TO?3J v WJV ? ? C ' W?'WW arv.Wtf-' -M,W.S tHt ,WEATHEH EVENING LEDGER Rain and warmer tonight Baiurjfiiy .i?inr nml colder with much colder By nlshtj south te west winds. P TKUIKKATLKit .VI CM II HOUR prrrjTnjrriii; i i i i a i TTsI .g-yriiWiaMiasianf, I I I VOL. IX.-NO. 74 Entered an Secend-Clnfm flatter at the Poatefllce t Philadelphia, Fa. Under the Act of March 8 1870 . PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1922, Publlehcd Dally Kxccpt Sunday. Hubsrrlptlen I'rlcfl )0 a Tear by Mall Copyright, 1022, by 1'ubllc ledger Company. PRICE TWO CENTS 'fwi'l PUBLIC f. Ml ORDERS m 0 F ' f New Phils' Leader GRAND JURY PRISON PROB -Audenried Tells New . Panel te Sift Charges .ARE WARNED AGAINST . FARCE INSPECTION ' . JVIen and Women Members of ' Bedy Told te Ge All Through Holmesburg L T" jBflHMKs. :i4 JaBI laaaV'--.-t'!. '-'rMtL ' . jSfeBl FaSSSE ili'i '&, BBBBhI BBBHb"bMbW ?h U';MBbVI - r-' !, -,-" ' H DRY CHIEF CHARGES BOOTLEGGERS WERE Te Wed Tomorrow V" ' TV "TIPPED" BY POLICE Complains te Cortolyeu of Fail ure of Eight Carefully Planned Third District Raids DISGUISED AS WORKER, HE TRAILED TIPSTER '' '.y!-:"i' ;s - ?:-? ''ii-' '?''. -, " 'S HALL RAPS PRISON OFFICIAL WHO CRITICIZED COUNCIL Other City Lawmakers Call for Official Inquiry After Evening Public Ledger Expose The Grand Jury was ordered today by Judge Audenried te make fa thorough investigation of the Philadelphia County Prison at Heimesuurg, anu te netermmc n convicts there are subjected te harsh or brutal treatment. the Judge's net Ien wai Inspired by revelations In the Evhmne ART FLETCHER He h te be manaRer of the local National League club this Reason and will direct his work from the bench ART FLETCHER SIGNS TO MANAGE PHILS Captain and Shortstop Accepts Terms of William F. Baker Arthur Fletcher, who played short stop and was captain of the Phillies last season, has been signed te a one yen r contract te manage the local Na tional League club for the 1023 enm pnign. This announcement was made by William F. linker, president of the club, shortly after neon. linker returned tetlny from St. Leuis, where the papers were signed. lie made a spcclnl trip te thp Mount City for a conference with Fletcher, whose home is in Celllnsvllle, Me. Fletcher Is te report here about January 1. linker's statement follews: "Arthur Fletcher litis bpen appointed manager of the Philadelphia National League club. Fletcher needs no in- lotluetlen te the baseball public, ns his long career with the New lerk LEDOEn of the manner In which nrlh eners are kept In wlitnry confinement and XMilIndeIphla clubs and his grcnt ana eeprirm 01 10111 ier iweniy-ieur playing ability lias lr.ntlp liim an out eut out henrs nt a time for miner infractions of .standing llmire In baseball for a num ber of years. "when I made the deal with New dlKlplIne. Addresses Grand Jurers i-t1r 4 e hxinn 17Mn4ilma ...! ! Ilst.. Ste'r'S'iTll!!)6 r'V.V! vr here for Bancroft I had the ul.t- Director Premises Investigation and Punishment of Men if Any Are Guilty Prohibition Agent McClure, group head In this district", notified Director Cortelyou today he had evidence that bootleggers are being tipped off In ad vance of his raids, and that he sus pected the police were responsible. Director Cortelyou nt once stnrted the machinery of his department en n scnrchlng investigation, and premised (e have no mercy if any policemen are found guilty. McClure. in his conference with Di rector Cortolyeu just before neon today, told of twelve .raids he had made yes terday, of the "tipping off" of eight of the places, and of the evidence he him self had gathered that the tip had been passed around. Te begin will, nccerdlng te. McClure, he, had his raids all p'nnned. The places arc all In the Third police dis trict, the police station of which Is nt Third and De Lnncey streets. The plnees urc cigar stores, poolrooms and restnurnnts. On Wwlnppdnr nlelit nrminlltifr in Mr. McClure. while he wns completing his plans for their nid, he received a JK' i. ' V4N r-ML ' BBBBBvS HT' ''';' i'J' ':' ''sjbbI SBBBBBBBBBBBBV'C ' ' '""i iv'y " aB BBBBBBBBBBBr .MBlB. 