Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1922, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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    iir'SP'fc'. iftf'ti'!
.ft I
American College Girls Are as Smart
in Appearance as They Are in Studies
aafe2 ,.
MET three American college girls
the ether tiny, nnd, helm; n college
rl myself fwe call It "university").
kih murli intrisiieti
in lump tlipin lalk.
The first thing
thnt finite aston
ished me wns tlie
fad tlmt they were
"werkiiitf their way I
through college!
New tliat Isn't
possible In 1. ii B
limiting lints for the etlipr students.
She was pre ml of It. (An l?llsh girl
would have been Intensely einunrrnsscu
end'have tried te hide lt!
rm... ........... i ,.Ut eil.l niKilfiL'rniilih.
. mended frocks and lingeries and darned
the ether students stocking. , ,
And the third. If 1 remember right,
waited en table and washed illMies.
They were Indies, all et tliem, in w
, best nieniilne of tliat imich-iiuuscu
word. Vital, keen and clever.
I They were pretty, tee, and charm-
,1 iiiBly dresMMl. intiecn i never iirciuimi
And if It were, n I they were college girls at all. jimsjiin'
itirl would InMantlv! by the specimens we have en tin; ether
"lese caste." i side. Our college girls, especially the
though I'm ashamed , ('trtett ones. are. alas! inclined te lie
. te iiuete that snob- .careless in the matter of their personal
bish. li a rm w- j appearance. They consider themselves
Minded phrase. She "blue stocking-," ami that autemati-
i .. .... 1. - .1 .1.. , ....11. !.. .1...!- .. I..I...I ...i.! !,
V vveillll ee iiieumii. 'i-iiu.v mm iie-ii imvh ujuiiu'ii tin, ......
l,i. 1ej .if I iv tin. nf their friends and lellnw-werkers i
MAY CHWSTU' ()JUl. vitudflitH. exempts them from taking the slightest
Here, apparently it merely redounds . interest in their leeks.
te her credit that she has tut the neces. Indred. I have sometimes wondered
snry brains and. grit and ge-aheaded- if it isn't considered an asset, a real
ncss te pay lier own vva.v instead of hull mat k of the highbrow, as it were,
being ii lliiuntiiil burilen en her parents, te leek ugly at an I'nglish university,
or, ns mi alternative, dispensing alto- j I'm- tften heard a pre!t., smartl..
gether with a "hljher education." dressed cirl labeled "frivolous." wliil"
The Amerietin uirl is iit-end. then, of u dowdy frump is held up as the right
standing en her own tv,e feet nnd being
beholden te none.
That's as It sluinld he
A result of this i- that when she
enters college she doesn't '".-Lick." as
Please Tell Me
What te De
hitter te t'untliln's cn'umn must he
U-rllleit en one side of the impcr only,
enrf mint he sinned icllh the writcr'ti
immt n irf ncMrf. Tlie i-'imi fill wet
b) iiiibMWipif 1 (lie terlfir does tiet icisli
(t. I'mitinrd httcri nnd Irlin written
en doth Mn et the imncr u-HI net ti
ntmrrrn. H'rlrr u-tie li'teh Dfrniitnl
eiMti-fn that run te ulven in the column
"III uliiui leek tlitre. an vcrtenal IttHri
are until u-rtltrn iuiiii atiietutrlu nccta-saru.
The American college girl, en the
ether hand, is chie and doesn't seem
te lese her feminine charm in the slight-
est lust because she's -lcer. , She be- .
we te often did, i ra'iiii.iug wildlj at tlm eines even mere at tractive te the men.
Inst desperate moment for eams. and
forgetting cver.vthiiiu utter the event!
She is paying her own teis ter her own
training, and all the weld him t'n
what one pajM for niu elt Diie i-ei-tainl
docs value!
Hence she gets meie .mi !' 1 1 t
than we de
The first gill "worked In i vvnv" nv
I'hnt's becausi' she s net the right per
spective and the wits te gauge the
I-'or brains and higher education
aren't cverj thing in tliis world. Indeed
the) don't go ver.v far in life with
out tile human itiilit of clunm and
tint appeal of femininity whieh is ever;,
woman'- birthrighl.
wis day aid you The Reckless Age
By Ralph Walde Trine
Auther of "In Tune With the liillnltp. '
The Drawing Tower of .Mlnil
There is in eemn etien with though'
law tliat we are new beginning te
understand, that nm b" termed "the
drawing power of mind."' We aie con
tinually attracting te us. from both
the seen and unseen sides of life, in
fluences ami conditions corresponding
with the t)pes of thought v lim-t ha
bitually allow t.. t.ike f rm in mil
minds, ami the! w -i-i-iuvt.il) most
hnbltuall) live with.
