; "Jw-.'rfj3 SJgsnwi F. j f?P!pfWl! VjfTyy"m? 7X 1 ?ci: H - -t? v ur " ir - , " U'i m EVENING PUBLIC LEDGJUKs-IOIITADELPHIA,, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1922 f. a1' G.0.P.0RGANIZATI0N FACESIBELLION' Little Fellows Get Reparations Fever, Want Pay for Pa ratling in Inaugural DO NOT FANCY $60 BILL P. R. R. CONDUCJOR KILLED Wedged by Locomotive Against Coach Near 52d Street Station II. C. 1. singer, it Pennsylvania Unllreml conductor, 12010 North Ilutelf lnien street, vuis Killed curly this morning when Mritek by n locomotive ncur Flfly-poceml Street Station. no vvns Maiming in -the renr et n disabled trnln when the engine crime tip from behind nnd wedged him nguinn n conch. STAGE AND THEATRE-GOERS ARE'GROWING MORE SERIOUS Miss Annie Rnsscll Says General Interest Is AW in Things Really Werth While Histrionically j S3 lt( Little fellows in the Republican city orenulntlen nrc beirlnuiti!,' te rebel fienln-t the Vnre-Mnchey ptnn of making them mnrch In the Inaugural pnrnde in Ilnrrlsbtirs .lanunry 10 nt n cert of $00 eneb, the price per man including ji silk lint. It developed today that while the rank and file is marching nt personal (nt, tome f the lemlerM will be bun nlng tliem-elvcs ni the Hands of Flerida. One of thexe will be Peter I! Smith, leader of the Forty-seventh TVnrd. Mr. Smith heartily Indorses the parade. He is for it. lint he will lie ili-tlnetly nway from It; he will b.1 in Flerida. Mr. Smith s phtlnnic interest In the pnrnde is nut iiinliliu: n hx hit with the marchers, who will have te buy n new even out n part of their uniform. Harry A. Mnckey answer. Iiewever, tlint'lt will de them geed te get n new overcoat, lie sajs if they de net need it new they will need It later en. Hut it happens that the little fel lows hne just gt through digging down for the cash contribution te the iltv femmlttee nnd new conies the parade epense. The mnrciier.s are wendeiing who is going te provide them with the money te play himtn Cliius in their homes. s,. Hence there wan n Migge-tien that the little fellows would put It up te the leaders te pay the bills for the uni forms and transportation te the htule capital themselves. Onip In ceiincilnmnlc cire'es in City Hnll today was te tin- effect that Fdwiii Lewis, fmtiieily an A-sistiint City Solicitor, wns looming up us nil (Ir-'aniatien candidate for Council f i em Hie crbroek section te succeed Councilman .lames A. Develln, inde pendent leader. Mr. lceliu just new is inclined net te be a (iiinlidnte for je-electlen next c:u but conditions inn deelep wherein independent lead ers would persuade liim te run again. The Lewis lioem may niii nn .i Ming, as it Is understood that Thonia Thenia AV. Ciiniilngliiim. one of the lender in the Cilj Celillilitlce. would like te pee State Iteprcsent.ilixe .lames A. lief- j fernan M"sit-il in fit Cetnn il from the West l'hiladelphia district. The iiwjessiuent nevt car inn inciease the I leproeiitatieu from that i-eeliuii in ' .mill-it. uliich would relice thin' I suniewhat for both independents anil regulars. Councilman Mull, majority leader of Council, is believed te lmer Lewis for Ceuni.il. PORT AN HANDLE L OTS IRE FREIGHT Director Sproule Says Facilities Are Ample for 50,000,000 Tens Yearly ' HEARING ON DIFFERENTIALS That Philadelphia possesses pert fa cilities enabling It te handle n total of ."0,000,000 tens of freight nnnually nnd has ns jet net come within l.'