jV'CS 4,v Btf 'J 1' fcfefti i .,. V. 4.4 t4'VW ., i.hf , lill. A.t - iU m yr - ., "$: V w'1 (' f n r, r. ft e e ft ft ft ft ft ft e ft ft ft ft ft n e ft ft ft ft r ft ft n ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ffliiffi, irftftfhj-" te." IBM fljiy Ii 1. Bt i Utt n til t,i fS- "iJ : n i Ul tii ;A w M iM a. mur m 8 J EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, , TH1JRS&AY. , DECEMBER 7, 1922, t , FOR AUTOMOBILES PROMPT SF.RVICI: REASONABLE PRICES Teunded 1664 Hires Turner Glass Company 7 PER CENT GROWTH lOtn & WAtNCT rultlPftPBIi 1604 CHESTNUT EVERY cay a very satisfy ing 65-cent Luncheon a $1 Dinncr--er a la Carte. Quicker scrice in the French Roem. Feed of L'Aiglen quality merely smaller portions be cause prices are smaller. Won't you run in and let us show you that Geed Feed, High Quality and Lew Prices make an excellent trinity? IN LIFE INSURANCE FROM STARVING RUSSIA TO PLENTY PRUSSIAN WOMEN DROP SACK 1!1h 158 Companies Repert $9,300,- 000,000 New Business for Ten Months i-sOO . X J J t2t.i ..? VjJJa rUNLKALJ) At Half thc Price Others Charge Yeu It'll nnd OKVttsn ( nkM that re built m utiti.l th KAUTII The Mil shi I-arRn nnrt Kemm tvlml Na Impossibilities Ne Fularci faithful Fulfillment of Premises $Orft Tipuril reini tp l irKi, --Jv nmlv Kftlflri rnil, SnlM Mih"ein lllcl'h l'i lliin. i nkt. Ifir llnni!'- I'late menu' I t itte1stiMil silk I inlns Pillow, Mun i r Mlnnket, OiitHi'lu Hanluuml I' II- ' I Twmldf'il Intn ( opt" t lnnnntnl n ul iillt.' inrr .1 I .irgn I lmuirn"i llmlnlm tnc bcilr Vn for openlne ciac V!" rtlInjr. t'trjiing New and Up te Date 1922 DEATH RATE LOWER lit ynctatrtl Vr.i New Yurli. iJi'i-. 7. -The AmcriuiM lioejilp in.' busing S') .SOO.tinil.OOO nf nttt life Iiimiiiiiim' ilni jc.ir, iirceidlng (e the renen of ir! temiunics submit tttl nt tlif sixteenth niimial contention of the Asnciutieii of Life In-iirame Trt Identt lirrn today. This Is $000,000,000 meri than wits ' bought In 10-1. This lnerr.isp 1 re-' emits! 1 the lenders of the contention in retlectiut,' imprtited piiim"-s am! 'cetiuiuic conditions peiiernll.t thtouRh thteuRh thtouRh eut the iMitintrj for the cnrteni jt'iir. Tlie new lite ilMiniliee tliN tear will luiw ,im meiT.'ise nl neat It i )iei' I .Till .nee the llllilllli Hull lit I'l.'l. 'Mill , ill ,,llll I ll I lllllll lllil-lllh ll I OSU' ' mi i i i leu e mi Amu i ii .Mi ' i" "i he lil ul I'.l-- well lietnliil Tit' (HIK.. Oll.ltl'tl. 'I 1 I - 111 i .1 III" I W il I i II O" dm i d in iln I niii I S .!! - i ti mi I was ine.i'iiti ,! hi the ieiim iitien I) I'ranK II. Hitts, vueild tice ine idell' i of the l;(llllitlile I, lie Axsiiiiime Ni ! in It , of New etU, vvlin sniil . "A recettl et the (tirient walei of life iiisuninee is new mnsldercd a neoes neees Nnrt inteRral factor in ceiisttuct.ti,.' a ' -tit Isfai or li.treineter of ti.itl'iiial busi ness lontliiieiis. An iipitreimali(iii of till- join's huinP's, tlierefere. niiKt he et esneel.il Interest in meaiu-t'i(; the tnretery fteni KCiicrnl ernneinli tlepres- s-len f IUa? AV; .ylsH ,:' MmSrw '- - ssssV" ''ssssssssisiWsssssssssssssssssssssssssl liPC,, ,S!F 'ssssssHssssssssssssssssssH '' NX tK'','' "WF '' sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH . t F '. .ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH , r v -v .r ' ' eH ssssssssisssssslssssissfliisssBsssssssssssssHssslssssm uWk 'IssssssssssssssssssssslsiBssssssssssHnPP' r mi VsssssssisssssHLsssLlHlF ,A K 9 lii&iiht&. ssswssssssssBBsP' ssssK is'" t m, W HIkJu. - ; x isflssssV&l wfT z flHsaE JsBK SHsSBBIsliKlHHHBslHBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsKfB K l" Wmlf"'- K s'PIIsisssssHsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssMlB H V" '-' if ! M& XiZ. I Wsssssl llsss i s ssssssssKLssssssssssssssrtk r ;4iJ w sssHKKdKssnL!KsK:? misssss V sHi sssssssHsssssssssssssssVA ? ' i', - TMtBSSmmTBmkMm ..1 iisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVsssVl r0 '. ''IS.SKBsssssssssK, VKssssssissssssssssssVSsssssssssssB FlH l VSNw, -issiytMMai2r lK$ Jlg .ssssKaigB i ssssssssssssssssssssssssV-JsRST '' 'HsnL. AssssssssssssssssssssnlsBMissssllsssssss'': .Isssssssl 1 BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSK9BSSK: ULSL . nslSVBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBSSSSSSBl? HKBBBSSSl SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWklSsV' ' kftSBre V n nl ffa i TT,fflrwWffBTlBSSSSSSsffiiLiiTBSMS ssssssssssssssssssssHiisssK. 'e.rsi Si 'JiaiawSsMHlsW .'s,-vlc:3ssssssssEaB?x3sS I sssssssssssHssssHKI 'mMSflMim sssssHslssHK ' ;:i'fl B?4HpP,fetl3 sssssflfliiiB:'' SM sf liPirSilffil ? sssssssssssMHil lagfM ; '4 pHbCaA VHiBEssssssK9sssssssssssssssKK-sV rsssssssssssssssssssC'' "" iisssssssssssssssssssflnil',' IKSHiKiisssssssssiiHIisss' ':' kissssssssssssssssssssV7MB , IHKlsssssssVssssssssKwiTRsssssasKt' " ' going te lmvp ihe dress ma'de te wear i te tlie ttcdtlitiB. (Inlv ii ttnril or two of I'.licllhh Kellhl CLOTH FOR REAL GARB ffiSEHS'SB everything about It Beetns iicnrci te Mether and Daughter Reunited With Relatives After Leng Facing Black Starvation and Rags in Native Country I Theie will he no mere shoes made of wrapped rngt nnd drepaes of Hour Heur sacking for Vclge Kezlmnnskala and her daughter, Sephia. Gene are the tteekt of fasting and the days when net cteu n hit of black bread and smoked fluli could he ob tained. Tbey nre new ilrltihing real tea, In- said, "and they may te me, 'Are you citizen of United States? I tay, 'Yes,' but I have net the papem te prove, nnd they nre se strict they say I could net take this girl and her mother atvay with me. Hut after time I get It fixed nnd I bring them home te Phil adelphia." ' J hey suffered se ttlien thev were in her. There is net only real tea with sugar, but as much herring us she can rati butter, eggs, and white bread such as hhc had forget existed and there Is peace nnd security and freedom from the haunting fear that her mother may net be able te bear the continued hard ships. Once tthen Kenln had gene frtr away te try te buy some salt for their feed, it. fiilhniiilj were llpslretpll bv tllC 1 IteMieviM while she ttas gene, and for r.iin. iiwintlm klie (citilil net U'el hack te her home In Hlaly Serkev-Kclf. Her .(..,! r n II... .1.1 ....!.. ..r .... la nt 11. - -.1.1 ..j t 1- ..!1 lit I.... a -'i riM i im ii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiic tn (iii i win r( i iii iiiii tiiiimrv. nn y-:iiti. i iiim itiivi- ted beets: mitl they hate again taMed te wear the clothes of flour s,,elis." lie, me her !"lh') tut ' a u u . Kiigar. tthleh they had nef eaten for .nntlntind theiightfiilh . lingering a hit '""I during that tine nun iptttui feuf .tears. of soft doth which hit .iter the counter '" FPP. IPVUS" j ! ' ?" ,'..,,, tlllt Hi, Ter they hr.tA row- te Aineilca- f hit tailoring