','& TfFii " VW, EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, PRIdIy: DECEMBER 8, 1922 '. a zjjJSffl ,, ." i, mi -ffV CITY JOBHOLDERS MACED FOR FUND Uniform Giving te Republican Campaign Chest Shown by Official Repert COLLECTIONS TOTAL $85,311 The Republican Central Campaign Committee collected $85,311.04 during the recent Rubernnterlnl campaign and expended $85,311.04, leaving n balance In the treasury of $478.02. The list of contributors shows n goodly rep resentation of officeholders, including n mnjertty of the City Ceuncllmen. The uniformity of nmeiintst contributed by Ceuncllmen nnd ether officeholders in dicates the old practice of "mnclng" them for n certain percentage of their annual salaries wns continued. The mounts contributed ranged trem $5 te '' The' committee's account was filed In the office of the Clerk of Quarter Ses sions Court csterdny by Jehn J. Me Klnlcy, .lr., tieasuier of the commit tee. The list of Individual contributions ranges anywhere from $5 te $1500. ri I1B0O contribution was by J. J. Mc riMIHiI $1000 each was cjntributf.l by Tsceb J. Heeds anil IMrten Simen: SttOO by W Frcelanil Kendrlck. Hcceler of Tuxns. iii'd Jimes Haxlett. Rfcertt-r e- DeeiU: tnoe hy nch of the fellow Inir: Representative vUllliim S, Vare. llnpresentnme Harry C. Bnily Vllllain Campbrtl. JlcBlsler of Wills. Hepresentntlve OeerBO W, Kdmnnds, J; b. Leds. Charles Law. Trunk Ueyd, Ri'muM White, f'harle" Klrke. William Brem. Grew Wiy. iVIUIam M. un i. DUtrlct Attorney 3amuel VI Ketan. Oaerfrs W. YeuiB. nTreeentathe Jnmei .1. Connelly, atoms A. Welsh. Ceunrllmm Give $2ttj Each Other contributions for lesser sums were: ..... v riiiinlncliim J4R0: Jehn H. Maufer" 1380. Corener William n. KnlKht. isfe. Arthur F. nrenner. I2!i5- Councilman rtiYrle. l'emrrer. IL-25: H. Delflnaer. 12(10: leunctlman hUwIn 11. Cox, $.'25: Council man Hlc.ianl WeKleln. i!2r: Councilman issne IJ. lleweli, '223: A Lincoln Acker. "lle-.er of thi Tort. JJ30, William r. Ilrewn $200; Senater Samuel Balus. S230: i-euncllnnn tdwln llMchheltz, $225: Coun cilman Charles H Hall. VM: 31 non Grat., M30 Charles K ex J22n: Councilman tejeph I". Oaffney. $223: Jehn J. McKlniev. it . $JiB: I- L. Fell. ReBlatntlen Com Cem Com n.lislen. J150: David . Pell. 1S0: Wlllla n t Kerri. $2C0: Alfred Qra-tr. 1200: Harry Y Mare. $J0O DaMd O Frnnkenfleld. $22": Harry Kuenzal, $.2": Itebert U, Scott. 20'' James Parker Nerrl t Jr . t2(Mj- TreU W. Wlllard S'.'OO. Frank H. nntrell. Jr.. 2(J0- Jehn r. Flaherty. $202 !i0: rrnnk Nenack. 12S0: (near B Nell. $150: Thad 8 Krauze. $20C: Hutry WlttlB. $180: Arabs M. Scott. $108: Jlllten lleedmeer, itSOi'Wllllnm J. Ilarten. JIM), Harrv Wlldey. $1R0: K P. Macken. ;i(0 HTrry W. Kcelv. S2DJ 30; Councilman William MrCfncli. $200 Charles I Kclley. $160: William J. Glenn. tl53: Atkinson Costelle. $180; Charles W. neser $200: Jehn Diuran $180. nnward Helland. $1H0: Prank J. Ryan. $230: Themas T. Seiern. $180. Jeseph Ceward. $180. Wil liam J Il-nhnm $202 B0: William P. Rie. nert. $202 30. William J. Rraun. $180: Jehn voernees, 9iru; jenrpn uawara. ieu, I rank M. Itouse. $180; Arthur Merrow, $180; B A Devlln, $1B9. Arthur E. Buchholtz, $180: Jeseph M. Psrrl, $180. Slirmund J. Oanz. $150: Dennis V. PttzrernM. $180! JesSDh Obendorf. 