.v rttx sr r$ tl THE WEATHER Mostly -',ia' "ml. reWf l?n5hi .,?IirMt about 2rt degree! Sunday EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER -hby ruin or snow; metlmtc winm. W.MLKKA1 Aw uu rUJTrfy.-tnnin Mr. Me I 1 I I VOL. IX.-NO. 'b Entered iiVBecend-Clnnii Mmtrr nt thn roMefflcn nt VhltadelphU,' PH. Umler thn Aft of March .1. 18711 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1922 rubllahed Daily Kxrcpl Sunday. Snhpcrlptlen fries 10 a Tear by Malt. CepyrlcM, 1D2-, by l'ublle I!iter Company. PRICE TWO CENTS n v 17 f ' As" Tftv 'S i in i - i r iti -I i - V; !; NIGHT '' 4 EXTRA J x ' K . , , m i W . l CLEMENCEAU WARNS U. S. PART IN WAR IS NOT OVER UNTIL TREATY IS FULFILLED KS PHILA. GIVES HIM CORDIAL WELCOME Hint of Anether Conflict . Fellows Chide te f Natien SPEECH IS CLIMAX - OF STIRRING VISIT Great Statesman Is Given Reus ing Greeting en Way te Independence Hall SEES FAMOUS SHRINE AND MEETS DISTINGUISHED MEN ICrewds en Street Cheer as 'Old' Tiger' Is Whisked Frem Place te Place in Aute TWO DEATHS FROM GAS BELIEVED ACCIDENTAL Clemenceau Has Busy Jsif Brief Stay in Phila. H A. M. -Arrived In Philadelphia. ' 0:43 A. M. Greeted by official Reception Committee at Bretw Street Station. 10 A. M. Left Bread Street for Independence Unit. Saw Liberty Bell, then went across Independ ence Snunre te Walnut street, for ride te Academy of Music' 11 A. Jr. Made address at the Academy of Music. 0:27 P. M. Leaves Philadelphia for Crcssen, Pa., where lie spends Sunday. Geerges Clemenceau, "Tiger of France," told Philadelphia today, through the medium of a huge as semblage that jammed the Academy of Music, that America, latecomer in the war, had dictated the terms of peace, yet had net remained te see their enforcement. The venerable War Premier, eighty-two years old, yet strong of voice, keen of eye, vigorous of soul ind body, declared that he was here te .beg America te let the world knew that she would insist upon the fulfillment of the Peace Treaty terms. He was applauded te the echo when he said that France would stand again, if need be, between civ ilization and aggression. It was a wonderful occasion, renletc wkh enthusiasm, Instinct with the love that Ainciica lias borne of old for Fnncc. Is Stirring. Colorful Scene 1 It was a colorful episode, even in the libtery nf the old Academy of Music, wlifcli l.ifc been the theatre of mimic of the must stirring stent's In Ameri can llklul ? . , Clfmencenii. idol of Prance, exponent of liBcrty, paid his silent homage te tie jhrine of liberty nt Independence Hall Icfiiic he attended the Academy meeting. In tl tliumphnnt pi-ogre through the city, with crowds shouting hurrahs for "The Tiger," escorted by the 1'Ir-t CMy Tioep In all their brilliant trap Pings, Clvinenienii was escorted from Breed Sheet Station ever Chestnut 'trcet te Independence Hall, wbeie he Wtrcntl? touched the Libeitv Hell. t-ftixxest ever Walnut street te Hrend nd wen in the Aetidemv nf Miwi.. .The ''Tiger's'' sneecli win niIw.IhIm ' Jl o'clock, but the program was a Uttle late all along the line. 'n,P ,.. wptien Committee arrived a few mo me nents Iwhititl schedule, mid there was slight delay in the visit te Indepen dence Hull. Notables Pay Their Itcspcets Tile Acadeinx nf Musle liecnn In till villi the eit?'s mesr distinguished "tleilt, men and wninnn. Tim trrmt building w.is hung en every available Pece with led, white and blue buntinjt UU1 Shields of French ami American wlern, On the stage, decorated tee, an JJ5 the house, were stand's of colors of ie Alllffc. On the stage were ranged chairs for a thousand persons, thn Majer's com cem "'ttee and the most distinguished nt ""Invited guests occupying cliaiis nr- "a.ed ie double t-enil-olieles lit either of the speaker's rostrum, which equipped with electric amplifying leVlOfJ se tint, tin. iii'nnt Ltiilrainnii'd VleSt tones llllL'Ilt ll.. hum"! in mnll Wrt of the house. fliere nm ..