Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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    J'SM'iWEW; 7' -'''vct
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Princeton Expects te Win Intercollegiate Spccer Title in Playoff With Penn en Wednesday
rm'h' fr fr. v-ts'S
'Penn Soccer Tuter Prom Prem
ises, However, That There
Will Be Different Story
in Play-Off
.... irmK.IMI T. lufllltl'M
.. .i,n KPfimil time In three years
i.lnyeff will be neccwiiry between
(he niivwity 01 'E : :
M .Uiip iittiii'k 11 the Bpeend Imlf ik
J"Ei the Itel tml ! - 1 "'
ffi ,1 the nnnl Ct..i.dh.g in the
fcgae into u deadlock.
- m"0 IVincPten ntitl Pcnn finished
Cre n ice-wry l.eferp the Red nml
fflmcnmc through with the champion-
vin lti the nipinernbln contest nt
lUvcrferd. The first pliiy-eff pirne re-
ultcd I" a tie mid in thy c,nd l'cnn
ion out In 'lc sccen'1 liu,f-
AVcdncdny afternoon in TlRcrtewn
,fc tue tennis will meet te decide the
vLnlensl 1. A victory for either
StK tie. Und l'enn wen or
Zl tie. 1 01 Saturday the chainnloh chainnleh
Sin " eiild have roiie te Cafcnln
& lord A nrfln and bis --- The de
K ,e first e( the year In lencue
ft JLmMei 1 f or Venn, while the Tli?prs
"SSa reverse nt the bund, e Cor
. 1 rarlier in the season.
DeuX Stewart, coach ?f the l'cnn
tm. is optimistic ever the result of
te pun'. s rc tlw plnyern. Vrlnce-
..ninvwl iti In the second hull.
Sffil thPe Itel nnd 1'lne tutor .this
morning "Bit they will net de it en
WeTnea.v. The team is thoroughly
.reused and realizes ts mistnke of let
8m dewii a bit in the second half en
8Trim'eteii has n strong agRrcsive
nm and their wclfibt ndviintiiRP cer
JinlV l"! llc.l th-i "gainst .is Saturday
? neon Net te detract from Prince Prince
Jen's victory, but net one of the three
wals f..rcd In the Romp wns n real
cKnP Our first one vns lucky and hi
rrfrfl the two f-cered by l'rlnceten. It
w6a great gan.P n..,l IT J.ceten de-mvciithefrullBoM-irtery.
THE l'rinccten coach, Xcte, players
and the handful of students who no
-n.,,v,i the Tiacrs e this cilii erc
ZXedlltkcrnuli. and rxpret te
UnW . "" ltU 1,0Cf 1,0Cf
feirii ll'cJiicsrfd.
Princeton Coach Pleased
(nrjn PLAYKD hard, nggretslvc fcec-
W rer all through the game, but
rwirled e'.r peak in the -oceiid half nl
Z ps,Pholegical tltne, ' n"5"sS?n
Vis. "The team has found itself nt
w nrnl with Sthwn in there anWaU
Knv'vP sheuhl RivP Ir",Jt -"
trouble than we did h.ttunuij .
In the tln.1 half Pcnn bad nWs nWs
wntaee ever Princeton, but failed t
nl" their attack. The goal scored
S Amelia was from n penalty, the ball
MllinT high and between tl.p out-
After the Penn Brere Princeton braced
and hud a down opportunities te score,
but Captain Amelia and his co-workers
proved i adept en the defense te per-
nTheFt(eamerk of Penn Hi the flrt
htilf of the giui.e was superb, but in the
Mcend half there was a lack of cohesion
that vas easily diseernlble from the
Hands. Instead of playiiiR the careful
ruling garni', the l'enn backs kicked
the ball hard up the field, with tne re
milt that Princeton seen get out of
danger by keeping Hie ball en short
The Tigers started off In the second
hslf with a ruh, and kept the ball in
Fran's territory almost all the time.
Shet after shot was made at the Pcnn
goal, with Cewpcrtwnlte working over
time. The Princeton sheeting was de
cidedly off color en numerous occasions,
the ball going out of bounds en short
and long kicks when a score seemed
A penalty enabled Princeton te score
Its first goal. One of the Pcnn plajers
charged a Tiger, and Ueferce (leerge
Teurg called 11 foul. Smart was given
the ball for a free kick. Instead of
patting, as is custeinnry, he made a
wlft beet, directly at Penn's goal. The
ball shot straight us an nnew until
near the center of the pet and then
Tjercd off te the left between the arms
of Cowperthwnlte for the score.
