f)!,V-HrriT r sw iWs ji l' ' V '--' -. FLEEING BANDITS ABANDON GAR HERE Burglars' .Toels Found in Aute Deserted by Four Men en Ninth Street Detrrtlvcs here lire hmkliiR fur four Automobile luindlts, believed te litivi In responsible fur h series of Imbl-ups mill ....l.ln.rli.s in Wilis llllKtell mill lllll lineri' I eicr tin1 week-end, wlin deserted their nuluiiK'H'' nt Ninth street iiml Fiiir Fiiir meunt n etitic yesterday. In the iiii.'o iiii.'e iiii.'o iiieiillc were, feninl four liiitullterclilcfs litteil out iih musks. ihric M-iirrlillglitH iiml it lilt of Inn-shir tool. Detecllu's MrMiuuis ami Cnrxlti. of City Hull, ruiswerliic n ceiunhiliit Hint four turn were iieting suspiciously In (lint iiidehboiheod, went te Ninth ulrei nml Fniriiieiliit avenue yestenlnj , ti nil iiIiIieiirIi tlicy could net lecntc the nieti. they feninl the ubimdeued ear, ' A biinillt who lipid iii nnd robbed n Vallcr n''!ir SpvpiiIIi and Arrb streets Inst nlclit meiinpil with S52 1 1 T t rlmsc, punctuated by shots, Hint ended nt Fourth nnd Chestnut streets. The victim, Jelill Alies. Is iilliielied te the U, S. S. Sandpiper. Walking leiii: Seventh street, he wns cenl' bv ii mini who sprung from nu nlley w'liy nnd thnift n revolver ill Mm. While the rehher was (-enrcliliiR . Iilni Alies i-lieutfil for heli. tils erie.s were lieiir.l by two policemen of the Third mill Ui streets Millien, The pellceninn iiitIvpiI tee lute te prevent the rubber), bill Wimm'iI the thief, who run south en Seventh street. ViiiU'lerred h) several shuts iiml b the pnlliriiiiiii. (lie 1'iiRllhe run te Chest nut slid t wliiv he lurneil eastward. At 1'ieirlli street the pursueiS lest sljjht THE TODD EASY TO Nationally Famous PULBRANSEN VJT Player-Piane One Price the World Over m vmm Cjuibtamen i'a'ihrW' T.d , -w.i x&& 'RUl .-va-uTtim. ? MWW J .fTKJJ Have Thin Wonderful Instrument for Xmas THERE is no excuse ler mil having a geed I'iane in jour home this Christmas whether it he Upright, Plajcr or (irund. Our plan uf selling: iii.iI.ps it e cast that all ou hate te de is cheese the instrument jen d 'sire frmn the famous makes we sell and it will be in tour bein- (. hristnins Kw or Mioner if ou want. Mmnll initial pa.Miiinl j;ives iminediatc deliver), and the hul a n co jeu can start te pa;. iiet ear in small sums e(icring seeral jeurs. Cc tf jc. fat. TERMS AS LOW AS The Greatest Piane Value in the Country The price of etcr.t (iulbnmseii I'l.n or-I'iane is hrandtd en the back $700. ?G0O, .SlilH. ?:i!18. This is the public's protection the as surance of ii square deal in the purchase of un article about which the neraf;e person knew lilll" and is generally incompetent te JmIrp. Kteryene. ecr where, in the I nited Stales pays the same pruts for (iiilhr.utseii I'liivei-I'inues. L7S nv rf ta 1306 Arch Pianos, Player-Pianos, ' Subdues Gaw&s ; SOOTHING, heal- ' I ingjAYNEX will' Xlyy I lull way any ceuyh L Q $ ' which medicine will u4f'(. ! - Put a JAYNEX AW SiJ . I under your tongue TK cmV ' I when you lie down $3v VJm " j te sleep. Head off the VT '! cough that