1180: rbarles T. Walker, $180: Vllllam P. Wll- Kins, $lu: w. A. Bwut, smu; James u. llrndr. $183: Jehn J. Harrlgau $180; Qftera-e (1 rierln. 8160: Heward L'ccles $160; Charles r. lloency, $180: Prank W. New. JlfcO; Harry T. Bauerle, $1800, Arthur Bel ters. $21(1: Simen Walter. $200 J Wesley Durham $125: Jes 8 O'Drlen, $160; OeerKS. Scott, $180; O. D. McCaughn. Collector of Internal Revenue, $180; Prank ihert. $140 Jehn Scanlon, $180.: Warren C. Graham, $180; Frank B. Darr. $180; Sen Sen aeor Ooenre Wharten Pepper. $250: Edward K. Roberts. $180: Oeorce Scott. $180: Rep-i-ientatle Oeorite S. Graham. $500; County Commissioner Ocorsre 1 Helmes. $225; Maurlca J. Spelser. $137.50; Edward P. Carrey. $185. .... The principal disbursements were te tlm arleus warl remmlttees. the Birth WnrJ receUlne the lowest sum. $315 and the Tnenty-seoend Ward the largest, $2520, with the Forty-sixth Ward a close second with I Ring ! I Diamond and -J' I B. two SaDehires aaa H X 4 x VU T. Tfir S cAj Diamond and two Sapphires Set in All Platinum Exceptional Value Large selection from this price up- te $300 and e.ther styles up te $5000. Van Dusen and Stokes Ce. 1123 CHESTNUT STREET I with safety service YOUR MONEY new can earn'4 interest in the Central Trust & Savings Company. Our new rule, designed te benefit all the people of this district, is in effect, and five dollars will start a savings account. Jein our banking family and enjoy 4 with safety, 4 with serv ice, 4 with convenience. Central Trust & Savings Company ' Market and Fourth Streets Philadelphia Capital and Surplus, $1,600,000.00 Open Evenings y Don't you call that a perfect Union Suit Jfc If Jar When shoulder straps don't slip when armholes or crotch don't cut or pull WHEN Union Suits cover completely and the Marvelfit reinforcement resists wear beyond all previous experience with silk underwear don't you? That's all tailoring careful, intelligent planning of each garment and that's all there is te it! These are the things that go with Kayser Italian Silk Underwear. Yeu knew them the minute you put any Kayser garment en, by the actual enjoyment you get out of the way it feels and leeks. And, tee, you see hew much longer silk underwear can last when it fits like Kayser Italian Silk Underwear. ImI) for iht ilinti Ititt. Ont-ilarfet mtdtum wtiihi, ft f f Thm mrferhttry UmlerwfdF m It is in the wearing of the Kayser Italian Silk Vests that their superior quality nnd ex quisite tailoring are given the truest test. Just three inches above the knee they de net wrinkle or roll up. 2.50 and up (Til Loek for the AfaneKi rein ferccment in the crotch of every pur of Knyscr Italian Silk Bleemers it insures then durability. Stretches with every step, giving comfort and ease of movement. Marvelfit reinforcement $3.50 nd up w v ill 9 Designed for comfort, a Kayser Italian Silk Union Suit fulfil its purpose with "room eneugh'' yet carefully fittina the fieure. Loek for the Manelfit reinforcement, 46.00 and up X" mm C rstmm -in? 8 1017-1019-102lMarket St. Get Acquainted With Philadelphia's Largest, Exclusive Clothing Stere and Make Your Meney Buy the Most- Silk Lined Plaid Back ! &land2 PAIRPANTS Mr. Hill's Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase 0 ?T S2K ...IW&Hslkm. . T. v".. issssksssssssstvsHiissssPSstV LssslkssSssssssssPf ILJ A? rlmassflBWkllFiiilP 9' ft v TBb 'zEKm&mwHKlE W r i st flt iM jSssbsSsKR .tHKaVKaLTtltSIB If $,-' f mk sssssWksnsllBMHFfissB. Jrk iaW X saiaMBiBaBBsQBBlHBlBarK ffjy '.