Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Police Seek Man Who Dreve
Machine Inte Taxlcab, Kilt
ing Passenger
When Mlsrf Tlllle O'Neill, seventeen
ywrt old, of 4014 PnrrNh street, wai
erleusly Injured In an nutomelille col
lision nt Thirty-third street unci (Jlrnnl
avenue early this mernlnc, her escort,
who was drlvlnc the ear In which "die
xxas riding, jumped from the machine
and ran away without Riving the girl
In the collision, n man said te be
.August Shaffer, 1SV1 AVynncwoed read,
occupant of a taxlcab, was Instantly
Miss O'Neill was placed in n passing
automobile and taken te the Lankenau
Hospital, where phjsleinns say she Is in
a serious condition with Internal In
juries and pevere brult.es en th face
and body. Police nre searchlnc for her
companion, who tied after the craih.
The. tnaicab, In which Shaffer wa the
only passenger, was overturned In the
In two ether accident') yeMerday mo me mo
eoric who had run down and Injured
pedestrians c-pceded away without "t.
ferine nld te their victims.
Child's Skull Kratured
Seven-year-old Kleaner Hushes, of
4S30 North Mele turret, wus seriously
Injured when struck at Sixteenth and
WlngoheckliiR streets. She was taken
te St. Luke's Hospital, where it Is be
lieved her skull is fractured. The
driver of the automobile, after he had
knocked down the child, put en mero
speed and escaped.
Harry Yeager. UtMfi Heed street, and
Charles Messier. 41MI l'nrksble avenue.
were seriously hurt when their auto
mobile was hurled against the curb bj
a speeding roadster at It read and Stilej
Mreets. The driver of the roadster
failed te step and after Increasing his
npeed disappeared nreund u corner. The
injured men were taken te the Chil
dren's Homeopathic Hospital.
A woman was fatallv hurt in an
accident neaer Hammonton yesterday ,
The woman. Mrs. I'michettl flam flam
Wne, fifty yeurs old, r724 Chestnut
ftreet, died in the University Hospital
ufter an ambulance driver of the hos
pital, Sampson Uoedkin, had raced
thirty miles ever the White Herse 1'IUe
from Hammonteu, N. J., with the in
jured woman ns a passenger.
Sirs. Uambine's ckull had been frac
tured in an accident and an operation
was declared her only chance for re
covery. Uoedkin, by driving at n tlft-lullc-un-heur
rate, reached the hesi'ital
with his charge alive, but death came
just before midnight.
Yesterday morning Dr. It. Meredith
Mcln Ire, of 48.'!.'$ Baltimore nvenue.
took Mrs. fiamblne. who hni been un
der his professional care several months,
for an automobile ride believing It
would benefit her health. An the rhy
slclan was driving down the White
Herse Pike near 'Wnterferd he saw two
trucks blocking the center of the read
way. lie turned ou, te wish the
trucks nnd as he did se an automobile ;
belonging te Mrs. W. Harding, of New,
lerk, ran into Ills machine. .Mrs.
Onmbine s skull was fractured near
the right temple when Dr. Mclntlre s j nst night In Detective Parker's office
iiutomeblle was flung against one uf Mrs. Powell, her two-. ear-old daughter I
the standing trucks. (Charlette; Mrs. Man Miles Miller.!
Hurried te Hospital i Mr,. Klizabeth Jaescfike, the siain's i
The injured woman, who was uncen- ,jm",,' hNt,"r, J""1 II,lZ1'! liril,u"- .'
.cleus, was taken te the office of Dr. i ,,0UB or- Iu (1 u KJ'm'ral crsatien.
A. Ii. Ksposlte, In Hammonton. and l , l,1'11 ""," tl!?r'-' "lse; , , , ... '
there the physician decided that death ' , V"i' fl nl,,wm's fr ''ft S,nV wl" :
was only a matter of a few hours unless '" llle .. l ' A "1,1 !l ''lvl1 rnB'w,,r :
nn operation could be performed M,' ,ni'-v Vrlnu"'; ll l,ll,',t'Sr,'l,ll,,r. "'"'
(pilckly. Dr. Mclntlre telephoned te,"'" l,re1'll'' photographs of the loom
the University Hospital nnd asked that i . heTB 1i',m':t J"1"1 ,,.u't death: Dr.
Dr. Charles H. Prazler operate upon i tewnrt Maul. Dr. l.dward Helten,'
tht patient upon her arrival. Huillngten utility coroner; William
Before Dr. Mclntlie laid llnisbed his Ves.-hell. chief of polio; of IHvcrsldu,
conversation tioedklu unci Dr. Kim- ' n" I'oel' I'eel' I'oel'
breugh, an Interne of the hospital, were i State i Ceiifldent
In the ambulance racing te Huinmen- Detective Parker, who is given credit
ten. Mrs. Cnmbine was placed In the for the copper-meted cuse the State
iinibulccncc and the race te the hospital Is sulci te bne ngainst Mrs. Hruueii
started. and Mehr, declared today the trial
James Davey, Hillhide nrenue, Jen- would be the most seriMitlnnul in the
kintewn, is in the Abington Memerial , legal annals of New Jersey.
