tew1 & Bff V Kff m I isv . lpPTv. iff-'3M"i K WW Galvanized Beat Pumps jtTnufartiireil hr u" "- it !. Market ntti WOOD RESIGNATION EVENING PUBiilO -LfiDGER--PHmXiiEIiPHIA MONDAY; DECEMBER ' " ' " ' - I"" ' ' " -" "' ------- I ' ; r WM(1 VJV 11, 1922 'IT A ipzzNickel Plating- j Sfc'tf Tank and Barret Werk Peliihing and Ball Burnlthlng 1 PREMIER RADIO MFG. CO. 10QO North ettt St. H vwM 4M4 Park 89 UfamrzrmvMMMMM COWS i Lift Off with Fingers SEEN AS NOT FINAL M i Penn Alumni Regard His Ac tien as Courtesy te,Wlake Other Appointment if Need Be MAY GRANT NEW LEAVE "OLD-AGE PENSIONS URGED Eagles Want States te Aid Indigents Mere Than 8eventy New yerk, Dec. 11, A resolution recommending the pnssnge in every Btntc of legislation which would grant rt pension" of $1' a dny te every person mere than seventy yenrs of ngc whose Income Is net mere than .$300 j curly wits adopted lit a conference of the Old Old Age Pension Commission of the Frater nal Order of Eagles yestcrduy. SAUNDERS DIAMOND STORES Diamond Bint $75 JR-K. White Geld ninmnnd Rln, with 3 pure white ilia ilia menils. tab. rfi -Yean & 13 S. 8th St. 2710 Gtn. Ave. OPEN EVENINGS ta U N Doesn't hurt a bit I Drep a little "Frcezene" en an aching corn, In itnntly that corn steps hurting, then shortly you lift It right off with fingers. Truly ! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of Freezene" for, a few cents, suffici ent te remove every hard corn, soft corn) or corn between the tees, and the tnllubcs, without soreness or Irri tatien. Adv. dcutti m qfetpttals prit say "Just a sere threat. " TOMORROW, today's dis comfort maybe something mere serious. Your doctor will tell you that an Inflamed threat Is nature's warning that germs are trying te Invade the system. Farmamint, the germ-killing threat tablet, is heartily en dorsed by thousands of doc tors because it actually kills germs, thereby net only reliev ing sere threat, but prevent ing mere serious infection. Pleasant, harmless, efficient. All drug stores. hrmamint 1 OtRM-KIUIHO THROAT TABUT Vrtnamfni U our tredtmtrlt it wm vm our prHMi SAMPLES) Te ocqualntyeu with Femtamlnt ue uitt ln a trial Tube en receipt of 4c in Jtamf te defray mailing colt Addrcil The Bauer Chtmtul Ce., 1 ij W. i&h St., N. Y. Citj URCEST OLD BOOK STORE IN AMERICA Alumni of the University of PcnnBil nnln rcfune te accent Ocnera! Leenard Weed's reilgnatien as the new head of Hint institution as final, nnd It is nreb able the. trustees will ask him te recon sider It, at the same time extending his leave of nbsence. ' His recent cablegram of resignation, based upon the delicate legislative situation in the Philippine Islands, where he is Governer Oenern), sur prised and somewhat unsettled the alumni, who nre nnxieus te have Gen eral Weed, above all ethers, become head of Penn. Though none of the members of the Beard of Trustees have committed themelvcfl as te their course of action, several have Indicated that they de net think the resignation changed the situa tion nnd believe it was sent them ns n inntter of courtesy, te leave them fret- te; net. 