'V,'iVlV 'it (.('xut'xvm VTv- rit-rwrn fw, jwmu -' WSR? C? i,' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY1 DECEMBER 8 1922 14! V V fc, r t ... ; TheDailyNeVelette Whole Hearts and a Shattered Car By . Irving King IT WAS a tlnrk, stormy night; tlie wind swept in fierce Riits nletiR tlie barren hill-Ides nnd mourned tli rough the lcnfless tree-), clrlvinR before it sheets of pouring rain, ns n belitnr.v car might hnc been wen n.nkins ltn 'ill 'ill etis way alone the deerteil ceunli.v read at the wheel of the term-tn-ed Vehicle, his face set in erlm determi nation, was n jen n.nn of nbeiti twenty-five. Lene ,piun of hnrd -erUce lmd left the machine much illliinl'lntetl : It wis net at nil the wirt of car that ought te lme been taken abroad in such a nit'ht. The object of Inuik lin Madlnn'i nocturnal expedition was one of erlmi Impert it was te pay e(T tlie n.ertsnse en the old home. The holder of the mertKiiRO en Franklin old home wax n chum of 1'rankllnN about Ins own ape, n jeuth jmsses'-ed of much mene who spent his summer-) with an uncle in Middle town. When riankllu had Inherited the farm nnd the Hertenso he found that his father had been paying -even pet cent Interest and mentioned the fact te his friend .Martin Fairbanks. "OutiaKeeus." -aid Mnitiu. "1'nv the nld thief off. I'll lend eii the money .te de It nnd take a mortgage from tni or the amount at five per cent." And e It was done. ' The mertpice fell due en December eighth and Franklin, new being In n position te de mi. winted te take it up. Se he wrote te Martin, who was leading the sin pie life along the Great .Whit" Way. asking him te empower '.-enie one In Middletown as his attorney te dUcharae tlie obligation. Te Frank lin's surprise, for Martin seldom Us ited Middletown in the winter, he re ceived a reply Mixing that important business called Martin te that place mi December S. and if Franklin would jlrhe down from the farm en that date they could de buMiie- lint be Martin I ;would net arrlxe until right o'clock in 'the evening and would have but a i few minutes te -pure. This sounded 'rather curious, hut Franklin, anxieus5 te get the mortgage out of tlie way. started for Middletown en the evening specified, regiudle-s of tlie howling "storm and frailty of his Hlver. lie :had advanced as f.ir as the eut-ktrt.s 'of the town. Then jti-t where the toad d-'-ceuds tin- lull, tlie might-have-been-expected happened. A branch, tern from a tiee hi tlie gale, struck his windshield, smashing it and mining Mix. about the head and face, lie le-t con trol of the wheel for a second, the car shied te a roadside ditch and turned ever with an exploding tire nnd a broken axle. Franklin cnwlcd from under the tvreck, bleeding piefu-elv but net .otherwise much injured some contu sions and sprains and a slight internal shake-up. As Franklin cleared the mo mentary daze fieii. hi- mind he saw .that lie lmd been w reeked In front of n trim wnite 1ieiim. the light-sttenm- ' :lne windows of which gave premise I of help, nrnic.i nnd -ticking pla-ter. Tie knew the place well: It was the home of prosperous Sil i Merriweather, Middlctewn's hardware merchant, who possessed, ntneng ether geed thing-, n daughter Millie, n charming creature about rranklin'- own age and. as her father said, as "Mi.art as a keg of ten 'penny nails." Franklin knocked at the deer, which was pre-entlv opened by Millie, and lie Maggcred into the hall. Millie did net fnlnt at the gory spectacle -he was net of the fainting kind; but -he screamed n screech which breusht the re-t of the family running. They get "Franklin Inte the sitting room, onto n sofa and Mr-. Merriweather and Millie went te work en him with warm water, peroxide of ludregen and court -piaster, while Sibi- Merriwenthcr tele phoned for the doctor and the patient di-eeiir-ed disfeltitedly of wrecked "ar nnd lljing limb-. Frank'in was renll sorry when the ministrations of his "nu.ntcur surgeons were ever; mi soft and plen-ing had been the touch of Millie's fingers, se cle-e her tempting lip s had come te his as .