might yW' ' Jszr T92TS6aty i iemeay. Jlet a ?F?j p t& I "" mere confection I V AT PfnOi ' IAYNEX relieves, be- X -U8, A lJWl ' r,,.,., ;. . .. J S JAVNLX i Di. Jayne'i,U.cpecn. I tciUbe It IS a precri()' yrZs' wn inutile! form. Kach potent, tien net u nPnln,i,i 'i. Pleasant tutvlet is sejleil in peck- i"n, net a pretended Cr-' --- ets ofMrei1(;tii.keepiiiB, air-pmcf ' cure-all '"" - ? -ali,i",'' cenuuet. namit. ije P' ndjble. JAVNEX contains no J'' ' "' 'itict., no liHbit.ferir.rnr; X . y dim;:., iitul is SAI'"K TO GlVh. jf t-UII.DRKN. S A h lip m ; i mini, who escaped In I.e.. KiiV-imvii. ,-,sfT North Bread H'CL ItMMIttl'll lllllltit f If.l'ltiflltlttlili ..... Iki! .. t;rdii.v Unit thieves luul broken ....- iiyinv mill Plllll'll riiiiiMMi: llllll ry vtitticil ui SJiK'te. savings e With the New Year 4 Will be paid upon Savings Deposits in this company Chelteh Trust 5614 Germantown Ave. GERMANTOWN OPEN EVERY DAY & NIGHT LOGAN: Yerk Itetid & Jiiiscumb Open liter)- Hay mill I'rlility Mght r'WWCWJrsSBsaEn.accifflS WAY PAYra The Most Perfect Player in the World TrndeMark -SO Weekly 1623 Chestnut Vict retas. Recerd a of the held-up I he i1;iiI;ih'.s. p'; I EVENING PUBLIC The Strawbridge & Clothier Cheru Christmas Concerts Begin Te-morrow A Sale of Women's Fine Sample Coats Te-morrow At Wholesale Prices SumpleH from our own factory the most desirable styles, shades und lnnlunulH, Tep Coats of fancy mixed tweeds, in the overcoat styles; Dress Coats of linn Heliviu weaves in pluin shades; and Plush Coats that closely resemble fur Ccats; in straight-line, belted und wrap ef fects. Many handsome fur-cellar Coats in the let. An excellent variety of the best types of the season. . $25, $35, $40, $50, $65, $75, $100 Net a great quantity two hundred and fifty Coats e quickly Here. All In size SO, but many in the full, easy effects adaptable te larger figures. It will pay you te leek into this Sale the values arc wonderful. rr- Strawbrlilge & Clellilfr Second rioer, Cfntu; Check Your Gleve List With Ours Here it is! But long us it seems, it doesn't tell half the story of the great Christmas Gleve Stere the Stere that draws its stocks from the best Gleve centres of two conti nents, and, in addition, receives great quantities of Glee.s from a manufacturer who serves us exclusively. Fer Women Imported Duplex Gloves, two-clasp style .?1.00. Women's Strap-wrist Glee. in a splendid assortment of shades-SI. 00. Ten-button Imported Saxen Gloves, in mode, covert, gin), black or white $2.50. Strap-wrist Duplex Gloves, in all desirable shades and white ? 1. 50. Twelve- ami Sixleeii-bulten Gloves, black, white and as as eorted shade.-, S1.00 te 9 1.7b. Genuine Kidskin Gloves, t"ve clasp or strap-wrist .?". Kid, Mecha and Capeskiu Gloves; white, black, pearl, mode, gray, navy and ether .shades about one-half the regular price $1.0.". Capeskiu Gloves, in tan, brown and beaver shades; reg ular one-clasp style $1.25. Fer Men Genuine Mecha Gleve's, in desirable shades of gray, $4.50. Cuppskin Gloves, a splendid assortment in blown and tan shades -52.50 and ?:J.00. Gray Suede, leguiar and cadet linger.