There was no let down In the terrific
offense of the Tigers, and after Penn
Kicked off the ball was speedily carried
'ite Pcnn territory. The defenders of
tai lied and Hlue goal Ret Inte action
quickly nnd temporarily stepped the
Unci;. I n scrimmage In front of the
lOBlnests Cewpertiiwaite knocked the
ball n fntv t'irir. .... ., .t 1
ball a few- jards out of danger, but no
rar eneuch. Will, n iiif ,i.... m.,i,i
?'?pcr,atc,-v. at the pigskin it beuudid
into the air. Stln(iii. the Tiger full
Mil luminary, sensed the play in an in
5. ,in!"1, uMn,? ,lis ellPit as the piece
act"8 ICC' '""'d'0'1 the "a" Inte the
pVXX tried hard the last few minutes
rnJl!CrPa",c 'cnrr hut "" "dire
m?rh!' 'cv,e,;al iPcrtncuhir step!,
one ichcti a goal looked certain.
mnAT Ke,c,w looming
MUIAT fceccer is rapidly Retting a held
ht .i,n i'!10 ('01'CRC Wis demenstnited
ny the big crowd that saw the contest.
n.Je?r.i"B? nml lct"1 "'an .100 wit
nessed thn league contests en Franklin
inTi:,. in "'i,a' '""' r,one students
nd graduates (locked te the game. I
.J"1 brl" ant playing of the two.
SSSSii.? "wl t"1fllr""' make the gam-
tit. . . " ""'' wHiening. t nil
ill .1, ,V l"""1 n,u' rll(,cr leaders present
!uBi,iVilar. et a big football game was
Scl1' 'i"'e soccer wus raised te a
th. .t.T1'.1 .nt Pcn" thn enthusiasm of
for the bh), ,"" e,'en,,y im'''d
H"vywelght Wlnd-Up Arranged
for the Chestnut Arena
riiiladelphia fans will get a chance
xtUritl " ,'l,'vr1' and fast light hcai.
tniiH i .' ,"r"."M "gaiiiHt u i-iigKcd and
l,.Bh. nattier m ,u, wind.,,,, Wrdnes
S nig it at the Chestnut Street Aieiia.
CM,.t'"iV' i""1 t'I'estnut streets, rter
Vli l .. Kl"1"1 lmS been paired h
"lllijj, tiitt te meet Chuck Wiggins
llnr. , "''!'. '"vadcr here for a er.ick nt
2'.i".''1,h. 'hampienship.
mini imu !..... t.. ...t-.. t. ...... ......
" : " " ii in Binci iraiiuiif,- iur
J"einl ineiitliH. Uii has wen his last I
J ni.i ches in great shape and is out
regain his piestign when he loomed
""K'iKi'rack light hem weights.
lieLhi. I ..-, u ..e x- i'..i. ..in
Ppenr in the seini-llnal. Ills opponent
iler h 'Ky N,U1'I"' " Southern vis--In
the ether Iteuttr Al Monre will meet
iluif7 ,M".lcr Charley Mack will fueu
Wii . n,u.lU ,nnd Ir'h Kddle Dempsey
UJ,tacUe JqB BrlUt '
Tied for Grid Title
Muliaitey City, Pn., Dec. II.
The (Ulberten mid Coaldale football
elevens are deadlocked for the cham
pionship of thn coal region. Uny
fJurran, of Philadelphia, was In the.
coal region jcstcrdiiy te present u
silver loving cup as a gift le the
Coaldale refusing (e piny off n
lie game with (lllherten te decide
wliich should get the cup, Cumin
persuaded the manngprs of both
teams te submit their year's record
te an arbitration beard. This beard
will consist of the sports editors of
three Philadelphia newspapers.
Red and Blue Quintet Played
Brilliant Defensive Came
Against St. Jeseph's
The opening of the basketball season
nt WpiRhtman Hall Saturday night re
sulted in mere than a mere victory.
The Pcnn student body was given ample
proof they have a far stronger team
than thpy expected. The lied and nine
combination that se decisively defeated
St. Jeseph's lacked but little. Its live
n van defense steed firm many times, and
the visitors' offensive thrusts were net
only blocked, but turned into counter
offensive. And the attack also sur
prised the l'enn undergraduates.
The most encouraging feature of the
whole pune, was th work of Label
Goldblatt from the 15-feet mark. The
fenr.er .Southern Hash resisted thir
teen coals out of fiftern toss,.s from ,,
foul line. 113 also excelled en the tlner.
MjeriiiB three held goals and ns.istliilR
hree of the ,lve elncp ,H ,.
te ins mates.
Pmi Lu",,?!,, nnet''er former Seuth.
" JI Kh ntiilete. who .succt,,ed lirew
eii.l Tli'ir" '"''a.ly part of the sec.
