-T "K fl WfW ftj? YK is ri m rrms- EVBNINO PUBLIC 'LDGEB-PHIi;ABELi?aiAy frHUtiSPft X1 DEOikBER 7, i92fc JiySldt THE &VMPS Flirting With DUaster . 1 The Subconscious Courtship DON'T CMtE ANVTVUN6' ABOUT WMStUF - VVe S0FTOt TME TSVVvOtrnMIft 'H ,. jn utetnmn't xtrmeritnttry ichtm ( hoop mttert from Martyr i , ' By BERTA RV(?K Auther of "The Wrong ttAwrieht," "The Arrant Rever," Kte. 4wervw Oepvrigfttt 1IM, DeiM, iraf oe. cm set wm vupcm -rut vatheut a. F.CjWT THES'KE CRAZN-' "THtS GRAET rV VECt OF MEAT AWAM VKOM A WONCjIW V.ON- THAVS WHAT TVS sp fmmrMmww &$ fir " ' ,,v r ' " f j ii i tV -"--T-TTri1 TT f ' !. f-ii-"- 'mamni?' - , mwmm liwtM-mmMW in iggiMfT 3 : 1 1 : - ' WiWgfe 1 Ce v- v i- :. :;i ,- X l KMStVF - VVe SUFt TE TAVv01rnMIWt AvV i mt.-i vrrtw .i . x? wtni 'CTii e -tu ) ANt l H tCOMt RecONCtLtt) T6 a - VI tf AMtVA TVAtS COX)VET VUS vteV.t IAMO MtTtfct) M A COUPLE OF mClNCTS ------ - - - --- .t ti w ibi bul Lawiri vr wnvw 'i . UC. 6" l hHX T FIND WTHrA6 CROOVfE VlL I S V 1 LIRY IMtVkinLI XKIftik I W t 1111 IU I M i - !! VIM.- rV WIll I II t - U)l,ll X . !... ... I " i . " ciec H-ft IVi ftcuivi tev ua V" ' CMW TMW VIGKT TO COTORtS- S J A V I ! '' or a a and meneii her for Xtir'. 'rie'lV " r.a u HO IN THE 8TORX v J?".Vn eT.umVBTONB. charm- CJWr" r Vefce Ae fnaertled W r.;.r Worried- ty relative mt'.."' ..i. .. tn marru nei ffi&5 te Vi. WjL'K "ft Mieraii. m" ofjcrienality, erWJLrr lofte a rte!ed a new . .'" .'':;; taiine!" proneai- Olevcr't period, who has UU""I V" .'.... J J. u.iZird Clever in aaveriny ??!? i0..r, btg, geed-natured chap, Jllflul in Ien Uh Rosemary. Handsomest Pair In the Beem ,-HEl' waltzed, neither conscious of re'otber-er was It only newthat Ae for n space conscious e I the HSntiri Clever and the real Car- -Inwardly perhaps already these selves JS ch toward Urn ether. Out WW c" ,,,, the hantl- wardly wj lemett pair In the room. "Ed.1, stepping where the last chord -th, tune left her with one feet hehl WA heard a Pierrot near her telling "?t Ser'danclng with the Span- ?ru;inB''Cl-"aed fljtal of This perfect stranger, "'aheut M,r, when Uawas borne in upon her .."l , was "the" Cannlchaet who that this was be ... . ld escapcu, xr' "'".- .", i,., vii.i. time. she tool? anuni - - iMine dashes across the room. K ! Bhe cried, simply fllnKing henelf upon him. "Why de you loe .1 m Hever? He called me Sandal. H.W,' wll? jeu'pleaBe pre'lnise me some thing at once?" "What is It?" 'Ne, will ou premise mc? "Net unconditionally ; no. "Ob, you attractive duck, hew well I can see bow you inuue w - rrlrd the llappcr. "But de give iua( x uu bu jeu! jen,' .. iin.. m eenieimnK, "".i lour uuiegruim. beunued the itv .,!!,, i . u ?,niiii(lp(l se like lrttefs that had been addressed te hlra iA'.i.u "nn.lnlt Se new she knew? "Yes. only your autograph six times written out' she pleaded. "There are lust a few KlrlH I knew who would se love it. I don't mean new, you knew. I'll bring you my llttle book tomorrow, and eonie netepapcr, when you come. Teu don't mind my knowing you are the Turkish camp man, de you? Thank i .... n murii ! t knew you den t really mind me ... ., Fer with dismay en hta face there mingled a leek of indulgence toward tin child. Clever, also Hcetng it, 'thought V 'Mi.lwM mv lint i nnu my suicKinEs. New it'x my "pnrtni-rs. KIiu'h welcome te