-- -$2.00 and $:;.)(). Lined Gloves in excellent variet) -$2.00 te $7.00. Beys and Girls lievs' and Girls' Lined Gauntlets ''- te $2.00. Girl' and Misses' Fancy Weel Gauntlets, $1.25 te $1.75. Leather Gleve with warm liiii'n'g Sl.tifi le C:00. Missc' I1' re n eh Kidskin Gloves, in blind,, white and geed shades S2.50. lievs' and Girl' Heal Cape skiu "Gleve J--.!. 50, $1.75 and $2.00. Slr.it, lirliU- ,V. I I lllll- ..ii ).' ami I'll uml t "'till'' M.llk.'l S Women's Fitted Suit Cases, $11.75 I ,1 SI AL. are tlie-e Cow hide Leather Suit Caes. in black, made ever --Ireng frame, with (we sliding end locks. 'I he) life lilted with eight white celluloid toilet article . Women will Iiml them eyunll.v u eful for I iig jou'" jeu'" nev ' or week end trip. Iirlude one en your gift lit. A underfill value -$11.75. -n i tl l I." V O'lllili'l tii-li' S i i nif Marabou Neckwear bUKSlI l'i;ul KKAXCK That mean the linest iMara beu and Ihe InU'-l fashions with a eeitani tiuali'y in the I1iiis.li that only Hie l-'rench can give. Cellarette-, Stele. s and Capei-, black, brown and nat ural, ' some combined with ostrich; nicel.v lined with satin ami finished with satin ribbon lie. Prices $..00 te $28.00. Crcpc dv Vhinv Scarfs Our own iinp'.irtutien, made of double crepe de chine, in triniigulai -hiiiie; black, Inn und MiulT-bruwn. All triniiucd with a de- p eslri -h fringe. Price, $25.00. Slranhriilci' . I lolliler AIfIe tl, LViitri 'lEDGEK VHlXADBLPliiiv, ' MONDAY, Special Values in Silks for Gifts Flat Crepe, a Crepe de Chine of exceedingly fine quality, 10 inches wide, in all colors und black $3.00. Colored Crepe de Chine in street 'and evening shades, 40 inches wide special at $1.85. New shipment of Shirting Silks '.of finest broadcloth weave special at $2.00. Natural-color, all-silk Pon gee 1 yard wide special $1.25. Strimbrldirr ,1 Clnttilfr Ainl" 0, lntrc Smart Hand Bags Sure te Please $5.00 te $15.00 A Dress Ca;r te carry te matinee or tea, a dainty leve lling Bag, a Hag that conforms with tailored apparel, a Bug that one will carry day in and day out all these arc in cluded in this giftlike collec tion. The smartest of new styles and shapes of velvet and duvetine. with beautiful linings. And such novel decorative catches! Seme rliinestenc - studded, or of quaintly carved mareasile and metal. Women will be de lighted with them. A hand sonic group $5.00 te $15.00. Strut, LirMri- S. Clothier lWi' S t ui re L French Frecks for Little Girls' Gifts Sheer W bile Nainsoek Flecks for little folk of i months te 2 venr.