Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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Baker Runs True te Ferm in Signing Bess of the Phillies for One Season Only
Dees Baker Intend te Make Peppery Shortstop the
Fifth Sacrifice en the Altar of Meney-Madness?
Fans Tired of Hokum Stuff
T'llKltl' is si silly puailine engaged In by foelMt pet sons known n "jumping
"from llie frvlng inn Inte the tire." It is painful; nnl.v n chap with the
hide of n rhinoceros can withstand the burn that icsult, nntl eventually
he suffers hinrlal wounds. - nut the I"Iiillic ' piesideiu tit:i tns this dan
gerous gnmc?
When announcement wax made that Art r'lclclier had been cmpleveil
te manage enr I'liilHe. the first iUostieu that entered the minds of the fans
va. "Hew mail) .venis does the contract c.tll
for? " IJiicU came the disappointing answer.
' l'nr the 1i''.". cnmp.iign." And loud and imgi.v
was the chorus- irlNK!
Art Fletcher was an caincM and capable
ball player. He might bi ic mi nggiessive and
competent leader. Itut net in one near. As u
imc-.ampalgn manager. Mibject te the uhtms of
bis boss, who is net n l'hiladelphian in fact or
spirit. Art Fletcher is merely one mere 10 be
added te the lift f the discharged L'hillic figure
head field generals. It will be u miracle in an
ace when such things de net happen if Fletcher
meets with even the tiniest bit hum c in the :i)
of s irri'ss ti,;,,, ,i,i (nmb. ('raviith, iouean
unl Withelm.
When i he New Yrk man who presides
Kiir the de.stitues ()f mir I'hillies did net displn)
siillieient faith in Art I'lctcher te insist upon
his sisnatiire te a contract for net less thnn
tluee venr. then he m.ide plain te the fans that Fletcher was te be one mere
nicriltrc en the altar of menej -madness Fer the man does net live, in our
opinion, who can take the hrnrt-sick iind colorless lMilllirs and in one season
restore them te a position of honor- meld them Inte a club that will hate the
admiration and respect of the fans even in defeat,
At that, a three.) ear contract W net the enlv demand that Fletcher
alieiild have made upon his new bes. He should have insisted upon n "build
ing fund" of nt least S100.000 with which te employ three bang-up scouts
mil purchase the players recommended bv them. He should have get for
himself the absolute Urinl right te make nil sales and trades or at least the
right te sanction any player deal' before thev could be consummated.
mwW iP" WMt
akRim. ummwM
m .- ...-
7" JS asmmed that te Ihe matter of building a limit 1'lrtchn has
tin wnrr pnu rr than Ihe het ban. tie map endearer te cttablish a
system nf plau. tnjret fight intn in turn- hid heir far trill Am cicri;
An managrr and Am from teirn rreryheilti sniped that thr vital
miirict in plmi'i'l itrrnnth that money niene trill obtain v ill net he
fm Ihrnmtng?
Fletcher Failed te Provide His Chance.
ONTSTI.Y. it is a sin and a shame that loyal and sincere I'hiladclphians
feci it a duty te envelop the newly appointed National League manager
with n very wet and cold blanket. A friend of lietcliers remarked, "An,
give Art n chance."
C.ive Fletcher n chance? That's easy, and precisely what we would like
te de. The vvhelc trouble is that Fletcher ha failed te provide himself with
n real chance. He has, with his eves wide open, allowed himself te be placed
en a greased sliding beard that slipped the four preceding Jielil leaders into
the slough of despond.
About the linnnccs of the Phillies we knew nothing and care less. If
the dub does net have the bankroll with which te employ geed Hcetlts'nnd
purchase real ball players, then it is the privilege of the owners te take the
fans into their confidence, Relieving that rhiladelphiani are truly interested
in having winning baseball tennis, we declare that a way could be found te
enlist the necessary aid provide a "building fund" that would produce the
That Philadelphia fans are mad- ye, mnd. and we lling it in the face of
grammarians- is certain. If. it is lack of money that is making a joke of our
rlty in big lcngiie.bnscbnll circles, then give these fans an opportunity te
"put up or shut im." There must be residents of Philadelphia who would
subscribe n reasonable amount of capital te provide National League baseball
for and by Philadelphians.
MACK in etitic v
sold hit the A
vehement in hi assertion Unit mi ni'm n n Hi l
hit the Athletics. Although Conine iltil tint m n mlimnlr
that he and htt uisaciatrs hud brcn pursuing imhihUh pnlu i in ihr
last eight yiars, tee ujtJiimc thei hare arrived at that mm mm Union
and that the A'n trill he tip there and fighting in lUid and futtnc ma
sans. Cennie Mack and the Shtlici are I'htladrlphiain at hnst. ami
are, tee. think, eiidruveritig te gitr thr fans nf our uti union In ihm
for the American League team.
L nt
nKIW. it it no the fart that I'lr flier Ail hern ennneed Jn manage
thr l'htlhr for ID23 that Aim caused leng-stiffrrtng Philadelphia
fans te rise up in anger. Jehn MrGraw could de no hrttrr than
llrtrhrr, v Inch ire epinr tctll he no better than t'oemhi, t'rarath.
Doneran and ll'ifirm, if he irere a ene-semen field director irtth the
artual manaqrmrnt in Ihr bintnrss office the policy tearing ilen n '
tnstrad of "building up."