'iiiey had net expected General Weed befere March 1. and nnnnrentlv every one is willing te give him any additional time neccssa.'y te complete his work in the islands. Herace Mether Llnnlncett. Kccretnri of the General Alumni Society nnd editor of the Alumni Register, said: "There has been no change In the In formation originally ghen te us when Jehn W. Zlegler returned from the Philippines after seeing General Weed. "At that time It was stated quite cieany mat tnc general could net re turn until after the adjournment of the Legislature, probably home time In the spring. His leare of absence ex pires January 1. "In my opinion he has merely given the trustees the opportunity te act free of any obligation te him. It was preba bly, in his opinion, tnc only thing te de In the circumstances. Most of us expect that the trustees wil ask him te reconsider bis resignation, and will grant a renewal of the leave of ob- sence." 1 Mr. Zlegler pointed out that in both cables te this country General Weed 1 indicated his Intention of leaving the Islands after the Legislature adjourned, se that he had net made any change in his plans. "In my opinion," he said, "General Weed recognized that the situation here was difficult, and he merely opened the way for any action' the trustees might care te take." Inquiry among members of the beard and leaders of the alumni fails te re veal that any substitute for the pest has been suggested. "There is no iden of such a thing," said Mr. Ltpplncett. Mr. Zlegler also said he had net heard any such sug gestions. "There has been no opportunity for the alumni te form any opinions along that line." he said. "It Is hardly like ly that the matter would be considered until it was Known aeuniteiy mar uen cral Weed was net coming back, and that is net the present Impression." TWO HUSBANDS LEAD WIFE TO TRY SUICIDE Men Quarrel Over the Right te Claim Weman Duluth. Dec. 11. While two men, each claiming te be her husband, were disputing as te which had the right te her as a wife, Mrs. A. M. Jehnsen, twenty-eight, yesterday afternoon '-ft her home and made her way te a beat pier and shot herself. Physicians at the hospital held little hope for re cevery. A. M. Jehnsen,) of Duluth, and Charles Panghler, of Chisholm, were the two men engaged In the contro versy ever the woman, the police sny. Panghler claimed he married her three years age. Mrs. Jehnsen is said te have divided her time between the two men since last June, when she married Jehnsen. Panghler said he discov ered some letters and a photograph of Jehnsen and followed him te Duluth. BABY DESERTED IN FIRE 170 Flee te Streets In $130,000 Massachusetts Tenement Blaze New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 11. A baby deserted in its crib and a mother and her child huddled In a bedroom were rescued from the flames by firemen here yesterday when a five-story tenement block was destroyed by fire nnd a second tenement was partly ruined, causing 170 scantily clad persons te flee te the streets. Seven firemen were severely injured while fighting the flames. The fire, which started in a shed afUr an explosion of unknown origin, consumed two barns nnd a number of shacks, in addition te the tenements, and caused damage estimated at $130, 000. X-RAY HERO HONORED- French Cripple Receives Carnegie Geld Medal Paris, Dec. 11. The Carnegie Geld Medal has been nwnrded te Prof, Her Her genle, of Berdeaux University, a recent Ictlm of X-iny research, whose right aim nnd three fingers of the left hund were amputated. Dr. Charles Valllant. of La Itehnl'. siere Hospital, who a short time age 1 1 I Will Furnish a Beautiful and Complete Funeral: Funeral With Metal Casket, $500 nd up Complete Square solid metal canleM, lilsliljr Iellheil. upholstered ltli aHk, Keimrntc I'M"1 pinie rngrnveai ii.aui mwiu .wm "" r..' .TIE $ i i Will! 1 I il IT?'1! im iiW'"' iiaiwll , .