Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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"" W '.--A-.'v.A A ,lu, lOTi'j),"
.'? W'tW W'X,
' h lWl
.-. :
ctnus it. it. cuims. ibimut
Jehn C. Mnrtln, Vies Prraldrnt nnd TTritmirert
F"r!. ,i" T'lrr.,,P's.Tntary; Charln H. t,idln
Jfil,, Philip S, CeIIItih. Jelin n, Wllllnini Ocere
t. QeiamUh. l)vld iZ. Smiley, Dlnrtfim.
AVID R. BM11.HT I Kdlter
JOHN G. MAnTtN....Onril IluInn Man-rer
( PublliheJ dally t Prmte Lissem Bulldln
( i Indeirnilne Squire, Philadelphia.
AtUMie Cut Prefi-Vnlen BulMIn
w ekk a.n Madlien Av.
Pteit Till reM lliUMIn
T. LOUII 013 QM'-Dfmvcmt Iiull'lirg
CMciOO me2 Tribune llulldlne
, J?. H. Cor. Penn-ylvanla Av. and ill-, ft.
lONDOM Dcirit Trafalgar Uulldlne
, , sui)3cnirTieN tciui.s
Tn htfnimi Pibiiu Lrixirii H terrr-I te nuh.
S1f r" In 1'hlliiilelpMa and rurreundlns tnwni
th rata of twelve (12) cents rer we-ok. r.imlj.e
the carrier.
.B?. m" ,0 relnn eu(ild of PhllPilflph'ii In
jn united Htt-, Cniu.ln, or I'M i-d hi ti.
K ,?? wte8 frfe. fity (SO) cnt3 vr tnititli.
WIJ.(,1! Sllwn ir jesr, payable in o.ivsm e.ivsm o.ivsm
Te all foreign countries ern (It) .lella" a mmiih
?OT!q tiutiarrlhr wililnK mid-ess chanced
tnuit elv old u well im nw adJrm.
CTJeMrejj all iMmmunlritflen, te V-nOit; Pt.Mle
a I-KtOfr, lndetrntlrnrJju,irr, I'hlludrlphtil.
Member of the Associated Press
TltB ASSOCIATED MESS M evehiiltfiy e-f
l((lfd fe the lee t"r rrpubU'ritlnn of all t t.
ltpntche crififrI (t ur in efJifnie r-'Jifrtl
tn A( pap'r nul alf f.i.. ;-i! cus tu''' aZ-iM
thrrrti, JII right of utuhlU-e.t-jn of wtcttl
mtlpatches htri-in ee iij 'rtr,
FliilxJrtiihli, Men.hr, Drrrmbrr 11. 1:2
NO SKItlHS of erhni"i i-Tcr luTpflrateil
in this jiiirt of flie count r lin-. Imtm .
mysterious tind m Hiisscstivi- of drlibi r;iti
Bialiirnnnp.v ns tln wn-l: ilntm ri'ri'inl.v by
liierndinrifs en fnrins nrnr tliix e'.tj.
Even if it wre npertix.'irr te iMiMi'iMitrnt'
ill Stute iMilietni"'!) in tliin i.;in'i ntnl in
enlint an nriny of tlcpuiy slicri.Ti ill- i reuble
nil exficnsn would be ji"-tljli'd. 'I'1h'-m ini
ccs:sive eutrct-. 1ini b-en he insanely wiin wiin
ten as te pugpit ibf diversion-) of a nnid
Wan. The Slut and oeiinty nutiieriliiw
cannot spare effort or mom-y in a matter
of thi nert if they de net wih te riU
chargeH of liiceuuli!e ne.uliKeiief and in
fOUK than a inertly ieelime:l interK-t
attaches fn be i-oTisnlldntien of ilie
Atlantic nnd I'ae'i'n- iVp. i.f the n-. into
chicle ers'iiiizatinit. The Navy Itepartinent
descrlbpsi tl:e merger a-' a hanije te peai
time orRani7.atien. e effei-trd n t be
adaptable in cinereney te war ri'pnre,m-'it-.
It is exjilained that jjie:itT vmity will be
secured, that eertiin naval prebb'tas may in
CenHequrnce be treated a- a whnle and tint
jrains in the direetieu of etlieii'iiej will l"
made. IJut behind theve f'uf. whic n are un
denlftble, two reaeti. are dive, rnible without
Trhich the mev preb.ibly wnald net b.ie
been made. The l'anatim Canal ha piit an
nd te the diitinefien between the two l!ee;
nnd te the r:reer",ity of rcs.irdiiiK i1"" !'
separate unitH. The tee iini-n-i' i-pi-nde f
the Oregon will nut be repiatnl.
In addition there is the pirit i-f :'ie dis
armament preKram a- eienieiatril ,..t Wali Wali
lngten a year nc. 'v,,' "it!l ''"' '"il'in'an
wnterway a reality, it t- nuin i'eiv,ib!e
that n nation witii imperialiM- or bclliee-e
ambitions! tran-laiable in tun.il term v eiild
have refrained from iiuluns one tleet where
there had been two.
Tlin elimination bv the Senate Cummer'"
Committee of the Madden ameiidi.;eiit
te the ship Mibsidy, vtinjr in Cetiuresx nleae
the right te make nnnual npiirepr.nl ions te
eperatinc companies, is in olnieus r'-pene
te Mr. Ilardins's expliei' waniu. e-i Hn
ubjeet. In his letter last week the President m m m
oreusly expressed his jireference for defe.it
of the measure if the Senate retaimd the
objectionable proviso. The leie of th.s
position cannot be easily refuted.
The bill should stand or fall as a noMe-ure
authorizing (Jevernment proteelien of the
Atneriean merchant marine. There would
be no certain guarantee of saf'Cimrds were
the option of voting or withheldinc subside m
left every year te the caprice of Cnni:res.