Jokes About Athletics May Cease
Wlin.S" it was declared that n loyal l'hiladelphian who travels te ether cities
is tortured by the peer jokes and unfair slurs prompted b our big league
baseball clubs and their position in the championship race, this statement met
with the entire npprenl of II, II. X). S . n baseball fan who resides in lir.wi
Muwr and who, as a traveler, writes. "Peihaps if we nil live long enough
Philadelphians will renlize and appreciate the detiiment that tail end baseball
teams are te the Natien's third largest eny"
The P.ryn Mawr fan inclesed wdint be referred le as "a disgusting arti
cle." clipped from a Western newspaper, nnd in which ii wa.s stated that
Cennie Mnck was determined te produce a "Class ,M" ball club "at any price
Up te ?1 !S." The writer, intending te be facetious, then told hew the Ath
letics manager t-tarted for Louisville with a shoebex under his arm and that
residents of the 'somnolent cit" knew he was going en a long journey nnd
wns carrying his sandwichen with him
Frem another seutce enme an ntticle that had appeared m number West
ern newspaper and winch, after assailing President linker, of the Phillies,
extended sympathy te the loyal hnsehall fans of our nn who me compelled
because of n "pennv-wise, pound foolish magnate, ' te lune as their National
I.engue representathe a "team that would hae a teuah time landing in the
first duisien in the shop league' Which is harder in bear -the slurs or
the s)tnpatli) '.'
Cennie Mack may net have spent ST.'.nnil for Sammy Hale, ihe Pert laud
third baseman- he wisely refrains from mentioning the nuieuut of money .unl
approximate value of players who will go te thu Pncillc Const in exchange for
n lad who may develop into the Mar inficlder of the American League. "Theie
Is tee niucli piibln ily lesnrding the price paid for plnyeis," lemarkei) ilie
A's chief. "I am credited with reeriung mere money than I m tiinll) did fei
ceitnin plajers and I have paid mere for certain ether pla)crs tbnii the
guesser.s published."
However, een though .'l.!s lepiesemed the actual i Uhh paid for Hale,
the fuct that .Mack has dosed his snles department nnd opened n pundiasiug
department should piedme results in llie league ince and halt the niiicile-
attacks upon Philadelphia s American League baseball in ether cities, Cennie
nssures the public that Ileiumcl. his iiitching nee. n ill net he sold "nut for
ten times tlie SltlO.OOO reported le have been offered. ' Thai ilie Ailili-t n-
are in the market for a i euple of twirlers te nssist Keinmel in winning games
wits Mack'H iepl te a question concerning the disposal of i he Amern-nu
League's lending llinger.
le M'lll.llM ;i.
lenill. lit tile
1 ' Ii Mi k II ,n. 1,
oil the trnel,
!. s,id lie
l.eii ileill I,.
Hi I.iiiii aer
Victory Over Jack Bernstein
Would Mean Beut for Title
With Dundee
XPUUII" WAGNI'K may get his hope
I -LJ finally. That hope hns been te
meet Johnny Dundee for a crack nt the
junior lightweight
iliadeni mid the
Kid's ambition may
be realized shortly.
Fer se v prill
months ever since
the open air season
in this city, during
which time Wagner
showed let of class
with his nifty pair
of dukes, he has
been Issuing deti
after deli at the
Getham glcneiunn.
Hut it didn't mean
Wngner's iiutuii
get:. Msixie lleff.
mostly culled Hoe linn, posted n cerli
lied i heck in the amount of Slt'llH wim
the New Yerk State Athletic Commis.
slen. in iiecerdiiuce with the rules of'
that bed) -hen making nn etliclal chnl
leuc" P.ut that ilidli'l mean nil) thing,
Kid te Meet
I'cnisteiii nts (iarden
Se Kddie was beginning te think tnm
be was deemed te remain in the tistic
ruck, wllen the dlllgenl and conscien
tious hustling of Helt finally bore fruit
and the lntter succeeded in matching
The Kid for a star bout at the Gatden
in New Yerk City.
Wagner will make bis debut in Tex
Kiikavd's Square Monday nkht. Ills
opponent will he ' .lack Hernstein. a
lenkcrs sucker, who has established
quite a iep u a puncher in the big
huig And Fddie'H hope rests In the
result of bis contest with the Hern
stein bever.
A dispatch ftem New Yeik today
Mates "It tsTe Hicknrd's intention te
natch .lack Heinstcin with annuity
Uund.e if the plodding Yenl-rrs inau er
whips Kid Wasner in the darden Mon Men
dnv night." There Is no reason why
tlin nine idea s inulilu t cany u ns-
ner whips Mem st el u that is,
between the I'llliaiieipiiiau
Scotch Wep.
In New Yerk they are matting ii".i
steln the fmerite ngaiiist Wagner, and
.lack should stand out as the probable
winner for mere than one reason. In
the first place the Yonkers lnd has
been going the distance regulnrly nnd
he has qualified a a star mittnian.
while Kddie has bad comparatively
few long n.atrhe
-female op ((Q .wc, ,, , (i - iMi r fer $y-fs
IIPSS, S) 1 PefvffADOUft WUflSBS Z
W tlrtmnrrtiMkmrxrrrrr I r. . ei ADOenc . . ..IX
! WmmW. ' . w,w-rJl
Hew Dees It Strike Yeu Z i
,. . .
