Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Insurance Presidents Told te
Quit Bemoaning Se-Caled
Public Advised te Study Mere
Deeply True Functions
of Senate
Man Dies In Patrel Wagen Twe
cnrly today at 310 North American
I.ucas Coeke, forty-five years old, of
Wilmington, was visiting Sumuel nnd
Kate Luber nt tlie North Amerlenn
street address. All Wnme ill after
drinking liquor, nml Coeke died at 7:30
o'clock in n patrol wagon en the way
te n hespltnl. I.ubcr and his wife were
taken te the Philadelphia Hepltal.
Beard of View Awards $1,390,-
092 Property Damages In
Widening of Street
OWNERS ASKED $1,880,125
Xcw Verh. Dec. S. The Tn'itcd State
Senate was defended against some of
the crltlcim directed nt It and held up
us n proper -subject of study Iy patri
otic Americans in an nddrr delivered
hy Sennter I'epper. of Pennsylvania,
today before the Aecintinn of Life
Insurance l're-dent. Senater I'epper
Is general counsel for the IViui Mutual
Life Insurance Company, Philadelphia.
Dlscuslng vnj of bridging "the gnp
between a citi.-ii'-hlp that i putcly
theoretical and that which is aNe practical,'-
the Pennsylvania Senater de
clared much of the unceinplimen'.ary
discu-leii of the Senate wn due te
"widespread Ignorance among critic
rcpectlng what the Senate lb and what
It does."
"The Sptiatc a a liedv hn two func
tions." he continued. "It ii the upper
chamber of a legNlntlve body. In the
one capacity it unite with the Heuse
In enacting appropriation bill-, revenue
bills nnd mivcellnneeiis legislation. In
the ether cnpnelty it etmiirtut or rejects
nomination- made by the President and
it ratlliis ei rejects treaties nhich lie
lias neRetlated.
"Many of the Senate u'-at'es con
demned as wasteful arc clinrncteristle
of conferences between Aml;i"-siider.
In the early days, when the Federal tie
was slender, it would ill become the
Ambassador from New Yerk te tell the
Ambassador from Virginia be was net
i.iienkini' te the nelnt. or a minority
of Amhiiss.idnrs te insist thnt the mM
nerlty were talking tee Ions ami must
Points te Filibustering
On the ether linnd, it is hard te
jutif the extension of these prin
ciples' te ordinary legislative business.
A question of practical citizenship is
whether Senate rules should he e
emended in their application te purely
Jegislutlic business as te confine a
speaker te the pending question and te
lireveut such unlimited debate as may
enable a minority te prevent the ma
jority from functioning.
"I call this a practical question nnd
it Is. Put in pondering ever it bear
in mind this ultra -practical considera
tion, namely, that these changes in
usage cannot come without changing
the Senate rules and that it Is entirely
fensihle te filibuster against n change in
the rules and se prevent any change
whatevtr from being made."
Would Arouse Presidents
Senater Pepper urged the life insur
ance presidents te "leave the eay
elm Irs at the club, quit beme.inln;
the decadence of the Senate and go
te the primary in order te rereis, an
elective inlluenrc in selecting .senatorial
candidates." Such action, he asserted,
ought te be actuated either by abstract
duty or self-interest or, above all, bv
"the genuine satisfaction 1011 can get
out of geed citizenship." He sug
gested that if political duties were te
be taken mere seriously a tit beginning
might be made by studying the Senate.
"Learn mere than you knew of the
Senate's functions," he advised. "Fa
miliarize yourself with its rules nnd
customs, acquaint yourself with the
operation of the intricate paytrenage
system. Make something of a study of
the personnel of the Senate. Meusure
the men by their job. Decide where
the personnel needs strengthening.
"Hemember that it is net enough te
rhoeFe geed Sennters from jour own
State. Yeu must be interested Ii uil
senatorial campaigns., be, a use te be
rflVctive jour Senuters must hay: liVe
liiindrd colleagues."
This done hy wealthy American
fathers, the Senater said, would re
move the piesent danger that "the sons
of privilege In America will degenerate
into little snobs who think themselves
tee geed for politics."
Police and "Dry" Agents Fall In
Downtown Searches
Bootleggers. In the downtown section
of the city were tipped off jesterduy
when police of the Third and IV J.an
i c streets station and Federal prohi
bition agents under droop Head Me-
The amount of (property damages
mnde necessary by the widening ei
Delaware avenue, from Laurel street
te Dyett street was fixed by the Beard
of View tedny at $1,300,092.77.
The Improvement nnd extension et
the rlverside artery of trnflic which
links the deck district with the mnnu-
Secial Leader Meets Misfortune JSSt
.. I.-I- 1 -..I 1" 1. 1, 1 illMifa mflnv
wnuie or in jiart ei xiu mn ui6"i u.rf
of them manufacturing plants.
Fer the properties tnken by condem
nation, the owners requested n total et
si Rsin ler.n.-,. That mim was pared
,. down by Charles W. Hegcr, William J.
IN FAMILY FOR CENTURY Kerns and .1. Parker Nerr s, Jr., the
lit l nmis.i i wn w .. .... ..!,.-- ...tin rwMURtprf
the awards.
Cost te Dnte $2. 130.003
The total named in the beard's re-
Morgantown, W. Va., Protects Citi
zens Against Infected Animals
Moriantewn, W. Vi Dec. 8. (Uy
A. P.) All dogs in Morgantown must
be vaccinated against rabies, under n
proclamation te be issued within a
few days by City Malinger A. A. Hall,
he announced today,.
During the last week six persons
have been bitten by infected dogs nnd
patrolmen have killed a scorn of the
anlmnls suffering from the disease. TIip
situation became se nlnrtning that the
city manager ordered n supply of vac
cine, and his proclamation will provide
mat mi negs must be vaccinated within
ten days after the supply is recehrd.
In addition te vaccination, dogs must
be muzzled, nml even when muzzled,
they must be held in lensh by Ihc
owners while en the street.
en Shopping Trip When Or
nament Slips Off
A diamond bracelet, containing twen
(v. three lewels. was lest by Mrs. Jehn
Head Pettlt. society woman, who lives pert te Quarter Sessions t-eurt erinR
at -.00 Seuth Fifteenth street, while en t. mm , . ggrcgnte "-& $
ten yenrs for improvements te Dela
wnre" avenue. , , ,
The awards made today Include:
J. V. Paxson Company. SP.ii.Mi..i.t .
Yroeman & Ce., $75,'1-17.83; Pennsyl
vania Sugar Company, V'-"',y!',J.!
