Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 24, Image 24

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I Letters te the Editei
I-etlcM te tlic IMIter should i na
liri.'f nnil te tlie point ns nosslule.
nxelillnif nnythlnit that would open
a denominational or sectarian ais ais
cuxHien. .Ve attention will b.- paid te nnony nneny nnony
iiieun Inti.i-". Nanus and artrtreAses
must ln h.rixmI as an evidence et
Keed falt'i altheuKli names W"1.!10;
''- prlnt.d If rcipicst is made Uiai
tli" be emitted. . ,
Tlie pubMcatlen of a letter Is,1
fe be tnken a. an Indersement of its
le iij nil, paper.
lomimulicitiens will net ue re
i iriipil unl-s accemptnled by post pest
"Bp. nor will manuscript, be saved.
"Hard Ceal Hard te Buy"
Te the Kdltar nl the Vvenmtt PuWIe '.(iltfr:
Sir Xeuiiilnjs tlime i point In tli
jest about Inn cl ce.il lieiiic he called
bccniiHc it is hard te buj. It Is tint
only lmril te pay for it, lint nN Intra
te procure It. A lepert of tlie flitted
BtntM (icoIekIciiI Sunvv sliew why:
. "t'p le NeMMiiI.er ''.-.l!)J. HMWii.
000 tens of hard coal had been mined.
Up te Wvetnher .1. 111. s.lMHl'l
tens of hard coal had hi-i-n mined."
1'rndiipfwiii lifttttiiim .liiiiunrv nvd P1.
cemlier was nit In half, irtnallv. liv i,lpieM nnil such dramatic reprceen-
thp mere (lian Jh months' holiday or ( , ,M , ,,rmntl,( um 10 appear in
the mini rs a he i la fr which in- clpintie re!e.
ejierat-ts said the con-inner inn", pay. Whai lame? It is sometblng that
lilt operators inade bee J their a-ser- M,,s ,,s lt frtll uu, ,.,.,t of man-
tlOll. klllll ll Hint iirliti (rum .ill In tplleClllal
The inforimtien the I'rnT.tc T-fnei.u talviit. a mural qnaliij, or. as in the
procurer in Ileitis that the inini'i at" ,.,,v. ,,f (ji,uKl. Aimer, a merely phjsieu'
Be well Mtii'iieil wuli the present -tate supenerity. AuritN itneliininry faun'
if nPnirs that tin" de ii"' "t-'i i ' .., ,.,ls un'ittracllvp te most of us. I
nttempt te mal.e tip the iletiell. I Uetc; ' wn, nut ,v(, , , ,,.lt f,.0t four
"Minim; timn- and '.uiners at'.' ehserr- lm!10s tiiil. And vet fame of mint tier
ing cvei he id.ij n p-iieiiilly ni theuEli ..,rt nlhnes; nnhi.'dy elijectx te belns
the nati"",il tn-i- i ere mm'"' I ' ' ni:isi.nvi'l m.iic lijilliant or aicem
coal, l.er nl walUeiit- are im-reiiHtnB. ,M., tlllt, ,H iU.,ir. tlmusli in a
In tin- f.uw of riiiPiveinv. in n per ed in, jntl,it.ctml (.ininence is ns in
Of tli-r'.ip. tin- imniM i.l-i-iM- Imii- u,tnV ils Atiser'i plnsienl great
days "wlili-h de net -te-i tlii ran- , , v,,,.-, ,,,i ', .,,- ,.M i.lr.
reads." C, itn.M-i- ari.e, and jm-j f..-ew, 1IM, lit tle f.-'lew's, such pitt pitt
Ulctienai licht- eecur. upon "tuall pie- r r, ,(1,lsl,s(e 01(, s)(, j.tN
texts. "We niav - well unit. up e-ir .tr..nstli ,,( mind, te another kinuli-
Truylnx that death would seen et me
I ilnni-.l nealnut man when etnrvlnt with
hunsrer . .