jjuiuui ii miur. ni i'oiicussied et (liy
wain, nnung ueen ttrucK tiy an nutu- '
mobile shortly after midnight MMterday '
The car, the licenses of which had !
keen issued te Mejer Iiiijuk, a Phlla- '
delphia business mun, wus driven bj
Mr. Jtayuk'h son mid was Hearing tbr
llayuk home en Yerk read when i; i
nkidded and strnc!; Dave. Ilujuk iur
rendered te the police. 1
Jacob Itoiiwelloiu, of 71,'S Tuceny '
reld, this (ity, was inleind beneath
hb motercnr, which skidded and ever,
tu; tied en n snowy rendwa.v m iir Abln '
tei, yesterdny, but escaped with cuts.
'A'li car wns wrecked.
Millard Hcssler, 12107 Seuth ,SUVin
tet nth slrei.'t, was held under .SlOcili t(l)'
fei n further heiirlng yesterdny mnrn
ini by Magistrate Scullin en the charge
of driving Ids auto while intei,.ited.
In his car at the time was his wife,
A i ua. At Marshall stnt-t and (Jirard
Tfnue Hesblcr struck the car of I.euls
Singer, of 131." Seuth Sixth street.
which also contained Jeseph Hlreta, 30 1
North Fourth street, lleth Slreta and
Ilensler's wife were thrown te the
btreet, receiving miner injuries, for
wliieh they were treated in the C'hll
llrau's Homeopathic Hospital.
Mrs, Brunen Faces
Her Trial Calmly
CMBtUel from I'ttr One
rnflde while awaiting for his trial. He
wan hnndcuffed te Harry Jacobs, a
court officer. With Mehr were ('on ('en ('on
Btable Iru Jenes and William A. Mc Mc
Cerralck. A little te the rear walked Mrs.
Ilrunen. In cemminv of Mn. Ann,.
Hemer, n deputy sheriff, who hail wen
h geiu uacigu displayed premluentJ)
Mn. Brunei! were n well fitting black
cost suit and n big blnck picture bat
W h three black ostrich illumes. She
ha i n string of pearls about her threat. '
HIn is heavily built but retains some of'
th" faded prettinees of the circus wetn
u past tier prime,
Itetb Mn. Ilrunen and Mehr held
tin Ir heads high ns tber crossed the
hurt space between jail nnd court-
Me ite. They made no attempt
C er their faces when u battery
fit itegrupbrrs iKiIntett their cameras
t them. A crowd et something under
$0 bad assembled te watch the march,
t would have been larger suve that
tut it of the curious had chosen te get
te si sents in the courthouse, ruther
th iB wait te see the precession.
MuiitvKn Art Itemeved
, Ifucn the little party had entered the
Ir, Iw rtreviu iv was (cm vvhiiiu me uar ei
itbecuMKt, iioeut, twenty tecit irem tne
' 7luV fcwcu uccupksl by the judge. A
ludnA prlaeuwr wanajer te take
W ? VlaI 5M 'fBSE GsEeBBBflSBx . d-'k&naakWtt aikHMH it'ffiMSKViBBBBBB
fit ?WM I'gm 'sUf&3&9!0KiR'mrfflKlK' FlifllBBBBBBBBBBKI
Mi J kC vtAbbbbbbbbbbbTIHbbbbbH
f , Jt XKJ J :VHS .' '. '?'' 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBbR
t& jjAtt IIM''! J JPSbbbbbbbbT ' r feJk 'kbbbbbbbbbbbbbHH
ia; I BBjBi"i Wi Ji 7TrnrnTt" T Ftbbbbt 'BBBWiTlBrfi f'rii i -J
i1 1 PB ''" Id "JB1 "W " " " T " r t t - BBSBlBBBBBBVtf - f . jrfjfu-. -.- AAffWlCr SBBBBBBBhBBBBBBBBE Ju y wfTir&nClX vIaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBI
'! fl!B4t-m V AV)VsS wsvw W Mww j T!BBBaBWBMV?M? f3BiKBBB13
Br,i . r. fa ' --.--.iv-f, . -. . .eBrllw
llarrj Mehr (center)
aMlssWWS1 YM
ic.'iniiig :iguint wii court run, nnu ins
guard get out a kej and undid the pad
lock. The defendants nnd their counsel
were ranged acruss tin- room hclde the
bar of the court. James Mercer I'uvls,
counsel for Powell, nt the extieme
right, then Arthur A. Carabine, cine
of the aistunt.s te Kills Parker.
county detective, then Mr. Hemer and
Mrs. Ilrunen. then Mehr ami hi.- guard. '
then Jane Harding stenographer for
Mr. J'Kpwii. Miss Hnrding iimde thei
one brilliantly colertiil ligure in the i
row. wearing a tlaming scarlet Imt.
nen an were s,.lt,Mi Mr, Ktewn
and Mr. Kelsey, with Itebert Peacock,
assiutmit prosecutor, entered from the
Judge's chumbers. Kcewn is a jouth-ful-liieking
man, and wus dressed cure
fully for the occasion, wearing a
liewer in hh buttonhole, as Justice
Kulisch did. The prosecutor and the
attorney for the defeusi slioek hands
and took tables In opposite corners,
Keown, en the left.