-lis searched for overlooked abra-iens. Franklin had long looked longingly nt Millie Merriweather and had net been mistaken In thinking that Millie was net entirely indiffeient te him. Hut between Franklin and Millie was nn intervening eb-tacle in the person of Careline Sig-by, it sprightly and comely eung lady of the town, with well-to-de tiarents nnd a Umeing for the geed, tlie beautiful and the true, Careline and Finnklin weie net tor ter Jnallv eiigaged, but it was an under stood thing that thej were te be mar ried as -een ns Franklin get en his feet, as the saving is. L'he two jeung . -jieople had drifted into thi- ixisitlen ft drift which Finnklin had net re gretted until he had cen.e te knew and appreciate Millie. Then lie secretly kicked him-elf for net having takrn te bis our- in time New it was tee lnte. "IJIe-s me I" suddenly cried Franklin. -In whom the piesence of Millie hud dulled nil sen-e of the tligbt of time. '"It's after tune o'clock. I must try te get downtown " .Tu-t then the telephone bell rang Millie answered it and this . what she heard etr the wire; "Is this ou, Millie? This is Careline. I e Mich a mirprise for jeu. Martin Fairbanks nnd I have just been niarnnl. Onlj the immediate famih present We n.n'de up our minds cr suddenly and decided te hnxe the wedding erj unlet, en ac count of eh, jeu knew that -ort of understanding between Franklin Masen .nnd me. I am afraid Franklin will de .something desperate when he hears. :Martln and I are leaving for New Yerk .nn the 0,30 trnin. Franklin was te bare been down te n nit Martin thl'i cning, but if stem.ed -n he didn't come and fe Martin was fertunnteh .snared the nainful dutv of telling him what we were going te de. Oh. Millie, dear, jeu nre my dealest friend, and it Is te ou L intrust the tncn-d duty of breiking tlie snd "ricws te Franklin. 1'oer boy, I knew his heart will be forever broken. Itrenk It te him gently won't jeu. Millie dear?" Millie premised, hung up tlie receiver nnd whirling nheut In her chair re pented Careline's message word for word, watching Franklin's face intently the while. Franklin looked a little Mustered, jierlinps a little piqued, but by no means broken-hearted. In fact nfter telephoning te Martin's uncle and finding that Martin hnd left with him n power of attorney te net in tlie mat ter of the mortgage, the young mnn gave evidence of being In a highly sat isfied, even clecful frame of mind. lie nnd Millie were married in June nnd l-rnuklln Is new one of the largest fruit growers In New Emrlnml. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin visit the Mndisens every summer. Careline will believe te her djlng day that Franklin married Millie in a tit of wIM flinirntnii nml despair at tlie less of herself. The Wonderful Rush of Business at Wanamaker's causes an extraordinary necessity for a great increase in the store's selling and service forces. . This means that there are hundreds of well-paid places te fill at once. Even if you are net experienced you may like te "put in" a couple of weeks in a pleasant occupation te earn extra Christmas money. Call today and tomorrow at the Wanamaker Employment Office. S FRIDAY, IlKCKMIimt 8, 1022. Stere Opens nt D A. M. Clenes at 0 V. M. W V r NELLENBURGN -.31 ENTIRE BLOCK -MaRKETU te 2& STREETS L M Building and economical ! Delicious, tasty, wholesome, healthful nnd economical! These words rre aptly descrin ttve of t? Butter The Finest Butter in America! 63 In all our Stores M Ji-t.l'Ufc ST m M. I J&l5J?cr (HIV KIll't'.VIIONAfc i!iTWii ""'i!lil i iil IfiW fflnlw i.8?!?!?" "Ml'ff Bttffl ' !ih 'H WfV jn ' 'i'jKSJs-I' i ii , i "tii 1 r. miM UUUIL : 'AJhm n IrU flHIillllllJ i' .i,1 w yml 'h h A TV Xi'iwS JW$ ktis m H v ffWVli 1 i'iPSv fw$$tt8!f H b ah Outfet1'!'