wVMipv?n?9jivm'?rcrT7irT7ivrTC9AT4HNWiBfzr fflWW?As.?Bl f&W'JTrin ; ";'? v,: ?;teiw'1 V V .r 23: tiVtiNlttG ' PUBLIC tEDyEK-rmLADELPHI. MONDAY", ftflCtiMBER ' 11, 1922 , iiju. j ii ,i irra u ' una RUAJHUIBWIM. ' . "r. . ;wa Londen and Amerhan Iue Subscr.plien having been received in excess of the stock offered, this ad appears us n matter of record only $14,000,000 Jenes & Laughlin Steel Corporation Cumulative 7 Preferred Stock Te be authorized and issued $60,000,000 (including this $14,000,000). Par value 5100 per share. Dividends cumulative and payable April, July, October and-January 1. Redeemable, as a whole only, after January 1, 192 i, upon net les3 than 30 days' notice at 120 and accrued dividends. Dividends Exempt from Prssmt Nermal Federal Income Tax Exempt from Pennsylvania Four Mill Tax t "1 Stt j-ilQlr l'hlln, H'ni-lt V,r Guaranteed by The Dunlop Rubber Company, Limited (Parent Company, England) $15,866,700 Dunlop Tire and Rubber Corporation of America (American Subsidiary) First (Closed) Mortgage and Collateral Trust Sinking Fund 7 Convertible Geld Bends Series A (American Series) $11,000 000 i , . , .. t f , ,. ,.- Series B (British Series) 1,000,000 E1uiva!ent at Par of exchange te $15,866,700 Dated December 1,1922 - Due December 1, 1942 Convertible at any time after December 1, 1924 into S, Cumulative Preferred Stock and Common bteck of Dunlop Tire and Rubber Corporation of America, at rate of 51,000 par value of Preferred bteck (callableat 110 after December 1, 1937) and 2 shares no par value Common Stock for each $1,000 of bends. If Bends called, may nevertheless be converted up te 10 days before redemption date. Entire issue payable at 105 and interest, cither through Sinking Fund or at maturity THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL DANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YOKK, TRUSTEE Frem a letter of Rl. Hen. Sir Eric Ceddes, Chairman-Elect of the British Company and also Chairman of the AmerU can Company, he furth r lummarizss at fjllews: SECURITY: Direct premise of American Company. Guaranteed, principal, interest and sinking fund by parent British Company. Alse secured by .$14,600,100 (3,000,000) of Briti3i Company's First Mortgage 8 Debenture Stock (English equivalent of customary American First Mortgage Bends) and also by First Mertpage en fixed assets of American Company, valued at mere than $16,000,000 including (at $4,000,000 less than cost or book value) the Company's large modern tire-manufacturing plant at Buffalo and fabric plant at Utica. ASSETS: Net assets of British Company and subsidiaries (including American Company) after deducting all liabilities except funded debt, amount te $78,514,663, mere than 2,Vj times total funded debt of both British Company and its American subsidiary. ' 3RITISH COMPANY'S BONDS (First Mortgage 8 Debenture SteclO, $14,600,100 CC3,000,OGO) issued in Londen in February 1921 at 98, officially listed en Londen Stock Exchange, are widely distributed and are new quoted at about 109. These $14,600,100 current outstanding British bends, together with the $14,600,100 bends pledged as collateral for this issue of American Company bends, ara all the bends issued or that can be issued under the first mortgage of British Company securing them. BUSINESS: British Company, business established mere than 30 years age, owns one of largest tire-manufacturing plants in Europe, supplying mere than 50 of automobile tires in Great Britain, besides exporting te British Dominions and foreign countries. British Company also has its own plantations in Malay Peninsula and Ceylon where raw rubber is successfully and economi cally produced. It controls, by stock ownership, its own cotton mill with capacity for its entire requirements, one of largest and by far the most modern and best equipped mill in Europe for production of tire-fabric. EARNINGS: Average annual net earnings of British Company and subsidiaries for six years ended August 31,-1920 were $5,750,020, or approximately 2) 4 times the $2,303,827 annual interest requirement en present $30,969,817 total funded debt, including this issue. Net earnings for year ended August 31, 1920 were $11,837,454, or mere than 5 times this interest requirement. Fer year ended August 31, 1921 net earnings before interest, depreciation and inventory and ether adjustments, were $1,788,726. It must, however, be plainly stated that in the years 1919 and 1920 the then management of the British Company enormously overbought raw materials and en August 31, 1921 the Beard of Directors, including the new interests which by this time had entered the Beard, decided that most drastic write-offs and readjustments of inven tories must be made, resulting in a net charge-off of $33,580,852 for that year. The Beard in the same year also set aside a Reserve Fund of $13,469,297 te meet losses en forward contracts. This Reserve new stands at $3,594,013 and in view of thej-ecent rise in the price of rubber a substantial portion will probably net new be required. Fer year ended