Mr. Keown asked the clerk of the
court te annex the bill of particulars
ii the Indictment, but .III-tire Kiillsch
informed him thai this was deiiu an
timiiiiivally under the ceuit procedure.
Then the roll of jureis was uilled. Sir.
Keown then asked the court if the
prisoners hud nindu their idea, and was
this nli'ciid had been done te I
hum a (.'bunce te prepare their de-
Mere than a hundred witnesses had
been summoned te testify, nnd this
morning the town of Mount Helly
woke up te mm a strong force of
State Troopers proven
,,uneed thai thej had
it. It wns nu
ll been culle in
by Detective Parker te guard witnesses,
s!..m r,t ti.. sj,.ite' irim.n.u ,.,
'Ami .Mill I. Hew we nine lincl Folie
sensational discs, suj,, "We will
slew a censpincj te kill Jehn Ilrunen.
The Stan lei an unu ua!l geed n'(,
bur of emirs.- we iiinne iifi'erd te tull'
It ever new, it would show our bund
te the di feiiee."
Itruiien wns shut and killed while sit
ing In an easy chair, by a ligliteil win
dow, in the kitchen of his home. Th,.
window shade was up. Mrs. Itruncn
pretests that she was upstairs when
i lie sheeting took place. The State
however, will want te knew Just why
Itriiiieu was sit Ing whe.-e lie was. why
tli Hindi' was up, and why, purlieu
larlj. Mrs. Ilrunen, although sin must
have heurd the shot, did net neti'y tin'
iiuttierltles of what bud happened until
bcHiiteen minutes In er.
Mrs. Ilrunen In In r signed stniei,1n1t,
has declared she nislied out iiinm-diute-)),
and netillcd tic iclelihers. There
are ether dlserepuncic. In her state
mints. It Is chared.
After the shoe ing, according te De.
tectlve Pinker, following the early ipies-
Hening of Mrs. Itruncn, her duughter,
nnd Mehr, all tr'ed te threw suspklen
I upon Oeergc Werner, known ns
! "Dutchy, " u cook with the itruncn
1 show.
"I ciubkl found that Werner l.ud a
double, who wus Powell," said Parker,
"and ns Mrs. liiuneu and the ether"
I knew Powell had been seen about the
Ilrunen home, it occurred te me the;
'were trjing te tln-v suspicion from
the right man. Se Powell's uirest fl.
Actual Slayer Confessed
Then Powell confessed. He told ei
i his circus ventures, of his need for
i money, and of the maimer in which he
n 'nnr iiiiutiiiee "llll. lirglll't lilui te,
kill Itruncn. I'innll.v, he said, nfter
. ?'
nil visits te lei Ilrunen house In i
Mehr'rt hinall sediiu inr. ami teveral
I refusals te Kill urunen. lie iiunie tin. ast
trip, drank a pint of whisky Mehr gave
;hliu, and tired nt ilrunen threug'i thul
I window with a shotgun.
riien be turned niul ran, lie said,
taking th- gun apart as he went. Hn
dropped the terenrni and the lie)h, one
leaded, iimi einpt), us lie ran. This
part of thu gun, ami the shelli, Hcee
live Paiker found Inter.
When nsked the motlve of Mnhr
".I i Powell batu: ".nenr loin nu: the nnwui
Ot ),.. wnnteil Ilrunen hilled wus hcciniui 1.-
" :. . . .... . ... ..
wus killing Mehr's mother and sister."
Says (iuiiineii Shet Ilrunen
Mrs. Hnrry C. Mehr, wife of one of
the defendants, reached Mt. Helly lute
lubt night.
"Yes, certainly, I am jcnlng te testify
for my husband as seen us the Htnte
closes Its ease," she cald. "That tie
pends en hew many liars they can dig
AinTMi:vrB te hut EyKv,ri-KHR
niul wcit every leuulrrment nv U feunM
uulcK-ly 1 feuiiultlnjf the APjcrUiitut Milmtin
with Ills sister, .Mrs, Deris Ilninen, en
for iniiriler at Ml. Helly
If enwn in Courtroom First te Sense Perturbation Under Mask
of Calm and Collected Demeanor
A brother and si"ter may face a mur-
,ier charge in different fashion.
Spectators gathered in the old jellew
brick courthouse at Mount Helly had
., U)1,euunitv te sense this when the
, .,., i.i ,1,..,,.,, i-.ii ti.t,. i.,mi ,
ailed Mr. Deris Bruncii and llair
C. Mehr from their cells in the jail a
tew puces mi the Main street te answer
for the sheeting of "Holiest" Jehn
Brunei), circus mid animal show owner.