'w BBn l ,ffil?f$ ' ' '; K :t:MPVlaBBBBB! MISS CAMILLA SEWALL Daughter of Hareld M. Scwall, of Hath, Me., who is getting ready for her wedding tomorrow te Senater Edge, of New Jersey VARE'S 'MINSTRELS' TAXEDS4D APIECE Organization Assesses Small Jobholders for Senater Bill's Display at Inauguration LITTLE FELLOWS' GRUMBLE Ry GEORGE NOX McCAIN What might be termed a pe'ltlcai outrage of the miner sort Is about te EXECUTE 4 IRISH REBEL CHIEFS IN REPRISAL MV E Rory O'Connor, Republican Army Leader, Assisted te Scaffold at Dublin MELLOWES ALSO DIES; SEAN HALES IS AVENGED Death Penalties Inflicted After Court-Martial as Warning te Assassins Bu Ataectatcd Press Dublin, Dec. 8. Rory O'Connor and Linm Mellowed, together with two ether Irish rebels, were executed In Mount joy Prison this morning, it wns of ficially announced. The two ether men executed were Jeseph McKelvcy and Richard Unrrctt, both prominent re publicans. An official army report states that the four men were executed as a reprisal for the nssnssinatien of Sean Hales, the deputy shot yesterday, and as a solemn wnrning te these nsseclntcd with them "in the conspiracy of assassination agnlnst the representatives of the IrMi people." The prisoners were tried by a mili tary court martial during the night, found guilty und sentenced te denth. Tiie denth sentence wns carried out nt 0.20 o'clock this morning. Tiirce mysterious telephone call. The eiee i,u i)erpetrtcd by several organization j I,rich,B (' Present. The prisoners, en the wire notified him that plans ipnr,; ',, , BC,crlu orb blindfolded, were inarched te the place were even then being made te tip the ", . et Ulls clt- . Lf eremitlnn O'Connor lincl te he n. bootleggers off. The arrangement, he 0'My enough, It docs net affect the f execution. O Cenner had te be as- said, was for the bootleggers te meet the tipsters nt '. o'clock that night nt Fifth and Lembard streets te get their tip. 2 BOYS HELD IN ODD AUTO TANGLE FREED FROM JAIL Jury," began Judge Audcnrcid, in his mut0 object of milklng F.cteher mun instructions. "I have sent for you te nir. i rr,,.,i m i. nn.itin.. i wuJ ,iTJ ?i Iff m.Hi"S that "'enager two years age, but he did net, victims of circumstances were I believe require jour attention. feei iike accepting It as a player man- from prison here last evcnl 'Lh?" ",:,rbL!ha I? T?.1 5 W bellwlnic that he could net de "arted for their homes In Da Dreve Uncle's Car Frem Dayton, but at His Request West Chester, Pa., Dec. 8. Twe released $ueh as en have never hnd before In public affairs and ! the operation of the public Institutions as instrumen talities in the administration of our lo cal government. personnel of the entire tmrty. It is none the lessi an outrage and is being hejjy resented by certain ward lenders. Gifferd Pinchot has expressed him self en several occasions as desiring an inauguration that will be dlgnilieu without being costly and ostentntieus. In spite of this, several of the lead ers of the city organization at Eleventh and Chestnut streets arc arranging te dlxiegnrd the Governer-elect's wishes and at the same time make the humbler members pay for the "hurrah. ' Sennter-e'ect William A. Vare js named nB the prime mover in this vain piling and Grand Jurers has riven von an tntcrcst V.;.' " ,'v"i,' 1 ' V" "JY"" i.T .' "M"""' i"r V ,""ca., '".""'" u- i. .. i i..i u.... . !":; w """.iiM.ii. iuc t.i... u.i iincy were r.inviii iiuwiHiiui, eiKnicen. ,.i .. ... : i.i...i. holding both pos t ens, . and James Reese, nineteen and thev ' B' .J? ,",.,t .p-"a "- .. "Fletcher ii el. acquainted. ,ith wTnt'mThnrgTef the" mothwef '"the I ",SJJ.ihS,"Lte?" 1 S,",0J!ntt..t; tne nceus ei me rimnueinma ciud nnu former, who luul secured their discharge when he returns from Phoenix, Ariz., by Justice R. Jenes Patrick. The boys kiih;ii viii up iiuuin ,iiuiuuij i, hi; nui Wcre arresteu te wccks age en the 'Whpn t rhnrfffin rnti no tn ittA ni.t Teaarc veurselv?s t til, In Ttl.n n eeme r.asi anu nine up uie iubk ei ar- Lincoln Highway while driving an cx- fle !tarin?1 mentlene n niirnhp'r nf n,"?',"8 . ", for nc,xi veaMn; pensive uutomeblle. bearing California i ii. .1 '"enuencd a numeer or Fletchers natural aggressiveness and ii,.,1BI, t.aH nml thpv wern institutions which it Is your duty te i,s insistence en strict disciplinary will drivnc Hcen-i? '"VmeigThesris"-the Philadelnhia ' ?. n",1C!' t0 ,PUt t,1C VWUa u' whcrc Their explanation ns ntt believed CountyT'-en Is 'te which Watt I l"py "" ' "' h-cked up.. An uncle of hircrcad murh or lit le In certain of .. in.airBi Uewlands. who lcsides in Cnl fern-n. nr FhlleiTplnlila newsraners. nflKII TM( llfnnfiril htt tVVnl nt Dayton e visit his sis- iiiiii in iiniii inn iiiiib in t ililnlii I ii U ifUmLli pin hla npwsiiaiiprs. "The ncwsnaiipr nrtlrlcs te whlM, T refer make gruve eahrjes against the system new established for the punish ment of persons convicted et violations 91 the criminal laws of the Common wealth, for the safekeeping of persons wuuni. irim en crimimu charges, and for ,hc detention of witnesses likely te depart from the ceunty: eparc ireni Clt. V "In P"rt- Cltes IHnws in Iaw the fltqtiMf IsfmiHen nftlinttn bese remarks aiinear In the newsna- pera arises with regard te the previsions of the general law of the State. "As for example, the-p prlvl-dens for Imprisonment at labor by separate or Solitary cimlinemunt, or because of the fnlltia,. ,.C t. 1 i.. . a . i,.... hi me iiin ie preMue ier the convicted in agricultural operation llTIMIIl IIU'IIIS), Ceuiaihnan Charles H. Hall resents the etatpiiipiit of Ur. Jexenh N. Reeves, president of the ltemd of Prison Itmnee- DEAD FROIVI GAS Sisters Believed te Have Fallen Asleep and Died Frem Fumes MAN IS FOUND UNCONSCIOUS w. that (. me net a'liMdantiy sup ..... ..., jlllnln ,,. iiiiiiitjii. Ur. Ueevcs miiilc this statemeiit nft'pr Twe aged were found dead from gas this morning, and a mun discovered unroncleuK near nn open ras jet died n feu minutes nfter being taken te a hospital. The dead women nre the Misses 1 (fTlinu T") IVIillikll nlirliltl.dlv nn mttt nA nl...l. .