Llm if bbe'd only Icave my things alone." All the came, the next hesitation waltz found h'r forgetting in Cnrmlch ael's arms tbut it wus Curmlchael with whom she danced. "They're engaged!" Sandal, very important, hanging back from one pf her lads, blurted it out ever her shoul der at the Elizabethan gallant. "They're engaged. Pukka. Ne, Bebby, I den t mean they're engaged for every dance tonight. They're going te be married. And when you've recovered conscious censcious conscieus nesa you'll hae te go up and cengrnt- Juiais mem. Bebby Mcwelyn, the barrister with a gift for amateur theatricals and fnsh- lonaeie tailoring, hioeu mere be uitimai that fecnil waltzing couple bumped into him as he steed before he pulled himself together, felt involuntarily for a discarded monocle, pulled his' rapier xrem between his biiucn Knees, nnu flapper. "But I bet that doesn't menn ny of the tones of voice Clever utters it in I ' Net she ; I always notice she seys the same 'you te Duck Car-, mfchael as she said te Fresty-face Elphlnstone and all the pcople at the office. Talk about engaged people in the.house being; as geed as a play!" she tossed the golden repe of hair back ever her shoulder, "I call it a crash ing failure from my polntef view." 'Evcry pair of levers invent a spe cial 'llttle language' of their own," mused Mrs. Meadows, paying, as usual, scant vheed te her children's prattle. "Majer Carmlcbael and our dear Clever may net seem te have very much te soy te each ether, but when nene of us are there I expect it's a very dif ferent story." It was, though net In the sense that the gentle soul imagined. Take, for instance, that discussion of theirs about February 14. ' Day of a neglected saint, it has come In this country te mean far less than Guy Fawkcs, less than the FcaBt of All Feels. Only seme levers still re member; seme naturalists; some senti mentalists. Mrs. Meadows, hearing the date fixed for Clever's wedding, murmured, "Valentine's Day! Hew touching 1" Her mind went back dec ades te what St. Valentine's Day had meant te her: the cardbenrd casket with the frill of lace; the heart of pink per fumed padded satin ; the ribbon-tag that, pulled, revealed an opening bou quet of paper-blossoms bearing the motto, "Be Mine." That fashion was dead as the then fashlonable bustle. Te her daughters Rosemary and LaVcndcr "a valentine" had still meant the ex cuse for presents from admirers who wished te send chocolates in n lordly box or scent In n nhlal of cloudy glass". Little Sandal would have cried, "Val entines? The!0 weird cards with doves doing nese dives en them? It must have been n scream te hnve anybody in leve with you in these days!" Still, te be married en Valentine's. Day had seemed a pretty idea. Consider, however, hew much the prcttlncss of the lden mennt te these Qanccs, once away from these whom It must impress. Carmlchacl, turning ever his small pocket diary, mid. "Yes, I did make u forward nete for the 14th. Here 'tis. Yeu booked it, tee?" "Would I forget it?" sold Clever snubblngly. This happened when they had gone gene out for & walk ("te discuss tinal ar rangements") en Wimbledon Common. The world's worst climate poured upon them torrents of cold und driving rain; the reeds and the paths be tween the gorse-bullies were deserted ;lvcn up te this