.OOO.OOO tens of this total, thus leaving this pert n safe margin for efficient move ment of cargoes, was a f-tntement made tills morning by Director Sproule. tes tifying nt n bearing en differential no railroad freight rales. I he lieniing, in City Hall, is n continuation of these held November '-''J and 2-'l before Charles !'. (iciry, examiner of the IntcrMnte Commerce Commission, The City -of MoMen, disputing thi city's right te the differentials te and from points in the WVl and Middle West, though acknowledging u .some what mere distant location, wants te be placed en the mine terms as Phila delphia. As n result, the trade mid shipping interrrts of this eitv formed n Joint Committee en Differentials which is being backed with the full Mippe"! of nil lencerned ill defending th limllrze eiiievcil since 1S."S. ninl Hip elimination of which, local Intcicsts say. will only he of benefit te the inu-t in ,r leru. inn iiiiiMsei ier Hie Philadelphia interests is Willium A. !las-;ew. Jr., who is assisted iv Henri Wolf Ilikle, n Penns.vlciinlii Itallruad ntterney, and Allen S. Ohii-lrinl. ItiMten interest j are taken care of bv Wilbur F. Lti Hee. ns-iii , Charles J. Austen, a traffic cvpert of the New Yerk Produce I'vhnngc. who liefere the calling of the hearing lii claimed any deire en the pan if 1!.,... ten "te take away buincss from Philadelphia." I'eth actors and theatie-geers are becoming mere serious. In the opin ion of MIrs Annie Hussell, the netrcs. long a favorite until ill health has compelled her te retire from the stage. "Serious literary plays seem te be the most popular productions new,'' said Miss Hussell. "De 1 think realism is a great thing? Heallsm combined with idealism Is the Ideal thing. Of course, there Is much that Is coarse and vulgar nnd stupid en the stage today just ns there always was, but I think the tend ency is te produce better plnjs. "Persons go te the theatre nowadays because they enjoy it and net because It Is 'the thing te de.' I knew seveial seasons age when I would go te the theatre in New Yerk I knew every one. It wan mere or less of n social nffnir. It is that way no longer. "The Little Theatre movement bns done much te glve American audiences n true appreciation of geed plavs," she said. "Community groups and com munity theatre organizations nrc a splendid thing." Miss Hussell has the greatest sym pathy with nnd Interest in nninteurs. It was net long age that a filend of hers said, n trifle scornfully, just n bit loftily, "Hut of course jeu aren't in terested in the work amateurs are doing." "Hut of ceure 1 nm," defended Mlsa Htissell warmly. "An artist?" bIip Inquired. "An artist Is neither born nor nind". An ni list Is born and then made. I think nil nrtists have u taieiii unit it takes unceasing work te bring it out hut they must be born with the talent. "I'nfertiinatcly. 1 de net think nn nrtlst can bnve u home and outside In tcicsts nnd also fellow her profession. Thai Is one of the drawbacks of lici singe." ! 7rstPennvSavJngsBank VWa Interest eip5Biftirid&Jj itji...i .i r UjetuvWan&maW rrrtme iimillBTiBnl Plate polities were somnolent today. inns-much as (iifTerd Piucliel. Coventer- m ileit, was pulling in the day in ion- y fen lues In Pittsburgh. There was some B se-callid inside ge'-ip about the At- ' terni'.v (icncriiMiip limiting through i fa l'iniliel chclcs, hut nothing dcliuite call he known tint it the (oveiner-eleet H himself speaks. He will be bin k In the H citv tomorrow-. I u W. llari) linker. State chairman. ' g? was aiiellii-i- out of the cit.v. Mr. link- I H er's chief i mucin these d.Hs is I he j iii(sinu of continuing us Id piilili-.