- '". -' -"""'V". "''' .. ........... IMIW-M Jl-uin um, ""."k inn nicnia furnished the ami her sister, imihella, eighty-four iVlk i'" lIlineshnrg "burnt rye jenrs old. both of ,1,11,- Pine street. ami bn-ad for breakfast, for example. The bodies were discovered in chairs fim ii ""-,''a" J"1"" attention te the drawn cle-e te a gnN heater en which wi mat (.utiucil keeps a very close u pan of watt?" had been placed. It i ln '. nu "l,l "leney appropriated, te K thought tluit the women fell asleep " Uuiit) Prison," Dr. Reec liad and thnt water boiling ever extin- .";, ., , . gulshed the flames in the stove. fnrf" inJ "CUT "'yeted ie any item They were discovered bv Mrs. Ada dwl.Vni Vi''"V'.i,,,i llll,,('0l'".v prisons, Seel, proprietress of, t lie rooming house eeciareil .Mr. Hull. ivln. l .i.,i I.....O., ,.f i..lw.n. iim.. ..t,i.r tn .iu 1111111 ii ", -"" lrt i"ii.""" " iiniii ini-j ii'-niim, nne Miit'iiu K'lS emmjuee en liiiw eseniung irnm tneir room and upon find ing the bodies summoned nn ambulance from the University Hospital. Dr. R. A. Kimbnugh, physician en the nmbu laiiee, prnununeed them dead. MKs Sarah Teeter, a niece of the aged woman, living nt 'J21!) North Hubert street, took charge of the Mrei . . ,KS " , t!ll ceinnilltee, te Jnnipi Peters, forty-five years old. Wet' v l , ','. '" l",atut of - M)I North Tenth street, was found "Council ,. .!"." i ' .. ... unconscious in his room and was tnken fluid te .. nwr. lwP''' Mn W"J '" "''I'neumnu Hospital. He died a Mr. In? ,, L, H"!i I1'80,??' hnl(1 f'w 'i,'lt,s "f,cr belnif admitted te "'i t'uinj, but It did oppose the hospital. "iiiniica en I'm.., Tent.f.,.,r. r..i t.. -v.n-ii .ur. nnu, lie reuiielliiifiiii.. wuiiiclpal (leveriinient. 7 Will Held Public Meetings Te thi s cmnmittee wns referred yes lerflny I'uuiii'iliimii Itnper's resolution K "P"11 'he Heard of Judges te Kir?1" l ,!,IelH "t tl' ""lines- Bi 0I1,1""1 l'''"",t hack te Council. JUDUe Mr.!, nt,,, n.' ll.le li... ... SEEKS SERVICE GAME HERE AGAIN IN ,1923 CALLS ANTI-SALOONMEN "IMMORAL AND WICKED" or. mother 01 uewianus and ctt tin car for miner repairs while he went te New Yerk bv train. Later he sent for his nutomeblle and thP boys had stnrted te deliver It when arrested, the driving license being iu possession of the uncle. FREAR RENEWS ATTACK ON SECRETARY MELLON Challenges Treasury Head te Let Congress Examine, His Records Washington, Dec. S. Repeating ln the Heuse -yesterday his charges that corporations nre escaping pennlties and taxes through failure of Andrew W. Mellen, flccrctnry of the Treasury, te enforce the law, Representative Frear, Republican, Wisconsin, challenged the' Secretary te urge the. President te let Congress see the records of his office. Rending n long list of large stock dividends declared by various corpora tions, Mr. Frear asked if Mr. Mellen did net "begin the stock melon-cutting ',fl.,,nue,, en rnM Thlrty-thiw. Column 1-lve with n 200 per cent cut for (iulf Oil.-!CJ .. r,r.rii rr-r-ir-e your own company. - FIVHVIC. UHWOM UtriCO Jir. v rpar sniu ue iie-u nnu ueen in formed that uu organized coterie of ngciits exists for pressing tax refunds nnd tax contests In the Treasury, headed by "a former White Heuse usher, who wns made chief of the income-tax di vision without previous experience and whose income new exceeds that of the President." flic nlnn is te send an elaborately uniformed marching club from Philadel phia te Harrisburg en the occasion of the Inauguration. As the day of the old-time pnrader is about gene und the marching clubs thnt nourished a dozen nnd twenty years nge have, as such, gene out, of exist ence, u fly -Ii.! -night club is te,bo or ganized for the occasion. Workers Must Pay Its members are te be recruited by various ward leaders from among the' fii'in-n,! iimmimniilv in inMin.,,tii i. product werkcrH and ether humble ser- ( tivitles and had been arrested a number iters of the bosses. 