Jterelful Oed. have I Binned elnl
"Annie Laurie"
Te II' r.Alter 0 the nvrntne Putlte Ltdetrl
I Sir I Hill 1-e eblU-e-l le jeu If you print
. th ffterlt old nenu "Annie. !.aurlc."
ITilliidcliihlft. December 7, 1022. T. L.
There an- nevernl orlen of thin rep
l ul.ir old melely. which. It li said, wnii
written by Deuslai nnd amended nnd en
I Inrceil by IaiIv Jane Hcett. The one irener
1 ally uerd by lnitcre nnd ethers. bceiUKe of
tta uieri' modern text and smooth rhythm.
Is an follenn:
Maxnelten' bran ero bennte.
Where enrlv fn'K th-' daw
And 'titan there that Annie I.nurle
Oled m- her ptnnilsn true.
Oled me her rremlte tni",
Which ne'er forret will be,
And fur bennte Annie !aurl
I'd lay me doen and dee.
Her brew Is like the snawdrlft.
Her threat Is like the swan,
Her face It In the fairest
That e'er the eun shone en,
That e'er the sui shone mi.
And durk-blun Is her e'e,
And for bennle Annie Laurie
I'd lay me doen and dee.
Like dew en the tetrnn lrlna
I the fa" e' her fairy feet!
Like the wind In summer slhln.
Her elce la low nnd aivi-ct.
Her voice In low end sweet,
And she's u' the world te me,
And for bennle Annie Laurie
I'd lay rre doen and dee.
"Le Clalren," by Dereulede
A reader hai ak?d for the nuhllcutlnn In
French of "11 Marseillaise." This la lm
jitactlcab.e, Thp nuetlen In nlne asked
wh.lher "Le Ce Iren" li by C'lcmencenu or
Pereulede. The latter none l the rreluct
of Paul tiereulrde. It Is net In the People's
Feruin llbrnry. either In Frenih or ntiRllsli.
If n friend of the People's l'erum has the
nnr.B In the Kngllih tencuc, It will be rub-lhed.
"I Knev a Levely Garden"
Te the Editor of the Evenlne Pubtle Leietrl
Sir Cin you ei one et the readern of the
People's Forum kindly obllue me wllh the
words of "I Knew n Levely Harden"?
CJ. W. fl.
rrankferd. Philadelphia, Tecembcr 4, 1022.
If raider can supply the desired none.
the People's Forum will be clad te pub
llr.h It.
Desires Words of Seng
Te the IMter et the livening Public Ledum
Sir Can one of ).our readers supply the
words of u senir beKlnnuiR!
"Ther stands the eld kettle, se black and
se nrewn:
My crandfather had It when he wa e.
man." TOMMt L.
Phllidelphla, December 7. 1022.
Dees Any One Knew It?
A rad-r asks for n "humorous poem."
the naine of which olio feritcts, but which
opens with there lines-.
"Angelina In n rr' ttv itlrl
And has the lieuad i blackada curl"
Can nny one supply the desired trces.'
Jnlnil- t'int no sie.it pnrr of the i
nes le am.ther ditut, or mastee
vei- iii-n. lead -rx' ip. spi-ilinil ten.
ill 1), mole t-.p. Tie pin.-h ir.'it
DCRnn II. di-t. r Wl.l l.lt hi- VVY l-e.-iiiisiv.-pp.-. iniiM-u'ar rower.
tiprinp. h anetiier i-eerpi ii ... lVi-!,;,ps ti.. t.etih.i with the en-
il.nvia- nt slie unwi'pil AiiRer was that
i-.i ,1 1 ii he-
I make i! ip.
in main places iinrtl i-i '".'".. m cm.l,, rr-,,i- .,,t-,.:il it. n-v.-r .-,
cernp a l-iiiry t nrl te be son. in in nwny fl(i,n nvuif w unni ff
the M-i.It t l.j ,,-t ,- --. ml' ;!;' e,t...lity with his Mlew lm-. Sape-
of censmn.r-.. l,h. -i""'"1" " ,'tac' ' ne.Iij of an Uml is irksome if it c.iti-
i a i-iii... of w-.desprea, llw t ,1. P- ,lllt bl, 0, o.i-ienally frKelte... Wii-
Mi::-, :y :::.:.' -.: Z . -!N . : -.." wt or ,,.,.i
V"V "" " ' -' . . . l .Hill ij-IsIV ' Willi Ul.lt I ItlSl t.l ,.