-iu sj Stale i liairiiiaii or of gelling llie pet of Pioiheiiotniy of the Supreme Cniiri. g He would like te have the etlii e, it is H nuili'i'stoeil. Ceiigrcssiiiiiii Vine w.is g aiinther who was out of town, lie is H nt Washington pe'ishiug up the plans i H for the farewell dinner lie will give in ' gj Wiisliingteii ni'xt Thursday night, when I M .Mi. I'linhel will he the honor guest, 'M P1NCHOT IS MEETING PITTSBURGH LEADERS I I'liiiiaiiBii gWiff7rtflJSi3iWi& $175.00 Vlrvrriji ilnipncil nit ph'i vim ii'tif rnntnhiliiri injr Inrrr il'rtmmid eiirf tv small iha- llleilrfj, Engagement Rings Wltrhir Ihtk Blrir li'fn JilehlT r'-sanl'-il Ih'iaiip of tin InilhMiinlliv ninl h-autr of llilr frelililrti. T Pt n'ir prrnrr-r ji lii- non I H'wlnlliils leln ej te nule (i nt Infiirterv trli-i dun. Anv Mli'itni tr i tiqLr ir !' hi' rr.frif utttll t 'irirtmzi van t"iitnf nt a rmall ttfetit. Iitatnctul Caln'en S'l't Hil.l! en rciiutii. Mitchell's Established ,,wl ciiiiuiiu Eri ,ii a iitntch te lhculiw ruhlte l.rilarr I Pittsburgh, Dec. 11. Coventer- i clcit Piucliel, here for a series of nm- fireines with Hepubllcaiis in Western counties en legislative ami ether pl.111"' "f the net Ailiiiinistiatieii, incliiiliiig rppeintiuenls the new Coverner will make, made his lirt visit tedav te ilie hmiieef feiiuer Seiiiiler William Flilin, I when' he was 11 gue-t fei lire.ikfiist. j Later the Covcrner-cli cl vi-ited' I nivei-ltj of Pittsbuigh, which will' cmne lit for lilieial Stale alii at the hands of (lie ne.t Legislature, e vas it luiuheen guest of Chituceller lehit (i. Hew man, meeting 11 niiinbcr l'f nthrr eiliieateis. Mr. Piiiehet's lenferentes with po pe lilli ni tiguies invited hcic te nnei liim were helil this afternoon In the William Pentl Hetel, Meetings weie scheduled mining eihcis. with e-.ludge Hehei t L. "I'll '. of New- Cntle: J. L. Stew urt, Washingten: a committee of the Allied lieaids of Trade, Pittsburgh; Majer William A. Mugee. Ceeige S. "Iner, state Senater C. M. Ilarr, .1. Hetinj H'NelH, e-Jndge Hein.v C. "asviin. Si. tie Souiiter-clcet .lehn P. Hnriis, Plunk .1. Ilauis, ('. ('. Mi -timet 11. Ciij Tiiiisiiier H. Coherii, It. uhnlser ninl Ccetge 1. W mn r, of lliiller, author of the Wener ail. Bey Is Severely Scalded Seven-.vear old Jeseph Lb hli ns eln, nf K0 Cailtiell sited, pulled a kettle of Imilliig water fiem the stove in Jijs home last iiIkIh ninl was se,ei all-in the fine and ihcM. He is In a .senetis lunditleii. uia 37 S. 8lh St. i1 a iiiSi'va Stere Olie Stere (lnli Bii"ii.';i iii FINE STATIONERS Attractive Christmas Gifts selected in Europe; beau tiful and useful; very moderately priced. 1121 CHESTNUT ST. A big handful of Value Our men's gloves Pigskin, gray Mecha, tan walking, chamois, tan Mecha, buckskin value and variety for all hands fcr Christmas. Handy for all weathers Rogers Peet '-'Scotch Mists. nerfc U uf Hriiitcial Traili in full uenlliir mm'"i ticuitl inliiieeci. Uepcrs Verl rnk bcetllsU Stere Hours S:Z0 te (', FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Pcct Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper P IHBrasWjrx " The radiance of The Polished Gi'dle Diamond vl be mere Fully eppreclated by direct comparison wilh ether diamonds - sold only by this Establishment NEW PIECES IN STERLING SILVER,e,CHRISTMAS GIFTS Fruit Dishes Flower Baskets Console Sets Ben Ben Disnes Centerpieces Floral Vases Sandwich Plates Sandwich