"Hirer of a feather tl.u-k together"'
is a very old statement. ISut biids of
feather fleck tegeiher because like ut
trnets like.
rqr one te govern his thinking, then,
he mflflt net only determine his own life,
but fletermine al'ii these that he at
tracts te him. Ids aecumintanee1! and.
eveiituall), his friends mid companions.
The hopeful, i oetid, nt. successful
type of thought net enlv ntlrac'" 'e us
fiuccess, but it also nttiaets te us suc
cessful people, these whose lives are
dominated by the same type or trend
of thought. The) in turn, become of
heln te us. and we te them. se. as we
.Wmi1 'eitir li ii iijinitrd member
tif tin' jomieiT i u'ie think men
inn mmlf fur htr itmuii mrnt. .SVic
i n'JiKjri lurtclf te Charley 'I'yne
vlthuul luriny hin. nnd irhcn he-t-iiijtt'
f her Jiiitntien uith Wnxan
I. ni ii. ii writer. ChnrU'H hrcuKi the
rmrnii ment. Aline turnn her ntten
tium In Leng. Here fe iii'i;h'iii
haiiten'. for Aline Jinili hern If ue
tiniUy In lore trith him, hut the cm
hurdhi had time te rcnh.c mm irci
she diiearm that he hut hi en ;'!(
Imj hir attention iiurrly h'emiie he
ii uiinil In r ur eetiii in i 'ion I he ii
uritliitj mi tin jiu: i'H. Slmrtlii
after (ils. Mi. I'eiter mutt with
jinmieiill niiKK, nnd it hiemnei
in i e.i.,n i) te iell the I.eml I "In ml
Till: house in Nutley turned out V be
exactly ,-is Aline bud Imagined it.
a'theugh it ugliness was somewhat
softened by the furniture they had
brought from the Leng Island house.
Hut the furniture did net llp m" h
for the rooms were sniall nnd box -like
and very conventionally arranged, anu
the house itself, which rented for Si Je
n month, was exnctlv like an) liumbei
of ether houses In the town.
Thcie was one bathroom f"r nil t'"
"Jack" Writes te "La Paige"
Dear Cynthia I've never written te
your wonderful column before, but will
you print this te "La rnlKe"7 Well,
old pal, why tie se mud ut all girls
becailfe you could net trust one? I was
In the same beat nbeut two years ae.
This Is hew Hi was: I met this girl and
llkp nil fiiels fell in love. Time went en'
nnd she steed tne up three tunes. Was
I mad? 1 guess net. r went around
with another girl. N'ew peeple say t
treated the first girl mean as she still i
loves me.
Se. "I.n. l'ulL-e." Mlek: nmvbe VOU'll
find a girl that's true Ueinetnber ill
nice cannot be wen If J oil drop out.
Cvntlil.i, I'd llke te s:i) something
nlieut "Sparrow." Somebody ought te
take that bird In the buck let and put
It out of Its miser). "JACK. '
Family Wants Her te Ge With Him
Pear Cynthl-i I have read many of
your letters and the help eii gave some
of the beyn and glils and I hope you
can help me. 1 kept company with a
)eiiiiK man for one year, but en account
of parents' Interference bud te slop l
loved this fellew: In f.u-t. I leve him
still and can't ' ferttet him. N jvv there
li ,i fellow that has been wanting me
ter some tlmu and I don't cine f r but
my people and the whole lniiillv approve
et him They want me te go around
with him. Se what de jeti think, Cyn- ,
thin. Will 1 begin te love Mm later?,
lvilians veu will learn te taie. but
If veu de net, thtre Is no rent-en wlij
.veu should net be friends with lilni. '
Hitter net keep steady cempany: that's
ulways a mistake, but If )ou learn te
cure. tin. a Decemu engaged te mm 11 no
alto i ares.
Knocker Tries te Justify His Stand,
Dear Cjnlhlu Kindly spare ine a lit
tle of jmr valuable sn.ice, Cynthia.
