"ji' rt " pWl Vf!' 7l.V377.iT'. "J' WW!."," .- . v--.-. -v- f EVENING TUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER ' 1922 " ' " " "" I I llllll " ''" " ' "' ' " ' "" .i. 111 II II I I II I !! I-- , I Mmm . 'i -!VT -- & Hi . :l :.iu .T i i &' h a f? Pi ti mft r ' .? j i 1. 11. J ,.lJ li MCUffl AGAIN E ASSAILSRISDICK Insists New Yerk Preacher Clear His Position en Vir gin Birth Doctrine "CARICATURED," SAYS FOE SEEK RESTJN HOSPITAL Widow and Docter of Judge Rogers Patients In Mlserlcerdla .Mrs. Minnie U. Hogeis, widow of Judge Jeseph I IteRers, with lier ilaiiKhter Cutlinrine, nre jiiilleiits in the Miserirerdlit llesiiitiil. Iteth, It wn". snid liy friends, hnve brtn tinder n t-e-verestrnin "inee Judco KogeiM died sud denly en NevemUer 1. A plijilehin wlie liriM lieen iitteiidlin: Mrw. lingers mid her daughter reciim niendwl Imtli should tfe where tlie could obtain complete ict Hew Much happier nre the men who knew the feel of flue clothes, tailored by Seinplinerl Have yours by 1 Xmns. J D.B.Ssnipuncr JU)"b wainut ONt OF rhllADUPHU'i LEADING TAILORS The Iter. Henry K. I'd-dick, sprelal Drenched in the First l'reshterlau II pniDAY rl....-t. v,i. Vni-lr wlinm the HeV. II O. n. Mnrnrtnev. nuMer of Arch Street II SATURDAY rrcsbytcrinn Church, tin city, ne discs of preachins contrary te l'rpb tcrinn dectriiien, asserts that Ills re ligious ideas have been caricatured b the Philadelphia minister. "Yeu have drawn a caricature of me mid then get nngij "t It." the llev Dr. FemIIcIc wrote Hr. Maiaitnej "Ilecnuse .lour interest m ChiUtianlty ii se deginatii and tlii'olegieal, 1 sup pose that tliix w.ii natural Net Scared I "lUget" (i Pr. Macartney replied that he w id net be frightened' bj any cr. of "bigot." 'medieval." "unable te uiidcrtand tli. modern mind." "itafie Christian" r disturber of the pe.iee" m the liyln he is making te upheld the dectrims ei the Church There are extracts from letters e- rhanged bv the two I'lei-gMiier liefeie Dr. Mneartnev introduced his evertui lu the Philadelphia Prcshtcri wblib petitions the I'n"-li.tet.v of Ni ni. te al; the Pir-a Pit bj teri.m I hnn h of that cit te sea its house in "Mi i Wlule it does net n.i utmn I1' 1 "- (l!cl;. th.it nvettuie .! idamh in r the iireadiiug in 111' lust I liuii i of New nl is net in m m lauei with Presbjterinii dei'tnne. On tii teber Hi Dr. .In'ii-titm nin'n Dr. l'esdic't informing Mm of i!i ') c iisviun hat n.'id linden in the ln-l-tery ei Philadelphia, ami nkini; whether the pamphlet entitlid ' hall the rtiiiihiineiitiilists Win " u , ,t rec ord of hat Pr 1'esilicl; ..nil en that occasion. Pr. IV-dict leplied In Mixing that the pimpliiet .i-, .nlt,ni tially MiinM The mrn -nili in i new published in the l'lt b Icrmn After -alng that his sermon was ",i plea for tolerance" ntid that Pr. Ma cartney had converted that pka into "a caricature" of what he, Pr. 1'e-iIkK really thinks and reallj teaches, the New Yerk i lergjinan wrete: "What en have done is laigeN r,, neglect the whole purpose mi nhjt r my .sermon. And then, lightuu- ijm i my brief and sKetehy outline nt iciLimi liberal positions. nn have, with thai bcant material, imagined a thtolegii.il position for me te held which is ,i je-e pehteruus caiicature of what I ii.nl think. Yirgln Itlrth Net Issue "fiecause eiir inteiest in ("hristiar lty is se dogmatic and tlitelujit.il. I suppose that this was n.ttmal. and that I laid mself open te this ktml of mis. iinderstatiUing. I confess, hewev.i that it does seem te me that a careful reading of the sermon would have made it needless. "With regard te the Virgin birth, for example, 1 personally hae nut the slightest desire te be dogmatic upon a historical question. What I am conli cenli dent of is that whatever may be the ultimate decision with referent, c te the. historicity of the Virgin birth, 1 heluve' in the Deit of Our Lord. I com en" that belief te be the wry center v the Gospel. "With regard te the