.. Limit all ll." in..''
. ..t .. l.... ii i i i ., i i r i i i lit- l-" .. . - .
lted upon th- ii.l.'i-'.
.1 I I.1A Ml 'li 1 ' i.i'
l.i-twpen s-il.oM-'e ali-l
deiliPfi- l-t-nf'.'ii te mni'F'iin a "it-
lint in. in w'lieh tie birds'il' "t -"r'
l'hiln.Ie'til ii. I, i. iniipf (!, ltcj'j
Atlantic fit.-. N- '-. I'"'- '' 1'1"-
De Cc-ivlcts' Victims Jein Pleas?
Te"! r ' - -' th' "' " a V'hr T'lil'r;
Sir -li"sar ins m-- ni-i.i--.-- ; " .! I
il-.'m-'s.'iir-; ,. .. ,.,
Questions Answered
t ll.. . I 1 s.. Ifcs, . Mt I'lttl I
. . ri' i .iMi 1 1. . in. n ... . , . . .
III... ........ I - - " IliAL III. II II 111
certnn;; the . n-'tt -in- a 1 1" ui--s.mii . ...., c ,. c.,cjmN-
l'risen, 1 m i!. like 'e a-U I' miv ni I . .:nriiitrn, Del. D.-c-mljIr 7 .H'j"'
the pleas for fe ln-'c-iu'iit of .-ri'i- T, ,, , , , of j,,,,,,. , 1H ari, f. c .
tlens we'. i'irei-1' 1 h nnv olio who ll.l I I . . h ..nl .'IT er -e-t li-rmn. lri-ir-..-ill
nt v win siitT. red nl the hand-. 1 1 ;t - " t.. .-eui--t n- . ,..-,, ,,.
these tirl-eiier-.. .'.v V' I'"1'- ':em ,v'-&m '' me In .
ri-iiii'i,Ms mwi In he ve" n'l'imi" i ',' , ' "(' '" ''' " -' ls " ' "
toee,!eteform ahep'ne. I ubtle-- lur. ,h,:' ' :--; -. r. n ,,,..,
' urn ar.nir unJer tte cuin-I'zv.nv.
I lur.
. t
r..i ..
they ein-t te r-: rn te tlie ,ir.-en ati-i
de ret wish te undergo tne sainc u.-
went- ,
Hilt let ;ive theil -he beiieTit of
the denht. mid snppose that in the fu
ture th v intend te h- uprl.'ht ei' ;'e:i
Is it net nn'ural e suptiu the t-irl'- .
runili'neiit had snmetliin." t.) l-i wit'
the"? 's'oeil intent!-ns': Whit, tlu-n
would h" the tesult if th- 1 r!"iis w-er-made
rec.p.itieti .-"n'ers, .is .vin. ti-im
te wish tlippi te he?
Pet-snna'lv. I nm in favor of ele-ip.
cilli iril wlineninp feel. n H'tT'ii-infe-te-l
c.-l - mi ' tainted !' ' w ' I
lertn i ! nl he .-en-1 i. "' ' ''her i
mental ei iihs.rnl !.. 'h .-f tV ) -eners.
1'it 1 .'f -"' ''0 ' '' '' ''
they eh.,- i.j linv.' in i"i :il ent.-r a n
merits, pi.i-trii ll-'lits mil M-d.in -
venieti'.--. such a- llu weikin in.iii
inu.-t Kit or many hours te eht Tin.
In tne innje-.-ity of factories tin'
nheps Miieltiiii !- f-.r'.'.-ld.-n. If i'i
honest man i- den.e.1 tlr privilepp.
