PSWPiFflEfW f; 1 i J V 1 i tf K' && i m BVBNWtf PITBLIO tLEDGKRr-PHIIJABELPHIA. MONBAYJ DKOEMBEK 11, 1922 w xv " ..MJ ftii Stfn Smith THE GVMPSKidding en the Square 0b Subconscious Courtship V ByBERTA.RUCK j'JK B 'Auther of "The Wrenp Mr. "Wright." -The Arrant Hever.- te CepvrleM, mi. Dedd. ttead 4 Ce. fwwum M --.iMisiaMalsaaasssiaaaaisijsssassiMisiissw ai 1 TmxM.m ift-w (X'SStfS&l (&XiY'SS. WJFSSSSKrl i wun'A WHO IN THE STOFW CLOVER MLPHMBTONfi. charm J, twM widow, mho hat Inherited a K Uiinm. Harried b relative and dV-r 10A0 ' m1rr'e ier &!Kfcnc" e off "the harpiet," iPl$ AnvV nAmtlOBABL. JLtJfvirnr veteran, mdn 0 personality, Vatnineer ule hat invented a new Mil fa finance which he aereet te WllSi "strictly lutinett" propeti- ti0nesmtARy MEADOWa, Cjteyer't J!E?i.i Clever in adveriitu anty it VuitH VeZ'e'r touehter, a PyWIlOLT, big, poed-natured chap, lulfuM in love' with Reientarv. fir. A Grewing Strain rtrnHEBE'S nothing te fidget about!" 1 m11 she. goed-humoredly. "Every M7rt lng te go nil right. Levely && the "kind you get where the cook Mni. lust 1 little J nnd the mustb ffirNoe. Quite n happy theujt luy ' .he's delicious. Notes Ike warm ?K trickling rather slowly out of f 'f 5 knew. Quite nimple III iS? tee. I "heuld think the kind lM tlia would really melt your i . a rneni after Betne of tnat pert. ifrh1 Hi' r. .n mere formally she added, "I sup sup lW.Per" !....;- it I'm called nwny Fax middle of dinner and leave the miE for Just a few minutes? ' galled away? Why, nre yelT ex- P"rm cxpe'tlng n message from the ftyWe'tfi -saasrs? night." ., 'Oh? Ne bothers, 1 nopef "Ne bothers at all," returned Clever hf Elphlnstene Bretners, mung ucr dirk head nbove theso. shoulder. .-SemethlnR quit. Ijoed, if t .r that I Imagine will be. Rather crowded Hours ky'-j what with your business end mine. And tncy nre netu cem.nB ." ., "IIew de you unewr" no bbkcu. that they were en these terms of com cem com imalenablencis. In Paris, during the , Ifcpoef honeymoon, she iinu ni.e ecen l-ompanteaaW, quite m much an aa nine out ei ten " .... have met ever tiiore xer 1110 nr- uhw with their people, and with whom he might have done a mt 01 biret-bikiiik. They had discussed the shows, the fMhiens, the ether people at their ho tels; and Clever had admitted te "quite ealejing" tramps they had taken to te ...i,.. in Pntitnlnphlenii or about cr- lilies. Then, when they'd returned te take up this oddly deuuie me in Green street, it had at first scemeu tiff. Awkward, nnd n Krewlne strain. But tonight apparently things had gene back te the Paris and holiday-time footing. She hed spoken with almost sisterly case about their alms and hew these would prosper. Quite eagerly he nsked, "new aa jeu knew'" "Oh! I Just Jtnew, Baia bee. "Your mnbt will get taken en all right." Kentlitid bv the nrcttincss of her peaking veicn, btimulated by the fra- trancn and the beauty se near mm, excited and put upon his mcttle by the thought of the coming party, young Carmichncl found himself looking as if for beinc inspiration into her serene pay eyes. He leaned nearer. "It wu awfully decent of you te say that," he told Iifr, grateful as n small boy for n- f'euragement. "Will jeu de you mind iwlng it again?" Hut thn deer enencd. "Sir Algernon nn'ii Lady Coz!" announced the man- icrrant. "All is net brass that clittcrs. but eertaialy Cox does glitter like hell!" had been mid of him by men who had worked with him. It was true. His breast, when in uniform, glittered with tnese orders; in any case his hair glittered, Ids eyes, ids teeth glittered, his moneclo glittered; and his conver sation clittcrcd most of nil. Esne- daily did it glitter when he found him- aeu in the presence) of a woman as pretty ay his hostess. "Mrs. Cnrmlehuel ! Hew vrv sweet of you te let us ceme llke this tonight dellehtfnl I hnve heen no InnklnU forward " He turned all the glitter about him full en te Clever. Clevor .seemed te glenm back at him. Perhapn it was thnt held tfqsiin drMn of hers. f phich, when she moved, gave her the played, but nevertheless he put own . terk n clenched his hands under a Uble polished like black Ice; clenched them hard. Te hear her' say the mock word troubled, him oddly; It troubled him te catch, through the rest of the conversation, Sir Algernon' answer ing" murmur of "Ah The-only thing you ever need be Jealous of, that I'll swear," and "Of course you're proud, my dear lady: naturally. We must leek into this I'm going te hear all about it" r "Are you? Because, of course, you'd mean everything te us," Clever Carmlchael returned. Odd, hew Car. mlchael (talking te Lady Cox) could hear every syllable from the ether end of the table, acratm th hrnnMiln candlesticks, ncrera thit hlnek.nrwl. amber shades, across the center decera tien 01 a garlanded crystal bowl in which live geld carp flashed and glided under cne iianis, ecneintr just the glinting grace of n fish. w"ih unit urB. were been nervev" announced. llerrnv. nhn had t called "The Plumber of the Empire" luKause he had been caned in te step up leaiss or various kfnds se often dur ing the last twenty years of our history, imu me composite fnce of a soldier, un rtist, and a huslness.-mnn, with shaggy brews ever lightning-swift eyes; their am glanee about renssured Carmichacl, tuewie(igeu the Uexes, took in the d pailer. rtevcr's beauty, Sir Al Al rnen a glitter, and the general situation. 'Majer O'llrien" was nnneunced. , .. ........ uut.AUA OUIUIV.I UH4.' yr geed-looking, neat, intelligent, an Xu rrstPPer of. the great man's 5 in yaentally, the author of the most popu pepu 'jfr Play te be produced that year.) 9 'Docter Mare llnherfiinn." (Alse distinguished. nUn vnnd tn leek Ffjen with wonderful slieulders, eyes Unit with human kindliness.) complete. They 'I'htt ..... j. l::.-.1"'u,' nu.iBira went At Inn hnml n 1ia .nlKM M . u niiiu ..1 iiiwi Biiiiri'ii.n .ftii- 11 InUfhflal lin(,..l Cf 11 f. id . (mil. 1 "c""i rair iiigerneu rbk lr no F.m. be Permitted a persenul remark. u 7, ,tr lovely trecu or yeurfl, urS. I nrmfiliAl ...... !.-& ta. i?m ' New den,t te11 rae !t wasn,t X10W fllnPintncvl tFnAiiitn.lfp.aU. f rj" Clever returned easily." "Iinnc ae your seeing timf it 1" toe'rte1'1 0V" by altvlaM iUa "Ne ; chosen while we were in Paris IlUt I Wll.n 11. .1. J.-li... 11 I. Wi. ... """ nuiie toen au ene 1 , ,' v.111 rome ever by airship " ihlnwi.. course 1 Airships alr- nii 1 ul tuujse, uuve 10 snow "U about - Jhey dined. ,A t0. '''ten happens when one has ilMm of Clever's corsage. She must have ar ranged that effect: , Infernally clever she was in nil the woman-ways, alie were that fish -frock, but Mt was old Cox himself that she played llke a fish. And when, theueht Carmichnel ntrlfMv. had the girl taken in se much of the technicalities of his mast? She had led the conversion te it new. She kept it there, he caught whele sentences of her pretty, flattering volce, describ ing (quite accurately, tee) the points of Carmichael'fi child and passion. "Ne! Thcre's no winch at all," the words flowed glibly from her. "The shin Is te be bmmht in nnd hnM I te its mast by " tiny pause for effect "Dy magnetic attraction a magnetic mast; thcre's been nothing of the kind up te new, as you knew, Sir Alger non " Sid Algernon's eyes positively gilded her fnce with his glitter. "Magnetic attraction ! Alt I Yeu mean" he made a gesture with a flshferk "the same principle as the the old toy the mag net, magnet, you knew. Ducks in the bath when we' were kids, drawing them round and round well, I Bny 'we'! Leng befere your tlma, alas!" "Oh, no! I had magnet-ducks!" protested Clever gayly. "Of ceurse that's exactly what it means. It takes you brilliant men te toss off the met juste where we tellers have te struggle for words. Well, that means a small power-heuso at the base of the mast, with a dynamo" "My dear! My dear lady, I mean mean te hear you discussing dynamos aa if they were new bats. I find the modern feminine mind as piquant as the fashions. I de indeed. "Don't laugh ut me because I'm only feminine I'm n trnrkni. In m .