simp. . ui ',,?,, ler d the' wrinkles which means uf them t only their J ' . oel t, ,el eldr r a. ..It 1, ttt.nkle l!'1 m Ur'-a, 'ster "and Ihriri ?tfj'' ? ""J ''dectcd' droop, of her slmuld.ers make nnue-j AMiicu any uatiiier iiiini cm.v. iu.r seem miien eincr iniin uvi imj- ceiiHitis, whom they hate net seen for twelve j ears. Leng nge, when Mr. nnd Mrs. Leuis Paul, who new HveM 2,".10 Seuth Philip street, left Hussia, their families were happy and prosperous. Then came the war nnd the black days of starvation and struggle. .Mr. Paul's family was rilled. His wife's mother anil two sisters were djing of hunger and cold. Time passed, and the amount which Mr. and Mrs. Paul were sating grew and ctew. They sent the Ite.itimtiHl;uln famllt ineseiits, and. one day. the money for the passage of the mother nnd the unmarried sister wa.s seal en Its way te Russia. I !'!.. I.r.t.1 .tlit.tli liwilll'llf tnein nVMl' united last Wednestlaj, and Siitttr .Mrs. Fcigc. Ke.lnunslial.i and Iut daugliter Miphhi, tthe can hardly realize the long dajs of fasting and misery are nter at last. At right the girl holding ttlut passes for clothing material In the Soviet country NO CHARGE FOR m of cr iv if ' ti n ' i la of i ,r .ii t - of ln-hn- i h 'Ir-. ri i n ii 1 r i H " niln't f in low, a tls !'irtntt! ntti nti n 1 I E. Kessler & Ce. lnicrfafcer 1633 W. DAUPHIN ST. Formerly of 3909 Gtrmantean Ave. Always 0prt B-U Ph Dlsmead 2205 O W eT;e'Ct r-f eecyvceccsGC1' E?iftt-u'gXit)ikni.jirttt; I V ' - i x- I K M p. ' I Give Her a Cliristmas Gift of Pearls NO gift you can make will better express the permanence of Christmas and the per manence of sentiment than aTc-cIa Nctklacc sheddine; its soft irides cent beauty into the Christmas memories of a wifetimc! Telle Pearl NecUactJ ith Cjcnutne Diamond Clasp $100 te S350 10 Rued: Inte. Paris rcUEereiStrrrttanJcn CharlesJ.Maxwcllck.Ce. Sele Philadelphia Agents Walnut St. at 16th St. W.MflMMJiggfftftWff In VeVahfd Wiotiee and Carrara Maiblc Impetteil Desk Sets CHOICE collec tion of Desk Sets, recently - i m p e r ted, is new ready for inspection. Marbles and metals, tooled and painted leathers, richly embroid ered brocades and tapes tries, are among the ma terials employed. Useful as they are ornamental, these desk appurtenances are espe cially suitable for holi day presentation, their moderate cost making them highly desirable and deservedly popular. Frem $25 Upward The Rosenbach Galleries THIRTEEN TWENTY WALNUT ST. 1 1. BfWMirA nn neetirnle n snrvev of' t 1 this tear's situation as possible all of ' an , tlie life insurance companies writing 1 business lust teal weic leutieMeil te I ! submit estimates of tilt tear's hiiaitnssj I t .. ,1. ...it.inl ,!,,.! lull ' tllisril UIIIML I " llilttll" .1' l.l nii'i - 'months' approximated business, Repiuty hate been reieitcd from 1"S i-empauies, I which wrote Its per cent of the total new business paid for during I'.'-l i'liese rejK.IIS aggregate ,M).1.-0.