Fortunately, the form of the bill which the
Senate will take up this week relleets a ae.id
deal of the original spirit of tin- i.pasure.
The Madden amendment lies bee-i p-pl-i' ed
by the Willis-I.esiroet pr'nisien. whMi a i i
therizcti Cengri'ss te niahe nppiopriatiens te
the fchippins companies in the ca.-e i f In
rreaffri ever the amount of 'everiiiuemal a.d
fisrd in the eiisinal eetitnu't.
The clause crantins income-tax xenip xenip
tlens te ship nwneiM under certain eircum eircum
Stenccs has been removed. It is stipidadd
that no contract between the iuenimeiit
and n ship owner slnll i-xiend f",- mere than
fifteen years; that ."i instead -f "' per c-iil
of American tenmiKc out of the total op.
crated by u steamship cempan.x will e'liiih
It te Federal aid. and that 'nip'iiiies i-arrj
lnB chiefly their own products will be deiiiid
benefits of the ver.sel-'otwnietien f.i.id.
While the udvisabMity of mic'i chant;" "s
at least open te argument, llu-y cmti'it be
called deliberately destructive in puipesc.
It still is possible te exnn.iti" tl- ea for
and against ship subsidie. u.rh some npircl
te fundamental prine.plc-.
TIIKHn will be manj cempeusailiii; ndvin
tnges in the i1i.mi-..eu nf the Cntiti Cntiti
tlltien en which the I.a Toilette bloc seun,
' detennlnwl te engMi;e ('eni;rc-s.
, One of them Is that it Us likely te indui"
the uiembers of Congress te read th" Cm.
1 atitutlen Itself, and te brim; about a study
1 by the mere thoughtful of them of th fun
, damcntul principles en whiih It Is bused.
Few of the prepositions made by the
radicals, or se-callul progressives, in recent
i years would have been made if the pro pre
! ponente had been well grounded In c 'insti
tutional hlster) and theory. Colonel Heom-.
' relt, their one-time lender, plnjed with the
preposition that the Supreme ('eiut sin. mil
be deprived of its power te set a-dde an net
of CengrtHs en the ground of its unconstitu
tionality, just an he plinnl with the idea of
the recall of judicial decisions h poeul.ir
vote. Hut the Colonel was u politician seel;
Ing vetcB. It is lui encchable that he was
ignorant of the unsoundness of the propo prepo prope
ltlons te which he gave the suppetl of his
The members of the I.a Toilette bloc thlul;
that the prepositions nre sound. Amein;
thein are men who he!lec that the Consti
tution should he se ami mini ns te make It
pebslhle for Ceugnsh te validate a law set
aside by the Supreme Court. They ought te
read the iiddrc.su by dust ice William 1.
I Hchaffer, of the Tcnnsyhania Suprenin
I Court, nt the annual dinner of tlm Veieran
. Jfcnpleyeu' Association of the l'eiiiislvaula
Hallread Cemimny in UiW dty two or tliree
eeli nje. Juxtlce Kclinffcr Rtatrd the case
I against the proposal se clearly that no open
minded man can read his address which,
fertuuately, has been prlutid in a pamphlet
wltbeut being convinced.
I The argument against the amendment pre-
VHMng for tee election et tnn rr-Hiicnt ny
V" f MMtiar vote is a nine mere uiveircti, inr it
t- jula.irlth the mere complicated nuestlen of
pit, ,-t-"' ::ivz--
the 1'edcial sjslem. Hut It can be Muted and
is likely te lie slated in many was In fore
the discussion ends. And In the course of
the discussion we nre likely te have our
attention culled te the extent te which the
lights of (he States have been invaded by
the Federal (levernmenl.
While the president Is understood te ob
ject te a change In the manner of electing
the Chief -Magistrate, he and Secretary
Mellen are favoring an InviHen of the
lliiaiiiiai autonomy of (he Slates through an
amendment te ihe Constitution wlili h will
empower Congress te tax State and munici
pal bends for nalletial put poses.
The adoption of such n suggestion ought
te be fought with all the power (hat the
Stales possess. The industtlul coiperntions
are urging It because they think llntl if
State and municipal vecurilies are Kiibjei t
le the salnc rate of Federal tiiMltlmt us (he
seiiiiiliis nf Inislni -s loiperatlotis It will he
easier for die corporal ions tn borrow money,
Hut il i- fortunate, after all, that tin;
ceuntr) is about te S" te school en consti
tutional th ).
A (ireat Hvpcriment With Applied
Morality in Industry N Approach-
Dismal Hiul
VyiTH any matter r.lavd t the future
of il.e tuilreads "vm-v Amerintn who
lleesn f fnK.t ldii,,i!f in.,!
is affairs te
iluirli Inc.; ought le be profoundly con
cerned. The transportation system is and
will continue te he the nerve system of the
country. Its ,ves.es ,i !mure:, Its
illiiess,.s and its recoveries nlw-i.vs v i )fl
rellcetnl 1'istalltlv ill cVeiy ether he'd nf
national iffeit. Se th,. p.i.iMg ,,i' the i;ni i;ni
rend Laber li.jii'd. fniieat in the Presl
dent's me-cage, will be an ... uisien ,t great
It will he an occasion for resr. f ninl for
some very painful doubt". Ter ihe beard
was in one sense larger in Its mianing than
any of the problems which it was supposed
te solve. It represented the first pi eat ex
periment with applied morality ns a eon
trolling Influence In a basic industry. It is
the dismal ending of this cperimctil tint
matters most. The f.ulure of the beard
,'inii of course it has fulled Im ,.M at
tributed te its l.n-K of leg.il powers, of whit
Washington nil- t -. t Ii. It s, , t.. hive
occurred te no e-l" that i! w;,s h. e.ri-e I lie
Kailvvnv Heard uttempted te gi :tl.,i v.,th
out co reive laws (hit it deserved most fi.,,a
the railway men and the einit-) in t . war
of rispect and vvhele-he-iMed cii-i.per itimi.