I ,V l''1 ,iI;1Jf( a hrllllnnt game at
hat pest. liP nNe ,,,,,,, ,;'; "
lav'0'! 'Ive,,' i,Pd f' ,,,,p wi"''; t"
n,.iV.C'bN' V'10 I"''01, te bis Penn nc-
,;, ";? te one of ids illlltPS " ;"
better position for , (OM "' a
nt cuZl l U'-'1f te'"m',, ,vil'' Veegelin
buWr J&' Jf Vi ?'" .""',,,Pt hceri
S& nn ,hun ,Ien Ce'ach'sfl
"Without Millnr and Sullivan iT
vellk ' sn'i'd I!,P U,m , '"'J Sliennl fi
r ,.; ,. ?Ici;l'f'I after the Kmne,
Last year St. Jeseph's. wlth ti'"n?.l
fe ")' r V '" ,, ' ai it s de
f i?,,M,VNlvy- " "'" "tber land,
we had but one man left from the ban
hat met thp .ivv last ?ear .Tim? is
Captain Al Veegelin.
"Of course, there is n let of room for
''ll"',',."tn" ew team, but the re
sult eh the first game makes no feel
at we should-be i K00d shape for
the Intcrcellegint.) League contest."
llm nejy rules proved a complete
s cccss. There were less fouls B.
'Ihes of the technical variety w'ere
satisfactorily cared for when the ether
vi",' U:?ive: lhe, I,l,n f,,r " tbrewu,,t,
))l re. j'aehes committed wllhln
SUX" Jne resu,tP'1 in two
Penn and Tiger Meet for Collegiate
Honors en Wednesday
Princeton. X. ,j., Hec. ii.jrmv.
ten undergraduates are looking forward
te the soccer play-off with Penn here
Wednesday with Bient anticipation.
This will be the becend time in the
last three years that the Tigers have
met Penn in a post-seanen play-off.
Itecause of the Miccer team's 'grent
showing, mere interest is being shown
lure than usuar. Soccer, being a miner
snort and mining at the mi me time as
the football seiiben, does net command
unusual interest. However, in tne
game Wednesday, the team will he well
supported by the student bedv am!
pi nimbly by the I'lilversitv Uniid.
The team will take a light workout
this afternoon and rest up en
luesday. lleliip a titulnr contest, ttie
game will be played en University
Field Instead of Pep Field, as is cus
tomary. Hue te recent snow, the field
is in a very wet condition, but every
effort will be made te have It dry for
the contest en Wednesday.
Runs Up a Total of Forty-two
Points en Tri-Council
The Nativity iiaskelball Team se
cured revenge en Trl -Council by de
feating the Wet Phlladelphiaiis by the
score of I- te -I.
The fea I lire of the game was the nil
mound pln,iug of the Nativity team
nnd the goal tossing of Costelle and
Morten, the former getting live ami
(lie latter four Held goals.
Tomorrow night Nativity will help
Hely Name usher in its lianie season
in the hitter's new hall at Scpvlwi and
Norris streets.
Rubs Stein Quits Coaching
Atlnntii. .. Uce. 11. nuinell Hteln. fnr.
mcr nll-Aiut-rlran tm.'Ma en the WiiBhlnctun
unci Jcfferteu football l;n anil head coach
durlnr Hie last iiomeu of OKlrtherra Unl.
.rlll'..wlll Rive up cnarliln and nttr
bBalfieai. It ' announed hirt.
Majers, Backed by Judge Lan-
dis, Will Endeavor le Make
Stronger Agreement
New Yerh, Dec 11. The draft ques
tion that has been agitating bnscbnll
circles ever since five of the lnrgest
miner leagues exercised (he option
given them under the 1021 major-miner
agreement nnd refused te grnnt the
selective privilege, cither te the mnjers
or te miners of ether clnspificntleu, may
receive fresh attention this week wheii
mnjer and miner leagues held nlcctings
in this city.'
The majors, supported In their views
by Commissioner K. M. T.nudis, desire
te ninend the present draft statutes,
as oT'lieoipd in the 11)21 ngrejmen-, te
thnt all miner leagues will be obligated
by Its previsions and given no choice
in the matter. Unsuccessful overtures
were made n year age by the advisory
council nnd since linve been repeated in
an efl'nrr. te secure a new iinder'tiurl
ing with the five recalcitrant miners,
who insist upon keeping in force the
present Inw, which wns made effective
for seven years, or until 1028.
As nn alternative solution et the
situation, n number of major league
clubs are known te favor an enlarged
player limit, te afford a larger range
of player selection. On the ether band,
several ether miner leagues, new
affected by the draft, arc believed ready
te join the ether "held-outs" nnd
nullify the selective privilege as far
as they are concerned.
Exemption from the draft, by "any
league se desiring," is specifically
provided under the terms agreed upon
jointly by the majors and miners en
January 12, 1021. At the samp time
a league exercising such exemption
automatically forfeits any right te
draft players from ether circuits.
The five leagues that have taken
this course are the American Associa
tion International and Pacific Coast
Leagues, the only class "AA" cir
cuits in the ceuntry: the Western
League, class "A," and the Three Kye
League, class "11."
Hamer and Kelly In the Running.