0 times These who are dependent, upon the I .Mellewes, who hnd barely passed his ward leaders for n livelihood in the way i twenty-seenth birthday when e.o e.e e.o ef city jobs of the less.lucrativo.sert are, (,ute,i hlld the merP remiintic career of sinted te the scaffold. The startling swiftness with which the Free State Government acted in consequence of the assassination of Deputy Hales caused a great sensa tion among Dublinitcs accustomed ns tiiev arc te sensational happenings. Through today's executions the irregulars lest two of their principal lenders and two ether Important, although less known men. AH four surrendered after the destruction of the Four Courts in the seizure of which O'Connor and Mcllewes took a leading part. The republicans have, issued a mani festo describing Timethy llealy. the Governer General, as a life-long enemy of the nntien- The manifesto ndds: "The tight will go en ns long ns there is a man in Ireland. It is war te the death." Rederick (Rory) O'Connor and Linm Mellowes were leaders of the band of Irish insurgents that held the Four Courts Ruildlng in Dublin in its stand against the Free State troops Inst June. Kaeh was taken prKener when the building wns captured after a three-day siege. Ruth O Cenner and .Mcllewes hnd HARDING URGES STRICT DRY ENFORCEMENT IN HIS ANNUAL MESSAGE The President's Recommendations Prohibition Suggests early confer- jtfvc Congress nutherity ever child ence of Federal and State officials labor; another would restrict in administering prohibition laws. issues of tax-exempt securities. Transportation Would abolish Rail- Farmers' CreditB Wants extended Dees Net Believe Senti ment Calls for Modification AnJ T nltA.. llnnltrl . .!! nl..ltlt ' Avtiu uuiiui ijuaiu, wibii euuniiku- tien of a labor division in Inter state Commerce Commission; wants carriers and empleyes te settle their own clilrerences; co credit for farmers. Aliens Suggests legislation registration of aliens and mere careful examination of immi- ,rt.nnfa nt. nnrtct nf nmlmrkntinn. ordination of all transportation ! t?n..:,r. Anv.irc nnMnma Amnvifnn facilities urged. relations are free from every Constitutional Amendments One te I threatening cloud. r; PROPOSES EXTENSION OF FARM CREDITS! $100,000 FIRE LOSS FOR BLAIR ACADEMY Clinten Hall, One of Finest Build ings, Badly Damaged IJlalrstewn, N. J.. Dec. 8. Clinten Hall, of Illnlr Academy, one of the finest buildings nf the institution, nnd supposed te be fireproof, n four-story brick and stone structure, wns badly damaged by a fire which stnrted from some undetermined cnuse nt about Ci o'clock this morning. ! The building, which was erected about twenty years nge, contained the etecu 4ve offices, class rooms, the Scrlbncr library nnd a SfiOOO organ. The fire men were hampeied by lack of water. Thn fire was reported te be under con- I trel nt 0 o'clock this morning. The less Is estimated nt $100,000. ' ARMOUR'S STATEMENT IS NEWS TO MORRIS Suggests Abolition of Rail La-' ber Beard, With New Powers for I. C. C. WOULD CO-ORDINATE ALL TRANSPORTATION IN U. S. Federal Control of Child Laber and Registration of Aliens Advocated te be made the victims of the ward lenders' pride. Rut this is the least objcctlennblc feature of the plan. One hundred and'fiftv men, doorbell deorbell doerbell pillldrSf'' window boe.'nen?- nnd ethers who held positions lU'Clry nnd county offices rnnglng from $1000 te $1800, a year, nre te be pre-cd into service as a mnkehft marching club "for the In auguration. .. It's "orders" from tKe, front and they nre expected te "Obey. "' Necessarily this dub must he uni formed te conform te the dignity of the occasion. There nre te be new over coats, treuHTH, 'ImtH, gloves, cane-, nnd stints. In addition there Is railroad '.fare . t.e and from HariKlmrg. with Hetel accommodations miring meir unci stay nt the Capitel. i The cost of all this has been fixed nt Chimb er of Commerce Sounds William D. Foulke Declares League I Culnable of Goe I In Rvctum lt'nclil.ftf,i., Tlnn 1 t !...1!, . m . 1? unil". "". a-n-i . u.- ill, Iliuiuillll'lir praises of New Stadium of the Anti-Saleen League and of the ieeChamber of Commerce basHtnrted Prohibition Enforcement Service. vig- nevem-m . i. . has started nrmH um, lingIinrle ,,. b wi.1n-;n football ,,. , V '"ra'v"xlw Dudley Feulke. of Richmond. Ind Mi, fc "' ,,ajcu hvr ",lIt wxt former United States Civil Service Cem- inlukl.iliei- PlIllKPll 11 lenRnMnn linen Inuf Tl, r. .,........., -..