Janney Lumber Company, SbO.SJe.tl.i:
Louise Creamer. SU4.7nO.ih5 ; M. n.
Median. S3.."'JO.a7 ; Themas "join-
T. erner, ?,i,
Asserts League Is Behind Civil
Service Status for Dry En
forcement Agents
Clemenceau Will Leave City
Immediately After His Speech
at Forum Tomorrow
n Christmas shopping tour late jester
Mrs. Pettit said the Jewels had be
longed te the family for a century nnd
are highlv prlred for sentimental rea
sons. "The bracelet was one of the flex
ible kind." he snld nt her home this
1,1 "l '"' """" !, (! 7.1.CMV7. 1?.
morning, "and I think It must have mU;;0. Willlnm Cramp ic Cens Cem -slipped
ever my wrist. I am positive i v g-r, oeof.o,
it wasn't taken by a thief because it,' r;Tg0 (;- licrle Company, S10,
Imd u safety clasp and ceuldn t have ,,tn M . willinm Cnmmings. 844,-
been removed without my Knowledge. 1,'. j j.j Ciinlmrt, 5!12,302.4.1
"We bae netibed the police aniline e ,Streu(1 & vilgus, W.7."0.0I; Mc
also efTpred a reward. 1 certainly hope j,mV(,u Small et nl. S.WJ.'Jl ; A. L.
some honest person finds It. because I 1 'i;l0miisj S27.LaS.S." : Walter ('Aim
value it hlghlj for its associations. lns c IS, ('..'12.7!) ; M. M. Trimble,
The bracelet is valued at S.dOO, ac- ...jJunr,. K While. S14.4H0.
erding te the statement made te the .. A.i,,tTr. si''.7l!.": Columbia
police by Mr Pettit avenue Pier Company, SlJ,l!J.t)l ; J.
lVttlt Deinre her marriage wn- : ..,. t ., ii .-,.-,. American Tin
i:isi,. Pe Witt Norten. Her husband .,. (. em '.. cii .0(J.",.:t7 : William
is nresldent of James Masen, Inc., nnd
a clubman, being a member of the Ult Ult
tenheuse, Markham. Huntingdon Valley
Ceiintrj nnd the Philadelphia Country
Clubs. " They have one daughter. Miss
Mary I'e "Witt Pettit.
Theft of diamonds valued at 000 was
reported bv Jeseph Keller, who conducts
an auction house at L'-O Seuth Klghth
street. He told police n thief jostled
him nnd picked his pockets while he
was holding an auction.
Clothing vnluert nt 5r was taken
Mueller, !? 10,48 i.HO.
Widening Werk Gees en
Delaware avenue is new being
widened for a length of eight and i
half blocks. Frem Lnurel street te Marl
borough street, about two nnd a half
blocks, the nvenue was widened from
50 te 140 feet en the west side, while
north from Marlborough On Montgomery
avenue, three blocks, u new nvenue has
been opened west of Beach street te
width of 120 feet, eliminating portions
when n thief snatched n valise from an of Allen nnd Richmond streets,
automobile belonging te Emery Pierce, I Frem Montgomery uremic north te
A slntement by Willinm Dudley
Foulke, former bend of the United
Stntes Civil Service Commission, thnt
the Anti-Saleen League wns opposed te
civil service for , prohibition .enforce
ment agents, brought a denlnl today
from Hemer W. Tope, secretary of the
league In Mils city.
Mr. Foulke made the assertion yes
terday at the nnnitel session of the
National Civil Service Reform League
nt Washington. In replying, Mr. Tope
asserted thnt the league strongly
favored civil service nnd among ether
things said : -
"The league is absolutely behind the
Civil Service niocment. Immediately
upon passage of the Velstead net Mr.
Foulke nnd his associates wnnted te
create the enforcement bureau nnd np np
lelnt its members and elticiiils through
the (ivu isemec. uc uiu net taver
this at the time for the reason that it
was a Democratic administration nnd
naturally the appointees would have
beeit Democrats, regardless ns te their
fitness te perform the work.
"It does net make nnv difference te
us as te a man's political allillntlnus
nrevidiiig he is capable of performing
his duties. At pre-cut there is u meas
ure, the Sterling bill, pending in Con
gress te bring l'ederal enforcement
agents under operation of the Civil
Service law. This organization is
solidly behind that bill.
"Immediately en the passage of the
Velstead net every cioekcd politician in
the country get busy in the effort te
plant some et his menus en the premui-
The detailed program for the nppenr
mice In this cltv of (leerges Clemenccuu
bus been announced by officials of
the Philadelphia Forum, under whose
auspices (he "Tiger" will speak et the
Academy of Music.
Clenieticenu will reach Philadelphia
tomorrow morning til 0:0." A, M. His
private car will be placed en a siding
in or nenr the P.rend Street Station and
shortly .'icfere1 10 o'clock he will be
greeted by, the Majer, Coventer Sproul
and n (emmlttee headed by Senater
Pepper Kdward Rek, vice chairman
of (he Philadelphia Forum, and K. IV
At 10 o'clock Clemenceau. escorted
hj the First City Troop In dtess uni
form, nnd accompanied by the Recep
tion Committee, will go by uulomeblle
le Itread street nml cast en Chestnut
street te Independence Hnll te view the
Libcrtj Hell and tour the buildings In
the Indeneiidonee Hall group.
Frem there the party will return te
Itread stuet and te the Academy of
Music, where Clemenceau will speak
promptly at 11 o'clock en "The Case of
France. ' Senater Pepper will preside.
Clemenceau will leave Philadelphia
after the address and will make no
ether public appearance in this city.
On the stage at the Academy will be
100 leading citizens representative of
the civic, elliclul and industrial life of
the city, lnviled guests of the Phila
delphia Forum. Among them will be
representatives of the Allied nations.
Six amplifiers .-.-111 be fitted up en the
stnge. They will he fed by four micro
phones. As a rule only one mjerophene
is used, being placed directly in trenf
of the sneaker. Four will be used be
cause of Clemenceau's habit of pacing
un and down the stage. J ney win De
spaced in such a way that no matter
where he stands his video will be caught
up nnd thrown te the audience.