I'veryvvhete lii ( 'i, world nevadi's lie
philosophers of government who s, , fnstl.-s'
into the tutuie are tr.v'"; te i ml a uav of
escape from i igid legali-m and te subsiitaie.
!n matters intimatdy rdatn! te public life
and general welfare, moral feres gii:er.iin
out of conscientious conviction and the com
men, lUIieli'iU sense of simp
The Railreid Laber P.e.ud. , ,
C"l-eMII 111 I lie lllllUSln.il Celli, T, UC
1 .. 1 ,-. , ... . i,-;i . . .
u. i res.uem Hii-nii, nae lis origin
in s ,te
such heie. it r piisi nt,i an etlert
te lu.d
seni'il nig in t icll) fiere cempilling ih.in law
for use in a he'd v.here p'e,..'y -leliis m,d
hiimju rights were fearfully inv.lv.d in a
furious and de ti-ittive war.
'Ille cellr.psi. of tics experiment is d.:e tn
the i"fii.il of i-u',a) men ami the unions
and the public ah';.' te i igmze tin uis.lem
of the (eiii'iiii'n n's psiriiu; or te admit
the validity nf a moral ricciple when that
principle is carried bevend the realm of ab
stract theory and appliul in iciTsilc prac
tice. The principle of the railway h.'.v. like
the prim iph u-.deilvinu' tic1 in-ohibitien
h.vv-s. was never put te a lair ui-i! Th
Unilwav 1'enrd rnniiivd, as Mime en,, has
said, like the (op of an incempleted edifice.
The -ustaining structure cln'!in. in th"
ei'.g.nal plan would have had te ... e,c.t..l
oil "f til" illtelli'.-ent geed will nf the unions
find the railway in.liii'gni's am tl.eir desire
for pe'iee and justice and the rational ad
justiii'i,; of wage and l-dmr ipi. stj,,ns.
It was ii"vi r cieeitd.
Such niachlm rv would Inve taken the
form of distrn t and regional l.eaids icpie
sentiiig labor nnd m.uing' men' and the pub
lic, and iiiippei for p 'im l . and Miile.
nietits nn ihe gteutid where issues and dis.
putet arise,
can never
v ages tha
iield that
be fair,
may lie
blanket w II gi
lt was bis I,.,
fair in one ; ;
lief th.lt
loll I, HV
he imnl
pmte nr unfair in ethers.
Se l ,.
With i l.e
Heard was established
assumption that all miner mic tnm. m .. -.
pale should be s'ttUd at th" stait by nine
uinmisiens fum tinning with nn iii te
peace, justice and elhcient lailwi.y ie i-i
:,uii, It was intendfil tn piss nl( ,,, ii,.,r.
t"is of principle, as a s,,rt ,,f Supriiae
Cnert. en ti basis of evidence nht'imcd in i
reviewul and correboratid at I lie se'irc" of
controversies. I
This system of miner ceuimj l(n- mer !
estiiblislnd. The beard's hearings tueauie j
nnl-y with th" cla-h if b v.rdering detail.
Its nutlmriiy was i; vil It W11. c,fi,.n
without ess"iitial ividui'-e. Th t 'iluav
managers and th" unions alike, s, ,.,. tiit
the beard viis without "teMh," p..-is'ed I
in their reliam ' en brute force ,,. , IM their I
hopes for special advantage Thev ei e no
l-eaillir tllllll Hie U tilnll.lillsts n( Jirupe In
recegtiie (he iim fulness of pur-l' t.mr.il
impliiatietis a s'lb-'ltii1"' for leal force.
Tle'V held In II lllnnil nf lliipvldlllll lllid ex
clusive ami iiniepeinieiit .utien that viis in
no way diffeiert from the meml that new
animates the belligerent stntis f Furepi!.
Ami what nie the ruliMilleiers of this
ddiance of reason V
Smiie (Xperiencid observers in Washington
see the railroads drifting te ininplet,. Cov Cev
ernment cnntn.l. The unions are in dls
tress and coufi.sien In i.h-.iv.tig in his
message thai we rre .ippre.iehi.ig n test of
our civili.utieii Mr. Hauling doubtless was
renumbering that the Itailnnd Laber Heard
is but one of inin.mei.ible Institutions of
(iiivertiment that i.iunet go oil without such
help and eiiceuing. nn nt as can come only
from iiitclllgent popular npinieii and the
collective meinl discertimeiiM of th" Iceplc.
The (levernmeiit of the lulled Sr itcs,
despite all )ou hear of tj rami) . extends its
etlidnl power with the utmost rellictl e
and only under (lie strongest ccmpuhieti.
In this Instame the railway manngei ,, the
uniens1 ntnl the general public could net be
convinced of the utility of reason unsup
ported by h'K"! '"ice.
The fall of the Hallread Laber Heard
shnwH pretty clearly that we eurselveN are
net yet converted te the theory of pence by
agreement which we have been trying te
cbteblln" in l'1" incomparably vaster nnd
mere complicated field of Old World politics.
The President, tracing the causes nf unrest
nnd hardship in the agricultural Held te the
failures of n transporlalleii system broken
In n violent wnr with labor, shows why the
(Jevcrninent must be mere than an observer
in the Held of Industry.
If there is no remedy for the railroads but
new and firmer laws, the rail managers, the
unions ami the people are directly te blame.
ALTIIDTCII the restoration of the library
nt l.euvaln, burned and looted by the
licriiians in their westvvnrd sweep in 11)14,
is In the interests of all civilization, the
privilege of rep'iirin.g less-es te culture which
once seei led irrepniiihle falls particularly te
the Fulled Stat-s. The wink Is 'America's
gift te lielgiutu" and tri undertaking ad
inliahl) riprcsciilalhe of popular -wnp.ithy
for one of the innocent victims of the war.