--,. ,!' .,'- I Tfr If KM V : 1 sV 1 EL'r I r I LIIA I K ft 1 f Nil IITl; 1 III' IC1 ire IKMI V! - W ".W .& 'V . H.- ..B- ' IMM-iM. H.M.H.BH- . LMMMl i-- W mm .'.K MM. I 'im t HI rmm v 11 i i n. Wl I P"KT" . nA mitlr.,.,. .Ilvep h., Iia.nn. ANTEEI) 50 YEAI18; hramu and tlirm Humming, embalming bedr. pny ter open n rate,, dressing bedj. blanket and all!: Iiandkercnkf, chairs and crape, adfertlsin funeral In newipapen. $275.00 Complete ...Squire solid mnhegnnr lilglilr polished casket, OphelUercd . with silk, separata pillow and mnttresaps, slher bar handles, plate cngrateds outride hardwood polished rase, copper mounted, rheti.ut or enk; heaite nnd a limousines, embilmln bedr, pay for opening grnre, dnsslng bedr, blanket and silk handkerchief, furnish grare If family baa no plac,e of burial, (hnlrs and crape, adrertlslng funeral In newspapers. Call and See the Caskets Yeu Will Be Better Satisfied Ne charge for th"use of our r'uneral ration. Owing te msnufactitrlng mjr own Caskets and Cases nnd tuning my enn retupletu Aute Kqulpuicut I am able te furnish the a bore anywhere within the uty limits. As price of materials adjusts Itself, these prices will be reduced accordingly. Leary's Great Sale of Beeks is entering its third week. Hundreds of booklovers have crowded the store the past two weeks, te leek ever the treasures we have collected; and quite a number have com plimented us en the unusual at tractiveness of our selections. . Many a customer is buvinsr "hlS own Christmas irift from 'underwent his thirteenth operation of this trrw ii-Vi T ui,a . I amputation made . necessary by the nU T "ir"" -c.iiuii uj. uuure , i itiiertng eitects et A-rny, and Prof, im etners are nnding choice gifts te give their boekloving inends, who would prefer a geed edition which has been once read te an inferior one, new. l.tTuv, nnetner auuerer irem me reH, w ill receive money grants from the Ca'r ncgie Foundation. PRINCESS GOES SHOPPING Mary te Buy Presents for Multitude V, , I inn. numerous Choice lets have' inden, Dec. ll. Princess Mary ar Oeen hnne-hf W Am. nenmni.a. ,vpi In Londen jestenlay ultli lier Inm. bur nlnnf,, 4. j. i.u 'bund, Lord Lnscelles, for n few dais ut plenty yet remain for these ' ,,f rhriHtmes shopping. ' Tim Princess has hundreds of frlcniU who nre expectlns prehents. She will begin her snapping tour luuuy, return who realize the great bargains such a Leary sale contains. On. W.C..... j. i i hie te her Vorkshire home nt the end tl. i. re,serVe Stock IS SO large JJJ". week. She will spend the hoi". mat We de net anticipate reach- ilas theie and return te Londen iii fng the end of this remarkable Jurj offering of books until the end Veteran, cleared of stigma, is Dead 01 December. i Vnri(. p.. Dec. n. chnries kibi,.,.. a:i ,, ,, , I seventy-beven yearn old, n Civil Wn "van yeurseir ei tnis won derful opportunity te leek ever some of the really great books or the world. "oeks Bought. Libraries Purchased, Gearys Boek Stere Wnlh Street Belew Market Mteran, died nt me neme et nm iiaugli. ler, Mrs. Clyde Snjdcr, of Winters town. He nn a member of a faiullj of bcventeen