..l... ..1.....M tl... .-riinl'isll clllev ItV
lV M1 of hn '--i!' f-r I-rea'ien Ii
I w-r ild sus-'.-t hard werh, mid p' ut
of it. , ,
Wbv net l.nve the r-i-ner-- de th-
Cnncer Death Rate Rising
Te thr i: t :,r et th fi cii,it0 ;u(, . i.ciIjt:
Pi- li it i-n- n .t t:.i) Oe.ith 'ii f -cir
.r u Ir. i laimj' A.WluV1
AI.-ni t." pu. Dee'rnber fi l'j.2.
jLlKin fr m the res. at: u:, n i-r -i. tK
i-ii i- .-i-n i ,-t. is rl i.b In 1UJ-) w
"II 1' r l'ei-ny pu.u.ail.in and in I i.'l
.. s,j. i j, , rPr,,M cir .,. t ni ,
ns.i- ujuj! :.-. i'u Nurih t.'in in thu juj '
Ne Benus "Premised"
'.- I r 0 th. t.l -I ilfl I'ul IC 1 fie."'
ui e .t.i- a
JANUARY 1st, 1923
and until further notice
Interest at the rate of
Western Saving Fund Society
Main Office
Kensington Office
Frankford Office
4800 Frankford Ave.
(lob opened Jan X 19221
- U ..-- V.-I- .1
'- .i u i - lii i. i i-. lis nir
i iu , i. i , V U'ui wm .i-rineihtr.,; i re-n r .
' i f r- i i i- i -ii th a ll.i iii-i-
ii . -r or w i It uf-.cr the urmist.i
" - ."i ir. i). it. ,
' . il ! h'.i. Hccen',br '. 132.'. -
Ne I e i-i a "pre i-led" te -ervtce mL-n '
r.i - .a ih- ' m- thH? enrered the urmy
e- tiny e.- afur th- U-nln et the ar-
n.ih-. h. I.iitei c-i:u:r ft r-i-. t an.l I'rtH- i
t Ui.s.-i . , pr-i I .,n ... t u ifttf-
. . a., se ili rs ai.i uu rs i -!.eti.-I n.eni
.h.i fi-r.d :i tl i-'nirl fi, t..H of tli
jl'r.ie'J M re 1 t .-n ai rli .', mlT, tl.t
! i- t,f 1h. 1'-. -. 1 -t -. - . -i-r inr lnlri tl.e
laborious work of in-il;l-i-' the read- an I . . a-.i .s. . iter u. ii.i- u, . in,. t
thus de awuv with feri ..-tl lalier.' It 1- . -n -i..rn th r-r. --i -, r erttt.ri
,ee..st-iet f 'lit i. n-j'st tin- sMni-i" t- i uuiiusnf .i0 in nd lm m te itelr r-1-
neenle in etlier land-. Whv net h.ne "ir..'"5'
Tirisun firm-? This would -'ti-a ly in
create the simnlv nf feed. - i t! at in
lielpln; .-"her renn-ries .-ur own coun
try would p.er fiiilTer, In re!- r"ti-e te
the fop. irn delimit in this country, i'
Eilshr h-- no-.-.l tl.it h.-e pi-iple herd
teseth-T mil iive tiii.h-r sm-li eii-lir :-. .
that the lite 1I1112 of 1 rime is in-. Itnl l-.
Minn- should I"' tn n t. de .-nv..;.
With the i'ih'-i'i of criine. ih 1- elltui
Iintin.' t'.e n it ter miu.-!r enr.
C'iiiiii eriit has 1 e.-n m id- '' r tic
Tirise-, is lnve I., si h-i-t ever ni n
rtoel f-r he rs a' a ti'-..-. .-t iheiht
these s.-i-ui- men weiil-l ...iisi'-i it no,
litird-lii ' 'e -11 f"r hours Inn; n -r 01
t-amhii'i t,i . .11 an :r.iii-.s.ii.-ri t-iK-
'Ih- net fu her jirn.-i.!-! th it
h..I - iei -i 1 th,.r ili'ihir.- h prier
Pa n..- of ll.e a. t u 'e t IJplh'e t-i
m.i b mi' utul win re'iueied te eIl'l li
..-ir rtppl.calien.. T-.s .xtri pay. or 1
buiiU" " .. n Blft nut due te a "prom ,
la-' of i-y e t. bjt purely ....unury en
tlie ?a:; of Ilia Ge-.rnmenl.
