Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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W f
rr. ..,
Organ and Christmas Carels
at 9 and 5:15
Chlmr mill HniM OuurtrteYt Noen
v j
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5:30
Have Yeu Noticed the "Greater Refinement" That Cemes With a Wanamaker Gift?
"Dinna Ye Mind" Hew Your
Sweet Old Mether Used te Say :
"A green Christmas me-ns a white Easter"
and "a windy Saint Patrick's Day"?
Truly the words of the old mother have a long
life. They keep en coming back and coming back.
"The Mither's breath is aye sweet."
A full-grown young daughter is saying, proud
and happy te have a mother living te give a present
te this Christmas!
President Harrison's old Indiana friend, Lew
Wallace, who wrote "Ben Hur," once said, "Ged
may have thought He could net be everywhere,
therefore He made mothers."
Signed M ffam&fey.
(Written December 14, 1921.) ( I
Sturdy Raccoon Coats for
: MEW' encs iast lu)J1 in tl;e a''"!' Salen arc priced $250 le S55u
j " prices which a geed many Santa Clauses nre considerinir Hav
Fer the woman who meters, gees in for winter life and sport,
or merely gees out in all weathers, nothing could be better.
All the coats are long some cjuite mannish and the fur is
chosen for its darkness and fineness.
(crenJ l'loer)
The Prettiest Fur-Trimmed Coats
Hurry In for Yeung Women
ILST m time for the Christ
mas festivities or te go out
te some happi' young woman as
a gift. I
The smallr,e?s of the prices
means tl :,t they are specials, I
and renin -ka'ile ones, for all of
tii" four styics are trimmed j
with the fasiiienablc wolf fur.
There i re two pretty styles in !
Women's Fine Tweed Coats With
Wolf Cellars at $100
yHAT a delightful gift for j colorings, indistinct plaids,
any woman who has need stripes and herringbone mix-
for a Warm, practical coat for I lures.
metering or commuting or for i The coats are made in a
a business woman who is out in , graceful loose fashion, which
all weathers. . takes away the sevens tailored
The tweed has a soft Shet- leek. All have huge cellars of
land finish and is in English i the finest brown or gray wolf.
(1 Irxt l'loer)
It Was Opera
VET I was starved for music.
x Alene in the sitting-room, ;
little grand opera of my own.
Caruso himself better than any they
Academy that nierht! should Minn- rn me
In a moment his matchless voice filled the room. Dead and
Rene, never te sing mere from the stage of the Metropolitan in
New Yerk, or the Academy in Philadelphia.
But singing there alone te me, in all the glory of a voice
thai has never been surpassed, as if he were alive and joyous
m the room. ' '
"Aida," "Faust." "Trovatore," "IuKliacci, eji and en lie
It was wonderful. It was solemn. It was glorious. And
what but
My Phonograph
COUlll liaVf.ninHn n.iutilildt
wer Caruso 1 had .Ohaliapin, two
great Russian basso; and Melba,
the bell-like notes of Ualli Cure!,
Hemer, Gigli, and Schumann-lleink.
Many a gorgeous evening of song
or of fine instrumental music I have
had, without going out of my home.
The four finest makes
areall en sale in the Wanamaker Music Salens, in various models priced from tf
$1275. Any of the four is a geed choice. Easy-payment terms apply te all.
The best artists sing and play for Victer and Brunswick lvcerd both for
here. '
One of the best assortment
of the newest and most wanted
Silks for Christmas
N'ew changeable luffetns. I New waslmblu silks, plain
New printed crepes, in I'ais- and stiipud.
ley. Persian and ether designs. I New lilnck silks.
New crepes de chine. , All ideal for gifts. 1'iiced
, New radiums, printed and. I from S2 te if (1 a yard, in 32,
Plain, ' He' and -JO inch widths, De::ctl
New printed feulurds. if lequcsted.
il'imt l'loer)
all-wool belivia, in brown, black
or navy with large wolf cellars.
They are peau de cygnu lined
and interlined at $15.
Twe ether beautiful models in
wool duvetyn in the new
Meused back effect with waist
line sleeves and wolf cellar and
cuffs, are priced 87.50 each.
In brown, black or navy.
Sizes 1-1 te 20.