Fletcher as Manager
State's Track Coach
Emanuel's EM Playing
a niateii
nnd the
CotirleM, 1911, by J'nblle Uieir Cemvanu
Hew I Made My Start
in the Boxing Game
Wagner Game,
And Slugs When Minis
One thing that llern-tein will net
Iwne en Wagner sameness. The kid
has been schooled te be a boxer te
hit and gel away, block, side-'tep
and duck, but when In- Is slung he
ner fails te accept the issue in ex
changing punches.
Thai's what Hernstein likes swnp
blew for blew, and all he has te de
is reach Wagner with one hnrd blew,
then for the drew-eiks Thne there at
the Garden nie bound te see n up up
snerter of n tussle, and if AVncuer
Is licked be will go down te defeat
Kddie is going into the Hernstein
skirmlh With n little foresight. He
is figuring en meeting Dundee anxious
te appear in nn opposite corner te tin
m 'vim
Charley Harvey's First
Ring Connections, Forty
Years Age, Were in the
Amateur Field
H.v I'llAUU'Y H.l i:v
TWO-.SCOKK )cnr.s nge would be an
appropriate wny te siail lelllng of
my lii st experiences In the boxing game,
for it has been
mere than forty
years since I be
come intcre ted in
athletics, which in- I
eluded boxing in '
particular. i
Hack in ISsj M.
Star Athletic Club
of Leng Island, of .
which I wns an
active member, was
reputed teibe the
livest organization
nl Its Kind in the
Kast. It was an
amateur associa
tion and ftem the
jr.nvnveutset boxing .'ip
se that, my first duties
.. t . was te stir nn
in the art nf
Penn Team Invited
Te Paris Track Meet
Coach Law seu Hohertsen. of the
Fniversity of Penns)lvnnla track
team, Ims received an invitation te
take his team te Paris May (, l!-:i,
if the Track Committee at the Fni
versity acts favorably en an invita
tion received yesterday from the
Fniversity of Paris. The French ex
pect te held an international col
legiate 1 1 ads ami field championship
meet in Paris en the above date. A' A'
cetdlng te plans twenty countries
have been ashed te send college
teams. It is unlikely that Penn will
ticcept, because the date i, In the
midst of the college track season nnd
but three weeks away fiem the examinations.
Californian Is Newcomer
National Champien's
Select List
pealed te me
with the Stiii'
Interest for the members
self defense.
! I used te box u little m.vself. but
i never in competition, and whenever 1
, put en the gloves It was for the meie
I pin pose of getting the aspiring memheis
among in) cluhmates into tnmlitlen for
I bout".
We had a number of rath'r clever
Iiemms en our roster, and the) were se
anxious te keen liusi that I cot the en-
junior llsniweisht champion. ami j pertunil) le become a promoter, or
Monday nii'lit with
than he has bad for any ether bout
Bedy of Links Enthusiasts
Hopes, Strangely Enough, It'll
Get "Fed Up" at Party
Uptown Cagemen Out te Retrieve
Defeat at Hands of Trl-Ceuncll
! The NsiiMl) basketball team will
have ,!, sirenge-l line-up in nctic n
I tonight when the uptew tiers face Tii
I Ciiuni II cei Naliil's home fioer at
I Aliegheii) ave and .Miller streets.
Maii'igci- llushe announces that
, Mm ten vwll be at center with .loe
,eniiiee aid .lee Screll)' fei wards nnd
I Phil I'eiigla-. Ami) McMnhen and Ce-
lellu el sunnK
I Ti'i-Ceiiiii il iiientlv nosed out .i
iivnj .ii i nn i) eigutii iiiki .iiiui.ii
-lieet when the liptewners hud a
rippled Imeiiii and they nre out te
pile uii a big seme tonight.
I staged nuiiicintis niniitciir teurn.i-!
ments, and Imw th'se bes used te
Frem these days forty .eai. nge.
when I Implied nnd did ecr) thing te
make n leputatien for the Slur A. C.
In amateur boxing 1 have been always
eeunci ted with the game.
Fiem mUising and helpius nmateui'
listinen, wbleli J did for n iiiinber of
jein-s, I finally ienk up with prote.s prete.s prote.s
sienal lie)'i.s. At fust I went in for
lefeieeins, then as master of rereme- '
ines, wbiili was followed bv my duli"ii
as a tunekeeper, after whiih I heciiine '
a pionieti r.
Iiuriiig my years si a piomeler i
learned that it was necc-sii) te have a
hover or two in low. in order te save
eiii'si-il let et tieulile mid incenveni
GOLF fans nf Philadelphia have
organized n club, part of the con
stitution of which rivals, at least, that
of the Winter Steve League here. The
latter club has net jet started te func
tion for the t-onsen. nor has North Pele
weather, for the members) Insist
real cold reception.
Nattannl Tennis Chnmplen.
NOTIIF.Ii newcomer in my list of
mcrica's fir&t ten tennis stars is
Heward Kiney, of California, who oc
cupies seventh place ter 10""-. The
young Californian in his second season
in the Knst sel up a most enviable
In the early season piny in Califor
nia Heward scored several notable vic
tories and met defeat only nt the bends
of such top-flight rnern ns Hill Johnsten.
He nrrived Fast in time for the Metro
politan championship and marked him
self a "first ten" Htnr at once by de
feating Watsen Washburn and S. It.
