fcMWi hm ja wvrv '"'V.'. vsik " velfftFWfw 'l&SfTO n.V' sfwwww mtiw w 7 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIEAT&ELPHIA. MONDAY.' DECEMBER 11, 1922 m 22 fji "in niAnirT unim AMn rV.'- luuinnri nun uiuii k i HEfl UY. PCK & CO. NEW YORK, CHICAGO . ST. LOUIS RR. FIRST 4i ' OCTOBER 1, 1937 PRICE, 91 AND INTEREST, TO NET 4BG", PENNSYLVANIA .WATER & POWER CO. FIRST 0$ JANUARY 1, 1940 PRICE, 07',i AND INTEREST, TO NET 5 25 PENNSYLVANIA-OHIO POWER &. LIGHT CO. FIRST & REFUNDING 7i'j NOVEMBER 1, 1940 PRICE, 106'2 AND INTEREST, TO NET 6.86 305 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA SPONGY H SPOTS Speculative Favorites Under Pressure, While Selected Is sues Make New Peaks NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Onf AfUrnoen Repert In Phttadrtehta Quoting Full List rami win in J i iiii"rru n i'ttiiii i iwiwiiiiwaE ESTABLISHED 18S3 BIOREN & CO. BANKERS 410 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Government, Municipal, Railroad and Corporation Securities ilembrri Xrv Yerk and rhilai!''nhla Stock Kxchaneei wiiip' it r m ' i'" h wph ii iiHiwir! itn it- Founded 1879 STARR SAVINGS BANK 520-22 S. Ninth St. New Yeilc. Dec. 11 Tl.r- new week opened without tM-iiite elinnjrp In the Konern chni.u'terlMli'i of the stock mar ket, nml tlie price vnrintieni, miu'li the satjie ii" in the preci'ilins msIeii, top refilled little el-e tliiin eiTeits en tile part of contesting four of the pin-fe-Hlfinnl kpeuil.ituiB tliinent te piin the tidvintiige. The honor-, in se t.ir ni net results were concerned were about even, for while there vv.is renewed -ellinc of H'eculative fuv erlte, ether ".e'leeted is sue" were liiiiiked up, vvciiil niiikins new peak pi lie". It has been v.ine time since the mar Let li.is se ( !eel fellow til what could be termed as n set prtijfliim for suih n letisitlernble lensth of time. I)n b.v d.i news receiver ver.v little considera tion, evept ii" repaid" developments within the indivnluil temp.iuie" ion e trued, which is uv.iil.ible for immedi.ite iimiimtitieM. but which has little or no bi'.uini; vvniitevtr en the general situa tion. There was, however, little of an in splinu make-up in the evei -the -week-nil development". Ctble iidvlies bow er, indicated some itnpreeaii nl In lereign Mtu.itieii. News tieju liuHls tiial and cemmcrtinl weild letild be lUsrrllipil ns piieeiinitriinr. tiiilirnfi'i H tentinm-d expansion of business ni-tiv- n.v l.iriini i eillli minion wus u nr found in the tepeit of the Department of I.iber, shewliu the lneieii-e in em em p'e.Maeni in NeMinbei was the Brent c Mine diuunij. Trade reviews te te pertcd lecent gull" in the West were ii" I citih held, but Imtl.er (Min were b m,; in n!" 'Mien tin te was the ton ten tinned steadiness of teieinn eehatiKe, ami also the material improvement In tin- ie-irve position of the bank" as Indicated in iturd.i.v ' wiekl.v Clear !iu ll"ii"i' stntemenl. Thesi ceiistnictive event", mlcht as well have been in the 1 uiKiMge of the J neks, b.'cause, interpreted triiiu a rn itk" t viewpoint, they were it prill; nine id ible Nitieiiil Lend was an eutstanding: fi I'uie of the irregular opening, mak is ii -Ii irp advance of mere thin ." 1'i.iut" tn I'J'.t't. a new high record for tlii je i' I'i'ak price" wire also i t iblished bv " tlngheii-e Air Itlake, md a tew ethiMs, hut the main bedv et stm U w is without nnv i tiled Mend. l.liuidatlnn of some wi'ikcned ai count" anil heavv sheit w lling of sniiie of t'ae speculative' faveiites i iiisi-d a nai-tieiiarj treml in u Urge turt of the list around the end of the first hour Oils proved particular!; vulnerable te selling pre.sure. but material recession" al"e were noted in vic.li stocks us Minienuuer. lialclvvin, I H p H i i Arir,,ini-eG tn itQ rrrQfnt ! and prospective depositors !. r . r "in u siuvis '" .''luiieiiiiiver. li.uciwill, that its rate or interest ter j it(.plliie and tJulf Stntes Steels. (Vm . 1Q71 V,n kn inrrpnserl tr ! ""'lldatecl fill", riiited State" Alcohol. 10 1923 has been increased te 4 Ask te see our New Card System for popular saving. r r!ijuwMfti U flj-B&nSgz-" I'ameu" I'lajers and Hums Itinthei The decdlne was net Keni ral, how ever, speculative buvinc keiiik en in a number of selei ted "hares, netablv in the feed, cliemlcnl. zinc and public ultihtv Rieiiiis unci Crucible Steel and deneral Asphalt. The steadv nbsoip nbseip timi of these issue", which were marked up 1 te .'t points, combined with a lower lenevval rat for call menev eventuallv tait"ed a Ejnipatlietlc hard- mug throughout the list btfmc. mid da; . WE OWN Township of llniiunilnaen, N. J.. -I'-i't "tlioel lienet maturlnB lU-J.