Night, But I Could Net Ge
uddenly decided te have
would hear at
Te be Without u irfiiiil iilinmnTn.ini.
and fine records in these days is te
miss one of the greatest pleasures
of life
De you knew some one who does
net have one? If se, you could cer
tainly net hit upon a happier gift
A gift that will delight for years te
of phonegrap hs-
z. 5 ? T Cheney
(snenil l'luer)
Beeks Among
the Best of
Wc pick half n dozen
from the tnbles for serious
"The LotterB of Franklin
K. Lane." Illustrated, $5.
"The Leg-Cabin Lady."
Anonymous. Illustrated, $2.
"Jehn Burroughs' Talks,"
by Cliften Jehnsen. Illus
trated, $1.
"An Autobiography," by
Marget Asquith, vels. 8 and
J. ?6.
"Life and LctterH of Wal
ter H. rage," 2 vels., $10.
"My Life and Works," by
Henry Ferd, in Collaboration
with S a m u e 1 Crewthcr,
"My Years en the Stage,"
by Jehn Drew. Illustrated,
"The Print of My Remem
brance," by Augustus
Themas. Illustrated, $1.
"The luprct Shew of
Memery," an Autobiog
raphy, by Maurice During.
Muln l'lenr)
Linen Table Sets,
Beautiful as They
Are Practical
One hemstitched table
cloth of fine, pure flax,
snowy damask, exquisitely
finished and in a choice of
lovely round and oval pat
terns together with half a
dozen matching napkins
could you imagine anything
m e r e appropriate for a
home, anything mere likely
le keep the giver in lasting
Hemstitched table cloth
6i5xC3 inches, and half a
dozen hemstitched napkins,
$12.75 a set.
Hemstitched taule cloth
GO'.xSG inches, and half a
dozen hemstitched napkins,
$15.75 a set.
All handsomely boxed for
(I'lrst lloerl
Guest Towels
Will Be Welcome
Ksini'lully the lctml thut .ira
here fur ."iOe, "Be and $1 .-inn.
Of ;iure limn. hem itiU'lml,
in.ide with il.imn' bonier unJ
bjiiuM for lnmi'iKrani.
NV.illy 1je.i'U ier Christmas
(l'irxt 1 loeri
2e te
Seft Wide Ribbons
or Girdles
They are much used with
young weinui'.-. and ;,ciuel
girls' dance freu;s and a!s'
;'.fteru')u dresses
In all the pietticst eve
ning eoleis and Mime darker
ones, ll'.a iiu'hes vide, Si. 50
a yard.
(Mtiln liner I
WWHH lug ' w'HTrT-i
J ..
WW l ' ZP'5V , ...
m i l limn ,.jj - w
l 'fill - . 'j -
Little things seen here and there suggest remembrances
for men and women and little children, loe.
In generous variety, and for the most part decidedly
sasenablc in price.
New Batik
Frem Paris
The first tlmp the re.il lHU!t ) i -(prni
haf nppparert en liandKficlilptV
In tills country. w far :i v Ism. a.
Uut, In Paris, tliey aip all the rn vi
lli thp .-eftrjst. lewllfHt hIIUs ami th.
prdtlest colerltip-,, from tin- daintiest
illtli- hiimllscrchli f ler : v. miiin nt
S1.75. up te u Uitrq kcarf or mullK
a i0.
(Muin l'loer )
Uncommonly Dainty
NethliiR loe'.a prettier lumlilliiK out
of ii ChrlslmiiH hex than a lacy thin;;
i ml tln-re nre evir no manv laey
i-lirtnlipM peme ceiil.'d from l-'ri'licii
models 'iiew In the Uudermirdri Stere.
They are nil envelope nljle. and all
't sheer white mill plni cntt-jii., with
Valenciennes lllet ami Irlah uc...,
t'rltc'i. ?2.E) te $C.
(Third l'loer)
Silk Scarfs
Seino l'alslcy iirlntcd en t'nlu p!U
and prleed 52. CO le C.ne ; t!:.i reht In
elld ilelleate i-olers such as plnltM
and blutr at J2 te $T.r.0.
Loek for them at the oe'j:.'.- r of
(Mnln l'loer)
Dainty New Wash
Frecks for Scheel
Se prelty are they that home mothers
rt.il auntN art. huylnj; tliviu fe- Chrlbt.
Iran ulftsi.