Net for the first time in the aftermath of
the conflict has the cnlcihting ntid delib
erite charactir of man) of the (icrmati dep
i'i dm ieiis iuiimiI ailvnntaiieeiis te recupera
tive agencies. Although an exipilslte treasure
house was consigned te flames, thousands of
xa'uable books were ictrlcved bv the in
viders eager le bring new iiitcllutiial dis
tinction te their tuition.
Stelen Miliums, many of them of th"
greatest rarilv, are new being rctuimd te
Helgium at the rate of 1(),i)ii0 a Menth.
Th" l.tiuveis and Helginns generally ate
preseciiiiiig wink of reconstruction, and
already the foundations' of the libraiy have
been laid and the tirst fleer partly com
pleted. Hut Aui'rienn financial aid will
make the recovery sure.
As a preliminary te launching the con
tribution campaign in Philadelphia and
vieinil), a meeting will be held at the Wil
liam I'cr.u Mich Scheel today, at which
plans will be laid fm vering the juihli
school field in P niisy Ivaniu and pails of
New .lei-si v ami lielavMire. The undertaking
in this scitieti of the country is te be olh elh
dally dliceted by the Atlmiiic Kegleii Divi
sion of the National Committie of the I'nited
Slates for the llestoriitien of the Louvain
Library. The ipieta allotted this area is
SI IU'.eIK).
Il is (he hope of the constituted authori
ties that the appeal will be effective In the
widest popular sense, and in this regard an
abundance of responses fiein the public is
actually pretctable te large sums from a few
iudiv idiials.
('pinions about ihe pin e treaties nr Ihe
niisfakis ih.it I'm epe or Ai erica have mad"
intuit be lngli ally le'atiil le the subject of
n creating the Lein. mi l.il.r.uv. The debt
which America w.l1 . si-t m paying is one
that cannot be lepnih.iled v itlmut forfeiting
some of the hnest ft nils of dvdiatiun.
ede-ity ami a) parent case with
ich Tuiks, Alie - hi d K'issiaiis are
npnren hing a leisis of a, cord eiicerning a
i giuie for ihe Jl.irdaii' '!- and neighboring
waf is ('institute a'l nnexpei tcdly prompt
coiilliniatieii of Amh.'.-s.ider Child's ..liuieu
diet "the problem of the Snaits is net dilli
cult." This insy (slim, lie of the case was
e:.piessid by our ei'ieial eh-'iv"" al Lail-
Mintle hist eh lit the UleUl'lll W llcll pros
Ji.'Cs of setilepienl were ni,u;ii,isy clelldi ll.
Without exaggerating the effect of the
pnsitien taken by Mr Child in his pleas
for iinrestr'cti d navigation of the waters
separating I imp,, and Asia by cniuiucrcial
and war ve-si. of all nation-, aid his argu
ment i behalf of a oomph ii ly iieniilitari::ed
ci.d unfurl -li d ..no. it is iiuih ui.tble that in
i-lii ins tin p-elih in in its plainest terms
the Amei.cau dipieiiiat'st jierfermi u a salu
la'w service in the interist- of peace.
'1 he piegr.im that is taking shape is as
yet far mere ivmplh an d and Micumbcnd
with emhnrr.1. - ng dilals than the pio pie
ji. sals uigi'd bv Mr. Child. Ni vertheless,
aulheiitic prngiess seems t., heve been made.
I .met i- di-plnying a new aim liability in
adjusting the demands of the Angera (!ov (!ev
ciiini'iit te these of tin Allies, and even
(ieerge Tdiltch'iin has .ibandeued his tone
i f ,spenl .
TI." Allies hav rcfra.ii'd fiem snbmit
ti.ig a pinfinm which unre-ervi dly Mine.
li'.iis fin ussi. m all ilmes le ihe i,m
n.etiial vcsm'Is .mil wai -1 ips nf nil nations
in the Daidanelh.s, the s a of Marmora and
the Ho-perus.
As iropesn by Let d Ci,r,.eu, the Allies'
ph. II of fleeilelll s lll I'.lieil by Ii'slrictlelis
i nie ei mug till proportion of w.irshins In the
HI.nU S"'i t" these of I'u'.irs beidetlng en
that body of water. Sul" in lin s aic banned,
and m i a-.c et demilii.ii ati'Oi .0 M.e Hlad;
Sen ie outside nation .- permitted te send
inuie than time v.urshiiis. nnlv em. of whl'h
.shad exieed In. DUO ion-.
The Straits in the Ain'iraii iiw are no
different from any erl.i r international vvnter
v iy new free te the cemnn r. e and navies of
all th" world. Frem the foi.ndatieii of the
liiiv. inmeiit the I nitnl Siai.s Ms n ,.nu
sisiituly opposed te the "ni.tre elnii'iim"
nlci. whether in the H.iltn, the .Mediter
ranean, the Straits of Malaeu or the Snails
et Flerida.
Proof of tespect for nvewul prludplis Is
te he found in the -i cn ,f the Panama
('.mill, epi n te Me iiii.iuii.e and the war
ships of ever) ieui.mw. I:' Mcie , di
.i pain y In the fan nn vv lave fortified
the naus-'eutinenial v.ii'rvvny and that
the Huy-Paitnci fele t. itv does n,,i e.
pressly- reipiiie ibis Cem rami nt te kei p n
open in time of war, H muim' I deiind that
the reputation "f the Isthinus n ., irenhl,..
lueeder Is lusigiiiti'iiut 'iinpiind vlMi the
ch.innel.s separating Hun pe fnun Asm.
As mi unetlicial !' it . Mr. Child, it
may he argued, i1 p.iv i'. g"d te outline ii rms
of 'settlement "" u udi bieiiihr and mere
swieeing lim s Mill iii'inliltd di eg.iles te
the I ellfel1! life. I'11' ''ml i II i llllistaiice iui s
mil injuie the wenh of Lis prim iph .
It is gratifying, moi.evir, te tind Mr.