Inte the silent courtroom that bad
waited nil hour for Ids coining, Harrj
Mehr. who was listed n assistant mali
nger for the "Mighty Deris" show be
longing te his brother-in-law, caine
handcuiTed. This or the fact that sonic
one hud te remove bis hat did net )
turb him. heweWT. Soen lie was sjt
ting beside Miss A. Harding, the ste ste
negrnpher of Walter Kcewn, his coun
sel. eal chatting and lingering a jury
list. Pongee cuffs and their ll.it fold
links showed from the sleeves of hi
well cut brown suit. A fountain pen
dinned in Ids pocket added te the busi
ness-HUe air with which he took the:
proceedings instituted by the Stat
ngninu Ills life.
.Mrs, Uniucii Smartly downed
Net (, the "Deris" herself, whose
name the man she s barged with hav
ing had Knet 10 death f.indl) gtiw te
the carnival circus of which he nn nn
ew tier.
I Is true she were a smart and verj ,
becoming liat. ununited with tluee black
eMrich pluines. Her neatl adjusteil I
oil and her carefullv waved blend hair
elil.v addeil te the ( iTef liveni'ss of her
well-set head. Her dresr. wi's of care- '
fitll;. plaited bliu'k crepe de chine and i
her tout of black duvelju. A string of
lustrous pearls added a ne.e of rich
ness; her Hack kid gloves a touch of,
Fer these In the courtroom who ex
pected it tiucl! appearand' when the
Den- Ilrunen. of many circus perform
ances, i nine slowly thtetigh the dour
way of the trial chamber there w.is
disappointment. Tin1 would have been
jui Hied, hew ever, in tunning her out
ward appenrance at least that of a fill
some and pretty blend woman dressed
for a matinee or it iind party.
Women sense Nervousness
Thai was, hevi.'vci-, wheie tin. sang-
ll'iild elided.
Mere than mice during the course of
tin luii,;. rutin r uneventful m ruin,:
women v lin -at e'.i the Jury panel bud
i.Mise te iiuiU' (inn ether unu wnispei
ie i'i out pretenuing uei te '
iieiviiiis Watch her bund shake,
t Uii u sin talsid her handkerchief
te hi'l ell-f.ll-ll.nl llpB. (IllIC she
ilinpiieil i- nnd her uleit lireluer sen.i-
only h n gnawing juun-, pici.eu
ler hei .
it i ii
Win a the tlr-t iurer. alter Will.
vmi- chi.sin, s;,c hrcathed excitedly, ..ul
v.lnn th licit. Samuel Wilsen, vveiu te
taki his place in the iew of sfUMiunl
old ilnuis in tln j.ir.vbex. she eiilu-pet-id
Inr lip.s tightly as 'heugh i
iMillarlen thul the nffnlr had new !
gnu in (iirncrtr had Hilddeiil ceiiie te
her. When the lirst weuiitn vmh
iii.ni. Mrs. l.lzz'.e I,. Cennver, vvn-.
i'iHi-1 in turn te place her luiiid en tin
liibb, Mrs. lliunen pulled her i hair a
little forward.
cithers iu tin- picturchciue court mom,
iciniuisient of Colenlul da", Mlircd.
tee, when the iulet. motherly looking
vvniii.iii vi'iiireiiuni, in her blnck seal
-eat, began tifuuswer tin; cpte-iiens of
the i.tnsw utieii utid defense. Iiitcte..t
wn., . hi-llv ceiitcicd linieilK the wem-n
theiiisiives who liad been
'llllid oil tie
panel. '
Would or would there net li
en the Jur . wus the nm-
inciiteiix iuestlell.
It hud been reported befete the open
ing "I- the ses.sinu that no women weie
vv anted uii the Jur.v . The Mir subsided
and Mis. Conever. who wen the admir
ation of the spectators b Muting her!
Iige III a I'lear voice, nnu eu.n i in-.
i pjuce en
cliulleuge. ,
Women Wntih Steliuigliter
Interest frankly giw-n m Mrs. Ilru-
..-j ,ll,-l,l.,,l ..Iih lln.el. her stee-
daughter, who smiled brllllanll.v ami
hatted with ether witnesses for the
prosecution nil during the morning.
' She were ii b nek iiltlsli coal and bind;
picture bat. I'eiiri earrings bung fnuu
her ears. Her cheeks were pink and
her wide brown eyes darted heie an
1 tnere and every when- except Iu her
stepmother's direction. The ilrwt sue-'
! prise of the morning came when Ii wus
1 learned Hazel wus te testify for Prose Prese
I euter Kelsey nnd nut for Walter
I Kemvn, lawyer for the defense. i
I Hii7el II. Purltstrem, daughter of
"Honest" ilehn, proved a sensation te
, the crowd in the courtbeun;.
I Hazel, who until lutelv has been a!
faithful lstter te her mn ber's cell, did
net go near the grny-wniieii jnn, two
Innrj en frelll
the eourtheuwe. ut all
this inerniiiB. IiiBteael, lirlght-fiiced,
prett) and clad in niacK. sue eumi- in
lectly into ceur with Mrs. Kli.iibeth
.lenchke, aifcter of the inurdered show
man, who pointed the llrnl iiccuului;
finder ul his who "V preuueins tint sen
uutftimi l.-iief in wfiMi lit'uuvii. writln'AKi: vel loessxd reu ii:i,i? I'm;- .,'lcinl, eC llwrn n'er;1 m','11,
TZ? lii," Vl,arKd Dorta' ffl'AliiUWr'W tWIU'm'B '"l m
tils wciy te the opening of his trial
with trying tu de away with him,
knotting "the; never give n vvyui.in the
dentil penally."