-. ...... i.. . i... : nfPi '" ' 'hihi nn- spine nun i?"'J eeciin cd bv tlu e. ,.l,,,ui..,, i,,.i., Ve00s'.m,''r lmi1 CUlI,"l", wI,r' Tl, .... "1H- . . tecUfu", r,;(;l;l'V,,,, iw tlie Academy iJm,,VMW' w,,'(, '" ,1iN'M"" l" Mf.nnrt ,dn ,' i "served for their i Ithi V,'""'l"""t all tilled. I l 1111(1 ll.'fMI III..... 1 .,....' .. y mxm" "'jiMMaaiBBBfcaKK--wd Kt- tTm j-s liiM , 1, ' MaffpMBjjjBffBMWy?.':;'"'''' "j.a"' -' '"-- "ms-A- sa. mmmmm j. il,- V ' i. t it jIiihES '-- itt?(M0limmmVL&BkimmmmtmMmBmmMmmmmmmmWft mmtfa-i . .--mmF ' ' .KtHkKBHniVkmnDHiiiiBHkwJ1 ...A. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll H k kkkkkHPlSkkklkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkB I '', k.!,SkkkkkkVlkkkkB WkkVBkkkkkkkkkkB H " "'MkHHMHHHHHHkHHkHkiHHHHHLavklkkkkT kW kkikkkikTHktkkiB ' 'ii ' v s wt i f ,,' skkkkkkkkkki e '''. kkkkkkkkkni ' t -"jit ' '-fryn'(, v MlH "-'' xzzsxsi- Mm ' ,..,...,':;,..,., i, Jl . ,.. A '"'PIIH -. .;.'.r.v.-.-: JHR .. :..; j . JH. v.' R .1 .-.( y m - I11111111111111111111H "'" , ' IllllHHilllllBMe .' Ar a 'TOOK AUTO VICTIM KH , 3 MILES FOR AID SHkkkkkkkkkl tkKAJKaWSV MilllllllllHHiHilHillllllHilllllllllllllllllllllllW x-MWn liiiiiBHliiiiiiiiBliiiii 'j.n-s wwww .tis?jwaia 300 PASSENGERS ARE MAROONED ON STRANDED FERRY Yeung Weman Found Dead by Mether In Roem Filled With Fumes Twe persons were found dend from gas polbenlng today. Klmn llalner, twenty-four jenrs old, 2-J."8 Tulip street, was found dead in bed by her mother when she went te the room te call her for breakfast. A hose from the gas jet te n stove had become accidentally disconnected fill ing the room with thn fumes. Charles Trindall. thirty-eight years old, was found dend nt 8:.'J0 o'clock this, morning In n rooming beuse nt HMV Seuth Xinth street.- When he failed te appear for breakfast Mrs. Angelina Mlecle went te the room nnd found his body. A gas jet was opened. Police who Investigated the deaths be lieve both were accidental. sterFmajvs death probed by police Victim Helpless Frem Wounds He Was Unable te Account Fer Mjsterleus circumstnnces surround ing the denth this morning of Je-se Mlllner, feity years old, manager of a chain grocery store at Twenty-first nnd Montrese streets, are being inves tigated liv linticp. Yini. ..i. II... i i nnnn -V-.....I. "' "' in'iuwurn juvcr nt ine nieutli e .'tiiiiii-i, xiiu liven ui ;iu .uini ... . lf ,, I'lffhteenti street, win found AVe lies- - nn-imim Jiivep near niiniinglcii the bent. due nt iltningten ni ."i:;!!)' P. M.. did net arrive uulil IL:1.- A. M. i Cnptnin Kmering, of the Leng I'.e.-irh. IJ. 0. ANDERSON WINS ! AUSTRALIAN TITLE i j Patterson Defeated In Final, 6-0, 36, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2 Sydney, X. S. V.. Dec. 0. .1 . Andersen wen the Australian lawn tennis championship today, defeating (iernld L. Patterson in n five-set mutch in the finals. 0-0. .'5-0, :i-(l. -.!. -. llnllnrL.tli mill J. 11. I IllWlieS W Oil tllC doubles, and Ilnwkes and Miss ISeyd JUDGES IN E RULES 1ST I Lenrr Beach, Unable te Make ' the mixed doubles. Her Wilmington Deck in DOuGmjdses in court , "Solitary" Is Scored a$ Dense Feg, Sticks in Mud . I J Fairbanks' Plea Against Revamping; UfllieCeSSarV EVJI trilrriB Den led I ' r 11 tl. 1 111 I V' VOIII. UlT. )'. I. . i. '"I BOUND FROM JERSEY SIDE WITH LOAD OF WORKERS Captain Decided It Would Be Dangerous te Navigate Tor tuous Christiana River The ple.i of Douglas Hiirb.mk- te n , J.Lniii llMiuui Wlmk nnd et'ieis fieiii .revnmpinp filnn ' "lileii i-HL.ini: i'u..fninl veins !i20 was denied I l aniH'Iln:" ".'