The Maelstrom
Te U rt -e-- e tli 'i--i.'i3 I'uh ie l.rrlQt-r:
Sr k -,l 1 '.' 8' r 1 h us' r. 1' u miel-
ti m I'. IIMtllV -r.- CI.H1K.
I'i.I I- 1'S.H 1 ' "i'.'T 0. VK'i.
i." mi-.- - -8i-i il bV W'ltSe,
el-r's is -1 n-.' -."nt 1- ttlll hir
1 If t e . - r ik "' .N ui 1' 1'
rjrs with tl - t -at rnie- m i'j-t
;i 111 n r '1 ', i- J'M 1 -1 s.v frmn - 'Hli
-1 n '.- 1 i-le ir. tf mni' 1 i-e wl.ir b. V: en
lnjl of st.in le..l" . s. 1 ,k.- 1111 I wli.sUy. tl n rl I- n.iit'. - 1 1 s 1 1. 1 -
If mi'i th.-i- 1 r .son refernn'r- "". ' " " - l- ;' t 'j-
Lave t'.-lr wnv, i.e.-pl- v ill ...uiiui ' Jr ', V '"' T'c'" lt 'an
.rimes for a .-hiii.e te Vvt a rest from ! '"- "1-heut J""! u'w-
work nu i te euj y i.'-a-.m' sun-ntind- ,
inus wiUieut ri-i.eiis-.i-i ms ..t mi. , pnr,0 CnnS! TlnQiretl
V-1,,,1 MIsS : )" M. .(IMS. x-"'"! WW..JU v-v.
Pli ter Pu. iJi-i-i-mhcr . lll'J.
"The Lily tmeiem"
Te thr )' ' "r nf tt c .'t'e-ijiie Puldlc l.edeer:
sir r f em.ib 'rlliial 1 ti-3 a.- i-ub-
rr. '"I t' r :1 1 I'eru-i. X.
Ih adilv U Pe-imber T. 1023.
Tim :.ii-Y ninr.i:.M
rlr Irnrr nf th- 1.1' y emblem.
T ' 1 1 f.i r ".
I i- 1 i-' th- m'.e'-- ve-'d ' problem
1 . 1 e m 1 L "tin; te l
Ti- ' -u !" w' ml ' utly."
'. i.-e up .il - il"- un
-; , f , .!-,- ir'ar-- t-I fiMly
V t' .- --i K I'd - " "r .
-e tf.r- v v" li.'id ti.- -il ' f
' r , ,, , ,. 1 1- 1 . ' -V.
, . 1 I 11 I ri'i .- 1 ' 'i '' '
1 .ih bl - ' , i .
Has the "Comeback" Habit
Te the til tnr nf tit' I'n WO r-.fc'ie t -il'T
Sir 1 1". ihe,- de come liail;, ven !
in iiolites. '1 in re was l'f ridge, et I
Iiul.nn-. f- " - mnd:. wl,-. 1 n t 1
renateria! 1 onmi.itieu in his Mate after
ft J,r . ., if "'.I I .11 tl "Is I j
theuch h" did le-i tl '.eri.iri in th-
IJt'muir- tic men tin a meii'h .10 1! .
here w .i' il 1 1 --n A - J I'i -
ilUtntili s.ijs I'.i'i K -I I' '"'. f-r.. -Sltn-il
"t "'" 1 -it. 1- I I'-" ti.- ,
cot- ' ."'." h-i' ,t. , I
JJ el.ti 1 " I I - ' i'' r' ' '1 I .'.-
ten.i's I h.i- - : "I 1 -s '" ti - - ,!..-.
i-xectit..- A -I -" ' ' 1 ..-
-lcct.'l i 1" ' ' ' '' ' ' !' -I
mar-,' - l-"i -s -n- r , - 10 ui. ti ti
ters, et" "f uli-i, w;ts the iii.-uiii'ji-iit '
Mn'' r. I
In our 1 irr nf the country we lmve t
n t-n inn w ir Ii I nd 1 u " d f' ..'ii 1
the t-"'i!wi''iii 'e'' 'I. k. r "A mini
luai he '!""" hi' ii- ."l' u'.l"- -Hi loll-1
tics, utr 1 ay
W J E, take pleasure in announcing that interest at
" the rate of
will be paid en Savings Fund Accounts
(net subject te checking privilege) for the year 1 923.