Will Ie Witness for Stale
It became officially known then that
Hazel, who herself furnished u senstt senstt
tlen before lier father's death by elop
ing with n lien turner, would net testify
for the defense Imt for the oretiwotioo
(in her way into the trial chamber! i
-virs. nnrr.v ( -. mew, wile et Hurry
('. Mehr ceiilirmed this report.
".Mrs. llnnicii took that girl and was
a mother te her." she said. "New leek
tit her gratitude.'-
Karlier in the morning silting in the
office of the Mount Helly Jail the wife
of the licensed man expressed cenlldeiicc
in the outcome of the trial. "1 have
been ill till night through with werrv,"
she said, "Jt will be the best Christ
inas present I could ever have if only
Ha it A free by that time." She were
a dink blue suit with a nicceen fur
coat thrown loosely ever It. a black
silk beaver bat and u black veil.
"I haven't seen m husband this
morning," she said, "but they tell me
he feels line. 1 saw my sister-in-law
though, and she Is iu this best of spir
its." Gruesome IaIiIIiKs Viewed
Mr-. Itruncn was waiting upstairs
impatiently in her cell.
iu the meantime these who lined the
benches of the old vinceliid build
ing contented themselves with peer
ing nt the witnesses and craning
their necks te get a leek nt the grue grue
enn' "exhibits," material pieces of evi
dence of the sheeting te death of the
circus owner en March 10.
These were the shattered window
pane, the gun. satchels of bleed stained
ethinx and the glassless frame of n
1 window hanging iuueceiitlv enough en
a seasoned rafter and sv.a.vlng u little
in sunlight that eiime cheerful! through
the eld-fiisbliiiicd windows
Mount Hull fourtheiiM' Is l''ti jeurs
old. TI-- benches and chairs are mere
than llll) j ears old.
1 Net leu feet itwiiv from the eNhibltsj
snt .vrs, ( hai'les I'evvell. wit- et tun
helf-cenfessed eluvei' of
Ilrunen unci!
tlie ..t. ite's chief witness against the J
binlhir and Ihter who he said urged
and paid him tu commit the crime,
.Vis Pe'idl were u blue suit find a
prett.v littl- blue lurh.iii She hud with
bet. n-r ivvo-jcar-eld ilniightcr. Char
nl'Ue, vhe in her little red em't
with tin' sunbeams linn -auie duneiiig
into the uiidnt et it uiiiidcr trial.
Ten Women ou Panel
Hewl set next te Mrs. Unwell, with
wliuu the is Httiy.ng during the
trl'il. Wearing a purple but but
eili-i'Hlse dressed -edatcly ill lillielc,
Mr, Jeschke. who came fium Chicago,
was net a hiuiill seuice of lntetcHt in
the courtroom.
Niar her sat Marj Miles Miller, the
.vniuig woman mentietud iu connection
with a dual life attributed te Hurry C.
Other women whose lives have never
been -etmi'i ted with the llap of e'l--e
iih teiitH and the whirl of the merry-
go-round vv-re In th iiirtiiiuiii. These
are th- te'i women Included in the
panel treiii which the jury is selected.
Tb-v were the earliest airival.s of all
in the courtroom this morning.
Mrs. Kiln Vi'imlile and Mrs. Jesephine
I'l'is. of Marllen. N. .1., both expressed
tlieiiwcU'cx ns net lielllL' lUirtlclllllI'l.V
anxiciiis te serve en the jury because of
ii u inn ikiinm. ,i imiiim-iimm
v . . '
ex xlll .xi.uie .no limerence
.Uiner-t ill .1 single voice
though tliey
i .aid. "We believe In ciiial punishment
for women and n we are called en l lie
jury Hie inct unit there is u women lie
ing tried won't make any difference."
That wai th. general sentiment
mining women who may be called tipun
te judge the fate of 1 erls Ilrunen.
Olhcis who nre en the panel nre
Mrs. W. I'. Letfeid. Palmyra, N. J.,;
Mrs. Mar Iinrliugleii, Mooretown. N.
.1.; Mrs. Anna M, Lewis, Milplesliude,
N". .1.; Mrs. Mnr.v Aleett, Nnrthiiiiipteu
Tevvnslilp: Mr'. Laura L'tindv and Mrs.
Careline Warrick, Isith of Westluiliip Westluiliip
ten Tevvnslilp: Mrs. Mary W. Celes,
Meiiicntiivwi, niul Mrs. Frunceb C.
Moere. Muiiristevvii.
James E. Rich Dies After Being1
Crushed Between Truck and Trailer!
.lame K. Uich, tweutr-eluht xeiirsl
(ilil. wlm was eriihlii'il
uml n nailer Siiuuili
at Ilrenil itrei't
niul Li'liltth uremic, dlnl cully
tnuniliii,' iu Iliihiiiiuiiu llesiltiil.