-.. Sir Algernon! And de let me tell you " "Oe en. go en. J'm interested. I am indeed. A dynnme at the base of mis tuing, you any " "Anu, 01 course, a dircctlennl note te find out the exact whereabouts of the airship as she approaches" "Ah! Excellent " Carmichacl, his cars alert te this, had in duty bound turned te talk Rus sian ballet te the woman surgeon, but she smiled away hislremark "I want te listen te your wife," paid she softly. "Se de you. Wait n moment." In a choice blend of the Elphinstone Elphinstone Brethers business voice, and of the voice of charm en full. Clever was centinuing: "As she draws te the mooring, you revers'e the engines. That reduces the shock of Impact te nothing, my husband found, leu see be has worked out all the speeds " "Quite " "What A Sex" "Then there's well, I need net trouble you with the telescopic device for the hele thing. -It cluita up and down from the Barao dynamo." , (She muBt, thought Carmichnel in bewildered amusement, have a memory like n gramophone!) "llfrst-ratc. The same dynamo? New, that'll an idea. I should never have thought of that; I don't believe Hervcy would, glittered blr Algernon. "I bet we'd hnve had two; big hole for the cat, little ene for the kitten sort of thing! A single dynamo; hcur that, Hervey?" Ocncral Hervey. who had been un obtrusively attcntive te everything, re- turned, "Xhe drawings are tit my oihee new, sir. If you could spare n moment te leek In tomorrow morning Car mlchael would be there tee." "Capital, capital. But net tomor row. I'm ufrnid. Kay a week tomorrow or In ten days' time, what? How'd that suit, Carmlchael? Make it ten days' time, then ; give us time te go into It mere thoroughly, Mrs. Car mlchael " f Clever gave him a smile of child's delight; inwardly she was reflecting that these glltterers have te make them selves a little Inaccessible. Half the glitter comes from taking twice as long about a thing as anybody else. What a sex ! Hew is It possible te take any of them seriously? "Thnt brings us te the twenty-third. The twenty-third, at what about eleven-thirty 7 Will you make a nete of that, O'Brien?" O'Brien mnde a note of that. And Carmichacl said te himself, without vainglory, without exultation, "It's done I" Yes: already he knew that the game was his. It wust achieved, ns these things se often axe, ever a glass of champngne and n alice of thi breast. Ter this he'd done everything; thing: he'd taken en this mad contract of a mnrrlnge. In the near future he would be no longer the mcre pen sioner of the wealthy woman he'd married, but the business partner. He glanced at her again ever the dinner table: her dark head was new tilted a little aslde ; she was talking te Ucrvcy. She could talk te anybody, the exqui site humbug. She was wonderful and yet there was nothing In her. Or vih there uuat did it matter? The point was that she assured success for the only thing for which Carmlchael did care: that mast. Ought he net te be well ceutcnw All the time he knew In his heart that he was net content nfc all. This evening, with everything play ing into his hnnds, be was mere rest lessly uneasy than en the morning be be be eoeo his first pregnant interview with Elphinstene Brethers thnt morning when he'd written "mast" letters which (he knew!), would only find room in the wastepupcr baskets of such men as were new his guests and colleagues. Defensively he drank charanagnu and asked himself, "Well, what's my Prepared for difficulties and "manaae. J' 3,.?.'i evc'thlng turned out te be - wn y iiaby "3 far us Carmichacl was wne.i.nn.1 wr ""." ."""."'.'