master of Pennsylvania State Grange, in his an fnunl address nt the opening of the State convention here today. Slore than 1G00 delegates were present. Mr. Mc Sparran lelternted the demand for de centralization of governmental author ity. He said taxation hed gene beyond aiwinrniice and some relief must be af forded, hut he believed tuxes will net. be decreased until the iinvcrnineut is simplified. Suggestion was made that the next State and national meetings be held at the same tlme and place nnd that n committee be appointed te arrange for the presentation of a pageant te com cem com jnemernte the fiftieth anniversary of the atnte Grange.- I0 YOU VVANT A fTBHTI AVTOMpniT.R? Th claiilfUe columns et the Ey.nln Puh. c I.frtcfr list opnie et the but barcalne te leuuJ In Ud Cars en ( H,Adu. PERSONS HURT SHORE CRASH csiDcimvDiii iwe DISPLACEMENT FOR 'WT CREDITS MEASURE m&$M ' Pell of Senate Shows Enough Vetes te Make Substitution Possible TWO NEW MEMBERS BLOCK PRESIDENT'S SHIP PROGRAM Defeat of Marine Act Forecast if It Leses Place en Calendar By CLINTON W. GILBERT Staff Corrmnendrnt Ermine Public Ider CopyjTieht. !, by Public Ledger Company Washington. Dec. 12. A poll of the Senate shows enough votes te substi tute the rural credits bill for the ship subsidy bill. The odd feature of the situation Is that two new Snnnteis nre responsible for this unexpected obstacle te Presi dent Hnrdlng's program. Sennters Broekhnrt, of lewu, and Cmlzcns, of Michigan, who hnv,- just taken their seats, were discussing the legislative sltuntien yesterday nnd found that they were agreed that the farm legislation should precede ship legislation. Ceurcns snld te Broekhnrt: "Why don't you move te displace the subsidy en the calendar?" Broekhnrt replied. "I'll mnke n poll first." He did and found fifty Senators in favor of taking up rural credits be fore the subsidy. Ihc Democrats want te talk against, the subsidy before displncing It se as te get their iews en record. This they' may de en a lr.etim te displnce it en the c.ilendnr. se tbnt it may be several ' days before the substitution takes place. Administration Leaders Alarmed Administration supporters in the I Senate are alarmed ever the movement ' nnd nre working among the Senators ! tedny te prevent the displacing of the major feature of the Atlttlltilstrntlbil's pregrnm. The "ubltutien mn have the sup- Centlnurd en T-izr Tuonl-ene. Column One LAST-MINUTE NEWS NARCOTICS WORTH $50,000 SEIZED IN NEW YORK NEW "YORK, Dec. 12. Naicetics valued nt ?50.000 and the uam.es nnd addresses of abexrt 1OO0 persons saTii by the po lice te be selling agents and addicts, were sstzed today. William Willinms, in whose apartment the drugs weie found, was ai rested nnd is held for investigation. Ameng1 the seized letteis was one said te he from a well-known motion-picture ncter m Hollywood, Calif,, indicating that the actor acted ns an agent. OLD IRONSIDES" TO BE DE-COMMISSIONED LOS ANGELES, Dec. 12. The battleship Connecticut, sometimes termed "Old Ironsides," once the flagship of ''Fight ing Beb" Evans, was ou the way today from Les Angeles te the uavy; yard at Bremerton, Wash., te be de-commissleaed. OUST COMMUTERS BUSSES GO TO JAIL Sheriff Seizes Autes Frem Gloucester and Vicinity at Rush Heur Commuters living In Gloucester, Broeklnwn, Clayten nnd intermediate towns lu New Jersey had te seek ether thnn their regular means of reaching business today when Sheriff Hatch, of Camden CennO . seized sis automobile hi'nspH owned by Charles Herner, of Gloucester, and drove them te the county jail The seUure was made te sntlsfy n iudgment ngainst Hemer for SlJi.OOO in favor of Mrs. Bella Crowder, of Gloucester, for the death of her seu Lewis, who was run ever bv n bus n year age. Three of the machines were seized last night at the Federal street ferry, in Camden, and the ether three were taken into cu'tedy this morning. Passengers were, old te "get ent," and Deputy 8her directed the driv ers of the mnchi le proceed directly te tbe lull. Tt' chines taken tills I morning were ft nenr Almonesson. Ufferts were tniii.edinteiy neguii ny IJerner te regain possession of the busses b.v making n bend for the amount of the judgment. He snld the ense lias been appealed and that the judgment may be set aside In the higher court. Electric trains from the towns regu larly served by Herner's busses were unusually crowded and many persons were delayed in reaching their places of work. There Is no trolley service te one of the towns. "Cleans Up" Prisons x f$ f' jz - Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Pit. JOHN M. BALDV WOOD EXPLAINS , PENN RESIGNATION Philippine Legislature's Delay m Acting en Reforms Keeps Him in Islands MONTHS OF WORK AHEAD Jiu Asaeclated Pre& Manila, Dec. 12. Governer General Leenard Weed, back from an inspection trip te the Southern islands, discussed tedny ills resignation ob head of the University of Pennsylvania, the office he accepted provisionally, but recently decided te decline when he found that his work in the Philippines would delay indefinitely his return te the United States. Governer Weed said lie regretted .be ing unable te nssume the University pest, but explained that he could net leave here nt present in justice te either the United States or te the Philippine Government. The program he outlined when lie took office is but partially com pleted, he pointed out, nnd several months mere will be required te put it into working order. Governer General Weed said he felt it would be an injustice te leave his Inauguration program half