-l'ni), which we offer lit it prlte tu lelil 4.30Te. Till. U the township's only funded debt. F. P. Ristine & Ce. Widcner Btuldint, Philidelpkia li.w leiH Elmsuta. Ja. 1. MtmVtre Aeui ierk aitu i'itUiMItM aiacK jtxcnomef m mu - tfA OPEN 8:30 A.M.TO Midnight DAILY Interest Paid en Checking and Savings Accounts FRANKLIN TRUST CO. 15th St. Uelew Market A2d Drluunre Are. imd unit Market Ms. Mirket 'treet S"H8 firrmiintewn ve. Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET Clile.iKO, Die. 11. Although wheat touched a in vv high price record for the st'isen teclnv in the earlv cleuling", the market seen underwent n setback. Preht-takini: en the pint of holders, together vvi'h the t.ict that Liverpool quotations tailed te ri-tlei t full; Satur dnv's advame in Ami'iica, was the chief riasen given for the decline. On the ether hard, bulls continued te emphasize gossip about ptopesid legl" legl" latien te provide credits for farmers and enperti rs. The opening, which ranged from '4c decline te '-jc advance, with Ma; SKlii) te 1 (.. and duly 51.01) te SI. 10. vvu followed by Hlight gains and then bv a general Bag te lieluvv Suturda; 's tini"h. Coin and eat", as well as wheat, it. Tlied new top prieet for the season hut Inter cased oft with wheat. After opening tine hanged te 1 up, May 71 '.cr t" 7l'1ie. the corn marktt lest most of Its gain". Oatn stinted ',! te ahe up. May 41Tse te 1,'if, mid later held around Saturdii;'a latest hgllles, l'rovisieus were higher In line with In g vain Mny . ... Ji I iliiv Ju i ats I Ju ... lt M"J .. 724 .. TIN .. 7U ..i.sa ..i aei, ..1 CJD'j .. 4.-i' 41'a .. 41 Op"n 73 te T.Vn 714 n 7C, 71 Si? 71'. 1 22 Wl 22't 1 20 fi 1 2'i' 1 10 Si 09 44'. 41S UO'u 45 41', Jllctl 7.'. 71's 7ii'j 1 21', t ll'Ti 1 10 4Jt 41', 11 fiO1, Rockhill Ceal & Iren Ce. 6'i, 1940 North Jcney St. Ry. Ce 4'i, 1948 Braih Electric Company S'i, 19S2 Mnntiemerr Lt. & Water Pr. S'i, 1943 Indiana, Celumbnt & Eaitern 5'i, 1926 Serimficld Water Cempanr S'i, 1926 Lekigh Navigation Elcc. Ce. 6'i, 1943 PtnniTlrania Liibtinr Ce. 5'i, 1940 Hetel Trajmere 6', 1927 Cem. Traction Ce. of N. J. 5'i, 1933 Pkila. & Garretliferd St. Ry. 5's, 1955 Chester. Darby & Phila. Ky. 5's, 1943 RiTtrside Traction Company 5's, 1960 Quincy Gas & Electric Ce. 5's, 1929 Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R. 4'i, 1963 Psnnsylrania R. R. Company Underlying Issuts. Pablic Service Cerp. of N. J. All Issues SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO., Mtmbers Fhllidlnhla Stock Exchance 607 OHESTKUT STKEET COTTON MARKET New Yerk, Dec. 11. In the early. dealings tedu;, the in irket fur cot-' ten futuies whs tinner, in sv inpmhy with ii sharp upturn at Liverpool, j l list priees lieie wi-ir te ie i ieiIlls higher, with iJupuuese intere-tn, the t entinent and spot houses the bst biiveis The Times I'lcavune crop es timate wan lensuiereii bullMi. Liver piicil, the Seuth and Wall Street sold uiederatel;. Later, the list was a little easier, and about ii te 17 points off from open me leveln. Trcvleua f'leiiv ... '.M ss . .. LI D.'Win ,... ;r, Viuu ... 2.'. 010 OS , . .'4 7374 ntv Sili. tn I 000 . 8400 200 1700 300 100 100 MOO 200 100 100 100 1000 100 900 1700 200 500 200 1100 G20 500 100 tee 200 1700 300 330 100 1300 200 500 1000 100 900 200 100 900 100 1000 1940 100 10 100 400 .. 7100 7 1 900 300 . . 1200 . iOOO Jii .100 . 100 J 2.100 ; 200 .. 100 .. 300 ., 100 ., 12C0 ., 100 2100 2000 17400 2200 200 100 5200 200 200 100 100 200 1500 1700 800 100 6'' 200 100 300 2000 2400 100 700 200 100 4200 100 ZOO 100 100 100 1900 100 500 2200 2000 4100 200 4100 9800 100 2900 7900 200 40 2000 200 1700 3200 100 100 200 500 100 2100 200 500 200 2800 100 900 300 3000 100 100 600 400 200 700 100 6300 200 100 75 500 4400 200 200 100 100 J00 1200 1000 100 100 1300 15 0 600 100 100 100 300 400 100 STOCK HUh . AJ.nc ltubber 13". 4 Allied Chem & no 7814 4 Allls-Chnltners 44 , . Am Atjrlc Chem... 31 Ji . . Am Agrle Chem pf. 60 . . Am Beet Sugar.... 41 . . Am Uesch Magneto. 35 C Am Can 73H 7 Am Can pf 11214 12 Am Car S. Kely 184J4 . . Am Cotten Oil.... 18'i . . Am retten Oil pf.. 35 . . Am I 'rug Syn Gi . Am Hide & Leather 104 7 Am Ice 110H , . Am Intermit Cerp.. 29r' 1 Am La Fiance Ung 11J4 . . Am Linseed 30 . Am Llneed pf . . . . 40 V2 fi Am Locomotive ...123 7 Am locomotive, pf.,120 3 Am Metals 47 H 7 Am Metals pf 110?$ J Am ltatllnter 118 U Am Safety ltazer. . CT4 .. Am hhlp a. Cem... 2134 .. Am Smelt 54 U 7 Am Smelt pf 99H 12 Am Snuff 148 3 Am Steel Foundries 38J.J .. Am Sugar ltcf .... 76 J4 .. Am Sumatra 29 H 9 Am Tel & Tel 1 24 12 Am Tobacco 54 7 Am Woolen .... 95 .. Am Zlne I-d &. Smelt 16 . . Am Zinc Ld & S pf 51 !j .. Anaconda Copper .. 48 a 4 Asse I'ry Goods . 66 C Alch Teil & San Ce 101 D Atcli Tep S. S C pf 91 l . Atlantic Krult ... 