Itinerary of "Tiger"
in City Tomorrow
1 :20 A. M. Leaves Washington.
5:05 A.M. Arrives Brend Street
HUtlen nnd remains
in prlvftte car.
0:15 A. L Greeted by Majer,
Governer Hpreul and
committee in private
rnr en siding in
10:00 A. M. Trip te Independence
Hall. Return te Acad
emy of Music.
11 :00 A. M ilnkcs address nt
Philadelphia Forum,
In Academy.
3:20 P. M. Leaves Philadelphia
for Cressen, Pa.t
where he wilt spend
Fifth Formal Speech of Tour
Will Clese Visit te
n Asiectnltt Pres
Washington, Dec, 8. Geerges Clem
enceau, wartime Premier of France,
will conclude his visit te Washington
today with the fifth "formal" address
of his Amerlenn (our.
He already hns spoken twice here
nt the War College before officers who
commanded troops overseas, nnd before
the Southern Society, but he regards
the nddress te be delivered this after
neon before the International Lyceum
urirvTAr i at.v'
III Hill III Mill illil I"
HrflK I r Al IIUIA
i ILfil m I Ul iU 1 1 HUH
City Undermined by Flami8
27 Blocks Burned Dam
age $15,000,000
i' nun .uuium'ii" . .!. .."- ,: .,
10!W Chestnut street, while the car was , DyeU. the new; ; De .nwnre If,,,, " .''In some cases even these who had
parked at 1 erty seventh street , and, te id h of l.U feet w1,c . been saloonkeepers and bartenders have
Halt mere avenue. , Richmond street. At I'jeu supt i u t,,,i ,,u ,nnlt f i.nweefnl
past side of the new ueinwaru nvenue ,;","ii'"""": " " ."
f",in.J' .;..... ..( .i... i.iii,.,i iiii of . political backing. In some instances
the Delaware River.
Reach street, a liftj-foet thorough
fare, running parallel with the Dela
Today Fashion Shew for Char
ity May Settle Deep Sar
torial Problem
the results have been deplorable. The
nurnese of the Sterling bill is le threw
the mantle of protection around the
are River." has net been eliminated ' honest agents and see te it that their
from Marlborough street up te Dy.ut , jnen. are - J- -.
sireec. . , ... .. ,... ,i... c, i!.,.. i. in !,..,.,,, .. .,
The List previous awards were m ' u u.c - nn , i J, .
1910 when Delaware uvenue was law it will make It possible for Stat
widened from Fairmount avenue te I directors nnd prohibition eommissleneis
Laurel street. The lower section of ! te protect themselves against he
that stretch is 1.10 feet wide and the schemes of crooked politicians nnd the
upper 1-10 feet wide. The awards then old liquor crowd.
I ......ia.i siftit.nnn.
I In HUH, S'JjH.OOO wns paid in dnm
age claims as a result of the widening
of Delawnre avenue from Christian te
Higler streets.
A fashion show which premises te be
one of the most brilliant of the season
will open this afternoon in the Rese
fiarden of the Rellevuo-Stratferd.
It Is for the benefit of the Northern
Heme for Friendless Children, Twenty
third nnd Rrewn streets, nnd will last
for two days.
A very important question will be
settled, one w Inch has been the subject i
of much controversy nmeng medistes, '
and that Is the correct length for the I
Bernard I. Comroe Leader
Scholarship and Excels
in Athletics
Backers Financiers and Busi
ness Men Who See Big Pos
sibilities, He Asserts
Ninety-Year-Old Mether and
Daughter Almest Overcome
in Oak Lane Fire
Acting Mayer Tells Mayer-Elect
King He Indorses City Gov
ernment Proposal
Acting Mayer Frank S. Van Ilnrt,
of Cnmdcn, in n letter te Inyer-Elect
Ictor King, tedny emplintlcnlly in
dorsed the Intter's proposal thnt Cnm
dcn have a commission form of gor ger
crnment, te avoid the consequences of
the Pntersen net of RIO", just un
earthed. Under that old net, which until the
present hns been overlooked, Camden,
when its population reaches 110,000,
must glv the police and lire depart
ments into the charge of a beard, and
public works Inte the charge of un
A ninety-year-old woman nnd her
daughter were rescued by llremcn last
night in the home of her son-in-law,
Geerge W. Walker, 00.1," North Elev
enth street, OakLnne.
The iire started in the cellar nnd Is
supposed te have been due te nn over
heated furnace. A passerby noticing
smoke ran te the fireheusc of Truck 17.
Hy the time the firemen arrived the
flames had worked their way te the first
Mrs. Anna K. Vincent, the rescued
woman .and her daughter Laura were
in bed en the second tloer unaware of
the re until smoke filled their room.
They ran te the winde wand shouted
for aid. The llnmes by thnt time filled
the second-fleer steps.
Acting Lieutenant Vile, Herman
Mnrlin, leadere Cehen, Jeseph Gray
and Frank Hutlcr, of Chemical Ne. 8
nnd Truck Ne. 17. ran up the burning
stairs, fought their wny through the
dense smoke nnd reached the two wom
en. They were wrapped in blankets
unit carried te the street.
After she had recovered from the
shock, Mrs. Vincent disceereil thnt her
pet cnt was still in the house. She
told Lieutenant Stretch, of Chemical
Ne. 8. He ran into the house nnu
found the cnt overcome by smoke. He
picked the nnlmiil up and returned te
Mrs. Vincent, who seemed mere grate
ful ecr Uic rescue of the cat than her
self. An old grandfather's clock, n gift te
the aged woman from Mr. Walker, who
is a member of thine Walker and Stein
Worsted Manufacturing Company, was
destroyed. It was valued at .'5700.
The fire was no out after a fight
which lasted two h s. The damage is
estlmnted nt Sl.V
fill A amftrtnttiA ni.