I Yeshell en successive days, lie was
ueatcn by mceiit iiienarus in ine
final round. At Seabrigbt Kinsey de
feated Herbert Hewninn and the j etitis
French star. Henri Corbet, but be was
defeated by Dick Williams In three
close sets. At Southampton be bent '
Jimmie Pnrles and Henry f'uihl, be-1
fore jleldlns te Vincent Ilichnnls. At
Newport Kinsey scored again evei
Heward Vesliell. Ibis time 0-1. 0-",
and followed this by a sensational vic
tory ever Jim Davlcs with the less of
but two games. Hilly Johnsten elimi
nated him In straight sets.
Defeated Clothier
In the natlennl championships)
Heward wen n remarkable match from
the former national champion. William
J. Clothier, nfter losing the first two
sets. Kinsey had the honor of win
ning the only set scored agnlnst Hill
Johnsten before the final round was
reached, but lie wns forced te retire
THE Phillies may. net have a geed bail club next year ; they may net htT
even a fair club. ,
The large vacant spaces in the infield may net be filled by pew material anfl
the pitching staff If that name can be npplicd te the self-styled hurlers of lait
season may net be any better in 1021 than in 1022.
The outfield, which need net hide when n comparison Is drawn with ay
In the league, may fall down and play Inferior baseball in contrast te its known
These are possibilities, BUT
There Is one certainty :
,The Phillies WILL HAVE, discipline.
Arthur Fletcher, the newly appointed manager, will see le that.
Pity the ball player vvhe ettempts te "sass" the 102.'! boss. Arthur would
likely lift the peel table and crown the offender if the "sassing" should takt
place in the clubhouse.
If it were en the field Arthur would probably use a bat If he had one in
Ids band. Hut he needs neither the peel table nor the bat. He can use his
digits for ether than hand-shaking purposes.
Fletcher Is net a rbwdy. Quite the contrary ; he's a friendly, geed-natured
chap off the ball field nnd eivftut he Is also earnest, aggressive nnd n fighter.
The' new manager knows baseball, inside and, outside. He js a strategist
and n geed one. Ills managerial ability lias net been tested, but It Is safe te
predict that lie will be n geed manager.
Hut even the master worker cannot get geed results from peer material.
Jnvtii McOraw, Pat Meran, Cennie Mack or any greet inannger could net build
a strong ball club without strong material. ,
FLETCHER has been asked te malic a ball rlub out of the I'hillies.
If he Is te succeed he uimt have new, strong material. Haher
has premised te supply that material. '
Caiimcll Only Penn Man Coaching Track Athletes
pKNNSYLVANiIA hns'turned out a number of successful football conches a
stands equal if net abec any ether institution In this respect'.
I'elwcll, Alerter, Ilellenback. "Wharten, Wlllinm. Dicksen, Pntixiis. Zelg Zelg
ler, Allic Miller, Heinle Miller, Smith, Heismnn and Kcegh arc only n few of
the numerous tutors of widespread reputation who learned their foetbalt at
There is quite a sharp contrast in track athletics. Nate Cnrtinell is the only
Hed nnd Blue athlete of ether years who is new teaching cinder-path competitors
at a large college.
artmcll has just recently accepted a position as head conch of the track
team nt State 'College and the Center County institution is te be congratulated.
Cartmell made geed nt West Virginia in his chosen Held and he should niaku
geed for State. He succeeds Bill Martin, who Is new bend coach it t Harvard.
Murtln, Incidentally, may have some claim as n Pctiiisjlvnniu man. After he
left Notre Dame he wn.s heie for a short time, but lie never were the Ited and
The records of the Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. show Cartmell le he one
of the greatest sprinters In the history of the iitsoclatlen. He wen both Hie 100
and 220-ynrd dashes three years In succession, a feat never equaled before or
Cartmell trained under the "immortal" Mike Murphy, who once said this
of the present State ceach:
"Jf Cartmell could Unit as he finishes, he would be the greatest sprinter
the world hns ever known.'' ,
Nate was slew getting off the mark, but once under wny he was lightning.
CARTMELL ran teach ethers hew te get away fast, but he could neer
de it himself.
Snapps Emanuel Nominated by Gettysburg
npilKUK never hns been nn nil-star football team picked which met with unl-J-
rcr.-nl satisfaction. J. II. F. nominates s.'np,., Kninniicl, f Ott.ishtirg, for
one of the end positions en the All'State eleven sent in by .1. It. S..' Jr.
"I wns particularly interested in the All-State eleven." writes J. H. T.
fiem Woodbury. N. J., "selected by .1. H. S.. Jr. As n whole. I think hi
selection a geed one, particulnily where he chose Schwab, Bowser, .Hedcnk,
Thiiriunn nnd Hriinner. .
"At right end. however. 1 differ with him. 1'rtresvnng is cowl, but in my
opinion there Is u small college player who outranks either Ertrcsvnng or, Herry,
Ills name is Snnpps Mmnnuel and he plnjs right end for Cetljsbiirg.
"Yeu don't have the space te print all I can say ubeut Kniniiiiel, As high,
lights I shall mention that en successive plays in one game he inn fit) yards for
n touchdown nnd then S3 )nrds te the ."-ynul line. Against Dickinsen he
scored Cettjsburg's first tourjidewn en n Hick piny nnd Inter sceied en a for
ward pass, lie wan tin outstanding star in every game !ett)sburg phi)ed.