." ... ., " , . .. . I With meie than 000 men and women aboard, the forrjfcent Leng llencli, nf the Wilsen Line, was si landed b the dense fog for eeven hours hut night tt"T.' v""-,, in the I'elaware Itlver nt the meutii of liv t'liprcme (;eiirr .ni-nce em-iirr lerdnv. The feurt held Hint I'ulrbanhs was but an cu.in.c i m- ""i'"".' Hint innilc the lllnr- and that the pro ducers bad n right te make changes in a loimnedltj they bad hired him te help produce The dicisleii nny affeit old lllins of n number of ethei inoiieii-pictuie actors and ucticses who hnve become tlie eliler piciurci wen- by Jurists NO HARM IN TALKING, M0NAGHAN ASSERTS Treat-' Em-Rough" Fee of Evildoers Says Convicts Have Seme Rights day morning lying behind n counter in j tne store with bleed Hewlng lrein wounds about his head. When taken te the Polyclinic Hos pital he told Detective Shcller he had fallen from n stcplndder. Physicians, however, said the wounds appeared te have been Inflicted bv nnethcr person. Shelter found a trail of bleed leading from a rear room In the store te the . counter and when he told this te the Injured man, Millner said he remem bered u man entering the store while , he was climbing' the ladder. , sum of money in me ensn regisrer was net disturbed and Millner still SUES RAILROAD BECAUSE j INSPECTORS' ORDER FINAL, OF HER INCREASED WEIGHT! J. WILLIS MARTIN SAYS decided that the fog was tee thick te Weman Gained 200 Pounds After permit nil attempt te go up Cliri-tinnn Kivcr te Wilmington and puipesely went agieiind te wait for the tig til clear. With a falling tide, however, the bent became stuck in the mud. and it was net located by representatives of the Wilsen Line until after 10 o'clock. Meanwhile the ferry iempnn eilices in Wilmington had been besieged with telephone calls from relathes of pas- weic a diamond stickpin nnd his watch , seugers mi the bout for news leinetiiin it. .Many ei iiicm' une waiiin the deck when the be.it urn midnight and chain. greek prince denies he disobeyed orders Moderate Smoking Advocated, as Leng as Discipline Is Preserved Accident, Claims $50,000 ' Kansas City. Me., Dec. '.). fl?v A. P.) A I'Ydcrnl Court jur.t will be asked te determine whether nn injur1 Sirs. I.eren Caldwell, twenty-two. as. i serts she suffered in a Chicago and Alten Huilread crash, is icspensihle for the " pounds sue saje sne weighs. She is suing for $."0,000 dnniuse-. Slie claims one of the lailread's finemnnt ,..,nf:r. ,.v.f,,,.,.,i : u. switch engines struck a meter ar in ,intn"t P'JCticc enforced in the uhieli slie was lidim; and that en in. county piiseil in Helllic&burcr. . ;,, 7lfl'" anr te mi emieirine ginii.i raiised ex- I licy also urge clianpes in the , fl""l V HH"MI. . Common Pleas Court Judges favor 1 doing away with the solitary-con I She iism'Ns in her petition vli Danger, Truck Driver in Serious Condi tien After Leng Ride le Hospital OTHER MOTORCAR MISHAPS King Geerge In Ne Real Andrew Says Paris, Dec. !). (P.y A. P. I-Prince Atuliew of Greece is quoted bv the Paris Herald as buing that the charges of disobedience of orders pnfe: red against him ill his recent tiial aic nil - leiuuled. I "I was under no erdeis." he told j , Hie, newspaper. The Piincc added thill) , he was treated with much ceiiitcsy dur- mg Ms trial. , "Greece today Is neither l'el-heviht, nvoliitienar, nor reptihliinn, lis Hie j 1 ic-ent ghastly ceiil.s in Athens rnigiit I lend the world te believe, the Prluce '...:.! hi .i. . .. . .. .. . .. ... 71110. x 110 net teiisnicr mar me iing is in danger, although his position is a difficult 011a." tjlieen Mether Olcn nf (Ireere. wlm had nltniniiit 1.1 Lnii f.u. ,lw. T'iiIi...! ! States next Wednesday with Piitice Clirisfephcr and his ifc. the feiiner Mrs. William IS. Leeds, has decided in-' stead te accompany Prince Andrew te Londen. EXPLOSION KILLSF0UR IN PENNA. POWDER MILL . , rules which call for nunishmrnt. nf Jiepeits lind -piead that there had ,..:i.pii iitn ,iiid, nt Hie tin... ..P n... convicts ennrbt. tnR-inr- r. nnilnir ( imiliiiirii en i-ube t. c eiiiiim inn accident Du ember L'l.. lill'0. ,v tlepriviiiK' them of feed for LAST-M I NUTE N IE WS 530CCER SCORES W( -tiiien land 'i 3 6 Jlis-cy . . Whitchnll 0 00 Kenslngtei Venn .fi Vnislty... 