Illch, who lived ut US .Veith
tietb fctreet, was u dilver for the At
lantic Ki'tiuiuK 'einpiiii,v. lie halted
bis trill'l; te relilllr ll eeiinlinir hfttweeii
i the iruck and trailer uml while he wan
suinuing iietween llie two vehlelerf an
nuteinnlille drhen by Aaren Lltuian,
(1110 (itlmrlue ctreet, crushed Inte
the trailer, plnniiiK Itich Inst between
thu x chicles.
Baptists Declare Whole Fabric
of Constitution Is in Dan
ger of Rending
lluptist ministers, In their weekly
conference, today, urged the posting In
all churches of a warning issued by
the Judicial section of the American
liar Association against disregard of
laws. The warning asserts that dragon
teeth nre being sewed by disregard of
the prohibition law by influential busi
ness men utul that the inevitable result
will be ii collapse, of all laws.
The recommendation was made by the
llev. Samuel Zane Itatten in ti report of
the Civic ItlffhtceuH Committee.
"Kducntlen nsd morals arc ljMially
far abend of lcglsliitlen." the minister
said, "but nt present the opposite seems
te held trun: that legislation is nhead.
Wc nre facing n serious crisis In tbe
temperance movement nnd one which
gees deeper and strikes at the very
foundntlen of our civilization, iininely,
the disregard of ail law that comes from
open violation of temperance laws.
"The committee feels that every
church should place iu n conspicuous
place the warning nleng this line re
cently gotten out by the judicial section
of the American Itur Association, where
nil may see It."
The speaker also urged it catnpnlgn
in the churches te create sentiment
which will compel stricter enforcement
nxainst automobile drivers.
"An average et one person is killed
In Philadelphia by ittitomebllw every
day," he Mild. "That average should
be greatly reduced, l.lfc conies llrst. It
muy be necessary te put people in Jail
In order te slew down automobiles, but
it should be clone. If we create nt-
mespheru for this, we may be ablu te
create conviction in the courts. It U
up te us te help step this slaughter,"
he added, ".and we can de it by bring
ing the facts before the people.
Tln vnutli nf Anierie.'i Is threatened
because of the llagrant methods adopted
by moving-picture producers, unci is
in a fnlr way te corruption if the in
dustry is net restituted, according te
the ltev. Wilbur F. Crafts, superin
tendent of the National Ueferni 15u
renu, Washington.
Dr. Crafts' organisatien is backing a
bill, new in Congress, te have tnt
moving-picture industry placed under
the supervision of a beard et men
such us the National Chamber of Com
merce, he told the Piesbjleilnn min
isters meeting in the Witherspoon
llulldlng this morning,
"A beard of men of unquestioned in
tegrity nnd intelligence should be ap-
te leek into ntlairs et tue
movie?. " Dr. Crafts said. "Will HaS
is an honorable man. but he cannot lie
expected te de nil the work of elimi
nating the undesirable stuff that per
meates the Industry. And 1 may udd
l but there is no industry iu America
that Is se little controlled by Ameri
cans." The speaker also mentioned ninny
ether bills nnd amendments pending in
Congress, principal among them being
one te enact a universal divorce law.
that would prevent persons divorced
from marrying within n jeur after they
lecelved their decree.
The sermon and religious service en
Sunday evenings should net be subor
dinated te nn elaborate musical pre-
gram, the llev. J. W. Itichards said
tedii nt the weekly meeting of Luth-
icran ministers In the Central V. M. C.
'A. Mr. Itichards is pastor of St.
Luke's Lutheran Church. He said that
I in tee many instances the musical fea
I ture.s are given mere prominence than
' the religious csercises.
Recter's Salary Increased
The congregation of the Washington
.Memerial impel nt Valle.v Ferge bus
voted te iuciense the salin- of the ltev.
W. Herbert P.iirk, re-ter, te :?:i(iU0 n
I Deaths of a Day
Third In Direct Family Line te Head
Business and Noted Sportsman
Maier Charles W. llftllev. head
t be Itiiilcc ItiinkK & llii die ( einpaiiv
died in Atlantic Cilv Saturday night.
Henth was due te. heart trouble.
Hern In Philadelphia. October 20,
IMI1, Mr. Hniley made bis home here
tlireiisbnut bii life. He was a graduate
of the Pennsylvania Military ("ellegc at I
As n jeuth Mr. Itallev In came iij.se- 1
elated with the tlnn nf linllej iV Law- j
yer, the nnine of which was changed
iifter Mr. Lnw.ver's death tu 12. S.
Lawyer As Ce. In I MM Mr. Halley I
ielned his father's ilrm of Itnlley,
Hanks & Illdd'e. He w;ih tlie third in
direct line te be head of the business.
Mnjnr itnlley 's wife, who wns Misij
Anne Slunii, daughter if Andrew J. j
Slean, of the old carpet ilrm of Me- '
Cilllum, Crease & Slean, died eme .
years age. He hud two daughter, Mrs.