Election Today
The T'niversity of Pennsylvania foot
ball team will elect a captain thl aft
ernoon .shortly after the picture of the
teau: is taken en Franklin Field. Ac
cording te unofficial advices eighteen
players will vote for the 102.T leader.
Jack Pern, center for the last two
years and resident of Snlt Lake City,
is the favorite for the pest. Tex Hamer,
the big fullback, and P.lll Kelly, girird.
have been mentioned by several of the
players as the next leader. At first the
trend was completely in the direction
of Dern. but during the latter part of
last week both I lamer and Kelly have
been prominently mentioned. The re
sult of the balleting1 is" certain te be
The new leader will probably meet
with the Football Committee Thursday
afternoon, when the coaching situation
will be taken up. In addition, the new
skipper will hae something te say con
cerning the schedule for 1023.
The cenchlng problem is the most
Important one since Folwell was fired.
Heisimin's contract expired en Thanks
giving Day, and there seems te he some
doubt as te whether he will return.
F.flerts te get the opinions of the mem
bers of the Gridiron Committee have
proved futile, none being willing te
i eiuinit himself.
A number of candidates for the head
coaching pest have been mentioned
lately by their Miprerters, but nothing
will be known until nfter the Gridiron
Committee makes its selection.
The following players will vote this
afternoen: Captain Miller, McGrnw,
Laiiden, Adams, Falrchild, 'Wcsigiicp,
Papworth. Sutheilnud. Dern, Sullivan,
1 lamer, Craig, Lrtresvaag. Tliurman,
K'.iy, Jehnsen, Graf and F. Dew
hirst. The latest iiiferm.it inn en the sched
ule for next bensen has Brown. Centre
nnd Columbia in place of Franklin nnd
Marshall, Alabama nnd the University
of the Seuth. Mnr''i:!l. which ap
peared last j ear, is .slated te epe" ;ue
season, with Franklin and Marstinll off
the list. I'eiin State. Navy, Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Cernell nnd Swarlhmere, old rivals
will appear again.
The scncduie, according te the ruiter
market, would be as follews: Mnrr
land, Columbia, Swarthmore. Center.
Pitt, Brown, Navy, State and Cernell
Application of Fermer Chicago
Third Baseman Rejected
Chicago, Dec. 11. K. M. Landls.
commissioner of baseball, today denied
reinstatement of Geerge ("Duck")
Weaver, former star third baseman of
llm IMitnii.. Wliitu S!it V..m..ah
.. .. .... (,i. ii tin. .j--.. MVHHl il.1
ene of these drooped ns n result of the
Uf.fldfltll 1,1 1, llttlll It unu illll.!.n) .u
...... ... ..in. i. i inn- l.ii.i-,i uri"
tain baseball pincers and outsiders
..l.li-.l ... .1 .!. .Mill 11- l.t . I--
jiiuiu'u in nnew nn uii.' i. unu series
championship te Cincinnati.
William Cramp Brass Foundry
Tear? Shows Class
The 'William Cramp brass foundry
bowling team wen the championship of
the shipyard Saturday night, defeating
the Merris department in all three
games. The scores were SOS te 810,
000 te 87.'t and lW te Oil.
Hill Winthers, of the winning team,
was the high scorer of the two teams.
He rolled 210. 2.! I. 100 in his three
games. Costigan was runner-up with
20,"i. 185 ami 21(1. Captain Jim Hunter.
of the tletorieiiH team, wns third with
ISO. mi and 102.
Hradbeck was the star for the losers,
making 100, 220 and 20.". Kulzcr was
second with 100, 17." and 181.
The scores follew: Brass Foundry
Sheppnrd, 1.r.7. 180. 1SM: Hunter, ISO,
105, 102: Jack. 110. 105, 170: Win
thers. 210. 2;M. J00: Cesticnii. 205.
IK.", 210. Merris Department Cerby,
157. 105. 1N5; Kulzcr. JUO, l,fi, 181 j
Bey, 100, MS, 172; Barnes, 170, 105,
108; Bradbnek, 100, 220, 205.
Can Play Ball for Meney
lanfmllle, win., Dec 11. -liweball for
money will net !nr mheUs from competition
ell thn "Mill Hi" cellMna of Vlcenln
unl the normal whoels of tW .Still, accord.
inn 10 a noriBieii mmia vy rrprviieniaiitra of
lelli cenfeiencM,
Eveleth Heckey Team Wins
Kvelfth, Minn., t)ec. 11. Tlia Kteluth
team of (he UnUml fltnte Amateur J locker
lixue defiatl ,tha Wlnnleer All Stara In
their lecend eiblbltfen fame here, 8 te 0 ,.