"A big college innn may say, 'Well, what if he did? He plnjs almost en
tirely iigninst small tenuis.'
en it nt the enil nl the ursi sei. wnn anon-
isten leading 2 te 1. owing le n serious
The club referred te first, the new I blister en his plnjlng hand. Mnsey
one. hns net jet picked ii name, but Retired a decisive nml netntile victory in
exneeis te de se by Monday night, when four sets ever l-nincls J . Hunter In the
the dinner will be held In n part of the
l siibuibs of this town, that no one ever
heard of ecept the committee.
Seme of the members of our latest
club also belong te the W. S. L.. but
, thin makes them nil the mere popular
i Ii will be impossible te make n bird
ai tin' meal of the latest oignnii'.atien
i nest week, for the principal rcaMM
that birds won't he served. It's net
a turl.e.v dinner, Dili a meai ai which
Fast vs. West, matched aftrr the cham
pienships. This result clinched the
seventh position for Kinsey and placed
Hunter ut number eight.
I regard Heward Kinsey as one of
the me.s premising jeung plajcis in the
game, lie has an inquiring ami ana
lytical mind which is nlwajs causing
li I tn te experiment with new sliekes
nnd tactics. Many crltlce consider
Kinsey ever-full or tlieiry. but in my
"AND I would tell him
linger or any ether
In reply te ash Huge He.ileh, (ileiui Kll-fnir-minded
reach who tins seen Km.-iiinel
play. They'll say he Is one of the best in the East."
Red and Blue Five Will
Against St. Jeseph's
Beets and Saddle
livzdek's Submission te Ideals
I'NN STATU has net only prevailed upon Huge Hedel.
nthlctlc director and chief conch of ihe football and baseb.dl
Central Pcntis.vhiiuin college, but has given him as nssihinnis tvi
tutors in their respective sports. Nate Cartmell. whose lent
when he were the Ited nnd I'luc of Pcniisjlviiiiin arc eiil'-lainliui
vveilh) SUCCCM.O!' te Hill Mm tin as tracK mid field ie.nb m Slate
while lacking mllige cperience, bus developed professional Imsei
that permits the prediction that State's leather-pushing team will he
the leaders.
Philadelphians wiiulid Hedel; as ihe manager of ihe I'hillies w.. km,.,
he was an aggressive lender who would run the ball club or Imim ,m, ( ;,,.
contract he had Insisted upon would have pievidcd him with the absolute
control of the phi) lug dcpntlinent that is csni-tinl te manageilnl sn,,.,.ss,
Jlewcvcr, his I rue friends will pmise him for what he refeired te us an
ideal college MTV ice.
Several weeks ago'lhe-e of u who had spent mini) limns u ii li lie,- ,is
cursing Ihe Phillies ami I heir future wen in a position in auueiiuie ihm ilie
Pcnil Sllltc Ullllclli' llliecter would positively nccepi a liner jeiir Miiilrnel
that had been offend him if nnd thai if pievcd in be a far in impniianl
word than we hoped li would be.
Till- "if" that held llugii llvxdil. In .state tlui miiiirlly of piimir
n cunsrirncc that tcniitd net pi nml him te nut. fur thr abrinn
lien of ii inn trail irh ih rirluullii tin itiliir inndiiali and initio initie
gnidtiulr hndi) nf Ihe college pleaded irltli him In cnnliitiii Thry did
ntt (IriiKind; they did .net offer greater (iiiaiiciilindiirrmcntt1hcii
mcrct Acd in ft xeayllhat did net permit mvs"1f
New Orl'-aus: The La Feurcbe Han
dicap in a mile and mi eighth, is the
special ti-ntiirc at Jfffcinn Pnik tu
daj Saddle and Hunts has the fecc
of the tield Itecky Mountain and Wap
in appear te be the contenders. Hutwell
has gene te New Orleans and prehahlv
will ride Saddle nnd Beets.
ller-e-. wbiili seem best nie. First
I .lie Hiuiiell. Sllllldeier, Hetter Times :
sci end Pieirus, Siiiitillcitj. Leuis A.,
third -I'M, King Trojan. Mnj Roberts,
font ih- Saddle mid Heet , Reikv
Mountain, Wapiti: fifth Fantei he.
Kiiisht of the Heather. I'linnie I'.ean ,
suth Sagamoek, Merchant, Honolulu
Havana: I'iist race (ieiiwilbim,
Winnipeg. Miss Mamie: second Rnv
' Aikni. Little .Niece, rami; third--liisciis-ien,
Arthur Middleton. Ruiiiinii .
' fourth Moeresiqiic, Mild Nell, Flv
'Cast, fifth Edgar Allen Pee, Little
' Hl.nk Sheep, Chief Spenser; sixth
, Allivnii, I lurch, Article X.
'Iljiiiiim: First race Chrome, Right
Angle I'nlvviinil: second- -Mldin, tiad-
; ling. Choir Muster; third Romulus.
'.Madge F. Ileider: fourth Yernuik.
.leliii Arber. H.irriskane ; fifth -Car-
I les Hninpie, Hick Tei pen. Mart Hunch.
Isivth - Catherine Manme. Letiana
I Opt. Clever; seventh Frank Fegarly.