0 HtveiTuid 1 0 O- 1- "XtMmsma C'lcmeiiernu at the historic Liberty Hell in Indcpendeiuc Hall today as he paid tribute te America's noted relic of revolutionary days Clemenceau Pays Silent Tribute at Liberty Bell While James V.. Hicli, a tuick diiver ..... ... . . ... " me .1111n1ic Keiiuiug Company, was i between bis truck nnd 11 trailer, ev- 'mining th (eunllnir. e.ulv this morn ing, an automobile crashed Inte the trailer and cinshed him. 1 '!!. , , . ... .. . '. ' V 1 ' in- acciiien eecuriei 11 ren 11 JU ilesuin w ne 1 icvtinvei in Neilh Itrend slieet. Anion Llpmaii. ' mill of the ISlack Diamond Powder twenlj -six-eais old. ,.f mill Wnsbin-'. ;V",.I1"',"A'' ,IPi"' dii Pent. Pa'., .ibnut -' - I nilllil m I..n t.,i,I. T KJ 1 .. iiM iiiiui ri'iiiii iu rnt in nil. French Statesman Views Independence , Hall and Is Touched by Historic Scenes at Noted Shrine Cheers of Crowd Out side Add Zest te His Brief V is it te Fa mous Building as a Part of Trip Here "Tiger" Is Champien Egg-Eater of World Geerges Cleineiiceau champion egg enter of the weild '. At eightj -two the veteran states man cunsiuues as ni.niy 11 fourteen eggs 11 day. Here's hi, schedule: "c"tl A, M. I'eur hnid-beiled eggs and onion soup. Noen A light meal plus two hard-boiled eggs nnd half a gmpe frult. Mid-nftei neon Twe nmie esgs nnd Hie ether liall' of Hie grapelrilit. 7 P. M. -A hea.i dinner, or if he is tiled, just lour luiiil-beiled egg's and uieie giupiliuit. 1 P. JL lied, with two I1.111I I1.111I beiled eggs i his pillow, lie cats I hem when he wakes Blast Near du Pent Is Felt Twenty-1 five ivllles Away j Siranten. Pa.. Dr. !). 1 P,v A. P.) I ruir pertens are known te be dead and 1 seeial wele Injured today in an e- 1 a.lng SETS ROUTE FOR ROUND-THE-WORLD ATR TRIP AN rilANCISCO, Dec. 'l.Slv Keith S.iiitl:. famous Bnush iiviatei. litis nuived hcie te r.vcpaie for a rouna-tac-wetlJ 1 light li" pcpr.scs te make in the tpnng of 1023. The ceuise cf the air ( rui'.-c- will lend fieui Louden te Egypt and MebopetiiinH; -lv India ind Uunna, up the China ceabt and across Japan; iluu-i te the Aleutian Iblandb, Alankn uud Vancouver; nciesb ciinsii.a te New Yeik, u te St. Jehns,, N F., and finally te Lou Leu (l)ii iiv Ouuil.nd and IccUnd, The explosion was lelt at Carhnn. I dale Ph., iwciity-lie miles nwnj. i FARMERS BEG FOR HELP TO FIGHT BARN FIREBUGS WIDOW eTbrunen !france"agres EXPECTS FREEDOM 10 MORATOR ten awiiiie, drove Iho autoiuebile. Lipniijn lifted Kich into the uiiio uiiie uiiio mebile mid iIiem thiec miles te Hahiieiimnu Ilespiial, alllieuvh Sa inarit.ui Hospital was but two blocks away from the scene of the incident. He said be was se excited he Inn ried I mi c...-. dii ,.- , . te the tn-si iioseitai i,e th..ueiii of. ! r-u.. -v VCJl eC5lCr Declares "or Innocence and Peincare Tells Prcmierr. Fe i tiTrtTimr9m.Tiir ----. , w Wesi ciie.ier he.,d(,uni ici s ,,i Maim- Tliat e Brether en Eve nemic Guarantees Must Ac- l r WM1...I... ,.l .1... Ui . I..,. .w. . .s. , .11. inn-iiu. .it hit- .'i tic i once, c -r i r i ! wiie is iiiM'silKiiling burn Inn nlngs in ' '"al tOI UllC Dcl'iwale, Chester mid Mnuli;eiiier. Counties, .lie being hcHcgi d In dele.' gallons of Liimers begging for pn-, M0HR WORKS 'M HIS HFI I tLiiieii of then piepeny and enciii.g te Vunt0,,rj nii OtZLL pav for it. ' - - lucre me mm inure inau l.in ."slnlei irnepiis in no icrinrieii illsiiiil .mi Majer Wllhc'i i said tb.il mine will ,ir. i At the hospital later this uienilug it ' was said Uicli was in u scneus iniidl iniidl Mieii. with lii.s body b.nllj ui.mglcil and seeuil bones lu'iilccn. Lipui.iu was "ligbll.v iujiiied, but was iici inillcil te 'go le his home after lecciviug tilst laid Irialinent. Then he was ariested ! en a charge of. reckless drhiug. 1 Snowden Samuel. Twenty-second .and Locust Yrrccls. n lacnni'l iilaxer. 'miUciuI n stwere cut en his ligin wrist j .when the aulomeblle lie w.r. driving j i. ...i i..... i... t .i.i i.. i ' rimuni iiiiu me lllll"! I u' u Hini'll ll, i Andrew Shaw. 11 12 Seuth Tlilrlj -lir.st , " , "',' , Mi eel. at Paikside and Guard .ueniies i ""' ,," "'' as n ii.