clilldren. Itccentlv the (ievcriiiuent reinevid the stlgmn of being a rteneUcr and granted him a pension, 1'J11ICTI0N IIV VIHUAMZATION Prominent educators are tslklns of the nddel alue of lesions tniuht by the Usa of nleturaa In etfutt that la whut the umi. derfil collection of plrturw In the Itote. Sraur Hottleu mlfht he mid te ba hcieii. nllslilnf A" eieluslip.fpiure el. Hun. WiIliamH.Batteisby,UndeL(akei i 1 , 'Mil II I I 'l I i&tt. u rTkA t : rafr.aVaV - " - av --. HtJTm... T zr. ". . -r . t -'"' r - rr: . , ' "fl . . - :. ur. Ball Phend, n)M266748 Lgj iii- -- -- -- ---- - - I"'.. t- 2r Buv Nnu) r ... at . v .... m ray next i ear Pure White Diamond Set in Platinum and Green Geld IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NO RED TAPE Any diamond purchased of us can be ex changed at full price paid. siS Fay as xeu Get raid Scherr Herbst iue south nm at. ONE DOOR BELOW CHESTNUT OPEN EVEHY EVENING nn nm flhuhuxtfc fi&rpV' Oak Halls Pre-Xmas Sale of Insured New Winter Overcoats -As well as several hundred of I our finest suits at decided sav ings for all this week. IT is an unusual event, because it gives buyers an opportunity te make their friends sane, well chosen, practical Christmas gifts. Here Are The Prices OVERCOATS REGULAR $30 DOUBLE-BREAST- $21. t)0 MODELS. RAGLAN AND ULSTER STYLE rxircnnn a te fW Reg ULAROI50h $28.00 FOR BIG MEN INCLUDED. OVERCOATS, IM PORTED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND, MADE OF TYPI CAL BRITISH OVERCOATINGS, OF $50 QUALITIES. $38.00 SUITS FINEST $35 PURE WORSTED SUITS. IN SIZES FOR MEN OF OR MNARY STATURE AS WELL AS FOR BIG MEN. WONDERFUL FRENCH BACK WORSTED SUITS, WORTH FULLY $50. EXTRA TROUS ER SUITS IN THE NEW PENCIL STRIPE PAT TERNS OF 845 DUALITIES. SELL- ING RAPIDLY ATJ $25.00 $35.00 $32.50 Remember, these overcoats are insured against direct less, less by fire, theft or burglary, through the Franklin Fire Insurance Company, just the same as if you were paying their regular prices and, there is no extra charge for this insurance policy. Special inducements in boys' suits, overcoats and mackinaws. Wanamaker & Brown Market at Sixth for 61 Years H-j g ai rl 1 B Our Economy Basement Cuts Gift Costs! S MONDAY, UIXKMIIKIt 11, 10J3 Sti.re Opens O A.'M. Clesei 0 ISM. NELLENBUKGS ENTIRE BLOCK. MffBKETJI 'n. 12 STREETS f M Extra Size Undergarments 89c ,. J, y in especially fine shewina for personal or gift pur chases and at a matchless saving here at Nightgowns and envelope chemises of lingerie cloth, cm-breidery-trimmed. Undcrmuslins, Special at 98c Llnirrrln eewns unil oliwlnne chemltes of llngerlu cletli, embrelilerj trimmed. Dainty Boudoir Caps, 49c t0 98c f)f .itln net nnd ribbon. Undcrmuslins, J-j QQ Special at.... tPl.tO lliillstr nlghtKewns nnd onol enol onel opo rliemlteu, pietllly trimmed Mlk crepb de chlne chemises In ppvernl ditlntv mndelB Silk Night Gowns Smwnl nrnttv tailored and trlmmctl medelH In crepe de chine. SflEU CHBURCS 1'cone"iy iinsement $3.98 Gilt Aprons, Special at 49c te 98c I'n n r Tra Annum Hlnrtlni: at 49c In ii arlety of dainty Htlcs,f( nice ami emuremery inramcu cr fecthcly. ntlt Kllpevrrs starting at GOc In HJti en, cretonne nnd elnc- hnm lln d nnd pocketed nnrllv. $3 Silk Jersey Pantalettes $1.49 They're always great gift favorites! Deuble clastic cuffs; navy and black; ex cellent quality. $4.00 Silk Petticoats . . 0? 