August 31, 1922 net earnings, after depreciation charges and all ether adjustments, were $5,S04,8S8, or mere than 2 times the interest requirement en total funded debt including this issue. Except for the single year ended August 31, 1921 the Company has shown a substantial profit in every year of the entire 33 years of its history. SINKING FUND: Sinking Fund, payable semi-annually, first payment October 15, 1924, must call and retire these Bends at 105, and is sufficient te retire all - of this $15,866,700 issue at 105 at or before maturity. MANAGEMENT of American Company is in hands of men of experience and demonstrated ability in United States, in addition te which it has benefit of close association with British Company, one of eldest and foremost rubber manufacturing companies in the world. We Recommend these Fed fe Investment and Offer the Series "A" Bends PRICE 95 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. YIELDING OVER 7.60 en payment at or before maturity at 105 and interest Transfer Agents: Bankers Trust Company, New Yerk The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh Registrars: Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk Fidelity Title and Trust Company, Pittsburgh ed and rccied by u; Callable, as uliclccrm tiarl at anv tw.een ;e dayt notice, al ie and interest, sinking JunJ paa'le in ( 'nited States (nld com cl prsfnt- s.and.v'd at offices of Lee, Higginsan Chicago 'merest wabk u ith.cul deduction for normal r'ederal Incemi Tax up te 2. Present Ber.ds offered, uhen cs and if issued and re, denes A- Principal, interest ana J Ce. in .'cw Yerk Bosten and Pennsylvania 4 Mill Tat and present Maryland 4'. Mill Securities Tax rounded upon application within 3 months alter bayme In this advertisement, figure-, regarding funded deel. earnings and aaets of the Dunlop Rubber ( empany. Limited, and its subsidiary companies, unlesi otherwise staled, haic been cemertid from sterling into dollars at the rate of $4 Sb per pound sterling. nl, B LEE, HIGGINSON & CO. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. The statements contained in tills advertisement while net Riiurnnteec!, are bn:c.l upon information and advice which we believe accurate and reliable. 4 Frem Jan. 1, 1923 SAVING FUND SOCIETY of GERMANTOWN 5458 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. Chartered 18S4 Deposits Over IS Millien Over 33,000 Depositors A letter from Mr. B. F. Jenes, Jr., Presldsnt of Jenes & L'au?hlin Steel Company, copies of which will be furnishel upon request, is summarize! as follews: Jenes & Laughlin Steel Corporation is te be formed have no voting power except upon the question of under the laws of Pennsylvania, and is te acquire voluntary dissolution or in case any dividend is in all the assets of Jenes & Laughlin Steel Company arrears for one year, and except with the consent of including physical properties and all Btecks (except the holders of 75 of the Preferred Stock, (a) no directors' shares) of its subsidiaries. The $C0,000,000 mortgage may be placed upon the properties of the of Preferred, together with $60,000,000 of Common Company or its present subsidiaries (except purchase Stock, is te be issued and exchanged in payment for money mortgages en hereafter acquired property these assets. and the remaining authorized $6,000,000 Jenes & A , . - !. Laughlin Steel Company First Mortgage 5 Bends.-; The management of the Company will net be af- (b) he authorized amount of the Preferred Stock fected in any way by this transaction, but will re- may net be increased; and (c) no additional stock main hi the hands of these who have been associated may be issued with rightg t0 dividends or assets with the development of the business for many years. or prier t0 ihi3 stock The $14,000,000 Preferred Stock which you have FINANCIAL purchased, being the holdings of stockholders net jtt'bMta-uMoe actively connected with the Company, is the only Depreciation, Dep'tii,aiuert! stock that will new be offered te the public. The l?J & Kfe "MST remaining Preferred and the entire issue of Common 47n7iqfi i aoe rre k -un fifie of Jenes Laughlin Steel Company. m5 44,431,035 2,054,895 7,267,022 BUSINESS AND PROPERTY 1916 77,353,009 3,126,026 20,257,877 Ti,.rnmn,nn .Jtrnmn,nB!5mnwTn.,ji. 1917 129,810,539 6,117,696 26,622,033 KR?e jgj Jgkjfcg W" .Mftgl Jenes ft Laughlin Steel Company and subsidiaries- J" iS'Sffi J'SSmJ MM?e5 is the result of a continuous development ever a 'Se'SS S'ffiS rtfl?7 period of 70 years. The business consists of the gg; g'gg'gg 3,682,774 Jf. 3.AJJM manufacture and sale of a widely diversified line of 1922 .... 