-. Kvery llTie stitch i made by nimble French liugeis. likewise the exquisite mlireiderj. tb" finest of scalloping and tuck ing. Seme are trimmed with lace. also. Th gift unusual for bub.v-S2.50 tu $18.50. Hand - made Petticoats of nainsoek -$1.50 te $1.05. Hand-made Cap. 12- te 10 inch Avei -!5e in $l,,'iii. Cap Linings, j.nik, white ni bble 55c. Mr ii liililgi I III nl .1 t liilhinr rieiir IImi Thousands of Gift Handkerchiefs Including these "holiday specials." Kvery i w suitable for gifts. MKiVS IIANDKKIiClUKi.s Of line cambrie with mer ceri.ed border and a colored initial. Sis 'ii a he-$.00. Cambric, with v. even cord border in Ian, blue ur laven der - I He each; ,'l for 50c. Of linen, unusually line al 2Jic cadi. i'OU WOMKN Sl'KClAL l-'ine Mull Handkerchief-, with woven cord and bund-em-breideied designs in white or colors I8i each; ;: fm- 50c. Inilialed Linen Handker chiefs -six for S1.00. Fine Swiss Mull Hatidker iluefs, hemsitched. scallepeil and with embroidered cuners six Ur $1.20. FOU Cll I LDUKN SPECIAL Gay colored Handkerchiefs, with da.vs of the week designs or quaiid. Ilgures embroidered. Bexes of seveu 50 and $1. Htrutihriilz." 4. C'lullili'i'. .VIke a, ('(.ui nit uml AI!e 'j, llntLft sural L program tablkau Tin: tmiuphf.ts AAZAKKTH TAHMCAC -Till'; TH K FIRST CHRISTMAS TABMCAt -Till': TIIK NKW-BORN KING TABI.KAC Tlin SAV, WIIERK IS HE BORN TXBI.KAP- GLORIA FOR MASS NO. 12. TVUMiAl CIJUIST.MAS MdlS.V i;t.sit: i.viiNs cook ISA.r II I.OTIIICK. .Ill " WILLIAM S. Tllt:.'li:it Iiintrutm ntnl t'helr of Inmiirta. Ilenm, 'I row bun', UI iii.iiLiii;r .1. Tll.v lncldBiit.il Tulileaus bv iik (Tile alievu pruKiam Will l bruuiieastcil tluellKii ,V !' I llailie Stalleti.) Rugs Arrive Daily Te Fill Heme Needs Se busy a Rug Stere as this always receives preference from manufacturers. New, despite the fact that geed Rugs ate scarce at the source, the, mills continue sending u.s new quantities daily. Among ethers, ale these which we inWte you te inspect to-merrow: WhiltulVn Angle Kxlru-lurge PeraUm Hugs Royal Wilten Hugs -Z S'W5 ,fc e.Tlr;1-00- xl5, 1 L"Xl2 feet $iao.etj. Size 9x12 leet-$i;!.U)0. slzu ie.OxISI.0 feet$l47.00. Royal Wilten Rugs ' size li.:ixl5 feet-siuo.eo. 8.x 10.0 $81.50 und $8;i..50. 10.6x18, I l.:i. 18 $210.00. 0x12 feet $8.'l.50 and $87.50. 10.6x20 feet $2:50.00. Sanfeid's Seamless Axminster Rugs 8.3x10.6$ 10.75 and $58.00. 9x12 feet $55.00 and $65.00. -- - Strut, lirlilije .. I Imliii'i I'liurlh CI', r Wct Sohmer Cupid Grand Pianos $1150 The Supreme Musical Gift for Your Fumily Sohmer reigns among the liner Pianos as the most beautiful in design, the most wonderful in tone, and the most faithful in performance. Bring ( hrislmas joy te jour home this season bv giving veur family a Sohmer Cupid Grand- $1150.00. Larger Sohmer Grand Pianos $1250.00. Sohmer I'pright Pianos 8050.00 and $700.00. Sohmer I pright Player-Pianos $1000.00. Sohmer Reproducing Upright Pianos $1500.00. Sefcmer Reproducing Grand Pianos $.'1000.00. We aie exclusive Philadelphia representative Pianos, as well as Hazelton Brethers, Francis Bacen Windham. Gradual pujiuciil can he arranged for the purchase of any instalment here mentioned. A modeiute initial pajr.uut secuies delivery at once, or when you wish. The balance, if desired, can be paid in convenient monthly or weekly amount. If you hav- a charge account lure, these amounts may" be placed en ve'ur menthlv bill. Other Piane.