Child ni-seitlng that "no iia'ieu v.eu'il be
reiuliei" than the t'nit -d S1 lies "te uiiheld
til" geed n'lise of luiilut. lining a -'tllif it-lit
naval force te ait as the pe'i f the fiee
seas." In Mils iliilaiiiiif.ii Mere is pnsM,!j
u hint of our lo-eper.itioii witii the ether
Powers In pieservlng Il.e frei dein of the
(Ihvleusly. one way te vu.i!ie (he Ameri
can program woe'd b" for this (ieveiiiiiient
te si.'tid siiiiin Iy lielend lis i ufen imenr.
In that i .i-e il is eeiii i i able that the piesiur
timidity of the A'dl's n.i,du he ovcnenie and
that much the smiphsi, sauesi, inest com cem
prcheiisive i. ml most ctlnealh uuthenile.
solution of the Stiaits pieblem could by
inning the im hf
. Hciutcnilig ceiiiurv human life has
Miltistl'1', I Iillgthelled tvulve
le fniirtei'ii .vtars. Tins
may mean, however, net t in t men are Hung
longer, lint that mere babies sun he. Thai
COII.litlO persons die annually in t. Fiilted
Slates from preventable dbenses shows that,
while the pregii'ss of medic.il science has
jjeen wetidciful United, then.' Mill remains
much te be done.
General Pershing draws
l'nclflc attention te ihe Innde-
I'repareilness (puny of our nir service
nnd the necessity for
Improvement. The fads he states cannot he
denied; the wisdom of his pica must he ml
iidtted by even the most pacllh.illy iiiclimd
The uietlu of an air licet mlrflit well he'
"Defence net Defiance,"
We Wlie Cheered the Soldiers Off te
Wnr Should New Cheer Them en
te Their Interrupted Careers
ns Citizen
T SFPPOSn most of iim saw In ihe papers
lust week ii brief notice of nn ex-service
man who had been crippled in the war and
who had tried te kill bimelf the ether day
because the nllewnnee made tn htm hy the
(evernnmnt while he wni" learning u .rude
was te step wlili Ids1 graduation as nn ap
prentice in the painting of automobiles. He
had a wife and child whom he feared he
xveuld be unable te support, tie also feared
he could net support himself. And lastly,
he doubted If. having learned te pnlnt nil nil nil
tonieblles. he could nalnt them even if lie
Viis eiupleved.
hi fact, he was menially nfrnld of respon respen
Midi tv and tried u short cut out of nil re
sponsibility. That he failed this time does
net much alter the case. It is net nn un
common aftermath of wound shook. I nm
told, le he nfrnld of life. The (levernmeiit
has provided what seems like u very reason
able support for men who are adjusting
I icinselves te new conditions after thev leave
the military hospitals mid et about making
a living under the hnndii-i'i of broken bodies.
I hat is, an allowance Is granted them if thev
arc proved eligible, nnd a trade or profes
sion Is taught them and n situation for pur
suing that trade Is procured for them by
special recomineiidnlleii.
When they nre judged bv the (levernment
officials In charge proficient in the new
Made or profession, notice is sent lliem as
te (he future date when their (.'everninent
support will cease. Hut Ihe notice gives
them ample time te get accustomed te the
new job.
All this schedule works te perfection en
P'lpcr. and can be ndiuslcd te work pretty
well for normal Individuals, but nianv et the
ex -service men are net normal physically,
nt'd some f thein nre net normal mentally.
In most cases personal nci sight of a practi
cal s,,rt can adjust the situation te the
worker and the worker te the situation; in
some cases, such Ms that of the would-be
siildde. the persona! oversight ought te be
se specialised as te be almost a prolongation
et hospital regime. The (ievernnient has no
pi evlsinn that Is nvnilable for such indefinite
ufter-Mcatment. Physically prehablv the
ex-soldier is as well ns he ever can be;
iiientallv he should function normally; In
law chosen his new trade, been tnucht le
master it. been supported during the process .
"f learning it, u'd had the general assur
ance et Help in his stmt; but something has
s'unmd hi" initiative ..nd he is afraid of
ivs in, ihihtv. Me leeks a-y, and, indeed,
his H u et li'spensibillty nn,) be two-thirds
Iii.mii" and only one-third n genuine in
hibition fiem nervous fright, hut Hint one
thud ii, il nervous fear prevents his con cen
ipieiing his real laziness. Me needs n strong,
sliadving. i iiceui.iglng inllueine le counter
net the fear and te help him drive out Ids
rriill.' (jem ruinent is tee Impersonal te sue---
ceed well as a big sister, and most of
our philanthropic agencies nie "full up"
Willi 'tending te the folks that are "lite "lite
sheiki'd"; tlev cannot step te leek after the
men that arc jut "shell-shocked." Yet we
that cheer, d il,,. soldiers off te war have new
a respetisihil'tv te cheer thein en te take
up their Intel rupted careers ns citizens.
It leeks ;. ,ei deal like women's busi
ness, because it rerpiircs patience and In-x-entiveiiess
and nietherllncss, and again, and
jet again, patience. Men nre shy of nerv
ous, crippled men who are afraid nf life.
They feel aw lull) about them. Hut thev
fiel helpless and prefer net le think about
them, or te treat them ns though (hey were
nn different fiem tin niselves. Thev can
jelly thnii up (e a pel.it and then "eh.
better dead;" Is nheul the feeling. In the
ca -e of the invalided ex-seivicc men the
Legien ha liei n eagerly helpful in pur
pose, of course. Ami it hacks justice en
their biluilf and suhidi.cs much philan
thropy. Hut nest of the lehabilitatieti has
te be done by personal work. and. I repeat,
It seems nunc a woman's work than a man'.-.,
Feriunalely for th" r'st nf u, women
who ale tee busy t,, uiidei lake what we feel
should be done, the women of the Overseas
Legien nre mere ami mere turning their
var memories te acieunt by giving the
disabled ex--eldiers u hand up in ih,. dilil
cult business of earning u living en a stable
rrtMIS shop of tin Irs, for in -lance, for
- scl!in; ihe products of disabled e.x
service men Is their hist venture, and a
very brave one. t means great labor in
pieparafien islijerahle outlay and a gen-
ions gift of time and sticugih. A- 7." per
icnt of these Overseas l.igimi women are
supporting themselves In viriens businesses
of their own. and net only themselves but
in many ca -es (heir families, what they are
new e'vmg te this enterprise for the ex
servile men has a muv red s'n-niflcjnice.