Member of Federal Reserve System
13th & Market Sts.
Open Every Evening Until 11 for Deposits anil New Accounts
rrzS2alc J
,l.i'K'"' VUW l.Il'.-s.
I'.i., I'-'i 'uih.-r . '.)--.
Ml e b- ' "i ' en III
,, j i .. ' , -I - n 1, Mi
Aid 'VlT u".''.lri"J-i e'.r Vr
A' K"'t'y It- er.1i 1 R" tie ti
Te tri "t the ij-ien l--il-t' '
Th I- --e it I'ei'f Is - '.'
On il .1 y I I Hee ' '
JIU ailni c ll 'nd I I'''jr
"Scorn Net the Convict"
re M f lit' ' - "' r ;! ' -';
I I e-l.l- - ' '
MS . I" I ll
vi ' i Ii I ! ii
(ieii'(. Auser, t ' tl ii ri'"-'-l
... f ,i ii,, ,-s in ln-iifiit un-i -ti.i i"
he the t.ilh -t t.i .i. i'i the wuilil. is (. ad
... v. ,. ,,.iV. 1 if" (I III i ii-ns .!!
unli'-ll II- ''.'Ills m hi i-.i ilv Ihr-
"et. I I uii i.-' lull" M-
low" si' 'hen of a ''-'.. "i two UH' bv fe .rn
n rernm fin e-l ei.'i '-,,,,
C'ui.t '-I. Auiter l.'.-rnl'y "towe'eil
' nkvii hi- f"H v-." "-I " 'I '
Fame e' Various Sorts
-n tie '- i- - ' t - '"'I '0 "''-' " l.rdltv
Fir I'M .:""'
b- .-r r-tir i
Si'Ol'.N N-iT Till: ri;;Mr-r
I 1 ' II
h -i T'e. n.e - I'i
i im i .
I 'I'.ir.-
ii I
,- N 1 Vj'
re K,irh of i 'en-1-1 ki- '
iijmnat mu tfi"e v. -i hic
A National Bank
culty In wanhuu 'i p." ml" v by even
1, if there w"'!' crowds if i-epl ,n fiM.i
of him Kvfii i tie lur e.l te leek nt
lilin n he wi'd.et ii' 't A tli- e'reei. in-
with fe-'i-'l te Le i-uii-.. neus , h- iiiiilil
IlOt reliMini obscure ami mriel ced if he
Th'ei" tnilut huie hern llm- v hen In"
IVIhIiciI I."' ''"'lid enle hlms If feeti) the
mil 11 . - I'li'mlf mil. mm',. oil m tl."
i-emiun'i threni;. lint a no mtiii cm j grern n''
. (nepi.tisi. Iiis Mature by a i libit. Hi t.etie Bterv
Sa-I lue n y file, nrl t,mptat'',n iny iar.-
Ne ni . will ereillr the pner " r v'c; a
. i,--l.
Wl.at l.ni ' i r lUie I rup-el ('l r i-
Im 1i e- ir.er-v irret man --'
, il, r :i n i from sin i t. . nip- I
U' i "
1 , ; in ' I nir i ii" te 1 v-- I
II Ilt'S i
tie mm t. I'jt heir m s.1
.-mi reduce It. llplaln A'Uer vi tit
. threiir.h llfl' ""' "hii-rveil of all . h-
servers cen-lemned te fame, ntul suf -fercil
In ii'Mi'ien all mu-ih if incuiiviiii
I t'tiei'! by le.isen of hid raeivii pro pre
" iiortieus.