Thank you. ,
1 I de net regard myself as a sage.
out I tlilnli I can enlighten "sparrow s
knockers en u fuvv points which may
Hit ve iiiuiei iu (ji-.iii-u uiuir p.-iiuin ii-iiw
tee deep ur eliservunt minds. I
Hurl. e! Ve knockers and )euri
leehnei" Knew- ye net that In these
' OllV s ei inutiernny, u nreiiy, nuuy iuiu " 7.. "' " . .. .. 1,1 i... .na
., i..i. llt'le II inner i-Pillv eele.s iinil u" your wcrei, 101 u uieu n.n ..i- i
n ,,- s Villi' u tmn ii coo l-i Ib lit lis"" Hlhle te sign checks with a name net
t, i i, ita ffi L,?e- 1 u Syeur own. In m-iu11iik a manuscript.
nrs nig i "lie t-Tkci her home Tl e I T,W -ur no,n ,1" ",lmi" ,,t"'"ilth' the
'.ilL-ht I it They Btanl e the ivy- tltl0 nlld t,,p" lni'les" X""-'1'"-' name
tilgni is qui. i int) Hi.imi en mi 'V ' .. .iih ...ni. ,,,t,irr.us .limine Hint veu de
lev.reil imu i he wind suns semy ....--- - :-;---:r .
threuch the pines out en the lawn.
And d' n't you think that ft 1 1 ibis
while she li.is l.een eontlnueusly won-eet-ltiK
ii lie would risk fir u uoeil-nicht
..1 .. t.l.l 1... III... 1...H-I 1I.1U ul.A ll-
Kis. ,,, ,., ,,r, . ,,..-, .-..,. ... . ------,..--,--,":..,....,, , ,,
ti.ut.-il him? And It at this niemen- ei siari hum t-iuu mm . i;"" ".
tens niemint she waits and waits in vain you want It te stand tot hen, te
for his whisper, think ye net that she. form a name, use the (.reel; lelteis rer
......i.i i i. i .....i .1,... i,.. i.ri.ti. tlw. Inltl.ilu nf these words veu will
would be teuehtd.' tlml the Clreek alphabet In nnv encyc le-
Yes, 1 think she would feel prtty jiedla and should you need the ene.vi.-le-
ch-.ip She would foil fut'li) and stale. , pedl.i )ou can consult one ut the 1- ree
Tl ere's senn-thing w tutertul In a kls. ' t.iur.iry, iiurieenin nuu i.ei-u.i -i..e,
The blouse
is the thing
this season,
and when you
can knit one
Si? '7aiirk. ' . e - y "v
MtLtimWRfmmL '
unr-Atssz & ' KwimHfmizmrm
imitti' iiiw ii ii ii
ujMifnThaammmiiemmmA it
M'ili i H I !!! i II IP ' ' 0
Tr lrariflani kn nlirrrWImfTriTllPl
m ''nmam&Larj
Ill t. I Hill UA HI
ligfjfflv rri&f3ila?(iKv-A .svjia xvw.... gwgwr
Exit Vfimps!
Kenr net the vivid vamp I
Tin true tlmt men nnd moths rtrc
nttrnctcd by the bright lights. 1"
knew you nlse tlint what n man plnys
with Hint does., he. seen tire et.
, If the verap persists in 1p'"8 l0
vivid, n mint is going te be n let mere
' afraid of her than It is ever necessary
for his wife te be. , . i .
Fer every limn is n cewnrd tit hen"
when It retnes te women., lnvnrlniiiy n
man will fall for the shy Uttle thing
with the Hciired-te-deuth e)es sooner
than the incledrnmntic siren who de
mands ii worm-like attitude. ,
It often happens in life's married
tlrainn that when n wife believes net
husband Is I rt ne with tne s ar "
vL.e ohnrUe '"Jc9 lmve found something much mere
ttVO sneuiif j Mlsfj.ln!. jn tlc chorus.
of wool
with such
csult as this
seems wen
the trouble
f making
the sweater.
The openwork
is used.
Copurteht, 1012, tv rubtle I.tdeer Cemvanv
Telling Which One
Alicia is going te give a card-party,
nnd. being n enrcful person, she has
started looking for prizes nlrend) nnd
Linking some, although the dnte she s
planning en is still some time nwn . Jt
it'u true; thai looking forward te things
is mere than half the fun, then she s
having hers, because she even has t t
smallest bf details all arianged. One
of these is the numbering of hc tables
She's been te se ninny parties wlicrt
the general cry is: . ,,,
"What tnble U this meant te be.
"Where is table four?" that she has
made home little squares of tan car I I
beard each with border of geld paint,
...,.1 fnul-htneU lllllllbcr Of It. &0 110
ene will have a clinnce t.e get con
fused when one of these Is placed en
every table. ,, ,.. , . .,
Incldcntnlly her tallies will mlf te
small signs, only, instead of the l'luinp
iinmber. there will he n slim liU'e. sil
houette en each one.
Peseu Couldn't Quite Understand
Whether Jane Was a Baby or Net
She Had Always Been One, but Then She Grew Inte a LiUHs
Girl and Yet She Had te Be Treated Like a Baby!