I IleuUe Vnn. Judge David.
nice, se then nn entrance in the field the niece de resistance will be pigs, tnkc.onlnien tb's enreful scientific sludv of
of listi ufl'u was made its a manager, i n or leave it. Whether the pigs will be I tenuis is Ills gieatest khc. His gnnie,
Minrtlj lifter the Jimmy Hritl and "roasted" before or iiftervvnrd is net i !;(, my mvn, mny co-ordinate nnd nia
Hattliug' Nelsen Imut whbb was wen l;nevn. Anjbew. these invited te the U,.P bIe.vIj, Int. with the exi'iptieu of
bv the Jinnc en it knockout in the eight- ' feed leek for n perking time. 'Hilly Johnsten, Heward Kinsey :s the
leinli round in September of 1!)0,". I1,.. . Mtn i best all-court plajer thnl California
leek Hit' mevlt's of tluil heul te i.ng- I . . hiis jireilitced.
bind, making a tour et dreat Britain in
-liciwing the nlctuies.
While en Ilie ether sbb. 1
te managing nnxcrs nun was active iii'.n,. i
I'liglmid ami en the Continent In haiul
litis a suing of j-erntipers. On refiirn
lllg te the t tilted htntcsl hreilglll Willi B,tv f )(,
me sevetni hovers, mm since i nine i -. ,,.( nmiiteiir
Women vs. .Men
There Is nleiitv of water aieunil Leng
Island, and new comes the news thnt Ills Volleying Accurate
, i,n,,L. , women inny compete agninst men feri At pivi.cnt theie W no eiiisiumllug
Weill iinihi.i- nif ..linniiiiiinsbin there next sea I c ir.".,.,. ' i,, 1 1., .i..:,.,.
f-.. 1-- -..--- ..-. ii-fi i,i .- ii iviunv,. ."- ..tiMi'. .,.- iii,.-,
son. "or chops vl'ii equal facility off fore or
The Lene I'lnnd (iijlf As-e iatii.u ' back hand. His overhead and volleying
held a meeting this week, nnd the ell. .. t,dlable nnd accurate. Heward Kin-
rnn hRnla ft ,!n--i.h'
lielill.tiiit . , fnrwa-a . ml.is
K'ti-ns .. fciiwiril . lleev
li'i ... c-nl!1" i'reii
Vnrtii plinnl . . Miil'eu
(.'aitntii k ., . tsuanl . nelne
'"lire of halves UO nilnut".
last limned was eh Ihe fresliiiuii'
bist'senseii nod plaveil en the Atlantic
Ily High Scheel five l-of ,,,-,. .mrting
in-, i eiice CIHCCI .
fair sex in this body's
ey Is n mal iih'iet le tin tennis game,
ciihiiioeii?iu. ii us com- .,, . I, s ..n.ni nieiest anil Mien-
"" "' "": :,""."."... ,,,," , . neTi iimiieiii- ciihiiii Miiiuiiii .in-, com- ihreugli his great Inleiest and s
pert en s,e ei ine ncs, inin.i.ie,.-, ... ,,)(,tely ,scussei . am there were pteniy ,ld work in the development among the
veiepen in i. mope. of vetrH 1f, (.r ,,,P ,n(UeH my in ine next . ,0vs and iunlera en the Pacific ('oust.
Inirms the dii) of the Frawlev law I event, for men heretofore. jus mnrch te the forefront nf Amcr-
in New Ymk I was secietnry of him If the preposition gees pier. ..ens.j,.BM tennis, which seems a certiilntv,
Slate Athletic Commission. The I' row- Island has some lady residents who BheiiHl be hniled with pleasure bv the
lev ln was the firt enacted in Amer- Would give any ninn golf player nn ex- 1(.uns public.
putting beMlis under direci super- cuing tin. iieieieine in ilium- in .iiiiiuepirutil, I'JIl. by Public l.edjer Company
The Fniversity of l'eniisjhanlit uas
l.etball team with but one member of
last year's trim, will open ihe UliiJ.
2" campaign tonight with St. Jeseph's
College as the allrac.len. The fresh
innn live (eacheil by liaii'iy McN'icbel
nnd 'enlalning the seventh meiuher et
the famous basketball faiinl.v, Johnny,
will meet St. Jeseph's Prep in the pi.,
lin.lnnry game.
Cnptaiu Alvrard Veegelir,, for iwe
vems a star at guanl nml cnniain of
the team this venr. is the enlv mem!
el the nulntet that gave Princeton such
tnplnnship Inst
Weightnmn Hall, 34th & Spruce Sti.
Saturday, Dec. 9th, 0:30 P. M.
.. - "r'"',l S'.t- il.00 ii-t 7Sr
At Ceuntll en Athliitlrt. 0301 Walnut St.
Ceiirl Ailmliilnn. COe
li a
vision ei Mate i oinmissien.
While I have confined most or my
Iilllleti livitiev te lieving, I also have
been Interested nt different times in
managing vie tlci-., marathon runners
and baseball plnjciti.
i.viniieu iieuiui.. v e.siiiriniK, nun .uiaa i
Alrxn Stirling. .Ncrth llcmpnteau. Until i , . n '
former national women chniiipinn.. Scrap8 AOOllt SCt'ttpperS
fiiirden City. Inwood nnd Lide were , L1 .
among the clubs that entered the com- ' r..nUB ,:,.,. N.n. Yer. batum. ,,
I petition te be the scene el the next W w-ruter. Jee MeiiiNtehi, In... he -i urn
. Leu ir Island chnmiiienshin. The meet- i pendi-.l hy tin. Nw Jer?n State limine.