adventurous couple in wet-weather attire. They strode along, iregues splashing through puddles, cold lreps en their eyelashes, able te Fee llttle nhcad In any ense It would have "jeen a comfortless prospect enough, that afternoon. drew back into the doorway. ."Gad." he muttered te himself. Bla disconcerted gaza again followed the dancers: followed the Spaniard's hert full frock of creamy lace; her black mantilla caught high, by the comb, above her face; her slim, white sheathed ankles; her little black shoes that carried her poised, swaying, glid ing in lyrical accord with that partner of hers. Curmichacl's lieht cloak flew out behind him in the dance, leaving his till, black-und-whltc figure like u mnht te that billowing nail of geld-and-mber Miln, a sail full of nir; once at & turning step it furled itself about hie partner, enfolding them together; It had te be caught nwny, and again it itreamed out, n golden banner be- mne. tuem. , With a blank face Llewelyn watched. Then " 'There's many a slip.' " he told hlmielf. "They aren't married." He tent a glance after Carmlcbael hlch (could leeks have slain) would nv put an end then nnd there te any JSjrrtage prospects, nnd he repeated, They aren't married yet!" Jey-Hells Comments attend an engagement as Mtyrally as birds fellow the plow. Hut tin Clever-Cnrinicliael engage ment pruWded few juicy tidbits for the reeelps. These people knew merely jht the pnir had nipt at a dinner; that Jey were te be married very been ; en lehruary 14, Nobody had heard If that silent young nan had fallen in love at first sight JK& that independent young woman. wnat he baid about her, what bhc thought about him, and exactly ."hew jch in love" the ceuple were all tin.. hlank remained a disappointing rlSe ""erved. both of them." was '". Meadows' verdict. "Darling ,V. er nvl'r lma ,,,,l'' "We te bliew her weper feelings even te us. Yet we S ' ,'-v m"ht L' ll(,rp' Anil, though SK,du W " Pirl itl attracted by her "PpeHle. ifH ceitalnly net se there. te lit (,ttlml,'l"u'1 is n ciiMi of 'Like vm,B ' J ,'"lvc 110Vur 'ct t-een the . 3f ",1?" '"el at Clever net what we should call 'leek.' in my day." uue was in the Itlohraeiid Victorian- ,??rawing-roem, talking te her girls. diMU.emarj: Bftil1' "ur ly wan se Peit.Lntlmcrtnl- (len''- It makes us peit-war people quite faint te think numh'.. 0ur world is mere full of a bui?n ' IMngs. Clever's get the tineia. He-? ROt nlg .cnglncerng, thi:I J?ut '?ts of themselves Inte " "Ork. mntlir Tint- h ..i.,,.l. lh. 2L.rth0 aK for Puttlmr all WO0tl"al eggs into one basket. fell 2i!5n thS whole let crashed nt ene mentr p' ' emc,et of 8,ntl" ' m lthere. ?an,I?l.B clcar tr,ule broke in hltk cnU, '" "nrryl I haven't te hi.h.r I'W nrry yet. Net ' thai -,- ' l ence rpal somewhere rteni f rren1"n YOU in n certein I'tnAnini .' . " '"n "lest pass onute ' OttM". ,l! " " Uttered by a ,';"- a ins, .' -nin.,.n.. i', i,.'.,,u Jeybells of .Matrimony "Right. That's our wedding day then," said he briskly. "A quiet af fair. Just sour aunt and these girls, I Mippose. Yeu won't want any one lse.. clever?1' Clever, eharply, "Quiet? .Certainly net! Jii'-t the family? (ioeil gracieu What made you think of such ft thing? That, would miss the whole point!" 