1 Ji 20 All IteflnlnR .. .1225 .. Aute s,ici Cerp pf. 14 .. Austin Xlcliels .. 32 'i 7 Il.il'HvIn Locomotive, 12414 . . Ualtlnie u & Ohie.. 43 'i .. U.itepil.ts Mlu .... x I3am"d.i!l flass A. 33'j Ktechnut Packing.. 52 H . lietll Stl 7 Pf new 95 '8 5 Hcth Steel 8 pf .111 '-i . Beth Steel 11 62 3J . . Beeth Fisheries ... 5 . . Beeth 1'lsh 1st pf.. 30 . . Brit Km Steel 115 .. Bklyn lltplil Transit 16)4 .. Brown Shee 61 H 7 Burns Bres pf 105 10 Burns Breu A 1 45 J4 '2, Burns Bres B 46 .. Butte Cep & Zinc. 9J4 '. Butte & Sup Cep. .. 31 3i . . Cndde Cen O & II . 0 6 California Packing. I Vi .. California Petrel . 564 . Cal Zinc Mild Lead. TV Canadian Paeltlc . 141 . I ase J I 3'levv ... 3'i . Central Leather ... 3T4 . Cen Leather pf . . . 70 4g . Ccrro-de-1'.i.see ... 43 fi Chandler Meters . 63 4 Chesapeake . Ohie 66 6 Chesapeake & Oh pf 1 01 ', . Chicago & Alten. . 2'8 . Oil tv. i; III 27 'a . e'hle.tge & Cr West 4, . Chi Mil & St P 22 '4 . Chi M & St P pf . . 35 5 Chi & Northwestern. 80'j . Chi R I & Pac . . 32?; 6 Chi H 1 Aj PC G'T, pf 03 7 Chi U I & Vc 7ri pf P4 . Chile Copper 27 & . . Ch'ne Copper 23 H ti Coco-Cela 77 4 Colerado & Se 2d pf 56 fi Celum das & Llec.lOOH . Celum Uraphophenc 2H 6 Cemput Tab IteO... 71 5j , . Conley Tinfoil ... , . CoiifeI ' igar S Consolidated Gas . , . Cens G s of N Y wi . . Cens fi.is rt" . . . . . . Consel Textiles . . , . c" entlm ntitl Can . . 4 Cern Products Be. 7 Cern Pred Hef pf 4 Ce"den iS. Ce . . . fruclti e St.tl 7 Crucible Stc I pf , . de odd lets . . . . Cuban Am Sugar . . Cuba Cunu .sugar . . Tuba Cum s-ugar pf 40 4 . . I'avlsen Chemical 29 2 . Dcbters C Min Ltd 22 'j 1 Delaware S. Ituclsenl 195B b Lie Lack A: vv ist ijj 2 Deme Mines C L'astman Kodak . 4 Lite Storage Bit. . . LIU Hern Ceal . . . Kincr.ten-Branting . Kmcrsen-Urant pf 6 Lndlcott-Jehnson 7 Ki dlcott-Jehneon pf 1 IB 'a . . Krle 10H . . Krle 1st pf 15 H 8 Famous Players L. 93 Vt 8 Famous Plajcrs pf. 96 ?i .-. Fe Min & Smelt pf. 53 in rusher Bedy 1824 8 Fisher Bedy et O pf 99 . FIsU Uubber 1234 . Fiecpert Texas ...19 3 Gen Am Tank 69 'i . eJeneinl Anphu.lt ... " ' ' r, Gt-neral Asnhalt pf. 80 . 16 . 37 S4 I24M 62 V . 2x . 1214 107'i 1323J 120 " 9 4934 . 66 5 j . 90" 90'4 25 14', 42 84 s8 58 23 8 30'B 89 'i 0 General Cigar . de odd lets S Uen L'lectrle . . . General Meters Geldwn Pictures. . Goedrich B F . Grav .X. Dal3. . . . Great Northern pf 83!i 82 1814 f14 , 6 33, . It '4 79 3 Grt North Ore ctfs 31 ft , Gulf States Steel... 74 4 Hendee Mfg 20!j 6 liomcatake Minim? 00 '3 Housten Oil 62 2 Hudsen Moter Car. 25 1 Hupp Moter Car... 26'i . Hvdraullc Steel ... 4 V HjdrauMc sSteel pf. 0 7 Illinois Central .. .107 s . Inspiration Cen Cep 33 ' . Inter Cen Cerp.... !4 ,. Inter Cen Cerp pf Inter Bapld Trail Lew 12?i 75 44 31 60 41 35 72 U 112 184Vi 1 8 ' 33 Vi 6 I0U 109 2634 11 V 29 X 40 '2 122'4 120 47 4 1104 110 6 21 Vi D3U 99 Js 140 33V4 76 14 28 1234 54's 95 18 16 DHi 48 66 H 100 H 91 U 14 1225 14 31 34 122' 42 i '2 328 51 95 34 1 1 1 Vi 62 14 44 30 114 16 60 105 143 43 34 9'4 30 8 81 U 55 74 141 '4 3'j 33'4 70 42-9 62'j 65 Vi 101 U 214 2714 414 2138 341, 801j 32 H 83 94 26 i 23 h 77 56 100H 2H 69 'b 16 37'i 1 23 Vt 61 H 2 "4 12U 10534 130'j 120 '4 4914 64'i JO 1 4 90 '4 40 14'3 39'4 27 34 222 119s 133 42'j 64 " 57! i 23 74 20 Va 87 ?4 11814 10H 15 92 96 i 53 1821j 98 '2 12's 18 34 b9 2 45'4 60 83'2 82 180 13 'a 5H 35 a 78 a 31 Vi 73'j 19"2 00', 69 24 3i 25 '4 4 40 10712 33 V4 Vi Z U V V Vi li V4 1V5 1 15 Net P. Jt Chite. 1234- Vi 78V4 234 44 - H 31Ti 1V4 60 41 - 33 7354 f 112 104Vi- 1814-1- 35VS- 6V4 1 10 '4 110 29 Vi 1 1 Vi - 30 48 Vi - 1224- 120 47S ( 11034 110 6- 21 's 1 54'i 998 140 -30'4-76U-29'i i 1233 -54 '4 95 )4 16 -1 51 ! -1 40 -66 S - 1003.4 91 i r- 134 1225 14 32 - 122'- 424 - "i 33 "j 1 !i M 34 14 Vt 2 ?B Y Vi A ZVz A 1's 95 '8 111' 62 1 2 . 434 - 30 114 - 16'e - 61 18-1 105 -144Vi- 43 '4 -9 3e i 31 'i i 0 -1 81 Vi 1 55 3a- 7'i . 141 s t- J'z . 62Vi 66 101i 2V4 27Vi 4JS 22 -34V4-80 '4 -32 ?4 83 -f 94 26 3s 23 H 77 56 - lOOU-!- 23. - 1i n 1V4 1 21n riv Snt.'R In t STOCK illcli 100 .. I.ncltawann.i Steel . 77V4 300 SI.ee Ilubber 26 34 100 34 Lehigh Valley 63 1800 4 lima Locemotlvo .. 50 34 800 .. Loews Ine DH 000 .. Mack Truck 57 Vi 100 7 Mark Tiuck 1st pf. 92 200 .. Jvtncy & Ce 61 700 .. Mnlllnsen Ce 32 Vi 1000 .. Manntl Sugar 40V4 100 7 Manatl Sugar pf, . 02 400 7 Mnnhat Kiev Guir.. 52V4 500 .. Manliat Llev ctfs... 51V4 6300 4 Mnrland Oil 32 500 .. Mnrlln Iteckwell ..14 100 .. Slnth Alkali 49 400 .. Jtnx Meters Class U 10 Ji 500 10 Mny Dept Stoic". .. .174 900 1 Mclntvre Mining ..19 200 12 Mcx Petroleum ...237 4000 2 Mrx Seaboard 16V4 1100 2 Mex Seaboard Oil ct 15'4 2100 1.20 Middle States Cerp. 12'4 1100 .. Mldvnle Steel 20 Vi 800 .. Me Kan & Tex ivvll 1414 .. Missouri Pacific pf.. 42V4 .. Montgomery Ward. 21 Vi 1 Moen Moter Car... 18V4 M Mether Lede Mining 1 1 H 16 Nash Meters 525 .. de odd lets 530 .. National Acmes .... 