Inspiration of the Mihle, J oil raise the question as ' te vhet'ier I think the llible has any fcpccinl authority tit all Se far is that suggestion from having an basis i the Mlble exercises ever my thinking nnil, bv (ieil's giaie, smiicwhiit eier .1115 ' 1!r .. I . i liiu. u pal itiieiuiii iuuiieriiy. , "Te be sine, the nutheritv of the Bible is net like the authority of a db -tieimr., te which I turn te lind an question im irantlj aiisweiet that 1 may chance te n-l. of it 'J'he autherit.s of the Meek is tar mere like the author ity of my mother, tern fining whom I entertained no theories of iuerr.iiii- , but who exercised met- hie .in autlieiit, that is fir niere tbep. nnue s-uritual juere tleminant mill I'miiinlling tlianaii.v dictionary ever has ()r eer will. Tilling at Caricature "The liible te me Is the Meek f fied, the rci'uril of the unfelditig of II s whole puipese, tharactt-r anil p.i.t t the children el ni-Ml, timl the reg lla' Ideas of the Meek ilie tuih- t m tliiukiug an-l nn life. "The folk wiie h.ihitmilly li-.p ie preach in N't-w Yeik listen with uu i. ment te the sort of attack wlit-l. - i and veur fellow are iiiiiKing up n me, antl 1 hope mat witiieut tlisieuit. v 1 linn inlil ihni tln-.v aie no it a lmpress(., hv tl, . ,,i:i',, for t1- i clearly enough that wieit ha- 1,., j.; is that mi Iiiim- iliawn u uu - -tun f Bie and ilien have gotten .ingiv ar ii ' In Ids' leplv te Pr. 1", s ; ur Mneartnev -av the ugln hi net a tpiestien of theories of jp' r r pretatlen, but of fat t " "Whs Jesus, or is if,, n- n ' the Virgin Miir'"" Dr. Mu aru n' nsks: "Te 'this questnu tic I'le'n terinn Cluirfli in its Conits-i n i (ikes tlelmite iind pi mi response: , wus born of the Viigin Iary ' "Yeu speak of in.v int. re.t In dog deg matn: -nnl tln'olegual Cliristianity," the Philatltlplua iliigvmun wrote. '1 feel tint with --iiili tin interest I am in verv gi oil ceinpanv the rnmpnny 'i i St. Paui ni.l St Jehn, whom you 1 rightly dc-'iiU i the chief teachers of I the Christum Church." TO HOLD CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Speech-Reading Club te Have Many! Articles en Sale A Christmas bnzanr will be given ' today antl tomorrow by members of the ' Speech -Rending Club nt the clubhouse, ' 1000 Locust street. I MiFa Alice Orant Smith in executive I rhnlrman of the baanr, assisted by Mra. Paul Clayten and Miss Louise . K. Ilelmnu. I The fancy articles department, which ' Includes lingerie, hnndkerehiefn, ' ihillles, centerpieces, soft pillows and fancy bngs, will be renducled bv M,ss Cera Klsie Klnzie, chairman. Airs, w. I'ercv Simpsen, Mrs. Jesse Nalle, Mrs Fielding O. Lewis, MrR. Charles II Ilean, Mrs. Ilenrj Paul Uiisth, M-xs Lettie II. McKec and Mrs. Jehn L. D Trak. A table of practical household nr- I tlclce, including bugs and bankets, dress covers, Hewing articles and silver cases, will be In rbarge of Mrs. L. A Orever, Mrn. M. H. Merger. Mrs James S. Hmith, Miss Margaret A. Neall, Miss E. Grace Hardy, Mrs. Herace V. Veekn, Mrs. Samuel M, Vauclaln, Jr. In charge of the cakes and candles ' U Miss Priseilln Magoun. Mrs. Ite bcca Newhall Myers will have charge et the novelties and Christmas cards. WEALTHY MAN IS SUICIDE New Yerk, Dec. 6. -(My A. P.) William Frecdmiin, a wealthy shirt manufacturer, thirty-four .cats old and Married, committed suicide last night fey bunging, in a Harlem Hetel, He - idespendent because of business SPECIAL GAHDY $ 1 lb. L'Aiglen Asserted Chocelat e s 12 Varieties, Cream, Fruit and Nut Centres. 2 lb. Asserted Black Walnut, Roasted Pecan and Chocolate Fudge. l2 lb. Asserted Fresh Cream Caramels. FRIDAY - SATURDAY L'Aiglen Fudge Sheps Chestnut Above 15th Street and tltc New Shep at 16.4 Chsstnut Street Suggestions te Cfjristmas! Shoppers Leather Picture Frames, $1.00 up Address Beeks U." up Diaries 2." up Line a Day Diaries $1.00 te $10 Imported Wallets 2.G0 up Cigar & Citfaiette Cases, . 2.00 up Overnight Hags 5.00 up Fitted Cases. . .11.00 te 100.00 Suit Cases e.OO up Traveling I'aga S.50 up Flat Traveling Brushes Traveling Slippers . . 11.50 up Wallets 1.00 te 20.00 Card Cases 75 up "Weir Mitchell" liiiiagcmcnt Calcwhu-n for !!!,! An ex clusive Ileskins jiroductien, !0c 904-906 Chestnut St. (Headquarters for HVt'cnnau "Idial" Fountain Pens) Start a QenoinePcarlNecklaceferYour Little Qirl 3 Pearls $500 5 Peerls $7.50 8 Pearls $10.00 fe 9 Peerls $5.00 Cldd-a-hearx w I NECKLAl 10 Pearls $2000 12 Pearls $2500 NECKLACE The Add-e-Porl Necklace consists of n croup of genuine Oriental pearls strung en n silk cord, inserted in e fine Beld neck chain, se that oddl eddl oddl tlenol pearls of any number may be added en birthdays, Christina and ether special occasions until the necklace Is completed. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. DIAMOND MRltCHANTS JlCWni.UHS SIIA'KItSMlTIIS I i When society entertains, Boscul is servei J yj sjy Mitchell fiiStCrlGF park Farm CO. pruit Cake Round Cakes of About 3, 4 and 5 lbs., ' 2.25, $3.00, $3.75 each Ciarffe One-lb. Pieces, 80c; 2-lb. Pieces, $1.50 ScUcUcd Ideal Fruit Cakc for Particu,ar People 14 different ingredients, the quality of which could net be improved. Christmas Reminders Park Farm Plum Pudding 40c, 70c, $1.20 Park Farm Mince Meat Jars. .$1.75 and $3.25 Alma Mince Meat Jars $1.40 and '$2.60 New Paper Shell Almonds. .42c, lb., 5 lbs., $2 Malaga Table Raisfns lb. 50c te 70c 18th & Cbastnut Sts. Own Baking Mince Pies 75c & $1.25 12th & Market Sts. Gelden Pumpkin Pies 40c & 60c 5600 Germantown Ave. New Budded Walnuts lb., 60c Atlantic City, N. J. Glace Fruit lb., $1.15 wlj'ifiJ t-JLGa-tetally Different mST Wit wggvmm Sr Ten i ' i' t'li trim. lit'jtlica of an especially fine late Jsi century medtl. THE resenbach Galleries THIRTEEN TWENTY U ALNLT STREET Sheffield Plate rljXQUISITE reproduc repreduc ( ft1 i tiens of the finest ex-"- amples of the orig inal Sheffield plated silver ware invite examination in our galleries. Their most moderate cost makes them particularly desirable for use ful as well as highly orna mental gifts. The diversified selection affords the satisfaction of every artistic taste. Frem $10 Upward Te the Helders of War Savings Stamps called for redumptien en January 1, 1923. Let us explain te you the advantages of starting a Savings Fund Account with us with your War Savings Stamps. If you open such an ncceunt vc will accept your Stamps at par and allow in terest from the day of deposit, or we will exchange Treasury Savings Certificates for War Stamps maturing January 1, 192". Inquire at either office. Total Resources Over $12,000,000 THEEALEsmrE Title Insurance cWEbjst Company efPhiladelphia 45 S.Bread Street Lincoln Building Oldest Title Insurance Company in the World 523 Chestnut Street Acress fremlnJejieiidciicc llitll fell iff F p A rAS MUCH for any Player-Piane, if you ran buy a new, high-grade and guaranteed instru. ment for less, en easy weekly or monthly payments, with several dozen music rolls, a bench and cabinet thrown in? A well-made Player-Piane, if carefully handled, will last from 25 te 35 years and be a constant source of pleasure and entertainment te its owners. The Cunningharn Player-Piane is manufactured with the celebrated REO STYLE patents, owned and controlled exclusively by us, in our modern, well equipped factory. Se perfect in construction is this instrument that a child can play with all the expression of the master composer himself. Every Player-Piane we manufacture has a double valve action and metal tubing. De net let anybody talk you into buying an instrument with a single valve action, as it has net the power or endurance if it had, why should we spend twice as much money in developing a double valve action? The very fact' that for ever a quarter of a century we have been offering $10,000.00 for a better piano than the MATCHLESS CUNNINGHAM should be sufficient proof of its quality! All our instruments