Tltf AmUnctntrA 1-. '"
Asteria. Ore., Dec. 8. The huslntia
district of Asteria was laid In hiIm
by n fire which broke out shortly aft,,
1TA. M... nnd despite efforts of theletil
llre department find re-enfercementi
from Portland, had Bvcpt twenty. sefn
diecks tins morning, causing a h.
estlmnted nt Slfi.Orifl.OOn 0M
One life wns lest in the fire, accord
ing te reports. Nerrls Stnnlea ..:
mobile denier nnd president of tv'fl
iiisviiu ajuiiiv fl uiiiuitarre. r mhuj
denu. Twe ether business mnn Kr1
.... . .. wtm mlssltif? mwl lieltntrn,! ,1nn.i l
and Chniitntiqun Associntien ns the most ... ncCeuntcd for ?
important Of his Washington nppenr-
fnvilnliens te ntleml have been ex
tended te Government officials, leaders
of Congress nnd te members of the
Diplomatic Cerps.
Clemenceau planned te spend most of
the day vin seclusion, marshaling his
facts nnd milking lust-ininute prepara
tions for presenting them. There wns
n possibility, however, thnt he might
make a brief sight-seeing tour.
After the nddress he planned te re
turn te the home of Henry White, his
Washington host, for n brief rest be
fore going te his private enr for the
trip te Philadelphia, his next step. He
will leave Philadelphia at 3 :2S P. M.,
Saturday, arriving about midnight nt
Cressen, Pn., where he will spend Sun
day, leaving nt 0 P. M,, Sunday, ar
riving In Chicago tit 0 A, M., Monday,
for an nddress scheduled for 11 o'clock.
He will leave Chicago nt fl :30 P. M.
the same day, arriving iiuNew Yerk
at 5:28 P. M.. Tuesday. He will nd
dress the Society for Devastated France
Tuesday evening, and then go te the
steamer Paris and sail ter home at
neon Wednesday.
Berlin. Dec. 8. (Ry A. P.) The
Vessische Zeltung. commenting upon
former Premier Clemencenti's visit nt
the home of Woodrew Wilsen, snys it
is really surprising that Mr. Wilsen
should wish te conserve his friendship
with Clemenceau, "since Clemenceau it
was who cheated him out of thirteen
and enc-hnlf of his fourteen points."
Deaths of a Day
ether beard. That sjstem is new In , Funeral of Noted Botanist's De
force In Paterson, N, .1. . . . ,, , .
Camden has passed the 110,000 1 acendant te Be Held Tomorrow
mark, ami the law must be put into Funernl services will be held nt 3
effect, unless the Legislature can be 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for Mar-
persuaded te amend It, permitting a garct Hewell Ilnrtiam, who died yes
Iiyren Hancock,
Keystone Transit
attorney for the
Company, which
,... ... ... . ...MBBM. IV
bridal skirt. America says it is short, , FOREIGN STUDENTS Witt I I wniits te bid agnlnst Tbemns K. Mitten
Paris declares it te be long, but Mrs. i for the right te operate moterbusses
r YvNiinr,i -r, nu the t,ri,i win n Itread street nnd Roosevelt boule beule
L Mllnrd Moere, as the bride, will ,. , . ,,. mn,k. Vnrk. i .i.i n,i,- i,t tt.n., hm .f tli
! Ul" lillUM1 ul w,-v- - Hilti. -.un, .nn. nnn .,...-. ........ - -
settle the question, nnd net even a
whisper of what the answer will be hns
been heard. Her attendants will con
sist of five bridesmaids and n flower
Anether extremely Interesting feature
will be it display of frocks nnmed In ac
cordance with the generation which
wears, them. The much -flayed younger
Pa., claims the honor of having tne i nidepenaeni company weuiu nine no
1I1U1KJJ IV , (,1 ,J
commission form of government. That
is the proposal of Mr. King, a Dem
ocrat, and he is heartily backed up by
Acting .Mayer Vnn Hurt, a Republican.
In Ills letter Van Hart said :
"I have your kind letter of yes
terday, and am in heurty accord with
your suggestion regarding a commit-
tcrdey nt the home of her sister, Mis.
I-;. A. Lnvens, lllll xpruce street.
She wns born In the Hnrtrnm Man
sion, In Itartrnm Gardens, Slxty-feurtn
street and the Schuylkill River, und
her great-grandfather was Jehn Rnr
trnm, the botanist. She was the daugh
ter of the late Jehn V. nml William
Neighbor Saw Men in Aute
Step Near Property Just Be
fore Flames Shet Out
slnn form of government for Cnmden. i na Uurtrnm. Resides Mrs. Luvcns,
reiingct student in the Fnivcrblty of r"uble about getting money
PraSunia He is Bernard I. e their pi opesed enterprise.
KZ, .L i .la u..., rv.Vn street. Yerk. The new company prope
who was sixteen jears obi October ".' the city ,r. per cent of the gross enrn-
Philadelphln's youngest" entry Is Wil- liigi with a .ninimum annual and guar-
llnm Fritz Kenncdv. 2000 Pemberton anteed payment of $10,000 en n bnslc
""Sun. Kenned was sixteen last .luly. fare of r-i;ht H.ts. These , busses
Hecnuse of his success in varied ac- would enrry twenty persons while Air.
.it.i. I. .nn....n. In h,u ,iim. irnn'u r ntin f Mi.PKPrs WOU1I1 L'UIl.Y
generation wi appear in "I rlvelite i - V0 pre.llgv He ranked at the about twice thnt number.
"Men llaisir" ami nndinage he n ' B, i,-0 ,.. , , "Where is the eflice of the Keystone
elder if net mere seph Ntlrate.1 g Ir Is, ' ?'h,0'Sn0fl tl1P ver'u High Scheel, company?" Mr. Hancock was asked.
-sL "''"Velumue'use1' and 'i'lee , "ut In' acnPements were by means '.Well' be replied, "yeir might say
Slrene, eluptueuse une ine- , u,,ilH.. As nmimi-er tbnt ,nr effl. e here n the Ilnlley Rulbl-
Let us forget nartlsausliin and nut our
city's business interests as a first con
sideration. "Our primary concern, ns is se
clearly set forth in your letter te me,
Is te bee that 'the progress of our city
will net be retarded by the lack of u
practical, working s.wciu of govern- '
"I agree with jeu thnt we should , ...... . ,., .. -...,. ,m..
'make as few changes as possible in our Wlfe of C,v" Wap General 'Dies.
present municlpnl establishment, pend- Formerly Prominent In Society
lng the final solution of the difficulty.' i Mrs LeuUa Gerhard Hucy, widow of
j ,.u ,.',. ..w, ,, nuuic vk 41, full
she Is survived by two ether sisters.