71,500,000 3,900,000 4,900,000 steel products. The Company is the third largest Total $319,310,929 $55,619,595 $110,506,048 producer of steel in the United States, having an in- Average.. $81,931,092 $5,564,959 $11,050,604 get capacity of 3,000,000 tens per annum. - v The Company is exceptionally well integrated. It Net earnings for 10 years have averaged 2.6 owns coal, iron ere and limestone properties sufficient te t dividend requirement en the $60,000,000 te meet its raw material requirements for many Preferred. During this period, dividends have years. The manuf actunng Properties consist of coke amounted te $38,700,000 as compared te $71,800,000 evens, blast furnaces, open hearth and Bessemer retflincd -m t88t steel plants, blooming mills, finishing mills, etc., advantageously located in or near Pittsburgh. The consolidated balance sheet as of October 31, n,m , 1922, shows net tangible assets of $137,200,000, or PROVISIONS OF ISSUL $228 per share of Preferred Stock. Total funded debt This Stock is te be preferred as te assets and divi- was only $21,700,000. Current assets of $66,000,000, dends, and is te be entitled te payment at par and including $31,400,000 cash and U. S. Government accrued dividends in event of dissolution. It is te obligations Jwere mere than 10 times current liabilities. Application will be made te list this Preferred Stock en the New Yerk and Pittsburgh Stock Exchanges We are offering this Preferred Slee, ichen, as and If itsued end received by u:, and s-jlfeei te approval of counsel, for subterlpUen subject te allotment. Price, $107.50 per share, te yield about 6Vz Ail legal deUtls will be r"ed upon for the Bankers by iletsre. Reed, ScUti. Shaw t McCUy, of Pittsburgh, and for the Company by Metsrs. WUtea It Erana. It is expected that temporary CcrtUcatjc or interim receipts v.U be read, for dehrerv en or about January 2, 192.3. The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh Guaranty Company Bankers Trust Company, of New Yerk New Yerk We da act guarantee tif statements and fijares contained herein, but iher are uVrn from learcti hich we bcUtie te be r:lixb! UeperlevAppruiHu! Wans & Cei ihI rue I ion KELLYXOOKE&.CO ENGINEERS -iS'f'Cheeliiul'41 C S. PATTON & CO. 31) ti (IH'.STM'I MS. BANKERS . KMcrrNniirM f.t . n.Mi.r.U HiT.VKNPON beucfit Mil told. irnnnBe. NEW YORK Stock Ex change house requires the services of an experi enced Customer's Man wilb clientele for their At lantic City office. Refer ences icquVcd. Replies confidential. B 529; Ledger Office THE TAX STATUS OF MUNICIPAL BONDS The President again recommends te Congress an Amendment te the Constitution restricting any future issues of ta;: exempt securities. Ways and Means Committee of the Heuse has already submitted the "Green Amendment," intended te accomplish this object. A history of this movement, briefly told, is inter esting, and it is essential te learn the facts upon which you can properly base an opinion and reason ably guide a future investment policy. IF ') Yeu arc a hnancial institution Yeu own municipal bends Yeu are subject te heavy income taxes Let us send you a short summary of information avail able te date, and advise you of later developments, Frazier 6- Ce INCORPORATED 1433 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA PHONE SPRUCE 3S91 z -f" A BANK FOR BUSINESS PEOPLE In the Busiest and Most Centrally Located Spot in Philadelphia I or these in-tevn or out-of-town this bank can lie of service te individuals, firm.- and cor porations as a depositary and n place te get .sound business advice. A spirit of co-epera-tton always prevails. Heinic accessible te all transit and railroad lines ineatu quick action en any banlJn subject and the exactness of the Mi'vice tvndi red here means satisfaction. Conferences an iucitid. Third. Opposite Bread Street btatieii In the Center of Th'mijs Organized 18G3 New Issue Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes and Surtaxes Legal Investment for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in New Yerk, Connecticut and New Jersey $2,302,000 City ei Masrtic City, N. J. Coupon Geld V ?. and 6 Bends Payable at Hanover National Sank, New Yerk, N. Y. Atlantic City has an Assessed Valuation of 5142,304.548, being the third largest city in valuation in the State of New Jersey. Its Net Debt, including these bends, is 56,305,082, and its population, 1920 Census, was 50,652. Bends may be regis tered, if desired, and are of 51,000 denomination. Legal opinion of Mesas Clay & Dillen UNSOLD AMOUNTS AND MATURITIES $537,000 6s due Au. 25, 1923 Price 101 $1,106,000 41 eS due July 1st in each Amount $30,000 5,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 25,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Due 1923 X924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1920 1931 1932 1933 Amount $40,000 38 OOO 40 OOO 40.000 40 COO 40,000 27 OOO 33,000 3t',000 30 000 Due 1934 1935 1S36 1937 193E IS39 1940 1941 1942 1943 Amount $25,000 40,000 40.000 40,000 40.000 40,000 40,000 40,000 30,000 10.000 15,000 year Due 1944 1945 1946 1947 194B 1949 1950 1951 1952 1954 1957 All Maturities at Prices te Yield 4.40 GEO. B. GIBBONS & COMPANY I MCORPOWTCD MUNICIPAL BONDS 40 WALL sr. NEW YDK StOCKWeli ' CERTIFIED PUBLIC WilS0n & ACCOWTANTS Linvill UndTilleEIJf.,PMla. M ACKIE CR0USE , Investment Ce SteNritif 3 BKAL EMTATFi TR. M m i Si 1 A) 1 Vu I '4 lVmmltm"i 3y rtr, r Mi"; -n tXtut-,!. , y, m, -nv I i. .-' &-&??.?, ji,jw:g teStl