It i a "beautiful ae-uiie" of theirs, this
g'Mt of the opportunity of a shop, and one
that the rest of us who leek en should net
nlbvv ourselves te puss bv unlit eded.
Feriunalely, the shop is net tee far down
town for meter foil;, and net tee far up
Inwn for these who come evir the river te
buy Mieir Chiistmtis Hunt's. t jh nt (-ns
M.iiker street in u store uven rent free by
:h" very generous evv litis rent free anil
head d. I nil! told.
The ai tides for sale m the hop are mad"
bv ex -serviie men who have been disabled
irein pin suing their pre wartime oicup.i eicup.i
ti' -. They have turned their energy le
making toys, rugs, lamps, woven goods,
boxes and leather and bias articles, which
i .institute tin bulk of the shop produce. The
tl ings nie well uiinle ami nre worth the
p.-i'e, nnd me (leverly iieMgmsi. m that
iii..ii"v spent In that sh,,), will purchase an
i iiiiivaleiit in goods th, t are worth buying.
There Is no charily in ihe mailer M) fa ih
the persons who go te pir h ie arc 1011
lerned, tildes, it be chaiitv te go out ,,f
one's vvay te buy a geed thing fnun a per
son who wishes te be self-supporting. What
ever gift is involved ha- nlread) b"en ar
ranged for by the person.-, vvlai gave mid
who are i nulling the shop. s0 that there are
no overhead charges, no pei lent for toiii teiii toiii
missiens, no ngenc) iuvelvid m placing the
geed-, en the market.
WHAT the shop should umiuiplMi, if t,e
public responds. Is te give the mm a
practical market and n steady maiket for
tin Ji- very maiketahle goods. H sounds
simtile, but everything new depends en the
I ubllc. The women of (he Legien ltne. ,,,
(heir part, certainly. The disabled ex-sel-diers
have done theirs bv le.iriilng te make
things with crippled hands, half. blinded
eves, bent, helpless bodies, things thev never
veiild luise Mieii'.dit of caring te make in the
hevdav of their youth, when they marched
ml of their barnickfi ami we women gave
them apples nnd doughnuts' and kit hags mid
wished them god speed.
feel it certain grave interest in the
psychology of this re-pense en th" part of
the general public te Mini shop near Seventh
and Market streets, win i,,,t. ,,f Uf, ()
sung "Over There' mid "Tliere'K a Leng,
Leng Trull" go down them te buy, I
w order?
We rather envied Ihe Overseas Legien
women during ine wnr mr ucing in ihe thick
of it at least some el n- vveie eager enough
In go, loe, nun " Miiii'-u uieir uiiiers
we siiar
best we could by nacuing mem up here at
home. Well, ii appears nicy nave net .vet
finished their "ever-theie ' vyerk and need
us still te bach them up. 'I Ins lime It deea
net require Red resa bandage-, te help
them, but geluK 'lr)Wi Market a litih, ,uw
Seventh street te shop.
It would he Brent if we could help them
put courage into the men who had ceurnge
enough four years age te die, but mw m(.(j
even mere courage te live.
The SlnK filiiK fiteck Company recently
produced n niunical comedy before J 100
visitors. Ileliuesburg plajH nothing but
i,.'"lrnmn te empty benches.
DECEMBER 11, 1022
v.5xS TOii'SJfeiSIIvjii;' f?SA13it ' ''''JrSfELiW ALI IFxt vt tm s
BBBBamih mmm imm :rv , rfe5s5Efe
i.k.1.. ii4)i wn. ritim in niv ki'A-w ).- w(Wi.rT'-if fc.jmiVF.aT i i nvP"w.P r- u . ui -. . .. i i; .t.-i.ij"- a"sjiiWMirjMr:yi
Ufs'Mnrlir&aifiiUy.I- I OWV): Kr'ff artSTKSkBSiiWl .. LIMVUISTSniJ A 3 .' T . VLII 4. . I AI--:,tt7ZA?XKaKV5Z&..
Daily Talks With Thinking Philadclphians en Subjects They
Knew Beat
On Cheesing the Ri",ht HiRlt Scheel
TUT emnse which .inrci shall advise
(heir children te select n the latter ai"
looking terwaid te entering the high school ,
of the cit.v is u mnitcr whn Ii U freiiuentlv
uf gr. ve miii-crn, mid this ipnsiieii arises
each winter, .iis( befme the enlrniiecs .")
the high schools in Fcbruaiy. sa.vs Charles
F. H.iuder, diiccter of iiiilutiiel ailscdiica ailscdiica
lien of the public schoehl of the dty,
"The truly bewildering array of educa
tional opportunities offered by tie great high
schools," said Mr. Rainier, "makes it ililli
iult for pireiits te cheese wNdy. Toe often
c high school Hedging is tempted te sdect
a line of education because his chum has
i boson these suhjeds or because a particular
leurse is said te he 'easy.'
Children's Indiiiutietis the (initie
"As a mutter of fuel, the parents have
had ten few oppettu'iities le secure iiileipi.P"
knowledge of the efft iins-s of the high sclcmN
iinl .ile te obtain xperl advice and guid
ance In seleiting fiem among (hem (he.'C
subj'cl.s which would he-t develop the
t dents and further the interests of their
"It i.s the pe-sibli. and probable futiiie of
the eighth grade giaduale vvhieli should de
termine the choice of his ma ler subjects. In
the high school. The high school misses 'Is
purpose If it does net help ihe child te de
velop his latent possibilities le the full.