are priced from 20 te 30 per cent, lower than any dealer anywhere (whether large or small) can afford te sclL Terms arranged te suit the purchaser. CASH, OPEN BOOK ACCOUNT OR EASY PAYMENTS IT PAYS TO THINK! modern? O OCX All Mnfea Telkinr nchlnca at IldntxMl l'rlm, gap ' mm ULaJffl Mmmmkd Hth and Chestnut Sts. Open Eretiinga (Factery: SOth and Parksidc Aeenue) vm v: -e-li." umT&gi msfp '.. We am the Only Piane Manu facturer a in Penna. Fameat for Selling from Factory te Heme Direct $245.00 fpiIIS exquisite ring is a pe eial value at te low a price. ALI pfeffnttm setting tvtth one large elue white tlla tlla mend of finest aualltv, ten smaller diamonds and two sapphires, A deposit mj reserve any purchase until Chrtitmas. Kennedy & Bre. Diamond Merchants and Jewelers 102 S. 13th St. 1878 Keep Christmas with a KODAK The gift that helps te meke the Christmas merry; then keeps v the picture story of the merriment. i Kodak and Graftex Camtrat s of every style (n tteck. Autographic Kedaks $6.50 te $100.00 Brownies $2.00 te $17.00 JOHN HAWORTH COMPANY Eastman Kodak Ce. 1020 Chestnut Street llluh-eradc Developing Finishing Enlargements Albums Calendars Frames Stercoptlcens Br 1 ft 1 i BONWIT TELLER & CO. JtiJamerJnep K WALNUT AT THKTEENTH FOR SATURDAY CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS SILK UNDERTHINGS Specially Priced GOWNS-1. 95-2.95 Hand-made gowns of fine quality ba tiste, daintily hand embroidered. Formerly te 3.9S NIGHTGOWNS 4.95 Gowns of heavy crepe de chine trimmed with real filet lace. Pink, orchid and while. Formerly te 6.95 PETTICOATS 3.95 4.95 Straight-line models of silk Jersey, Others with novelty flounces. Special CHEMISES 2.95 te 4.95 Of crepe de chine, radium crepe - back ntin nnri nnvpltv fnnrir ' Plain anrl trimmed. kJ formerly te e.ss SILK NEGLIGEES 13.75 Slip-ever model of heavy crepe de chine with flowing sleeves, finished with silk tassel. Tie at waistline. In pastel and darker colorings. TT 1 X 1 1,ULJU1V VJtf W y ufwSpecLaliy Shep cf Originations CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET FOR SATURDAY BLOUSES & NECKWEAR DIMITY BLOUSES 2.95 3.95 te 5.50 Demestic and hand-made blouses, introducing hand-drawn work, real filet and Irish laces and hand embroidery. V-neck, Peter Pan and Tuxedo effects. " HAND-MADE BLOUSES 5.00 8.75 te 12.50 Blouses of sheer voiles and finest batistes trimmed with real Irish and filet laces. Hand drawn and hand embroidered. A wide variety of styles. TAILORED SILK SHIRTS 5.90 8.75 te 12.50 Smartly tailored shirts of men's-wear silk and broadcloth silk in a number of distinctive styles, featuring Peter Pan cellars. BERTHA COLLARS FINE GUIMPES 2.95 te 5.00 4.50 te 8.75 Net and lace in attractive combinations. Peter Pan guimpes of fine net, tucked In different shapes and widths. and real Irish lace inserts. First Fleer Specials from Cftc Cljnaitmag Ut &ftep THIRTEENTH & SANSOM STREETS 1.50 POWDER BOXES . . QQ Hand-painted designs. 5.00 PAPER WEIGHTS . . 2.95 Figurettes wrought in bronze. 5.00 CIGARETTE CASES . 2.95 Pin seal in black and colors. BOUDOIR LAMPS . . . 5 5Q Novelty effects and colorings. 2.00 PIN CUSHIONS . . . 1 25 Cushions with China Dell head. 2.00 EVENING FLOWERS . 50 Evening flowers in geld or silver. 3.50 HAIR BANDS . . . 2,00 Pearl or flower bands. 3.95 SILK CHEMISES . . 2.85 Heavy crepe de chine Step-ins te match also priced 2.85. 5.95-7.95 PETTICOATS 395 4 95 Silk Jersey. Alse evening styles. 16.50 HOUSE COATS . . j Q.00 Radium taffeta and satin meteors. 1.95 4.95 2.75 PURE SILK HOSE . All silk te top; lisle feet. 7.50 RIBBED SILK HOSE Pure silk ribbed sports hose. CAMEL'S-HAIR SCARFS . . 3 95 Natural camel color with fringe ends.' SL1P.ON SWEATERS , . . 550 Camel's hair. WOOL TUXEDO SWEATERS 5 00 ' Imported. DIMITY SHIRTS 2.95-3.95-5.50 Hand made; Buster Brown and tuxedo cellars. HAND-MADE BLOUSES 5 Q0 8 75 Of fine voile ; filet and Irish ' lace trimmed. I h s m -A $ I I icip fa. iMm