'What" neinl? Surely you don't want n tamnsha? Mebs of neeplc?" "But, of ceurbc, that's exactly what I de want!" Horrified alienee from the bride-"fnnm-tn-br. "T wnnt." said the brlde-to-be, res elutely, "every outward and Visible sign that I can novo. A Dig weutung. aoy aey h..ll. A crush at the Hyde Park Hetel. Bed carpet and confetti galore, messes of flowers, cases nnu cases or. eiiain mirtin Krprvliedv T knew. Kvery- bedv ! I must have the difference well marked." "T what difference?" "Tim difference that there Is golnCte be In my life. In my way of living, at all events. I want tliat made obvious te everybody. A hole-and-corner wed ding would net teem !e like a real one. TVin'l vnn underHtnnd what I want?" He did net reply. Gloomily he stared ahead, seeing, net the weeping lanu lanu senne. hut that ceremony, that crush. tin miia nnt hnvn told anv ene hew hiclKnim and what u mockery it all iinemnri mifldenlv te him. Tn Clever, tee. it suddenly appeared from another ungle. She hed meant te eTi.lmln evervthinar but the business as- njtt TTm.AOGAnnhli. nnil fllim Intn I1T1. jn-v-i. uiiHuwi'Hi'vt ...... - . ether aspects of her conduct dimmered up from behind the clear expediency of it. Whvr it nne seemed nericL-iiy uu rlffht two years before when she hnd found herself willing te make a mar- rlage of. convenience with that remote employer of hers, Jehn filphlnstenc. lint new en the eve of this net-even- marriage where the man would benefit as much ns she new, at the eleventh hour, she found herself thinking against it. Tt- wna nn uclv fthnm I It was taking cover behind what was intended te shelter something tender and beautiful 1 It was n gigantic fraud en her own ,.nl! Tt "wasn't crle" ! She had here te remind herself that, of course, it wasn't supposed te bu cricket; it was pure business. Her deep down and Drnwine repugnance te it did net keep rimer" silent. On the contrary, te drown the voice of (he whisperer from the depths, she became deliberately flunnf . 'This wedding." hhc declared, "Is te make what is vulgarly called 'a eninHh.' And. whlle I remember! I ,..ii.i. vnn. nlease. te cet married in uni form. If I could wear orange-blos- enum nnd Auntle'R wonderful old Lim erick luce veil nnd n court drew of ..l.ltn miracle-brocade. I would. But I ta'V,mt T0U? Why net?" "Bccnuse, of course, widows don't." "T EOO." Striding along beside her, he cheched an almost imperceptible bmlle. What knit of a widow was this girl who mid I,....,, "mnirled" for exactly a aunrtcr of an hour? The wime sort of "widew'l sorry, but I am temporary officers Mie would go en being if anything hap ,,,i, ml in hnr second husband. "I see." he said again. "Widows don't. Aim J am afraid demobilized don't either." "Den t wnaif "Wear uniforms at their weddings." "D'yeu mean you aren't allowed te?" "I'm afraid net," said lie, feeling . ,iin ilrht tlniH In his career borne eratltude toward the powers-that-be. teserve man? I thought you could apply for nermUBien- -" "Impossible, I am afraid," returned Carmlchacl, and she saw it wt final, if net from the War Office, then from Very' cress with both of them, she agreed. "Well, If it's impossible, jeu can't, of course." And "e wondered if this young soldier would have felt that te wear the King's uniform, at this wedding, would have been making it a, masquerade, ccn as her cloak bad been for him. 20 oevevo XEfce yg y" jj : P f S My ' , -Jfl 'SOMEBODY'S STENOG-Why Ge Seuth? ; : : ..y . effl; - Ma-Ud ' -7jr- - ' XtrlTTO .' MOW'. SEB? HIS ROOM VA i - T ! ' t A-V Vl 77 fLf ABOVE FVER' WAIT -nVAL'L The Youne Lady Acress the Way WHO SAS THERE ISN'T ANY SANTA CLAUST -:- Bu FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS -t- By DW10 ri r r . i j rrfT tt'.i . r,m , mm'ut m riii ra nn h . ivitvhh e. tiiii u u iih BnraraHH nm b m t nr r taeBcg?Yi vw ... u. - h . w- t tte w & wisWiiiKn inn i v. u.ww. . 