Things You'll Leve te Make
The Weman's Exchange
Te "Lendener"
Yeu will have tr. let the publisher In
net dtslre te have this u-i d.
Te "A Sorority Sister"
slve In thought, we also get back iigii'.n. Mumi, and Martha the colored maid.
Vnt f.iK-re our nceeiniillsiiiiipnts de- who consented te come nnd work for
termined by our prevailing types of
thought, hut our influent c upon ethers
1 determined in tin- s.taa ..ay. These
who come in personal contact with us
lire inlliienied iuvariabl). though many
times unconscious) , by our prevailing
types of thought. If we are hopeful, we
Inspire hope we radiate hope and en
couragement and strength, se te speak.
If we have a feeling of friendship and
Itoed-wlll and helpfulness lnve we in
spire these sumo qualities in ethers, ami
the same types et warming and lite
them, slept in a tiny room off the
kitchen. The population of Nutley was
composed largely of commuters who
dished te the eity mi the S:"l train in
the morning and returned te their homes
en the ," : 12 every night. Mr. Fester
beciinie one of tlies-.., commuters, and
each da) Aline f"ll mere engulfed b)
the feiiumnipIncciiHts of it nil.
I'll) His wanted te glvj. an afternoon
bridge fur her younger sister. She was
Auv uldc-iiv.ike and nd-hloeded fellow
ki.t.vv llnvviver. 1 fear "Sparrow's"'
knucki'if ileii : knew It I doubt If thty '
tire ilthir n-U-hloedid or wide-awake..
Yeu ure tr)liig te justify your fool
ish stand. "Knocker," but veu have neth- ,
ItiK te back you up lietause u thing Is
pi usiint Is no teasen why you should I
indulgti In it if It Is net legitimate, and
us. moral!) speaking, promiscuous klss
i 'ni Is net 'legitimate, then the Indulgence
sin uld be denied.
What kind of characters would be
iliuM of the future generation If every
one felt and -e-tfd as you suggest? f
lly llnrnld Donaldsen Klutlriu
Can Yeu Tell?
IlU It. J. nnd A. IV. Uemcr
Who Disceverrtl Heat Kays
One of the first fnefs learned in tills
century nbeut the spectrum wns tlmt
the colored band which Is seen when
a ray et white light is passed through
it prism does net give the whole of the
dispersed ray, that there are invisible
rii)s ut het li ends of the colored li'irt
meeting of the girls who wish wiiicn are nctive. tlieugli unseen.
ii nan aiwa.is ueen iieugut mnt inc
hottest rays were these such as the yel
low ones, which give the most light, and
in the year 1S00 Sir William Hcrschcl
experimented with the theory. Taking a
thermometer, he passed it gradually
from one end of the colored band te the
ether. Iteginiilng at (lie violet end of
tne spectrum, tlie thermometer lese,
higher nnd higher as it approached the
yellow part, but te his surprise did net
step there. When the thermometer
passed through the yellow Inte tne red
the heat still increased, and beenmc
mere Intense as it passed out of the
colored band into the darkness bc bc
)end. Uy this experiment he d scev-
cred that the heat ra.vs extended for
Drinking Milk
Ve the l.iliter of lt'emna's '.'
Dear Madam Are tin en glasses of
milk a dav tee much for a girl sixteen
yea in old? Will mills malm the body
develop and grew better?
Alst. what could 1 de for enlarged
pores, as I notice 1 am getting very
large ones en my face? l'k'.is. tiy te
tell me what the cause I". se that I may
trv te prevent It u lav-Mine.
m r
ftV -11!
IT IS n puzzling mnttcr for Peggy.
The first time mother's friend came
home for a visit, thnt Is the first time
Peggy began te knew her, she brought
her baby with her.
The baby's name wns Jane, and she
wns a sweet pink thing, nil smiles, who
lay en a couch and fought joyous bat
tles with the atmosphere.
Peggy wns only three then.
Se she talked nbeut the "beeby,"
patted her hands, nnd gnvc her "a nice
kiss" every time she nnd Mether went
te see the etlicr family.
'Then, later en thnt same year, .Tnnc's
mother brought her home again for an an
ether visit te her grandmother.
And Peggy didn't quite knew whnt
te de.
Of course, It seemed silly te be jealous
of just a bceby but this one teemed te
be se popular.
It didn't have a thing that Peggy
didn't have tee, beautiful pink tees, a
fat tummy, dimpled hands, a reluctant
curl up the back of the head, and line
red checks.
But It could creep then, and some
how everybody paid tee much attention
te it.