Linllie lliiilc Ki.ewlci, win, survives I
nl m, and Bareness Ilintrlce von Will-
lerstern". who dlnl In September, lD'.'l. '
He Is also survived by a brother, Je- ,
seph Trowbridge ISullcy, of New Yerk,
und n sister, Mrs. iCmille Italic A
man. of New Yerk. A decens.ed sister
wus the Countess de Sibeur.
In the curly part of the pnrtlcina-'
of thu Cnlted States in the World
i . . . .
War. .Mr. linliey served as
a ma. or i
lie re-'
iM the (Jrdniime Iieiinrtmcnt
signed Ids commission te become u di- '
rector nf tlie Heg Island shipyard. He,
was an enthusiastic spertmiin und inimy
of his winters were passed iu southern
waters ou bis .vadit Peggy. 1
Mr3. Catherine Macartney
The ltev. Dr. Clarence Kdvvnrd
Macartney did net preach yesterdny in
the Arch Street Pieshytcrmn Church.
He vWis untitled Saturday that bis
met her, Mrs. Catherine ltoliertsen
Miicultney, was critically ill nt iter
home, Fern Cliffe, Heaver Fulls-, Pa. i
Dr. Macnrtiicv hastened te that ell).
lie was nt Ids mother's bedside when
she died of nuiMllnenla nt II o'clecl.-l
i esierdiiy morning, t
' Mrs. .Macurtiii') vvns iu bet eight)
fifth j inr.
William F. Clark
Wlllium P. ('lii!-:.-, ciKbty-feur jenrs
Id, wlin HTVeil In tlie ("Ml War, uml
who inane nix home with a ilmiclitci-.
between ii truclcMrs. Hairy W, Tculur. of Lunuhiiriic
i fell ilenil en lluseeiuh btreet near Ilrend
xcsterdiiy iiiernlin;.
Alexander Tnlt
Alexiiiuler Tnlt, of ,ril).'i:j Chancellor
Mreet. chief fuel Inspector of the Ship
pliiK Hull id, diul jesterdny ut his heinu
nfter a hheri illiies. A widow nnd u
bub.v tlaualitcr Mii-vlve. He was u
member of tin I. ti, A. M. of Illinois
mid the Travellers of Philadelphia.
ami 27,
Presumed Thieves Left Machine at
29th and Market Streets
Mystery surrounds the wreck of n
five-passenger touring enr found aban
doned rnrly this morning at Twenty-
ninth nnd Market streets bv n nellccmnn
of the Thirty-ninth street and Lancas
ter avenue station.
The machine was Indeed against n
column of the elevated railroad, with
the right front wheel tern off nnd the
mudguard nnd running beard twisted
Info a shapeless mass. The occupants of
the machine hail dlsnnnenreil before the-
arrival of the police, who believe the
car wus stolen.
Wants Experts Admitted te
Conference Discussion en
Control of Straits
liV Aiseciattd I'rest
I-Ausnnne, Dec. II. Foreign Min
ister Tchltchcrin. of llussia, today sub
mitted a formal note te the Near F.ast
conference, protesting against the ex
clusion of the llusslan exnerts from the
infnnmtl illcnecdnttu tivinfte.lttifl' tintwpetl
ii. m ... i. .
ine'xurKisn unci Entente nnvnt and mn-
Itary experts concerning control of the
The question of hew control of the
Turkish Htraitn will be administered
whether through some body under the
League of Nations or under some In
ternational unit wholly beparnte from
the League Is Jicing generally nsked
by members of the Near East confer
ence delegations which have no repre
sentatives among thu military and naval
experts who nre new discussing the
Straits problem informally with the
Inasmuch as llussia. Turkey nnd
America ure net members of the League
of Nations there xveuld doubtless be
strong objection te any plan te make
control of tin, Strnits n l.niicne affair.
Lord Curzon bus enlv once alluded te
n plan' for the administration of the
watcrwny. and then only In the most
indefinite wny, saying that It had net
been decided whether regulation of the
straits would lie placed under tne
League or some ether organization.
lsiuet Pasbu nnd his itiu.isii U..SO
elates are a little mere friendlv te tlie
League Idea than nre Foreign Minister
Tchltcherii, und the ether belshevik
lenders, who denounce It at every en
pertunlty, declaring ilmt the organiza
tion of nations is useless, iiiiismuch us
the United Slates does net belong.
Although some of the French dele
gates have been striving hard te get
the conference te declare u ('hristuius
holiday, the negotiations ure in siicli.un
uncertain state that Lord Curzon find
many ether delegates regard a long va
cation ns undesirable.
It new seems unlikely that there will
be n cessation of the discussions for
longer than Christmun Duy, unless it is
possible te sign some sort of a tenta
tive agreement or protocol before tbut
Constantinople, Dec. 11. (By A.
P.) The Creek High Commissioner
hns been ordered te unit Constantinople.
The Armenian patriarch is preparing
te tlee.
According te a dispatch from Angern
the National Assembly hns chosen Dr.
Adnnu 15ey te represent the National
ists in Constantinople, and Hnfet Pasha
will proceed te Thrace te take up thcre
his duties us military governor.