Ilnerw-ivs weie tee low for mm.
IImIi wi'ec tee eh 'f. I'll'lmail beili.s'
ftUj bet ths en Mcnm-hips were con
i irlvt'd for no Mich over-sre eccupmitH
' im lie. I'1' jeurne.M'd tlnei-;h the wer'd
" t-inKiilurly ici-hited. Tat mei, thin
jne.ti, men of nit kinds nnd coiuIIiIeiin,
inevcil en u lower level. beleii-,'i'ii te
ll mero moiliet iilmie. The talust of
. 1.... ln-l.-.l' (UO fl'l't (if lIll'I'llllL' IlilO
ITf 3iVIII ll'-,-'- -.-- --
lV- .7 eye te eye.
i.?.-A,v. Ne clothier ceutu prevnie nun w
ffa"! or nil overcoat icmly maf.
" K ie 1ruvu llu uutmnenlle It
"'ft .Mant haw. been uueclally contrived for
" Qj - THA Atmt AMAMllnA lirtnfc.ni
.MM., jamimmm ... -.... w w.w v.
Ilh ii
IW.w I tun- Uff-r-'l there's t,l mw r.m I
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Suve a ii.i'ir eutCAit from rin anij tenpta-!
il-ii I
Don't "nd m l.ie) te a relrl prlwm cell.
nracr"! te d-mmlr by the pnns of Btarva-1
f n I
Jn tt ii Time 'n 'I 'rif h.lf le(ij,
Te take from nneihe- fur letter In 'latum
Tli.it wl. 'i weu.l net you j bile of hln
bread ,
la the i("r leivlc ive.li! of all feelinir'
Ih be ,0 dle ibai the rich man may'
live' I
Ged Km" me lite. I prefe-vinit tt stc.il- i
Ing" I
If te I "in eulliy, I tare net te live. I
Su-h my crlrne. uml moil eruel my
llran'l'd u fe,nn nml dniKireil te a cell,
Chained te u men. IIK a aeu for leptnt-.
Doetnul for lone ytan In confinement te I
Llv1mr4-7t' al eiljr kn3f n by a num.
Is a
Voluntary Trust
Fer the Rich?
This question, with ethers,
is answered in a booklet,
"The Trust Company and
The Individual," which
will be sent en request.
Trust Company
325 Chestnut Street
143 1 Chestnut Street
6324 Woodland Avenue,
West Philadelphia
Capital . . . SS, 200,000
Surplut . . . $16,000,000
Fund held in Trust
mere than $300,000,000
Under Gov
0 r n m e n t
s upervisien
Strength and
fMl&ai ImkwitktSt nigt ,
Bank of Commerce
713 Chestnut St
.h4n T ret.tll. rraiUtM
Beles s. West weed
Hesr.nci'.j Phila. jSteck. Exchande
LandTitle Bld., Philadelphia
Sfcrfcsll- Slrne. & (En.
public atlHty 0irurl!ia
QXatU tixcljaitfje Halliiitn, tlljlla.
Amer. Gas & Elec. 6e, 2014
Seuthn. Cnl, Edisen 5s, 1944
N. Jersey St. Rwy. 4s, 1948
Equitable 111. Gas Lt. Pfd.
Phen. 4 LecuU 0220-1-2.3-4
rrlvit" l'lmmii te New "ift & llrtten
A Complete Investment
Securities Service
Established 1865
Commercial clruslBuildmi
Baltimore NtiwYerk Wctshiryht,
-mm 11 !!!
Bends for Investment
SiiCZMluifU Upen Rtqft
The National City Company
20 Seuth lh St.
, L
1 . ,
RlC.PWOeLuTt)MOll. iHtUHlAMC j M t
HHZVHgLaJWSI PeBniylvtaia Indemnity Exckuf I r
'"' at, u. tow 1 I
New Serif
Adirondack Power and Light Corporation
First and Refunding Mortgage Geld Bends
Carle of Syt du 1950
Dated March 1, 1920 Due March 1, 1950
Interest payable May 1 and November 1 in New Yerk. Callable as a whole or
in part en any interest date te and including November 1, 1927 at 1054
and interest; thereafter reducing 1 every five years, te and includ
ing November 1, 1942. Thereafter at 101J4 and interest.
Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk, Trustee.
Issuance authorized by the New Yerk Public Service Commission
The Company agrees te pay interest without deduction for any Nermal Federal
Income Tax te an amount net exceeding 2, which it may lawfully pay at the source.
The following information is taken from a letter of Mr. J. Ledlle Hees, President of the Corperation:
The Adirondack Power and Light Corporation docs the entire electric light
and power business in Schenectady, Oneida, Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs,
Amsterdam, Watcrvlict and many ether communities in this intensely indus
trialized region. The Company docs the gas business in the first four of
these communities and furnishes, under long time contracts, all of the elec
tricity used by the distributing companies in Trey and Mcchanicsville and
by practically all the electric railroads in the territory, lt serves directly,
and indirectly a population of approximately 700,000.
(Year ended October 31, 1922)
Gress Earnings 95,511,267
Operating Expenses, Maintenance, Taxes and Rentals 3,500,863
Net Earnings 92,010,404
Annual Interest en $16,821,000 Mortgage Bends (including this Issue).. 945,260
Balance for ether Interest, Depreciation, Dividends, etc 91,065,144
Net Earnings ever twice the abeve Interest charges
The Company owns ever 50.000 kw. of installed hydro-electric generating
capacities en the Hudsen and Hoosic Rivers and East Canada Creek, and
is in a peculiarly favorable position te take advantage of the large unde
veloped water powers in this territory. The new Amsterdam steam power
plant new has a total rated capacity of 30,000 kw.
Approximately 50 of the Common Stock is owned by The General Elec
tric Company.
We recommend these Bends for Investment
Price 96 and Interest, te yield about 5.75
Complete circular upon request
Bends are offered for delivery when, as and if issued and received by us, and
subject te approval of counsel. It is anticipated that temporary Bends will be
available for delivery en or about December 22, 1922.
Harris, Ferbes & Ce
New Yerk, Philadelphia
Coffin & Burr, inc
New Yerk, Philadelphia
E. H. Rollins & Sens
New Yerk, Philadelphia
Shaffer Oil and Refining Company
Convertible 8 Serial Geld Notes
Due May 1, 1924
Shaffer Oil and Refining Company is under the financial direction
of Standard Gas and Electric Company and is operated by experi
enced oil executives under the supervision of the Byllesby Engi
neering and Management Corporation.
The Company is an important and complete unit in the oil industry
embracing production, refining, transportation and marketing.
The Company's earnings are showing satisfactory increases. Pre
ferred Stock dividends at the full rate of 7' have been paid since
Ne additional mortgage, except purchase money mortgages, can
be placed upon the property of the Company without equally secur
ing these Notes. The Company has, in zy2 years, retired $5,115,400
par value of its First Mortgage 6' Bends due 1929.
A Monthly Sinking Fund of Kf of Notes outstanding redeems
Notes by let at 105 and interest. 5
Price 102 and interest, te yield 6.60
H- M. Byllesby and Company
111 Broadway, New Yerk
Chicago tfosten Providence
New Haven
iV.UiMv.ir'AL iHjikOS
YIELDING 5V2 le 6l2,
Eteck Eichtnse Dhl; Philadelphia
Bethlehem Steel Ce.
Cornwall Ore Banks
P. M. 5Vs
Earsct Bres. & Ce.
1421 Chestnut Philndelphla
n j
Members New Yerk and
Philadelphia Stock Exchanges
1512 Walnut St.
rkanias Lt. & Pr. 6s, 1945
iunt. Dcv. & Gas 6, 1936
'ew Oilcans Rwy. & Light 7s
New Orleans Pub. Scr. 41es, 1935
.... .,.-j. ... -m i
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, IW.'
Jh ,, :, W.1: i, V '''.ii'---' i.