"Mcncliy" (Jeidblatt, cap
tain ami Kuard of the
Southern Illfh quintet, who
tops the basketball scor
ers in the Public High
Scheel Larue. Geldblalt
made thirty-nine points in
the two samws last week
Philadelphia Gelf Club Meets
Here Tonight te Scan '22
Season and Elect Officers
SCORES of local golf enthusiasts
will Rather nt the Hetel Adelphla
here tonight for the annual meeting of
the Philadelphia Ceif Club. This is
n body which habitually plays golf ever
the public Cobbs Creek links here,
Mases tournaments nnd boosts the
municipal course nt all times.
The main business nt tonight's meet
ing is the election of preident, vice
president, secrctnry nnd treasurer te
serve for the next year.
There also will be nn election of gov
ernors, two for three years, and a
membership committee of four te serve
for one year. After this is finished
there will be nn informal discussion of
the accomplishments of the club dur
ing the past season with a heap of
praise due for the winners in the large
assortment of events staged bjl the
club during the last year.
Heward Thornten, official of the
club and golf enthusiast, will draw at
tention te the following deeds under
the nusplces of the club this season
and recommend that the records be
Lew Card for Course
M. P. Tobin. Jr.. V. (',. ('.. made the
cnnrse record for the season of 1022
! nt Coobs Creek with this snappy card
of 73. Here it is:
Out . . 4 t " 4 0 4 .". 4 :t7
In .... U 5 :'. C 044 fi 4-:;e-73
The chninpienhip of the club wns
wen by Lee A. Beyle. V. (i. C who
trimmed Tobin in the final round.
Bejle also trimmed Charles S. Down
ing. l (i. C. in the final match for the
J. R. Caldwell Cup. Beyle played fine
golf all season and well earned his
double honors.
At the end of the 1022 golf season th"
record of the 1 O. O. follews:
May f. (medal humtlciip) I'lmt, n f" IM
vnriln: second. It. M. Teldcns; inlid. K D.
Mendell. , ... ,, ....... n
May 20 (medal lmrdlrap) ! Irst. I.. D.
Memlll: "cceud. T. O. Anhwertli: third, 11.
C Udward. . , ....
Mny L'9 (qualifying teund for Kraut: I..
I.wl trophy) First sixteen. Chnrlei H.
UewnlliKi runnpr-ap, M. V. Tnliln. Jr ; 8PC
nnd Rl'.t:en, W. O Ilarklev; runnsr-up. I.'O
A. nejii-: third nixteen. II. J. Thern; runner-up.
fi. H Merrell.
June 10 (incilnl handicap) Klrst, Oeerce
Rutty iiecend. U. T. Afchuertli: third. W. O.
.lune 2t (medal handicap) rirst. II. M.
Keldena; second. Jack l.eid, third, loin
Jun an (quallfylnc round for H. I". Ivy
trophy) Klrat sixteen. loin llulty: runner-up.
I.ee A. Ikle; scund nlxti'in, . T.
Merriasey: runner-up. I'. T. Tj-wn; .third
sixteen, K. A. Krancels, runner-up. It. C.
Chatham. . , ,
July 8 (medal handtcan Flrt. jr. T
Tobin. Jr.: second, James Pepper, third, W.
T Aterrlssey.
'July 21) (medal handicap) l'lrc? I". A.
Francelii second. Tem Trulllnser; third, fi.
P, Osier.
August 5 (nuallfvlnit round for Glmb'l
Cup. match play) I'lrst stxteen. Jack Lord;
runner-up. ''. M. romeres; second -.Wice,
Chnrlei Ilucldey; runner-up. V. A. PrunculN
August 10 (medal handicap) Mrst. 11. (?.
Chatham: second. Tem TrulUnser; third, C.
M. Pomeroy.
beptemher 2 (qualifying round V. O. C.
rhi.mplenshIp) Wen hy Tobin with follow
ing card;
out ... n fi a 4 r. r. r .-.se
In .... 3 5 .1 '' -i -1 5 0 IU 7(1
Winner championship cup, l-n A. llnjl.
runner-up, M. lr. Tobin, Jr.. second sWteen,
I' T. Ilutty; runnrr-up. II. I.. Nelan.
September 23 (qualifying round for CiU-n-ell
(un, represenllng amateur hnimdon hnimden
ship of Cebbi Creelf, up"n :-3 all amateurs)
Jee Ceblo, 1. O. C, medallit, with fellow Iiib
nut 8B42fin.4 n 3D
In 2 r. 3 7 4 5 & & 012 SI
Tourney winner, I.ee A, Heyl. leg en cup
and sold medal, runnrr-up, Charles K. Dawn
Inc, silver medal.
Billiard Champien Who 'Came Back'
te Be Honored Here
Willie Heppe, world's billiard cham
pion "the man who came back"
will be honored at a testimonial dinner
in this city Thursday night when he
will be a. guest of the Philadelphia Spert
Writers at Zeisse'a. Thu nffair will
begin at 11 o'clock.