, i i r s.i i IJnmnilnslnn rnr i..rulnf In irn llirmtul. ..Ill,
lli-rin.iii r.uhir lerHl iiremiilfr. t, Irtt , lllg nrnne up wiieu .iiiiiii ai. ninn, c.- ,,..,..,, ,. v-..nil: ltn l'anel.n von. m.,
nml iiiiniKcr nf i!rm . will i? I ''"''W.? 1 baseball star and golf expert, as well asi(ius nigie ,i, r. re-iult aancie i misncmini
.....- i,i r ...' .s. ',-.- s... . .. . .. i i. -----.-
'I 1 If . i 'I . " I 111
I.WII," hi ni'l Till
l.vrlllllts I'lllilll'
, . ,.- i in-ntn nn uliee Tnlni VVnrc nt. v.nmniniran mr leiusine iii be iiireun t Willi
lerHl ironielfr. rftrrre. lie ueke lip When .lellll M. vv aril, ex ,a nuieh at N,,nIj ,mu, Panche Villa Muie
!!5.rr". ,'",L'.''!1 ,,,,vivii' baseball star and golf expert, as well list i u.v nlglu a- r. renult aancie H nuspcnUvd
TitfsUiv'H Usur "f ihelprseident of the Leng Island asseela- auiemnikalh .n twent;- Hiatrs,
t inn. told hew- he cleared the clubs
deficit cif SI.."-! by winning a bet.
I He wagered he could tell a one-eyed
mini which wns bis slnss entic and
I wen.
Will Meet Sergeant I "Hew did you guessV" nskcil these
at Britfs Arena I VrtlV:nt- ,, ,..t ,. . ,
I i- .i nun uii' Kin m ...' .i..t ..it
tar light -henvv weight out of the mere s.vmpatheiic nf the two," was
will make bis Iiini appearance in , unl s solemn response,
I eiliser
l King (ieergr. of I'uglaiid. hud peer
1 racing link the last iieaVeii, winning
'ten rines, with n total in slakes of
. S'JI!, 1 15.
i Tim Westchester Ituriiie AsMithitieii
has decided t nuw nie ruiunty i-even (est.
furlongs beginning in 1IH!.";. The raie' Wiggins
lllhl .lll II V
After that the
Philiidelphiii next Wednesday night
when Chmk Wiggins Si.t Inte notion i
lu ihe witnlup at the Chestliilt Street i
Arena. I'lftieiiib nml Ciii'sinut streets. --
WilliiK linn lias mulched Wiggins Willi , nc.
Kdillr St in I uii wrlts fie.il ("ilcsn that
WHIM Hrem Ims rcoverea Hern u w i unchnl
linen nml !:,i. ntartcd I In hi trii'iUnk- lln cx cx
P'etii te nmtth Wlllln ,:t one cf thu prlMitn
clulu In ChlCHte Uii" latter part uf thi
iln nrtl shiev In KIM en Mil , will ! hrM
r)cnibr 1.1, anJTy c'aph hn erraniccil ihn
fallnnlnz heutx: Tlulpli Hnsmuivl i. Iius.
II Themiis, l'lJ- Murphy vj Johnny
Traub, lir.i ley Tiillj vi, l'ti l).lnr, Willie
Amateur Sports
I v
ci c tiauev
Ilia lilune.
v Je) Hinlili anil A I Kech
wns s, iitrieiiK.i. ii.-iiii.
I'locler Knett ill !"'.
clihfunce wns cut ilewu several .vnrds.
I lleiseuicn will welcome the gienter ills
I fiii.ee. The .Marylnml Fufurli.v is a
1 mile, wlili li Is st
henv V wc lirht ebamnleiishii
Hehbj Ljens, a New Ymk welter
weight, will go en In the eight round
seml-linnl iiKiiinst Ilnckv Marlen, n
i I.e.. I'fili.i.t' tmi'n Affii'ten luiu liann tl-Ain-
i The Canadian raring aKsnriatleim itig nt a local g.vmn for several weeks
iiiHtrilmted n total of M.i.s.-i.Ofi,-, i id has lenvinced '.Mamiger Hritt that
Milken nnd purses in IIUJ. Ihe piefits be is u geed bncr.
of the different tracks were i ut down In the picltiuinnric AI Moere will
, i eiisldrrably by thn higher lines levied inke en Teir.v Miller, t 'hurley Mack
bv the (levcriiment. 'Unit vviih especially will dash with Habe Until and Irish
trim of the Devenshire track, which ex- Kddie Dcinnsey will npijj. the show with
Ipertenecd n Iesb of about $1!,0)0. Jee Hritt. y
llelli.KI hiiV,etbatl team litu or-
Sergeant Knv Siiillh. who has Wen his , irnnlreri -, tli- inmlinr waien. .Mnr
i..ct ... i.,., i in.. ,..,... : (wn. i harlen If II inks has bem appe'mefl leader
'.' "- ei mi. n.,,,,h I. ... - ... ,, Ktar er2n,a,0n. Among tlin
round klieikiiul In Ins most recent coil- pin.eri In thi lleili I'l llne.un ar aueh atari
'an Hen Cehen, nf Pet 417! Harry Klraelinar,
is in Ihe Fnsi fee the PUT- i nf rnn. fl'itU'eh t: lllnck: Adler, of th;
- - - i t niacietin iiiiai icrvtiniii i i n rrv imniiHii. ti i
pose el ijeltlng into (ompetitlen ngainsi ... i,.in0H I'mfeHulgnal;: Hebby Kerinan,
Hairy iireh ler the America'! llht- i nt the t'hiiacieipiii.i rrofeslenl. and
i iiarie ii. u.inicfl, ei lempie uinveraiiy, inn
lllh-i:i ttuci.' In lielin,- i 'nevated and Ueth-Kl
will be feiced te travel, All flrat-elais hem
leama effcr'ruc d reuiienabl juaranlee com cem
munhale with Charles It. HetiKa, 43t North
Hoeend atreet.