"In considering this serious matter, the
parents should nsk themselves these ques ques
teons: Dees the hey npire te n learned pro pre pro
Ifssiea such lis law. medicine, education or
the ministry V Is theie a possibility that
he will iie able te spend from four te eight
vi ms in (ellege mid the university V Is lie
inten sled ill boeksV
"If these quistiens can be truthfully nn
Mvci'il in the iilliitiiatlve then let him tuke
tin line of studiiM in the high school known
as the academic ncir-e, which presents a
series 01 well-tested subjects delinitcly
irep'tratery te curatiee te college. Ancient
t.ud meduli literature, history, mathematics,
llic'lisli ami i in like help Mich a boy te
ltalie his limbilieiis.
Fer the .Scientific Hey
"On the ether hand, does the boy want
te be an engineer --dis'ti ical, inechiiuic'il,
civil or iiiiiiinj; .' Is lie Inlerested in tilings
matheiiiatlc.'il ami sdcntilicV Is he iuj
chnnli ally imliiiidV
"lu this event he should leek ahead te a
four -war college i ngineering course mid
should cheese i he piegiam of high bcheul
studies which will he-t prepaie him for ad
mission le an engineering school. The aca
demic ceur-e or the mechanic arts course In
the high sihuel would prepare hlin for
"My own advice te such a lad would he
te cheese the mechanic eris course, which is
rich lu mathematics, shop weik ami me
chunii'iil di awing, science, history, foreign
linigu iges and Fiiglisb. The Interests of
such a boy me well cured for in this pro
gram. The Future Financier
"Then, again, what of the hey who is In
terested in things commercial? Peihup.s h"
wi'iits te enter hanking or comuiciee, and
hopes some dav le have a position of leader
ship in bil-iliess. Me would de well te sehf t
(lie ceiiiiniici.il course In the high school,
Hiking care net le ovcileok the formal col
lege prcpiualeiy course.
"i'ui h i hey would doubtless leek forum d
te spending tour yiars in college in filch
h-lndles a- aic offend by the Whart.ui
Scheel of the I'nivcrslty of Pennsylvania,
Should his deilre be te enler business life
Instead of college, the high school offers a
ilcli group of pi net Ical commercial studies
which are especially aimed (e equip him ter
initial employment.
"lines the boy want te learn a trade
without entering upon a formal nppicnilee
ship with some employer and at the snine
time secure a geed high school education?
Is lie Interested in pinetlcul things? Dees
he show some aptitude In the use of tools?
Dees lie desiie le enter employment at the
dose of bin four-year course lu the high
school with tlm satlsfiiciieii of having
learned enough of n skilled trnde te held his
own with competent workmen?
"In thl cne let him cheese the Industrial
"FOLLOW ME!" " ).
course, spceiall.ing in nny of these lined,
nicliiiei tinal ei mechanical drafting, caul
neliuakiiig, caipentry or patteinmnking,
ilcctrhal construction or innchiiie-shep
pmc'tlce. Me will liud eflcied le him a wl ie
vatiefy of studies ami shop and laboratory
experiences which will teach him the (eel;'
niqiie of Ids specially as well as contribute
ie his enm "ptinn of Ids res-penslbilitiL's as u
worker and as a citizen.
"During his senior year the school xvlll
place him in an actual job en Iho co-epera-tive
basis, giving him two weeks in a shop
"! till pij. alternating willi two weeks In
'.'"' school. Me will (bus Icmii hew te ml
l s himself , actual working conditions
Hi'l will be able te in. ike for himself a pe--Mianetit
position. Inenlcntnllv, he will mak"
ler liiiuself enough money le support him
nil during his last ymr in ihe school.
Opportunities for the (iirl.s
"Then tl.eie is the question of the course?
IO lie chosen in II,,. ,, .1, e,.l,lu c... .i :
, ii . . . - " '"s.. .-. ..-.. m nil lueiint,
iiil.li schools of today make better prevision
gins than thev did in IVjij n,,,,
I KIlN' l.j,., yehnel In 1 1,.. ),;.,.. ..,'
V a Opened ami bail In ,!,. it
oei s net mis
it was se popular Mint the
im1 graduation.
slii aim te enter lnilnsi..,.i ,. .
'l'';';'ter In millinery, dressmaking.
Mmiseltei'piiig Werk
"enii s inni-ses I,, ii,.. i,; e'l'nu iidiiie
I....I. I ,. ".' "."I"'" I'
" lead, such sub-
.,. . ..s ,,,., .,.,,, nun. ,
prevision f
We have the word of Mn, , . ,
I hat bungs a,1,1 buck and It is ,ertnin
I ha even in,d In ,k or cm, I '" '"'
Wl I .... he.' f0.,e, W(.a,. ,!,;;.
e. this Chicago girl avers
'hit .vc.y s.nn, Ciic,,ge flapper
New sports a cute wee fliiu-e a,, ,
' ...... ... ih ,.i,i... ce,'re.ira,,:,,iy;';.;.
Mew swiftly menu lies will start
l!ese.,slv,. ,e pieMv iv I
Once Annie !,.. shared our i,,,.M t
Will, I.a, , Hell d KeseO', , ,.
Ne steekhc's. were hy them disclose, 1 '
Uieir walils vu,,. ,, T . '
Were whl.is! snivi
And en en, , ..I.,. ,rmv reposed
A siriii-hi-ciit lung ,jr ,. ,, (rh7(,Hi
Se bangs are back !
A whirligig' Old
Se runs the world!
And vvhelher hair U fij.,., ,. eurlei'l.
nines iciiiriiiiig !