This was decided upon nt a meeting
of the Sports Writers held nt Zeisse's
yesterday afternoon, when preliminnrv
nlnns fnr the nnnunl bamiuct of that
orgnnizntlen were made. Acceptance of
Inventions te the Ijoppe testimonial I
will be made with Walter Dunn, vice '
president of the riiiintlclphia Sports
Writers' Association, care of the Till-
1,1 0 IiEIMJF.lt.
The annual dinner of the sports w rlters
this year will be known as sport fes
tival in connection with the twentieth
nnnunl dinner of the Philadelphia
Sports Writers Association. The ovent
Is te be held nt the Arena, which will
be turned ever by Jules Mastbaum for
the occasion.
Franklin T. McCrncken, president,
linn called another meeting for next
Sunday, 2 1 L, nt Zeisse's, when n
data for the dinner will he set and
further preparations will be made.
Macka te Meet Rochester
Rochester. N. Y.. Pec. ll.ti',,iie. ...
llapgoed. business manager of the Itech-sl
ter International lysgue club, has an an
jieuiued diiieH for sMeniceri exlillililen tame.
.i ,iuni-.i,i ..... wiiij Willi in,. Alllleflfi.
at Helma. Ala.. March 5.1. .nl ii"rtV.";I '?, J
and th Cardinals next spring. This will t'i
the most ambitious spring tr p atteninla.1
by a miner, kagus club.- ' ammptan
bbt H bbbbbt -y I. bbbbbbS aw ..V?
MbT-b) aaBBBBBBat .- ' IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbM ,
BBBV '' ..H
v 'IbIbIbH
bHHK JSjL. l M
Eliminated in U. S. Amateur
Cup Competition by Thirty
sixth Ward
The biggest surprise of the soccer
season occurred en Saturday afternoon
In the first round of the Culled State
amateur cup competition, when Thirty
sixtii Wnrd defeated Barney Rrn.t T
goals te 2. The former Dob-.en plajers
were favored te win by an even larger
margin than they were beaten, and
are simply at u less te explain hew it
nil happened.
There was net the sliKhtest fluke
about the victory of the Warders. They
played rings around their opponents,
and nt the end of the fir.t half the
score was 2 goals te 0. By the victory
the downtewners advance into the
second round with Kieisher and Cen
tennial. The biggest came of the afternoon
wns the one-goal vicrerv of the Flcisher
yarners In the match with Knii-hill jn
the third-round American Cup mutch.
Flcisher is new the enlv local repm
sentiitive in the competition. The
winning goal was made in the tirst half
by Andy Stradan. the yarners' center
forward, who was playing his first
Riiine hlnce being injured s-emc weeks
age in the match with New Yerk Field
The representative of the local
cricket clubs met the pick of the New New
Yerk cricket clubs at Alaiihcin.. nnd
the Philadelphia!!.-) had little difficult v
in winning, 4 g,-,als te 2. Tin- feature
of the game wns the playing of Hamil
ton DKMnn, who made two of the four
goals of the local.
The eifd game wns plajcd between
Wander and Knywoed. the liiml score
being a two-goal draw. All four goals
were scored by plajers of the Wander
ers, hut two were iiccldentiillv booted
into the Knywoed goal, and ihis gue
the downtewners an even break.
Out In West Philadelphia the ."Wor
rell Mill'i rcprescntniiws niutiniicil te
show their rlims. The t.ipcstn lad
swamped Dnnkiik. 10 glial- te ((.' The
weie ery cen'Htcnt about the per
formance, making liw goals in each
Yesterday at Sixty-third street nnd
Cedar avenue Merrell again met Cen
tennial, of the allied first division, and
for the second timei n u mouth defeated
that team. 2 goals te . Beth were made
In- "Heek" FI.Min in the second half,
one en a pass from S. I'ljiin. and the
oilier after dribbling from thn center of
the Held and hitting the net en n shot
iibeiit 20 yards distant.
Boxing Managers Suspended
New irk, re 11. The s-i,it Afhletlr
CommiMlen hat sumi irl'.t ll.irtv Sepal
jn.in.i-er of Danny l.-e, of N"i n erk nmi
Mickey iMinn. man.iKer of I'hlt (rrieud
nf Columbus, O.. for Irrrcul.n tir.ictlecs In
the i -rnnt bout here between the. tne ban
tainweUhtH. WARMTH
Weight I
J V I A.
ce.u.s.i"at, err
Something Men have always wanted!
A Knee-Length, Sleeveless, Loese-fitting
Union Suit KNIT of highest grade Weel,
mixed with Cotten.
The ideally comfortable and healthful Winter
at any high-grade Men's Furnishing Shep or
Department Stere.
Write us for our FREE BOOK, "Short Lengths"
(Maker, since 1868 of Fine Knitted Goods)
New Britain, Conn.