finished. WINFIRST POINT Heuse Committee Proceeds With Impeachment Hearing According te Keller's Plans Hv Automated Frrtii Washington, Dec. 12 After an hour and a half of wrangling the Heuse Ju diciary Committee voted today in ex ecutive session te proceed with the hearing of Impeachment charges brought against Attorney General Daugherty by Bepresentatlve Keller In the manner insisted en by Mr Keller. Frequent clashes between Chiilrmun elstead and Jncksen II. Itnlsten, counsel for Representative Keller, Jishcred in the preliminaries te the hearing. Mr. nalsten told the com mittee he was net ready te proceed with the henring of the charges in the order presented because it wns nn "absurd request" nnd "nbselutelv without precedent." Chairman Vol Vel stead declnred the commlttee nlremlv hnd been "stnlled off" nnd that It wanted te proceed in an erdcrlv man ner. After n long argument Mr. Bnlsten snld Ills client wns ready te proceed en only ene specification nt this time und the committee sought te develop when he would be ready te proceed with the ethers, but It was explained that different counsel would have charge of the presentation of the ether specifi cations. Mr. Keller objected te giving the names of all witnesses at this time, Continued en Twrntr-uut. Column Four DAUGHERTYS FOES Tin RMI 11V Tfl I P Un. DHLUI KLU PRISON BOARD! TO ALTERRULES! Abolition of Foodless Punish ment and Solitary Confine ment Decreed '' MOVE IS FIRST STEP FOR i GENERAL JAIL BETTERMENT Harsh Discipline Will Be Tem pered With Common Sense, Welfare Head Says DR. REEVES IS OVERRULED 1 Conditions Exposed by the Eve ning Public Ledger Bring Official Action Complete abolition by January 1, of all inhumane conditions in thel Philadelphia County prison was di- rected today by Dr. J. M. Baldy, State Commissioner of Public Wel-l fare, in an order 'te the Beard of Prison Inspectors. The sweepinp order, which fellows revelations by this newspaper of conditions ih the jail at Helmcsburg, is a forerunner of changes te be ordered in every county jail in Pennsylvania. Furthermore, that Welfare Department will ask the Legislature for work farms as ad-' juncts te the prisons. Commissioner Baldy ordered the, abolition of dark cells at Helmes-, burg and Meyamensing prisons andj teldthe inspectors te de away withi the rules forbidding the inmates con-' versatien and the use of tobacco. "Starving" te Be Stepped The custom of depriving cenvictsi of feed for twenty-four-hour pcrieda because of miner infractions of di-' cipline, Dr. Baldy also ordered abel-' ished. Beginning with the New Year, Dr. Baldy directed, the prisoners are te have at least two hours of exercise, daily and Sunday, in the open air and they are te be allowed te exer cise in the corridors also. Improvement in the quantity and , quality of feed served the inmate?, also was ordered by the WelfartP'" Commissioner, whose commands are the most drastic ever issued since the formation of his department. Dr. Bnltly's Lettr Dr. Baldy's letter te the Beard of Prison Inspectors, under date of De cember 11. follews: "My attention hns been cnlied te the' present agitation in the dally presa concerning certain nlleged conditions at the Philadelphia Ceuntv Prison. "During Ne ember, 1021, the field representatives of the Bureau of Res toration of the Stnte Department fit Public Welfare mnde n thorough and painstaking survey of this prison, the records of which nre en file in the office of the department. "At the time of the survey certain I points lu management were noted which would linve been culled te veur atten tion but for the reason that it wns de sired te have a complete survey of all the penal institutions of the State. aJ well ns a ceinpiirntlp view of similar, iii'titutiens in ether Stntes, before ven turing upon any criticism nnd for th further rent-en that It was deemed de- ' slrnble te net confine such criticism te nny one institution, but te be lu a posi tion t make the move a State-wide re view, and thereby te bring about n gen eral betterment of the condition of prisoners, should such be found te be desirable or necessary, "In lew of the present agitation, "'t r a thorough study of the results of the survey of November, 1021. I spent Friday nnd Saturday In Philadelphia i.inUluc n thorough personal Inspection and checked up l mv own findln? these of the November, 1021, inspection, gning due consideration te the chnrgei I'bM'ned in thp dally pi ess "As n result I hnve te report te ten that I find thp following conditional fliern exists in the prison se-callod dark' eels or dungeons, which nre en occasion, used for the confinement, without feed, ler a period of twenty-four hours et mnie, of prisoners who Imve violated, some one et the rules of the prison of. who have beceme violent or destructive, home of the rules vlelnted are the pt hlbited possession and use of tobacco, nnd the. holding of verbal nnd eths communications nt prohibited times, "Only tee often in mnny prisons ar such violations brought nbeut by nn necessarily stringent rules themselves, as well ns by another condition found te exist In the Philadelphia County Prlren, nuini'ly, the lack of a proper nineuut of fresh nlr mid exercise. Till Is ene of the detrlinciilnl conditions found le exist, nnd is, together willi the lack of suflHent opportunity te talk nnd the prohibition of the use of Continued un Vntn Tvrmtr-unt. valiem gt 7)0 YOU WANT A JOBT TflKRR ABM pUnty of Thern drtl.el "5 "5 Jf3l" T id ce'uralu' t0diOr en t an t ' v 31 i V 4 , I f . ..! l i- V mtVW",''.)AVi ; iH );W)J( : '""lAlJ tfxifii