12 7 Nat Biscuit pf 123 7 Nat Biscuit wl 3914 .. Nnt Cen . Cable... 1 U 6 Nat Kn & Stamp... 65i 5 National Lead 1 29 '4 7 National Lead pr. .IHVi .. Nat K It of M 2d pf 3Vi C N O Tex & Mcx... 04 ..NY Air Brake 28 l N Y ( entral 95H 6 N Y C & St L 2d pf 83 .. New Yerk N II & II 22 li 7 NoifelU & Westerning 4 Ner Ai West pf 76 H North American ... 94 '4 .1 North Amer pf 45 C North I'ncllc 76 .. Neva Pcettj. S A C. 26 .. Okla Pred & Bet... 2 .. Orpheum Circuit .. 19'4 .. Otis Ste) 9!4 .. Otis Steel pf 45 . . Packni d Moter 20 Pacific Uevel Cerp. 1 '4 Pac Gas & L'lec... 8714 Ji 71 a 2J4 I- 1 DpeembT .Iftnuary . MHrrh Mav Julv Ocietxr . ma Orn 21 OS '.. Ill J.I 30 21 20 21 (i0 2J 11 1 no Huh L-. In .1 .11 I J 1 Jt JI 'Jt 19?4 35 24 '4 21 ' P9W 100 2t Internat Cement 201J - inier c-em "n... 100 . Int Great North.. inn r int t.irvester new 400 6 Inter Mer Marine p: 014 600 .. Inter Nickel ..... 14'j 600 C Inter Nickel pf 70 400 .. International Paper 524 300 .. invincible Oil CerplSJA 6100 .. Island Oil 200 .. de cash sales V2 100 .. Jewel Tea 20 100 4 Jents Bres Tea. .. 51 2 400 .. Kan City & Seuth.. 19V4 100 .. Kansas & Gulf 24 2600 .. Kelly-Sprlngtleld . 45 '4 100 0 Kelsey Wheel 98 2400 3 KenneceU Copper . . 36 11200 .. Keystone T & R.... 1 1 Vi H 19 34 35 24 T21'a 894 51 a 143, 70 52 1514 H 20 51 Ji 19 2V4 44 a 99 35K lOVJ 16 37V4 123 54- 613s-2H- 12'4- 1 07 J-S -J- 131 3d -1- 120V4-5- 49 Vi - 66 -!- 9014 :- 90Ji 25 1 4 3s 39 3a -29 221'. 1198 - 133 422 -84 4J U 571a- 23 8 3014-1 89 -5-1 IB i2 - 10H 153a f 93 96 'i 'r 53 1 182'J . 93 V2 J 123s- 10 34 -69 '4 4 47Jt 00 -83 Ji . 02 181 H-J-13'a-6 35H 1 1 Vz -78 . 31 Vi 74 -1934 80 '8 J 60 -25 25 V2 -4 V, 40 1 07 J4 33 H , 'i , H 19 35 I 24'i J 21 '8 4 89 34 'r 51 1 4 '4 70 '2 (- 52 -15U H Vi 20 01 Vi ! 19 -2S4-4'j 93 33 II '4 M 1 H '4 Vi 1 IVi Vi Vi 1 H 1000 1700 600 3700 100 15 100 382 7200 600 200 8300 730 300 2300 100 800 100 1700 100 100 1500 103 400 300 300 200 3700 200 400 8600 1300 2500 14100 9100 403 1800 2100 3200 200 1900 503 500 500 4600 500 100 6 3 Pacific Oil 47 S Pan Amer Petrel... 99 8 Pan Amer B 9434 3 Pennsylvania P. n. . 4634 . Penn Seaboard Stetl 3J4 5 Peopled Gas Chicago 93 Ji . Pere Marquette ... 34 3a 7 Phllllps-Jenes pf .. 94VJ 2 Phillips Pet 44 . Plerce-Arrevv Moter 124 . Plerce-Arrevv Met pf. 29 J . I'lerce Oil 414 I Plggly Wlggly Store 53 a . Pitts Ceal 60 Pitts & W Va 34 1000 lis Pend Crctk Ceal... 20J4 6200 .. Producers & Hef... 44 Ji 600 8 Pub Scr of N J.... 95 Ji 200 s Pullman Ce 127 1000 . I'unta Allc&re Sugar 40 700 2 I'ure Oil ?8 3; 100 S IUIPv.iv Steel Spg..10034 600 .. Bay Cen Copper... 13 300 4 Heading 77 H 200 .. Hemlngten Tvpcvv .36 1 00 . . Hem Typew 2d nf . . 78 200 . . Hepleg n Steel . . . 900 1. Hepub Iren & Steel 400 . . Republic I A- S pf . 1200 3 Rcvnelds Teb B... 100 .. Hobt Pels A Ce.. 2600 4.L1 HeMil Dutch N Y.. 24 Ji 47 Vi 83 48W ISJi 53 19V4 1's 134 I Vi i ' 1 3 7a Hi 1's Vs Vi is 1 ' Vi 200 1 St Je'eph Lead... 200 .. St Leuis San Fran. 213'. 100 .. st Leuis S Frnn pf. 39 700 ,. St Leuis Southwest 39 1000 E St L Southwest pf.. 5B?i 100 .. San Cee Sugir 2 V 203 .. Suage Arms 10J4 700 . . Sixen Moter 1 Vi 300 .. Seubeaid Air Line . 6Ji 200 .. Scab Air Line pf... 9V4 2300 .. Sears-Heebuck .... 82V4 100 7 Sears- Het buck pf ..108J4 100 ,. s'eneta Ceper .... 8'4 100 C Shell I'nlen Oil pf. . 9234 9300 2 Sinclair Consel ... 32 700 S Sinclair Cen pf....100 2600 .. Shell; Oil 94 1600 C Southern Pacific .. 87 500 .. Splcer Mfg 1BH 1300 1 Standard oil of Call 16 Ji 900 .1 Standaiil Oil et N J 199 200 7 St.'el Tube pf 77 'i 100 3 Sterling Products .. 62V4 1000 4 Stewart Warner Sp I 5934 400 ii Stiemberg Carb 57 J4 20100 10 Studebaker 133 54 200 ., Sub He it Cerp.. .. 7 V 300 .. Supoiler Oil 4 6, 100 ,. Svvcets r0 of Amer. P74 300 ., Tenn Cep A. Chem.. 9Vi 10100 3 Tcas Ce 49 Ja 1500 D Texas Gulf Sulphur 59'4 1300 .. Texas A. Pacific ... 21 3900 1 Tex & Pnc c tc O.. 23 Ji 800 3 Tlmken Hell Br 32 1100 .. Tobacco Products . 55 800 7 Tobacco Pi oil A.... 01 Ji 300 .. Transcontinental Oil 12V4 1200 .. I'nlen (ill 10 900 10 I'nlen Pin lllc 138 ',4 400 Cnien Pacific pf. 75 400 2 United Allev Steel.. 35 300 8 United 1 ruit 159 J.00 .. United Hvvy Invest. 1 1 J-i 800 .. United H tall Stores 66 34 200 . . U S c I i St Fdy.. 24 34 1 0e . . XT S Feed Products 5 7500 ..US Ind Alcohol.... 66 Ji 100 C U S Realty & Imp.. 85 1300 .. US Realty i Imp rts. 94 1 00 7 U S IVy Im pf vv I 1 01 Ji 1800 .. t' S Rubber 53 500 BUS Rubber 1st pf . . 