Fermer American League Czar's '
Power Is Slipping Away j
Frem Him I
ll leeks as though the millions nnd
vnsvnls who de homage before the shrine
of King Landls will seen he celebrating
the fall fif that potentate who once
wielded (he whip ever them Byren
Bancroft Jehnsen, of the ruddy cheeks
and protuberant anatomy.
There has been war te the well
known hilt between .lobii'-eu and I.audis
ever since K. M. denned the ermine.
Ban has been boss mi long that he hales
le admit that unjein1 else hns climbed
si bit higher en the gi eased pole of
power (hull he has. But. with every one
i-nve the owners of the Wii'-hiiisleii and
St. l.euls lull- leaning toward l.iitnlls
it flees leek ns though Ban would have
te get out as gr.ifcftillj ns he could.
And any giaee that he will exhibit in
that net won't make him a rival of
.lohnsen took ii large swallow of
water when he shifted the American
League Hireling from rhiciign In New New
Yerk after Commissioner Landls had
practically erdeied him te de It. .(ohii .(ehii
M)ii had destined Chicago ns the meet
ing place just te defy his i liemy and lie
held out fiir the Windy City until most
of his lejal cohorts hauled up lhe while
tlag. and begged him te go te New New
Yerk. .
Ban did it, and he lest face in the
doing. , .
Hurry Krtee. owner of the Bosten
Bid Se'-. who is prebablj the most cor cer
dliillv hated man in b-ieeball. miide. n
wise'ernck concerning the l.nndls-.lohn-sen
coiitrevci-y that should go down
in history.
"I never heard two men who have
in little invested in nil enterprise talk
se much about it." .
The crack wa geed, but It came with
peer grace from Kruee. lie has done
about as much te wreck baseball as
.lohnsen has le pie-uve it.
Jehnsen, the LiTe Saver
Tin1 funny men "ill set a let of
material If !!" .lohnsen is eventually
forced out of In-ehall. but there ,w 11
i t,...,... ii. co iiiii cr .1 II! men- niuiii.
The beb.u.ethiaii .liihnsen. in the ajs
of the nasi, wax the pillar that kept
the fabric of the national gnme from
crashing in the ground.
True he wns u c:'ar. He fought
bitterh" and .seldom gave (piarter, but
be was lighting ler an u.i . mu
ideal vwi the worry of bis dajs and
,,. dream of his nights. II- gave
frcelv of himself in the building of it
.mil the status of baseball today is
due in u tremendous measure te the
thought and fighting spirit et this fat
old man who lias been marked for
destruction by th.1 powers new in the
Certain! v Jehnsen has done a thous theus thous
andeold mere for baseball than Landls
ever did. Whatever the purity of tin
J-itter's intentions, he lucks the know
ledge of the game, of iis politics and
the men who play theni. te de what
Jehnsen did in the old day. 1 ranklj
Ltindis' name was beiisht as a cle.ik
against the slelin of public wrath that
wlis -uppn-cil te be imp-iidiiis wIumi lhe
White Sex scandal was revealed.
It may be that ba-ehall has out -"i-own
.li'ihiiseii. It maj be that the
came i an de verj well without the,
giiidin- hand that carried it past tin
she-il-"ef dlsasier mi many time.
Unt if Ban Jehnsen does leave base- ;
See Your
American Hosiery Ce.'s
Scott & Hunsicker
', Jix.i -. I'fhiu (. lit sflltlt Sticct
Baker Denies That
Meadows Will Be Sold
The report that. Bill Killefer nnd
President Week, of the Chicago
Cubs, were in Philadelphia te con
fer vvlth William t Baker con
coining the sale of Lee Mc:idews te
Chicago js apparently bunk.
.Mr. Baker was reached en the
long distance phene nt his home in
New Yerk, and expressed Hiirprise
,it lhe rumor.
"The first I knew nbeiil this- trade
was what I lead In the nev s s
pnperx," he mi id. "Mr. YceeK has
positively net approached me re
garding the sale of "Meadows. Cer
lainlj.'l will nut iiiul.e nny ilenl
without conferring with Art
rielrher, SlUil IIS I'lcleher will tint
be iii town uniil aflcr New ear's
tint urally nothing will be doing
b'lll he will go with - mbaU -.iiundi.-ig
and his cliin in the n if. The fal e'.l
man of the game nniy be beaten hut
lie'll never quit.
The Cellins Story
The werd-aitists In New i erk h-v
been painting an allurin;: piclure of ,i
trade between the Yankees and Wlui"
Suv that will bring IMd'n- (' dims .unl
Dii k Kerr te the metropolis m c
ehaligi1 for Call Mays mid Anion Wind
Tush mid blah and a let of ellj mi :
There are ubeiil iiftj- diffcient i en
sons why this story is hokum and noth
ing else." In the first jdni c Mn.v- i-n't
the heaver he used le ,ie. and Wind',
plnjing lust year was mi seppv nnd
indifferenL thnt he Would net brill.- i
very high price en the open m.nkei.