-, taken as part payment. -' -Slranl.rlilci. A i i..ii.' 1 iftli I t. . r W . -i Perfume S'sts Are Choice Gifts What liuppiue! When a woman peeps iijside the.e lovely boxes and finds hei favorite I'd funic Christm.is morning. Cheese from the-e all liand liand .einelv be.v:ed: MAin- GARDEN SKI'S Toilet Water. Talcum und Compact Face Powder, $2,7e. Set of huge-size Toilet Water, Fuce Powder, Kstraet, Konge and Lip Stick--$2.50. Set of Toilet Wat r. Face Powder. KNtiact, Rouge and Talcum $5.00. UN AIR F.MHAH.ME SETS In a purple leatherette ease Tei'el Water. P e r f it m e, Sachet, huge Compact Rutigc and Powder in eilt hoses, an I Lip Stick -$11.00. MAVIS SKIS I iii'e Powder, Talcum Pew di i- and Toilet Water- $2.00. rac Powder, Teih-I Water und IMiael $:,.00. I.D MARY SETS Imlet Water, Fine Powder, SmcIh t Toilet Water and Per J'lllile $5.00. ('API' I SETS Powder. Perfume, Toilet ali r am! 'empacl - $5.00. I aci- Powder, Tali inn and KM i ait -s:;.oe. l-aee Powder, Perfume 'leiiel Water. Snap, Sachet ami Large Ctimp.ict- $7.j(. H.IER KISS SETS rstrac!. large metal om em part and Toilet Water S5.00. Tiilcum, Face Powder and 'I'mlii W.iter -Se.OO. I'.'i I'unii', Cine Powder, Tul i u. ii an I Reline -$:i.50. Pi i fume, large Face Pow der, I'aleun', Teib t Water, Sachet, Strip and Rouge $7.50. -i ti. ik. .s i ,.i,., V' I. ! I mtr. Tourist Cases ier the Traveler In tne Rubber Goods Stere an Tmni-t Cun, eietoiiue eieteiiue cnveicd und rubber lined, 7ie te .l. 25; nlk-cevcrcil $2.50 te .? 1.1.1. Ilniisjheld Anrnn-, iutilui'ieil 50c te $1.00. Metal Het Water Bettle $2.50 le $e.00 Sirunl.riilje ,. cifitliler Alst. pi, pill.nrt Htrn-t 'DECEMBER li, 1022 CtirtsstmaS Mu&it The Strawbridge & Clothier CHORUS Te-morrow at 9.30 A.M. Second Fleer Market Street ANNLTNC'IATION' .(icrrit Smith KHi:i'Mi:iHS Percy WISH MIJN K. Fletcher . Mendelssohn Mozart . .Sonr.me Ucmli'i- ui ilm I'liine riii I iiiniKini -TIIK NATIVITY iiuiicter - iiiIius of tin Sim-,, r.n'nli of Sohmer and our ew u Men's Sweaters Warmly Received lliavy Sliaker-knit Ceat Svvealer., with loll cellar $10.00 and $p:.oe; with -neck SI 0.00. Heavy Shaker-knit pull over Swe.ite, . v, .Hi roll cellar -$12.00: iMtl, -nook - $.50 and spi.ne -i.ri.n.. .v. 1 1. nu., l..i-l --l n I llilli Mr. . I Wallace Nutting" Pictures, $1.50 te JjhO Main nev ubjects en dis plaj tin ci mi in addition te tin old favorite-. Ml done in the thari'i t", mh- Wallace Nutting ur s...0 te .flO.uii. Hundred- .if fi-ami-d y rer.'. in s gi- nt a.-erltiiciit of altraeiivi dr n;i, RI.25 ti SLiO.eti. beitiiti.nl Mirror ill in. ike a 'i 'ippiupi iatc gift mi" croup In 1 1 . pi'.'ial r-'.-'O. , f ,v i ,,. , i ' ' i ' i,-i Bicycles The Gift for Health Ridintr .i Hi." eb i fully cvbil.ii.il . i j.- ;, licial. . our lii. ... be plea-cd ti uh m I wound I I '.. lu--'Ill 'till 'I I III 1 -1 llliis. Ranger Mutuiluke, f.ir .n ei is equipped with t-Ii-.-l i.- light, lierii. carrier, tank an 1 tni.i , $10.50. (Ith-r Pa.