973s 100 3V0 IJ S Smelt it . M pr Yi 1H 8200 300 1100 300 400 1400 600 100 300 400 1000 1500 1200 re 200 200 700 500 800 200 500 1000 800 400 300 1500 ?00 300 500 5 U H Sttel lujya 7 U S Sttel pt lufe S Utah Copper 63 . . Vanadium Cerp ... 34 .. Van Haalte ..64 , . Va-Car Chemical . 26 ,, Va-Car Chi m pf . 62 4 . . Va Iren Ceal & Coke 55 5 Va lien CjC pt... 81 . , Vlvaudeu Ine . . . 13 3a .. Wabash 9J .. Wabash pf A. ... 24 Vi 1 Weber & Ilollbrener 12V4 7 Western Ulee pf . 12 ,. WeHtern Mankind. 12 ,. Western Paclllc . . 16 4 WestlllBbo'lse A B 103J4 4 Westing n & M.. . 59 Ji 2 Whlte i:agle Oil ... 32J4 4 White Moter 49 .. Whlte Oil Cerp. . 4J6 . Wlckw Ird Spone Stl 1 1 Vi .. Wlll;a Overland ... 6 .. Wlll;s Overland pf. 40 ' 8 Woelwoi th V W... 21 3 34 . Woith Pump & M.. 32e "7 Werth Pujnp A.... 05 0 Werth Pump IJ.... 67 1 Wright Atre 9 Lew 7Vi 2634 63 58 1014 56 'i 92 61 32 47 Vi 82 52 Vi 51 31 123s 49 16 173 19 235 15 15 12 28 14JS 42 21 10 Ji 11 525 530 12 123 30!i IVi 65 125 114Ji 3J4 83J4 28 94 80 2H4 111X 76 93 is 45 76 26 2 19 '4 OH 45 19Vi 3i 06 46 34 97 Vi 93 46 !i 3 J-i 91 34 H 94 Ji 43 12 J; 29 4J4 52 Ji 59 34 20 42 95 127 47 Ji 20 10034 1334 77 3634 70 234 46 82 Ji 48 Vi 1 5 J' 52 3a 19Ji 2134 39 34 39 li 57 '4 2'4 18V4 1',i 6Ji 9 0034 100 J4 8 '4 92 34 31 ?4 100 9J4 86 V4 18J4 115Vi 198 77 J4 62 '4 57 Ji E6 34 131 li 7!i 4?j 1'4 9'i 49 53 21 Ji 22 3254 54 Ji 81 12 10Vi 137H 74 35 157 34 11 14 C6Vi 24 ii 5 63 Va 85 Vi 101 Vi 52 97 46 Ji 102 120Ji 62J4 34 Ji 64 3, 25 60 55 80 13 9J4 24 V4 1134 12 12 16 104 34 59 J4 32 49 Vi 4J4 11 534 40 213 29 85 66 9 VII 1'. M. 77Ji 26 J4 63 5814 61 32V4- 48 J4 t 82 1 52Ji 51 f 31 -14 49 16J4 173 - Nt ChRO Vi Va LOCALS STEADY IN VERY DULL MARKET Vi Vi IVi ? Vi IVi - Ji - - ' - '4 Vi Vi 'li Vi H I ' V4 I M Dealings Reduced te a Mini mum as Result of the Waiting Attitude Vi 1 1 5 Vi VA IVi Vi Vi 1 1 Ux-dlvldends- 19 235 16 15 1 20 14JJ-42Ji-21 IBVi I- 1 1 Ji i" 525 530 12 -1?3 39 IVi 65 126J4 114Vi I- 3J4 .. 04Ji 1V4 28 94 88 b 22 -1 1 1 f a 76 91V4 45 70 26 2 -19J4 9J4 45 -r 19Ji 1 -063i 3Vi- 93 3434 94 J4-44J4-12-29 4 53 59 -34 20 - 42J4- 2J4 95 Vi 127 - 40 20 3J 100 13 77 V4 36 78 -24J4 46Vi- 83 - 48J4 15J4- 53 -19'i 21 -39 2J4-18'i- 1 Vi - 6V4 9 82!i I 1 03 Ji - 0V4 924 31 100 9 86- 18 1151-4- 198- 77 14 62Ji- 59 56 132'i- 7Vi- 4 13a 9Vi 49V4 59 -21K2-23 Vi OI -12VS-1QVi 137 Vi -75 35 1 157 34 1 1 Ji -66 34-24- 5 66Ji t. 85 - . H 101 Ji 52 97 46Vi 103 J4 120 63 34 Vi 64 26 2 62Ji 2Ji 55 - 1 80 1 13- 914 12 12 16 -104 3i 49 4Ji 11Ji 6 40 213 114 31 2Ji 85 1J4 67 t- 2 9 - 4 Dralingq tn the local Btecku continued of the same smnll calibct nnd devoid of either significance or interest. The major portion moved within n nnrrevv frnctiennl range or else were station ary. This ijidlrnted n growing nvvellinR of the ranks of these fmtlnficcl te remain slnndlng en the iddcllnes nnd being n onectnter riithcr than participating in the mystic nuie of the tiny te tiny lluettintlens. The waiting attitude was net difficult of exnbiiintlen. lt was net necessary te leek further than the renfupjng rimming of the forger maiket in New Yerk. While the local trading con tingent some times me leluctant in following the leadership of the Big Heard, they, nevertheless, ure prompt te nssume the cnutietis or safety atti tude when tilings get all mixed up as tliev nre today in the Wall street rcnltn. Despite the restraining surrounding elements nnel circumstance there were te he found in the limited dealings sev eral notable instances of firmness. Prominent In this connection could be mentioned II. (J. I., which after dip ping te fiU' pieinptl.v rebounded te 51, disclosing n signilieiint scant supplv of stuck. Pcnns.vlvania Railroad notwith standing the hnndiciip of the heaviness of the ether rails also niled relatively steady, likewise Indicating little free stock mound tin) curient quotntlen American Stores, nltheugh dealt in very spiuincly, wns another stock found te be scarce nnd en n few transac tions jumped 2 points from lust Until sale te lt'71!". Philadelphia 1'lertric Issues nlse tilled steady. P. K. T. nt the same time appeared te have found n solid bottom at H0'i, the low mark of the recent backset. Tonenah Mining responding te the , nmimmpiminnt nf I fin iri nor cent divl- 2 I denrl nilviineeil In "li . erk KllllwilVS W tifd. en odd lets moved HP a point te 33. Lehigh Navigation held firm nt 74. With liquidating pressure lenieved Lake Superior moved up a li te fiVs. Alliance Insurance wns U points above the previous sale at "7. Philadelphia Stocks 1:ir. Net HIbIi Lew T. M. chce -'7 M, 7 -r-'J 78 Vi 78V4 7SV4 . . i. Vi Yielding Over. 6 Exempt from Federal Income Taxes and Flerida State Taxes $500,000 St. Lucie County, Flerida North St. Lucie River Drainage District SERIAL 6 BONDS Lcfitilf fa be ippreTtd bjr Mcmi. Charles & Rutherford St. Leets, Me. Dated Mny 1, 1022. Coupon Rends. Denomination $1000. Principal and scml-nnnual Interest, Mny 1 nnd November 1. payable nt the Conti nental & Commercial Trust & Savings Hank, Chicago, 111. MATUniTinS: $10,000... Nev. 1, 1027 $15,000... Nev. 1, 1014 $2.1,000. . .Nev. 1, 1541 11.000... " 1, 1028 1B.O0O... " 1. 