PEGGY was worried; her popularity
wnsn't threatened, Rhe wns just
ns lovely nnd ns loved ns ever herself,
but It. looked as if she would have te
share the center of the stage with some
one else.
Hut, fortunately, the visit wnsn't a
long ene nnd Jane's mother, took her
back te her daddy before anything hap
pened. That wns lnst spring.
New they're here again.
Jane walks new, a brisk, busy little
trot that enrrles her into anything she
wants te find out about, which Is every -
She talks, tee. All the time she
tnlks. te you. te her mother, te her
"beeby," te the "wow-wows" who oc ec
emi'v n. section of her henrt and her
'inranri- shelves, te the windows, when
thev rnttle In the wind, and te the
Tihonetrrnnh. when It nla.vs te her.
T. ..ou .inrnfiilli' nvtilnined tn 1'pffpv
reuld walk along the street with lien :
wouldn't thnt be nice? ' f
"I'll tench her tewnlk!" declared J
Peggy, the light of unselfish purpose
shining in her big blue eyes. -
Then the found thnt Jnne didn't ,$
hnve te be taught. -. 3
N FACT, Jnnle didn't have te bt !Jf
taught anything. She was diet, tl
tressinsl.v grown tin. And vet n-ii w
Peggy plnccd n fncotleus- hnml upon J:
Jnnle's shoulder, In the course of their Tj
! A 1 .1 nlinllnll ! I 111 I f.,..l. ' Oi
pill, iuiu niiuicu iiiiijiuu.v, uailic ettered
titi resistance, ns she was exneeted m .
She yielded softly te the pressure nnd
plunked fatly down en the tloer.
Mether wns shocked. 1'einrv iniiud.'i
she said, push little Janie, she was it ''
iiaDy, sne wns 100 uitic ter that kind
nf tlilnirt
And se it'H entlrelv bovend Vnaev. ?
.liinln Isn't n bnbv flnv lnne tt..... '
tee old te be taught te walk or talk e'ri,'
anything, nnd vet she's n bnbv : i.ln V
mustn't be pushed or shoved or treated ' '5
What in she, then? What's it till
IS IT any wonder when children like
Peggy nnd .Tnnc are unable te levn
each .ether ns their mothers de?
There's such n little difference in
their nges, and yet se much dlffernire
thnt they cannot adjust themselves te
it at all.
It's a problem they hnve te work eiit.u
for themselves, as they go along. Tlia t
epuin tiii-.v uutu iiuvv, vviut'ii usiiniiy
reduce both te tears, may have u last-
Inv linrl jliinrnccttnn n,l linfli J
Ot tbe whole thing may clenr itself 1'
uii iim iii.-.v luaiii ji-ttiD in uiitit-rsiunu -,
lug, nnd they may continue the friend
ship of their mepicrs.
There nrc nemc.Uilngs llke this that
grown-ups cannot attend te. Time nnd '
circumstances de it ull.
Fer Oily Hair
It always bnppens that you are in
vited out somewhere just when your
hair needs slmmpoeing and is tee oily .
te lie fixed decently at all. In a hurry. ,-.
up emergency like this, where powder
patted en the hair only makes It mutlil), ,
ruljblng the .sc'alp and hair with a dry
towel until it at least appreacnes uitin- u-
that janie was elder new, dear, and I ncss will mnke It easier te put up.
, te prevent It If possible. M. tJ. i '''''' d tliat the heat ra.vs extended for
Ne, three, glasses isn't a hit tee much, some distance beyond the red color, and
m could dilnk four If you vvnnud te , ,.,. streiigcst in the part where no light
this makes a quart a day. and will ,s (0 b
In veu gain, an .veu vvutit te rtc. ........,.',-.. ..,... ,...,,..,
An Interesting Tea Gewn
Tliis lovely gown is very simple. Lsc
any plain undersllp for the foundation, i
Fer the draped-ever part use two ob
longs of silk or chiffon. The diagram
nt the left shows one half of one piece.
Jein the pieces at point "II," for the
neck e'lening. Scum the two sides from
"C" te the bottom of the oblongs. Slit
the center front from the bottom te ,
point "A." Gather the bottom edges
nnd bind together. Attach n long tassel
te the gatiiered point. Slit the front
just above "A" at each side of the
center front, ltun a belt through these
slits and fasten a long tassel of ribbon
te the front of the belt. FLOHA.
Atlantic City
riving tiioiight-terces come bad: in turn eager te Introduce Aline te her own
special friends, but Aline would have
te us from them. It is, therefore, seien
tifically true that as a man gives he
Cenrlaht, ISI.. hj 'uti c I.'Ju'-r Cu.npant
Adventures ilh a I'ursa .