Baskets )i. ; .) V V fJECKWEARfer Christmas 1 " Gifts the finest assortment of really choice styles and fabrics M $1. Keps and Satins in diagonal stripes, crvstal cloth in fancy dt'Mjrns. Fine quality poplins in solid color; neat patterns in fancy figured silks. At $1.50. Splendid assortment at this price. Chac Meire stripes nilh centrastiiiR color dots. Diamond Rep hilU in neat color combinations. Taffetas with self figures. Col lege and Club stripes, forty-two two-colored combinations the authentic colors of practically everv College and Uni icrsity in the United States. Club stripes in handsome three-toned effects. Regimental stripes. At S2. I'ersians are a feature at S2: they are handsome scarfs in subdued colorings. "Snewflnke" is another fine heavy silk which gives splendid service. The scarfs have a reinforced band their entire length, giwng added (trength In Maple stripes and two- and three-colored combinations! Exclusively ours in This city. At $2.30. Finest Rep silks manufactured, in eceediii"ly beautiful striped effects. Tasteful colorings in fancv pat terns. At. S.l. Italian Grenadines. Wonderful in their texture coloring and appearance. In stripes, figures, dots and com' binntinn patterns in a host of beautiful colorings. At $3.50. Exceedingly handsome Meires and Meire stripes en satin grounds; eome with neutral color background illu minated with bright stripes and figures. "Mural" Designs in Scarfs. Reproductions el motifs taken from noted tapestries in Europe. The silks are made in figured ideas woven into stripes forming quite unusual effects. $3.50. At St. 'Guarda Dentres." or double Grenadine, is a reallv unique neckwear fabric. It is actually a double weave cloth giving color effects in lights and shudc.s that arc exceed ingly beautiful. Crochet Scarfs, Bleck Weaves in plain colors, S2.50. New "Krinkle" weave. S3.50. Heather weaves and exquisite col orings in figured patterns. Cress and Bar stripes in lar'e vnriet.v. At 81.30. .lacquard figures en accordion grounds "Berkley Knits" are wonderfully attractive the extra twisting, put into the tilk threads assures long service. Ties into small compact knot. Stripes, hpets and figures. S' 30 $3 and $3.50. ,"' Rcsilie. "The Resilient Cravat," a new idea in neckwear construction. Stretch it and see It spring back into shane $2 te $3.50. ' ' JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-T426 Clhesftirmfc Street ,!li :STO!li: OPENS DAtf.V AT 0 A. SI. Cl.OHI'.M Mail order, rilled HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE 0 I'. Sl.tJ--r --g Phene Ordert Filled I Market Eighth ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh il This Stere is the Christmas Shopping Center for all thrifty folks Our stocks contain the answer te even the most difficult gift problem and our prices are always the lowest in the city for reliable qualities! 97 $2 Maud Made Oil Opaque Duplex Shades, A special let of 5000 all perfect mounted en Hartshorn rollers. Grccn-nnd-vvhitc. The Lewest Price.-; for Which Wc Huvc Sold Such High Quality Shnecs in Years. ' $3.50 Ruffled Grenadine Curtains, pr., $2.69 Beautifully snow white material. Large dots en soft mesh. fit! i kM iWrl ' PI ', Exquisite china plete with cord head with and plug. $4 Night Lamps, $2.98 taffeta dress. Cem- $1 & $1.25 Stamped Night 1 QCc & QOc Gowns of Nainsoek ' ' Beautiful designs; French knots and solid cm cm breidery. Full size. Flesh and white. - I.lt llretlirrn TIlIllD I'M Pit Ivery Finish Articles In a selection that offers most excellent sugges tions for practical, beautiful gifts. jCZOJSL.