103S S5'nn2"- '.! JI!42 11,000... " 1, 1D23 16,000... " 1, 1930 nAn ' J2J? 12,000... " 1,1010 18,000... " 1. 1937 vnoe ' 1 l 4 13,000... " 1,19.11 19.000... " 1, 193S Bcioeo:;; 1' l 13,000... " 1,1932 20.000... " 1,19.19 BO 000. . .Mny l imb 14,000... " 1. 1933 22,000... " 1. 1940 CO.000... " 1, 1917 Principal nnd Interest are payable, from a direct, penernt, continuing tax irrevocably levied upon all the real property In the District against which benefits aggregating JC.334.1 C 1 have been confirmed. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF DISTRICT District Has Never Defaulted In Payment of Principal or Interest Estimated Valuation Real Estate. . . . $9,500,000 Total Amount of Taxes Levied 3,964,888 Assessed Benefits 6,334,164 Total Debt, including this issue 1,700,000 Acres in District i . . 75,248 Population (estimate) 2,000 S5T. LUCIE COUNTY Is en the east coast of Flerida. 242 mllcn south of Jacksonville and BO miles north of Talm Beach nrea 690,000 ncres. Pepu. latien (present estimated), 12.000; population 1920 census. 7886 (an Increase of 93 ever the 1910 census). NORTH ST. LUCin IUVEU DRAINAGE. DISTRICT lies In the famous Indian River Ornnge Belt, te the west nnd south of Fert I'lerce, the County Seat The District Is nine miles whle and averages In excess of thirteen miles In length. The well-known Dixie Hlghwnv and Flerida Fast Coast Railroad nre narallel te and about one-half mlle from the eastern boundary of the District, and convenient shipping Is avallable at Ave different points Including Fert I'lerce. PRINCIPAL PRODUCTS AND ARTICLES OF COMMERCE are citrus fruits, corn, sugar cane, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, cabbage, pepjer3, egg plnnt, fruits, cattle and heg3, PRICE: 99 AND INTEREST Fer Any Amount and Any Maturity Special Concessions te Dealers, Brokers and Bankers J. L. ARLITT Dealer in Southern Municipals 60 Wall Street, New Yerk Tel. Hanover 3958-3959 Main Office: Austin, Texas Member Texas Bankers' Association. Est. 1914 ' lit i; Vi li H Va li !4 Va !s Mi Va li Va 7 14 Vz 2 i 1 Va Va li Vt Va li Va Va !4 Vi Vz "vx Vt !4 Va IfiO Alii IiiRtir 21) Am Can 10 Am Itvvvs. 1ij 111 12 77 Am Strs. .157M- 15"V 157V-M lUOBuff & S t c pf... 54 CI r.4 .. .14 Kle-c Ster. C84 07 r7-?i V, 10 (Jen Audi. 4(5 40 40 1.14 In Ce N A 42 42 42 . . 50 Kenn Cep. 35 ."j .'15 V, SOOfKey T&B 10 1071 10 lit utiu j.ni.e sup. iiVt ftva ''.i! ri 28Leh Nnv.. 71 7:1 74 .. 500tPnirish & IJinghnm. f) 0 0.. 1027 Pen na Hit 40 40 Vi 403 Vt 20 Phila Ce rum pf.. 42 42 42 .. 1 0 Phila Klec .'UVs 31J,ft 3l,&.. 71 de pref . . 81 200 Phila K T 30 15 Phila fi. W pi of.... 3.Tj lOOtSimth Pac 80 Vi I2OOT0110 Min. 2'i 470 ITuienTrac 40 155 U I.... 51 5 Yeik It pf 35 30?i 30 33 Vi 8(t'A 2Vs 40 50 35 31 30.. 33V'j Vi SOVi v. 2'i A 40 .. 51 .. 35 1 tNet rhittiKe mnde by comrnrleon with last sale en New Yerk Stock KxUiunge. rilllADKU'lUA 110M),S 2000 Liberty 3d 4V,s '2S 00.02 1000 Liberty 4th 4Vs '28 08.00 200 Amer (Lis & Klcrtiic.'s. 85 1000 Amer Uns & Electiic 5s. 8-lVi 2000 Ilaltimnre & Ohie (is 2l). 101 tllKIO Uetlilehem Hteel P JI Oh. 112 Kine KIm trio & People's 4m.. 00'. 201)00 Pans& Lyens Med fls 58. 72 7000 Phila Klectrlc 1st 5s..let3 00 Vj 5000 Phila i:iettrlc 5J8 101 . 1000 Phila Llectric 5U.H 101 200 Phila Electric 0 105'A 2000 Phila Electric fls 105 iT 4000 Phila Electric 0s 105 100 Wel-bach Ce 5s 1)9 3000Welsbach Ce 5s 00 1 V. 1 News for Investors FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerli, Dec. 11. The enrly quo ' ....!.... nn foreign excuanKe nt. in ' ti KininH tnilnv were verv "k1 etchv" except for sterling, which KI.PICIIJ cau l fl . vlrtmill the DIVIDENDS DECLARED NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Verlt, I)"'. 11. The marl.et for coffee' futures opened nt nn ad vance of 2 te 5 points with demand from trnde sources. There ivprp ililiv. ered en contract teduv 1250 bags. ... ja i - . -. . . .,. .t-i,.!'- ettpi l mi eiettiini iiivii ! j a t'i nci'jiv us iwiu -... -- , hhertl.v Uetere tlie local opening, a , ",''," "J u.,",iV. final or virtually . Helltrwer fonielldatt-d OeW Mlns reurin me nl cable from He renerted thn fprrnl neiu ai """', ' , . : i !.', wet-Kiy n vldcnl of l rr cent, pay-"" " tnnrket there uiiLlinncpil tn "r. Tannpsh Mlnlntr Company of Nevada. 