- i . '"'I "". I lie nil in "V if It niiliil i"i sh iknu.'m . tie)). In i 'ti:ili.il 'l'l hint tier's i'icc bat u separ.lteh. .11 .llllllll'l -. Oil II ICIJlf-l III' MilS , .. . ttil.im lii ii iiivii.iili i.. tl... 1 ijuiiisv H niil.i i ilanetll " .... ,..... Ilespiial, where bis iujiir, was ti ruled, and ihen he mikI Shaw wcie aiiesied' lis the polite. leld I iiwniis i! , , , r no te the luuniiit! f.M'"'da. feri I -.1. . f li. .1. ISInlr Sneiu-er. nt ' "Honest .Iniin" Hinnen. Iiiiiisiinj nieruing. Imvn le t'e.itli illsinvi led in lliM'sligaleis , working under Majer W'lllieliu. it was s.ild to te dax. Nn ill tails us te the online f ' J In i Trial en 1 I ! ilt'sb.liul Who VMls sllel company Step ANALYZE GERMAN PROBLEM Hi fei I -the yen is tlie lines were gneii out. HUNT FOR HAMMER SLAYER , CENTERED IN LOS ANGELES had run him down. llOt M.'1'leils. His Injuries me Geeiges Clemeni'tyiu paid .". leverent x Nit tins uieiuiiig te liiileiendeiiie Hall and the Liberty Hell. A crowd in which childien fiein the S. Weir Mitchell Public Scheel pre- ileiiilnatfil sang the MiiiclllaIse ninl Mr- rKui c,,,ti i ,i.r then the Star Spangled Haulier as the Mrs' Obcnchain Suddenly Leaves Tiger alighted from his iiulomebile and! City After Questioning steed at attention before the stutiie of !os AllRf,.s 1e(. (j, .,, ,. P.--Was ilngten at the eiitrance te Inde-, i, ..,., ? ., . , . ... i. pendeiice Hall. i SherilT s deputies who hud been -enreh- Lntering the hall Cleiuenceau sat In I Ing thn Mexican bolder towns for .Mis. Iho chair in which .lehn llaiicetk sat Clara Phillips, ceiuicletl murderess wlie .,,,,..,. .... .. .. when he signed the Decimation of In- escaped fro,,, the Les Angeles Count? ' MaQstrate Holds Man Accused as dependence. In il. were called in ?eieidii . and the Moenshiner in Heavy Ball I.i In. ..ll in.. ...Willi liilllllflltlinl. .. . . . in nn- ruin. ........ ,,, ...,.v.. - ininr u'titj (.iuitiir.il in I .ni. Alice es. A .viii-iil.i.' t.. ui in. ..I ...l wasj Investigation of lien the woman ei- . Uiiuer wmj givn lud.i? b .MagNiraii " eapett was lenewed hy Sliei-ll traegei. ( iiriiev. when he held Samuel IliilinsU Samuel DiimiIseii, .,1.1 ..f .I1C l'l... ...I ...... i I I.... was sunck b? mi aiiii.nieiiiie'ea.u this, BANDITS STEAL WHISKY mm ulug at mnadwa? ami .Metg.in Ii'iiiIim.uiI. His head w.im injiiinl. Dalisiiu was lakeii le die Caiuden lloiueepathic llespii.il b? Humid Tax-'St. Leuis Police Hunt for Band of ml ill I lliiim lint in in ttlutL.. iiuiiililiin ... , ' Mini f tit' 1UH4I 11 HI i -- lllllstltlll WORTH OVER $50,000 POISON WHISKY VENDERS SCORED AS MURDERERS en M.Mi'i 1" 'In I he tlnei' .ill id' In r n I he Hei'? j.iil sjN ll.iriv Mnii 'el luiiiher. wee is nl.e li .1 .ni ' 1 1 - i-.e n lll'de.' "I" lie scin ,in I ni.iii'i t' ' .nil till Hruiien .hew ' i . re re mained as in. Ill, 1'.. i i.i le lllleu's denth and wtis irn-'i t niil -'I. I he d.i? Ch.ul-s M. I'...ll. mi In In dian.iie's, ,is f.iri'.'l'v i'i'g: with the liiuider, Pem II imiiIi ss ,, 1 Iil'lllli'll ns'lln lull 'l - il ill llli lii of his home .it I!ii is iii N i i lllg a lles)i,,pei I 1- d l.l'tllien iiiwnnl ii,. , ' I lb in 1 1 '"('li.. is It, till i'lllli -C Wiiulll I ill tWu Jl',i . 1 , I Mt. Keiimnii gc nam ; Pi. P I" I l-M.IIMill " "' ''li Ill's! .,. .s.,,1, " i I! i,l Preiin. is ,u ' "Mil II h, 1, .,,,,( T li.lt iisetii t,, ., n. ni. it irtuiii "i I KMMin " iiiinuii! it. "f Gleit I'.mi.iii, li L'l, ill, ... i . , , - .11 , I ., "I" I.IIlM I I ,, ni i he Iici: I'll.' Pi eiiiini . Hull ai.d the same room In which Dei hunt Ien of Independence sinned the M-ni'i'iible statesman handed a pen that has performed siiui-lj VWIS nnei d thai ml ellii ials mid S10 Neith Hiicl.iiell siieet, in .so-jue' hinds i.Nl In i.i I- s-ki'm " "Mi". ,'" " linn, inmates would he cleseii iiiestieiieii. i nun lern lurtlier hcniing Siindm. i moo ?nlills weic leiinii ni-ii seuit eomcieiis cniiditinii iieai' l!nliiib!; '. ..iiiiiii... . .,......., .... ......... ......,-t0 1lV(, j,,Si I'hiiiips- pimifue el up-i neine. nun pmieiiiieu iniueil the iiei,s, mid (.ew-rnnr Spmnl. steed silentl? al,,,,,,,, ,M.,.n ,,, ,,,. ,0,.,, ,. ,.nuis.aud found two gallons of whisky ami lesiiectliil attention. i, ..,,.. i,.i !, ,.,i, ,! ,,f her I a still. lireeted by I'Vanlilin leM'enil.int 'oil." After pmnf