In white- dotted f-'wlh w.th li'ir.d
hii.ecklnsr In color or In ulilte or col
ored dimity or veile with hand ent ent
U'eldjry. They are rnadu charn.mtily, je-. :no
$SJ.M te $12.Cy. X'ei h'iiN fi te lu
(sYceml 1 liir
New Printed Crepe
Blouses Are
Welcomed as Gifts
Ii. rleh l'lTHl.tn nilttlntM tliey loe!:
wll with alme-.t nn color hKlrt or
('III. Ami there H no omitlen about
their heltiK titii.nl fashionable
number of br.iml-i'ew atyles I" '.he
prlntpd eivjM- ami tie s-atln-faeeci
eiepp, tome with iOmrl, ...une with luii
Mn-Vi-f and en. Ii- a combination tC
plain crepe ile Wiliiii aud pi 'nt-d erep
7.5l) ard 12 7.".
(Third I lour)
It Isn't Safe te Give
Any Gelf Ball but
the Best
Hi. hkv te tt'l who a i. .in ii.l
llalne for every peer .trelw, .mlis yi u
Ivn him Slher Kliu'i. lnw selte.'
Ivliewy them- tin y'l'u ' )( ;nnil U' .l' '
HelliK poed, ever. Ru.i'e: 1.1 s tbern.
Here evtry way they coin -b' ,, ne,
led llr.e, Vellow line, (,Ti. -11 '(, iv-c-.s.-id
ur n.e.di laailtliiir.
t. tlie des-cn.
(The (inllei-v i
Fer the Daily Shave
a inmi wi'l eppr. eiate n tir.-it-ra'p
hliavliiR Irii-,1. ftniii 7Se te 1
ur a lomplete nhiiln stand, from
Iilcltil li'uted at ?2.i0 te Pilvei i.a.U c!
at J21.7:.
.Muin l'loer)
Ebony Military
Brushes Frem
$1.50 Up
i-piielul prK in r pair en n ;,;ar
biiishei. with ii.uii.al or blae.t ebiri.
baeUii in d i.'oed br...tlc.i
nil' fa of putter Bi'uiie ;i u "J i a
I Main Meer)
"Unlit if ttuybvrru Candle
Snul) It Often, Toe,
for Hie Urifjltler That It Burns
The Mere Luck 'Ticill mini; te
Uaylierry candles, two in a liellv
I'es, only aec the box.
(l'uur(b irjeur)
3 ' i i
l I I.
' V-l-N
re h
I 4,
" . .i
Frem the Orient
Ivery Necklaces
iiic j.ert of oval b'-ads 1 prle -il $s;
ineliicr with r'bb d oval bt-ail.s, lld.uii;
htlll another hns round ribbed bead
arid ntlls ut $12,50.
Ovnl carved biiels a"e n.arlied
$1S.5ii and ethers llchlv panul, S4e.
VechlactH of mnnll -A.il limit with
pendanta. J22,rai
SIiibIe pendnntH en cords, Mc,r() and
(Mil I ll Meer)
All Men Like Geed
Traveling Bags
Thrtv are f-onie new wilrU!i baus
tliat a man mlKht travel mound the
world with and you would hardly knew
thev bad been used a nil, te atrenff
ami iliirnhlt. In the le'ither
The laiKest hlze, 20 milieu. Is almeft
liruii etieush te travel around the
world wltli, for It h.lil an puia pult
ti. d many ether iIiIiikm, l'rtced f lCTH.
The mere u.sual .size, IS Inches. Is
p.-kvil $1C75. lieth ate In breun only.
(.Main l'lenr)
Embroidered Pillow
Cases for Gifts
Mw.ij'H nci'etit.iliin ' J the home heme
inaki r. The fellow lap re all of iue1
qua lit muslin, 15 by .id inch'!-', and
each pair bexid'
Lrnlirolilered mill In initialled, 1.35,
fl.G.1, f. lllld ?..-.P. it piilr.
si'iilliippil mill I'lnlirelilrrcd, tbry Bre
pilreil $'J nml 'i..1lt ler ii lm of two.
Mmlr of Inlilne in ii n 1 1 ii (no sen mm
anil Neiillepril mid rnibrntilcrcd, SJ.7."i
tile be of tire.
(first l'loer)
About the Finer
():! 's a Damascus ilner laiup of
piere. d brass, the entlte column nhow nhew
lni! tri lisht. Tie prle,. Ih $250. .
entailer iMiniixuiis lamji, Jir,e.