-! Toilet Sets, ggi in nq.98 , v 1" T"s '"Ar'' ii ! . i i.d .n 'V'i J Picture Frames, 08c Clocks, $4.49 Boudoir Candlesticks With Shade, $1.49 $4.50 Jewel Cases, Piane Style, $2.87 j Infants' Sets, $1.98 and $2.98 Toilet Set, $9.98 8 pic IV H l'"l I ' V ll "I Puff Bexes and Hair Receivers, $2.98 Dressing Cemb3, 98c Hand Mirrors, $1.98 te $2.98 Kwra Ii .i , ilu H.iie LlRI , n. Tlir-c iic .V. ily linxeil. I.lt lrillnr KII5ST KJ.fl'ir.. Ol"nt Handsome Heayy $fi.29f$QJ: AUTO ROBES All-wool and s-ilk plush robes in soitment. K::trn Iarire sizes. n wonderful as- Oi,Qsd U I Combination Reyce Molo Melo Mole IMeter and I Radiator Caps, ! $2.43 Stdan Ash Receivers !)8c te SI. I!) Mirrer-Litcs, $1.83 i ml. nnliun f ml i i'ii 1 101 unit jvii Un 1 irlit iudihicld .Mirrors, !8c te SI.98 I II Itrmlii'i.. I'yre I-'.vtcr Fire K . t i n ; u i s hers Wind DellectnrH. pair, S't.JJS Deme Lichl, SI. 1)8 te S2.I0 Air Gnu ties. 80c Step I'lates, (i'Jc te SI. 7!) Itadiater Caps, !S1 and SI. 30 Hand Herns, S1.8." .Step LiKhts, $2.G9 j. , i Combination Step Light and j Parking Signal, I ( $4.98 ! Black and nickel. J Aute Clocks, S2.75 te SS.I!) f sTi7rThains7"T Size .'le.v.'j'j, ilt Si-, ! Size :!7.."), at ."-b.70 ' Dash Lamps, d'ic. Lunch Kit-.. S15.98 te !2!).!S l.i DM) ki.i of - $7.50 AIILiiien I $E C&Q Pattern Cleths ( 00 Fine, h avy, pure Iiich linni ,n a wonderful assoitment of uiv lai de- -iS'n' It.'S yanls. Ideal iviu fur heu euivcs or bride -te-iu r mm .- yf Xm9lm 'Alt - IiH ? $2.69 Hemstitched & Scalloped Cleths, $1.98 I in e- I hi. f ,. $7 AIl-Linsn Napkins, Dez., )i.w ,.. in ii ii i i . ll" .ins t .ill ,1 ill MM.- -.-Ill I - I . I I I.I I il.ii .n -u 85c Mercerized Damask, yard, 59c l nil LIU H ,U 1 1 . II 1 Ilt I l , ill I -I II llnitlirri. ! II'. $3 Turkish Bath Sets, $1.98 Ii i Unlum two tu ,. i , li'i .!' ll 1 1 illi- i ' "' " ' illi I In. . i .. Kultl hutit . $1.50 Lace Trimmed Scarfs, 98c V i I 'i ii in' i. , ,, ni - i , h , . U ii. i. .1 'I M.uul! ui:i Costume Velveteen '$ $2.50 Quality f 1 Cft $Lmv k .11 i m -I.lt HrellicM- Uicli ilk In-ire, twilled rnek, Lyen-, f.ni.h, a tine let black cole Velveteen (nr-l)(,u Himiul! ' -i inehc- vih- lliny. l,hl e' Ne in.il or imeue l.'(,i s Ji i,j v held te dcaleis. l'-msT KLeuit, yeuTi:- .one 80c te $1.50 Gift Aprons 49c, 79c & 98c Dainty little aprons for "tea" or for sewing. Fine embroid eries and lace triiv.niiitfs add te their attractiveness. They're of musl.ns, lawns, dotted Swisses and organdies of sheer quality. $2 & $2.50 Maids' Aprons, $1.49 & $1.98 Of line, sheer muslin, lawn, organdie and voile; tastefully trimmed with embroidery. Ilretlirr SU( O.VD l-'l.riOU au:m CJ&.3J Yfc 4i.: :V1 ! "31 . ' t' if Men's & Women's Gift Umbrellas, $3.98 PI Tfl -. - m. J In I Uf T-r U.& w Union taffeta; guaranteed fast color and waterproof. Women's have ring and cather strap handles tip3 and ends te match. Men's have cape horn handles. j Women s j Fine Silk ; Umbrellas . )$5.98j ?,? r Blue, srten, parole and red, Fancy border. Fancy handles, tips and ends. Guai anteed fast color and watcrpioef. lit ItrellirrH I'llt.sT 1 J.Oi IS MifTII - Geed LinenFinish Writing Paper Hibben tied and in pretty boxes, in white, colors and combination of color. Vs ji 'H sheets UJ Keld-rdi-p tanls 18 rm elopes ) ((V Writing Paper, 50c j Kn jr colors te Iiek IS hlicet i nml IS envelope. it.lt Ilretlirri FIIt.ST KLOOH, -SUfTH Daintiest of Smocked Frecks