-.' med. I. $:I5.00 lu S4 I 5u Pathlii'di r Kinibiki s. n up - tn - date .nedi I S.'iO.O'i. Other Pathfinder lii. cles $:i2.5e tn .s.'iv.un. Puieliaabli e Defcrie.1 Pajnieiil Plan ,i" m.u ib. Oxford (ilasses Practical Gifts Yeu should si i tin new de signs in be (I. t ic.'il (ion I in the Stere. Beth Sh i'PP n Isfnrdii I ,e Li s , nun u n l e r il I ftami's ef ti ' white, .vellew an 1 Many women .von ! be delighted with ii't iher, :.- ci K'nld. . iew Well'd a iar of gitt OMerd Glases $.5.00 te $110,00, Sliintlnl.lirv ,v CI I iiir AIhIi t, I ii fil Slri.l Dainty Dutch Curtains Make Practical Gifts $1.50 Such pretty snow -white or ecru Curtains ns these add u touch of quaint "homey-ness" te a room. Dutch Cottage style, of Scrim, with attractive valance, pretty edging and wide facsimile thread lace insert. About '!', yards long. 1000 pair., wet lb one-third meie $1.50 a pair. 1,000 Marquisette Sash Curtains, Very Unusual, $2.00 Actually less than the cost of the goods by the yard te-day! Of a heavy, squute-mesh niarquNiette that hangs and wears well, and made "with wide marginal border, hemstitched and trimmed with facsimile Cluny luce. In white or ecru, about 2'.i yards long $2.00 a pair. Slr.m French Lingerie The Gift Unusual Levely Underwear from France will be placed in gift boxes "in a twinkling." Fer women just knew thut every ether woman will be happy te receive such exquisite gifts as this French Hand - made Lingerie. Fine and dainty and beautifully made, with trim mings of real lace, hnnd-eni-breiderv, pipings and hem stitching. Of fine sheer lingerie cot tons. Night Gowns, Envelope and Step-in Chemises. Draw ers, Petticoats and Costume Slips $1.05 te $27.50. Of crepe de chine and triple voile Night Gowns, Ch"in ises, Vests and Step-in Diaw er., simrle pieces and set: $6.75 te . 10.00. Slrmi ri Ii. A l j, tl . -Si.l ,i, II Ir. Pt...ir W.-l A Holiday Greup of Silk Blouses Om- of these delightfully colorful group, with odd little fashion feature that make a gift dititictive. Crepe de Cliiiv." in armaude, muflin, I'ni'ua, roeweod, geld, harberrv and gra; , elaborate I j beaded in steel or colored beads, or attractively embroid ered in a combination of coler: 'cvcrnl with panel effect or the new Beit ha cellar of kii'e in matching shade. AIe cellarlcsi mode!,. Leng or short sleeve. Hip-length or baque P.leues - $10.00 te $20.00. -.,.,)., u. A 'l r ' 'nl I l.'ur, i . or Girls' Raincoats with Hats a -him I-. , ill, t 'sinleii, leiltller. tie. I J.'.tcli cloth, IWu teiie.l iimhan. poplin an.1 cun cun tene'.le. Ml rubb. ii?ed, full belted 'Vial-, niirlun ur t-in lecv i . i 0 te 10 y at -. I'rii i S.i oil in I J.T.i. hV 'i.'e; ,.'. i, . .1' Rubber Hint i 'It. ill .lllle, p.iplm, llllll le;,l llei'r-t te. made with ill full i .IC'll.ir -l.t Ii , plaul sii;, hi) ..1 In'.ud. Si. d tit '' year. -Ml, lt. ,( I iid VI 1 , I .1 I Five Pounds of Choi'elates,.S1.25 H)lll U -I'M 1AL - -nrteil I he,'.. Dl l.t leu late-, l I'e ill, live p. inn se alliiie'i want a ln, another fn Think of il $1.2... lninl i,tt "I I i luul Ii inl cciiMe.. of I ieni. i.iei:ei '. i 'nit juu'il te . il nei ,i.i. I :li' llelidaj. I''iv e ieun I Gift Stationery 51.00 and $1.15 Ln 'Ugh of tl p... t :,imv,t-, of Slatini'dy ter .still i.'H't.. The Cab nets are attractive enough for gift; th-msolve'i, mid are packed daintih. -nine with Letter Paper. ( orie erie spendeni'i Card.