1 QK fJ M-JfJ Geed, sturdy jersey in every pretty bright color. Ideal holiday Boxed en request. gifts. $1.29 $2.50 English Sateen Petticoats Colored flounces in pretty contrasting effects. All wanted shades. SneLLCNBURCS Economy Basement $3 Corsets at $1.75 Medium and girdle-top models in plain ceutil or fancy materials. $3.00 Corsets, $1.59 All sizes. Fancy materials. $4.00 Corsets, $1.95 Medium bust models; heavy ceutil. $1.50 Satin Bandeaux, 89c luest welcome nenciay guts ana very attractive! SnelLENBURGS Economy Basement 98c te $1.98 Gift Pillows 59c & 95c each Most welcome holiday gifts! Velour and tapestiy, corded and trimmed with galleen braid. New oblong and square effects. SnelLENBURGS Economy Basement Beys' $6.75 Blue Serge Suits, $4.95 Gift kindsin Oliver Twist and Balkan styles. All wool! Fine, practical, dressy little suits, with white, geld or black braid trimmings. Sizes 3 te 10 years. $8.95 Twe-Pants Suits. .g QK Mixed cheviets; wanted tPJeJ colorings; full-lined knickers. $9.95 $13.50 Twe-Pants Suits Mixed cheviets and tweeds in light or dark shades. Mohair-lined coats and full lined knickcr pants. Sizes 7 te 17 years. $6.75 Overcoats They button te the neck, have belts all around and plaid linings 2U.' te 10 years. $10.50 Mackinaws . . . All-wool blanket cloth just the kind boys like best for gifts geed quality; 7 te 1G years. $4.95 nings. Sizes $7.95 gifts. Extra $16.50 Overcoats 01 O H Convertible cellars; muffPJLai, I J round, won wen rs. $3.65 95c pockets; wool linings; belted all around derful cents,! Sizes 11 te 10 years. $4.50 Black Rubber Raincoats With patented fasteners; great gift fa vorite! 4 te 18 years. $1.39 Knickers Mixed cheviets; sizes 8 te 17 years. SncLLENSURjGS Economy Basement Gift's that will delight any girl here! in wonder fully fine showing, at amazingly little cost! Girls' $2.00 te $2.50 New Gmgham Dresses $ J ft Q Briirht. nrettv checks in rpnr rerlq. 1 browns, gieens. and blues with white. Popular Peter Pan cellar styles with lick-rack braid or chambray trimmings, many fea turing pretty touches of embroidery. The most attactie crift kinds! Sizes 7 te 14. $2.00 te $2.50 (1 A A ! $1.50 te $2.50 1 $1 fill Rain Capes. . v a-v v Hew every girl likes te get one! Red and navy; full cut and with heeds. Middy Blouses eti Genuine Lonsdale jean all ' ' white or with colored cellars. ut I Alse rose, green and cepen mid I dies. 6 te 10 years. SNELLENBURaS Economy Basement $1.25 Turkish Bath Sets, 74c Very popular gifts extra-geed values! Boxed for Christmas gifts. Large bath towel and two face cloths. Pretty jacquard pat terns; pink, blue or geld. $5.00 Table Cleths, Set With Dezen Napkins te match. Cleths 70x70 inches; 22x22-inch te match. Attractively boxed. SNELLENBURGS Economy Basement mu&&qmr $3.50 napkins You'll find savings well worth while down here en T-O-Y-S! $3.50 Desk Sets, $2.15 As shown with steel; sturdy construction, maple fin ish. Easel Blackboards, $1.15 Wjthchait te teach the kid dfes diau'ing and writing. Drums for Beys, -$1.00 Children's Tea j Herse and Wagen Sets, 50c ! 95c Knockabout set- te Brown or black plush jilay heuse with. s horses Firefly Coasters -They steer! Ne. 11 $2.25 Ne. 9 $1.65 Ne. 12 $2.50 Ne. 10 $1.95 I Racer $2.65- bNELLENBURtjS Economy Basement Men's $2 Silk Stripe Madras Shirts $1.59 Beautiful patterns in wide variety of colors. Neckband styles; sizes 14 te 17. Men's Bath Robes, $2.95 Geed, warm, fleecy qualitj; several de ic:ns and coleis. Percale Shirts, $1.10 Famous "Harmony" biand; neat striped patterns. New Neckwear, 25c See' al geed patterns; all colors. SFifcZT NBJRdS Economy Basement 29c Outing Flannel 18C Yard Beautiful Gift Quilts In Richest Silks Seft, Fluffy, Altogether Levely! At Cost and Less! A big maker's clearance of little lets enlv a lew of each beautiful pattern grade flowered silk or satin tops, with plain holders; lmest lamb'b-woel fi'hng. $15.00 te $17.50 I $19.00 te $22.50 Silk Quilts, Highest 18c Silk Quilts, $9.44 $25,00 te $37.50 Silk Quilts, $11.84 ' $16.50 Wonderful Let of $7.50 Weel Plaid Blankets . . . What excellent gifts they make. These blankets are an exceptional quality full 5 bs. in weight .and come in lovely broken p'a.ds. DciinbSc colors. Size" Gx80 inch With colored soisette bindings. '-.e ujacu mmes. $5.00 s7- NB RGb Economy Basement ! Pretty stripes; 30 inches wide; very fleecy. 18c Outing Flannel, Yard "I 9i Geed quality; pleasing striped -- -2 V eitects. 25c Flannels, Yard Excellent bleached shaker flannels, also bleached Canten flannels. b" f-LLLNB ''-icS Economy Basement $3.50 Worsted" Sweaters, $1.79 Tuxedos and Slip-ens for Practical Gifts! Medium a eight and cejily warm. House Heuse keepeis, in ahils an 1 folks who weik in duusihty ellices will like them! Serviceable ilaik shades. " . .S Economy Basement Whether ueifre choesina substantial, uip.vnvnthie f,i..i;.,.. ,. .. n, ie i. i-.n novelty gifts, you can count en decidedly iverlh-while savings here! Pure Felt Rell Edge Matresses, $9.95 $30 Combination ChifTorebes at $19.75 Mndfl et sturdy oak. On ene slde t a deep sv.irdrobe with garment luuiReiM On the ethor side Is a hat box, 4 deep dniuirH uud a dusk com partment. Height, G2 Inches ; width, 40 Inches. $12.00 Telephone Stand, $6.95 Complote with chair ery nne construction mahecan finish. $2.75 mixed Duck Feather Pillows, $1.G9 Lactlu of) in the Loieneniece rtulc shown lets cPiclKfesS w 1 1 ii excel- wiw?- lent tiekimis vM:.. !.. ....... Vi.l ii ii'i n;i r.iv v Inch 1 n e been ilic n timied. Built in laeis; erv comfei table. i ' aWKk Vav iwxTxy 'J ? in Ah) $18.00 Library Rocker, $9.95 $l(i relnniul IVIetal Bed, $9.95 2. Inch htr.ilBht pests, with heay top rail and nilerp. Hill f.,-M.'S-r . WH II " --NN-----wvlv, 'L I F 1 Mahogany n ! Smekinir "" k Stands, j! ( rrl $1",i ! ClL. ' II I I filUHllSlll.- I. I CJ L ''"Imt ami teji 5j5 S L" n Ij fluid with l i M-l, l I'll J I hr.ii'H lUtlnks U U i OvprstulTiMl d n e i r , (' BpiliiK BP.it hlKh com M jl ei; nn j1 M(jli2ia2af 518.00 Drep-Side cSfn? Dresser ' IIM Couch Beds, $9.73 tJ bff n. . (! rirrw-41 Jl ll v' ' I Complete with cotton SNELLr.NBURiS 'i pad. Econemv Hnnptnent ' , $10.00 Ivery Weed Crib, $5.98 Heavy pn,tiaia pestB ; decei.ited p inelH ; com com Plate with ttll-stcel sani tary spring. vyj-1 1 ".71 WW 7: ij c u ; " 1 v n j i' p, ma ' we x xww i (OpBesitsUjest Ofice) iCHl j 'x.M frfl.1, ,y.iiMiiiii,iiiiiii!iiiiii,iiiiih " IT '111' ,!ulhlllU.MIl,.l.lUll,il,U,-l..l,l.l,UlllJBMl1,),r N. SNELLENBURG & CO.: 1 r M. . Szy idiy. 1-1 Ai i, r . he tln'Ow UV i VI itj f ll f .U 1 g. !i V, ifi ., Ii, it y Uiv I'lUMi. L.1.1-UI111 ' smhe ii a nabii,' JJUlJ I Sj---f--B--MMi5 ' UOUU-U1TUUUU tt VlTtaa-B- S i ,a iv uiviet UMiiiirifi p. rr - " 9 , . j "