of the escape had ueen ilicseuieil, .iiuige iiunser sinu'il Robbers St. Leuis. Dec H. - ij, P, I Police li'd.ix sniiglit chics In the dining then of whisk? valued nl be tween S7.0.IIU0 and SlOO.Ollt) l.x dozen bandils who oxerpeweied a wiilcbiuau nnd a geM'i'i nn ni guard at the .luck Daniel Distilling Ceiup.iiix i,,.,.,, nM liiglit. i lie i iiiiiis iiKii, ,ne 1K,ei im'ving w.i In l!.. si nwa? in tl neks. I (Oiislsteil of llt'lx uieiilhs' linnii mu unrieis and ai in" i-iiM's, The? eu'iiuiiii'il tweul?.he bauds of liquul. which wcie found wilh tli,. shot Tin Train sk-ll'l M'i'-I llilllnl tiutl ..In.,. t 'ler? of lii.m.lll l, details, it is ,. ,.,. '" III Ihe Inilll ii ,'. f"' '. ! wlui li ii III glOlllll I'll'llli I II IMI . "ill III llll',. I I'.IMSM I ,,, I III, , . .1,1..!. I" ln .iiv piciluit.iiiM. iM.ncnre. as i i, ,1 , - in nun Pii'iineii .it 'i. ' nisti'.'.il mu et Mr. Iii'iiiieii iii.I 'e r ' '"'" i Alti inalelx i nlni mi ' .n "ih . tun - ii i I i i liv i Mi- I'.inii.'il Inei.e her In, u, si', in, .il,. in ine s ,M . ing of her liil-ii Hid il. I -i "1 ' IllllaV fill ll e 111-, i,l I . '"tic besides her law v or. Wall' i K.v n. I",,;1 ,!"; ''!,"1i '- in., ii? .,, .,,,. Willi Me tin ll 'e.iMiic , ..pi.,i mi, .,i,.,. hill, w.is ..xpi.cl.,1 te ik( ,),,.nu, nt the nisi me.iing Vll,, , ,.;,'; t' .n. te sime deiinit.lv ,..,i I'ui.ki .,,.- .iii-i Hint i ,, nesn 'he Ithilll'blilil. .Mi'liiliei. n t li-ltex i il thai ih,. I" llll,! VI I ',' '"' Ii dibg.iiien I'llllll n i. ... I mi ll,.,. 1 ,., ..',.'. '. ' " "' ". I' ,, ' . mm mil m tlini Xn((1 'i .,iiiliii ilea ,y anil xx llli u. signed ne A , wn( ,,, , lhe m.,,!,,, vifcileih register Willie ms ueccptien. Attorney's elice In Ih- Snperiiir Ceiiil i mini ni..-. M.e,..i. ,.., -". ....-....- te have Mis. Phi ps- piiiilc.c of up- ....I l!iiiiiinin mxiil kt itiii uilittitli ni ... ' ' INDIAN" IS STABBED Ullil llle Ceiinty. in. in, .in 'nil Ini.iiui ,' I '' '-I'll Kill,' in,. -,. i i i, I 1 1... l.'t .. , tep Which I. is l,,... .'.. ,'"" "'i 'H ni... MI.I, ,,, ,;: ,:..,. "::.:: ")(u ami ,(iir ktml hip luiihin- les lllllli llllll llttl'I'l'V ' l II (Ul I (I I 11 CmIIIAII M?"L.. eiituiiusk;: .;,;;;;;, ,ew,;,,, sal. uulil ever? ineiiii-iiiiirr uiin i nines lie- (-,,,,, t une me in .s.iuii n.iu tiiiu nuts insure n .,, ' .... ... ..... 1st,, llll.' It'll, I It. lIllllU' tlltu I llmll ... ,...!. ifiei,i.L'i'iMit."iiiiiilihini.lii.i. ..iM lei II s lepiilles s.iii linn. x lien i '" , v , ", -.uui gicu -g ul M iit-t,ianddaul,iiter el . . . (l,nne (. 'M .'"! tnplf te p.eleet cxer? we,n- .. . - . ri" . ,,.,',. li llullll 11.1 ,1 llll , I. till' l.llllli.ll.V ..... nt. n i.iii'iiii.i linn . i .i iitmiiii n e.'ll I tin-? drank .,. ,' i. ....i. .i.... i.t... me linnii-. . ....... ....... ...... ..,H mill , v,i ui,!i ,., ,,,.. ..,,,, i . ereKi-iilei .Mrs. l-iuiin 1 " "j" " ' ,.. ....... .'..-- ,-. -,-,---. --I D.ixis, -.it, Miiuiii rwem.N-nrst stieel. lli-uiiimin Frankldi. j h.ixc his sifitiit- in Philadelphia remiii tl ' -I , u- his stfiiue In nix- street, be- '-j,:,ln. rccen.lv iclcased fi.un the , "'. feie n.y house," .he Tige,-' snid. J"" f "' t I'm U for the niim ler ... , '", ! " " "X' s ,, -I haven ...Iniatiire of thiitslalue,"-'- "I'Hmi Kenneil?. I., . itl.in her ,,,,,,;..,, whNK ,.,.,., tin- n-plied. I ' further regarding Mis. Phillips escape. ' Seven-Year-Old Bey Victim of Ac cident nt Play Seven-vein -"hi l.eenaid Hi.h, ,-, (ierbnrt ti.-t. is in the Menieilal Hes. pltnl with ii uib wound in ,i. ,,, the result ..f -'phi? ins Indians" x i t i i his pliunuiie. Hnlieit ( .ii b.iiigh. seven, ICO Geihuil street The be? i weic deciding what was te be done with a "paleface" vlni, n ves lerdax In the kitchen of l.eenaid's home I' .lis. barged. I"'" rl :.Vni.iiH..f.,"B. "."."son? of ih.-e i.i..uil. "I 'K- .'.- I""'' .. ".w..l. it "Willi id I,. S the l,'",!1f',rs i0"1'1 '' thrown "poll i " A batter? of mining-pictuin cameras '. learned sh 'had moved without j p.R -..p pnriM DlipMO I nalnstLennrd'H thieal. Se,.' ,"' J""l neleie tin, ineeling, clh ked oil iiie jams et icuuieiu timl i""s "' mmu-M. .... -.