;: EVENING PUBtilC LEDGER pmEADEEPmA, OmXX: DECEMBER IX,. .1922 - was v. m nr. t it iy : . i- .. - v i. . ,!, . , 4' 'M iUmmmmmWmmmmmWmmwWlfflmVmmmmStmmmmmmm ' I iw dl 11 ' IlillllllllilHHIilHilHB'SIlll f - HjgZ2!mmmJ2mmmmmmS2! I llillllllllllllliililllllliBBlHkBiiPU I rZ v-. flit 4 -f ' MBVKBBhMBMMMMMiiiBttMMttlittL!23 I BBBBBBBBBBBBMBr'Vr1s"'(fc'H!BBB BBBBflBBBBBBV"PPvBl mmmmTmmmlmmmmmWmmm XmmmW'mWlmmmmWBKkmn fl ' !KEWtSwBMilSpuHBnWMw''-. rfjfliE9MI ililtt r' H lBvBvSiEwBvBvBv - t; cv& ?' Bf iflK-IH URHjflkSI iT sv v ul jBBBB b uTw H B s 5 BBBBWBBBBBBk r BBBBBBBBBBBBBkWi Vw s V V 'S s AnKJnVBHQKBMfcVLW wSbb jftFfcafewfy bjma ti , VY9tnBlLjtKdTwv. wmmtJmr Kbt4bvbw BwBwBwBw3Hf'?t,&3i t BMBSTByiiMfriifc. J yJACCryiBM sMBliBBE5BKMre'iBBBtlBM BKQrav.lLfe: i ' HH BWBWBWBWBWBWBMBBBBBMMMBgtWSW!MBWBit wBBPWMHEBWWJiKa3SIM WrwHKuk-$' ,- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbB KBffllBflHHlR'HBBilffTrl -lk'".:, Wij&fc ft?1 ''!S(bbbbwJ !'l IY'fllllHMMiBBBfcaaBBBBbMtt aHHWVHW vhs .. m. t a .;i WWPBglu .v. , . ;J'r, URGING STRICT ADHERENCE TO ALL DRY LAWS, President Harding is pictured above delivering his annual message te Congress. The Chief Executive touched en a score of subjects in his address, proposing extension of farm credits, suggesting abolition of Rail Laber Beard and advocating Federal control of child labor. y jVy, l-'h x'BBBBBBBlta r1.'- jl s t n . r vuMirBiuHM rv; .v '.a'a 'j v: A w r I . J . -.---. "-' -s ww wii ?;-. i- e ts v-r?;;:.'!; :-77?sm KiKPSrlMHifflH PRIZE WINNING TABBY. Miss Emma Birkncr and TALKING THINGS OVER. Harry Mehr, brether- Ml ? V;S? "J'A :Vr'ri1i!r1' P1flSlWi3i JBffi'lHMIB HKiwffiilHIH Sunny Lad, who captured first prize at the New in-law of "Honest Jehn Brunen," at deer of cell j &fem&te&'itY'ii"'it'& :-4'il;"T '"T-''r V'' w &&' WKM HUl' I Will iMPiM I 1 II I lHIII HI I .7.; v.v. A v . . ..JBt" .C-TH "" MMW. t' m.'u'SMI'MI 1 V SCENE OF BRUNEN MURDER TBJAL which opened today. The Interior of the court room at Mt. Helly, N. J., where Mrs. Deris Brunen and Harry.Mehr, wife and brother-in-law of Jehn Brunen, slain showman, are en' trial 'for murder INDEPENDENCE SQUARE WEARING ITS FIRST BLANKET OF SNOW this season Yesterday's incipient flurry, while biinging the fust real taste of winter, proved 'a disap' peintment te the kiddies, its short duration dashing their visions of bobsleds and snow balls, sleigh-bells and slides. MUD MEANT NOTHING IN THEIR YOUNG LIVES. Above is pictured a bit of action, when Merrell Mills, known as the "tapestry lads," undefeated in West Philadelphia section of the Allied Soccer League, played Centennial, of the Allied First Division, yesterday, and wen 2 te 0, both goals being scored by "Heek" Flynn, sensational front liner IN STRIKING CONTRAST TO YESTERDAY'S LIGHT FALL OF SNOW in this city, the above is a picture of the real thing, showing the Park slide in Montreal, Canada, where Jeck Frest is no feur-flusher. An out-deer sport with lets of thrills. ? V ,-i , ' ,' - T?J , - "- - ' ; 7! " . '. . v - ' 'i s ' '1rTOf" vMmMWts ..iK ' 3mm nh jZFTurKrszma- 11 i mii fiedK. VLjslCfciFBHliSHlT MKKKrr. rHBulvliflsBBHr ' :'. mWmmmT ' ' .ifflmfri MmmmWr-Smth3k, iJMBS TREES TO KEEP FIT. Miss Dorethy Knapp, recent winner of title of America's nearest perfectly imed girl, is a lever of out-deer life, long hikes and tree climbing being numbered among her hobbies'. 