Kim. cloenno fleer lumps from
JniMii, 1 no and $2(m.
lieeillli pottery lamp.J, ?35 te $105.
li.uliH if many kinds, $35 te $175.
(I'eurtli Fleer)
Opera and Field
re ,1'nili,! the ! af.-M c,r gifts te
c ioe-ii, Ine llr.st ur u. i;ir! and tlm hec
nul fji" a man
i i.i i sui;i;et'uiis tie.ii tl optical
i.iukN ir. 'iterd -vefl 'S"-c s n i munt.s
uf Mm i. y -llm. erwli.ii told, in hhe:i ;
.ml 1 ru (' ti
(Main (iullrrj I
Are Helding Out
Their Arms
se invitingly that little
girls just want te take
them right in. (Oh, hut
it is a Dell Stere te de
light a girl's heart!)
Trains are running
around se husil. Me
chanical toys of every
description are provok
ing merriment and all
the sleds, express
wagons, kiddie cars and
the like a r e finding
places in Santa Claus'
pack almost as een as
thev arrive.
The Tey Stere is such
a jelly place: se many
things te see se much
fun in the Fun Gallery
of queer mirrors; such a
magnificent Ice Court of
Simla Claus and, oust of
all, such an eager-te-listen
Santa C 1 a us in
this pleasant fresh-air
Tev Stere that is safe
for all.
N O T E : Toys pur
chased new will he kept
for delivery whenever
you wish.
(Seith l'loer)
4 dte fe
J5'i; r-Srlrcrv ' vvKfir 'mk v 'SBiA "'
-22MK'TWm whs
raWfeMMK' SlfeniT 1.V .' ' if-
" -'"W"
Christmas Brings
the Opportunity te
Give Him a Watch
Is lie young and only
starting out in the business
world? Then he will cer
tainly need a dependable
Or perhaps he lias been
gelpg along, trying te make
te make the old watch held
out for a few yeara longer.
The fumily m-eds have taken
all his attention and he has
simply neglected himself.
In either case what he
should have this Christmas is
a geed watch', the best te be
had und we would suggest
one from any of the threa
well-known American mak
ers, Heward, Walthnm or
Regular size watches in M
1st. geld cases, 31 te $310. In
geld-filled cases, $19 te $71.
In sterling silver cases, $21
te $61).
Thin-model watches in 11
1st. geld cases. $7i te $310.
Wrist watches in 11-kt.
geld cases. $42 te $102.
(.Mnln l'loer)
Suede and
Capeskin Gloves
Special at $1 te $2
One-clasp suede glows of
sturdy quulity, h.-nf pique
sewn, in tan, beaver and
gray, the backs heavily em
broidered in black. Unusual
alue at $1.
Eight-button length moua meua
quetaire suede gleve3, out
seam sewn; in tan and
beaver, with Londen - point
backs. Special at S1.S5.
Strap-wri.it capeskin gloves
with five-inch tops; tans and
browns. Special at Si: e
(Ueit AUU-)
Yeung Men Have a Way of Stepping Out
in a Tuxedo Suit en Christmas
TV'S a favorite gift from loving parents te the yduths at
home or away at college.
With the holidays, a formal attire becomes mere than
ever needed and nine young men out of ten have elected
the tuxedo.
U's perfectly proper, yet youthful, easy and natural.
Particularly the new tuxedos that just came in. A dif
ferent cut, a distinctive cut yet there is nothing out of
taste about it.
The coat is a one-button model, the kind that buttons
cress wise through the lapel instead of from the inside out.
Otherwise the coat is rather censervativecut free and full;
with satin-faced lapels and satin lined.
Price, for coat and trousers. $45; ether tuxedo suits at
$40 and up te $65.
Fancy black vests, a little newer in cut and pattern.
$7.50 te $11.
(Tlilnl Meer)
Common Sense Savs:
"A Pair of Fine
Oiv.i van give mere arti.-,tic,
novel and ingenious thin;-d
te ii home, but for a real
cold night, or morning, when
real warmth and comfort
ceum for mere than beauty
and novelty aud ever se
many ether nice things all
put together, tlu gift that is
going te In- appreciated is a
pair of blanket-, especially
of line hk.nl.vi ?.