ForTets$1.25to$2.95 Medels wliese charm and cunning i styles ate but emphasized in the dainty colorings blue, maize, peach and white with touches of contrasting color in smocking, l ...u: ,... t : i , ,i i uvinsuiLiunK or JuihMun einureii:- Jp5S cry. Of sheer voiles and ether - fine materials. Size-. '1 te (5. j Infants' $2.25 I Knitted Caps . . I Hand - crocheted or knitted 1 styles of line zephjr yarns; J tiimmed in pink or blue. .. ..... .,., ,11I v H r$i.25f Children's $2.25 Bath Robes I.islU or ilarlv iiliaUcs l.n.K Clunrsc or tu m rj ill- ign- IK mi in glidli. Twe poclcelt SZ"S - t ij $1 .49 0 f&L JM - P : R R Y ' s Super-Values, in SUITS for JUNIORS (Firet Leng Trehscr Suits) $20 $23 $25 m H Vft: (17 AW an tw 4. m. (tiH OJj Fer active young fel-c" lows 14 te 18 years in. old. Single and deu- ble-breasted c e a t s, "' with and without belts. Handsome, durable cheviets, flan nels, tweeds and hemespuns. Tots' $5 te $10 White $9 $0 & $C J Cm) O O (IlllH ll 11.1 1. 1 ! ' . umi;. Iincil ami t 1 1 1 1 1 i n I , i i .1 S17, s 1 Coats 1 lrilui r .in t 1 1 it ititnr te $4.50 Japanese Silk Garments $0.98 ' 1.1. li robes 01 utl.i - 1. lireuit itil. Ml Unit In r I i'i ii I I.. 11 1!. Patrick Mackinaw Reefers Junier Sics Super -Value Prices 1 . 'S rt) ,c. $ 12.50 & $16.50 nor )ft ll'tt ttMr. f It's a simple mat ter te satisfy your self by looking at? what ether geed T; stores offer that ,u ; e u r Super - Value w;,' Policy definitely saves you $5 te $12 and mere en every single Suit and ; Overcoat we sell ;, and proportionately ia ' en every pair et trousers or fancy vest. i(i -r. A, x We stand ready te prove this bread claim by actual per-f fermance. JO- , Exquisite New Trimmed TaS$4-985 Real .$10 te $12 Values. In cl .1 he-t of specially : chaiming med uiiablc te irailv top fur coat- and dail; winter i.-V ce-tumes. The levehc-t cel- 11 i m .1 f I M 1 h 1 n c.l.tl. i lia: eabli'.', .-oft old lese, lihu- and tan-, combined with idIei- tint or cenn ast. sefilj, blend W?W :y yw Fer the Finishing Touch te an Elaborate Ccenmc Cesnmc Head Bands and Beauti- fin isrr.amcnis A Large Selection He Lewest cricci, I ll HruilMT, 'IIIlllli r tere at .' "i: French Briar Pipes, 98c C?!-Jra) JlSaBAimm i " ; " '.i m. ,UIIIUK'"I.V 11111111(10.-, st;.!)s WlntiiiK d.iiu- .I'.iviii'j llru-lu'-, !!.!)! and Sl'..)! ' II llnilliin. 1- ll. v ai ieus fctyk a.. Revolving Poker j Sets, $7.75 V '1 l HI- I I , , ! NicKil V.-h Ileccivers, (kKus lined), 98c iaheanj-rinisl, Fluer SmeKinif .Stand-, SI.D8 HO Aviator Mitts V 7 i ri.iHi : -ni 'i ii i J XX 'Ji x . - . 1 - ;!$3.48 Subwau Stere! Two-finser style. Of soft, tanned hhicl; kathci witii heavy eainclVlinii' -era uite liniii-.. J.tr.ip vri-t style v lb idjih iiljujtable gauntlet. Perry & CO; 161 h and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men ItvNliW OKK'b CT.UU-t-Tj LIKK UOTEL Times Square (Seuthvyeat) INDIVIDUALITY EXCELLENT CUISINr tm Slnuls, S3. 00 te SJ.M a a ElI We've studied under the best , teacher. O 1 d Man Experience has taught1 . us hew te make engravings of the better kind. We're ready te bcrve you ,, The Chetnut Street E.CeR.lliy l Chetnutt I ii i .,ii n i nit -i 'f DIAMOND-JEWELRY I 1 Purchased en my Confidential Credit Plan Cii ei Immediate potietsien with small weekly or monthly payments, and cash advantages. Haitian Slitum mWmmmmW 7 '"4 "1 '1 (f f 1. Jl ta x '4 I 81 KM i'i 'V B) m m - ? I , . II II 1531 CHESTNUT ST. gltttes- i'. -'' 2ii38 5. 5Zd St.- Tw"9ii T r 3ffl ,-Cy.;y,t. faafib. I ' '