- .. .. -- . .... i, KLAN WARNS GAMBLERS Members Pest Netice In Cresoena That Practice Must Cease Petlsvllle. Pa.. Dec. 8. Members of the Ku Klux Klan visited Cressona Wednc'dnv and posted a notice In front of Jacob Hlddle's store that "gambling In tills town must step." I.uter the Klan is said te have visited several gambling dens, where the same notice was given. Shots were later heard from the cemetery overlooking the town as a unal warning. Authorities nre investigating reports that the Klan visited Cre.ena in un lighted nutomebUcs, the members thus concealing their identity. VILLANOVA FIVE WINS Defeats St. Francis Passers In Sec ond Game, 41-20 CkiSJi. feeiitlvp Committee of the night, nt the annual sessiea of the , Vlllnnevn College defeated St, , Fran- tkambcr. cemnjunlcatea tl ireugl Aba National Civil Service Reform League. ? llrepklyn, last night In lis sec- eAf,.,RO,Mv,l,"'si'l',nt of the clamber, Men and women, prominent in ef- end basketball geme of the season en Sit nl" Ut,,ry Wilsen! cemmun- forts -it raising the tone of public sen- !,,"0X,,,,n Uw court tlie 8Cere of 11 b n..1',0. IP'' tntps Naval Acad- iec from all parts of the country, nn- te 20. rtrlntT, i '.ll:J,ll(,r General SInden. su- plamietl .ur. ruumua umiress, wuicn j.i0 tue mm -.... ... taf? ' :i!!..f thernlted States Mill- ws unspar ng of he npe lis ' system and "j .JPn-hed nK the rame ,,,..1 tniii. "V,,IJ. ashing i nit thev nuuln i eneuiui-n un- iiii-wiu"."! i.t-iiKiiu iih """.""j '"" "'" ;" ' .. Z UiH ' the FrSnl'l 1, IB " having been, "Immoral und wicked" In 12. Alwnys just a little ever double ,!2.' permitting "without n pretest the En- the uuraber of pelntB credited Its nd- hi.,.??,,n,f "f the Philadelphia Cham- ferrement Uurcau te become und re- versnry, VUlanevn played easily and ef- tL i"""Sr,e ni1" the business In- main the spoils of degenerate political ficlently te the finish. wr.M,,,,re ' ''esiie te stnte that we plunderers." Gray and Lynch were the chief fnc- riiinl, 8ll,y Pleased at bavlnis the mid- Mr. Foulke held the ,Antl-Saleen lers In the triumph. Lynch netted five fe,"Anm " Naval Aeademv nnd 1P "'est cuiPble" after he hnd field gealb and excelled ln his fleer- Kt,u?dcts frn" West Point at ou? new charged thnt. "the present crime wave work. &1??.1 "'" I'nlversllv of Pennsyl- 1ms much of Its source In this unworthy Keating with a quintet of double- T'' Mr. JehiiHiM, wiite course followed by the ndvecntes of deckers dragged down the visitors' .. w?envnestlv (.. i,,,' ,, nrohlbltlen.'. . . honors. ,l'vlleKe f'e ffi, .".'"'r" : The Vplstena net ww asserted by "'i lenni .....i .1 . v." '",.,i PROTESTS OF LEGION Announces She Will Sing at Con cert In L.03 Angeles Les Angeles, Dee. 8. tlly A. P.) Mine. Johanna (Sndski, noted opera singer, has announced she will sing here, December 11, despite pretests of the American Legien. Mine. Gndskl declared she would begin action for damages against persons or publications spreading a false slery as te the manner ln which she received news of the sinking of the Lusltnnin. 'ihe singer said she held a statement the two. Even when ln his 'teens he was an Indefatigable worker for the republican cnuse. He organized the Fianiiuh-Eireanu, n body of boys who pledged their lives for u ftee Ireland, und innde a bicycle tour of the country te complete this work. In llUfi he was arrested by the Rrit ish, but escaped und u pi lee of 1000 pounds was put en his head. Fiunlly his biding place w-us discovered and surrounded, but he broke through the lines disguised us u nun and reached the sea const where he shipped ns a stoker and. after a stermv voyage, ar rived in America. During the later dnjs of the World War he lived In the I'nlted States, but in 10111 returned te Ireland te engage nguln in the tight for the republic. O'Connor an Engineer O'Connor wns educated te be an engineer inpleting a course in Dub lin Fnlver-ity nfter which be received nn appointment in Western Canada. The pessibillt) of entering the Irish tight for freedom apparently never en tered his mind until the outbreak of the IU RET DEI NDS SAFETYOF STRAITS Would Give Merchantmen Free dom of Pass age During Peace and War LAUSANNE COUNTER-IDEAS ?V Asseeiatril 'ri-v Lausaniia, Dec s. -Turkej presented te the Near East cuiifeience teiVi f,(ninter-si"."instleiii ' of the Straits of the Dai Ne Price Yet Discussed, Chicago Packer Says of Merger Repert Chicago, Dec. 8. (Dy A. P.) An. unexpected turn ln the discussed merger of two lnrge packing firms, Merris & i Ce. nnd Armour & Ce., became known , today when a signed stntcment Issued ' by the former firm wns made public. The Merris & Ce. statement" read : "We note by Thursday's morning papers that Mr. Armour hns advised ' President Harding thnt we nre anxious i tty Associated Press .IJSi?"1, f t,he,n,kln8 business. Wn-shlngten. Dec. 8. President "This Is news te us. i .. ,, ... , , ,, "While we realized thnt Mr. Armour ' IInn"B m his annual message delir- Is very anxious te acquire our business cred tednv te Congress In person deals and our organization, up te the present with ncnrlv a srore of subjects, chiefly sar;,!etpid;sk;v,i:ir"'' rUMt'r: far"r,,,!tf, "Even