CHRISTMAS i:Vi: have you ,
'gene hv neuses ami nei-n cneereii ami
warmed by the friendl) glow of candles
liurnlng in the windows- They are
such clieerv svmbels aee di-' veu kilo-,
that the burning of hn.vhcir.i candles
in said te be guild lin-k'' Tapering,
fragrant bayberr) canilles te 'ne lighted
liffere )Ott go te bed. and left burning
through tlie night until the candle burns
oewn ind Willi II feeble llle'.er -tees mil.
That, in-cording te an old I'.tiglMi be
lief, will bring veu geed link ihrniisti-
it the rei of the .veur. Hut lie ver
r ijre if )eii de let the candles burn nil
night tliat the) are placed where tne.v
Mill net set tire te ati.vthing. or they
will bring ou bad luck indeed. The
lisyberry eaudh'R can he purchased for
twenty cents a pair.
I've seen such cuddly shoe- for tin
Mes that 1 warned te hti) a pair, and
for no reason at all bemuse there is in
bntiy "i the fiuinlv Tliet nre made ..I
tan, Warm maieiml ami llin-d with lb-ee)
white that leeks I iK nngern. In the
front are two beads t'ui' leek like shiny
1 ',-i"U eves, .mil two ears of tne ma-tn-ul
stick up In tin freni. Tin slip
j i.i-s 'oel; just like friendly bunnies and
lue children would love n pnlv of them.
M'hay are ?-'l.
Ter nuinfn of Mien iddrf Wemn' Pnre
Ddlter, nr tihiinc tViiliiut MHO or Muln lOnl
between ttic hours of It it ml iS.
III Helen Drcic
none of it.
"I don't want te meet them," she
said ungracious'.)-. "What would be,
the use? We would have nothing m
A vindictive little light gleamed Mid- j
denly in Ph) His' e.vcs. Xevv that Aline
was in, longer mi another plane, Phjllts
wns no lunger in awe of her. Altin
had no uieie money te spend en chilli, -than
she lier.-elt' did, in fin-t nei a
mui'h. Aline had no longer the levelv
mellnw hit'Iigretind of the ldg Leng
Island house; and her fiienus. even it
Aline hud given them u cliaiice, were
tee bus) with their social affairs te
(eiae te Nutley. .Most of them hud
never heard of the place.
And s.u it Avas that Phyllis said sud- ,
deal) V
"It's about time you get ever being
a snob, Aline. Yeu might ns well make
the best of things. You're living here,
and there's no need of antagonizing
people. Why can't ,veu make up jour
mum te ee cenieiueu anu iinppv , m
t 1 1
' - ..:jiJieMv' i
f.V" .jfeSKSKB-,1
h..l(. vnn uiiin. lis ull
I'nttni- ni'lTii ntlll l)tS f I (Kill I.
wnw feciilM will also be ;neil for tlile.
luti'liirrniit iu ivlirtt Vnll t Hilt
use for enlai-Kid pereH. and )ou can Kft
this at any drug stoic. 'J his ccndltien
lu w.iMiatlnieM eliused hv iislnc tee mueii
pev'vder or u kiiul that does net agne
with your skin.
The Wedding Party
7e the editor nf Wumnn'x I'aiif .
Dear Madain I am seekltiK some
wedding advice. a I am going te be
mauled seen in diuivh I am going
te liuve two bridesmaids, maid rf honet,
I..., ...mi tliiveer fill and iiiik bearer.
I The things l am in ueuui nmmi ii" , . vin,f . . .. .", n1 "
,t... .iiiti.v of tlie man or noner, oust "... . ... .v.... .
Soen after Sir William llersebel bnd
discovered these dark heat ra)s a still
mere remarkable fact was discovered
about chemleul rays. Tlie Danish chem
ist, Schecle, one of the discoverers of
oxygen, found tliat nitrate of silver
would turn black when the violet rays
of a spectrutn were thrown upon It. In
1M)1 Prof. Ititter, of Jena, while re
peating tlie experiment, found that the
black patches appeared slightly en these
pints of the miner where the violet ravs
fell, and very strongly beyond these
rays, when the spectrum was dork,
proving that invisible rays existed at
f the ni.ilcl of honor.
.,.i 'lust it mi- ilia lirlilnl iiiucesslen
ih urrunged. k- lt- ' Tomorrow Hew did the Zodiac
ceive its .Mimcr
.tead of keeping veurself all stirrnl
Aline fixed her sister with m,. pi,,s
that wen1 very hard nnd britl.t. "I
reull) believe )Oll're eiije) inu all this.