15 rr rent, myabln Janimry 6 te stecK of rcc- .lord Dt-einW lit .Mariana ijii rempnny. i. p" - uary 1 in mi.k of ierd uwmMr u. . . -.. . v.. ". " ' i. . . n. ,nTiiriin n iii.M). ... ...mi...j ..... tpec ul cable trem iue reperte.i the tennl "." "Vm 'hieh record. Iancs i ""K ?.rV. .".'?" "S'iSKiiSr is UL W1U rAm-f" z" rn -. t '"V.'" " V -"( .--.- --- .. IV tt fe r?V Bend Salesman A well known bend house handling only high-grade issues desires te employ an additional salesman en very attractive terms. In consequence of the firm's rapidly growing bus! ' net, this opening offer an exceptional opportunity. It should appeal te you if your present situation holds out limited premise for your future. The attention et our own sales smb has been called te this .advertisement. Replies will be MMUind strictly confidential aftsT skewld b addressed te e. . i ti"; --...-- -,---.- ... . r,i v;.. .. -"" ".. '.,,..i.,i. i -. " .... i .. i.,i n iinwn .T.. : iiiiif 11, iih iiii.Hd imri nn , nmDHiiy. uu... -i lower. Hie exchange en Londen wns V('r' 51 n ,i. 1 u, HvvIrs tan it Mtnnl m- cuEiiiinar January twnus !l-32d lower nnd ll decline of 30 ,, ilnvvn 3; Ire down 1 a . Hvmm Jlwn of l tr.ni i,.uMh January a te holders M i .... ii... ilnllip (i Sliaillsll linn .in msiiiii .......I, , j rcnra i)m.pmier is, . . "II the Hellar. u, ?ii.i, Vlnwn 3: guilders down H, Ottawa iUt M.nufucturln Company, auar- I I'r'v le" en Swedish clown . ' "7 '.",....' I tfrly 1 tier .- nt and tha uaual January tra necember KT3.-,1)7ft anil IIllirkB flown -t, 110 '''" of a jwr cent paSnW January a te Iieiaera Murcll fl 48W4-. IHWlll ...n..,.l u-nitlng fllSDOBllletl by the of rcerrt Dcmmlur IB. I'sn.il.nn ,nmA.l.. nnmnnnV. aUarl6riy Extend Time en Exchange of Stock Niw Verlt, Dec 11 When aaltexl today whetrwr llethlfhem Hteel Corporation would extend the tliu within which the 7 icr cent nen-cuniuUtlte nreferrecl stock of tha corporation mtKht b sxchanjred for tha 7 per cent lumulatlva preferred ateck. K, (1. r.up. Him T.reli1nt nt th. M,n.,.llnn mated that the beard of directors ii en I red that every holder of tha non-cumulative, stock alieuld have full opportunity te males tlm i hanve and that he theusht. without July fi hJM-l bepiemeer ,. 0.0. 'U jij Hid. 1 fcVnKtt Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount rates at tha twelvs rederal UeBene Hanl'.a urn as follewa Trean. Mb fem I Jlkrs cira. jienils Rates Acient. Hoaten . . . . New Yerk . l'Mlaelelphls, t'levelnnd Jtlchmend . , Atlanta . . t'liicage . St I,euui Mlnntapeiia . Kan.tH City . DjIIuh . ban J"Vanclge ....' 4 4 4 4 .... 4'4 AH 4 14 4V, Z ill 4V4 K 4W . . ., 4 4 4i 414 . ..4'-, 4V? 4'4 4U 4Vj 4., 4-3 4V 4'-i 4'5 4V? 4i 4Vi 4' 4 4 A ,f 1 4' 414 ti BAR 8ILVCR Bar etlTiir today t ii iWeiV lewsr Ie Londen it urofeibflienal interests pending mere definite developments regarding the for eign ttelltlcnl nnu iiuuiicnu munitien. Uuotatiens were : sterling cableH, 4 57'i demand 4 50 : franc c-nhleH 7.0 1, cliecka 7.03'i i HcIbIiui caldes 0.18 checks 0.47V4; lire cables ...01, checks n.OOVj; Swiss cables 18.80, checks 18.77: Peseta cables 15.53, S, 15.51; Danish cable, 20.05, checks 20.00; Norway cables 10.12, checks 10.07; Swedish cables 20.05, checks, 2H.UU! gunner euiues eu.h, checks 30.72; mnrks .012. SATUIIDAY'H CWSINd OUOTATIONH HterltnB Tranrs I.Ira Oulldeis Demand 3i,!j 7"("1 fi ul a" " TODAT'B OPENING QUOTATIONS 1UU Hterlliur Francs LlrB Uulldara .7 4-6S T.ORVt e."0V. 18.83 ,. i.im 7.04 cel ija. I twnuD.,,1 Cablss., nn ( nA.i, . rf.mn.nv. pur tent nn common and of lt. r-er cent en preferred blh payable Deesmner 01 iu buldcra of r"T,rt. December "0, ...,, Sullivan Machinery Company. l"arierA? 71 eenia pjnble January 10 te utecK ei reir.nl Da emner 31, - Franklin Heciirltlea Corporation. 8 PJI cent, payible December 30 te stock of record , Jollet and Chicago Railroad. QUrtr'Y J H pr eert, pavabl. January 1 te heck of reierd December in ,, . Newport News nnd Hampton Hallway Ons an) Eietrle Cemrany. 