Mrs. Geerge Schafer, of Orcrbroek,
and Mrs. Oscar West, 4220 Chester
The services will be conducted at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Lavens.
the I'atersen pinn.
"Pending the adoption of a commis
sion form of government, I think your
hands, ns the new Mayer, should he
untlel ns speedily ns possible.
"As a rule, i no net laver nppenls
Ucnerul Pcnneck Iluey and for years
prominent in social circles of this city,
died Wednesduy night at the age of
seventy -three yenrs at the Gladstone
Apartments, Eleventh and Pine streets.
Mrs. Huey. who had been 111 two
I weeks prier te her death, was born in
Reme Stunting Medels
of the high school football team In his i,,g was the eflice. The backers of this
nler rear, iib n member of the hxeen- tning are net exploiting iimce-. ...?
Mrs. ndwtird A. Renktnvfr. chair- , , c , t f th Athletlc Awocle- are practical nnd linanclnl men nnd
man of the Fashion Shew ""lmitte ,en v(l,.emj nQselimn en one of the mean business; net child's piny."
has chosen the Slrene nv.tl. It is s,,lneib ijnscball teams, ns president of "Is theie real money buck of the
Ulimo-reioreil II ri,t-,. n .i.ip iiu .... , ...j rM..I. .1 H.n lrh,i ltl.hn11n(.
flure set out te clean up the district, n high neck In the front but , t te c ( Soclety nnd iisjisslstnnt nnnngcr of the
lu most of the places they found the I wnlst in the Imek. I he sim-r is drape, Thp TnttiPr" f;erar0P unH
pioprleter blandlj uwniting their or- and embroidered with srlntiihting steel . f t, m0ht m.tlVP i11h
iivnl at tie deer. .Small (luantttles of
honor were found In four niaevs. It is
charged that several days age nil the
places raided were wide open. Mr. Mo Me
('lure said a rigid investigation would
be In gun ut once.
Seien gallons of liquor nnd three
b.iinls of wine wete seized in the home
of Abraham Levin, hD3 Seuth Ran
ihiltih street, while eight gallons of
Inpier nn-l wine were ieunu in tne ( draped and a long trail i.ni.s grace grace
Mere of Samuel Goldstein, "'M Seuth fully en the tloer. while hiind-tinted
Fourth street. Oue quart of whisky Dewers at the waist serve us the touch
was found in the store of Mary Velot- uunrenie. A headdress of orchids and
ide with fJl( jttin CIul) nn,j the Alpha Debating new company?" wns another question
"AliMiluteiv, replied .ur, nuii".i
ns "As mum as neeneu.
Is "Mnvn the iiiinies of all of these back
heads. Heiediade will he ern hy n,-.i,in hin mimv ether nccmnnlish- of the new company been published.'
Mrs Julia Iluber It Is fashioned e romree Is n proficient pianist nnd the attorney was asked.
orchid nnd geld brocade and trimmed J" dimmer. He also pun a geed "Well, ou might say that the men
with ostrich. Knm of tenn. fTpen his graduation whose names have been given u re the
in. ,i,ti ... ... ....... .... ..-... ........
into evening clenus nie se lovely te
leek upon (bat little or no trltr.n mg is
PPPj.iary. nod a bit of nstridi or a
brilliant' buckle is nheut the extent of
the trimming Used 'llernduule Is
iki, 007 Seuth Second street.
l'reilcrlrlc Knull. 41Ti N. Siilferd t.. nnd
Agnes A Ieiff(-l. 'J I 111 N M.ir.hnll ft.
JoKeph Harr luiie S 1th t , nnrl Rthr
linrTmi.,, C.'J'l Piir'tr ht
I'.mjnmln WVIhIiiki r lli.lil N Hollj-w-eol t
sold leaves forms a wreath te nestle in
the soft vaveH of the hair, nnd there Is
an orchid and geld fan te sway lan
guidly bni'k and forth.
Theie Is a "li'ame en Xelr" gown of
elieny black chartiieuse, a scarlet satin
girdle standing out i" vivid relief. Real
a -V--..1. TTIU antinnl Un ,pne nwi, rrl.,1 Innn l.npt fif till, rtimDIlDV. Ul COUTHe
all the arailnble prizes, including the nil of the'c whose nnraes have been
'old medal for proficiency In science given are net se well fixed Ilnnnclnlly.
nnd mathematics, and the alumni geld Rut there will be no difficulty about
prize for efficiency in languages. getting money ; that part is easy.
He is enrolled In the college depart- These men intend te give better service
of the Cnlverslty and expects te finish ! than Mr. Mitten cpnld give. And ns
th course In three years se that he for out linanclnl stability, you must re
will be nble te enter Medical Scheel nt member that we would hav P"d the
the nge of eighteen. Ills father is n I examination of the Public Service Cem-
pnys.ciun ... i... Mr. Hancock intimated that ethers
Mere than 200 foreign students of I weie interested n tne nv ,- ,,-
In Out Sstntn T.eflslntiirn Imt T tltlnts
" ":""."?: ........ vhiiadelpuia. ane was tne uaugnter or
we must very quekly procure the Dr. William Weed Gerhard,
amendment of the Pnteren net. I am "r, y IIuc, is survived hy a sister,
sure the Legislature will work speedily M. Jehn Mnrrls; a nephew, .dime.
If I ns the outgoing Mayer, and you, Harris, and a .niece, Miss Anne Uer-
as the incoming Majer, both innke this t.JI '
"Our city, can then funcitlen nor
mally under your administration,
"Since, as you soy, it will take three
months te put the new form of govern
ment in operation, I feel that our lirst
concern, as been as the Legislature con
venes, should be te get out from under
the Pntersen Act.
"In the meantime, let us sit down
together as business men, putting aside
Geerge D'Autrechy
Funeral services will he held Monday
nfternoen for Geerge D'Autrechy, for
mer member of Select Council, serving
for twenty-flve years from the Seven
teenth Ward, who died Wednesday at
his home, 1524 North Lawrence street.