2r!5-- vb-v .!r-i n rf.utva, a i u-i m cje M.it.n!-immt.rc.'jwxn wa ihb U - " TV"Nriltfg&S TmKjZL? irm MiMMV ? i I i ' I' W il'H I ITn ul . Z2S5S---.-. -.--- ?crr- OPrm . I TtttfB a i vt.j jcr- -r 'fcSi "sar . vxim -sw hi s. i :vii r mm i . Vf - I1Z WWm JISI i ,l iIliBiA! r u a. cz vs h -s i" te' ,1 iw . wwxKr 6nnniiHriivmn mm wm i & m gecd m tmmmmmsniWw m f i tttt'sa a nL . &zj v :ss - kvuH lubkb u mmtmm' V'im.. UfKr H Ii r Vsih iZ MAA4KV. :st JTW & alh -' HI wmmmti fffn 1 1 il Tl mm "mi M l -ri& m x Vs. k. -s mmj&ii-MimmmMLmEmv. mmmmmu WttitAtAtsci'- rr .f n ",'.' dr 1J x Hbk? I AtS224gHigflgnlHilgaKl!i WSwtimwL Twi The young lady across the way " uStit Ju x ggMf3iM?i7 JtrTTBgMBrSk""J?alJK.LlK JP says she simply doesn't ee hew - ' tj, J&' n. V BBfeBgLjllgH T" ''TBlSSr -'i!!54 PC uuy irue .iiuii-iii-uii -ii uc iur iii T( 75&z3tr x "fTT T-1"CCZ- LTlU ---t hi i separation of cliurcn anu state tn " WlSSKBSMHsr r& rlHSl NISU Ot vlew of what tee constitution says vi ieu iANT HAKB. umuz. nuBtnTi titm new TBwzSZg&ffrZJ T THE CLUeS MtVI MEWBcR. about it. 12J 1 tririrrr " ; 1 PKTRY Frnm New On Silence in the Rend inn Rnnnt ; ; : Rn C. A. Vninhl ' ' lWM 1 ,. " III iWsgskSssK -77771 ....... I ' r 3 i Ml a,V l'vi flmxtr i in iii niA " II l.HI XVviSSii--V VS lC I II U itf"l" -J i . W"V N '-it.- ;.-,,,c" 7--Z. .ir.;r w - r I a ss&ggs&t a r ,u . m - e -Nea w ,- i i ins h"' i wewnK ncrxuim- Infr II IB XVSS1-vX&' - ICA f rNI ' V'-. , !.. TTf.r '... I 1 ' I f-.TJrtur UoRenv DtsTuists VvtP fl f7A " J B 55:500 I Upavpu..'. ii X ' T 3 vww mm wcwimiU. lJu-Unu v w" :! v n zeszz v".,:.: " .''k- - i r -on.Netj.'r v - -"-. T l neuV H H V5. WHM.I e V , 'IMV II v V -TCPAniia' I " .. ' f " r ' "-" M H 52Sr -tt.- V" "TT - - .- Q &. i' .....-,, r - .r.."?Jir..A 7 smc ew kv K r w; 'X VOMB-AH - ' HOVJuveR ieyi . ( i-"...: ' ( ' . . - SCi A, iK - -r daLr e inTgMKf m iir w i '.asr-v j BrvaffHi ) mm&Lt r &''m j ' f vew 'VWmjF - aiis r iKr j mwim r7z. wmwuxz&zzs : -,. M.Hifirigigr-as - . nn 7 1 3 ?-2b pss BdHePMBR 1 Vfsss, ie j mrBEB&2 - - . - . - 1 " - '' ""'" '" r ' -- JMPB 1 GASOLINE ALLEY And He Danced With Blessem : : : n k; . - rv- -- - . . . - . , "7 f iHl . OLLV. THERE'S HERMAN' HE'S THE ,-, N " " fW5 I -,,9181 TTtHC7 . p tm.mK.n TALL, OARK MAN THE 3YPSY TOLO M ftJIJ.JTT J! V.fX Amat BIRD HASN'T IOT MB k JTfel 1JU M JJWMAT I'M dO!N6 TO (SET VTO KEEP SHY Of ! J it j BLUFFED AtSO I'M NOT M SE nKEEZIX FOR CHRISTMAS. 1, X FlT " Vs V 5UPERST1T.CWS EITHER S - 31-: I cc ac ic MP'?ser UM I ' X -. But THERe'-s no use r IW i " B -tw,-,- .. -v v -MTjffL i w 1 ,v ?cv DI31, , . ,V ?si 77 - L-J'MOST EVERVTHiriO r I YX fh t, ,,,, T Jll l X - nCuc ftn v t' 3kJI J .1 luitenln. . 1.. :" :::" " "- 1 ' irnmtni "j -ar i . . yl-. n ut " 5--i, ''irt ' l - a m.tta ie. n rm. .---.. - - . - .-, Miy, -. (UVOUUUICU WW ra k Wl M