if Mr. Armour should pur- ,Ile transportation problem, child labor chase our business it would net menn and immigration. Ihn've would long remain out of the The Executive announces his pur- racklns business. i", wv ,"vi- .ill- ,ui;uiiiin 1,1 me Stntcs nnd territories te nn early con ference with the Federal executive authority with n view te ndeptlnu definite policies of national and State co-operation in administering the pro hibition laws. He snys the day is unlikely te come when the prohibition amendment will be repealed nnd that the Natien should adapt Its course accordingly. Wnnts Strict Dry Enforcement President Harding tells Congress that if the statutory previsions for prohibi tion enforcement nre centrnrv te deliberate public opinion, which he doe net believe, the rigorous nnd literal enforcement' will concentrate public attention en any requisite modification. "Such a course," he adds, "conforms te the law and save the humiliation of the Government and the humilia tion of our people before the we'rld nnd challenge! the destructive forces engaged In widespread violation, official cor ruption nnd individual demoralization." With regard te the transpor'utien problem. Mr. Harding prep"ses that the Huilreud Laber Heard be abolished with ihe substitution of a labor division in the Interstate Cemmercn Commission with ample power te lequire It rulings te be accepted by both parties te a disputed question. The Executive also proposes that the law require the enr u'eis nnd their cm-lejes te institute means und me heds te negotiate between themselves their constantly arising different es. limiting appeals te the Government bed. te disputes of such character ns are likely te affect the public welfare. ('e-iuilinatiim of nil transportnlien I.ii is urged by tin- l'iei'b'nt. These ' ,euld inc'iide net enh inland waterwajs but motertruck trans-Mirta-t.en as well He inveighs the -.Winn et' paralleling the railroads with truck in ids, thus drawing Height from the -team lines instead of making the uisiiuiirui i: .1 ne.ier lur them. I Would .Merge Railroad Lines WIFE WEEPS IN COURT A te il... ...rriers themselves Mr. Harding suggests as wnjs of increased i eeeiiiimv anil i 'hi a uev there lie n mei-v,.,- Edwin E. Keliti. fortpe,- broker, who '" .'""" "'te LAST-MINUTE NEWS GENERAL WOOD PROBABLY WILL REMAIN IN PHILIPPINES, SECRETARY WEEKS SAYS "General Weed probably will remain in the Philippines," according- te Secretary of War Weeks, wEe today discussed the rumors that the General will net come te take the headship of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Weeks would net make a definite statement until he had seen President Harding. The Secretary of War admitted he Bad received a telegram from the General and said he might malse Ms telegram public this afternoon. PETTY THEFTS WORRY ART SCHOOL HEADS Numerous small thefts have been reported from the Penn sylvania Scheel of Industrial Art, Bread and Plug stieets It be came knownteday. The losses included relics, chinaware and vugs. Nene of the articles stolen have been of mere than trifling value, according te the school authorities. KOHN SEN EM D , 10 PENITENTIARY Fermer Breker Given Three te Six Years en Charge of ' Embezzlement was convietiM of emb ''enn nt after his I World War, when he suddenly left his I llosnetus. The 'IniKs lonely camp in Canada, crossed the ocean and hemme one of the central figures in the famous Easter rebellion of 101(1. lie was captured, but Inter released under the amnesty. Fer man) months he took an netlve part in the guerrilla warfare which scourged Ireland, but It win as the leader of the lepubllcnn forces that seized the Pour Courts llullding lu Dublin that he first came into Inter national pieminence. His defense of thnt place with a comparative handful of men in the face of the artillery bem- 9 MA t ltA I lAllllvrilllltl 11 lllflfAA.l...k . l m - .t v r. .m- ucii ui'iii ." ...miihiku niiiiwing imminent Irem tne ! roe .state guns her Status whlle residing In America i caught the popular imagination en both never had been questioned by the' sides of the Wlniiile. authorities. The hopelessness of the sltuntien A telegram asking for official In-(with re-enfercements lacking nnd the' formation concerning her nttitude dm- Free State fmces bent mi a prolonged Ing the world war has been sent te At- l siege, if necearv. finally Induced him iiniiey ui-iiuiiu umiKiiciiy ey r. j. te surrender and miicc that time he hns ,i-.