(MIO.IM)0, inihiiiL' te the - tier tent net bean! tnuii the Mime t.itie ter new btiMiies ns epei 11 nerd lit the '.IS per 1 ent lieiml from it i- estimated that the total 111 -111 in e pii'd nr during I'.l-- m :iil 111eii1a11 rempanies will aiieiiut te ' sii.'jiiii.diiil.ime as ugain-t ss "'" ll,MI j 'inn fur 1 isi tear. ID-'J Death Kate Lew Lifi iii.sinanee death claims 11 'e ! Vm ember I. show that the I iiiled States and I'atiada are this jear - net icm mir n health record alme-t lden- fteal with that of 151'JI. which wis the best in publie health hi-terj. A siirtct of these claims entering the 'oaths for the fir-t ten months of 11'-- iiiienc "II.OIMI.OOO insured pei-ens wa--iibmitted te the convention by Ur. Augustus S. Knight, medical dircter of ibi Mettopelitati Life Insurance iVmi punt of this city. This j ear's experience with 11 low death rate is considered all the mere 1 leniarKnble. the repeit stated, bceniise , the first itmrter of the jear began with 1 a much higher imntalitt than did tin itlf spemling lieueil ni 1!1. I Twe siiecessite I iw .1111111. il death iiMiisiue iigaideil a-mere than a coin- i nil nee. and are belieted te be u ftire j runner nl a di-tinit natietit tmpiete- incut 111 n 1 1 1011.1 1 health conditions. grifitltural (iron th shown Pmtru.tiil of the reniaiKable vApau 011 "f American agrieultiire, til) te Nut ember 1 of this jc.ir, was gitcti in original intestmeiit statistics of life in--ur.iin e companies submitted by Presi dent William W McC'leneh. of the 1 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance ' Company, of SpringliehT, JIn-s.. nm -bowed that the farm mortgage leans brM by American life insiiianee coin- panics have doubled in b -s than litpj tears and the total, M . tis.tiuti.uiHi, is new in cm ess of the cemp.mli s' leans en citt prepi rt.t. At the end of 1017. the repeit read the farm meitg.ige leans nf the life eeiiipnilies weie ST.'MI.OtXI.OtHI. Tinee ji.irs later, nt the end of I'.H'O, these mortgages ameutited te ,l.nsi.fK10.(iiM) and since then the brutes hate shown eten large,- relit it c gains Mere thun s'j-jO.nne.fMiO ttas added In 10'Jl iii.d SU'J.dfKl.OOlJ mere up te Net ember 1 of this tear. maUing a total inerein-e ,,f 1 s:j.",V; (niii. imm 111 twditv-twe months ASKS $4000 FOR STORY KIPLING FORGOT HE WROTE1 Legal Battle Probable te Prevent ' . Publication of Manuscript ' trillion. Dee ". The effeilH e' 11 Louden bookseller te dl-pusn nf a 1 hitherto unpublished Kipling manu- 1 -enpt Tthlcb the author does net 1 remember luivlng written in likely te , lesnlr in legal notion te jireteut the, document from being published Trie 1 1 manuscript Is "At the Pit's Meuth I Personal Hecolleetiens of Duncan Pur 'lenness Translated Fieni His iJlarv ,by 11. K " , ' The price asked for the nintm-erlpt ' which it is said Kipling proiiuem preiiuem tlnrtt -eight tcsis age Is een t hi manuscript is written for the most pert 111 pai.illel leliimns, one leutnlmng the Htert and the ether nistruetien- nnd siig-'estiens from 11 person te whom tin manuscript ttas sent for reti-ien The Malement of the presi nt holder Is that tlii' manuscript was prepured when Kipling ttas n journalist in Indlii and that after writing it h,. jte ,f , n tteinan author te einbrelilei ,uj hnte published. She, it is -aid nt templed te get Kipling's periiiis-ien te publish it a few j ears age, hut In refused te "give permission fur tile publication nf a work ttiitten bT ul,. mere than 11 generntlen nge, trliieh I annet eten neilll," but be offend te but it from her. The manuscript is the Hirllent of Kipling s known te exist. It cemd-is of a satire en Angle-Indinn secletj m1( although In a series, the Hamn as the stories 111 "Wen Willie. Winkle n leiembles th latter enlj Hlightlj. SANITY TEST FOR SPEEDERS Indianapolis Mayer Says Violators , Will Be Put In