!""' ""- ilit. , ; rUQ KrcRl; ,nani " guesi, JUttered forth affabilities. lour husband, Mrs. Carmlchael, Is very rlm-i.r ,nn it t ..,- .. . fL-' 8 u most fortunate one most .iu. ie, 1 suppose you heard of this uientleu Of hlH v,n It. Inivn. ion?1' - Ihllecd. Ten " nnnu ! nlu nt 4Ver ('nrmlnhn.l Hit T . .. . .". of it I should be iealeus of it. minis " " "Ver tilO nvateri, rSirmtMia! Kril " e&y this. H knew- it represented merest "lines" in 'the .art she he 1 1 SOMEBODY'S STENOGYeBsing Pepper K nIstrel U. Tfttent Offlci By Hayward . . . . i ri r WBU M BOY SOUROCO BAD'S ffLAi 'Tpfesr I SUi5476UlH0U6HT I WAS HAlfcSH lKAWSffl SSbSt ?Su M L r- 'r zM VOU'TC BACK A6MM FOR THE HAPPV tlaaaaaaaarrf HW VOU OUTP 70WA U(T & f!ffif u$p leAlbTHB. CT - - .. g CHRISTMAS DAYS OAlei-DOAt'T BE . H - gCAUSg. OF YOUR BflSH fMuZ,1fcHSnUn H C1& AtT ' - JLOOKIA, IMUEW6LRV WIDOWS Llk f M PoeLtSHAJESS -VUEt-LJTi BVHSOAjES. H J3IP2L0 ZyiZ 2 $PrZl ,t T-rJ BBBBBal PbPPEB 1 fheL "S T L- i SAVAY(JUTHB.OTrlBI?DAY. HH I Nbtftt UHbB-RSTMb SOMBhAY rM CplUR TADS GeTOPPO?TUMlTY Ml- VePpeP' yir- ) Z - jprcJSlsfeEAl5b iiH zi "jTWAf for sduffewAil H GSffiiyxyyu right ERjj w Ji7 'y The Yeung tady Acress the Way i . , i2J NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS lty FONTAINE FOX The young lady across the way aays n candidate who gets n mere majority of the rotes wins all right, but she supposes he feels better about it if he gets an actual plurality. SCHOOL DAYS Bu DWIQ PETEYA Serious Problem ' Ut f I VC JO-T SEBM lf 30VUH47rMRS'"t6u.iM6'TO Zt V J tAMDtORO VfHAT THWX- J? ' 51 VJMFStmti te r t HP I UtTAl IID l" 7 HEc .' 5 I Ut- MAKE IT HOT n?R HlH POCSUT CSU 050Mt5 - Geed :wt-. COOO CViL .' IftAX'slriETAyc. By C. A. Vqight 65t - Told Him vae'e Move RkhT out KHeWAKice PLACe UPIOVNW . - FASY -etc- Ne CCTTIWC EXClTte AOeuriT esgy Xfy i G v.-5 S .K f " KPtSSBSr yf&r' jmaH flf I U pasjT, ,; t i ?m lJ? VE CAW Tfel-t HIM Te SO HAHG AWTlME Lets OFtJeTreftj FlaccsTham This Mi w -r i ('Ivy, -JlMcies! Hew CAM GeT Hcf. OFF THAT HfVK STUFF "-Mv oeTieccEW venr PEuicft., up Town ' V. jO wns y MlhikiHv UNW3 - 1 ljfj!lti" T"") 'X!-5bw. H ' Bf I lfl er A V2, GASOLINE ALLEYStarting in te Fill 'Em By King I' I L ' -Ill I- I' . -.. r fa they ce-r eiRTTrME SKEE2,X '- B(lli SKeezi k : where are you?) . rr - r-3 ml ($) lU.SAX TMBY OOlrV1 WAMT TO POLISH A LITTLE HE'S A SmRT LITTLE OOPFER.- (()) rx-IT"rJi Ml T UT r-wWxsOOT OR? THA,T FACE Jff9llP rf-a5' WOWS WHATT'. COWMiSQlJ V&V F Y0&M9L fl!V ll . ' VJRr n 'fiL 7 it 1 fiiy I ,r-0Ln l 1 v lr t.i A j)l V lfc ukz 'mrr. :ist troubleV l've get an wanted se far, liTfcJ l SV.J -l ( if X-fllr)r A I 7 '. and mere. She's played up all right. avre-7WS 1 JH . il yft Yr ll 1-.NW & jrJLZPrt y irwyjl it if As for actually going and getting fend iS--l Li 77" A V (j Jl M W T TT H fi pppt i Vffffl S of that girl, I'm net such au ass. x1mZ21 HF llffft i 6 F fl R TTli 4M net such en .bsbI" 'mtsHWSr V - I I f 1 -- r hKffl. $$ All this time he was supposed te w f JV f J V I - -. BH Jr Yvfi ., be listening te what Lady Cox thought J F 1 I r) " B I- -. AW$7yJ Wm about . . . J m I --, JH vr H srnnQ is- -HvZ ,1'f Clever' had' ordered coffee te be . m ( -U A N-. H iT LT::; lTmf7Vi wi brought In te the dining room, Jus( ,N-r' I k - H -"1sU I irj' Tfill -, as it arrived a maid glided up te her, H T I JL" " - &&L$rXffi0M '"Wli murmuring a' message. Clever, lifting 7 TB , I r TT " - MJ JtW0f "rtm her head, turned a smiling general apel- I H VL . I I ttte.L " M " B C i. the party-e tiresome t U, i TAri, 75FT Hf T JV ) vM I am se very sorry, A message from J 1 H i MRF - " ' F7 LMMaaMar - til0 eflice, Will you forgive me and V PKaa-: &BI,TUn Bf IQr - CSC be en ns If I weren't there? Just a J T -afc""- iJST Wv". , IRex I...- r SN i few minutes! You'll forgive a her- J) Sc?e " (3flE efwa MtwKi astt " ',li rled business woman I" T-y s -' 3aaAw. u v fl OONTINUBDTqjIOKROW ' ff SS A r - T . " -J.... fl -u r . . , 1 "... i asT- -i , iM -j,. ..!-., , t, ,.i.t vvJK''i-'l-- Y