Mr. D Autrechy was seventy years
old nnd his career in politics extended
iiNien " ... -"- -- ' . . . .
party considerations, nnd let us work vcr a ieriy-in- i..u... u
harmoniously, te put our Ity in the I a member of the lire . deiwrt meiit and
front rank of all progressives nnd Up-I"ervea nB u K,BI "' i, i?, .,
te-dute municipalities." ' (for many years, and Uer with he
.-' . Recorder et Deeds. He wus a member
'of the Masens, Llks and Uild fellows.
He IS SUrVlVeu UJ- mn wiuhw, .uu, jiuiu
til tTntversitv nttende! n dinner last
nlcht in honor of the FerPlgu Student
Renrd of the Y. M. C. A. In Housten
"Vna " i-iru HoiyHen. iur.1 .NPt t. ' Spa ,ish Inc.. is draped te form the' Hnll. Dr. Char es Hurrey. one of the
Wu'WrW. UT.WJ"1 slaves, eveisklrt and a tram The j ''''rinlcrnatlen'al secr fin-eMhe
ntfferd u. Kech .'..1(17 iiM i.fin.i-y t . ami bluck mU hi fllpipiN iire Kin n BiiucyhverU entl intornnueniu purpinn of tne
I.llllan V it t lH'is i: Cu uinhu ae
Kii-kar N"eshin L'lOO N Hnvir'1 st , nni
Mary O Human, an21 Seuth nt.
Jehn II ti.lniere 'Jl'i l.urtlew nt., end
Amy l.ainar. i'J.'l s. 4;M nt
NullMn T Vellln i'O'J'J H Slh at anil Killth
Kelfkv. 114 (larrnlt -)turnen'l
I'. I.anahan. .'I.' 12 N Tol.iraile nt .
ii ml Mary It. Ncilnllin 111 III N 11th nt
Scilnmun Arensun. Sill N imh t . und Mary
Klein. U'.'i31 S 7lh M
Jtnlwri Iiwtlier. llS S. '.'21 st . anil AV1I.
hclmlnn Cuimltmhani. OulllnKil.ile. I'a
Hamuil M OKtr..fHlty. 121 HulnlirMKe Ht.,
mil l'atinl (loredltzor, Mill Market at
( liirlrii 1' IIck.iii. s:il 1 Heiwnun St.. anil
Kintna Hull, 'Jl'l.i Terente 8t
Jehn T Iliiuan. i'Sle S HI' Us r ami
I.eretla It. Mclinnnlil .''131 .Mirtlln Bt
,-truy Kuher. .'Ilia l.u'llew st . and .Muriel
William. 11113 l.udlen- nt ...
Juhn It. Walsh let Nertlieaft llnulcvard
nnd Adla ! renynulmm. 3712 N. tilth t
Wllbnrt Tester, lift It llarnelt at . und Smihle
Iludeluh. Ml 7 W. Oak-dale t
Jehn Wtiedward. 1138 H. blh st and Jfelen
Smith. ll'iH si utti st.
Edward V. JlcCJullhin. 12.1 N Franklin -..
and Catlierlnn KaBan, 12.1 N rranklln at.
Jllfrrd II. Carter, 7737 Jlartmm t and
Ktliel I JleJeler, S20II Tlnleum ai.
Charlea A. Halbach. 1013 Hue.uhatinn ave,
and I.ydla i:. Halbach. 1012 Ilutler at
Pavld Khrllch. 1H3 W Oakdale m.. and
llathel II. Abel, 1H8 W. Clakdalu at.
met B. Hutu. 1312 Colerado at , and
Mary V dreen, 1210 Colerado U
Frank Oarrabrant, 0018 Chew at. and Mary
VIOeaclnl, ei10 Chew it.
touch by red satin heels.
Siilrt lengths Varj'
Theie is no definite skirt length;
some are short, ethers hwish about
silken, slender ankb-, while ethers hide
daintily slippered feet and still ethers
trail nleng the ground.
Mrs. Geerge W. Frqtihnrt is chair
man of the nlfalr and iH nssli-tcd br Mr.
II. K. Perry, treasurer! Mrs. M. Y.
Smith. Mrs. William It. Nichelson. Jr.,
Mrs. F.dward M. Mull and Mrs. Ralph
L. Murray.
The carnival will open nt 2 o'clock
with u card purtj, which will be fol
lowed bv the opening of the fashion
show at !l o'clock Supper will be served
from (I te 7,!t0 oYleik ami there will he
a cnbnret show with n star act, n mlu
strel skit presented by twelve, bejs from
the home. Other Interesting features
will be n "Sweet Sheppe," a but box,
fortune teller, a myriad of novelties and
a silhouette booth,
4 - -
plenty of them adverlleed In tVe Help
Wanted celumni today en pacee 49 and l,
v t fl A., was the nrlnclnnl sneaker
Dr. Iiurrey is president of the heard
which Is engaged In milking a survey
of the foreign student work nt the
University. Other members of the heard
new in the city are: Elmer Y. Yeltnri.
executive secretary In New Yerk ; Dr. i
Y. Y. Tsu, the t hlnese flecretnrj j H.
Knshuawngi, the Jupnncse secretary;
Alexis Wlren. n former eflirer lu the
Russian Cessncks; l'aul Shnw, the
Lntln-Amerlcan secretary, and R. Ruiz,
the Philippine secretary.
sides the following, who, he mild, , arc
. . lll11intt
te compose the cera,mu. """
Llejd, president of the U. h. P. Meters
Company ; IMwnrd A. Iee, president of
the Lee Paper Rex Company ; Hurt
'I', uin liiinrnnpi, lirnker. ailll II. M.
Lee, president of the Duplex .Meters
Cempnns .
Remee Franceachettl Dined en Oc-
caslen of Joining Unlveralty
A dinner was tendered Inst night in
fiarrick Hnll. I07 Seuth Klghth street,
In hnnnr nf Tip. Itnmee I' ninccschettl,
'7-H rit.wnter street, en the occnslen
the faculty or leu.pic
Ar t.t.. tti
ii ins jumiii; inr .M...-.- -- -..-..-
Smdiomeres nd Juniors of the , " re rs Uy - "XffirWte." M
thTr 0,nnmml smock fig. t j "terl v e il"i" rhrM l"'7l,lr'"1 fr,,,,,,,s '"'""
tnclj- nnnuni smech iignt jisterdaj en , p . F Hnmmend, Denn of Temple
account of thy niln. The sophomores UnivWsliy 7 F ugene Aents of the
were te have fought the elder class for i r,"1? V . ', , , .Liiniirienl de.
i, nrlvlleie of wcnrliiir smocks In Pathological and Rncterlolegicul tie
1 Pu JJ "canni, suieiks in ,,, . n n AiPHsnndrenl', nssis-
C1I,HB0B tanr Dlwtrlet Atterney: ,1. S. Pnrri,
The Expert Husband
"A n.nn is a feel If he bClleves every
tlitnir bis wife tells him."