Padded Cells Indianapolis, Iee " sanltr let will be made en all prrseni arrested fei speeding, Mnjer Slinnl; niineiinerl tistiidny .ludge ilrnith m ( m Court gate 1 number of speedus hgbt lilies 1 Pi rsens arrested, the Majer said would be held in jail until xnininw, , the State law providing that persons held for satiitt tents cannot site bend. The Mayer wild they tyuuld be placed in padded cells. Lincoln's Photographer Dead nelllngliiuii. Wash., Dec. 7. (Hy A '!'). .1. O. Stewart, n neighbor ami friend of Abraham Lincoln in Spring Held, III., In the T.Ob, died at liis home In Hamilton, ged elghtj eight 1 j ears. Stewart was Lincoln's photog rapher at Kprlntrfiehl and served ns 1 photographer with the I'lilen rint dot ing 1 In Itil War II. had i'iu ut liuuullvu klUUC lb'Jl. Sick Weman Leaps te Death brought almost instnnt death te Mrs. ririnti n T-n t i t nt Clara . McKcnnn, thirty-five, a Clmreland. O.. Dec. 7. (l.v A. P.) w,(ew ,f) hm, ll0PIl' miffer,nJK fr0'm n treni a toiirlb-stet t window et ,K, f,,Vpr n,i ,b.iriiun accompanying apartment house this morning bronchial pneumonia. day night .Mr. He7.linansi;ain aim ner 1 ,,,,.,,S flannel' Her mother still had the kerchief en her head and a hind: skirt, which she smoothed gently when he daughter spoke of it. "She has had It for twelte .tears," said Mrs. Paul. "When they lived in the cellar afraid they would be killed she burled it se that it etild net be found, nnd when she was coming te Amcrlcn siie due it fin and put it en. I J-'enln had te l,uj clothes hefete they tteuhl let her en the 'hip. They would net lei her wear her lagged skiit and waist- rhe did net eten hate menej , ciiitiit.li te Iiiij s.iiking for underwear." When Setila left llu-.slu she gave her dress te her cousin and that garment made of ceaisu tlem sat King was tue her seem eight years. "They aie se thin," mourns Mrs. Paul, "but new that they arc here with me they will get fat ntid well," and Senln nods pleasantly and vigorously, though net nt nil sure of what Is being, snid, ns she cnlls one.ef her two Lng: lish words. "Geed-by." pays Colombia" $5,000,000 U. S. Sends First of $25,000,000 Debt for Canal Zene Damages Washington. Dec. 7. The 1 "lilted yny' Slates yestcrciaj gave me jicpiiunc or pncl.agc U. S. AGENTS HU m BLACKlNDGANi Twe Prisoners Charged Whjil Sending Dynarrtite and ThreafJ Through Mails HmmltJ Colombia u check for S.-.OOO.OOO, its T.S.1 1 i . lcueriii ngeiiis leuny are fcnrchlni for two alleged blacklianders, rempan! it.ns of two men captured yesterdnj iiiiiiiiniK nun eiuirgeii witn Kemllnt f tll.n.tlltl. 111'. I.tlln... ...! P t ii, .... ,..,r, viT illlll Jt through the malls. Vl..l,t..u l'l.,,A nv. ..... """",,M vy....iiunvt Attriitii J Catharine streets, nnd Paole YKt(t iwv ".v ,,.,i v in miiiiri, were nr rested by I'osteflico Inspector HawJi! tvurin unui uu tuvi'HUguuetl COVmIm six months. "7 They were nrralgned befer tt.nj' States Commissioner Manley nnd d.tjl in $25,000 hall for a further bcarSil December 10. A warrant then wul .",.