Illalne V. '.. n ,Meen-elj;lileen-year-ed
lesni, devil e rtnie with all teaini liavlm
l.allx ,nd efferhne full eipnae, 1. Franlc,
lpns erlh )tirtloeod alreet.
Vlrler II, (',, n lteen-ver-eld ruh,
wauls Bvmea awav fie'n home, Albert
nvhelt. sm.-i Seulli Second atreet.
The Trl.incle Reeervra. e feurtcen-alxteen.
' ear-old team, would Ilk te book samea
with teenia of tla ace, either at nema or
Three lievera fiem the lame nlahle i,
appear In hcuta Tueadav nliiht nt ihe 'I'wen
tletli i.'enlury Club, They ar llenny llnm.
Artl MeC'ann and Benny Pascal, and will
meet Cuddy Da Marce. Tletrl Allcrrl and
Jimmy llrlaaa, reapeetlvely. Willi Itrewn
vi, Charley Kittle and Oeerae Kelly vi, Jee
Leultlana ai ether number.
( harlr.T llmllne saya S'erseant rtnv Hni ih
la aettlna h!m:lf In great abape for neki
Wedneaday night's lilt vvlth f'hudc Wlgghia
at the Cheatnut Htieet Arena lledlne ln,
received r, number of nffera from out of town
for the aerseaiu'a services.
Oltn llegliea, former marine welterweight,
aa he Is going le de his own l)Uhis- n
the fuliue. Otln la keeping himself in
ahapa at O'Tlrlen'a
.la (hrlstlana. nhe is bark In rhfladei.
phla from Vlneland. N, J , baa icreuped te
aether a stable. Including Jehnnv Mi-Wll
llami. 10S I.efty Anderaon, HIO; Jerry
erinen. iibi weu ii) eciin ian cnrii'
liana new noun away ai uermanluwn and
j!,ri avenuta.
battle for the
ir. Hill Crave, all-
ci nter for two vcars : Kmil
and Walter Iliintzinger have
Reasl Yeung Vermont Turkey
Slewed Snapncr.
a la New hurt; with'.'
oheuldcr of "7Cc
Venison, larded O
IMr Keast 2Ec
Dinner OO
3 VrffUblfj
0lh iiUibteciser, Tnnz'T
' , .7T. . y l'insle i;ikH' Unit
uii.i i i w iw,ii(i du.mi.w
" ' l"vwn&&tunMa
AJmmmwmimiaSFmmmmmV s eGHT-reund BOUTS
vs. Pete LATZO
vs. Lew RnftAcu
offiHM.tS?'.'i.!'9i..M.e '"'
Md t.i TMjtar'i .jl JarlerT lie fiYrtit Bt.i' StriV..' WJ,'"li.C!Mi.
AflAM DDIM ! I 4aLa L fc" t.i T' '
raisy BOGASH
Johnny BROWN
Temmy L0U6HRAR
tla en Ml, Mala
, sa at. i 11
"ia. Mtta Kirkit
Mukir 8Ua
w.. n mil r."
!& tiHrY VSJkSrESl
their nllelted .vems. while I'es .Miller
has net reported for the team.
In place of these os Coach Kddie
MeNichel will st.trt Label tiehlblntt,
former Southern High Scheel lun.lnnr.T
nnd first -.string Niibslitule last .vc.ir. lit
one forward mill Kneas-. who played
at ('iihhlng Academy and 'ei I'hila
before mal.lng the lirsl .vein- ic.nn last
.venr. nt the ether. "Heme' 1're.v, the
long lanky pivot man en the junior
varsity Inst year, will held down the
tsiine p'st tonight. Veegeliu will innv
giiiml nnd ('nrul; the oilier. The
Gradwell Easily Defeats Dsrcy
Vyeon-e.-l.ei, n. .. j,.c, wm, (. .
;; 'f,;'UM';V '" ''," 'eil-le'lli lit her
llh .luhnnv Ddiev, New Vnrh HslH nclslil.
welRlit ihienclniiit the entlie hunt Krnt iiarcv
.'',"? Jl'fenili". 11II0.M11B l,l, iV. ' ,ni
lliruuvh hut verv fe.v ume fr h'evvs
Princeton Univcnitjr vi. Trecp A
iitx Troop, cf Newark, N. J,, vi
rirtl Cilv T..- '
IfoseiiiiBl . ARMORY .15 1 PTIKr'r IiG'-iuTi-T. ..
M ld.1v.1l .8A1T"KDAY.'DorOTlr,W'VeO rAMB'
AdmUnl-n, ftQe. Bnn4T?;S2J-&