- '"i"1 i miisii ...aits ,i
I'll, ll"l CI C'l I'll N li!,n,
Observe the sequel melanchelv ;
Old m-iiii pa s carried efT his feet
lly some young flapper pert ami felly
n. a.
was net mil:, ,, llin(,v ,, M,pperi both k
'"'' I '" heys- high school. The hev'.' 1 ,b
.clioe continued and that of the gl'rls' win
hsed because people said that boys n.el-.l
'lucalmii but Kirs did net. Pub! , opinion
is ...nsiderahly uieie liberal tedav.
i e
Dees n girl want te teach? If 0 she
nay cheese (,e academic course lcndln-' e
he ,r,,,a! s, hnel or te college. " .7,n .
i.ierclal work her ambition? If this is P
courses'";,,, I '", ' -x-ell.tr V.',,Hr1.:r.V7
coin is m,. a well-ieurn ed program of
s.ml es which will make her south. L i.
employers upon hi
n skilled
IlllU HI' Ml
I,, ,i,. -.., "s "r iiiiii r s u iiei ts '
.. this cis. si,,, will find full previsi, I, f,,,'1
liei inter, sis j,, ,.. Trades Scheel for Clr
-'' iiiii' i r 1 1 1 iiiiiir'ii iiiif .... ni.;i.. ..
II' "I'llllfl.t ul.i.ll i , . '
". si e i ii -, .,.
' ', '"r I" enter (he normal sche I
."nr high m hee U of tedav i, I .
catienal schools. Thev L v,; . in W v"'
!'' Mudies ami i,, ,:lll7""''
Thev ptepme for ,.','. ",;':;''
nu.ipl uieir f.iei'ities te tl,,. ,.,i 'ucy
, ten III".. " " '"Oil. I 1,'V
The news from Hosten that flappers nre
buckling their overshoes proves they arc net
Yeu make another smile in the world
every time jeu fend a Christmas feenl en
its travels.
Adam was the first te dissent from the
declaration that tin apple a day keeps the
doctor away.
The only capital La Follette eleesn't
hate is the capital he makes of the errors
of his opponents.
"A man is what he eats." .said an old
philosopher. Dees that make Clcincnceau a
hard-boiled egg?
Sunhury. P.i., man Imitated n hear nnd
was tilled with buckshot. A bear for pun
ishment, as It were.
In re the feminist movement, we note
the pielleicncy of u Western woman with
the hammer and saw.
funics have changed Indeed when Irish
Republicans describe Tim Ilcnly as u life
long enemy of the nation.
I.ivnlve, N. .1., fnrmers are giving the
eather Man the rapberry. That is te
say. the berries are growing despite the
.Justly or unjustly Father Penn begin
te Incline te the belief that Ceneral Weed
is somewhat of an expert at the game of
fust and loose.
These who want Ambassador Harvey
recalled befnuse lie said Ameiicu is needed In
I.urepe are straining t u K,,ai after havlns
walked a mile.
When the Picsident calls a meeting of
(.overneis te consider prohibition what,
Hill 1 S)kc want te knew1, will the (Joverner
L. .". (!,""'i''-' ' te the Governer of
Seuth Carolina?
One suspects that Rnrah's amendment
te the Ship-Subsidy Hill providing that
I lilted States ships be free of Pannnin
tells is designed less te help I'nited States
ships, tliun le hum. t,e Ship-Subsidy Hill.
He is ever leadv le use any old Issue ns
a monkey wrench.
What De Yeu Knew?
1. Whi m the I'ewei.-, of the Tour-Pewar
I'.lCltll! 1 ...ltV '
-'. Who .no Ibe .M.irenlte"?
.1. X hat I.s a pliaies
I. lllt is nncie"
& What Is mi an ht'ihh!,. ,. ..
namuV?""1 ,M Cuy of A!,terl11
xvl!','! '.' "I? I"l,l,,!,t ,lv,,'l at animals?
i e. lengist aqueduct lu th
9' AVI",'. ",'-''' Ul" ''.-Uls-eients In the Hatthi
feiu'lit:',r"'01,y il1"' "lH" was U
10. What Is a kiviieel. ,
Answers tn Saturday's Quiz
"Hicivvn ll.'Hs" win the popular name or
the KnglMi icmilatlen nint-Ieck mui
Ket ,ln me t,,vvaid the end of the
Igl'tfcntli century.
Wuricii llnsiuii.h was nn Hnglksh statos states
iiiiiii who Iilc.i ,,e, I,, nn the 111 Mt
.oveiiier (leiiei'.il of India, He was
Imp. ached in 17x7 en the chaige of
high crmes and mhclc mtanuiH lu the
iidinliilsttallen , ( ,p, elllce. His trial.
0110 01 tin, most famous In lilstui).
asted irein 17sx le 171)0, and rcnulled
In tils nciiilttal.
The Intel 1 eel nn, f intltuil,, 0. lenirl-
tin 0 0 is, In tlm (Julf f eliilne.i, about
100 miles oil the (. Id Const of Africa.
I. The Ilov.
i-iuKu.u;..' 1.1 hpelicn lu Jlaim-
IMS! Ill1
C. Cieman is a 11.11110 f eirlmVan origin,
npl (1 Inesi'l te v.uleus alligators,
r ,a. "sjicclnl x th;. .Seuth American
0 The .Spanish I'aiiiuinent Is called tbu
I 01 tl s
7. 1'lflv-tw per cent of (be feie'irn trail')
of tlm United Ktatis was can lexl
diirliig the vpar cndlmt necenili.
' -- In vc-Hfls flying the A-ner 1 1
3. Tluce Italian military cOnmTlindei-s
pi 0111. in 1' In tlm World War vvere
ln.iK Made.'P.i and Ca.leiua
JI. Tlm Ivery Ce.a t u kkIeii of French
Wis' Afrii 1 in ihe (lulf of auluci
lying wesi of the (leld Coast,
in, 1. cur roeda make nn ncre In pquare
me 1 ere