-mimis-iuiu, Braii) ei me .Mer- been treated as a iliitntu nml ln liiif npl iipn.u1 A... 1 Guarantees uguni-t surpiise attacks from land or sea rbrent rung the se curity of the St-.u -, nf Constnnti Censtnnti Constnnti neple or if the Sea of .Marmora. Limitation of tones, bound for the Hlack Sen se that they will net constitute a dansi r te the zeiir extending helween the two straits te the lthiek Sea, I'l'urUev expresses' the view that these forces uudil be com posed of light warships, iiii.1e.wi for the protection of international com merce. I Interdiction upon the maiutennncn of warships ln the lilac!; Sea. Libert v of tuissm:" tur 'n chant- raen In time of pence and of war. Tellls. inlets: li'iti",. rtf r-.. :..i.. . .... .. ; . ;." .:." iivimu mis. rue ouseiiimiiou et facili ties UMil tlin ...1. ,n,,i i,. ,.f ,,.,.,L i"il;i- (.., Ml estMhhshtnent nt LiL".' Walnut street! He declines Un.i ihe luiumgers ,,f the inel es and the failed nmenir ethers cmiL'ht in n pen- lines are without that interennier. in. eral crash last .lanunrv I te from three te six ears in the E'tst ' trn Penitentiary today by Judge Daws in Quarter Sessions Court. Altheudi Kehn was convicted lis I April ii ' has been in M iihuimi-imi.' prison since that time, sentence was I net Imposed until today. Kehn. although nentl dn-ed. was l mie nnu nervous wnen lie mi.eniei in nnu lie was nceeinnenled 1 , wife and his eounsel, Jehn I. ! Scott. Mr. S-ett inml was senlei-eed l'.'"li"",' i"iaiien-lilii -'si liii;lil ,.s,.n. ..I iii un- Dpsi ami must e-oneuileal per.itien.." adding that thev maid net function in hnrmmix when the recent strike threafned the paruhsls of all niuwuj iransportntlen. Farm Preduttlnn Credits Mere extended crtdlt for the farmers is strungl urged by the Ew'eutiw. who de. hues that the erj pn.ef of helpful ness n'teady giwu is the Ktriininsii- i is lu-Kuiiifiir. ier i ue permanent ebtabllsb- K. mem of widened credits, lie savs the 1 I arm I.nau ISureau ma. well bue Its for pewi'i-s pnlurgisl tu prewde ample farm strong idea prisoner of wnr. Hales Was Cellins' Friend T-.... !. II. .1 1 ,1 . ifepiuy iseiiu ii.iirs nun xtrigudler (iciiPi-nl I'airuu u .uamile. Deputy OpeilKIT ill.. , , Jlr. I'OUlttC l" muni! I'liura in me en- lie caileth again next J ",.. uprvlee Hie 'mern nlnn.ler n I'lr. , "" V"' eiuleth again next " nUtliL i1.,?l't ' I'l'l'ndplphln rep- . weliri'i "it. ,n "lU'ss the con cen KtmlJum T,Ti i",c "IT l'1'"1"1 "'' 'he ll(,w iWiZ ff ! !,! "nlvenlt, of Pen.. nd feel i,! ."iu.nt .0l ranlilln Field. ""' writes t ' " e lue"1 10ca 0' MAYOR A8KS VENUE CHANGE Cen ressmen nnd ether politicians," . Jhnstewii, Ta., Dec. 8. A change ,:, hn releiced "thnt such n man had ? Ye""e has been asked. In the cas '. ' . ... .ifmi..,i" nfter clnii-fliu' tim Vni. or Olayer Jespnb Cnufllel. of Jehns- Btei d himself had favored maitlug these !ftw who Is te go en trial neceinbei niiiees nelltienl spelli. 3 en a charge of assault ami battery. chants nnd Manufacturers Assecia tien, it was announced today, E. Sherman Dandy, the singer's manager, was said te have told a com mittee of members of the American Legien today that If Attorney (icneral Daugherty's reply Indicated pre-Oer-mnn sympathies en the part of Mudume Gad ski, her engagement In Leu Angeles would be canceled. The beard of police commissioners planned a hearing en the matter today. $50,000 LOOT RECOVIRED FROM NEW YORK THIEVES Raid Reveals Robberies In Hemes of H. P. Whitney and Others New Yerk, Dec. 8. The theft by n gnng of negrees of ilfiO.OOO wnnu f valuables from the summer homes of' iinrry i-nyne wniiney ami ether wealth v New erkers was revealed Inst nMit by detectives after a battle In "TTnit'e Kitchen." en the edife of tVin imt...,n theatre djstrlct. which resulted in two who has been cenllncd te his home nt nrresis ami tne recovery or $50,000 2032 Walnut street Bevernl weeks Wn th 2?-.V.n. ... ....u.-, . i.heeause of a cold, was i renerte.1 today i TV ;. , . ""ucrics in- i D niH imj Biennis um Krnmy unproved. I i i- i .' , "' cnenr. lie said that pienueiiiin cieuirs us well a.s enlarged i Kehn had tried te stem the tide ,,f land i redits. ft rihlfifp mmlnl ,..,.1 ... . t . s, . fV. .. .!.. i i The Turkish position en i he iiuestien ,, P ,7 I Sn .V ..r . V ' i "m '""" ',"' " of the Straits was nies,-t..l In Uim- ,,,.?.. i Ke,,,n ,mi' Kv"" " I,r,",",,d. ne would give Congress of the ,,rl.ln ,., ,1,.. s!i,n.r .1,... I .,,..,.,. '"" "lU llis "'' Wis forced Ie L'e would restliet the tss,,es of tnx-eeiilllt 'I'ne.. - i..i i ".: . "' "!'rl- securities, whnh are declare, i,, la international treaties (encernin'g "that niav'hnve ,i,m!r l"."''! ."'"f ,wl'le K"hr.- "drying up the s .urc, of l-'ederal tuxa- waterway ? !, ", "' p'!ll""'d h his cenn- tlnn and encouraging unproductive and Harmful te Turkev ..'u '"j" r,,i TH ,lf "" necesserv te cxtrnwigant expenditures 0 State., and iiannrui te luiiiej nmke an ebW-t lessen of such ensiw munlc Ha ties." Ismet mentioned eerlinn points iu tin - . " " I" " I . IIIV lll'slllt 1 llllllll "MlllJ 111 111 er of the lower house of the Intemlllnl nr,i.s.ils uhi.