I. "Ys, but he's n bigger feel if h-
deeun t preienti turn ne nees, liosten
and Dr. Francesco Cublceiet til were
Dr. Frnnceschctti, who is twenty-six
yenn old. is n graduate of the Culver'
rity of Naples. During the war, he
wrved in the Italian Arm with the
rank of captain.
Lieut. Cem. Vincent Made Notable
Recerd During Late War
The Heard of Commissioners of Navi
gation yesterday announced the appoint
ment et J.icuiennut uuinmnmier R. W.
Vincent, V. S. N., by the Navy De
partment te be commanding officer nnd
superintendent of the Pennsylvania
State Nuullcal Scheel schoelshlp An
napolis. Lieutenant Commander Vin
cent will succeed Lieutenant R. W.
Dempwolf. U. H, C. G.. who has been
tlctached from the school ns of .hminir.
j, ivi, ny tue cuiiiiuiimiant et the
Ceas.t Guard because of the ending of
U1B lour 111 BVH UUlJf.
Lieutenant Commander Vincent war
horn in Franklin. Pi., nnd graduated
fiem the I'nitcd States Naval Acndemj
.lenuary, 1890. IIe served us executive
officer and navigator of the IT, n. s.
Helena nnd the cruiser Ruffalo, ns gun
nery officer of the cruisers Colerado and
California, navigating efllcer of the bat
tleshlp Seuth Carolina and executive
officer of the battleship Illinois. During
the wnr he commanded the then TJ. H. 8.
Mexican, engeged in transport duty be
tween this city nnd trance and after after
eord ns commanding efllcer of the U. S.
si Vitre nn nmmunltlen carrier.
The commissioners also announced the
reappointment of Lieutenant Com Cem
jnander .Tunics A. Campbell, jr., n. 8.
N ns executive elllrcr of the Annapo
lis. Llciitenunt Commander Campbell
was graduated from the Filed Htutcs
Naval Academy In Mny, 1002.
IV aiitraeriv. nnd two sons, Jehn nnd
Geerge, Jr. The services will he ut his
home and he will be burled in North North
weed Cemetery.
Harry Street
Harry Street, an optician for mnny
vears with the Fex Optical Company,
of this city, died early this morning at
his home in Nurbcrth. Services will
he held Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock,
It hU Theme, with interment in Wcsl
Laurel Hill Cemetery. He' Is survived
by two sisters.
C. Larue Munson
lunilamsnert. Pa,. Dec, 8. A cnble-
.. nnnnunclni the death of C. Larue
MunBen, of this city, in the Rockefeller
Hospital, at Peking, China, was re
ceived here this morning by his son,
F.dgar Munson, Mr. Munson wns one
of the eldest members of the Lycoming
County bar. With his wlfe nnd a
narty of friends he left here about two
months age en a tour pf Europe. A
message announcing he had been
stlcken with bronchial pneumenln was
received here Tuesday. Mr. Munson
was sixty-eight years of uge.
Ralph G, Meser
iunvn. Dee. 8, Ralnh G Mm..
sixty yenrs old, one of the erganizera
of the American 1'cdcrutien of Laber,
died yesterday. He was for many year.,
editor of the Denver Laber Riilletin.
bb -reii roeKiNfi ren iTiaF? pKr.
hapa the f Pyraen you want 8 ndver
llnlnrt undfr Sltuatlene nn paee i, .tfr.
Dr. J. Blair Spencer, Assistant Di
rector of Public Welfare, believes he
has obtained a clue te the firebugs who
set fire te his barn nt Malvern yester
day morning.
The destruction of the n'rn, causing
ii less of nearly $22,000, was the latest
of n series of born burnings which are
terrorizing Chester, Delaware and Mont
gomery Counties.
"I have been told by n neighbor,"
sold Dr. Spencer today, "that he hap
pened te be up early yesterday and
heard a motorcar approaching en the
Swedesford rend.
z"The niltomeblle hnltcd and ene mnn
get out en the running benrd and
loeKeti in tne direction of my property.
The men waited there for a minute nnd
then stnrted toward Pheenlxvllle.
Shortly nfterwnrd my neighbor saw the
Humes bursting from the barn."
Mrs. Silencer has n lienvv rnl,l nml
is bruised today ns n result of running
toward the servants' quarters yesterday
te warn mem ei tne lire.
Children's Christmas Cheer Associa
tion Asks Contributions
The Children's Christians Cheer As
sociation Is planning for n wonderful
Christmas for the peer kiddles of Dela
ware County, who have some difficulty
In believing there is a Santa Claus.
The Cheer Association was organ' led
fifteen years age by a group nnxleus
te cheer the hearts of these who might
otherwise be sod at Christmas time
The first year the organization pre
sented goodies te about 100 children.
Last yenr fully 2000 youngsters weie
innde glad by the workers. This year
it Is expected that even a greater
number of boys and girls will be
The geed work of the Cheer Asso
ciation is possible only with the flinn
clal nld of persons who are inter stcd
enough In the work te contribute fln
nncinl ad. A request is being made
nt this time by the organization, the
president of which Is David J. i,nu-
uuiuci, nn juiurews uvenue, Col Cel
Mngdnle, for donations from neison neisen neison
whe are anxious te aid in cheer ng the
less fortunate kiddles. Contributions
CellMle?0"1 t0 Ml" Mar,ha PbaM'
later accounted for,
The flames spread under the pave
ment en Cemmcrclnl street, burning ..-
piling en which the1 cltv had been built '
nd firemen were unable te cone with'
this development. J
Patients were removed from u"
Mary's Hospital, nil the windows r.f-1
wnicn were Shattered hy explosions of
dynnmlte or gnseline tanks.
, Firemen, aided by forces from tin
Portland department, dynamited build,
ings In an effort te check the flames
The jbiiildiugs destroyed Included tlj
lending hotel, the principal Bteres and
all the banks. ,,
Asteria was founded by the ertiiati
Jehn Jacob Aster in 1811, und nanwj
after him.
Much of its business district vni,
built en piles ever the water and the
tide sweeps in under banks, schoelL
churches nnd office buildings, nil of
which had stnlrwuys lending te beat
landings. This district was turned into
a smoldering mass of ruins by tedty'i
fire. ,;
Aster s ambition was te form a ship'.'
ping line thnt should take furs straight
from Asteria te Chinn, then bring tew
and silks te New Yerk nnd then tiki
a general cargo back te Asteria.
But the war of 1812 sneiled nil that,
and Aster said te the day of Ii is death iBi
"If my plans had gene through I would 1
nave been richer than any man in Ut
world's history. ,
During the v war Asteria was stlitd
by the British.
Eleven years age the city held a great
centennial exposition. Asteria Is the
cnpltal of Clatsop county nnd is lit
uatcd en the Columbia River about nine
miles from the ocean. It has exten
sive snlmen canneries nnd is n shipping
point for grain, lumber and flour. -
Asteria had a population of U,tibi
at the 1020 census.' 't
War Department Paya Tribute tt
Bravery of Richard Harrington j
Richard Harrington, of 2728 Vftti
Dauphin street, has received neticf
that his son, Alcxnndcr Hnrrlngtea,
killed en September 30, 1018, at Ment
Blainville, France, In the Argonne sect
ter, had been awarded the Distinguished
Service Cress by the Wnr Department:
Harrington Joined Cemnanv R. Pint
Regiment, Pennsylvania National
Guard, In 1014. served with the AmeiJ
can forces in Mexico in 1010 and en
listed ns n corporal when the L'nitel
States entered the war. He rose 15
the rank of sergeant nntft2-the41tn
of his death was a lieutenant. A1
though net yet twenty-one years old,
he had taken part in all of the fin
major engagements participated in bji
the American forces.
The citation rends: "Sergennt lht'
ringten. though wounded and about t
be carried te the rear, seeing two com
rades who were apparently mere sent
eusly Injured thnn himself, ordered the
litter benrers te enrrv the ether men
first. Before they returned Senennt
Harrington wns killed hy a iiiucntiir-aV
1 It.. Til.. 1 . .... ..tl!n.... n.Jl1
Ktin uiuiei. 111s urutcrj, wit'iiiitca nira
qualities of leadership were an inspira
tion te the members of his command.'
His father wns previously netllkM
that he had been awarded the divisional
citation, n silver star.
Figures Almest Doubled Over Esti
mates of 1918, Dr. Broeme Sayi
Members of the Property Committee
of the Beard of Education expressed
concern yesterday ever the lncreaslni
cost of buildings and rcpalru.
The comment nrose in connection
with opening bids for n new Junier
high school nt Fnst Wnshingten lane
nnd Musgrnve street. The lowest bid
amounted te .?001'fV47.
Superintendent Broeino pointed out
thnt these estimates exceed by $138.
018 the cost of the new Roxberougli
plnnt, modeled en precisely the same
plan; while buildings of similar de
sign were erected shortly ufter the
iirrr.istice for $500,000.
Cherbourg, Dec. 8. The iewelrv
which Miss Adelc Kneelnnd, of New
J erk thought she had lest en beard
he steamship Majestic esterdnv has
been found and tin, iioftce iive'bSS
requested te abandon their search for
the supposed thief. .i ier
After the alarm wns sent out Miss
Kneelnnd recalled having placed the
jeweles in charge of a friend en beard
. .v.. ,.!; ,; .JUW(J fra,,CRi
W'Ai,L,An:. n. v 1052. i.AUnA. wi
of Clarenre S, Wallace, ueed 35. Helaliwe
and frlendi Invited te funeral servlcea, sai,
a I'. Jt . late realdence. Whltlaker St.. Hlier.
side, N, j. int. private, rrleiid may cll
Irlduv eienlnir. ..i,
ANDERSON, need 7(1. Iuneral, MrvljW.
Sat., Dee. 0, nt 2:16 V. M.. nt th parlor!
nf .TnRr.nl, ir Ainr.i t. rmi c"'i Market SI.
Camden, N. J. Intorment rernivoed Ceme
urv, Phlludelphlu. I'a. . ,
. ICAIIUNS At Hlverten, N. J.. Dff. 'l
1922. KI.IZA11UT11 (nee aeldenl. . wife of
Tlnlrlf.tr ln.... .., IIU ,..!., tll.'PM allll
I.I...I. . . l.-.a ... -...., f...i.irnt MOH
...ruuci uir. luvili'il III nitlliu imh'.-" ",.
day. llluh requiem maee, 11:30 A, '
liiurch of the Sncreil Heart. Illit-rten. J.. f.
rilenda may call Sunday eenlnu. '''.",.
mie reniaence, neg ijinnaminMjn m,, "i:
ten. Trains leave Market street tftrf. 1 "
and 8:5. Interment Mt. Carmel Cemetenr,
Mnoremewn, N. J. m,,r.,
STUUirr Dec. 7. 1022, HAUIir STni.ET.
Itilatlies und frlendK. also fllnird Ae'""'
hly. Ne. 8. A. O. M. r.. an. Imltfl te attend
flinnml iwir.luu i.t IHu Intn reildenCe, JL'V
Mnpls ave., Narberth. I'n., Monday, i V. M
precise! r. Interment nrlvate. -..,,,h
, .CLOUD. At Newark. N J.i.Twf1''1
Menth. Slxth-day. 1U22, AI.lU HT1.MJ
MAniR, beloved wife et fli-erge ljn
. ?a .iP-'i 'aeit...Y?!in v.i 0l ,; s.r,' u ;:
Hqiilyn. Pa.. -Sunday, Twelfth Menth. Tentn-
imv ii t i nriOPK.
IVi N. 1DTII ST. 12 rooms. 2 bnthii i J0
K. IiehlKh ave., roems: 20 IH Wavsrly
st ; 2017 Addison at. Land Tltle & TriHt
Ce.. Wulter O. Ileers.
Jeweled Bar Pins ,
for Christmas Gifts
J ECaldwell & Get
fM f
.,, .Htyf-wV i.