Beth of them together wouldn't be h.ili
enough te pay for the kiuj; of m-ceii I
s.K'ket-s. Then again. Dick Ki it i en
tlie ineligible list nml lias net i m-u nrnl
application for reinstatement .1 i l,
Landis would have te disregard all tl
lecedcnts he ban set If he rm
Ullled tile inldgel snulllt'li w i'lst i !n
teillil have a New Yen I; berth
Cellins would like te go m .. w "i ',.
no doubt of that. lie h a- In. n - i
man as lie is brilliant a h.i'l p'.imi.
nnd he is the logical siiciisver i , Mil
ler Iliiggins as manager of the Yinl '
or would be if Ceiniskej wn- fen'i-i
enough te sell him.
It Is possible iliat some h r I
ceitlil be ceiisiimmatf il with I ie )'! i
wire pulling and grea-iiig I' p-i'ti -nib
resa, but it won't de the Mine
geed te slrciigflii n the Vinkci- nt tb.
epensc of wc'iher clubs in It,, le.i'ii .
Jet' m
c detn'"
A. R. Underdewn's
ever th
' - 1 s 1.1 ...it v .w 1 ,M( 1 Miunw MIB1--B, ---l
I feimBwi I
! f 1
1 $ $? -a I
I p .. J I
I Sir
a V 5Z J
B TIT? ATTC A abai
a 1 J a a
fi&a y i.
X. m&r
1 H
1 h each aSeffl
Last Week of Our
Anniversary Sale
We have been much gratified at the
wonderful response te this celebration of
our Tenth Anniversary of business in
Chestnut Street.
men have participated in the
savings which we efTcrcil. by
way of celebrating 'S2 years' of suc
cessful business in Market and
in Chestnut StreeK
Several hundred of our finest
quality overcoats remain and selec
tion will be geed for all this week.
S60 fr ST.") and S .-." Stratford overcoats.
$50 for W -md "" Hrltish overcoats
$15 for l'hiladelnhia-built .?.")") overcoats
$17.50 for $."i0 (Jcrmania overcoats
$28.50 for S-'tt town ulsters
$'111.50 for $1" overcoats and ulsters
$ 111.50 for $."." overcoats and ulsters
Fine for Christmas gifts
William H. Wanamaker
1217-19 Chestnut Street
EngllGh Experts te Act en Wlmbld
den Rullny This Week
1 New Wit. Dec. II. - - Possibility
Ih.'il the Lnglidi Tennis Association
I mny cvenliiallj abandon claim te !lui.
I world's iinliv idual hauipieiishlps
Igtnuleil te Wimbb'ileu bv the lulcrtin-
I tienal Tennis I'lslci-nilen i- seen b.V
Aiuei i'-nns as the Ilualisli b dy plain
te bold lis iiiiiiti.il meilmg this week.
A lleferiti t'liinniillee i. new iii control
, of P.rillsh tennis pelicn nnd plan te
I i hnnge methods nnd legnlatieiis
lieiinn le j;ivi up the Wimbledon
awind would allow the championship
mnti-be-i te be plnjeil i rol.'ltleil In
America I'limce. Auslialii or ether
countries vvhn-'i have fe-teicd the game.
Henrv W. Slec'im will ieprccnl the
I mud Stall-, nl the Leglidi meelingi
nl'lieiigh he will net vole and will be
enlj .hi eh i ri r.
AHm 8Bc k 1 10 Lets pf Thrlllsi '
Londen Clethes
for Men
I ONDOS -lyle and cut phn Amrrlcfln
fi' n-i-l (niiih rlMtingui-li nmlnit
1'nri, Sui'-, Ovrnen s iir-1 $ee UD
l'l.l-r, OO P
1314 Walnut St.
Spruce 8930
trass M,!i.v.vir..e
SOI.M-.S Tiiii
Burns Kerosene
Muk' n s' tlnir rn.v ou
Hi. I li. I .In- Nn In
b' i 'I ii leu It- ,nl . fur a-...
i it. I I IimiiI'iie In-
- mi i -i 'i mtniiii". f .i 1 1
i I ' il- m nitr.ttl n.
for immeil ate shuiment.
all charRus rrupald.
Mufflers and Gloves
Mufllei's of s )ft wiirni avoeI ;i'e nppreeiatcd
v men who bold tie- daily tup te bu-inc:3
..nail- exercise enough.
$1.50 te $5.00
Knit Weel Ci'eves-. imperted from McfJoerjjc,
of Sietland, will w.i-m tnc l.cait as wll as the
hands. The Weid i.-; fleecy and every linger
is l.nit te lit.
$1.50 and $2.00 a pair
Twe Very Acceptable Christmas f.ifs
liuij Early
Sens 202-204 Market si.
OucltJ'cabctfy &Ce lnc.Trey.NT.
of men anrl young
v T: li XT '