-h li. ...msi.l new Parliament, were shot yesterday en ered particularly harmful te Tuike ther yii te the 1 arliament session. , Of these the llrst was the inclusion of liaies died Mierii) auerivnru. U JInillc. tl .. ...,.i ,,..,.i ; ' . ...... ,, niiiii eiiKe, !!.",!, '"i , Ntlt0 -he bucket-shop brek- Enactment of legislation providing ,r,n, t i , ., ."""siiiiig uiese teund -r riviuirauen ei am ns nn i ier mere miiuy et violeting the law. thorough examination of emigrants nt .;, iwiiin weiit when her husband the ports of embarkation in ur 'ed. Tim .. ll.. I . --.- -w iii Sun .f in (Ii.. , , in ii. ii, 11IM SIMM nnnnH .., .1 .. . . . .1 t I ... 1.. ' I ---- " ............ . . . ... Mllll III I HlllllllIIIMII 111! 11 T t 11.TMIIII1I Mil I i . . . ir-H IU fl " Pliflltllilnii . snot in the ue.ui an i u u. was operated , of the Straits, because piepai.itimiM for the cellroetn. lie tried te cheer l.r lence of iMihena e.l Vn erl ,,ni m , i T Ilnles was one of Miehae Cellins' I and Thn.ce nnd yet would net affect - - I "0 ,1 ,e l wri,l v n'.,'lf" T,d closest friends. His brother Tem is'en the liberty of pm-sage for vess, U. Uni n TURpr AC UllTMroero th ut n ve cate f JL i.. ' I"1'1' ir-rih,.'!,!":.... Anether point he made was. thai It H0LD HA WITNESSES , ffi A 'S'&SrSSSi reported Imw- acKnewledgel I se f Zf 'T 'n? ii . '"""" Companions of Driver Whose Car ' ,"M,ln tlu'lr, Ut-luUI followers among responsible for the ambush which re. i i nl:,,u"1 lhl ' "sperus. Ii ,;, r "' "rlver wnese Car these who take en the habiliments of Lulte. i . Mi "hail Celli, s" death last I,lt' . lS ceuM;,", i",1i7t" I Killed Man te Testify i un A.nerhan without knowing an s miner ,ltatu 'stheie would be no, either Frnncis llrewn. Lnnce Kichanlen Americnn soul." summer. land or naval, en either shore. and Jeseph Cnssldy, nil of Pl"lnd"lnirin ."''Bi-trnllen of nliens. the President MD IftAMAnIAICD PAIMO . . !iI,".ithlni,i, "iinl W'?l "l.1t'0,ll,t"ti?n "'ere dischnrgeil last night V . i? nd,U' wl" ",mul" N'ntien te guard MR. WANAIVIAKhK GAINS iwlth the Billed suggestion that in the , Xorristewn. but wire imi.i . . , ' u "Bnlnst ubi-ses In immigration, cl.eelt- "Restlna Comfortably," Say Attending Physicians The condition nf Jehn Wnnamnker, .1 llll.ul 1 i 1 .. 1 11 I . --.. -, will It IT 111 ! Ill inniv I . , uemiiiuirweu zones mere sunuiii ne no .,. rivegniznne t n; "....;:..."" .Ing the unties rab n whose Irreiriilin. , movement et troops... le thought that wben Jnseni, rsi. ' " ' "." 1 V"l"N,;H coining is his (list violation ,.f tl, iT.w will be charged wlti, homicide nt the nndini tJV mT T wi". tac,m r"..l . .. .. .".'""."" "v "le neeiled Amur rati vn,, H,u i. mean te enroll ns citizens, the sucli iiievcinent slieuld he permitted be cause tne zones in ouestieu connect the two parts of the country. ' ,, ""i, " ,., "r, l riimnnl Court in I 4..i i.- ii .i.-x .. , . - ' oiinectlen with dm Hni , - n .iMun, uu cumeiiiieu inai in eruer ie , r.i ', ,., ., , , , , " , mirry defend the shores of the Sea of Mar-' ,, ' ' . , '''""''"Iphla, In nn autoino auteino autoine mora by a licet Turkey would have te , " "POl(le,,t mllr Sumneytown Oclo Ocle keen urscnals and ether naval enuin- cr-'- Yfi-l thlnli nf Wrllln The Mnyer wan convicted nn the charge n j car age, but nppealed and was I irtntcd n retrial. eluded Henry Ilnlthsen, William Alli Alli eon, J. F. Olbhens, at Planedem, L. 1 and Acost Nichols, at Celd Springs. '' ". AKB YOU "TuiTviNO CRAN. UrrUa resuliirly? Try al. eleu Cruntierry Halic mai -lth Eatmer Cninhfrrlc. (kT lln Iu iwiiin. eotnfertnlilv. " tlm anl.i A marked chance for the better w-iir' apparent en Sumlny nnd se much Ira- trevement lias ne mane since then that Irs, Harvey Shoemaker, Alfred Sten gel and William E. Qulcksull have dis continued the issuing of bulletins. ment in Constantinople and the Straits, """ "" ll ' sain, drove the car which lie thought also that the limits of the I "nrrle)(l the four men. Considerable 11- eiullitarized zones were tee great n i , 'luer is said te have been found in the contended that the four Islands in the1 'reeked nute. ltlchnrdsen and Cns- Continued en .M.eTHIrt.-tl.rin. $ "ilS? SSfW SS& Free Frem War Clouds Dealing with foreign affairs, Mr. Harding tells Congress that Ameri can relations are net only free from every threatening cloud, but the country has contributed its "lurger influence' Centliiurd en I'uid Thirty-Hires. Column On M'ARTMr.NTfl TO SUIT EVERY IirnR ii(J tntt every rquirmtnt may b tSuni ulckiy by cenjultfnic the Aputmint ceiuSS en pae ii.Adv, -w"- ) 7? t' i rM 9 V js .-y; ii.i , 'Ji it, i "i 1 1. i.yiiafj t
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