1H par rent en tne 7 tr cent rumulativa preferrad. P-yDl January l tn stock of record psceroeer 10. Pullman Company, quarterly, of I- vny. ablv I'ebruary 13 te holders of record Jan uary 3t, BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with cor cer cor respending day last two years) ' .... Phila. ..W,00t),g00 l55.t)OP.O00 170,000,023 doubt, the beard, at a meetin which would bj held prier te December IB, would ex tend the) time fur at leajt two months. MONEY-LENDING RATES M-.W mtli Menev en call, both rln.... of collateral, opened today at 4'-4 par cent jur ii-iiuina unu iciiwwiiib, lIIII.AIKM'IIIA Call. B per renti Uma. fi jsr cent, commercial paper, three te alx months, S per cent. Stock Dividends Dosten. Dec. 11. Directors of tha mi lium mill, of New Dedford. hava called a ireetlnit of .atockheldera for December Id te autherise an Increase In stock from M 6(10 000 ie J'.', 230,000, tha Intresae te bn distributed as a 60 per cent stock divldi-nd. Truscen Steel Increases Dividend Vi cinimtenii, O,, Dec. II, The Truscen Hteel Company hua de. lurid n euarterly dlv. IHnnit nf CI ner cent an tbA ccinmen utnek. payuble January IB te .stock of record Jan uary B. Heretofore, the company hat bam ll-rilla i fur WH liuailg. The Canadiun Cur nnd Peundry ('einpany report fur the year ended September .10 ehews prelits of .$201),2(J(, nKiiinst $1,188,803 the previous ear. - I'i eductien of peld fieni the Hand Mines in November tetnled 704.000 ounces, against 778,000 in October, 747,000 in September and 702,000 in Atlgllbt. The average prlee of twenty nctlve iiidiibtrials decreased 0.16 per cent en Saturday te 07.72, while the tweutj ruiliends advanced 0.104 per cent te 81.00. V. R. Kuhnhardt, president of the Curpentcr Steel Company, bajs no merger of the company with any ether steel company is pending or contem plated. An issue of 83,800,000 of 7 per cent preferred stock of Central Indiana Power Company will be offered this week by Stene &. Webster, Spencer. Trunk & Ce. nnd Tucker, Antheny V Ce. The Cincinnati, Indinnnpells and Western also Bought authority today te guarantee $200,000 In preferied stock Issued by a corporation having u similar name, but exclusively ercnnUeel for the purpose of furnlbh iiiu equipment te the rullrend. It Is unneunccd that the tlf teen-year 7Vj per cent slnicing ruim convertlhle geld bends series A, of Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, will ! reach te be exchanged for temporary Ponds new outstanding en and nfter Decem ber 10, nt Kqultable Trust Company of New Yerk. The National City Company an nounces nn issue of 10,000,000 first moitgnge sinking fund 7 per cent geld bends of the Vertientes Supr Com pany (Cempnnla Azucarera ,ertcntes), whose properties ure located in (Jubn. The bends, dated December 1, 1022, will be due December 1, 1012. H. M. Ilyllesby & Ce., Inc., nre offering $501,000 Shaffer Oil and Ho He lining Company convertible 8 per cent sciltil geld netei, due May 1, 1021, at 10 nnd Interest, te yield 0,00 nor cent. The corporation N under the financial direction of the .Standaiil (Jas and Klec- trie Company, l'rovisien is made for n monthly sinking fund of 1 per cent of the notes outstanding for their redemp tion, by let, at 100 nnd interest. Permission te ihsue $.0,0 14,700 in OVj nor cent prier Hen bends nnd SI ,047,000 In 0 per cent adjustment bends was seugbt today from the Inter state Commerce Commission by the St. Leuis-San Francisce Railroad. The securities, the application said, will reimburse the railroad's treasury for money alrcndy spent en additions nnd betterments nnel in the purehase of bends of Its subsidiary corporations, "I HKAIf IT KVrcilY MIlKMSfin A subscriber In llethlehnm lel I u. ,.. the ether day. that he iievjr lnH n dav pass without readlnn '"III" Waahlnsien Observer '" "It irtvea ma a blrd's-eje vlaw of niiilenal happenlnss.'" Te be well Informed Ien Deilflcar undercurrents, form this sam. Pay as Yeu Ge, by Check. Why ? 1 Eliminates unwise spending. 2 Saves time and many steps in settling bills. 3 Adds daily interest te your avail able cash. 4 Gives prestige te your transactions. 5 Instills respect through your asso ciation with a reputable bank. 6 Better adjusts the responsibility in either a business or personal partnership. Accounts, with checking service, may be opened quickly with a min imum of trouble at The Continental -Equitable. IE ceaTiNCNTsi cquiusir mil a ieuji co Who Serves Best- Profits Most Profits H I Vv Most J'm CONTINENTAL EQUITABLE TITLE w TRUST COMPANY Capital $1,000,000 7meJfth above Chestnut P Ml LA O E IPHIA Deposits Over $12,000,000 Surplus $1,000,000 MARKET STREET TITLE & TRUST CO. Southwest Cerner 52nd & Market Streets THE PIONEER BANK OF THIS SECTION AND HAS BEEN PAYING 4 INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS THE REAL CONVENIENCE OP A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US IS OUR LIBERAL RULES GOVERNING WITHDRAWALS Total Deposits Over $9,000,000 Total Number Depositors Over 24,500 OPEN DAY and NIGHT UNTIL 11 P.M. Alan A. Alexander & Ce. Stocks and Bends Colonial Trust liltlg., Phila. Sena for Copy of Our U'rvktv ml. r, ."Upa and Downs" " UlUr EXPERIENCED ENGINEER II VIJAHH I'ltACTIOAI, AND liXCCCTIVl. TUAI.NI.S'ilj OOI, be Ofl enADUATB ei'i:.N ten rosme.N jan. i. inijub- TIHAfc OK HKCIIKKIiniKQ CO, ADPHK83 r w.. aiieu(Bv8T..1ei. II il