-w . ..w. -.w.n,e i .-,,. rxceCDT cnD r. .-- "u" ""l'l"''1 lalUin Ide iV l"n uw il-e ess ciewd out - ' xx III tnl- ie msieric seen- hi inn pen- . ' btMnlzn UtvJun I run rLltKN nl her mi.UI ... v ?l Kit i Him n. ...ii... ...i "i ' ,f iliee.ulb. C h iiienei nu. thn l,.,l.l I tAC A TU CD nilTinni IC DAn R.ir.i- te Hose ta te Save Vlrtlm gun" lunel. ....,.l.l . " ,.. CuilPiin. .... , '"" . "" I'wiimi nun i iiff ' .-.--- , v . --- ......I , fllLn I I IL-II UU I LUUli lu UflLf .---- -- , . -imiwi ,t" M ! mi iiv . ." ",,H. I""1 Hie greatest heiid uncexered . ami tne lnnseet white . i Matches inutile ."VIIIIX ,. (..., ,, ,,, ........ .".., ,,...', , I !... .. imiutn.'lni ill,, Irmiiei.- X ' i.,mwi,m .,. jinn b...... in . t. .... .-. ...n iii.i.i . iji- iii.t. ,..n i -.--- - -.-- -.-...... pi. ms te iipi ii 1 1. 1 i;,iu".i Se sine is slie .be W.I I 1" she has iiliculx i.'anii. i x tin ,1 I lie- IllHIl. "I'x e -( !d lev l'l i n- s.lid. ".ill. I vv In .i I . ' I .n.i ''.oil'. I., .i '" in? 'ell. 1 .H i .' li. i" hi v. . 'll 0,l llllllll," sh" h! lib-I M I te.l leiiiu, 1 llilill "I am iiilleicu', us . .., I - li. Judge." she Mlid. "nllil 1 I ii.ixx in.il niiisi lie treed. Ne em tin I.iieh lin- neiii for seiiiethlug I'ftldn'i d nn. I l'.i-e no knew ledge nl. Hue In ill ri.l . en. I -I ' lilt ,.,! 11 1 niviuri .is.i' i. i ,. , ..... (""' mllv aiK.il.,., w.i, '" I'll L'l oueiilh' "Idllieii n 'I i in. i .. .i . .., i , , " " ' "i I "I' 1 Ul. li; mini,, i. ,,,, II ' HI "I I lllllllllii, in ,1 ,, 'I'd Mllllllll'.' l. ,.,,1 1Ml ' "'"' ' f ( ll'i.iin'. ii-illiiiitil tn .Hid I l 1 1 11.11 in ,l l-.i' Lilies I"'1 in li t in ii il" KIhih - dillllt,' ,he "I . I -XL line. .,s I no . ,,, I ". I iiliiiuii ,,, twenty-four hour.-?. . Yesterday JikIrc Audcnricd or dered the Grand Jury te investigate condition! in the prison,. District Attorney Ketan immediately as signed Assistant District Attorney Maurer te lake charjre of the inquiry and te aid the Grand Jury in every way te obtain all information possible-. The inxcsiigaiien new is under war. ( the jurors h.ix'ng visited Mexaniensing i jeMerdny. In his chaige te i he Grand .lur.f. ; -Judge Audemeid told it te make n iRenrching invest igntien of conditions a I I'-perled (e e-ist. And that th jurr , was net enlj te visit and make n most thoieiigh e.,,uinatie, buj thrx were Jle talk te the former inmates who eoiu eeiu , plained of lhe treatment nf cinvicts. Will Swear Witnesses ' The Grand Jury has the power te issue siilipnp,n,s- fnr witnesses and will i a'te talk te the prison efliciaN and prison inspicleis. , "T favor a llbei.ili.ntien of the rules." said Judg" .1. Willis Martin. president of Court Ne. .". "The rule that pi'evnits a in.i n from spcaliing te minllui- is (i hardship, mid the rule that leeks n ,nn up in sn'ltnr.v i nntiiieineni. sin old b" el. initiated at once. "Iliiinnn eneigx slmuld be ,,tlli7ed at all times anil te luck it up iiceeicplishes linihi'ig nf benefit. A nu ans In l;ee,i llic-e iinl'ni iiiuntes cug!r;id in semethtug te eiciiiv ibeir minds slwulil be found. I'axers I'se of Te'i.icin "I 1 we it is xvieiig le punish .t lenvici h deprixing him of u s foeu stiuplv In i. in e he passe a wnin te .1 fellow 'n in. Smoking, tun. should lie illeweil in iiiodcialieii. Ii is nut ugtll III fill bid .1 Hi. Ill Willi litis Used leli.itiv le lui x t- ,i smoke new and then.' .Illii.e M il I tin ih" s net bellexe ihe I Iiiiiid of .1 minis inn iiiudnci m, lines lines ligatien i-ile .mil l mis al I li-liuesliiiig. as rc.,ue.slcd in a i sel-ui.m introduced in ( 'eiiiicii Tiiuisil.iv . The iliilv nl iln ii.'.ml. iil-i in iliug le .Iii.U.- .Miti tin. -nnii! . is te ,i,i(ilnt th lSe.ml of I'iis,,,i lu-i, i lets, and thn" I'lenrd it. , e.ieiii-,iili tnr Hi, lei.dilcl ei tlie tir. sons. "All ihe Pii.jili! nl .lunges i, in de, .ludg" Miirtiu ibihiicd. "is in locum lecum iiieiid le the l.iiaid of lupi,t.is icr I. nn i liniii.es in tlie ml, -. ' The men appeiiind le tl(. -,(,mi of Inspi mil's me iisii.iHv sele. ,e, hecausc of their litnest, 'l'l,,' he'iul iiinkis Its ivmi nil. iml uu? villi uses would baxe le I . lll.ule ,v il. I In P.e.iiii nt .linlgis will ,i,,i niect :i'.,iin iiim' Maiih. lmi ii 1 1. 