Phyllis." she hind deliberate!), "it
does Mill geed te see ne breueht rleui,
a peg, te knew tliat I have te accept
things 1 hum always despised."
Mew te l-'iaiiiB Your Pictures
Se iiianv piepli. spoil the nppeaiance
of their liens, s because they leave geed
pntiiies iii ft nines that are ipiite un
suitable. 1'lie ornate frame is still tee
tretpii nil) i- ii. Then, tee, the color
et man) Unties' )s ipiite wrong. Have
ni n,'ei .ern delicate color harmonic
-inipl) Kill il by the glitterinz geld of
i fraiu"? I'er a long time frame makers
would net consent te make frnuies te
stilt individual pictures, and mnii)
artists made their own frames, rutin r
than have their pictures spoiled bj being
liiing in an unsuitiible frame.
It Is well te remember that in nl-iiie-t
ever) uise a frame is merely a
line of demarcation between the pie
tare nnd the wall en whieh it hangs.
In olden tuned when plctun- wire
pnintnl directly en walls, n iiinrmiial
'ine siiiiiii,il te inclese the picture. 'I'be
I'rune should relate the picture te the
wall and make an easy trnnsltlen ftem
..i te the eth,cr.
If n pi, tore frame attracts attention
e itself because of its ernntenes. It l
wieug. If it nttructs no attention te
itself, it is a success. It, without
attracting attention te itself, it can en
First In thu wedding precession tome
the ushers, then the bridesmaid. lol lel lol
eoped liv tin- Mower lrl, the ring beater,
the maid tf honor and, lust of all. the
bride with her father. The brldesroem,
with the best man. enters lretn the
vestrv room and waits fei the bride at
the feet of the chancel steps The best
man kelps the tint; until it is called for
in the ceienieny. When the brlde and
In lib uroem (.'e up te tin altar the maid
of liuiiei- hrlds the In Idi -. Ileweis ler
lie i
Give Invalids a Chance
Smasj 03it& nnn Carte
205 S. 1GTJI ST..EET
& Invalid
The "Feed Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch at Heme, Office and
Fountains. Atk for HORLIOCS.
c57Aveitl Imitations ftSubsiitatei
I'll) ills Hustled scarlet under Allne'. luiw the nualitie.s of the picture. It
Hi'iiri-iiinK "'-, urn. iin usual stie took is an nitlstlc iriuinpii.
WgSetjCjiitjp''l,( hZE5Wj
Venr after year repetition of the word
t'.,mniiiriitleii." which. In action, Is the
trump card of courtesy, has lueught u ou might as well i-cnllc
retuge in nuiulillng. knew in; t nit All,,
was far mere clever than she wns hiiiI
in nn argument nhvays hud the hett et
"Why is it thnt jeu always put tin
worst possible motive en ever.v thtnj I
deV" slic said resentfully. "m mZu
me fe . inferior te veu, and I s, .,,,.
jeu think my friends aien't j-oed
enough for .veu."
Mined enough!" Aline Ptelniiiii.il
mockingly. "('li, yes, they're K,i
enough; iu fact they're prehublv mueii
tee geed."
"If you ineuti that the) 're prndis
you're very much mistaken." 1'li.vllib
defended. "All the girls sinnk,. eiKur
ettes, and we're all just as modem u
the crowd ydu used te knew."
"I lmve no doubt of thin, Aline
returned with maddening Indiftet'ence
"I knew ou nil have splendid times
'together, but for Heaven's aks leeve tue
I out. If I den t watK te meet them
i why can't ou let It go nl that?"
"Ileeause I'm tr.vlng te niake von
loei; ut tne uuhk sensinij. lt.,..mK
thnt jeu 're
In ihe case of old pictures it Ih
nuessarj te fellow historical precedent .
An old Snanlsli picture, for instance.
leeks ut its best in n frame of old
Spimibh design.
Tomorrow "Curtain Fixtures"
The Family that serves
Raisin Bread
at each meal is apprecia
tive of palatable feed and
exacting as te healthful
diet. It's crammed with
delicious raisins !
Purchased en my
Credit Plan
Civtt immediate
poiirisien uith inta'I
weekly or monthly
Daymen', and cash
xs5' advantages.
1 1
iff n
'If Snow and
If Fruit Cake
a i e two of the necessary things
for nn old-fashioned Christmas.
Yeu can't count en tlie snow
every year, but you'll he sure
te net the spirit of eld-time
cheer from
Super Fruit
SI. 00 a pound in 1 and 3
md blue enameled ttns.
F r 0 c k
(Ac matt
both the
parte and
dtmand of,
hmr vanity.
j JtWlf F
A dainti
ly youthful
I i t t I
F r e e h
Of OtOTf
elt: in mil
the wanted
h a d m a,
$35 amid $39-75
127 S. 13th St. and 1337 Chestnut St.
jueai agreeuuiH u.iik in """ ""' living Here, aim Hint tliere's nethlni: te
,;lhreWeaV0catrnh?r tt. ' , ' " "' " "1,! "
nnd early In the month, se that the tltetl I-or n moment there was silence be.
..i.innxemilti nre no It titier made, frantic ' tw cell them, and then Aline IoeUi.il ,,,.
-. .i.
V !
iJHSlfiti il II
..aiijijijijijijijijijiaijia . t'z - 11
- -Mijr sk vk rfjin v ytflw wmtmm vuwt nvww h wrrmrw ivh 1
1,-. '! IS31CHESTHHTST. BSSSS7 Ctf WiftaiaiS ,"""",
In all our Stores t ' x If" (' ??PK?K.
f-"-!!-- - I I fl " CaS,Ite-KilSi
BJVlOTjiCM 1 A y" WS hl AVf
?-. . .... -i S Ml KB Tf TT m, e
SS -w -. -w B-J? -m B -M -i - -V
.i sum j i Kan ii
li I
i f
M i
f& JiiW3l&Aim7k fiiii 1 mlfmfTtm J
Enter Dncemlier, It's time te be thlnklnv bf
Madras Shirts
Patterns numereut and fiiteful.
Material each the bet in it clati.
The Cut full and correct, with
made-te-mesiun- care.
2 $3 4
liv mnli.s of last-inemeiit shoppers en i niiwr exnresslen In bin- ...
.-:" .... i... .L.. . .. u " : -.-i" i
i 'iirisunn.i iuk, " me . ,s. . bUppOS(. you tninit rm ani-linred here " i
fe ind Its way-the postefllco. On Christ-1 that will surprise even you."
inas wve, or ciiiisiiuub u.)i ui .-vs-j, u..
She Mieke with such assurnni-n il,
tbe da" after, postmen everywhere are , Phyllis Hiiildcnly realized her mlstnui'. '
Biaggei'lng under burdens of packages , Sle jm,j Bhevvn tee plnlnly her secret
satn-nic'tiiin iu nur sisters downfall,
ami him wns frightened for ft.ar of vihnt ,
Aline mlulit Je.
Tomorrow 'I1i 4frr n Airtrntnrr '
(f.v...n -..-... -r.-.-. .. -.,, ,,;.,,
.....i latrrK. nuL til wiiilii umiu iwi"
liihtn ttctit befere mld-I)ueember. rhe
1 Mtenices aie open every day. Why
jn t imn, leuir-dlstamm, holiday parcels
ii ,. .jml wil. for limlaiice, and (ill
If Silk Neckwear Weel Reefers
Sr High in quality, beautiful in pattern, low in price.
j; SOc & $ 1 te $3 $2 2.50, 3, 4, 5
J Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Initialed
jj Of beautiful toxture and workmanship, a wonderful gift.
? 'Bex of Six Three Dollars
& Marsh all E. Smith & Bre.&$
A Royal Dessert
A Wholesome Feed
Standard for
Haifa Century
f Made from the choicest ingredients
obtainable. Packed in tins of various
convenient si:es.
At )our Grocer's
Agenti '
1104 Arch Street
rreduccrs of
Bened Chicken
M.I. "VJ,'. IT.
C-A 'Mwt ?
BK V iK --.
mrf.sassKs' U
A Real Sensation
Canten Crepe de Chine
40 inches wide
A Real $3.00 Value
A Lewer Price thun Present
Wholesale Ceat
QUAKER SILKS ure known for their
(ul vniues-but this special lends nil
ethers for the nctunl savins possible. A rich
ettnT ,qUI? lty of , wonderful, sustainhiK
texture in nil wanted shades, as
White Pink, Grey, Lark, Mechn, Jlobelink,
Ceca, Ucnna, Navy Blue, Seal ami Black.
$3.00 te $3.50 Value,
A Reed assortment of cWire.
aide colern and plum coieia Ker
aflernoeti and cvenhu; frocks
also for draperies In thu home'
Real $2.50 Value
fin d'fferent iiatlernii and col cel col
erlniiH in lldu kieuu, Fer nien'n
KhlitH, vveincn'a Iieuhu dreasea and
Kiddles' reninerH,
ChrtHtmaH Packanes Mailed Parcel' Pest Prepaid
,r "- . ,t. ant
upv t uHr- 1 1 pcriiivr "