Adnan llcy is the husband of Hallde
I2dlbe, who has a wide reputation an n
poet and is Minister of ICducatiuu iu
the Nationalist Cevernment. He Is (
distinguished phsican und enjoys till
esteem nf nil factions.
Lieutenant (ieneral Sir Charles llnr llnr
ingten, commander of the llrltish forces
in Turkey, bud u two-beur conversa
tion Saturday afternoon vlth the
Caliph. Ceneral Hnringten is under
stood te have informed the f'ullih that
the Moslems of the Ilritish F.mpirc bad
recognized him, und that therefore the
Ilritish Cevernment desired te establish
formal relations with thu Cullphutc am'
(lev eminent.
Brahms Lecture Subject
I i-. Slgmund Spaeth, of New Yerk,
well known ns a lecturer en musical
subjects throughout the country, will
speak ut the New Century Drawing
Itoeni Wednesday afternoon at it
o'cleik. His subject is llrahnis, .Musi
cal illustrations xvlll be given by his
sister, Curelu Spaeth, pianist, und
F'ii'1 F. Schmidt, violinist.
Te clean
mirrors and
windows se
they sparkle
Found Near Pemberton
Seen as Clue te Disappear
ance of Jewenskls
lllirllngten Countr. JT. J., efficialt
are today Investigating what is believed
te be n clue te the mysterious disap
pearance two years age of a former nnd
his wife, who lived near Pemberton.
The clue, a box containing a blood
stained shirt nnd ether men's clothing,
wiii found In the pines' between Pem
berton nnd Chntcwertli yesterday by
woodchoppers. It was in one of the
most desolate spots in that section and
near the hut occupied by the missing
couple, Jehn and Maria Jcvven3ki.
0 Coins May fllvc Clue
In addition te the clothing there were
five boxes of sardines, four tobacco
boxes, In one of which was a pocket
book centninlnj; $3.30 in iimnll ehnnju
and a pair of shoes. The chest was
found by llussell and Geerge (Jrevcr.
Detective Kills Pnricer rtrenned his
work en the Itruncn murder case long
cneugn te go te tne woeas ami examine
mc nor and the spot where it was
Frem the fact that none nf the
mntill (,I. L...M.1 1. it. .....,.. I .. ,.
.iii,...v i:uiun l.ji.iii. ii. iii. iiih'kiiii.hik
h - ,,, ,Lt ,l , ."".- "
which the Jewenskls dlsnnneared. be re
,,,.. .. . ,"" "
gerds the find as a valuable clue which
may even yet clear up that mystery.
Farm Sold for Taxes
The missing couple were well known
ie Ituasell nnd Ueorge Grevcr, who
say they nre certnln the f-hlrt belonged
te Jewcnski. The shoes nre nlse of n
size that xveuld lit the missing farmer.
The Jewenskls had lived for hcvcrnl
years lii the pines nnd owned forty-six
iicres of land.- Nothing in the hut xvns
disturbed when they disappeared nnd
spnre clothing wns left behind. Their
furm xvaB recently sold for unpaid taxes.
Central Laber Union Asks Lewer
Bus Rate for Boulevard
Resolutions urging that tre'lev trnnl-
be kept off the Iloescvclt boulevard and
If n means of transportation should be
put In, that the fure should net be mere
thnn live cents, xvere passed by the Cen
tral Laber Union, meeting nt 1830
Spring Garden Mreet, yesterday.
Copies of the resolution xvere ordered
sent te the Mayer, Council and the Pub
lic Service Commission.
Notices have also been tent te all
Pearls and Jewels
of Quality
Beneficial Saving Fund
Society of Philadelphia
1200 Chestnut Street
A Mutual Savings Bank
Owned by Its Depositors
Extraordinary value
Cm L.B. Pacific Cards!
Temporary records in
ought te be kept en low priced
cards. But even the most transi
tory record should be entered en a
card that is easily handled.
Fer such temporary records, use
L.B. Pacific cards. Come into our
store and examine them carefully.
Though low in price, they have
many qualities of an expensive card.
Feel the edges smooth. Com
pare for size exact and uniform,
every one of them. They actually
speed up reference te records.
-eme in and see them today.
Phenes : Main 7394 and Walnut 3394 .
Heinz Spaghetti! Geed
te eat and geed for the
health. Goedforchildren
andgoedfor grown-ups.
Gepd as an appetizer,
geed as a side-dish and
geed as a complete
meal The dry spa
ghetti is made by Heinz.
Se is the tomato sauce.
The cheese is a special
Heinz selection. The
recipe by which it is
prepared is that of a
famous Italian chef
Ready cooked, ready te aero
organizations affiliated with the Central
Laber Union urging them te be present
ut a mass-meeting December 20, at 8
P. M.. in the union's headquarters, te
pretest ugainst Inadequate trolley service.
the only assurance of per
manent satisfaction.
Paid en
January 1,
veur office
4L .92T t
. ?'Jiel-lLs.'x'..r'Kr.ti-';lfj.
ilAL . i t -J v, if, m- If. V.&. yy ., mm .,