'ie camera caught Miss Knapp quite unperturbed and comfortable en her dizzy perch, high in the branches of a great tree. ? 'S , w Vi tertHMUM" wSKSSE ."NS f . dTrVKVUukiMiluAuAHHilMI. " ' t lltlilliji r-'j4ifcf' .V ', !wriLyiBi5 &'-MiX r3K3'7't'''!l i &lM&)9v3$MBHBBBmJK BBBW. iHteflBWvl immwmmmmWmWLlikm-mmM&iA'' MlKBH 'wSiBKfMlC:' mBBBHHI 'TbTbTbVbTbbTiiibb hXwmbV wJbtVbIibbbbII bHIBbHIbbbbH'VbKB&VbbbB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBjBBBllLjMKMBBB f AVmVmVmVmVB bbbbIbbbbbV-!' J-VvWPPbbx sV '7 bbbIIbbV BBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBffBBffMMkA.'' r liJBBHPH ; VIGOROUS AND ALERT AS EVER, Clemenceau, the GENE SARAZEN present war Premier of France, 's pictured above riding with club used te win champion champion Mayer Moere in his car en route te Independence Hall ship te President. CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? y r-? vy1 vv r f' "&&' ' Av'" M L L E. MARGUERITE MASS ART. 22, fust Belgian woman obtaining engineer ing honors. AMONG THOSE HELPING sale of disabled soldiers' work at Women's Overseas Shep, 628 Market street, are Miss Margaret N. Robins, Mrs. Oswald Chew, Dr. Alice Tatlant GIRL SCOUTS WIN HONORS AT COURT OF AWARDS. Mrs. David Stem," Chairman of Court, is pic tured en the left presenting Dorethy Pcnrlman with twelve badges. Doiethy, a member of Troop 89, received the highest number of individual awards. On the right, Mrs. James Newlin, Chairman of the local cuncil, is pietcnting Ethel Campbell, Captain of Troop 187, with banner given a3 prize for best troop. THE SOLID AND UNENDING STREAM OF AUTOMOBILE TRAFFIC of today is absent in this picture of Market street, looking east from Thirteenth, ns it appeared in 1902. Contributed by Newell Studies, 255 Seuth Sixth. Send us your old-Philadelphia photographs. BBBji Mr VB $ ,V HbBk '"' Lm ijm mgntm jA- v'mWmmmmMPi vetv "wHbWSBBhHbBBBHbV fJftN,US?K ADVANTAGE OF THE FINE WEATHER en Saturday te de their Yule tide shopping ca ly. Abeve is a view of the neon rush of shoppers caught by the camera at Eleventh and Market streets, attesting the lapid approach of Christmas. - SIR GEORGE BE- BARREL, of British Admiralty, Bails for Europe DR. WILLARD B. SENATOR DAVID PRINCESS ANAS SMALL te head Cel- A. REED, of Penn- TASIA, American lege of Education at sylvania, receives wife of Prince Chris U. of M. Distinguished Ser- tepher of Greece, te vice Medal. visit U. S. ANOTHER "MOST PERFECT" GIRL. Miss Marguerite Martin, 15, wins recent National contest. NAVY DEVELOPS HUGE CAMERA FOR AIR WORK. Chief Aerial Photographer, J. M. F. Haas, is shown with new invention for making photo graphs for observation, mapping and ether purposes. BARONESS K. MAN- CIIEUR, daughter of Belgian Ambassador te Court of St. James, MISS EVE CLAPP WHITE, Tennessee debutante, is visiting in Washington ADMIRAL BRISTOL, American High Com missioner, and General Haringtpn, British Commander in Near East, photographed as Admiral left for Peace Conference. u REV. DR. WIL LIAM L.t D' VRIES, Chancellor e f Washington Cathedral of Sts. Peter and' Paul V tv 3ft vt "T I jrl.W.tlj?lttti.U ' Jl.VS