1, hi ,e ,',,110,1 ii ' 'I I nn i i ing al nn? time. J',nt - I have all. mix s.uil. ii is tii.i tin eiiiv .,f Ihe .1 nl.-is te iiim sii-aie. 'l-lln, i- n Ul. ill 1 LU' ill.' (il nil Jin v Wants i i:ixlits Helped 1 Imp,, sinneilili,.; ,,, , (I,,,,,, t(1 ,tlliv,ali' ill. s ,lii 'u. nl lie i. e i om em it Uu! t.i i nl l!it n I ni" in Idleness III ( l's .1 id. i .le'ni M enigl'iin I mu Ne ,", Is in il'Xnl nl .llllli-.i's in ,,. jules new Ml Inn - ill th "inn? i-i -. . : . "i sv miiiiilii, i wiih n i linn-,,, it, lhee I'liV. t ti.it lock .i in. ii in Milil.nx nn,. tiiu-iueiii." s'1,,1 ,n ,.. Mniitih.in, "I also belli vi lliele sh, nli he i ,nuui In the lib's ,! ni ,, m n , ,,, ,, , ,1!, ,igh le talk ami sin, ike 'l.i.lel'.'i I lilli'iiet. s!i, u . sinnniil i.'iiini mi all iinl if Welk inn n I) wlin lie ("in nun .11 i" ii in iuIheii si lllelllllll. slell',1 I,' "iVI'll ,li , WHX ' i m H is,, i i i 'iv vv .th inertia I , hiiIiiii.', I in, up live. I ii'iiinn srren DIVORCE IS GRANTED MR. WANAMAKER NO BETTER WIFE OF EX-BASEBALL STAR I -.,-. . . . sue ililllii'il ItilWIli- I I i I in. iile Inn ie slaicd , Eight Planes Used in Effert te Flndl '' '"' t,,"."u "ill,,n r l l',1' " "''' -" "i- ''.. .1 ii iiw 1 llll .1 ll. i ill iil'm ,' , I J I l'l II ,1.. . ' "in"',' ..... .. - .iii.r lis piis.i' Improvement in Merchant's Condi- tien Palls te Continue '"'"' u'n'i;imaker's ..uulil;..,, s,(.,, x.n nil' no !m vineiii ,,..i. . '.' "."' :e: yulnu, ..,,'".-u,'k Mi. anmu.ik.i ,. , .s he ,as been .,., ,1... j,,.,1,, te Western Court Allows Dscree Mrs. Agnes Risbertj smi I'll. ni isl.l. Dei P - ()x v i .Mi" v.nes i.s..S v.iis eranleil iml ha. U 'Revcral wi'el.s. Mijei- Haiiliu liuux ,eh e,. a dixeice ill Uu- Snpiliii t'eiiit Inn vesieiil.iv li'ini t lim li ".Swede" JUs l.cr.T. funnel Clin age Whit,. sjex tjx 11 pliiwr. .Mrs. ltlsbelg Wet, (he deenin ..,, . grounds that her husband wus cruel and Tl,.:. ' M oils e.xeoiews mu iviiik mu hih' Kiiiiniinii ' " ,--'" -, .,- ": "is mu, --- - mi' -w iile-i in ci,ei iillinn I . III Tt tl ..... "' " . ' I t ....t. - i . s. rm . I he ll lib, UU lind VI lliln lilnil.... t . i , . , . ' . i -bii . . - ' i i- ii'u iuiii'.i iiiwiiii.i ..lit..... i. i. i.ivi iiiiiiiiiiii.il! .iniin lea n w .1 1 ij k r'P-r-ii.ini ? wrtM n.nxrH rut ri:rfsi u nu n..- ,-.,..,--. ....... i',.i.i mil ii ii i i f .. a itn ii !) ii j i nut u ii nni'i uxi' i in iii-i i ?i I,,... ...... ".,","", '""". "".' ":. :.... .r. v.. r...:v "." ..""" """ w"'".:" ...t..iu.s m inr home nt i ii-z,..".,"fk"',."" :., ; ;.. .v --i ""...' ..'" ,.'.' . ... -.- i k. i ---itii - iiiii ii.iiiA.i i . in .i , . t .. miiiii'i i iiiii ii-1 i . ii iiii Liif i' i i ij i ii iiiii iln, ..in..!.... ...... ii . i i '" ' ..--.-- - - i -- -... i ine ii i ' i 'ii i iiii 1 1 ii se urn in i nn ,i i. - i uu iiiivii iii.iii.i.ii'. iitui ii x i ii ti . . ii ill iiui. ' in.ii.., ..i .'I.'-' ii.ii.- " m i. ".".' - ..;-'.. 7.-.. ....- liiiniii.iKiu.i, iii-i-. n. i"? .. i.i .,., , v,,,i,, ,,. ,,i., .... ., - ii.i .- -. .".' .uwris, ...-. .'..'.'; .-. , ," , uiici-ier ni i-uiiii- Snini, .....i ..' iieiei-ii-ii ii.-i. lim- mis sue,, cm., mi.. I k 9: ii I fe'; ,1;S if;i:1f :; :"1:' ?H ?;'; -' ' A;M.",r;..- SrS Si l&ttxz. '- $r.3S: - - " ; nAriiA.siftJ'!ft!j?s Y " M'lUhnldei's Hint jieeph , moment i-adiug the lliscilptlen, ,..,,. w,, ,,,., f ,.,, ,, ,. " ' J , ,lt '' '' Tin.... ini" ,i;i,,'1 f'"' .n Dlegu.nnMU lUM i-iu m..i.imi- ' he was e.lMe, f.eu, ,,rgan.e, )fl,P, , 1 -r,WJ .h-J-M., part. ierewded tradie of Seuth AlZX " WM"1 U? PiI. & ' iW' l& H , s. a r" Kaple-i Mib, ItUbcrs mid, . I. " I' ' Hbiib?) . n'li.iiitf'iM,'.! (. - " 'jjjJ?IiiJi ULi-'''i- ,,,y, ,K v v K j. ffTp , MB----------------------------------- I ftly .ti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers