w m , Swwm V J V, w: t.mmM; EVENING PUBLIC LEfeGERr-PHIIJADELPHIA; MOftDlY, DECEMBER 11. 1922 f rywhj'M Fer arueay Stere Open 9 Ai M. te 6 P. M.H v ,V' j - ----"-'" ,..",, , , , , , . ; : -.... . . :. . im s,u- '. i ' - r 1 "It's nll'nw! the newness of a rare Woem after years ei cultivation nnd improvement, of. a'planfc: Gimbel confections really the best in the United States arc new AVflltntiln nil ivn fdn TTnltnrl Stntes. Hint-. The Stere of a Millien Gtfia GimbelBrethers MARKET CHESTNUT : EIGHTH NINTH ....... mm l- t 1 1004 ' Philadelpnia, raenaay, uecerawr i, . FOR CHRISTMAS IKfcAia , it p .. tn.Ptinl pisi of Chocolates nfl Ben Bena (Fer S8.75 with cither is included free sixty half-pound boxes in which te dis Tuesday )lrr"-y ' " P g Pl y U"' , 1 , .t MARKET CHESTNUT ii EIGHTH 'NINTH tribute the candy" Delivered Free east of the Mississippi. ftmbels Are New Ready te Nationalize TEeir Candies and Conserved Fruits mm -y ir r .! WA M ffO KEEP candies pleasing te the eye, f y and make them absolutely as pure l and dainty as they looked, was the great est task Gimbels undertook in their years-long and winning fight for pure Heeds. And the proudest day of the l whole campaign was when we personal ly took Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the nauuii & puic iuuu uiiaiiipiuu, lu uic candy cases and asked him te direct the packing of a box. Picking for beauty t making the hardest or teststhat Five-Pound Bex Spelled Victory h And it went te Washington te prove that pure candies were, possible. at. & I1 $si2 mm m if- &-K'SW ' Jj 1-" &V- r &; & y PV rv v w $. -; tiHMMHi Conserved fruits were redeemed after international work, net welcomed by anyone. But we persevered. Today Gimbel candies are going te almost every State in the Union and te Cuba Today production arrangements are ample te meet the demand for The Choicest Candies Ever Made Supply of Conserved Fruits is still insuf ficient and orders for holiday delivery should be given us at once $ 1 per pound. The most hopeless day in the long, long task was when a committee, buying candy for a children's treat, and being counseled that Gimbel candies were pure and healthy, said: "What's the difference? It's just for youngsters." Oh, Lord! hew long? But viewpoints have changed. Wherever the mails go Gimbels con fections are available. Sent postage paid by us in the United States. &L.& JFlMgHitUMlgO srsefaTetJ C&J24JVS " wmm WHIWHWi'umi'MI w 0M OMAs Re D CORfjlAh HlE!m& 1LA T mi'i K-. W?4i BK.. 'r& SSaW- tiimbel Glnce (conserved I-ruit) Green gages, pineapple, cherries, peaches, pears, upri upri cets very decidedly the best produced $1 lb. Gimbel Glnce Cherries. S1.25 lb. Rademaker's Keynl Dutch Cordial Chocolates, each piuce foil-wrapped, half-pound box. 2j; neund. $2.25. Imperial Chocolates from Czecho-Slevnkia, $2.25 lb. Sun Sengloeng Preserved Canten Ginger, 50c for a smull stone creck-ful. Crystallized Ginger, fancy tins, 38c half lb. Original five-pound boxes of imported "Fourres" or stuffed gloss Candies, $3 box. Gimbel Woedlnnd Chocolates nut centers and cherry and pineapple and date centers creams $1.25 lb. ulmbcl Fhument Chocolates nut, fruit and cream centers, very dainty 60c lb. Orchard Chocolate-Covered Cordial Cherries very superior GOc lb. Old-Fashion Chocolates fruit-flavored creams coated with bitter-sweet chocolate. Attrac tive red box, GOc lb. Ulmuels I'urple Tackage asserted chocolates, cream caramels, fudge, nut chips and clusters aplc-cream walnuts 50c lb. ' hweethcart Chocolates packet! especially for Gimbels by Belle Jleade Sweets Ce. GOc lb. $1 no ma Eight Pounds of Christmas Candy for . 5 Pounds Asserted Chocolates , 1 Pound Pure Sugar Hand-Made Toys 1 Pound Asserted Wrapped Caramels 1 Pound Asserted Hard Candies Fresh, wholesome, geed. Delivered Free oust of the Mississippi. $ 2 Five Pounds Majestic Mixtures for $2.20 Chocolates, creams, jelly pieces and trlaee pineapple. Atfrnitivr? red liev. J,l,0lllnW Asserted Chocolates, in a pretty holly box, for $1.25. Children's Christmas Surpnse Bexes, 30c and 75c each. Candies are sent unywhere, iat'the United States, postage paid by GimbeU, excepUs noted. r.linh.l. PhlUrtMuhU. Cheitnut Btw.t Annex and Btibwuv Htera. ' Five Pounds of Mixtures for $3.50 Chocelato bonbons, glace cherries', glace pineapple and jelly pieces. lllllllllllll!lllll!!llllllll!llllllllllll!llllllll!!!lll!!i IIIIIMUIIIIIIIIll";ll1IHll1MIIM...,..,.MH, ,,,, m,t,Mi. y SN.rwt5f' ; "itifah . X'W LMMsifia jj.-?i Jt '..'- 'j'V!vj jti'Mti, acj...'i , -t&, ti..Vt.ii. .i4i(,