( - '&,J imi&Flws&ftrl '-'"' ' S, SStffl ', fiSilMISp4sssssl Mm $MWSe&& ;-;' 4M joLWBte m smtwERKL M i --' ' ' ilfrlr 'Wpfi&a8wm!3 &tfv Thousands and Tliou Tlieu sands of Garments at These Lew Prices! Man, get te knew the Hill Ce. join the thousands of regular customers who never think of buying their clothing exceptat THE HILL CO. There is a reason and a mighty big rea son tee if you want the most for your money. plS "P Me either Stere Can Eqnal the Saving' Mr- mil Of i em- e Other stores may advertise prices as low as these but there is no ether store that will show you clothing that will match ours, quality for quality, style for style and work manship considered. Mr. Hill devotes his entire time and attention te clothing only using this entire 5-story building for the display and show ing you at all times a greater and larger ariety than any two ether stores combined. THE HILL STORE is becoming fimeus from coast te coast as the LARGEST EX CLUSIVE CLOTHING STORE and for the s-ensatienal values possible at all time--. Silk-Lined, Plaid-Back OVERCOATS! Single- and Deuble-Breastcd Medels ' Convertible Cellar Overcoats English Ferm-Fitting Medels Storm Coats Radie Medels Drees Cecs Jazz Medels Sports Medels Single- nnd Deuble-Breasted Overcoats Twe- and Three-Butten Sack Medels Kimene Sleeves Sizes up te 52 Ne matter what model you have in mind it is here at THE HILL CO. Et ry pattern every ma terial every coloring and no mat'er what your size or build MR. HIT L CAN FIT YOU! SUITS With Que m& Twei Pairs I Pauls ! . ' ,JKMiS Beys' Overcoats, MacMii and 1 mi I Fair Pants Sn In M Greatesi Sale S ihe Season teri(SR f& 'C24. Gi V, ff-:WsZ? 4L7k&Br "WWssssWftyjSsssstaaS . . .. .. . . m r .' ' ' hmr in r .nl-U-.. 11 4 . .. 4lil 11 L!HnTI ITAll thn irnni .. P V M 1 .1 VI,1 iiiuiu a wu uuiw niuiu iiuii. um .iu j-u w uic vaiiuiy ui or milKC pO.alUie 1110 hilVintTii V?,i Mr. Hill has prepared en boys' doming. We devote the entire Third Fleer te this depart- vS$, ment the largest of its kind in the city. Parents should come here and see for themselves (S$W the actual money they can save. '$jf2v BUYS' IAIN KA11NCUA13, L.Air'b iO MATCH, ,?4.95 WS ifi-. via IsijW illtll yiir fj Ml A i J ' WW W -"IW fwwr Aj -!- I BSvffll IMaiinswmiisssaf . dnm mmmmmmmaerji .mmmtJmmmmwmmmm Mew's Trousers i Open Evenings naiFW Kmr. : Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Clothing Stere T" XlzM STffl 'Vtrwl? r- m l M I H w -h I 1 S3 a Issl S-- f.J w, - EM i i m- P5 s fi $& mi - " Wm i m fiffw Gret Values Tomorrow A wonderful assortment of pants in all wanted materials stripes, mixtures and plain colors. AM sues up te S-l-ineh waist ami 315-inch length. SfOHE ORDERS ACCEPTED 1017-1019-1021 Market Street Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Clothing Stere ' m YA VI L "?"V L-Oi m.v