- and Km el opes, ether with Letter Paper und F.nvi lept All are un usual Millie at $1.00 and $1.15. lr.t -l.rlli;, .V ( l,.,iii.r Ali III t t'litre xl 5 liri.lt;. .V llnllil. i 'I hint I'I.h.i, lYnUe Men's Mufflers Frem Londen $6.00 Uur own impurtatiun of fine striped libre-silk Mufllers f.'f m lxjiiden. The range of color combina tions is widespread, and the cat "ful weaving and general jippearanc will appeal te all who recognize .superior qual ity. As gifts such Mufflers will be heartily welcomed $6.00. viiirlet slr.n ( ruM Vlli Gift Neckties, 50c, 65c, $1.00 At the th'-ee low price-, 50c, tile and $1.00, there are several theii-anl ruiM'-i.i. Hands, in ee:y materuil. attern and 1'iilnr ceinbin-'tii n any one could want. Mam newv ideas in the nepulnr Pers'an design.- and i lenty of the dark .hade. iccu admire. In -enarate gift luces, if you wish 50c. O.V .-lid si. 00." , i i - t i ii i .-, Vl'i-I.. l s r 1 I . m rr Heuse Coats Please Men It' a g'cat i elid te a man, home from business, te lake oil' hi.s business ("eat and slip into eri" of tiie-e comfortable, e'i-y - fit tinr ! isure - hour Heu-e Cnat-. Put one under the tree for hi- ( hristma: lIeiiL-e Cial.. of eii.th S6.00 tn $20.00. Of silk-nused cloth Ss'iO.OO te ..45.00. Of soft velveteen at $:!0.00. I il e I .l.i Slreit 1 p Clethes Make Likable Gifts Matilj be", take a eon een eon seieu nrulc 'n geed clothes, a fact .tl.ii-b -I euM lead prac tical ii eth"r te t'n Si -ire for useful and welcnincd gifts for then- runs. New Oliver l'wil Wah Suits of fast -color fabnes, in green, tan, blue and grnj. Size-i :; tn S j eat $1.05. New Linen Suit-, of tan Irish linen with various coni ceni coni 'liuatieiis of eoler . Si, ;( tn 'A jeurs--$2 0... New Oliver Twi-t Suit., of lit.- luerei'i'i.'e I poplin that cb ,ej ieeilllins pongee. Seme have jrr- trousers. Sixes :: (,, s, . ,,.,,., $,",.7:,. Raiie'i als i.f tan ''iibben.ed I'libi-t. 's.'i.iiO; of black rub- In t .s;;.7.i .mil s.'i.uii. Mackinaw Cat of warm lank ..I-, 'etli. v Ci deep muff Si.-.es s, tu 17 jearr. ".it. i i . i If Yeu Give Your Bey Shirts i ..i up' d 'shiit at $2.0" find dk stripes ii attach I SI. 7e. $2.2-.: villi 2.7. ill. i nl id $1 10. .-:i..,ii al . ill. Shirt., .inn. iii.I qualitj, t in I'an.'t Irtp.'s Ml. nil. M II'"' .'.. llullL'I'l .ted y(,p. Ini .lli 1 1 -, in Inn, v.ilh ur WltlltllU lllll,,!' ;(,.( j,,., ,.J1J0 and S2.50. Ml whl Mint ..f viirietia -tiirdil vtiit. ii f.iliri. s $1.,",0 an. I 'i.J.OO: with Millar at IiiiIimI M..HI. M.t;,p .s-n.oe. $2.2.i ..ml $2..j0. -1 niiiii. ii, me, I Ml. 11. , I . ,,, .,t Beys Always Want Sweaters s" g m a geed, Sweater this Christina al moderate prices' warm Tliese Heavy Shaker-kiiif Sweaters $.00; with roll cellar TB.OU. siMHlirliliii. A Cletlitrr , i:t Slurr. ntyltlh Btieet m mt "Is; ti ? x ifViS WJ, Ihtl IB M n.'ii v ir, ,i .t . im JV I m . i .1 v ssa ; ... . ivl tiVitnit.. .,trf "-- a. " - I