The bti choice In a pair of
Australia! veul b'anlitts,
white, with burder.- in lese,
or blue, -ue TinM inche.-,
weight ."'j In-,, v.'hnh means
an extra half pound, moder
ately price d sih a pair,
and obtainable only at Wr.na-makfr'.-.
Ne liner wool th.w. Ai!i
tralian wool.
-! lli 1 lour'
A Chippendale Secretary Desk Is
THEUE are gifts and
gifts, but here is a gift
that is bound te be remem
bered, a gift that can be
handed down te the next
generation, like a grand
father clock, and become
a family inheritance.
..- ' M
k'V ' vr. .
"Redleaf" in a
Tells the Whole
AT A glance he knows there-
isn't a better robe the
whole length and breadth of the
land. Fer "REDLEAF" means
tailored te order in Londen for
Hew fine the "REDLEAF"
robes are! Seft, comfortable
and attractive. Just as varied
in price as the colors nnd pat-
terns are, starting at $25 they
A Little Secret,
Are Going
DAUGHTERS and sisters and
friends are coming every
day and looking at the men's
idippers and buying three or
four or half a dozen pair.
But it's nothing te worry
about because they are comfort
able slippers nnd you'll like
Age Doesn't Make
in Giving
IG robust men and women, or little boy& and girls
wear them and like them, tee.
Most comfortable things in the world for metering
and Christmas is the one time m all the year for getting
them. Fer one thing, the variety is bigger than ever.
Imitation Mfil, ?0 te 1S.
Muslim!. 13.
Hudsen Si-al fuheared rnusknit),
AUsl'u ''cal, te 30.
Seme Men's Weel
Getting" Here-
rPHEY t.inie all the v.-ay from
- England, but that's no ex
cute, being late calls for pun
ishment, i
And the punishment these
socks are going te receive is an
out-and-out advantage for everv
man in Philadelphia and every
Imported China
LMNK i.!ii:.a table -.i.-1-i nev.ly
arrived. In handsome haiui
painted decorations.
It would be hard te think of
a better home gift at the price.
There are sevei. -piece cake
sets, feiirteen-piece chocolate
a wit tev veneratiens
Chinnendale. in fm m.1.
hegany veneers. Height
78 inches, width :it inches.
Upper compartment fit
ted with three adjustable
shelves and the doers are
latticed ever the glass.
With the lid let down
there is a roomy writing
(rum i-ioer)
Kl' f
..: -v.jr':,
r..'"v-" .,twju
Lounging Rebe
Story te a Man
go en te $30, $35, $C0, $60 nnd
up te $(55.
The $05 robe is a handsome
solid color affair with cellar,
lapels, cuffs and pockets facing
in a contrasting shade and silk
cord trimming it all.
At $G0 is the soft part cash
mere in plain colors and as the
prices go down there are dozens
of checks and ether patterns.
Men! A Let of Yeu
te Get Slippers
Everybody does. They are dif
ferent, tee. Seme like Russian
beets with plush bands or geld
bands around the tops it's no
U3c, we couldn't begin te tell
all about them nor hew many
j difFerent kinds there are.
Felt ones are priced $1.90 te
1 $3.25; leather, $1.50 te $10.
a Bit of Difference
Fur Caps
In most the fashionable furs te
match fur mats, Si:i..-(l te 13.00.
TUfferi-nt Myli-H for beya and
KlrK .S.irr.- fursi as wemen'a. SO
te S.J4.
Hese Were Late
Half Price
woman en the hunt fur Christ
mas gifts for men.
Heavy weight, soft wool hose,
ribbed. As English looking as
can be. Smart colorings cunieJ,
tweed, coatings and heathers.
I erfeet in every way, yet the
price is only Si. 15 the pnir.
Sets. Excellent
set.-, llf teen-piece tea stats and
seven-piee fruit sets.
One of hundreds of groups of
attractive' and delightful things
that arc making the great store
of china and glass a place of
wonderful interest ami lulpful
ness te gift-seekers,
.rf..,.t. and the interior is
neatly and conveniently
arranged. Price $80.
It takes thousands of
ether practical, novel und
beautiful things te make
up this wonderful assem
blage of gift furniture.
WT -M-..-M
I )
- -y.-jv iij
, ft,'i'AJ...Mtfet.,JW ?!.,&, fc.,