-,, .,. .n.,u,u,i men, "no or whom recently served a prison term for rW Kelllne. "I In the last six months the cenfcdJ ,".,'m :.,."'""; . "v "u "OTae w en. ,1.1111 iuu -uu 1,1 rny tijbutf. "u eiinis ni in hi iHieisngei eentnln, lug djnnmlte. (labrlelle Lorie, Seek tine. .. ii., iceeneu sucn a nnrnel and en August 17 n dynamlii was received bv Jeseph Man present she leuld have made, first pnjmcnt under the $25,000,000 daughter icnched Phlladelpliia witli .Mr. 1 Her mother sold her snrk dress 101 trcnty, ratified in 1021 te cover dnmnges SSrn M,N- rmi,,sa,1, ,"wirrcd l,,',,he cons,rucf,en of thc "'b ' Already Leves America Panama Canal. Had te Wear Fleur Sacks New Senln has a beautiful blue sport 'jhc payment was due September SO, Dven the memory of that trip te 1 coat, nnd upstairs in her room is the 1 nt,t for some unexplained reason the re Ellis Island caused Mr. Paul te wring his hands. "I forget my cltlienshlp papers," he soft, bllky material for a dress,. A 1 neighbor, Hetty Ueltl, is going te ne married nhxt month, nnd. Senln Is public was net rendy te receive It until today. Thc remaining payments will be made yearly in $5,000,000 sums. ftcdlus. C'umden. On August 11 GinnnI Olunta, Nnti and Hall streets, received a letter nipsml fusal meant death, lie wan teM ' ,' Assistant United States Atterni. rtnll-XT. en 1,1 h. hnllnv.. k Til..,, ii1"? gang is composed of a number of pW.; sites who have been making money h any easy way, such or gelnif falm btS nini t:uiiiB u uKOt BBlTIBBBBlBlLiliBlBTVwBBBB58sl n I isssi II. I I 1 . A . si . sssssl H .isssl-lli l-l-llslin.llll 8IXH-FIVE YEARS A LEADER Hiving elasticity, conforms te the figure. Ne binding, no aim ping. Measures full size, firing th- freedom lequired. M ADR IN Fist Knit Spring Nredle. Fine Woeti mired with cotton. A Protection Atalnst Colds and Soddse Chining et the Bed?. Cratrtnteed NOT te Shriah Llshu Medium and Winter WdcfcU Bi(ht Qualities 91.75 te $5.50 per Gartaexil Ask Your Dealer Glastenbury Knitting Ce. 8.1 Clnstenlitir.v, Conn., Dept. saniple t-iiuings j'Tee JOEL BAILY OAVIS CO. ROBERT REIS & CO. ttliele-ule Distributors ictrela performance is a certainty net a hoee Service B sHsttH r - 4il v"Gfinntfen W EXECTR1C CLEANER is designed and built te give years of faithful, dependable service. And it will. If, through accident or otherwise, your Terrington ever requires the services of The Terrington mechanical or electrical experts for adjustment or overhauling due te accident or extraordinary use, you are invited te make full use of the experience and facilities of The Terrington Shep. We sell you The Terrington en the basis of your satisfaction. TOOT borne TS" Free Demonstration THE TORRINGTON SHOP The Terrington Company Established 1866 113 Seuth 11th Street Telephone Walnut 3249 v Smartly Shed Fer Holiday Shopping "DUSY.days and carefree feet thou-- sands of Philadelphia women knew there's nothing in town like these Winter Walking Shoes in Walk-evers. CO SMART, se well poised, and such utter comfort every minute of a busy day. There are dozens of models, and the one illustrated comes in Scotch Grained Trimmed Patent Leather or Black Calf and all Teny Brown Calf at $10. Spert Shoes begin at Seven Dollars. Spert Stockings for Gifts In buying a talking-machine you either buy a Victrela or some ether instrument that you hope will de as welL A new let of novelty cft'ects in silk and wool at $2. Attractively Boxed 9 JI Harpers 122s marks? u iiisbmiiri. MMM MMU it JmJWZm T' I022 CHESTNUT OHUT5 wzsa "HIS MASTER VOICE Victrela REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. Important Loek for these tradenarks. IJhder the lid. On the label Victer Talking Machine Company v"us,n, nt3wuer8ey ? ' 7. r', - v t'H-.Vll-'yi ' !V " ". , U. .i rJ-.-Jt i'i -