! MMKm Make U.e of the JRf Watche. Are NKf I ; ..WS'W Meit Perfect RftlO Thoroughly Wftlra I I A ktigFA ! and Confidential JZilW cSaranLed ! H A immfem Credit Sytem Y0m Timekeepers f i j:j j ; sWmmH kS6?1? ! 15 and 17 , !; ; P ft '-rM,A Ne Red H 1 .1 !i, !! WliaL teMi ''i, I'll SAfiii'V TapeT H H Adjusted, ".CTaB ViK Immedile HI 14-Karat S Yifv;iKPo"e8len HiL. White Geld lf;-.'l' r''jiSniiim Jz? &z Jr-lk.UU sswSs,!! Vffi it , iSR. mMSW All Diamond, ?$ SSSS SBSgJfl "i,iJ! ii; ftUSIjy Are Pure White, ,-. 12 . " ef U, N W ,T5feV hW$m Perfect Cut and in11 V1 a tu if i, ! 'iA m&Pfm Setinl4.Karat f4? w! 2 Thoroughly V fe,;,;, lWfffi andlS-Karat W 4 3-)B Guaranteed V?:' in i ," ii, 7?"7tJ&izlt void aettings. v. x 4. M d j . IKeffiWiil ffl mWimk H.nd.pierced r 7f7)5 .it RFu,Tld-at mm'M Pi With Platinum S Other Mj ' VrSlVOP zzs Merchandise AWJ "f' , V ' Is-"'"' , 'I'JIYK 14.Kr.t Solid Celd Thin X ' i K" ii ' OS'1' ' I'l.if , I',1!!,!,, Ill CiVi HSv Medel. Chain nd Kntfe Free ii ,' fe cSrfb,7 Ueth. Hrxt OUR SHORT CLERICAL COURSE ' witn intenum' iiihciiiai is. i.iikii". Kiw,uii Hnd emce xrainin :i Lth inieiiit' itmcm.iuriK- initi.iit eiwiimi, id Office Train I nit, will (juicklr uqulp you tut P TftE TAYLOR SCHOOL ,IJ.I7mul wim miwt wwai tTDAVFD'li ! Cbettaut MttMl reelMoe iriiirnt-i-1l nt-r newi ey or iin l5 uln A aherthlind (UIHH ugui. dy nljtht eUUN 171t MUIH ! The WHOLE OAT FLAKES That Cook Perfectly in 10 te 15 Minutes When the coffee it made, the eats are done ARMOURS Each flake in a package of Armour's Oats is a selected white grain, perfectly rolled and pre pared by. our exclusive process. Ne ether eat flakes cook perfectly in 10 te 15 minutes, ARMOUR'S 0AT5 Snellenburg' s Christmas Headquarters for HIGH-GRADE Talking Machines OF ALL KINDS Down, Places in Your Heme in Time for Christ mas, Any Machine in the Stere the Balance Payable en Our Easy Payment Club Plan, sBKH $100 II 9 1 Illllllll I 'lllllllllllllHi tj Etude IIS ' 3 $100 I pawn nnim n i. mii'inm Turn nnnn,iiiiiiniii iiiiiiiimi.iii iiniiniinnniiriiniii'g - n." up- nn in a m un 'ii n nni.iirin ,1,1 irirairjiniiTiiiBti.iri n mm u:i pj riiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu.iininuim iiiiiiiii iuiiin,iiiiiii:ii!iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiicn,iiiw r. 1 I Victrelas $25 te $550 u :m iiim.i iij i"i i ! mm ma i u nn 11 1'uiiiimnriniMi.iiiniiiu'imititi'ni.iiiuniaii? Brunswicks $100 te $550 ;uiiil'iii inn milium,'! iiiiiniiiiiniiiii,iiiini mi Liiuiinniiiii n iiiii'niiiinriM'iiirii imniij Seneras $100 te $750 t'i.uJia:i!i 1 1 sTini'trntn i.striinni iu 111 iiiii.Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii'jiiihiiiinuiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiii'j And We Alse Continue Our Phenomenal Sale of Other High-Grade Phonographs at Less Than Cost of Production tann ' 'llll- II Plaup 1 1 liriMilnil i s ! I 0 1 Mm H ""111 illH IIILIJ I 1 " 1 1 III 1 1 H fividQk ' are eats such as you have always liked, I 'jBlSllllllllllilB l lSSSSlJ :- 0nly mre dclicieus because you don't IHll A jftnj&WMr I "cook them te death." While you make JSIB 1 1 pPlfnS I ' fTjr ' the ceSec or breakf,ast toast, Armour's M J1pP11 111 JI A eWttag) Via88 Oats cook te perfection. g MedelNOm4 W" 5K ' Factory List 5 . f VMM Ne wonder ytmar Price $165 m B MiV grocer reeem vv . - I MM I X I --- $59.75 V" m ' ARMO0R GRAIN MvBBImMmW. ' m M COMPANY MmmWmMMm They Play All Makes of Records Medel Ne. 4 Factory List Price $165 flJKQ 7JT Our Price ? 4 O Medel Ne. 12 Factory List Price $225 $Q 7 Our Price pO I D Medel Ne. 503 Factory List SSfffi $89.75 Medel Ne. 14 Factory List Price $265 $QQ 7C Our Price peO.(D yiimiiHimmiiminiTrriTngJMf fliistt 1 1 niuiiinujiiiiiin 1 1 iri hr J I Medel Ne. 12 j V f Factory List Price $225 ill $69.75 tf Introducing This Beautiful $250 Mastertene Console $99.50 1 Just added te wonderful sale! A value which we consider the best ever offered SNELIENBUROS Fifth Fleer JY,y.A. i- x I & '' -"Wl 1ry- '-- .-. -s. " -. !.. iilSSSlMMMMMMMMMMk. ,.